THE ThurHtluy, Junuary 10, 1935 l— t » **" T. » N H 4 w W M h -tru tt T ru -l Cu. , i 727 ) IMO 17» « • ; ««i-ul uf 8. » W 8" Lot 4 •n J K. D etn d l Trust C« W M « M W « .« " • « 1 2 3 ? •* * 1». im « » i» io . I«»u • ' “ u ; V J n It I W W M. ; Detroit Trust C o.. (729) I930 »3 4 9 . 43.91. - • a» » s N «f B. W V, Bw « T J N B » w W M Isa» 1 26 A as «tearrihed ln V.»i 128 ! > « • 59 iHwd Ke»«»rds. JFrtroR Trust <’« • (73"i 1»2« 4» ««. 1»2’ •!<*• 16 192« 412 »». 1919 412 87. 196« »10 46; (4 of H. E. S*«- 10 4 w W M W eaiel R eichtet . i l f f t » 1W7 4* 46. 192« ».ft«’. T. > N R «711» 192« — — 69. 1929 47 193" 4 * 2 7 . 46« 92 N R- % o< N W »< H* 11 T. 8 N R. 4 W W M . E lt e , lu vsetm en t tx (732» I960 44 II . I* 8ea. IB T 1 N R 4 W | q d«acrilwd In Vol W M If* Deed Rerued« Norman .................... M *n-5S'Ji'j<*;“ M.M^ .7 — » « . !»»-• »»O M . »I«l.»«. _ . „ „ , w w « K U Her 1 2 T I N 11 4 w w ♦ M descrwwn ln m Vol vw» •— |«ee 2« i" A A as as deeertbed UM. . taa «tns-il Record# R ecord s. N««cw»an N««m»an Mr- Mc- S X « M U JO «« ' » « ' 1»»’ i . f Ñ î i P “ IM "« « «I»»« N P. »»»»» \ h- I» T 7 N N K .» * — M Gust H J »»b n eon . (734) IM4 416 10. 192*7 49 7«. 192« »9 4«. 1929 « l i i « . ' IMU M « « ; u , w w N W kg Hec 1 S T 8 N H 4 w ** M N .w m ,n MuOonal)» •" « J«*" " » « , IM« « I I» » « . >•*> »»«.M . £ » • * N U s. o» _ N W ... 5, U# O» »s S. ». S B— IJ U B •n I..I d . w. w M A A M T . 8 . N Mary W in n ; ( W l I»»» »« « • >•” »’ ‘ * 8 W ° \ o í 8 W «. M c I . T » N It 4 W W M V ernon ( and Irene B S trn kh . ,7>«l 1 « . » » 4 .4 . IMO 12. »54 80 16 T I N. R 4 W W. l,o t 4 In M P-dward P aldt. (7,91 19JU »5 »4¡ . » . 33 W M. «d S W H. K. % of H 7* t , and B W S «>f « P- 1 ‘ ” T J N R 4 W. W M Wm. John M rf.w tnnck; 174») 1930 »»2 74; »44 41 N t-, of N W t» end B ». I , of N w M Sor 27 T » N II 4 W W M 8 M Barnard l T ro . tao I . 17441 l»2r «32 0». 19»» »2»«2. I « “ «29.77; N 4 M » P *a f*— 27 T. S N II 4 W W M . 8 M Barnard llr u a t —i' 17481 1927 »13 5», l»2a »10 1«. 192» » 2 « - 34. 1910 »20.42. »85.»5. N K. 4 of S. * " H -- T 3 N R 4 W W M . Mary P C o sta . (747) I93U »7 5«; «8 49. of H 8 o f 8 . W % and H F.. l <. !•'»• N W L of H W 1 4 o f .4 . T . 3 N R 4 W W M W 1 4 . Her . 27 M M Barnard (T ru stee, (74»i 1917 »18. I*. 1928 437.9». 1929 »34 13, 1930 »35 82 ; 414« I N E. % Her 28 T 3 N R 4 W. w M . Ime ___ 1.80 _ A right-of-w ay P A A I By Co as de-rrtbed in Vol 123 page „.. Iice.1 Record. la .. 10 A aa dr arribad In Vol. 150. p age 868 Deed B e orda H. M Barnard <749, 1927 »22 * 77. 1928 461.44. 1929 »46 83. 193" 444 14 4172 69. H . K. H Hec. 28 T 4 N. R. 4 W W M . lass 6 A. Rt <»f Way to P. A P Ry Co. as described in Vol. 1X3.^ page 60 Deesl lle»-»»r«ls . Issa E. 8« A o f N. E. o f M. K. % also less H. E. 1/4 of S W. » M H M* ’lU rn sr« |T t I 406 » l»30 4.76 * 7 . 441.27. < 1 Msaorda. Ann M NiroU (»ft»| 46 »*. 4M H. W % o f N K. % Har 31 T 3 N Panno ( ’reek A cre Tracta, IxH 4 » . H North Plalna. Luta 14. 14. and 11. H IM » IMS » » « . I MN »1 07. 1M7 l l l f t . 416.62; 446 64. l< ft W W M , Hal.twin < .»rp.#r«lloi IU2» 410.»0. |»30 »62 64; »71.01. 1»2* » 122. I»2» 1 17. l»30 4 *1; »7.0». j Alvord-Carr-Hun ter Hubdivialon Not I». Hb«rk 46; Am» I »27 416 02. paga 143 A Vol. 134. paga 342 head 192» 41 17. 1930 4 *3; » 4 M . »7.64; 434.NL 41.18. K. and Eulalia Keverm an; (141») I »30 IU2* 4 1 * 3 4 , 1M4 417.2*. 1030 416 «4 ItsM'orda Hilda ('a tharina and G T Heo- Nehalem River Lumber Co.’a 1st Add. North Plains, L'«ta 6, 7, and «. Klock Beaverton Reedville Acreage, all o f Ix»t »11.86; »12.72. 474 21 fie ld . (»72) 1»2V 414.71; l»30 lift IN; 46 . Carl Htein . (1074) 1M« » 4.71. U» Timber, IxHa 1, 2, 7 and 8, Block 18; 36 and N. 71.9 ft. of Lot 87 ax desu-ribed G'wulview A Lot 11 ; Holland an J W W 133.24. H W. % Har 33 T 3 N l( North Piaina, ¡ /r ii », 10. II. 12. IL Timber Light A Pow er C o.; (1199) IM-ft in Vol. 142. page 2*7 heed R ecords. T. C harlotte B rad ley. (1421) 1M» 46 4'». M . Ilainniom l Lumbar < <• ) 1»2J Gardan Horn«, Hub Division o f !<<«t 7. and 14. Block H tein; 11076» 4 46. 1M6 4.63. 1M7 S 67. 1MN » 62. 1M» C. C hinn . (1293» 1929 4ft»«. 1980 »6.77. 1930 46 70; »12.43. 4ft. < at 410 3 7 . I»30 4 1*.7 3 . »32 fto N Addition. Ixde 3 ami 4 Hlork 8. 192* 41.26; »141 » 6*. 1930 » 4 0 ; |3.6 3 . Hazelbrook Farm , Ix»ta 1« and 20 .E. 416 3». H. E % Ha. 33 T 3 N It ». W W n> dee.rllH-d in Vo|. 133. page 212 h m l North Plaine, Lot 14. Block 47 Beaverton Heed v» lie A'-reage. part of Quackenbuah E at.; (1422) 192» 414 08, Neha 1 em River Lumber C o ’a le t Add. W allin gford . (»73) W renn. 11076» 1M6 4 96. IM7 4 * 1 . 1M8 M . II amrnomi Lumbar Co. (t)73| 1»«» Ksx-orda . G ret rude T im ber. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 4. 7 and fxd 37 aa described in Vol. 134. page 431 1930 416 4«; »34.20. 1.1 <1. . 1030 41* 7ft . 124 *7 I»27 41 42. 4lfT2N 410.61. l»2» »7 0*. 1M0 4 42. 192» 4 16. 193" 4 43; »3.46 Dee«l Records, leas S. 76 ft. as described Hazelbrook Farm. Lota 21, 22 and 23; *. Block 1». Tlmlwr L ight A Pow er C o.; W W 17 32; 42U.7O H W. % Has- 34 T. 3 N II N<»rth Plains. Lot 2. Block 6" . Charles <12"", IM6 4 91. 192ft 41.06. 1927 »114. Vol. 135. page 44" Dee»l Records, E. Quackenbush Eat.; (1423) 102* 430.69. («arden Home. Ow ens Hub Division. Brun»on; ( 1077» 192* »3.36. 1»2» 63 56. 192* M . II hih n»• •• i • I I m 71.9 ft. as dmcriiwd in Vol. 14". page 1929 452.7*. lw30 Ifts.l« ; 1168.97. 41.25. IM9 41 17. 193" 4*1 47.1". N. Tracta 3 am i 4, LsA 3, llbu-k I ; John I* 198" »3.6*; »11.74. 43.4ft. I »30 41* 7 7 . 42 4. M* Hazeibrook Farm, Lots 25 and 26: E. Nehalem River Lumber C o /s 1st Add. 495 Demi Records ; Henry P Schweitzer H. E. '/« Has 34 T 3 N R 6 W. W W heeler. (»76» I »2 ft 4 1 0 7 . I »2ft »IIN . North Plains, lx * *. Block ft"; Pearl to Tlmlwr. Ix*ta 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 and (1298A» 1M7 42.07. IM* 42.67. 1M9 43.08 Quarkenbush Eat. ; ( 1424) 192» 443.73, »*7», 1U2» I »27 » 10». I »2« »1.17, 1V2» 41.10. 1»3 ' E lla n so n ; <10"*» l»27 »3 42, 192* 43 36. *. Bbe-k 2 " . Tlmlwr Light A Power Co. ; 193" 42 96; 412.04. M , Hammond Lumbar C« 193" 444.89; 499.19. 410 3ft . I»30 4IN.7* . 432 «1. • I 12. 47 61. Hazelbrook Farm, Ix»ta 27. 2* and 29; 1929 I t ftft, 193" »3.6«; 416.6*. Hea verton Reedville Acreage. Ix/t 76 «1201» 1925 1 »". IM6 41.06. 1927 »1.15. Garden H«»me. Ow ens Hub Division. N W ' * Has . 3& I’ 3 N It ft W Vt (1296» 1929 424.06. 193" E. Quackenbush Eat.; (1426) IM» North Plains. L<* 1", Block ft"; J IM * »1.24, 192» 41.17, 193" 4 * 1 ; 47."9. Haatrice Milea M , laae 1 A ae dss«< rlbed In V«»l 142. Tracts 3 and 4, Ix*t 4. Block 1. J'din W B«-igb«eler k Farm, Lot 89; E. Quacken- Fd. W and Ruth H M oyer; (1"«2, 192» ‘ Ä 1". 11. 12. 13 and 14. Block 2 2 , T im - • 423 »9 ; 463.76 Garden Hume, Owart. Hub U lvi.iun , (112«) 1M9 415.0«, 1930 N % o f H W >.« and H E. •» of Beaverton Reedville Acreage. E. 14 lot bush E st.; 47.99, 193" 417.41 ; 428.43. »wr Light A Power C«a ; (1203) 1926 H. W <* He«- 36 T- 3 N. H 6 W. W M . Trarla I and 4, I-ul 12. Work 1 ; Byron North Plains, Ix*ts 8 and 4. Block 62 , 41.1 .. . 1926 42 12. 1927 42 29. 1M* 42.4*. 16*; W illiam L G raham . (129*1 1929 415.48; 434.20. Hazelbrook Farm. Lots 10, 11, 12 and (o r a F Wheeler (K*2j 1927 4 1 1 *ft . 1M8 H H urley. 197k I 1930, II 12. » 1 2 0 415.04, 1930 414.«4 , 433.49. B. A. K liks; (1"«8) 1M9 • 7.11. 193" ¡ f t » 42 34. 193" »1.63; »14.17. Hub Olylelon of Slanrart-M cO rm ir Beaverton Reedville Acreage. N h, o f 16; E. Quackenbush E at.. (1429) 1929 ■ » ■ • i • I » 4H M . M l 14 414 26; 423 92. Nehalem River Lumber Co.’s 1st Add. 1 464 47. 193" 466 18; 4146 24. H E *« He« 36 T. 3 N H ft W W A .re-, Lola I and 2, Block 2 . C. II and North Plains. Ix»t 6. Block 62 . B A to Timber. Ix«ts 1, 2. 3, 4, 6 and 12, E 5.09 A. («/ Lot 133 a s described 1 in Hazelbrotik Farm. North .35 A. o f V«»l. 119. page 419 Pr«>bate No. ISft«» M , Cora F. W heeler; (*«4) 1927 44ft2 0 0 . Caldunla G. B u tto n ; (9791 1930 123.29, K lik s, (1944) 1M9 43.66. 193" 47.14 Block 24 ; Timber L ight A Pow er Co. ; •2k ,31. . t John Schilling Jr. Est. 1 1299» 1930 44.*«; lot 3« as described in Vol. 104 page 456 . 192» 461* 40, 1930 I4NV.Z0 I »2* 465" 411.97 12"6i 1M5 4»<). 1M6 41.07, 1M7 41.13, Hyda Park. I.ol 10, Block I ; Jacob 45 46 Deed Records; Investm ent Co. ; (a C orp.) j N-.rth P lain s. Lots 12. *nd 13. Block i m 41.26. 1M9 41.17. 193" 4.82; 47 10. 4 2 2 8 9 .il. (9k2l 1980 ».61. Beaverton Reedville Acreage. Lot 134 (1430) 1925 4".40. 1926 10.39. 1M7 4".4H, Heuaonic H eights lot 2 Block 8 J K Miley W Borden»; <1"*6» 1M6 417.2*. Nehalem River Lum ber Co.’s 1st Add. Ilyda Park. Lota 1 and 2, llloak 8; ’•2. C. 415.26. (1300» 194" - 1M8 4" 44. 1929 41 14. 1980 41.17; 44.50. W.aicll (NN6) 192U 44 42, 1940 »1.76 • 1927 »13 63. 192* 413.44. to Timber. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 7. 8. (Jortkm and Beanie Olson 1926 Martin Giauy. (9»3I 1930 » 8». I 99 Gaston Acres. Lots 1* and 19; Palmyra 192» 414.21. 1930 414.2«; 49B.59. r - L - igh - t - A - Power 439.22: 4-36.07. 4» 16. and 9. Block 26 . Timlwr Park, le d 21. Block 6 . Loi» B Beaverton Reed v ills Acreage, part Lot B ali; (1431) 1930 t 429.25. 4-32.75. Pineland Terrace. Ix«ts 1, 2. and 3 . Co. ; (12"7) 1M5 414.*«, 1926 417.59. 1927 Il«rusonic H eights lot 4 Block 4 . Ha rah T u lly,Io -------------------------. ... ille , <9H4i 192« ».««. 192« I »7. 1927 Bb>ck 1: David C am pbell; (1087 19t> 4 1 - - - IM* 420.42. 1929 419 3", 193" -3* as des«-nbed in Vol. 184. page 431 Greenburg, Heights Addition. Led 4 Eds Enunona, I»«* I 1927 6 1 9 1 . 64.4t I 19. 19211 « 30. 1929 1 43. 193U 1 4 3 ; 413.40- 4116.94 ' Deed R ecords, leas 8. 82 ft. as describe«! V erne M P en n er. (1434) 1930 443 73 ; I «1 ; 4.91. BeuaonU Height« let 4 Bleek »; Myrtle 3 _ „ Nehalem River Lumber Co.’s 1st Add. H n Vol. 135. page 372 ; lean N. 25 ft. as S4N.M Pineland Terrace. Lot 27. Block I ; Cole 1**7) 192* »3 6 3 . 192» »2.76. 1»3" 0 2 Hyda Park. le d 22. Block 6 ; H. M Groveland Acres, Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 • ’2 to Timlwr. Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. Block 27 ; ' described in Vol. .135. page 460; leas .34 T aylor; (1"«M) 193" 1 2 « 42 ft». 410 16. Handaraon; <9K3| 1929 » 48. 1930 » 4 4 . M Block 29 Tim ber L ight A Power Co.; scribed in Vol. 131. page 19 Deed R*c- Blanchard ; (1442» 1930 45.41; »6.06. Petei - h i IMS »1 M . IM f 11 IS and R«a»ander L. J.-hrison : «9*9» 1926 Block «.rds; Iwon L. and Anna J. Lee; (1305) Hillsboro Garden Tracts. Lots 1. 2. 3 4; Morris T aylor; (1094» 193" ii2 1 0 l 1925 »3 61, 1M6 44.27, 1927 44 5*. I : • l« g | ( . 192» 4" 7ft. ||M 4 47. 1927 4 5", 1MH 4 51. 1929 4 43 1»39 »nd 4 Block 2 . Elm er T. Connell and • 54: I «» . ae . »W* 44.96. 1929 44.6«. 1930 4-3 26; 428.37. 193" 42.12; »2.37. 4" 72 ; 46.42. 4 45. 42 65 Beaverton Reedville A lton Acreage. H annah J Blanchard <1443) 1930 422.0"; Pineland Terrace. Ix»ta 2 » and 2«. , N ehalem River Lumber Co.’s 1st Add. Cherry Grove lot 10 Bb»ck 2 ; Cherry Ixd 11. Block 11 ; Elva Hyde Park Block 4: Morris T aylor; <1"96) 198" to Timlwr. L««ts 1. 2. 8. 4 5. 6 7 and part Lot 19. beginning on 8. line 125 424.62. Grove Land Co. (*»2) 1929 »0.77; 4".»7 B row n; (UlWi IK » «HU; ».«7 H illsboro Garden Tracts. Lots 3 and 4 *. Block -3.3. Timber Liyht A Power Co.; ft. from S. W corner of lot 19; thence Cherry («rove. l'»ta 1 and 4 B). ,» « 4 l »930 416 - |o 71 . II 64 ( Kerry Grove l»»t 1" Block 4 . C h ern C aroline P eterson ; <998) 193« 4 * 9 ; 4L«"- 2 4 . »IMIN Hyde Park. Lots 16 and 17. Block 14. H W Hec. 2" T 8 N K ft W W Grove Land Co. »*96» 192« 4« *1 ; 1927 Iwwis G. A cton ; <9941 192* 41.01 ; »I 18. M . Western Tlm lwr Co. (* 9 6 1 193" 416.- 4" *5 . 192* 4« 71 . 1929 4« 76 , 193« »0.7« Metzger. Block 1; Frieda K«we . (995) 44 27. 24 »INI* 1925 »6.79. 192ft »10.61. 1927 »1« 66. IM* Cherry Gr»>v» lots 15. 16 and 17 111 H K. k» Hec 20 T 3 N R. 5 W W. ( berry Grova Lan«l Co. ,*97) 192« »11.67. 1929 »10.14. 193« >10 4 7 ; 469.69. M W estern Tim ber Cu. ,*"6) 193" 416.« T a y lo r ; Metzger. Block 2 ; Fred W German 42 47. 1927 42 66. 192* 12.16. 1929 42 27 to lm Tim 1929 »12.16. 1930 24 41* I*. 4.5«: 4.61. U. | T b s ber L i Lots ^ l 1 ’ p “ i - 4 F .n d i 4- ” < R , a k ^ L k .ft\u , S i described V i > « • in ™ Vol. 125. p s« e 468 and VoL ( 4 5 2 , ■ 1928 **' a »12.77, ( ’.. In c.; <996» 193« »17.8«; »19.93 193« 42 16. 413.0" 1 A Me, 22 T 8 N R S W W M .; Pineland Terrace. Lots 11 and Metzer. Block 16. I xä 4 . H A D w yer; Hillsboro Acres. Lot 4 : Lindall and Cherry Grove lut 1* Block 4. Jame.» 1928 *” ” • as age 123 Deed Rer«»rf N F. ‘4 Hec. 23 T 3 N R and H enretta A egerter ; (1225, 192« 4.72. 1929 453.86. 193" »51 6 6 . 4183.94. Metzger Acre Tracts. Lot 4. Block . - Q Cherry Grove Land Co. (tt"«l 1926 42 87; 478.23; »87.57. Pineland Terrace. Lots 22. 23. and 24. 1980 4.72; 41.61. & W W ““ M . — K ate Angel H M and Bessie K S h a v e r. (1000) 193" Steeles Add to Beaverton. N. *4 o f Laurel wood Orchards. Lot 11 ; Louis L. 1927 42 9 9 . 192* 42 52 1929 42 6 4 . 193« 7930 44«). Blick 12; O W O lson: 192« (1116) Iwusm an . (616) 1929 »51 09 » 7«. 3 91. 1925 1929 B I * r ‘ «*‘" E ! ! 3 i 1 H*Wl“ * i » ^ L 1. L<* ’ *nd ' » r t of Ixrt « j" C n jU X to, W a lk « -. J H 7 « ) ¿ 9 2 8 31U.99. 44« 96 ; »63.76. 42.50. 414.13 4.76. 1926 4.89. 192 « 4 . 4114.20. Metzger A cre Tracts. Lot 6. Block 7 ; <1229> Vol 136. page 611 Deed Records ; leas 1929 49 28; 1930 4* 18; »31.79. Cherry Grove lots 1. 2. 8, and 4 Block 415 1 . 193« 4.82; 46.34. N W of N W % He»- 23 T S N 1929 41.17. 1980 » 6 4 . 42.03. Coca M and Mary E. Shaver; (U>01) .11 A. to S ta te as described in Vol. 140. Lehman Acre Tracts. Lot 6. Block B ; tn r r r y Grove t.rove Land i.atxi Co. v o . <9"2) 1924 iwzft ¡ ~ T. ’ e 74 ?< 35 and 36 __ Portland H eights. Lots 11. Pineland Terrace. Lots It 6 W W M ; Olive A. Powell ,*16) 7 i . . Cherry West a - 1.2, page 12 Deed Records Harry A and Ernest L an d graff; (1478) 1930 »9.25; • 4 92; 1927 46.12; 192« »3.60; 1929 »3 «2 . . J JJJ , ft ,HI ° 7, , W »70 »7- »»30 6 7 6 .(6 . (1119) 193« I i , an¿ Block 13 ; Alfred Jungen 192* 429 * « . 1929 »22.02. 193« 116 46 14.. Bieck 8 ; Edwin J. S Sn m ith ; Eva E A lexan d er: (1322» 192* 480.2«. »10.36. 1930 42.67, »21 «6. »76 62 Metxjrer A cre Tracta. Ix»t 5. Block 23 ; 4.54. 4.61. 3* w'JJ» 1p2 Li*2'x€’i»1*3u 21,28 • 84 07- 1929 473 45 193« »83.23; »265.18. Lehman A cre Tracts. Lot 4. Block C ; 37 and 193« i i * Block”ri ? " <,T 2 l ,,fhiw Cherry Grove lot 5 Block 7, Marie Pineland Terrace. Lots H E. k« «»f 8 W % and N % o f .4 9’ , ?«»Md Steeles Add to Beaverton, all that part Mrs Emma Fulton C ollett: (1479) 193« 1926 40.41; 1927 4« *6 (1120) Block 13 ; Bernard Aebly E 1 4 and H. W % o f H K. H Hec 2a L in n e. <9«S, ■ 990 »« 53 . IIH.36. 0 * * * » « • ; (1233» _____ Lot 9 S. S. o Of f O. Rt. — of W ay ______ and 89.27. 4l«.38. 0 . _ E. ___ ____ 192* 4« 72 ; 1929 »0.74 ; 193« 4«.70 44.28 4 54 4 61 1929 41 77. T IN H 6 W W. M .. A. L. and Dora MI* *¡.” 7 S 9ft . 43.06. ‘" 7- *• 7 - i“' i - r ‘ " t a i ' J **7ndA fH r t n ? ' ( ) j J i ï ' H w s j 192 part o f L « 11 u de.crib-1 in V ol. l« 0 . Lohman A cm T m cU . Lot 5, Block H : Kintun 1*17» 192« »56 72. 1927 443 94 58. Bieck 13; M innie W h ite; (1121» 1928 .2 g . 27. 28. 29.d 20 a n ? ' 31 Block 18 unne J1J Deed R ecord.; M .ry Bernard. ; A n n .ta .in S w c m .y ; iltSO ) 1S27 »».23; Block 7 ; (b e r r y Grove 1-and Co. (904) 430.92. 192* 481.18. 1929 ----- »26.85. 192« 44.3 12. 1929 »4« 27 ; 193« 44173 193« il» 2 J i 1 « » »<3 52. 1930 4 4 5 .K : «100 12. I»»’ »10.03. 192» »8.77, l»30 »».25; 1926 46.97 ; 1927 47.25; 1928 »5 U4; 1929 429.2«. »13124 • 92. 1929 42.02; 193« »1.07; 44.46. p M oore. (1234) 1929 44 72 193u 42 56* 4261 4L S t e l e . Add. to B e r e r to n . part Lot 11 ‘ «1.73. Pineland Terrace. Lots 6 and 6. Block »«. j j . **' N », s f 8. S «f N W U o f N E. 45 2 7 . 193« »6.01; »33.07. Metzger Acre Tracts. IxÄ 1, Block 34 ; , , a . d e c r ib — f in Vol. 133. pace 498 Deed Lehman Acre Tracta, Lota 1 and 2 and Cherry Grove lots 4 and 5 Block 4; M n. Elizabeth E. R ae. (1008) 1928 »4 82. 14 Morris T aylor; (1123, 193« » 5 3 ; w „ t Portland H eights. Lots 1«, % He 26 T 3 N R ft w W M 15 Record»: le u all except th e W 100 feet ; E. 'i, Lot 7. Block F ; Chae. B aum ; ‘ p'.neund T ™ L « . . .n d BlueU ' • B-d- - B' « k '< * » * Benjam in Am sterdam («19» 1930 42 «7 . ( Kerry Grove Land Co. (9"6» 1936 412.71; 1929 »4.54. 193v 49 26; »25.32. Twinuer • ' lee, .12 A. heyinnin» at S. W corner 114811 1929 »4.3.20, 1930 »45.5«: »99.35. Pineland Terrace. I xä s 9 and 1«. » ... a ,1235, 1926 41 37 1927 11 27 102« « 1 ) 8 lz Beginning az a. w w rn«r - . 1928 49.36. 1929 »2 2 4 . 193« 42 16; »29.63 M etzger Acre Tracts. Lot 2. Block 74 . , 4 . Moeria T ^ U e ; ,1 .2 4 , .M u ,5 2 ; J g - £ l U m - X « » .¿ m « . X ¿ “U S ' S j »2 SI. Cherry Grove lo< 9 Block 8; John and N ettie D. O b o a ; (1009) 1928 »4.82; »».40. N E. k< of » W ». Her 24 T 8 N R M etzger Acre Tracts. Lot 4, Block 34 ; ‘ V in elan d Terrace. L ot, ft W W M Chauncey F Hally <«2«) Rakel Hedlund <9061 1927 412 «2 ; 1928 25 and « . 1 f e ? . . « Æ f . . « ä r r y A; . a n d . ï » K A lexander : Pin»la"d T 'rrare. L o u „ ano l a . j 20. Block Chaa g Ho, 2J<1 4* 2 * . 1929 44.91 19.3«, » 1 0 * . »&1.82. Ben and Mari-.n P. F r ettim . (1010) 192* 193« 46 6 2 . 47 41. Lehman Acre TracU . L o t », Block J ; Block 14. C atherine H eberletn ; I llS S l 1925 , , , # , #JS , <0 , 9J7 , tJ lM g flS26> 192» »15.32. 1930 »17.22: »37.54. Cherry Grove lot 1« Block M; C herr/ »10 01. 1929 417 69. 1930 419.22; 452 52 A ll that part «»f W L. »»f H. W. »» Steel— Addition to Beaverton, part o f Raymond Inveatm ent Co. ; (I486! 1930 198« 4 54; 4.61 I »•««. 0 2 » » 1 1 « . 1930 «.64: »5.55. Metzger Acre Tracts. 1x4 6. Block 84 lying H ami W. uf P. It A N Rl. «»f G Land Co. (9«7, 1926 »1 23 1927 Lot 86 aa deacrihed in Vol. 143. page 129 S31»S : «35.07. Lots 45 and Pineland Terrace. »1 2 9 . 192* »1.06 . 1929 »1.14. 193« »1.07. Mrs.’ Klteahrth E. Rae;' <1«11) 1928 »4 83. Went Portland Heuthtx. Lota 1 and 2. Deed Record»: F rance. W ., B - J« T J N R. 5 W W M B. D onaldson; „ L i t t l e Fruit Farm s. Lot 1«; Cheater Block 14; Morris T aylor; <11271 1929 48 62. 1940 »9 2 6 ; »25 31 Block 15: Mary F itzg era ld . (1238) 1925 <13X81 1929 »19.90. 1930 a »20.43: i„ . »4S.14. .. ?L and D orathea C. Gateman ; (14891 J .* .. P W w lin .h .« ,« I«î»l IH # I I I » 46 ( 5". »»»7 berry Grove l«»ts 12. 12. 14. 14, and «1.20. 1926 « 69. 1927 « 43. 192» « «3. aV— L ^ lfT ^ S Metzger Acre Tracts. I x ä 1, Block 3 4 ; 4.53; 4.60. - P ^ * i t * n 1930 441.03 ; 445.93. Lots 51 and Pineland Terrace, 1 9 3iii1 9 ;? *■' P*' fe 4 \» 5 “ , . , ! (13321 1928 »25:88. 192» »49.97. 193 L ittle Fruit Farm s. Lot I t ; Wm. N. N W’ »» «>f H. R. *6 Her 26 T 8 N 16 Block • ; Cherry Grove I-and Co. <9«8| J. 11 Boone and Pauline E. K rueger. Block 14; Morris T aylor; 1930 (1123) * .19 2 6 46 14, 192* »4 6 7 . 1929 44 9 0 ; 193« <1012» 1925 »4.77. 1926 41« 7*. 1927 »10.- W est Portland H eights, Lots 6. 7 and K ceier; (1490) 1930 »13.04; »14.60. R » W W M . D etroit Trust Co. («24» 451.2«; 4142.21 72. 182* »11.12. 1929 »9.84. 1930 410 4 9 . 4 .5 6 . 4.63. Mary F itzgerald; L ittle Fruit Farm s. Lot 20; L. 1M9 49.74. IMU 410.12; »4 6 7 . »22 81 ttl.w-k i&- • Block 15; w ary ru z g e r a ia ; (1239, 1928 41« 44 Berwick Acres. E. o f Lot 11 as de­ Terrace. I..« ? c Pinrtand ?«5S • **’ i i m 11 7#- 1926 «>-»•. l »27 «I*«*. 1^28 Cherry Grove Block 11 and 12; Cherry 464.81. B u xton ; (1491) 1930 46.10 ; 46.83. »33 91. scribed in Vol. 141. page 281 Deed Rec­ (1130) , It M i li29 |j 7? 1930 | 96 . | 9 4 2 N ellie LaChappelle M etsger Aere Tracts. Lot 6. B ock 42 ; L ittle Fruit Farm s. Lot 22 ; R. N. I K« A In N W. » m Her 27 T 3 N H (¡rove Iwnd Co. <9«9> 192& »6.86; 192* ords Eric and Seva O s tlin g ; (1333) 1930 Thom as. Ha mue I and Edith L. Richard* 4.32. W arnock; (1492) 1930 314.44; 414.28. «_x a Rbw-h ! W est Portland H aights. Lots 27 28. I 311.86; 413.27. 6 W W M . as described in Vol. 13«. 46 76. 1929 46.04; 193« »5 7 3 . »27.30. Pineland Terrace. Lots - 1927 Cherry G n * » lots I and 2 Block 13; so n . (1014, 193« »9.26; »10.37. » 38. 1928 29 and 3v- Block 16 : *>»«** v - C ase ; | L ittle Fruit Farm s. Lot 3 ; Laura M. page 417 Deed K ecu n ls. Il T. and Mary Brugger Tract. E. 20 ft. Lot 9 ; Henry Metzger Acre Tracts. Lot 6. Bl«»ck 42 ; 15 A A Loali; <1131, «1240» 1930 41.27; 4142. ( harry Grava Land < •• < tio i 1925 42.06; H a r t. (826, 198« 468.46, »66 44 W einhard E st.; (13341 1930 31.46 ; 41.62. F letch er; (1493) 1928 311.44, 1929 »9.78, Harold S. G ilb ert. (1014) 1930 »44.86; 4.46. 1929 41 00. 193« 4.53: 42.65. West Portland H eights. Lots 1, 2 and Canterbury Place. Lota 6A and 6 ; U. 1930 411.19; 36 51. j w 21 A. w In N W t . Her. 27 T 8 N R 192* 41 44 1929 » 1 5 « . 193« » 1 4 3 . »7 2« Pineland Terrace. Lots I». 19. 20 and I 3. Block 19; Emma C ow les: (1242) 1926 Cherry tiro v e lot 10 Block IS; W ilma 46« 21. L ittle Fruit Farm s. Lot 17 ; Laura M. M . ax doaertbed in Vol. 13« N ational Bank o f P ortland: (1335) Metzger Acre Tracts. Lot 3. Block 4.» 21. Block IS; Morris T aylor; (1132) 193« 41.19. 1927 41.15. 1928 41.17, 1929 »1.4«. S. Pure 1 » Deed R m ••».G F letch er; f (1494, 1928 »27.16. 1929 422.82. Raf C Peterson <911 1 1926 41 2 4 , 1928 »«.72 1930 335.5«; 339.73. (Jeorge H Johnson (1016) 1927 »9.1«. ’ , p in ...‘ nd, 1 T.rra.-e. LoU 5 and 5. Block | ‘ » » ¡ J « __ .J , Ì « . . . . . 1929 4«.74 . 1930 »«.71 ».9 *3 »9 - Crowder <627, 193« »8 9 3 . . Chehalem Mountain Orchards No. 1. W. 1930 426.11. 485.17. Mabel M t Portland H eights. Lots 4 and 5. l8g 2 ft o f ltOU H and 12 M described Johnson E state Add.. _ S. 4 ----- Lot 53: Cherry Grove lot* II, 12. 13. 14. and 1928 »9 66. 1929 »9 17, 193« »9 9 6 . 442 63 17: Juaeph D L et.. : (1137) 1927 «.38. A („ 7# w t , « « ,7 T » N R » 15 Bha-k IS . Cherry Grove Land Co- Metzger Acre Tracts. I xäs 2. 3. 4. and 14; Ed. C ow les. ,1243) 1926 3.61, | in y j l0J 551 y ^ xIS page Shaw Fear C o.; (1501) 1927 310.52; 1929 1928 » 45. 192» »1 00, 1930 ».5 3 ; »2.«5. 1 1 7 . 1928 ».»». 1929 «1.07. 1930 V«x 11«. ¿ ¡ I 4*3 D w d R e e o r i « • »•- »“ • »*»-«•; W W . M , as described In Probate Her- 19121 1925 46 48; 1926 46 57; 1928 »3 96; 5. Block 44 . Frank C and Kate 1. Har- Pineland Terrace. LoU 45. 46 and 47, r a e k ; (1017, 193" »39 86; »44 62 . Vacated S treet on N. Louie Bacon 2 /3 ,A*• ' i m ' i h - 1929 »5 ‘ 0». 1930 »56.97; »124.32. T mt ” '' m I m ” 1928 Pineland Terrace. Lot 48. Block 17 1930 411.38; 423 68. ,il4 li 193« 4 27 41.2«. 1 9 .i 41.15. 1928 41.18, 1929 41.6». Chehalem Mountain Orchards No. 1, 3 -5 .,3 . 1926 3.6.58. 1927 428.84, 1928 Deed Rerords . Daniel S Warnock ihelr«i 1930 41 4 3 . »3.29. ,1141 . 1930 , 2 . . ................... L .J X Bin“ iS d , K : U M l i «H .86. 1929 813.31 193° »» 32: 112».52. Metzger Acre Tracts. Lot 6. Block 51 ; C atherine Heberlein 1930 ».86; »6.72. Cherry Grove l«4s 3 and 4 Block 14 (828) 1928 418.47 ; 1929 417.55; 193 » Portland ; 8.31. The C itizens N atl Bk o f “ Block 18: Weet Portland H e ig h t,. Lots J . 10 11, 1929 «14.05. 1930 »14.81; »»2.»0. J Johnaon E aU te Add.. S. 2 A. of N. 4 Harry. Hugh and Lillian Pardon; (914* »12 18 . 454 06. Pineland Terrace. Lot 10. (1021 A ) 193« »9 25; »10.36. ~ _ _ ~ ..a __________ wax— ax— .warn. Chehalem Mountain O rchard, N o. 1 1. . Ì , * A . o f Lot 74: S h a » Faar Co. ; (O K H. F. % of H W •« Her 27 T. 3 N 1929 41 51 ; 193« »1 42 . »3.28. 1928 (-46 1 12. 1». 14 IS. 16. 17 and 18. Block 19: Metzger Acre Tracts. Lot I Block 56; Miss Addie Dornbuxch . <1144 Ed C ow les: (12451 1926 »3.62. 1927 Lot 62; M inois Ardeil G ourley; (1338) N rtw n Coritrwot (1504) 1927 Cherry Grove lots », 9. 10 and 11 Bloca R 5 W. W M leas P K A N. Rt. of K atherine Kahley . (1«22) 192* •7 .4 2 ; 192» 4.50. 198« 3.28: »1.39 19 and »0. IW .48 1928 »3 52. 1929 »5.35, 1930 «2.83. 1925 411.65, 1926 »12.57. 1929 811 97 411.85. 1928 312.02, 1929 411-99, 1430 Way as describe*! In Vol. 81, page 247 14. Harry. Hugh and L illian Pardon (916l 1929 46 66. 198« 47.12; 423.61. Pineland Terrace. Lots * \ 411.66; 453.20. 1929 46.27 193« »ft 01 . »1151. 193« 412.61 ; 454.62. Deed Records, leas .4ft A. rimdway as «le Shirk 18: Morris T aylor; (11451 1830 i Portland H eixhU . LoU 23. 24. 25 Metzger Acre Tracts. Lot 2. Block 55 Johnson E state Add.. E. % Lot 80 as Bros. Acres No. 1, Lot 7 scritte«! in Voi. 43, page 128 Deed Ree Cherry Grove lots 12 and 13 Block 14; Lillian A R andle. < U'2S, 1928 »7.42: • M: Ml* 9it Block 19; Ed C ow ls, ; (12461 L. Conzelman described in VoL 142, page 363 Deed I .x«a 41 i'.* a m i a n d ¿o A. E aton : (1338A ) 1930 47.18. 38.03. orda; R<4wrt C. Goodwin. (H29l 193) C. A. Peterson (916, 1929 41.41 ; 193« 1929 46 55. 193« »7.12 ; 423 61. - - - im 41.43, 43 29 422 7 3 . 42& 45. M etzger Acre Tracts. I xä 3. Bl«»ck 5«; Cherry Grove lot 14 Block 14; Cherry 16 A. m E. ’ j of N E «.« Her t* J. F C oligan: <1024, 1926 »7.17, 1927 T 3 N R ft W W M . as described in Grove lxind C»> <917, 1925 »1 0 3 . 1929 47 15. 1929 46 56. 1930 47.12; W» Vol. 126. page 442 Deed Rerords; J. •« .7 6 ; 193« 4« 71 . 42.78 Metzger Acre Tracts. Lot 6 Block 58; Hi,-.*11 Mc<«ee (83«) 1929 »8 19. 193« Cherry Grove l«»t 11 Block 15; Hiram» M A Frank C o.; (l« 2 5 i 1930 »7.12 , I. W illiam s <918, 1945 41.03; 1926 31.33. j - 1 - 411 3 8 . 421.41. A ll of H. E. *•» lying H and K. «»f IW7 « I T » . I t u «0.7». (»3» «0 75; (»30 ’ 'M rt.g er A cre T ra ru . part of Block C. P K A N R. It Sec. 28 T. 3 N H I w / 2 i • U ......................... „ . . • • deecribed in Vol. 133 page 1»4 Deed (1512) 1929 410.91. 1930 »10.60; 424.08 1926 »1.19. 1927 41.16, 1928 »1.17, 1929 Records ; Hanaen Contracting Co. 5 W W M . as deacríbe«! in Vol. 13*. 4.54: 4.61 Cherry Grove lot J Block I . ; R M Caa. and Mabel R io cw a rn e; Johnson E state Add.. Lot 141 and 142 and 8. Bloc* »1.40. 1930 3.86; 86.70. <1340) 1926 84.52. 1927 39.03. 1928 38.91. Pineland Terrace. Lots page 664 Desai Record« ; A nton L itw r and Docia Abraham (»1») l t t * » « .« « . ¡» to »2.8»; »3.1». less N. 4 A. as described in Vol 107, page West Portland H eights. Lots 2 and 3, 1929 38.17. 1930 48.61; »43.93. *6 25. 0 3 0 »5.0«; »34.3». Cherry Grove Land Co. <921, 1925 42 07 . 1928 43.44. 1929 43.58. 193« 44.74 ; 416.34. , 3 p irtla n d Heights No. 2. Lots 21. 22. 23. 4 59. 1927 4.29. 1928 f « __ 7 I s T i . T m “ » * » » .'‘ lWO R acle Luntt>er Co. <835, 193« 425 M - 4.5». - - - 1929 ».52. 193« Johnson E state Add.. Lot 156; M argar­ 1927 42 5«; 192* 42.16 1929 42.27 ; 193«) Middleton. L«Hs 7 ami 8. Block 5 ; John 428 68 1927 x 315.55; 1923 48.03: 437.18. . et D. Retd; (1516) ------ a = — a ------ and 25. Block 2 . Homer D. A ngell ; 4 28 ; »2.54. and Anna D ew ey; (10S2) 1929 4.71. 19.3« 24 W k, Sec 29 T 3 N. R ft W W 42.15; 412 55. Block Club Meodow. Lot » : Cocil C. and Ruth M» U«. 192» «15.57, 1930 »32.22; »10».n2. ,116«) 1928 41 36. 1929 41 67. 1930 41-44; W est Portland H eights. Lot 8 Cherry Grove 1« äm 5 and 7 Rl oc k 18 M . les« 8.24 A. as described in Vol. 110, 4 74 41 62. Johnson Estate Add.. N. 2 A. of Lot 21: Herman W ierk ; (12511 192« 8.61. Orpha Chandler. (13471 1928 «10.52, 1929 Middleton. Lota 1. 2. 3 and 4. Block page 24 Deed R ecord s; Wnntcrit Timber Cherry Grove Land Co. <922, 1925 42.«5; ».58. 1929 » 55. 1930 j u g . 19î0 »9.5«; »33.20. 157; Shaw Fear C o.; (1517) 1927 »6.91, Portland H eights No. 2. L oU 18. ,4 . 1927 8.57, 1928 1926 42 46; 1927 »2 5 6 . 1928 »2 16 1929 12; Jam es M Zen or . <1034, 1929 »1.44. Co. <836» 1939 323.14; 424.40. Comte A Kohlm an’s L ittle Homes No. 192? 1929 »9.59, 1930 39.32 ; »39.61. 15 and 1«. Block 4 ; H and Chas F. » 29; 82.91 1930 »1.49; 43 28. X A In 8 F.. '« of H K. Her 29 T. 42 25; 193« 42 15; 415.25. West Portland H eighU . L o u 9 and 10. 2> 6 ieM N m . C o a ,^ Ä Kohl Johnson E state Add.. Lot 167 ; Shaw t l l « l l 1929 »1.11, 193# »1.07; Nelaon : Middleton. I x ä » 7 and 8. Bl.«ck 12; Eu­ Cherry Grove I< ä 6 Block 18; Ben '» N It 5 W W M . as described »n Fear C o.; (1519) 1925 »9.22. 1926 »7 80. A. L. N ich olas; (1252) nian C o.; (1351, 193« 42.91; »3.26. Bloek 22 Mrs. g en e and Grace A. F a n t e t t i: |l« 3 »» 193« 42.44. Vol 1. page 342 . 193« Deed |2 Records . Eagle Olson (923, 193« 410.03; »11.23 Cornelius Environs. .53 A. in S. part JW7 3«.77, 1929 87.85, 1930 87.63; 346.07. Lumber J 8371 .0 2 j 43.26. Portland H eights No. 2, Lots 9. 10. 1927 4.58. 1928 4.59. 1929 »1.07. 1»3V Cherry Grove I« ä * Block 18; J. M 42.59; 42.9«. of Lot 74. as described in Vol. 132. page „ J o h n s o n E state Add.. Lot 168; Shaw 12. Block 3 ; F. L. and Mary C. 4.57 ; 43.15. North P lain s. Ix*t 4. Block 1 ; Carl s 11 t e f and N 4 of N E and H. E. U o f N Carpenter ,924) 1929 414.33; 19.3« 313.60; fsn (1162) 1929 41.10 »1.23 W eet Portland H eigh U . LoU 25 and n s Deed Records : Rollin T. Fries ; ’< 1374» , Fear c °- •’ (162«) 1925 »9.22. 1926 »8.22. Stein ;(1«.36) 1928 » 4 2 ; »48. 431.37. E »< See 31 T 3 N It ò W . W M . le- Portland H eights No. 2. Lots 22 and 26. Block 2 3 ; Herman B ishop; (1253) 1927 513.07. 1928 512.34. 1929 511.75. | ¿®2 • 7 S4- 1929 18.28. 1930 North Plains. Lot 28. Block I ; Hel- Cherry Grove lot 4 Block 19; C. O 3 8« A to P. R. A N. R R.. lea« 13 «8.05: «55.21. 1930 412.38; 455.45. 23. Rl««ck 4 ; Helen D M anley; (1163) 193« 4.57; M 4- . Vol 123. Pagc 4.Pl Broderick <926) 1927 819.21; 1928 41.8«- en a M G leeson; (1037) 1F25 44.80. 1926 1929 4.55. 193« 4.53 »1.21. ' - d - r . ilovl ... Voi 28. Johnaon E sU te Add., all that part of W est Portland H eighU . Jx»ts 27, C ornelius Environs. Lot 1 ; Frana H. 48.82. 1927 43.40, 1929 43.55, 193« 43.5» ; Deed y R eronls. leaa .«6 A aa deaeribe 1 , 1929 41.89. 193« 41.8«, »27.65. Portland H eig h t, No 2. Lots 28 snd 29. 30 and 31. Block 2 3 ; T. H. S m ith ; Bins E sta te; 113761 1930 «22.16; »24.80 f e l ' 91 W o « N. o f highway, except .08 Cherry Grove It« 7 hlork I» ; Cherry I 821.42. 29 Bl.wk t ; Mary Boyd; ,1 1 6 0 1930 (1 2 5 0 1926 »1.81, 1927 »1.7«. 1928 »1.7«. Comeliun Environs. Lot 6*. lean O. E. 8*^e M describe«! in Seg. No. North Plains. Lots 5 am i ». BliWk 11 i E agle I.umher Co. <83*, 193« »40.09. Grove Land Co. (9271 l»25 »2.74: 1925' R. R. R ig h t-of-w ay: Jense Nelson ; (1376) i 1""3: C. J. Stickney and Jam es W. Mott agi 1929 »2.67. 1930 »1.12; »10.5». C. W. Borders; ,ltl< 3 ) 1926 «1.80. 1926 | 5 4 43.2* ; 1927 53.41 ; 192* 4L *«: 1930 41.7* (Corp. Com. S la te of O regon ); (1522) 422.4». p..'rtlami Heights No. 2. Lot 15. Bloek West Portland H eights. Lots 32. 33. 193« 435.16; »39.35. »l.» 0 . 1927 »3.88. 1928 »2.9t. 1929 »3.10. K W of N E. Sec. 31 T. S N. 414.6«. Cornelius Environs. Lot 80; J e s s e 1925 51"-66. 1926 49.52. 1927 49.49. 1928 Henry W. Fu lton : III65I 1925 » 3 8 . St. 36 and 36. Block 2 3 ; J . H. S m ith . Cherry Grove lot 2 Block 2 0 ; Elin and 19311 »0 13; »2t.7S. R. 5 W. W f |() M og , Eaat Side lx»g. Co 49.57. 1929 410.89, 1930 »10.60; »67.97. Hilda 192« ».18. 1927 » 21. 192* 4 23. 1929 4 2*. <1256, 1926 51 *1, 1927 »1.74. 192* 41.76. Heinon ; 11477) 193« 521.78; 424.38. . , W7 North P lain s. 1-ot 7, Block I John Milton <926) 1926 42.74; 1926 »3.29 Johnson E sU te Add.. W. 79 ft. of that 1929 »2.67. 1930 41.48 ; »10.64. Council View Acren. W. Lot 4 : 193« 5.27; 5174 14S0 47.* 1927 »3 <2; 1928 »1.80; 1929 » 1 8 9 ; 1930 Hess : , 1 0 « l 1930 » 1 7 9 ; »2.00 Lloyd O. and Gertrude D. Junkin ; (137*1 Part ° f Lot 191 lying S. of highway, 49 44 IPX* 49 4»; 1929 »H.57 West Portland H eights. LoU 6. 6. Portland Heights No. 2. Lotn 13. 14. «1,79; «16.71. j N erth Plains, Lot 8, Block 11; Charles 12. less .03 A. to state described in Vol. 142, 5 and 16. Block 13; L. R B rotton; and *. Block 2 6 ; C. E. R ogers; i / 8 j n_f 193« 54.54; S5.«8. - * 455.1«. Cherry Grove lot < Bliick 20 , I,eo W ic k -! Hw" : (10461 1030 »t »1 : M * ’ E. ’y uf N W. 1« and Gevt. Lot-« I Council View Acres. Lots 21, 22. 23. page 48ft Deed R ecords; Sanford G. and , <1166) 1927 4.87, 192* ».91. 1929 41 10. and Ethel W. Rogers I 3 int. ; (126. strom ,029) 1929 »6.66; 1930 »2.50; N orth Plains, Lute I and 6 Block IJ ------ ... . . . » | lM() j u a ; »1.27. ■ nd 2 Her. SI T. :i N R. ft W W M 24 and 25; John B Pilk in gton. In c ., Frances E. Rodgers; (1523) 1930 »7.20; | 9 12. A nna J. P ierre (h e ir s ); ,10<6l_ 1028 1930 41.07; 44.42 48.06. I .KRt .Side Log. <’« k 1*4«) 1925 »S5.H2 : W est Portland H eigh ts. Lota S3. 34. ,,1 3 7 9 ) 19.30 54* 74; 554.55. Portland Heights No. 2. Lots 17. 18. Cherry Grove lol 5 Block 2 0 ; Cherry !» -•» . 1929 »1.33. 1930 »1.35 ; »».71. Johnson E state Add.. W. U o f E. 1926 442 * 6 . 1927 533.41; 192* 541.4*. 35 and 36. Bloek 2 6 ; C. E. Rogers 2/ 3 , Council View Acre*. Lot 42; A. M. and Grove Land Co. ,93111 1926 »3.4»; 1926 N orth I lalns. N. S o f Lots 7 en d 8 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2ft. 26 and 27. int. and Ethel W. Rogers 1 3 in t.; (126*) Mary A. H ow ell; <1381) 192* 54.41. 1940 ’a o f Lot 196 ; Harry E. and Alice L. 1929 53«.1«. 193« 526.60; 5226.39. - 192* 41.*0; 1929 » l.s y ; Block 13; Jn o and Catherine S ch reim er. lil.H’k 15; A rchie C o rk ill; (1167) 1930 P rin k ; (1524) 1929 »8.28. 193« 416.11; E 'j o f N E. ’ » Mild N E. % ,,f s . 54.10; 1927 44.27; 1930 51.14; 51.2*. 526.25: 5.33,20. , 1047) 1927 »1.28. 1928 » 84. 1929 ».88. 42.97; »3.83 E. I 4 Har. 32 T. 3 N R 5 W W M . 193« 41.*«. 419.36. W est Po**land H eights. Lots 1. 2. 3 Council V iew Aeree, Lot 43; A. M and i 527.3«. Portland H eights No. 2, Lots 1, 2 and . _ . Johnson E state Add.. Lot 238; C. J. Cherry Grove 40 ft. x 120 ft. cant side 1930 ».88; »4.84. I vmn 3.»06 A. ta 8. P. Co. mm dewrribed and 4. Block 2 7 ; A A n ton ; <1259) 1926 Mary a . H ow ell; (1382) 193« 526.25; 3. Block 17: Portland H eights Realty North Plains, LoU 11 and 12, . Block S tick n ey; (1529) 1930 58.06; »9.02. In Vol. 12». pago 329 Deed Record« Eagle l«»t 7 Block 20, as dencrihed In Vol. 8, IS: I.. E. Shute and Jasper W K e ffe r : C o .; < 116*t 1929 41 11. 193« 4 *1; »2.15 42.04. 1926 51.19, 1927 51 15. 1928 51.18. 52* 26. Crest V iew . LoU 14 and 15; George D. Johnaon E state Add., Lot 259; Della page 2«6 R egister of T itles; J. A. and Lumber Co. |*41) 193« 419.44; »22.34. Portland Heights No. 2. Lots 1 and l'??9 52.15. 1930 »1.13; »9.90. 110481 1926 »2.88, 1926 »1 90. 1927 »1.70, Heaaong ; (1538) 1929 47.40, 1940 »7.64; West Portland H eights. Lot 9. Block Grace; (13*3) 1930 556.56; 563.31. N. E. •« of N W. Hec. 32 T. 3 N. Maud W,»odh«»une (9.32) 1926 49.27 ; 1926 1928 »1 26. 1929 »1.34, 1930 »1.36. »11.67. 2. Bl«»ek 1*; Fernand T h o m a s; (1169) Durham Acres. Lot 13; G«*». C. Dur- 516.83. 2 7 . A. A n io n ; (1260) 192ft 4.61. 1926 R. ft W W M . Engle Lumbar Co. (H44» 511.07; 1927 »11.62. 192* 46.40; 1929 1929 5.55. 1930 ».52; 51-20. North Plains. Lots 1. ». 3. 4. snd 6. Johnaon E aU te A d d . W % o f Lot i 43.77 ; 19.30 »1.4.3 ; »47.62. 193« 4* 33; 49 32. Portland Height* No. 2. Lots 3. 4. 5. 6, « ft). 1«27 5.68. 192* 5.59. 1929 5.53, 193 • ham et a l; (1384) 192* 44.41; »4.94. i Block 14. Anna J Pierre Iheirsi ,10491 ..u rn a — Acren. rvrren. area aw; ; vwrxain naira I i ' Iran k P u lver; (1540) 1930 »16.94; Durham Lot 20 C ertain heirs Connell N. >y lot 7 block 2 Rd. J I 1928 »1.06. 1929 »2.22. 1930 »2.23. «6.15. 7 and *. Block 19; Margaret E. Free­ 5.2*; 58.47. N W of o f N. W. Sec. 32 T. J o f K atherine Morrison; ,13851 1927 »5 16. »I»-9». Went Portland H eigh ts, Lots 18. 14. N B 5 W. W. M Ien» 6.57 A. out »f , Hufford (M0) ItM 412.06; 1927 »12.6«; 1 North Plains. Lots 6. 7. and 8. Block m an ; (1170) 1929 51 66. 1930 51-62; •ft. 16 end 17. Bl««ck 29; Linda Saw yer: 1928 »4.41, 1929 »6.22. 193)1 »6.06; (22.54. Johnson E state Add., Lot 27«: leas N. N W Cor. aa deecribed in Vol. 114. pnge 1192* 412 24; 1929 »11.76; 1980 »12.82; 14. Anna J. Tierce (h eirs) (1060) 1928 53.67. Durham Arrea. Lot 52: Geo. C. Durham ' A - *-7* A. aa described In Vo( ’ ¿62) 1929 51.84. 1980 »1.43; 53.10. 32* Deed Iterord* ; Engle Lumbr Co 46*. 91. Portland Heights No. 2. 8. H o f ' » 63. 1929 »1 34. 1930 »1.86; »3 72. ' s3- » * » ' 59’ Records; Shaw Faar W est Portland H eights. L ets 27. 28. et a l: (13861 19.30 811.62; »tS.Ol. Connell 8. 4 lot 7 Bloek 2 ; M. A t 4. Block 16; Ruth Bl««ek 7. (th is tract now vacated snd as- Durham Acres. Lot 63; A. M and ' J * =<>»♦«» >»*« M .44. 1927 »2.16. 1928 3 . 31 and 32. Bl«x-k 29; Linda Saw N W », of N W I« See. 43 T. 4 N I Scott <941) 1929 41.39; 198« »1.61 ; »3.26 Realty Co.; <1061) 1927 4 *6. 192* » 4 2 . sroAcd as Tax Lot 22. in Sec. 35. T I 1930 85.06; 1 M .05- ” 2’ « l»»0 «2.0»; »10.42. Mary A H ow ell; (1387) D illey part o f lot 4 block 6, an den* 1929 » 45. 1940 4.44; »2 41. R. 5 W W M . Imn 10 A. a* dencribeii N R. 1. W. W. M. .9* A .) : Vid»' Pearl I ver: ll» 0 3 l 1029 »1 60. 1930 »1.71: »3.71 Johnson Fatate Add.. Lot X74; C. J. crihe«! In Vol. 117, page 631; Sarah F. I W e't Portland H eights. Lota 27. 26 45.68. in Vol. 104, pnge 147, Deetl Becordn North Plainn. Ix»t 5. Block 19; R- » N ea l; (1171) 193« »4.31; 54.83. Durham Acre«. Lot 6 6 ; A. M and S tick n ey; (1545) 1927 416.41. 1924 818.87, Portland Heighta Ño. 2. Lota 15 and I ,nd 20. Bloek 3 1 : Frank H Collinx . Engle Lumber (Jo. (*46) 193« »7.47 ; 4*. | Stephens Kat. (94.3) 1930 »3.90; »4 30 S im on ; (1052) 192ft 42 40. 192« 4144 (1388) 1930 86.06; 1929 818.31. 1930 »17.81; 879.36. D illey-part o f lots 1, 3 and 4 Bloek 7 ; 1927 »1.2*. 192* ».*3. 1929 4 *9. 193« 16. Bloek 20; Mary B. O 'N eil; 11)731 (12651 1926 »1.19. 1927 »1.15. 1929 » 1 1 9 Mary A. H ow ell; 46. Johnson E state Add.. N. 299 ft. o f W. 16.6ft. 1929 » 45. 1929 « 54. 1930 ».53; »1.70. 1 1929 »1.59. 19311 » 9 6 ; »6.69. K. % of 8. W «4 and W. U o f 8 J. Dixon Eat. (944) 1929 »12.91; 193C 4 *9; 4* 64 2*7; M McGovern; Durham Acres. Lot 67 ; Geo. C. Dur­ 130.7 ft. o f Lot 414.43. »30.40. Portland Heighta No. 2. L ot. 23 2 4 .! We«' Portland Heighta. Lota 2t and E Sec 44 T 3 N. It ft W W M North Plainn. Ix»t 6. Block 19; Dewey (1548) 1980 86.08; 85.69. ham et a l; (13*9) 1929 89.49 1 98« »9.09: D illey-Purdy's Add. lota 1, 2, and 3 D. J«.hnn«m; (1063) 1926 25 and 26. Block 20; Sue M P rin gle : 22 Bloek 32; Wm. N . J effrie« : ,1267) Eltco Inveatm ent Cu. (*47) 194« »14.44 »1.4.3. 192 Johnson Fatate Add.. Lot 338; C. J. ttn.80. Block 1; Robert E lliott (946) 1928 »4.01; V, 27 9«* » *4 1929 4 *9. 1930 4.89; (11741 1926 2.34, 1027 1.87, 1928 « 9 0 1030 » 66: ».63. 415.08. Fairview Addition to Hillsboro, part S tick n ey; (1559) 193« »5.94; 86.66. J J J 7’ * ’ W est Portland H eight«. LoU 23. -4 1929 »1.10, 1980 »1.06; »4.78. 8. E. »4 of 8. E. H 8ec 44 T. 4 1929 4.3 14; 193« »6 63 ; 416.41. Johnson E state Add., S. 2 A. Lot 8481 Block B. as described in Vol 136, pa*re D llley-Purdy’s Add. lota 18, 19. 20, and Portland Heighta No, 2. l-ota 1 and 2. •5. 26 and 27. Block 3.3 ; Ruby Dunn N. R. 5 W W. M . Geo. H Bagley N orth Plains. Ix»t 4. Block ? l : Lilly 364 Deed Records ; A. D. and D. A. Ju n e M. B lack; (1560) 1930 88.48; 49.49 (12691 1928 »1.76, 1929 »2.68. 1930 »142 21 Block 1; Robert Elliott (946) 192* L. W ilson: (10671 1927 »1.2*, 1929 » .44. I Bloek 23 Miehael N elaon: ,11751 1929 1940 »36.77; »41.14. 1925 »2.64. 192« » 9 5 . R. E. S ew ell; (11771 1030 »1.07; 11.20. A. H.iwell ; (1394) 192* 374; Tom and N ettie Morgan j (1643) W eal Portland H eighU . LoU 17. 18, M. and Marv Portland Heighta No. 2. Bloeka 28. 29. N W Vi of N. W >4 Sec. 45 T. 8 N part 8. o f O. E. Rt. o f W ay as de­ 1927 ».8«, 1929 » 94. 1929 » 99. 1930 » 90; 1930 »37 74; »42.25. 417.64. 1929 420 *8. 1930 420.20; »65.72. 30 and 31. (thia Iract la now vacated 19. 20. 21 and 22. Bloek 34 : A. A Miller R 6 W W M ; John F Wentinghouae scribe«! in Vol. 92. page ’l l Deed Records . 57 9« Millard A Van Schuyver Tract. E. 31 Fanno Greek Acre Tracta, Ix>ts * and Il V. Santeanen (94M) 193« »20.79; »28.17 (*62) 1929 4*.7*; 193« »*.2* ; »19.09. N orth Plain«. Lot 4. Bloek 25. laaa E. and aaeeaaed aa Taa lx>t 25, See 36 T. 1 112721 1920 »1.81. 1927 «1.74. 1928 »1.76 9 ; J C. Snyder; (1396) ft. Lot 82 and 1 /4 int. in road; C. W. 1980 »14.15; Garden Hom e-lots 5. * and 9. leas 0 . 1« ft. as deecribed in Vul. 126 page 316 N R. I W. W M 9 50 A ) : Archie 1929 83.22, 1930 »1.71; «11.46. W Vj <»f 8. W «4 Sec. 35 T. 8 N. R. 8tru th ers 2 /8 i n t and L. M. and J . C. Wilkeaboro. Lot 12. Bl.x-k 8 ; Nora M 416.83. 5 W W M ; Ada B Noyen (h e in ) E. Rt. o f w ay; Max Loeb (960) 19.3« Deed Reeord« : Roy C.. Orrin V. and Ursa C orkill: (1178» 1929 »24.86. 1930 ».32.28 ; Dnviea 1/8 i n t ; (1664) 1924 41.74, 1926 Fanno Creek Acre Tracts, Lot 22. ns and W Manley Cook ; ,127«) 1930 »11.55; M. Fair and E ffie B W h ile; <1090) 1927 »6.3.94. 1*54) 1927 421.42; 192* 420 *4; 1929 »114.64; 412H.82. described in Vol. t i l , page 629 Deed 41.7», 1927 »1 64. 192* »1.93. 1929 »1.80, Timber. Bloek 1.3: Robert E. and A ltha »12.93. Garden Hom e-part o f lot 24 aa de­ »9.94. 1029 »9.40. 1929 »3.99. 1930 »9.92; 419.4* ; 1940 »20.24; »91.69. 1930 »1.76; »11.89. Records. len* .44 A. as described in Vol. W ilkesboro, Lot 13, Bloek 8 ; Non- E. K rai; ,11951 1928 »32.(8, 1929 »«0 84. W '4 of N. E «4 Sec. 36 T. 3 N P scribe«! in Vol. 122, page 415. Vol. 128. Peachvale l o t 2 ; H. A. and Ethel Records ; Herman M. and W ilbur Cook: (1276) 1930 » 8 6 . 12*. page 61 Deed page 183. leas 2.126 A. an describe«! in North Plalna, Lot 15, Block 25; Chrlat 1930 »42.22; »151.38. 5 W W M . leen 1.32 A to P. R A N L. D ryer; (1571) 1925 812.01, 192« 818.81, Schiew e ; (1398) 1930 »3.64; 13.96. „ N ehalem River her Co.'a la t Add • 98. an dencribeii in Vol. 100, page 389 Deed Vol. 128, p age 188 I)ee«l Records; 8. L. Hoeh ; (1041) 1930 21 35: »161. 1927 415.06. 1928 418.44, 1929 413.42, 1930 Fanno Greek A cre Tracts, Lot 25 ; H Wilkeaboro. 1,0» 16. Block 8; Nora M North Plalna, Lot 2. Bloek 20; F. W (o Tim ber. Lota 2. 8, 4 and 6. Block 4 ; Keeonla ; Fred Chrlntennrn (*66) 192* N. Gilm an (961) 1929 » 6 1 0 4 ; 198« »62.96 W V iets: (1399) 192* »8.88. 1929 »10.44. 414.34; 499.47. L a n g .: ,10021 1927 »12.79. 1929 »11.77. J. A. P r o u ty : ,11881 1927 » 28. 1928 » 03. and W ilbur C o o k ; ,l« 7 0 l 1930 » 8 6 ; ».97 1930 410.10; »32.37. Peachvale. Lot 4; H. A. and Ethel L. »36 28; 1929 »44 14; 1930 »32.29; »114.94 4188.79. Wilkeaboro. Lot 16, Bloek 8; Nora M 1929 «.88. 1930 « 60; »3.01. Garden Hom e-part lot 24 an deacrihed 1929 »12 43. 1930 »12.50; »56 3». ft* 4« A. in W. 4 o f N W % Sec Fanno Creek A cre Tracts, Lot 2 9 ; A. D ryer; (1572) 1926 410.92. 192« 414.92, Nehalem River Lumber C it'i la t Add. and W Manley C ook: (1177) 1930 »3 85 North P lain t. Lot 4. Bloek 26; C. W 1927 413 68, 1928 817.20, 1929 818.28, 1930 46 T 3 N R. 6 W W M . aa deecribed In Vol. 128. page 184 Deed Records; J. M and Mary A. H ow ell; (1401) 1910 P. aad Sylvia P. Hoben (962) 198« Border-.: ,1063) 1925 «4.33. 1926 »2.39. to Timber, IeWa 6. 7 end 8. Block 4; »4.31. 416.17; 497.64. in Vol. 144. page 432 ; lena 4.31 A aa de Aehbrook Perm , pert Ixvta 21 and 26 410.1"; 411.80. C o.: (1I88A ) 1927 »2.14. 1928 »2.10, 1929 »2.22. 1930 Tim ber Light A Power P egg’s Amended Subdivision o f C le­ ncrlbed In Vol. I ll, p age 165 DeeJ 4123.64 ; »138.39. Fanno ( ’reek Acre Tracta. Lot 3 '; A. 1926 Hi, 1926 » 54. 1927 ».57. 1928 » 62. and all o f LoU 20 and 24 aa described Garden Home. E velyn’s Sub. lot 11, «2 23 ; »17.25. Raeordn; Nina C Hennon (*66) 1927 M Howell and Mary A. H ow ell; (1102) m en t’s Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, I, 4 am! in Vnl. 33. page 668 and Vol. 129. page 1929 1.69. 1930 » 41; »3.56. North Plalna. N. >. 1980 1930 4* 42; 49.42. 524 *4; 51 K Fanno Creek Acre Tracts, Lot 81; A (1573) 192* 1980 »131.72: »147.44. »12.78. 1028 •o Timber. Lota 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7 and (12791 457.40; 4191.63. Hunt Club Tract-Tract In N. W. Corn­ »2.3 52. 1926 »14.31. 1927 E. Û of N E. V« See. 42 T. 8 N R M and Mary A. H ow ell; (1408) 1930 Aehbrook Farm . W. 1 A. Lot 11. ea 9 Bl.wk 6 : Tim ber Light A Pow er Co. ; Powers Subdivision o f C lem ent’s Sub­ 6 W W M . lean 1.2* A to R. R. Rl er lots 6 and 9 Block I, as described In »8.40, 1929 26.65. 1930 »0.69; »80.98. dearribeal In Vol. 14». page 1»8 Deed Ree 430.80; 433.91 North Plaint, Lot 8. Bloek 8 6 ; C. W. ,11001 1925 » 90, 1926 »1.07, 1027 ¡1.16. orda : M ultnomah R ealty C o .; (1280) 1029 of way, lean 1.47 A. to 8. P. Co. an de­ Vol. 180, page IM Deed Records; J o s e ­ Fanno Creek Acre Tracts, Lot 84 ; A. division. Lot 8; A lice May Phelps; (1474) 1928 »1.2». 1929 »1.16. 1930 ».»1; »7.04 B o n ier. : ,10661 1926 »1.92. 1920 »L4.7 1930 47 10; 47.94. p hine P feifer (954) 192ft »28 94 ; 192* M and Mary A H ow ell; (1404) 1980 ne ribet I In Vol. 14?. page 406 Deed Ree »12.11. 19.30 »14.24; »29.64. N ehalem R iver Low her <‘n a 1-1 Powers Subdivision of C lem ent’s Sub­ orda; Hammond Lumber Co. (*68) 192® 426 0 8 ; 1927 424.30; 1928 »26.29; 1929 1927 »1.29, 1928 » 8 « . 1920 » 80. 1030 to Tim ber. LoU 1. 2, 3. «. ». 6. 7 and Alexander Arrea. l e t 14; Mallnda A. »10.10; 411.80. division, Lot 4; Orange P h elps; (1476) » 89; »8.11. . . . „ 424 62; 1930 425.29; »168.34. Fanno Creek Acre Tracts Ix*t 88 : R. 46.1*; 1930 49 39; 416.01. N orth Plalna, Lot 9. Bloek 44;’ 8. Bloek 7 ; Tim ber L ight A Pow er C. 1 H ocking; (1283) 1929 112.29. 1980 »14.18; L. Durham e t a l; (1406) 1928 »7.40. 1929 1930 413.23, 414.81. N ichols Add. No. 2 to Garden Home 8. E. % of 8. W «4 and 8. W (11911 1026 » 90. 1926 »1.0". 1927 »1.14, »29.00. R eedville Homes, L o ti 28 and 26. Felden : (1067) 1929 » 42. 1029 » 44. 19J0 lot 14. less 8.689 A. as described in Vol. 49 40, 1930 49.10; 429.11. »4 o f 8. E. V« 8ec 31 T. 8 N. R. 6 A lvord-C arr-H unter Subdivision No. 1. 1928 »1.24; 1929 »1.17. 1930 » 8 0 ; «7.08. W M ; Blue Lake Log. Co. and Ham- 184, page 616; Vol. 116 p age 545 ; Vol. 1.45: »1.47. H W W M , llarry Palm er M c(’«Hii»ell, W I 4 ami H W % o f N W % Hae Il I i K K . Vft W M . ApplaHaie IMW7 » 1930 »17 I * . • »« »« Lami C o.. (779) 1940 41*7 49. 4499.44. * 1 •' I 1 Timbar H 1C . 14 o f N. K. Has-. IX T. 3 N R M W M »• il«a«r»L».l n il N It 3 W ft W W M . Wseitarii Timbar C o.; (790) Vo* U I . page OSI Deed Kerorde; E J I U N O »"3 2X . •70 7« llarvay J <»la«a . (699) Hhvriiiaii and 1929 • " 94 ¡ »44 • H U '»H as- 12 T 3 N It ft W W IM I »»« « * . 1««" •»" «' M W estern Timbar Co . (7*1) 193« M 17 T 3 N l< • 242 40. •27132 I w'" w M N Haroi,I* K Tutti«. Paari II H F. M Hae. IX T 3 N R ft W W ¡ , * , „ * , . . 1 E J. H b y m .n ; « " - o (7N2) 193« M.; W estern 'I'lmlMM* » 2 * 5 1 8 . •■II» 1ft M l.M . IVI» IM ISI »SI SI N • , of N. W. L <4 N. W N of N E. H »«■ »» ’ N **„ " ” W W M . J I’ G uerrier; ( 7 ö |) 194« I 4 and N I », of H W 44 H~ T I N M ft W W M W estern Timbar • 1<* ui . 411.40 Co ( T ill IU30 4 17 4 1 ft »IU4 »3 Sec. 2H T. » N N E. •* «»f N E % H«a 14 T. » N. N. 'w V . •r H. K S Guerrier . 1701» J Í M ft W W M , Jay I. ami Wm It » 1917 • t l 2&. ( It Innoiie, IW10 112 0 0 . » I Lillian H arvey, «ml Clara Marke . IMI ir iv • l o x i . 193« • 10.Ot (7 * 4 1 193« 4 1 * * 4 . 4210». IM I • 11.00. N W •« He« 14 T 3 N It ft W W »6* 24. Wtmirrn Tlm lwr C o.; (7»» I IMO M K. *4 of N F. •* Has 14 T 3 N It M J, I*, »««»arriar. (7 « 3 | 193« • 17 0 0 . »19.«3 » W. W. M 14 T 3 N It E L. of H E •< He. liu o n , » l i i » . Kata A n g e l. (7*7) l»Zt> W M N % » i N W. ' . Has- XN T. » N It • ft 12 W N»; 193" 414.03. 430 13. Lee Guerrier . (7041 N W W M . «’‘»ra 6 W W N. W •» Mas IN T. 3 N 1010 |io .U l ; I »XX 40 7NM1 193« M Wentern Timbar Cu. Timbar N Ms ’»f®* W V «»r N E 417 00; »19.«3. N. w % ». ami N s - f 14. h ( U .«f H W % He«- Kl T 3 N K. & W W afi.l N W '♦ «Í H W * 4 Hae X* T. » N M Waalarn Timbar C (7*9) 193« 420 Mary r Hmblt ami J H » W W M 30 ; 422 72 <70ft> 192" »17 4 6 . 1X0.0» I» Guerrier 3 N E. Har I« T f N K. to Hae IJ Timber •«» W (790) l»30 W e»lein Timber Co. . E. J Mherman, t S N- H 3 W W M |»2N 446.6«. 192) •2'»3< i •22 72 9 A ) |1 I» Hump S N H. > W. W . IT 1 • 44 24 ; uj - 4.1* 76 . 4144.N7 W«wlri n Timbar Ci . (7»I » IMo 410 . ,.f K E H -' JO T. » N H H E 412 17 > W W M h E. S tew art. J. A. H(a* | , | N W ‘.4 He«- 17 T. 3 N R. ft W W Marr «"•» 'J art. Ja», ■ (7M ) 1930 M. . W estern Tim ber Co.; and J ie ep h ln e Ib Ml . « n o» i»»» u n i 417.00, »I» 03 ltt.pi 44 3 2 . 47.27 W H 6 W 17 T L I H W V * He«- 62 A ln 1..H I » 0 « ' lu ll •" L lie« 36 T 8 N H s W v* 4 He« I« T 3 N M 6 W W M West- M Michael M urP urphy. l»27 »24 M M »« hael R * * (71»l |yJ|w |¿ y 47. „ «m Tim lwr ('» < 7»7 » 1930 4» 76 . 41" » I l»2U 1»2* 43X.2O H I % Hae. 18 T 8 N. H 6 W. W M 4130 *». of N W e-Iern Timber Co |7»*» 1930 4» 74. 2 and H G«»vt. Lota I ' and 410.10 4 N H 4 W W M E. I« Her. » IVb-i , N E. •» H« i. I» T. S N R ft W W j H I xümm . (720» 192» 417 »&. 1V80 Co. (?»»> Tlmlwr M W ertem 42« 17 . 449 1* 4 W W 41« 24 41* I* H K. % He. 1 I 1926 » U .- l E ' j <»f N M Maury A Hurley |»2* 426.* , and *2 Hae I» 1»26 442 46. IM» .. ribeai I» Vol ..rds . <724) E 4.16.2* K. % »»f II K. W W M . C hristian Van llvek 191" 420.a s . 424 14 Govt lx»t 7 Her « T 3 N R. 4 W W ,726) 193" 46.69; M Detroit Trust C* H IL L S B O R O