îîillsb on I Section Two — Tax Foreclosure Section Pages 1 to I rg u s With Which i» Combined the Hill»boro Independent VOLUME 41 Good Printing The Argus Gives Q uality Service at Fair Prices HILLSBORO, OKKOON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1935 A Rain “Dear” Laurel Ridge House Burns Mt. Home Group Planning Party Summons “ NO. 47 : A rthur H C lem ent; Carolin« K. Clement C urrier. Alva C. C ulley Core M J- L. fle m ó n » . Wm. C lem ons; G. A. . „ G u ile , J C Guyer . J _ W^ G u y « . John ' ■ ? * '' £ “* £ 3 ." s " u '.Î’T" w ' b o . r M .r s u .r it . J O u n r r>.lb»rt K lin e .r b ; J-Uli. j A nn s K linker; T. Klinker j H m elntbn K .4 ..M » j e s y k ; Reaali« KoiodaUjeajrfc. Hairy I .and Co. I JuHu» Koppiin Kat.; Andy Koetur . Kaih­ W ASHINGTON COUNTY, a Municipal , Mar» A ('..lam an; R 11 Colaman ; Ham it w H a llo r k M. im U l a I ***n K‘" tu r : K A m ltha E. Q K r»l; R ohm R. " .. « •« •* » . Hallock Laura Kral ÖUMan U; E K rook; Hulda Curporstion and PolllU sJ Mub-dlvislua * n ,h » * ' ulem a,, . J F Colm an M r. ll,« H L ... of O reso ri. t w in .. F u lto n c ..||r t» , F ran k If C ollin. M H am blin; John Hammel Hammond ; C. Krook; Pi ulina E. Krunrer . Ixtula _____ Home Christian Endeavor met at P la in tiff. I Com m ercial N atl Rank of H ili.la.ro ; Lumbar B E. Haney a* guardian K uhn; Sam uel Kuna; Elair M K u ralli ; the home of John Schmeltzer Frl- C o m m o n w n lth T ru .t A T ill. Co . f . r,, , f raid I’.a r ta r ' 1 A H a rk e r,. LU- 1 B Laker l'ora La Borna; «J W W ln oilrt G r a n g e r s Pomona evening The organization W ill I S r la Abraht,-. R. M A braham . J. fj. i ? mla. * k o h ls,* n C. (o o s r e s s ,|..o H jt»n ■, Hanna ft E Hanna Ar.oa H Borne; Wm. R. Larry; N ellie La ('hap- hurrh o f Tualatin . Elmer T Connell ; EÎ- Hannan .. , hold a "birthday party February 1 A i . r . , , , . ; i„ .« ,n.e„, c , . n„ hurrb ............... Mae Hannan ; Ralph Hannan ; prllr; C. R. I.a Pol let t : Eld in W. Lam b; ; A. J W alter H an n an ; Hansen ( o n tr a d in g ( •>. Ernest Landa r a f f ; Langa; Hoats January 23 “‘c m o n e y U ,ui, ,. A ,.„,„. A w Ad> «urn,... mer . Conroy . Con I men tai L ift In .. Co Manley Ir»r K atie Han*en . Peter Hansen Jno. B* A. L u rran ce. A. O. lau irn an ; ______ lo P*ty the electric bill at t h e H AdkinRon . W tllisn, Adler , Wm A Adler H Harm« E at.. Prank C Harnach Kate I^tw renx; M innie I .a wren a; Jiaieph D. church Admission W ill b e the num- W . A dler lle rn a rd Adblr; 1». F. A e s .r - ' , J-k . Wilbur Conk ; L F C-r,nrod; A rchie ¡ ■ ' H ^ k ' 1 ’ I * ' " « :, f * “ I»eho; Anna M. I.eriwidite; Anna J. l e e . LAUREL K1IXIE Fire of uil k r of pennies of one’s age T h e ’ ler; H «,rstt. A r ,„ i„ . F v . F. A l e i . n d « . '• . ( k i l l ; F E C o rn e ll!» ; R o th A nn C o ,. " a r " a‘ > " ' J p ¡¿‘ ‘ ‘I .................................... Harry A A lexan d er. A. C. A lfo r d ; Dairy ■ « o m e liu . Htate Bank; Mary P n, “ Maro»««®» ■ £ » " k I.eon L I .e e ; Forest Hart (.e h n e r . Jacob 1 known origin destroyed the home public In Invited — There w ell) b e a ............................. »Jrd am A llr i ' ■ A la .a n d .r C o u .ta . W illiam C ourts. i! * rrl“ n , • ; T „ H* r ,: L en ta. Nora *B L ent«; 8. W. Leonard; A lle n ; Benjam in A m aterd am . A lice , of the Don Uugiey funiily New program, refreshment» and games.1 _ , Jacob Leaser ; Philip Ixsaaer, Jr. : Gordon aa Cirwlea . E m m . C ow ie. . " * n „ » r~ ‘ « * " • » , ______ L llllsn _______ Harvey i *'" * A n .U r.o n ; F h ef» L. | J * • c ^ raine '.’ W alter R. HaakinZ H laeater . Ered L illy ; Marion L illy; I Year’» Eve The family had gone M l»» Ellen Marie Jaquith Is chair- Eat C s C raw l,e,I • Nor» L H arvey. T A ~Apple- X y " il _ ’« M > • C r o w d « ; R.!y B " H a , i J?«":. H ._ H » m « s to »pend the ________ evening man of the committee on arrange- A n g e ll: K g a .“ t. A a nyrT ,L, i a A T A n nton 'n m ; ,"nr i„ .i.. i i h i. •; I Cr“ Cr— ____________ _______ 1K< __ * •. M‘ __ R O. Alma L in d b erv, Marie L ln n e; Anton lo i’orllund L its a r ; Max Ixw b ; The fin- wus (hoovered bv ncign- mints. Leaders for the Sunday J.'u*';.kni'c ., ''"Addi c. Jui«?' id^B' ‘ c,.,.'der B ,,i.b ’v7'< r " ■ o.Tbl'ci/- i*21'2“ p i. FmTT;I Margaret ~ n 7 * T J 1 Ix>ng; bora, who sent out an alarm to th e , evening sessions at the church were a e i» , M in»ie Bai,.-r Eat.; K. c B acon . ■ ■> Curri.- Lucy I. C urry; J a c i , , i “ , ' ’ L’ V?"ia Y; : J * ? ”" KtJh.,o,.d »Lap' iL^*h whole neighborhood The fire was announced as follows. Lily Nelson. gi .. g . t B sc ,., i ., ui . B . c m . Marrisl D sk ta d m . F r ed . p .U y « .1 ; ku «- £ £ ■ f*”B J m Y u .“ *?* ’ Gui* f i.» iri jo. L.»ui discovered too lute lo enable any- January «. Marl Schmeluer, Jan- ¡ j - " '' »berm .., B acm . Gw.. R. B .y lr y ; ’■■ ’■ I h » rb , Llnd.ll B a rb , . O. F. E ,™ tu 5 i l m . O V H . p i . R K™ ' ‘ l.o n d b u r , I. V T u n d b u X •' cr J F Illy M al..I II A lll.'.n i U r illM T A I M I in o c M O U N T A IN H O M E - M o u n t a i n a ...... (CunUnuml from Isat week) P. W . E. D (' ^ .' u e ('IIAPTK& XII A NNE wa» very »low in rrcover- i. Henry v B en...,, N ina c . B.„w ,n "I'll »pend next aumnier In Hills­ D ryer; B la n ch , l.a V e il. H. ^ a ; A M H * A o L l^ °* Th” m" » M rlndoe; Meml 1» j be host to the W boro,” »he assured lier long-suf- veatm ent Co. ; Meier A Prank Co , I Pomona Grange Mary, A. H ow ell; Suaan H ow ell: G. K. W W M ellar; E. U ereeae; L. Mer« I ering physician, "very quietly The , Tualatin school H o w itt; Eva K. Hubbard; Harvey B. climate in bracing enough there, 1 (C ontinued on page 2. column 1) session 1» an ticip ated , accorum g to — - « ..o w .,v.o - c o o .n - . u ... . uiv.». . r . v u / c . . n . n . « /w y e r r f / Ui f >. J Hufford ; J. C. Hungerford ; assure you.” Pomona Lecturer Josephine Stock- «ue8ta Mr and Mrs George n . n n . h j m . n ' h « d B u i I » “ L ^ i i n \ C. K b y e Luey D ye; F^gle Lumber f t * H u n tm rW n ■. EJU T . Hyde Albert "The climate may be all right. C o .; G. Harold E arle; .Stewart E a rle. ,H e; Kobert > « •; Investm ent Co. (Corp.) ler. The morning hours will be AP160* 1 and family New Years, io Robert H Board. * SAXTON A LOONEY In fact I have no doubt tlial It 1»,1 lx»ra K E a stm a n ; Ea«t Side L orainy Irving Investm ent Co. ; M M. la r a e l; I taken up with regular business und ¿h® Courtneys, who had been the william Cowan Bolton j . . „ but 1 do not believe you will rest U Boone; C o.; E. G. E aton ; L. A. E a to n . H B Neil« Neil« C. C Iveraon R B, 1« Jacks r n Producer# of Quality annual report» of officers. Newiy house guests of her parents, Mr K j . h . „ u f h Iver»on ; R. C. W Bor- Eberly; H B. Eddy Bon; Edwin P , “ _ IvenM>n ’ R « C. very much. Your huabund come» elected officers will be Installed in “«W Mrs. J. B Bartlett of Scholls J B.«». H . t t l . E B oo.; C hristian J a a er ; Mr«. R. E Edward» ; Ethel L. H's' started their home- l'"r' ■ M*rj' J “ m“ Bradford M zhr? You wbdi to do everything Viutloiu to the annua’l Grange * afd Journey early January 2. a ni9 Bradford Charlotte Bradley Minerva; E. Edward». Ehrman FIIiArf. Gert^r* a A ni^je^rii- I Plant located 4 miles north of For - you can to help him?" nnle li 4/ Ua.,i d Rra‘,ler. T A .Brad' Thom*» H. E llio t. V ir iii F ra n k EJH «xt’ B J e w e H H Hilja i l j n Johar»»on b p.’ j est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone Stormy weather la welcome to church day will be considered at Johanaon Of course." this meeting Churches In the city They expected to reach home by ¡J» Kate „ F- Urahey; j . m « Lewi. K K itty M. E lli». Mae B. E lb a, E lteo In- f ohn '• Johnson; A. J. Johnson, : 1609R Then you had better begin by one who owns a raincoat of guy of Forest Grove have been the place i'nday evening vestm ent C o.; D aniel Em er irk Ju lia W ^ «wry D. Joh nson ; Edward W Johnson ; , Bri.i. n H r , I k , . i ™ Brri,» — j Lmcraon ; Sarah Fêla Êmmon» ; A. R. Flcriur Johnum ; Elaie M. Johnvon Ern- getting yourself bi good physical Homan a (.ripen, auch aa the of . ------------ m eetin -------- g for ----------- several years K“Y Ego and Roscoe Courtney _ re- o , , 'Tri.Wriek E Above. Black galonhea and beret eondllloii." James kllpatrlck, Bertiia Shop- sor*«J Uj oldtime tactics last week aimer«,; E ,r i c . l i r o o . 7 y " ‘.' f ' c t:nKt* n,i t a ' - ■ A n ’— Li. an EnyW r. -n . . J ,h ' n •. F -U w r G. J o h -.-o n . Ge*. H. — Jf.hn E r ic k x n ; O tto Erickson A Co. ; A yr,e» Jo h n so n ; Gaory« H. Johnson : Grace 1 = pard and Gerald Smith have re- “»“> traded horses, each securing Bronaugh ; Fhortm 8. Brook, i’" Erker . Louis E v a n s; Orrin V. Fair Roy Juhn‘ o n i Gust H. Johnson ; Jamca R. J o h n - , would talk to Neul about going color». dl»playod by Betty Fur- turned to the University ol Oregon ÎL...1 or5i - w _ A make him a ir. r Brook. L R. C. F a ir U rsa M F a ir ; E u y en e E a n te tti ; A / uh,nî ^ ^ J J íí - n h ® X • J°h HARRISON D. HUGGINS aíu7»p¿í.dm g ¿ h i h ü ï d i y ï u - Ù ^ Ä h U‘“ ,,“ “ “ U‘ ,O r ,i™ .„ “ A l i S T S ^ l i y . " ^ . ¿ T o " n - away; but Neal, like moat men, ness. Him actress, humes, retained. L. B row n; C. L. B row n; D. R. Brown'; Felden Harry T. Feldm an" Edward W ®’ E Jahn**jn . A nna Eliza Jonev . J . ' and especially like must husband». M. 0. Shoulder llrokrn Jerome Waldron expects to begin J*1« B ro w n ; E lla j B ro w n ; Fred L. Feldt ; Sadie Feryuaon ; Elizabeth Freeman ^or, In l«ortland for which he “f e ’ r1“ «“ ». Bun" C. F ish e r ; Beanie L. F isk ; W. P. F isk ; M’rT le K ane; Edna Shearm an K atz; SPECIALIST She a as and dressed, now you kn,,w th stuff it of or T our^1 o i f"“*1 b • ^ e . carf1,’r l e i ^ U h o t ’^ u l f t e r 0"*1“1' “,,U turners Ralph K ay; Levi E. K ay; Ight shoulder cuts Jo*‘n . C B u ch an an. L otta H. Bu- Mary Fitzyerald ; A. F. F le y e l; Dora D T w onri Ä e v p r v Ä w i n t e r r was off in Ä L B ^ ; 1 she went out for.« short ride in k„„w o .at I love you and trust ‘’" j A n X / ' f c am T1 T K eck; Wm. N. K eeler; Jasper W Laura M. F letch er; W. GLASSES FITTED Mountttln Home Ladles’ Aid met Keffer. J essie G. Kelley; Andrew K elly; « T e ? T. Z r v iX y & ^ l f£5 r,x,w bUt I lh O U ,h t yOU ° U K the Springbrook John i . m Pb ,ii F a r ;' b d . limSbii - Sarah Galbreath; Wm. M. G ale; O. watched her with secret anxiety. She often did that—astonishing how M,n Danny liave returned from ing association and the p o s - Florence Canning.- w illia m C a n n in g ’ M. Gardner; T. H artt G ardner; El- sible joining by the - Scholls M.n». c . r i ; M ,r> e C ariile; R a ' freda Garrick ; Vernon R. G arrick ; Ches­ She was he was reluctantly forced »be had mastered It. He couldn’t' thrlr vacation in Wasco county wu-i— thereof • > — .u «- ........................- K'>* C arm an. Roy C arm an; J. ter H Gatevnan ; Dorathea C. Gateman ; to admit to himself verv thin, get a can of hot water himself If Mr. and Mrs. Willard Downey and Berry growers. This association at Grace Gearin ; Hu*h C. Gearin ; W alter C. very while and very llslle»» He Uie steward who happened to wait children June and Joan of bong- Springbrook requires each mem- M c-rpantar. ber to purchase a »50 share Of , H ( " J J Carrutkara; L o u la eC a m n b a r a ; G e a rin ; R. R. G eltn er; Frederic C. Gerl- To preserve memory to the irled to find satisfactory explana- on him dldn t speak English v,ew- W ash. spent their New Year s entering. ■>rm* c - C a n o s ; J .m « . B C a n o n ; E llie in® ; Naomi P. G e rlin g ; Fred W. German lion for this: of course the logs clever. Anne was and better ev- '’“cation at the H. P. Strickler stock upon rightful heirs of the c o m i n g ---------------------------------- ¡j c? n * i - E. C w ; Bart Casa; Co.. In c.; J. H enry G e m s h , J. T. Ger- of the babv had been a shock to ery year- a great credit to him homc and also visited other rela- _ - Martha G. C asa; M innie V. C asa; Pater rish Est. years, that it may have the same her; but she would recover from Hr never would have got where llves ln l,‘e neighborhood, Albert P. Gibson : Bertha J. Gibson ; Jack ?“ «*■ Rosa ■-?.«» c « . R<» meaning to them that the living w all; M in n i. M C ata; C ava; t Harry tlial Of course she had suffered a he hail without her. Complacently .. Ff ‘?.llv ««re b Gibson ; Martin G ie sy ; Harold 8. T. be; W alter D. Challaeombe Ch*lle--^"'>'- G ilbert; Th« mas M G illiam ; 8. L N. „ Challacom Chsltaaomba; good deal of pain; but after all. he went to sleep Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peed and fam- have found in it, that is the duty Caall L handler; Ruth Orpha Chandler G ilm an; Mr«. H. G ilroy; Harvey J. G lass . ner constitution was good, all» In the morning when he woke ' *ho recently arrived here from Cherry ------ " Grove ro v e Land Co. ; T Ethel th e ] J J^ Char- Caroline G le a se r ; H elena of the memorial. Only selected M G leeson; ought to have excellent powers of »be lay. as usual beside him He Colorado, liave located on / ran k s; A Ch a rv m k . Frank A. hervenka; A. C. Globe Investm ent C o.; R. D. G odfrey; recuperation But did she? It be- never guessed that she had spent wiL?*'0™'’ Fur8ter P*“ce near Sher- granite should be used, other (B y Mr«. O. H. Peterson) C hinn; Mabel C hinn ; Mabel M C hinn; C. M. Good Est. ; Robert C. Good­ gan to Ux>k us H she did not About moat of the night walking blindly M r ntwl M r s « o c .r te k l u I . B E N D -M r Olid Alfred Groer and .C; C hinn; A nna C hristen sen; Fred win ; Ethel Gordon ; Scott E. Gordon ; materials do not stand the test Mr. uiki Mr.s. „ P* Strickler had daughter Helen entertained last J,hnsten»en; Hans Chri»t«n»en; Han« p M i n n i e Ardeil G ou rley; Geo. D. . A E « .' The Memorial - - - Fiftieth Birthday Party H eld Bend . g air. O tte b e **U*a nice and l ln yuebet, he told her .......... .. •'It'S nice and cool ln Wonhuig- urn «Mm." retorted Anne. could come too— Just before the opening of con- grus»? My dear girl, you know that is ImpuHslble I am so driven at tills time of the year 1 hardly know which way to turn. Beside» . . "Besides, you feel that this year If you went away at all, you ought to go to Hillsboro?" Neal hesitated, then drew ln hl» breath a n d six>k«- w ith t h e a i r o l one who wa»PDreparlna for a deep lunae Pr'T‘u l,lK “ d«ep l i V i e S d ^ " 1 ‘T ^ h e ’ e i **> ^ p loJ5?t ^ h a ^ at It sooner Of course the man that’s ln ha» certain advantages. hut Melcher, who 1» almost certain to oppose me ha» millions behind him where I have thousands, and he own. the biggest newspaper In the state. I do think. Anne, you •ometimes overlook the Importance ot keeping tn touch with state af- fairs In your desire not to miss anything here. You are kind to every one who coine» to Washing- ton. but you’re not at home a great deal Now If you could get to Hlns- bor ^ 1 early S E this I w spring S F * • • '• And make UD Your mind fo r a ------------ w. ~ --- ii'T J f thnl kepl bolh from approachlng her--j«.niethlng _ alntoot unrarthlv -something wholly tragic. The jU,my serpent of .lander had cram- “nd Norme Peter»? Mrs Wern- and Lona Werre. Mr Mr». W. C Edv and Donald . - J. L „ „ „ fTomnwíTí.lí™ru- Year’» day C fr5m WauiivilTe. . C hristensen; Laura C. C hristen sen; Clark m * a r* K. C h r istie. Citizens Natl. Bank of Portland; City o f Forest G rove; C ity o f H illsboro; Claud V _ _ . c “ rk ; John W C lark; Sarah Clark Mr. and M R aon » ¿ and e hla r wife. and he'r arid r a --------- and Mrs Eicher moVher of ^ r s R Edy ShnilnS^r all oTvanrouver w « h Edy Shilling«-!-, all of Vancouver. Wash _ .9al^ Mlích''!1 c ii. w ith ‘h tT b iS h e of ? Ua.ker 1S 'bating uer home. Miss Frances Host. Bend school- teacher' entertained her brother “nd sUter-tn-law. Mr. and Mr» Post’ and her niece Carol Jane Post of 1'wln Palls Idaho, during the holidays at her home in For- est Grove, where she lives with her mother, Mrs. Spence, and niece Wilma Post. They all enjoyed a trip down Uie Coast highway as far as Cresent City Cal Mr and Mrs. h L Doane and family moved into a olair at Dur- i f M ’e I f T ¿ « ‘E '" r H ^ % % « a JS& d « M i a n “ em* S e fe S e f f i n ^ o u ? W h o ^ l (Continued N ext Weak, Green Mountain y ^ C .^ .^ ie r T M i T i r s * ^ S ^ k ro S M C^ g M trlct with a snow plow. Patrick and Donald SchmelUer The several days with illn c ^ T h e r ^ w ^ Born, to Mr and Mrs Frank evening was spent in plavhig p ' consldeiabV illness ii ? the neiBh Schmldlin at the home of Mr and »ochle. pl , ^ X x x l dunna Chrutmal vacation Mrs. Joe Sinejkal. Deeember 27. a Service. Held Entertained S i New Ye«r’a £ r t , boy. The Infant lived but one day . Edward Vincent, brother of Mrs Mr and Mrs Albert Scott enter and was laid to rest Ui the Buxton Ruby Haynes, died at Washington tamed for a party of vouna neoDle cemetery. j county hospital last week. Burial from the Highland Baptist church , Mr und Mrs. Earl Oenzer spent services were held In Middleton ' in Portland on New Year's eve and Christmas week at the Knepper cemetery. Hew Year’s day Those prese... present _- ’“.T1’ ,°.n ,,a ld Mountain. -------- --------- were Mr. and - Mrs. — Howard P Sher­ „ Christmas guests at Mrs. Theresa ‘One Night of Love” to wood and — Mr a ----- n d ---- Mrs. ------ Harry ,, Smejkal» A.n, ,, a home 11 ,llc, were were Mr, Mr, and and Mis Mrs. he c Moore, Messrs. Alan Sherwood, Roy ¡ \ !. w m iam ^Sm e^kaf' » n d H e r a ld ? v «ne*'«n Screen Robertson, Harold Carlberg. Lee of nation- Wund. Larey Franklin. Misses Glady - w in . dde praUe praise by and j fani“re c , . . . , . . ? ri,,Ia,J^a<' ' . ¥ r' “i’d Mrs- Prank ; wide acclamation, the Z Carlberg. Nettie «»umbla ^ t &UO». J e a Singleton n Ä K S Mar- iÄ l *'s’. rxl n11 n'"r v e r - p - ^ u n 'o n . o n e Night of Love, and Mildred Ingram Koncond>' .caching school, living tn a tene- rnent aQd doing your own wjuslilng ■■eii in i n e n e a v e n s ha« lt-s points. And in one of the New Venetian Feature sensational fdieet« you are pictured ! i Warner BaxtoT , .» win . . b ? a t „ the v S I ï.’ t i . vn n ‘Ä \ h * I r ^ > . “ J a°-’!7‘ Mr. ay’ Z « L V . 1' S ^ n í e - , M ^ rs r . George ” l * v ^ U Dulln. U“á,n d ‘V 1M l¿ndGrar¿ hS«»d “nr, Wed!lesda> Thc fllni Flay' Dc'’erell. all of Portland based on a story by Charles Bea- __________ hail and Dorothy Speare. presents Quality Job printing—Argus. an entranclngly novel blejid of ant little climber. The stories are ,7 “ “ i . c » m oe ai ine vene- romance, comedy, music, drama and lerrlbly distorted, I know, but there: b ^ U 0 ^ 0 1 1 ^ 0 1 lon d on ^ b lB m rt exotic settings. is a grain of truth ln them, and " X ,iu “The Are ° ih e new Chauffer Test Set 1 1 thAnn'^<'J?i>t e°ln*«iine a l od I l’l<-ture tells an absorbing story of Anne sat very still. An tgnor- death and danger In the skies above Martin Redding, examiner of oper- " ant, Impudent, aggressive Uttlc No Mail's land. Warner Baxter, ators and chauffeurs, will be in climber Bo that was the way daring American flier, has but one Hillsboro Wednesday, January ». j he nppeared to her enemies and great fear Thnt Is the "fear of at the courthouse from 9 a. m. to 1 Neal's. The perseverance, the pa- j being afraid." 5 p. m. ' . n i c e , the self-sacrifice, which nod I ------ - enabled her to grow from a raw little country girl Into a well-de-| veloped. self-assured woman were Ignoble rather than admirable qanl- Itles when viewed with unfriendly eyes. She felt as If something cold and sharp had penetrated her heart and colled around It. But Neal, unconscious that she was stricken, went on talking. "I don't want to hurt your feel­ ings, Anne, and of coiuw I know yon don't mean to be Indiscreet, | buto well . . . Tasslter was here 11 good deal last winter. It was ru­ mored around that you that he— | anyway when thc baby was born, there was a paragraph ln City “ V K , > Tested Free PRODUCTION Selfridge Bro». Phone PHILCO DEALERS 21X ciaanamod; rhebe G r iffith ; Cora F A. C Gr**n d r it t i i h ^ l t ' Lea G uarrier: J . P OREGON MONUMENT WORKS « H. H. Stannard, MgT. -i- 4th at Main, Hillsboro ________________ STATEMENT OF CONDITION The Commercial Rational ‘ B ank Hillsboro, Oregon DECEMBER 31, 1934 RESOURCES CASH ON HAND and DUE FROM BANKS LIABILITIES #251,423.00 #1,159,637.15 GOVERNMENT BONDS 325,674.73 DEPOSITS MUNICIPAL BONDS and Warrants. Oregon Munic­ ipal Bonds and Washington County and School Warrants . 281,799.11 CIRCULATION 37,500.00 CAPITAL .................................... Our Stockholders' Investment 75,000.00 Surplus and Undivided PROFITS Additional funds of Stockhold­ ers' being held in reserve for benefit of this B an k ............... i £ j j? in A O ,445.xy FEDERAL RESERVE BANK and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Stock ................... BANKING H O I SI'. FURNITURE and FIXTURES OTHER REAL ESTATE ........... LOANS and DISCOUNTS Demand, Time and Real Estate Loans ........................................ total 5,441.34 38,550.00 10,313.50 375,378.76 9 1 ,2 8 8 ,5 8 0 .4 4 total ....................... 9 1 ,2 8 8 ,5 8 0 .4 4 Deposits as of December 31, 1933............. 826,940.06 Poultry and Dairy Feeds UNAVOIDABLE ACCIDENT That may be true — but every accident takes its toll ] in life, health, or auto dam­ age. Are you completely |covered by the RIGHT In­ surance for all forms o f auto mishaps? CHAS. L. WALKER I. X. L. HILLSBORO FEED CO McCormick-Deering Farm Machinery Phone 271 Grazer FEED 1004 Main St. Deposits as of December 31, 1934.... $ 1 ,1 5 9 .6 3 7 .1 5 INCREASE IN TWO YEARS $ 4 1 2 ,2 4 2 .9 1 The officers and directors of this banking institution, wish to thank the people of Hillsboro and Washington county for the loyal support they have given this independent home-owned bank. The interests of W ashington Agent that contains 500 lbs. oil meals per ton. Douglass R adio Service R Deposits as of December 31, 1932.............#747,384.24 The best Feed nt any price and costs no more than some cheap Feeds. Your herds and flocks will produce more and your profits will he larger FEED r . b . W Guy Start 1935 Right I.X.L. TUBES Grazer Mrs. Ed Johnson and Lucille were entertained day at the H L. Els Vour Hoo” "“ "'"W Fg new ■ears aay aim r a ^ I “"“ i, 153XrsV^ohn “ “ | , A, “ ,“ ai d„Bob J^ rUr PMrs p I Y.-ur v Fv . ^ v o Pli sRini , N, w ‘ ur, ^ortland wiUi friends (Too 1st« fur last w«rk I i ’?1 ,.i.’i “* i-^ fck_.t,ii!’<’rt..It“elord , account of the deep snow and Ivan J«ck of Tigard visited *“***" trees Herman Peterson Monday at the John Strickler home I ,"L I’.’“11 carrier between Buxton C ue»ts at a party at the home of “nd Uucona. could not make the Mr and Mrs. Harry Schmeltzer r*'t,‘rn trip Saturday and spent the Friday night were MU» Evelyn n,Kht #t p p BaJ,py homp Hesse and Armour Reynolds o l » c k ^ J ^ e a ^ e ^ M r^^nd^s rann again. of time. G r a ce; W’m. L. G raham ; Geo. R. G ray; Every form of protection — Fire, automobile, casualty, liability. Fidelity, Surety and Life. Phone 1732 1164 3rd St. Deposits in this Bank are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the manner and to the extent provided under the terms of Banking Act of 1933. county are paramount with us. As has always been our practice, we are glad to extend credit on proper security to the businessmen and farm ers of Wash­ ington county. EDWARD SCHULMERICH, President. E. I. KURATLI, Vice-President. W. C. CHRISTENSEN, Vice-President. ALF O. JOHNSON, Cashier. W. V. BERGEN, Assistant Cashier. C. JACK Jr., Assistant Cashier.