THE Page Two w r. r A ' ___ H IL L S B O R O AR G U S. THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME Kinton Grange Groups Named A ffa ir Thursday. January 10, 1036 OREGON Sunday School to C elebrate A. H. Dallman Celebrate» Seventy-Fourth Birthday M o u n t a in d a le Silver Lining Sun­ (Bz Mr. E. L. Cox) n Mrs. A ten R esigns c o l d weather FR IE N D . and Mr. Dallm ann was the recipi- ent of numerous gifts. There were about 30 present, including chil- dren and grandchildren After observing th e holiday re- cess the school took up again Wed- churches 2 M other and daughter are get- tuig along tery well, Miss M argaret Vandermost. who has been employed hi P ortland and d ^ r t ^ h e r a t week or m i t o n-- a u n n * lne P * « o r-~ - " as re _ with the M ountain Home church Mrs. E sther Adams of Sherwood and parsonage Jan u ary 15. at which spent a few days last week with her tim e the newly elected officers will brother an d sister. George Hawiev be Installed. I t will be an open and Mrs. H attie Lawler meeting and the ladies are invited Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson. iDorathy Teufel) recently, Ladies' Aid society met T liurs- a M o th e r a n d d a u g h te r are d o - day afternoon a t the home of Mr m e f ine aaugnter are do- and Mrs. Earl C. Bell. Cooper Moun- * ' . . . The new officers took charge Mrs- Ethel NIcCorniick. a ho is ___________ __ Lake G rove'"visited Mr. Snider's parents. Mr and Mrs. J C Snider Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A P. Herrick of Portland visited friends around town Sunday afternoon. MOUN I’AINDAI.E Mounluuululi- Sunday school will celebrate Its second aniuvcrsiuv Sunday after- I noon at the community hall. Evcry- ! body is welcome. The party will be- : gin at 3 p. m. Billy Kuegxigger Visited friends m Seattle. Olympia and Remington, W ash . during the C hristm as holi­ days. Mis George Connolly spent a ; tew days last week visiting her ais- ter. Mrs- George ltauscr, and Urn- i lly in Portland. •Mrs. G ardner Honored A party m honor of l*uge G ard ­ n e rs birthday was given at the M ountalndale community hall S a t­ urday evening. Cards were played until It) p m followed by diuiemg. Seventy-live people were present. Miss Llela Peters returned to her I work Sunday a lte r spenuing the Christm as vacation at the home ot her parents, M r. and Mrs. I. H Peters, Mrs. Claude Williams Is apeud- i ing the week tn Portland Visiting relatives. M argaret Matliiesen spent sever­ al days lust week ut the Wilbur Dil­ lon home in Hillsboro. Grange in Contest Washington G range met S atur- 1 day with new officers presiding for the first tune. Mrs Gertie Meek who is chairm an of the literary program, liad everyone bring an article made out of a flour-sack. Each meeting an article made out ot something different will be brought. A contest was started with Mrs. Pearl Van Domelen and LeKoy Mills as captains. The contest is to . . last the — purpose A row of »hver buttons that . . until . e April —re , and --------- ^ ¿ t e e « ,^ 1 Several ladies called on Mrs. A Perfection Made Breads Math in HILLSBORO of the best of m aterials. The most discriminating housewives demand Perfection Bakery Breads from tlu ir grocer. You. loo. should have these quality Breads on your table regularly. This bakery employes local people and furnishes a market for the products from local farina. Buy the best Breads »ml Pastries here. PERFECTION BAKERY * T elep h o n e 451 Phone 771 BOILING VEAL Q in O 2U Free Delivery ed” ‘s of " 8klr* ,llt ,hnl begins E. Willis Friday to help with her at ,ho knees, featu res th is trim W atch s o Party quilt. A pot luck dinner was served gown of ribbed crepe displayed t t ’U J K E hy M ar«a re ‘ ««“ ~ 1res«. a * t 1 C ornelius lo":" “,id M r- v jan i,i> M a tm e M n . ' - ’V l l i v i i w o G a nn Sandford ot near North _____ I Plains spent several days last week with Howard Hollenbeck. Long Resident Idings Razed; Students ,..:Y.r,'. and .•Hr? ; Frank H anaske and i family of Portland spent ttie week- end a t the Ed Schlegel hfegel home. Return to School Hazeldale Dies Miss Khoda Toeile was ill a few — — ; days last week, but Is Improving. E D ’S M A R K E T 25C M ain S treet CURRY’S GROCERY (By Mi.« Dorethy Cooksi i . “ au* Hergert, who sprained his CORNELIUS— A w atch-night par- a»1’ *s ""!>»') Business Meeting of Club -------------------------------- M e “ c ^ ' ^ U o w m g J a n i e s ,- .G t “ K‘iE « »HEEDING Set Friday Evening T n n J t L n IIv P T f - . - ireshinents were served. Present MondavCni PortD nT dl’lg'ii*,7'r d,e4 A p C ll ll x l u x A x IlV were Mr. and M rs. J u l i a n D elm o n lv ”,.r ' ! ia ' ¡‘f,11 la" d ““ d the funeral and tam nv Mix EUzaueLh M om s. « „ uTrt Wedusduy ut «cm , « bem , m q , - „ IB JW J) • » ** “ « S .W S ? “ « R S S f c i !£ ? .c M ,„ S « » « ' » make a couple of quilts. Meetrng netting along all right now w viurw iw ni. o Beih c u i v Cochrane. ix m au c. VM- »*.- p pa a r i,„ ------ - aIld Mr!> R*y Carey, who died a t Clear Lake, „ / i s an unusual recora record as most men Weidewitsch. i..„ r-.E"il£r place will be announced in this The old flag pole at the school QUit working when they are 70- ginia Erickson and Dorothy Cooke p ot Eugene. Wash column later. house, which was erected October 12. ..m im e /- M r M oses d id a ll h is a n d I r a n k a n d L eroy H orlarher M r- breeding was formerly In the , v «» January .. 3 of . a . . h eart at- . Mrs. Lilly M. Bierly returned 1917. with fitting ceremony, was mSwtag Mand“ he still 'could Uovd and Joirn Muiidort, Daviu 5usn" 's hi Hillsboro, but he He was the son of Mr:. T A home from Hillsboro last Wed- found to be unsafe and in danger make a s tr a ig h t furrow Edmonston and R eiaar Running d hl!> business to J. N. WUey five Carey, a long time resident of this . . any time, — » Rev. Charles Reed opened a series ? ears aK° _ community, but recently moved to nesday after spending a week w ith s of f ».ill»« falling at so .......... it w-as her daughter. Mrs. Ethel McCor- deemed advisable to take it down lhe M ‘ K Mann and daughter, all of Port- Junctlun City. Cal. Ray was born Of course he doesn't farm a big mick, who resides there. Now the school flag floats from n r h hut lc n wn CllUrCtt HUIlOa) even U lg. ranch, but h he e raises h his own Celebrate Birthday the pole on the tower. J f 1* / Little Eleanor and Melvin Fine- Tuesday vlslled evenui Mrs. M. D. Mann In Rochester. M inn, but had lived even sells some la .• » « « n f U 11 lu .rw > r/w ^ rx **n f S L a f i i r i iva V J , 1, lea • * the • kx. post a* 20 XJ .y years X k» A >’ X» of S 11 his A-X i i» Ufe X . »lx here. I Mr. and Mrs. August H. Dali- Congratulations are being ex- toes and auu gets up quuc early. with °°U ?elr^¿m ndpaiints ii?'1™ ', E1i‘ .n *ckers »»“ visited rela- i He was unmarried, and leaves to m ann entertained niost of t t e i r tended to M r and M i? A r th ^ hea‘th5; a" d *e‘i W 2 UUe e“,r L y “ 'e* to PortlandI a st week. o e - r b ^ s a1s s Jrterclc'’ hls fa th e r fam ily a t their home Sunday in Saelens Lucille Snider) of Port- walks to the Rock Creek, e' re ™ nocor of Mr. D allm ann s seventy- land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs j stayed several nights. prea^iav^'retim nX ]“»,."*^«!“ " ' . a ,orot'» 'r and sister hi Rochester, fourth birthday. A birthday dinner George Snider, upon the arrival of u ra P‘d and soUd New Year's services were held ur si^n d ^ n ^ th e h o l X i ^ J ?i d. , a f ' “ bf°'»>er Ralph of Portland and at the L utheran church with Rev. m other * th holidays with their a sister. M rs Florence Heard of was served with all the fixings a daughter in th eir home January The store Is about a mile and a George Koehler in charge. ' itr tu r _ . Junction City. Cal. At the time of half from his home. Just a few Friends chanvaried Mr. and Mrs. Joe tll “ “ ! J,® 8<*’ , b ‘s d*'a,t? he hi the employ of years ago Mr Moses did the jam - Cornelius Susoauer Friday evening R oia-rt C o c h r n i e " w.iih-’ti1 a 01? Ii>’d John and F ritz Hendrix, tor w ort at the Rock Creek school Mrs. Lillian Kelsey returned home Monmouth Norrnm ^ m .d « 'ub Meet and many times the w riter met Friday a lte r a week s visit with her MaDes returned »7. . B u s in e ss m e e tlm r nt the n.m him on the road a t six-thirty In sister in Tacoma ¿ite r ‘L.?dWU' munity" club" will be held FY dav the morning hiking for the school Miss Helen Godfrey of Beaverton here ‘■Pending the holidays ["““ hY c'hb will be held Friday house with a lantern in hls hand spent T hursaay and Friday w ith. Mrs S arah McClaughrey under- schoolhouse. Business of special Ini- In rear of Piggly W iggly Store _ « • • Miss Blanche Finegan went an operation a t St. Vincent's portance will come up and inem- These facts prove again th at even Mr?\ Elizabeth M o it is and Tom- tiospital In Portland Saturday “rrs a rr urged to attend A social old people want som ething to do ¡nv Biuter of Portland returned Dick Christiansen is ouite iti with hour will be held afterw ards, QUALITY MEAT— Specials for Saturday, Jan. 12 and idleness is far from th eir home Sunday after spending a pneumonia at his honied Dinner guests of Mr and M rs U they 3re heaUhy and m m \ r r s h w r H ‘'c J o ? e ^ " f a m d i C Saver m ’ i n l a n d vlalted a X ? m K u on^N ew Y « F . “ "y strong. . . . , R onnin^ returned to Van- J, . W. \ Sli 7 ‘r home Sunday. were Mr and Mrs. A Duncalf. Mr t . .i ti. . i couver T h u rsd a v a l t e r several davs r D Mann. Mr. and .Mrs and Mrs Harold Duncalf. Mr and Swift’s Empire. . J L P7 e. \ a? a in . th a t Onlya thOkSe vuit at the F HmiaG icr home » Vu Mooocrry a‘>d Mrs. M attie Mrs William Mann and daughter , ROAST grow old. th at is to say aged, who L " 11 u .‘e n o ria tn e r Sm ith were dinner guests of Rev of Cornelius M rs S a b in a W h ite . are persuaded th at they are grow- ^ “ returned h o m T s a tu rd a r1 h ““ ^,“ d *ors Charle's M K*ed oi Hills- head and Miss Mary G rand of Pound ing old and who yield to this per- ana returned home Saturday. noro Saturday evening. Aloha. Pound ........... suasion. Raze Buildings Mrs. B. Ingebrictson was in P ort- New Year's dav guests of M r an d . . . The Patton buildings are being and on Saturday U> see her daugh- Mrs J C Sm ith were M r S lid A nother thing. Mr. Moses is jolly torn down. ter, Mrs. S arah McClaughry who ' J ' v ' a m ltn were Mr. and and is quite a conversationalist. Mrs. Rose Riley and daughter ls in the St. Vincent s hospital BEEF T h at is almost a lost a rt when we of Monroe greeted Cornelius friends ---- --------------- — _ look at the younger generation to- during the holidays. Merchandise News — A p p earin g Pound Pound day because as a rule they don't Mr. and Mrs. Archie Duncalf. Mr regularly In the weekly advertising have any time to sit doom quietly and Mrs Harold Duncalf and Mr. of scores of local b u s f n e u to exchange thoughts. and Mrs William Mann visited in A real aid In homemakmg T^d FREE DELIVERY -s- PHONE 3131 ’ ’ * Reedvllle New Year's. good living Hrores nt d T h at's one trouble with any p e n - : Mr. and Mrs. D. Holmes and th a t bring* buyer and sGler t ? sion. Retirem ent often m eans decay, daughter and Mr and Mrs J F ¿¿ether.—Regular in the Argus tf BACON Htate Capitol News I-eltcr Glv- Mrs Ernest Moore und daughter Id Dorothy and Mr and Mis Richard ¡„g the Idgldlglits ot official ai - Tian hum <>l Purl Ialiti Mi a n d tlvlly al Baleni Every week tn the Mrs Paul O'Conner if Argus Hulwerlbe now to llie Argus In Oregon 1 1 fill a Vear Six monili»! »5 rents. T hree monili» 50 tin t. Two m onths 35 cents. tt Hillsboro Argus contains all the | news of Hillsboro and the s in - rounding communities Reati tt ami keep Informed on what Is happen-! lug at lagne. tt day; Mrs. Gardner Honored KINTON—Following were suest-s Saturday ot Kinton G range: George Bulckerwood, F. W Berger Jessie Quilhet. Enuna Kunston of P o rt­ land Fred Brown of North Flams, F rank Miller ot Scholls and M r and Mrs. Charles Van Kleek of Hlteon During th e lecture hour ui th e afternoon, a large number from tills community and near-by towns were present. During the business meeting ot the grange. M aster Albert Strvill appointed the following committees Frank Fluke. Lelana Flint and George Snider, executive comm it­ tee; F rank Fluke. Edward Cox and Lester Snider, legislative; Leland Flint. Harold C utting and F rank Fluke, agricultural; George Snider. Lester Snider and Ada Cutting, fi­ nance; K ate Teufel, Josephine Cox an d Emma Johnson, relief; May Snider Elizabeth Kulbel. Ivy Flint Ada Cutting. Daisy Aiucker, home economic; Josephine Cox. May Snider, Alice Fluke, Eunice Snider. Mary' Catherine Hall, reception Josephine Cox. publicity. During the lecture hour talks for and against the Townsend old age pension plan were given First speaker, who spoke for the plan was F. W Berger of Portland, to be followed bv George Buickerwoou. also of Portland, who spoke on the opposite side. Mrs. Gladys Aten, who was elect­ ed as superintendent of the K in- ton Bible school, sent hi her resig­ nation Sunday and th e assistant superintendent. S H. Pomeroy, will serve the ensuhig year m th a t of­ fice. Mr. Mills of Tillamook, wlio has been making an extended visit with turned to his home the last of the week Rupert Pomeroy accompanied him . K r i m e n t a few davs a t the M d l s ^ o m 'T ^ r l ot h iT tm .? ' t o spent in fishing W1U Install Officers Next B rotherh H IL L S B O R O . 12C January II and 12, 1935 DOG FOOD SOAP CALO. 25c •1 c a n t CRYSTAL WHITE 29c 10 bars SHRIMP I »reen & White. Enhey. N o . I t a l l SALMON Alaska Pink. 10c 1 -lb . t a l l can FIG BARS White or whole wheat. 2 lbs. 25c POP CORN 3 lbs. 19c PINEAPPLE PEAS Blue & White. 2 l »s. 2 cans COFFEE 10c RED & WHITE. Pound IOC F a ir w a y N ew Deal ' J ’lIERE are many reasons why you should make your loeal Piifgly W iggly A your trad in g post for the year of 1935. It is a home owned institution. Money spent with us is kept and circulated within W ashington county and the state of Oregon, in the form of taxes, salaries and m erchandise, all of which ;o< : i help build our own vicinity. SPEND YOUR DOLLAR W ITH PIGGLY WIGGLY AND IT WILL RETURN! Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday — January 11, 12 and 14 SUGAR MILK FLOUR Crystal White Pure cane. 10 Ib».......... 43c Buy your needs, prices advancing. 3 tall cans Piggly Wiggly. 49-Ib.......................... G uaranteed satisfaction. 17c ’1.69 ZEE T ISSU E ‘e Each ... ..8'“.z'..tin.'......... BÍSQUICK T U N A £ h ........... 15C PUMPKiN lie 2EV hin: TOMATOES ja c T ................ 1 5 c SYRUP— Tea Garden, Drips. K 25c Salted or Plain 31c Pint ..................... 17c SALMON— Tall cans. 2 cans Oregon Prunes 3 lbs. 48c 4 J L9c 4 J 14c BAKING POWDER— Crescent, bulk. 2 lbs. 2 /L COCOA— Rock- 4 wood's. 2-lb. can JL6c CORN BEEF— 12-oz. can. 2 cans / Vz COFFEE — Wellworth Ì T “: 3 lbs. VANILLA— 16-oz. bottle 19c M a rk e t 65c MINUTE TAPIOCA. 2 pkgs.................................... 23c Box GRAPENUTS. We specialize in local products such as Guem- •ey Dairy Grade A Milk and Cream, Dairy Butter, Swiss Cheese, C u r e d Meats, Fresh Eggs, Vege­ tables. Pkg...................................................... 17c SUPER SUDS— 10c size. 3 for .............................. 25c GOLDEN WEST "Therm-lo Rnarted" L 3 pkgs....................... 14c 25c Y T C C t ? 17 U T T C E 1-lb. Glass Jar 30c 3-lb. Glass jar 87c 2 ,b- ........29c T rade a t W iley’s and SAVE 6% on your purchases. WILEY’S [N EW DEAL] ORANGES Sweet, juicy. 2 dozen ........ 35c BANANAS 3 lbs. 15c P ric e s E f f e c t iv e F r id a y , S a t u r d a y a n d M o n d a y — GROCERY Just Phone 1001 Corner 3rd Main and Streets Phone 3251 a n u a r y 11, 12 a n d 14 INCREASE YOUR SAVINGS FOR 1935 BY TRAD1N5 AT FAIRWAY MILK A rm our’s, very best. Milk is advancing. C a se of 48 $<^76 Tall can» 4 tall can» 23c M atches .. Z«5C Favorite. Are sure strikers. 6-box carton SO A P ToC Boh W hite. Full size b a n . 10 bars . Made by P, A O. SUGAR Pure cane, g ra n u la t’d 10 a. 48c 100-lb. bag $4.79 STARCH Corn or Gloss I 2-lb. pkg»..... BROOMS A real buy. Bought below the present market. Each 9 Q /t DEVILED MEAT A rm our’s best devil’d %-size. | cans ....... A Vwz 5 SALMON Oregon, medium red 1-lb. can G rap efru it 10c SOUPS Vegetable or Tom ato C .n ................... 5C 10c Florida pack, sweetened. No. 2 can A real bargain RICE Slightly broken. Super food value 55c CRACKERS— Krispie. LYE— Hudson or Gold Band. 3 cans .............25c CRACKERS pkg. is exceedingly gratifying and we assure you we will continue t o give unex­ celled service and quality. Here are only a few of our specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday, January 11, 12 and 14 SU G A R - 10 lbs. PRESERVES— Tea G arden. 1-lb. ja r ................. 23c LA FRANCE FLAKES. Pkg..................................... 9C MAYONNAISE— Durkee's. Pint 23c SHAKER SALT. 2 for ...........................................15c BAKING POWDER— Calumet, bulk. 2 lbs. 14c "H and-C ut Rock Crystal Pitcher for 25c and sales slip showing purchase of 2 pkgs. Bisquick. Mail to Betty Crocker, Minneapolis, Minn.” 19c 39c rolls “Mall 5 Zee Tissue wrappers to Comfort Paper Corporation, Ban Francisco, Cal., and Sponge Rubber Doll will be mailed to you at once absolutely FREE." 10 Regular Ivory Soap H-D JELL— All flavors. 29c Our sales on this coffee are Increasing every day. T here must be a reason? GROUND BEEF The increasing popularity of our Delîïlonte 35c CREEN A WHITE Tall can INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street POSTUM 10c can 5-lb. bag 15c COFFEE Fairw ay is the larg­ est selling coffee in Hillsboro. -f _ Lb. pkg. 3-lb. pkg. 55c iy c GINGER SNAPS 3 dosen 1 0 c Fresh made, tasty. Fill the lunch basket, BISCUIT FLOUR , .. Makes ... biscuits .. Instantly. -**»* ... ....... 1 9 c Regular 35c value. SMOKED SALT -J-I1». can ......... ............. 8 5 c M orton's m ortons quality. 8 Smoke your meats. SALAD DRESSING 15C Pint . . . . or KEI.IHII SANDWICH SPREAD. In bulk Save at Fairway. A pples Rome Beauties, good, solid. Potatoes Box....... Good finality, U. S. No. 2. 50-lb. bag FLOUR Introducing Bonne­ ville, the new quality hard w heat flour, it’s Good. $-1 .69 49-Ib. bag .... A G ra p e fru it Arizona, large size aeedlem. S f o r ....... Pancakes Fisher’s best quality 9-lb. Bag ............ tf e/C tf V C .. 14C SYRUP Pure cane and maple i Ä 1“’ ... 49c