P age Ten T H E Evangelist to Hold Meetings 11 I L L S B O R 0 A R G U S, H IL L S B O K O . Huge Sum Spent in C ounty for Relief Purposes W orld’s Tiniest Mail Train O R EGON lines as knee-aellon wheel*, auper- hydruulle brakes, ride stabilizer, center-control steering and all-silent synchro-mesh gear shlfllng. ae New Gld.Mimblle sixes and eights cording to Julius Whitelaw, loeal for 1935. featuring greater size, Gldsniolille and Chevrolet i i r i i n i In addition Ila- new car features power and economy, are now being the all-steel turret top body by sliown at the Hillsboro .Motor com­ i l , her, the whi-ellia.se has been In­ pany showroom nt Third and W ash­ creased to 115 Inches in the six and ington streets. Fourteen body types 121 Inches in the eight, and horse­ are offered, seven in tiie six and power of the six lias been step|M-d an equal number tn the s tra ig h t, up from 84 Io 90 and of the eight eight. from ini u> loo. Oldsmobile has retained such le a -' The sixes ooirtUllis- In the low 1955 O ld sn io b iles N o w B eing S h o w n le y ’s R iv al T ed d y Leavitt W ill B egin W ork H ere on Sunday T hursday, January Total of »95.635 was expended In j W ashington county for relief work during the last eight m onths of A very significant move among the 1934. according to report« of K. W Christian churches of the county is J Well, relief committee chairm an, being launched in Hillsboro Sunday. and W J. Mills, county SKUA man- Teddy Leavitt, state evangelist, and ' ager During tills time 706 persons noted evangelist of the West, has 1 from the relief rolls were given been engaged to lead the churches I work Oil the various projects. of Beaverton. Forest Grove, Gales Federal allotm ents to the county Creek. North Plains and Hillsboro during the period am ounted to »67,- in a five m onths evangelistic cam ­ 1 305 and the balance of *28.330 was paign. the county's share of state liquoi The evangelist and representa­ funds. Payrolls accounted for »62,- tives of the churches will be at the local Christian church Sunday for 650 of the total expended. »30.600 was used in direct relief and »238.» j of the state liquoi- fund money was | spent for rent, mileage, m aterials for self-help projects, compensation insurance and other items. Projects approved during the post ) eight m onths in W ashington coun­ ty totaled 70. Of this number 2.i were completed. 33 were active and ' 12 had not been started. So-called I self-help projects, such as sewing, ! comforter niakuig. canning, furni- ) ture making and repairing, and A farm er living n ear The Dalles, Ore , uses his own "m ail tra in " wood-cutting were quite satisfactory to help out the postm an. W ith the aid of a few b atteries, this tiny and ap p aren t" worthwhile, the re­ engine daily m akes th e h a lt mile trip to the m ain road, w here th e lief executives declared. Tho latest "baby s ta r" to postm an fills th e "m ail box c a r." tu rn s th e engine around, and T h at the recent reduction of tin j s ta rts It back home. wage scale for those on relief roll, m ake gevd In Holly v en d la 3-j ear-old J u a n ita to the level of the going wage in vivacious the county has not reduced the "B aby J a n e ” Quigley, above, earnings of relief clients was the whose splendid work In a new opinion of Mills. He pointed out production earned ner a five- th a t work orders are based upon year contract, sta rlin g nt a »250 A popularity the bugetary deficiency of the. weekly anlary. clients. As a result those employed m atching «hst r ’ P’-'rley T em ­ will receive the same am ount in; ple la predicted for Jane. Teddy Leavitt wages each m onth but will be re- < an all-countv fellowship for the quired to work a few hours longer, j W ater Firm O ffe r s purpose of organizing a county as­ Mills emphasized the fact t h a t ' sociation of churches and outlining the eastern section of the county a schedule of meetings for the A id Ltx'al H ea rin g evangelist. This meeting will fol­ had been particularly favored with low a pot luck dinner at one o'clock (Continued from pare one) works projects as several were in Evangelist Leavitt is to begin operation Iroui last M aj until the could not stand the Increased cost. his series of meetings Sunday to present time. Weil stated th a t e f­ Gross revenues from all of t h e ) continue nightly during the week. forts are being made to obtain more company's properties in Oregon were Mr. Leavitt is a team w ithin him ­ self. He can go into a lumber camp work projects in the Hillsboro area less th an *300.000 last year, he said community or a big city church to care for local people on relief S tate public utility commission and preach the gospel with success. rolls. was represented by Claude Lester. I Before taking up the work as state T hat assurance of works programs commission engineer, and V. H evangelist, under the direction of extending over a greater length Dunkln and D. Schultz, assistant I the State Convention of the C hris­ tian church, he was a general evan­ of time th an In the post appears engineers, and Hillsboro by P. L. gelist and has evangelized in W ash­ probable under the new set-up was Patterson, city attorney. President ington and California as well as the declaration of Mills. He pointed Elliott. R. E. Wiley, local m anager, ] Oregon and has been called back out th at failure of assurance of a and J. T. Delaney. Salem manager again and again for succeeding works program for a definite period appeared for the water company. meetings. of time ra th e r th an from m onth to The hearuig was the result of a j Rev. Leavitt is not a stranger m onth has caused the suppression complaint filed June 16 by the I to W ashington county A number of years ago he organized the Beaver­ of many worthwhile projects. Local city council on behalf of 90 local ton church and nas since conducted political subdivisions have not felt w ater users. revivals a t N orth Plains and last Evidence of th e trem en d o u s im pact, cars of a local tra in Into justified in obligating themselves year held one of the best meetings Forest Grove church has held tn w hich an express crashed n ear D elaw are, O.. were strew n about like for any considerable outlay for RAY V. CARY years, according to the m inister. toys a fte r th e d isaster, in which th re e persons w ere k illed and 13 m aterials w ith no assurance tliat Funeral services for Ray V. Cary, Claude Sabin It Is because of this in ju red . In th is spectacu lar photo, one passenger coach is show n funds will be available for labor fact th a t he has been chosen to riled on top of an o th er. payrolls for a longer period of tunc 40, son of T. A. Cary, were held Sunday, January 6. a t the funeral lead in this new venture of the th an one month. chapel of W. E. Pegg in Beaverton churches. boundaries westward. Today ___ our Success of works program s depend with concluding services a t t h e The local minister, R. L. Putnam , B abson H its C uts doctrine is: “No One Must Be __ ... Al- Evangelical cemetery o n Cooper has had the evangelist in a p re­ lowed to S uffer!" T his Is being c ar­ upon local communities originating Mountain, under the auspices of projects, he stated, in th e last vious pastorate a t Salem and is ried too far an d is m aking us a in S c h o o l B u d gets dishonest, soft, and indifferent n a ­ analysis, the work is done for the the Beaverton lodge. I. O. O. F. No glad to present his friend in a 252. series of meetings here (Continued from pare one) tion. Rem< -Tiber, real manhood and communities, not the SERA. Mr Cary was born near Rochester, i " It is impossible for me to de­ both the individual and to th e col-1 ch aracter come only through stru g ­ Rapid work in putting through a Minn., February 1. 1894, and came scribe the character of the man lege gle an d hardship. with his parents to settle near project to protect the Forest Grove and his odd wavs of preaching the 4. Tendency to spread out too Independence Our Most Precious w ater pipe line was accomplished Beaverton In 1906. gospel message in his own inimical thin. By th a t I m ean trying t o 1 He died suddenly a t Clear Lake Vsset € way. You've got to h ear him again . crowd in too many subjects, some At noon Monday the lo- Wash.. January 3, 1935. leaving to and again to appreciate and to of which are inconsequential. The ,-PRICE Hill Hilly and Brushed W ool. All colors. Reg ular « .a s 93 .9 8 X u McCall 8130 REM NANTS SEW IT LIKE LIGHTNING WITH A A Big C learance ! A Table Full! At R em nant P rices! IN F A N T S’ ALL W OOL Tuques, B onnets, Cap*. \ alu.'s I.. each J 4 Q * «J g V 6 6 x 7 6 BLA N K ETS T h ey ’re plaid« and a big value. ffA x * Each PR IN TE D PATTERN t>«fC TK«r« i no futim g and fuming when you use a M c C a ll Printed PoWern. That's because noth­ ing ever goes wrong. Everything it printed for you to folio w - oven the cutting line. I M c C a ll ho« th a t gift-to-needlewomen pa te n te d !) And when your pattern tell« you to do so-ondso here and »uch-and-tuch right hare you do it of course. W h a t your pattern doesn't tell you your M c C o ll Cut and-Sew G uide does. Sc ♦here you ore— with a «mart little dress on your back before you know itl RIC RACS, BIAS T A P E 5c e 7 2 x 9 0 SHEETS F ull «ize, full value. P lain and Printed 49c -e f« ~ X «7V (Seam ed ) W e il’s January C learance P illow slip * 42x36 McCall Printed Pattern DRESS SILKS— Y ard ......................... 25c P eq u o t S h eets 137 81 x99 Here » a grand collecfion of the smartest, newest things in the print mode. Four yards or less will make you a dressl i 'T 7 72xl0K p j I S a le ’1 .25 pEQUQT k i T* sh uts a a « y • » j nuOwcAUs SUe 4 2 *3 6 p illo w ( M f s 27c A n n o u n c in g . . . (t The Car that Has Everything 99 N EW Solid -S teel “ T u rret-T op " B od ies by F isher N ew Streamline Heauty • Longer W heelbase • More Room More Comfort • Greater Power • Increased Economy and S o l i d - S t e e l “ I u r r e t - T o p ” B o d ie s h y F is h e r B uilt-In K nee- A c tio n W h e e ls R ide Stahiliz.er S p ecia ls for January 11 and 12 Red & W hite. ,ara W ashed and P olished a 1UC Safe prii <• P rom p t S ervice . . . CALO. $ B oys’ W OOL GLOVES Values to 35c yard M A IN STR EET PH O N E 81 Rumble esat, ru n s well 192 9 N ash $1 S ed a n ............... ........... ... _ _ Itay Tallm an of itaymoud. Wa h and i'a m i • Helen Shelve «I ’h coma. W ash . January n Our classified columns may have nor w ithout r rewards Is wvuifc being done by Just w hat you are looking for — v carelessness; t u c t w o iic M , n o r WUHOUl e w a r d s " — J week. ............ Work -.-* r x 40 f? r th "£ t and in dustry! Teach more hand » ‘th wheelbarrows Read them. ^ es and ‘he next era‘‘o n , Fan u erauon can toss V r l m e-silrve'ys ffto HoOpStCrS tO Hilhi hoopsters will tangle w ith 1 Scappoose Friday night on the lo­ cal court in the first m ajor home game of the 1935 basketball sea­ son. The McMinnville quintet will meet the Blue and W hite players here Wednesday evening In the: prac I game before the county play-off. Both games are called lor 7 p. m. p la v 11 Play in the county championship will open next Friday with the lo­ cals Journeying to Tigard for the initial game. Last night Hllhl first' and second team s played a t Mc­ Minnville. ’625 M arriage l.lenuM-s F A rthur Itavts of North i ’i»»i and Vera Mae Handford of lie, boro rutile 3. January 2 John O. Caublr and J. Margin, lie Ihinter. both of Eugene, j,,,,,, Weil’s January Clearance T rains Piled Like Toys in Crash 1935 C heck Up on Your pilee field while Ills eights h u e been reduced m pi ice iul iU1, cording in Whitelaw. SOUPS H einz. 2 for .......... H e im . Per d o zen 29c »«»to- CMMbr C en ter- C o n tro l S teerin g \| 29c ac. 4 h v C 25c 1 “C A N ew and Bigger 90-Horsepower S I X B igger, Super- H yd rau lic B rakes Syncro-M esh A ll-S ilen t S h iftin g THE - M O ST A N ew and Bigger /00-Horsepower E H H IT y o u w a n t in u 1935 c a r . E v e r y q u a li ty esse n tia l to m o to rin g satisfactio n . E v e r y fe a tu re y o u ex p ect in a c o m p l e te m o d e r n a u to m o b il e . T h is n e w O ld sm o b ile is c e rta in ly th e c a r t h a t h a a e v e r y t h in / } ! S o lid -S teel “ T u r r e t - T o p ” B o d ies v e r y t h in g E S ix fi f 6 7 i a n d up . . . E ig hn $ 860 an d up, H it p r i m a t Earning, lu bjtcl U> rhan^t •without n o tio . D um ptn -with g u a rd i, ¡ p a n lire , a n d r r a r tp rin g t o v t n bntit into a l l r a n a t the fa cto ry a t t x t r a rod. ConnirnirnlG. M . d . C, tim rpnim rntptan. A G EN ER A L M OTORS VALUE b y F is h e r —fe a tu rin g a seam - •C O M P L E T E L Y , S O U N D -P R O O F M any oth er item s sp e c ia lly priced for F riday and S aturday. T h ese p rices good Jan. 11 and 12 only. KNEK-ACT1 W H E E L S —b u ilt in to th e ch a a s an integrnl u n it o f all m od a t no e x tra co st. B ig g e r « u | h y d ra u lic brakes. A ll th e ot fe a tu re s sh o w n a t th e left. / t h e p r i c e is s till r i g h t do w h e re y o u w a n t i t . . . definit in th e lo w -p ric e field. » C A H , EVER » B U IIT OtALBR AO VIM T«BBM K »VT 27c $ * .5 9 le s s ste e l roof. H ills b o r o M o to r C o m p a n y Third and W ash in gton St*. JA M ES W H IT E L A W , P roprietor T elep h o n e 441