THE T hursday, January IO, 1936 H I L L S 15 O H O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON BACK AGAIN Social News of Helvetia Girl Local Folk and German Bride Their F riends Junior H igh Beats Grove Grade Townsend P en sio n P lan Meeting nt Helvetia Page Three School Pupils Out Ml and Mrs, Theodore Crawford and three sous of Valier. Mont . Due to Much Illness were guests Friday of Mr anil Mr,, .1 W Kelley Mile 111 ill« same town with little Kathryn There have been many absences Illy Mr». John M. I I h v I,I»* u i | English, who made her home here I11 the schools recently caused by HELVETIA Miss A lfirldu Meyer for several years with her uncle colds and mea les. From the Junior bi'ium r lliv built' . after an Hhe In the daughter ol Mr. anil Mm. of Shelton Wa h . Mi and Mrs absence ol two weeks. Cloyce Bump ., ii Mey«i Mi Hielll 101 Is an Joe Hiltner of Olympia, und Mm underwent an operation for a p ­ J Ii Welmi's of Tacoma. Mr., officer hi the ( In m an Marine pendicitis at the Jones hospital re ­ Wi lin' , and Mrs K lttner arc sis­ 1 .noiiv Ksunlon Held cently. and Is recuperating at aer Mm. ElizuUtTh Schm idt's home t e r , of Mr Emmolt. home At the David Hill school Eu­ wan the scene of a family reunion Mi und Mrs Fred Sewell and gene Feldt of the 3A class was out New Year;, clay, with 24 In u tlin il- Marjorie, Jam es Hewell and Miss with measles and Betty Sparks of ance Present weir Mr anil Mm. Alice Hewell were guests New Year's the 2A class had chlckenpox. c’lirin mill iluiiKhler Veil..» at the Bruce Hehuiiiunn home Third grade a t Peter BoscoW had of llrlilal Veil. Mi and Mrs lam day III Portland Other guests wide Mr.' two new members: Rosemary R.ppa Hi liinldl, Morim Schmidt and La­ Jessie H< liiimann, Anna Eagleton from Boise, Idaho, and DeLorej verne of Hillsboro: Mi ano Mi , Joseph Marshall u n d laiwrenie Bears from Eugene Beverly Jones Tred l'ullersoii. V i l l i ' . 1 Julian Murshull, student at Htunlord uni­ from Pond. Cal., is a new student P atter,on, ol Cedar Mill, Mr and versity. in the 4A at David Hill. Judith Mm Columbun Hehmldt, Bernard. Steele a t Junior high moved to Mr. and Mm. A II Short und Helen and Mary Hehmldt and Ben Portland. Laura Lee England from fumlly of Portland were Bund Hehueflei o f Went Union, Ml Miss Rood o room at the David Hill John Leltzel of Sutherlin; Julius, guests of Mr. and Mrs. F Abe school moved to California. Jasper and Joe Hehmldt. Fred Z.ur- iholh Naomi Hhort. who hud been New officers a t Peter Boscow 3A clier. Mrs Anna 'Tober and Mm visiting Velina Abendrotli for u are: Ernest Seymour, president; Kllaubeth Schmidt. Mrs. Jeune re­ few days, returned home with them Billie Showers, vice-president; Ilene mained to vlnt her mother until Mrs E. K Barnum, Mrs. O I, Huenegardner se c re ta ry ; D a l e French and Leater Uurnum of Moro Rounson, sergeant-at-arm s; J a c ­ Celebrate Birthday were guests Monday und Tuesday queline H unt health officer New A group of young folks hud a ol Mi und Mrs Clem Esllnger The olflcers in the David Hill 3A and surprise 011 filer. Erdman al her visitors ure mother, sister a n d ' 4A are Robert Weil, president; ,f Mrs Esllnger. hom e Glen Stalnaker, secretary; Evelyn being her birthday anniversary. Logan, treasurer; Elmer Williams, Elwood Johnson of Kenosha. Wis­ Present were Misses June T'ucgy, sergeant-at-arm s. arrived New Year’s duy for liorolliy l icily M argaret Hinton, consin 1 1 visit with his nephew, flurry The 3A class at Peter Boscow Clara Tschabold. Anna. Hilda and and with his sister at enjoyed a Christm as party Friday lie rta Meyers. Elly Hehneiiler. M es­ Johnson, the coast. He is a retired fire de­ before Christmas. On the same day srs Ernest anil Clarence Tschabold. partm ent cuptaln. the 2A class celebrated doll day Wesley Pleren. Lewis Donaldson. Mrs. Mury Adams, who Is em ­ by each girl bringing her doll to W aller Hershey. Jam es Davidson. school. . -, - JBeRXi/ÄDze Donald Jossy, Wilfred and Albert ployed ut the Masonic Home was The 5A of P eter Boscow has (Iruhseii. Carson Hansen. John Kuf- lulling on Hillsboro Irleiuts Moi:-! been studying the New England tex- ener, Wuller Erdm an, Mr and Mrs day Mm Atlums Is a former resi­ ..n - z -,7.»r»«V>ss'---- tile lndustr try. In connection with Dun Erdman and the guest of hon­ dent of this city. this work they decided to weave Mrs Lena Morris, clerk at Wells or. Miss Hlldu Meyers was h ost­ woolen m ats for Christm as gifts. ess. store. Is very III this week. Many attractive and useful mats ■ Man Seriously III Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Prlgge of were made by the children. Charles Halfllger Is very 111 at Sylvan and M rs Prlgge's mother. . . . „ . , . Junior high 7B is preparing a Paul end guest of her sister. Mrs this writing He hud a bad cold anil Mrs Heed of Spokane, Wash., vis- it.,d» ,on.<’ u V aJit week a t the J. play to be given a t the next audi­ Baldwin . neighbor. John rachabold, call- ■ 1 ......• — ......... .. „■ ,, McAllister home. torium period. r (| to See him Bunday and found (ierntun Reform church here Bun- Mr. and Mrs A W Prlel and Mr and Mrs. John R Baines and Mrs. Mooberry and Mrs. Kruchek Mr and Mrs. Miles Prlel and John twin daughters of Portland were him lying by the door step, where day a t 11 a in and Superintendent Nosier aitended he hud fullen und was unable to, m i « ,’ Can",I Wenizer return,«! in and Dorothy of Portland were guests Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. A the annual O. S. T. A. convention get up Mr lla llh n g r r was chilled w , oh,ge W , W alla W .s l. Nrw Y,-ttr s dav “l t h e a , ‘or«e Glllmore Ray Dillon took top honors In in Portland. Several teachers, who and snaking wet from Hie rain and W ed e ^ k v ¿ t . ^ sue th e 8 ln «cr h o m e the mid-season handicap tourna- were out of the state for the holi­ Mrs. O. H. C arter and her grand- meni Just completed al the local days. F ted°G raM n a n T R < S ert‘ rY ou ii« ii c h r “ tin“'s »»cation * « h her par- Mrs Fred Caldwell is teuehbig daugWeV were unable to attend. N onar cSrt“ÌsUoTpo“rUand s a t u n L id t, . 1.y.n*'"*:" '•"£? Mrs J C W enger a t the G reen ville s< hoot this week visited ¥1Blwl rIluB „ lul Mrs. Della St bowling alleys, having an aggregate Boys and girls in the eighth Friday , with sat up and took care of him Bun- grade of the Junior high, who have Mr. and Mr». W alter Becker arid ,s ubstituting for Mrs. William Peters pierre .score of 180i for games Doaiea in clay night Betty of Portland were (Sylvia Duycki while »he Ls on her a team, single and double play. Ire- earned their high school penm an­ There are many eases of flu daughter guests of A >1 Meyer Sunday honeymoon Mrs. Minnie Swartz returned Mon- land Hardware store team won the ship certificates, organized a new around, several of the victims h av ­ , a. day from two weeks’ visit at Philo- team tournam ent. Dillon took the club last week. Name has not been ing to stay 1« bed several days, J'sseph Wenzel became a victim Mr and Mrs E B. W atts and ,nath wUh her brother R. B. Boge. -ingles, while Tom Rood and Pete selected. The purpose of the club of the flu Thuraday und school was Bob and Miss Jan e Mllholland of „ .. , Schukart team ed to win the doubles is to gather stories of the pioneer i'oiwidiv Pension Plan George McPherson underwent a championship There will be a meeting a t the closed for two days. Although still Portland were guests New Year's days in Oregon from old settlers srltool Monday Vo day at the F O. Wesson home In goiter operation last week a t the c i a n a i m » in the team tourna- school Monday for the purpuse ol weak he opened PUP‘U iUr ,h r C^ “llg ,,,,rtl“nd S t^ V ln c e n ts hos-pital in P ° r ™ d m e ^ e T a ^ o h o ^ ' S ' ^ l a n S . who live in this vicinity and then talking about the 'Townsend old ~ ... m en i were a s i u i i u s s . n e ia iiu a n o . to re-w rite them , so th a t others Mrs. EUa Spt.ftInlan of y a klma. age revolving pension Rev Henry xaininallons Mr and Mrs. O. W. Hagle spent Hllisboro Ice Works 2881, Hallie's may enjoy them. Officers a r e : Sunshine club members will meet w £ h , u a g u est‘Uus wiek‘ a t'th c Place 2819 a n d Fairway M arket George Tusgawa. president; Ann Young and other speakers will be present Everybody Is Invited to at the hione ol Mrs. C harles Spu r- home of her brother and sUter-ln Campbell Court hotel in Portland. 2783 Singles were as follows: Dll- Peters, vice-president; Lucille R as­ attend. Mrs A L. C unningham of P ort- ion 678, Jim Dickey 612. A. West- mussen, secretary-treasurer; Teddy Illg January 18 Mrs P ritchard and lftÄ Mr tttld Mrs. E E Bentley Rev Huffman of Portland w ill1 Mrs. Mulky will be assisting host n a i l . BI P iorra « n ,i Mr and land M*«R the week-end with her UOod 606. W. G oetter 597, T. Rood G ardner, reporter; Mrs. M argarettc Mra W > W St Pierre o f ^ r t l a n d daughter. Mrs. B. M Goodman 580. C. Winger 578. C Esllnger 569. Simon, advisor; Miss Georgiana conduit services In English at the esses. Brown, assistant-advisor. were New Year's guest* at the Miss Madge Hickenlooper of Port- and L. Oakes 565. Boy% and girls of Junior high, home of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Myers, — land was a guest Doubles team standings were : Tom who own bicycles, have organized a La(1 Sunday of her Mr and Mrs. W L. Rochester of mother. Mrs Laura Hnkenlooper Rood and Schukart 1199, Jim Dickey bicycle patrol. Each member will Madison. Wash., arrived recently to Missionary society of the Christian and L Ireland 1185. R. Peters and act as a traffic officer, enforcing spend the winter with Mrs. Roch- church met Tuesday afternoon at Ray Dillon 1160. J. Laurs and Joe the safety rules of the school for ester - slater. Mrs. Belle Meacham the home of Mrs J H. G arrett Smith 1158. F HUI and P. Batch- pedestrians and bicycle «iders. This Mrs Andrews of Sherwood and Miss Findley, a teacher a t M t- elar 1157. W Gifctter and Sam organization was formed through Mr- Fred Langer and daughter ’ MlnnvtUe, was a week-end guest Steinke 1155 the suggestion of the Automobile Gloria of Tigard were guests Sat- Miss L b lira Deck League competition got under way Accident Prevention association of urday ot Mrs Caroline StangcL Mrs J N Wiley ha* been at again Monday after two weeks of Oregon Officers are: Teddy G ard­ Marion Uuecher. Mr vnd Mrs A Seliendel and home with a sprained ankle d u n -, inactivity. Teams In the various ner president. vige-president Don, sec­ daughter Judy were New Year's mg the past week. I ' ^ “es. *", o l FREE DELIVERY retary; David Wiley and F rahiis PHONE 2001 guests of Mr and Mrs. Vlrgh Week- Mr and M rs J. J. Wlamer were B rvan. judges, Albert Gillette. Johi: ert . . at Multnomah 2,1 C. i?e store. Irelands, - and „STTiTthife , . . . . . guests Sunday 1-, at the Fred Dysle C. H allies Christenson. Loren Bronleewe, Del­ Friday, Saturday and Monday, Jan. 11, 12 and 14 Mrs. Rolx-rt Jones and baby re- ‘«tme In Portland. pla(.e National league—Bristol Na- bert Crews. Billv Corwin and Glen turned to Portland Sunday after Miss Lucy Humphreys of Port- tlonal Guards Commercial N ation- Powers, patrol officers two weeks' visit with her m other. land visited New Year s dav at the al bank and uiuon "76 ' Amer - December 21. Junior high basket­ FLOUR Mrs. O. W. Pool. , L. E. Wilkes home. l“ ¿ u ™ HtUstero Ice Works. ball COFFEE team, in a hard fought game, KE 1) RUSE CUP-O-OOLD Fred C. Yonally and Bermece G. Eddie Wells spent the week-end Royal Soda Works. Hillsboro Motor won over Forest Grove. The sec- Hurtlwhrul, guaranteed. The best coffee for the I ione y Bergren. both of Hillsboro, were In Portland with Mr. a n d Mrs company, and Home Laundry. Com- griuited m arriage license a t Van- Bryce Nosier mercial league — Fairway Market, G round to order. C niuvi'i this week. Mlss M argaret Uppenkamp has C u rry s Grocery, and Ooslett's and 1 -lb. pkg Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells and been very ill during tne past week. Safeway tied. Mias LAla Floyd and Ed Morgan of Mrs John Rice of R ainier visited „ .... . _ 1 Portland spent the week-end at the L E Wilkes home Sunday | _ Official Newspaper of Washington ¿ '7 . Ibirlflc City. County—Hillsboro Argus with which ie- Mias Pauline Fischer, a nurse a t I Ask your attorney to send your Is combined the Hillsboro Inde- pendent. tf advi Si Vincent's hospital, was a week- legal advertising to the Argus. They I'e Jeliut alia ond team took an easy victory from Official Newspaper of W ashington Forest Grove's second team. 13 to 9 Bud Hines of the second team County Hillsboro Argus with which has won a place on the first team Is combined the Hillsboro Inde­ The first team consists of Louie pendent. tf G ralff. George Tsugawa. L o r e n Bi nlei we, Bill Grogan, Elmer Rol- lin , rhe se. ond team ; Bud Hines. Akira Tusgawa, Jack Bud Knapp. Teddy G ardner. Jack Best for Butler and Francis Brown On F ri­ day the same team won a landslide victory over Gaston with a score ALL AGES of 36 to 2 Local Bowlers Enter Portland Tournament McFall Jersey i Six local bowlers have entered the Spaulding-Oregonian handicap tournam ent at Oregon Alleys in Pcrt.and and will sta rt competi­ tion Sunday afternoon Local en­ trants include Herman Rehse, Jim , D.ckey Bud Rogers. Haltli In lan d . Clem Esllnger and Ray Dillon Agricultural News— Regular a r ­ ticles from the county agent, and 4-H club news from surrounding com m unities—Every week in the Argus. tf MILK Quart 10c McFall Jersey Dairy Phone 2104 NRA Features—Comic strip, c a r­ toons. world news pictures, fashions, etc.—Available In the Argus. tf T'lld.iv Ready to supply you with the finest MEATS at the least cost. Heady to advise yon in purchasing. Ready to give real values. AU meats inspected by Dr. Nicol and Dr. Almquist. Dillon Takes Honors in Bowling Tourney RUCHEK'S ASH GROCERY $1.69 2 5c 4 9c i4 C PANCAKE FLOUR soap JELL WELL 14c 21C 1 Oc ' 7 X ? OXYDOL , CA TSUP „ TEA PEAS or CORN No. 2 ran. BANQUFTT Orange Pekoe. With rorktall glass. 41C U-lb. tin QUALITY H A rn T IT lL n I COMPANY SERVICE FREE DELIVERY MUTTON Sugar Cured ROAST JELL'WELL _ — — Sunny Monday Laundry. SO«!]} 10 bars ZZC 3 pi.,«. 12c DATES Washing Powder. O O /a Golden Hallowi. O xyd ol Large pkg............... 2 Iba................. 15c Sani-Clor. 4 JLvLz 18c. Qt. P u r e x or Vg-gallon O ysters j Gulf Kist, 5-oz. XlC M Snnm p Gulf Kist- 5oz- c .„ m K z l A i i# e » I I Lb P eas ci»"d. “'"' l 303’: .....10c 3 ca.«.....28c 6.,,, 55c San Wan, No. 2s. Can P IC N IC S € Lean and Meaty. 3 Iks. 39 14 3 lbs. LARD COMPOUND CORNED BEEF mih cured lb. OYSTERS PHONE 982 Willapaa lb. 25c 10c pt. FREE DELIVERY BEEF RO A ST Lb. BEEF LIVER Lb. RIB STEAK Lb. HAM BURGER Lb. 19c 9c 10c 12c 10c LARD C O M P O U N D 3ttt 2 Û C FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 5 Deliverie» Daily CHEESE Mild or aged. “ ,ia or a»ea- j7 C Friday, Saturday and Monday — January 11, 12 and 14 — 3 «... 43c 6 cans FLAPJACK FLOUR— Albers. Large pkg. 19c GREEN BEANS— (’ut No. 2 Green Spot or Three Sisters. 3 cans ....................................... 15c 83c 38c SU G A R Pu,7 Ä u. »4.79, ,o Maximum. 29c CH EESE 2 ' t -lb. ran ......... COCO A Nl'T—Baker's. Southern Style. Can ...................... 12c Two bars Mission Bell hand soap FREE with 1 21-oz. pkg. W hite King ....... 18c SALAD DRESSING—Best Foods Quart ......... 35c PORK A BEANS — Van Camp's. 11-oz. ran ........... 5c COFFEE Columbia Best. 2 ib«....... 45c COCOA MARSHMALLOWS. Best. 4-os. pkg................. Lb............................. 3 lbs. ...................... Hershey’s. Va-lb. can 8c OATS— Crystal Wedding. Pkg................................................ A«>V CLEANSER— Lighthouse. Can ...................................... 3c MOP STICKS— Copper head. 4 DOG FOOD— Wag. 5c Sanded handles. Each ...... J LVKz (4 cans 19c) Can Bulk. 25c 2 Iba......................... B a k in g P o w d e r CALUMET. AJtJV FLOUR KITCHEN QUEEN. 49-lb. sack ............... — SYRVP. Log Cabin Medium can . . . . COFFEE—Airway. LA R D Half or whole. SA LE Your choice of flavors. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY BACON H A M S Lb........... S afeway S tores Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday — January 11, 12 and 14 13c 10c 33c 15c 12c 11c Home Cured SMOKED MEATS AFTER INVENTORY 25C 3 ran» TISSUE— White, 1000 vheeta. 3 roll. TUNA FLAKES— ’ .ji. litrlii inc,it K. C. BAKING POWDER—3-lb. 2-og. can CORN FLAKES— ((•II omt ’ b . 2 pkga. SHREDDED WHEAT. Pkg. Grapefruit. Seedless, extra large 64s. 3 for HILLSBORO Ê3 53! Saturday, Jan. 12th Special« $1.64 M 1LD PEANUT ....... 15c BU TTER Bu2"ib. 23c Maximum. T U N A FLAKES v, For th a t school lunch. 10c G RA PEFR U IT T4SSUE SILKO 1000-sheet. 25c 17c PO ST T W O ith A Mickey S T Mouse IE S Cut-outs. 3pk„ 20c F M L d„". c " " d Fluf- 5c 21c ...48C 60i C fA T 1 D C Van Camp’s Tomato or O Phillips’ Vegetable. Can 5c PRODUCE FEATURES LAUNDRY SOAP— O. K. 4 Q p (P & G 10 bars 29c) 4 bar» ... AvV LEMONS— Medium large. 23c 2 dozen .............................. PANCAKE FLOUR — Safeway o r Fisher’s. A iW Ro V ORANGES— Medium size. 29c 10-lb. sack ................................ T 2 dozen .............................. FLOUR— SAFEWAY. Large size. ’1” 49-lb. sack ............................ A $4 .75 ORANGES— Case ..................................... ABSOLUTE— $4 .49 49-lb. sack ............................ A LETTUCE— 5c Fancy head ...................... SMOKED MEATS ONIONS— Boiling size. PICNICS— 10 lb«. ................................ 10c Lb............. POTATOES— Local. BACON— 50 lbs..................................... 39c Lb............. NOB H IL I^ - 3 lbs.................. 70c