The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 10, 1935, Image 1

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    ;» • T»
T ipo
1 aus
Wills bon
Sections —
M ain N vwh S e c tio n an d
'l ax EorecloHun.'
W ith W h ic h is C o m b in a i th e H illsb o ro In d e p e n d e n t
The Argus Gives Q u ak ity
Service a t F air Prices
S ta te C apitol Liquor Raid
N e w s L e tte r
Staged State,
■ y A. U L I N O B ■ 0 K
County Men
Oregon Ixigislature to
Open Un Session
Next Monday
C o n tra b a n d
S t illa ,
A lc o h o l,
C a r C o n fis c a te d M o n d a y ;
Official On-yun In all nil
In wrleuuie the slat*- leglsIsUirn
on their biennial Invasion of the
capital. Finishing touches to the
urraiiKi'ini'iiU tor the comfort and
convenience of the lawmaker» dur-1
Illg their htay In Salem have been
T h re e
fraiitliaUy* . T t V t i T T c «
Good Printing
A r re s te d
Sentences Meted Out
O p e r a tio n L o c a te d o n M a i l e r
Argus Goes Out
One Day Earlier
Parm Loan Body
Reports Banner
Year in County
"Local Banks
Press time on the Argus has
been set ahead from T hurs­
day afternoon to Wednesday
nights until fu rther notice In
order th a t all subscribers In
WushUigton county may get
their paper Thursday m orn­
ings. In order to make de­
liveries and give this service
on Beaverton, Sherwood, T i­
gard. Portland and Llnnton
routes It Is necessary to send
a car to Portland In the
early hours Thursday m orn­
The rest of the papers on
Hillsboro, Hanks, Cornelius,
P'orest drove, Gaston a n d
Laurel routes muke the prop­
er connections out of the lo­
cal post office.
Earlier press time for the
benefit of readers and local
business f i r m s necessitates
considerable night work and
the publishers and employes
of the Argus ask the kind
co-operation of all In enabl­
ing them to give this service.
All letters from community
correspondents must, with the
co-oporatlon of people I n
their communities, be In the
Argus office not later tlian
Monday afternoon or eve-
Advertising must be In earlier.
Deadline for classified adver­
tising has been set ahead
Show Gains
in D eposits
C o m m e r c ia l N a t io n a l M a k e s
In c r e a s e o f 4 0 P e r C e n t
D u r in g P a s t Y e a r
Cash Reserve H ig h
F ir » t
N a tio n a l
B ra n c h
NO. 47
Peters Given
Oath Circuit
New loans totaling more than
*500.000 were mode through the
Washington County N ational Farm
Loan association during 1934, ac­
cording to reports subm itted a t the
annual meeting of the group Tues­
day at tiie local chamber of com­
merce. Officers and directors of the
G e o rg e
R . B a g le y
S w e a rs
association were all re-elected to
serve during the coming year.
Total of *288.100 of funds from
C e re m o n y M o n d a y
the Federal Land Bank of Spokane,
tor which the county association
acts as a loan agency, and slightly
more than *250,000 of special em ­
ergency land bank commissioner’s
funds were loaned in th is vicinity
during the post year, according to
F o u r C o u n ty O f fic e r s S ta r t
J. M. Person of Hillsboro, secretary-
He stated th a t the a
N e w T e rm s o f O ffic e
soclatlon had enjoyed one of Its
heaviest years during 1934 and th a t
George R. Bagley
ru lh
o( buslnes6
during thc .
__ _________
_ ...................
R. Frank Peters
. . . . . . . ______
_ __
R. . Frank
Peters __
of _______
sprlng taxed the capacity o? the George R. Bagley (left», retiring circuit judge, who adm inistered the came circuit judge of the 19th dks-
oath of office to his successor. R. Frank Peters 'rig h t' as judge of trict here Monday morning, being
sta tistic s quoted a t the local
the 19th Judicial district Monday.
sworn In by the Hon. George R.
meeting Indicated th a t 539 loans
Bagley, who installed his successor
, armers slnce thc y -
In office as the final official act
u n a t i o n wa. charU;red August 17, C O U n t y L X C C e d S
of a career of 19 years on the
1917 Aggregate of these loan,,
oench. The court room was filled
«mounted to *1.731.400. During this
alm ost to capacity when th e In­
„erlod 127 loans, totaling
stallation ceremonies took place a t
6463,400, have been paid off, leav-
10 a. m.
Ing 412 loons now in force in the
Tribute was paid to thc record
am ount of »1.268,000
ol the retiring veteran Jurist by
— •www.w.oo wm ossw . vb - b ^ o u«vC
Washington county has exceedeu D e c e a s e d A c t i v e in C h u r c h Judge Peters. He declared th a t he
eahler during the past year its
Cross membership roll call.
, .
would seek to em ulate the example
and money has been more abundant according to the report of Omar
an<* F r a t e r n a l A f f a i r s
by his predecessor in'T earleesly,
for iarm p m -p o ^ person declared. Fend*H oi Forest Grove, treasurer
honestly, im partially and courteous-
Suk* U ntU Un< th u statem ent, he oi the county chapter. The quota Mrs. Louis F. Emm ott died T h u rs -’ b" adm inistering law and Jutalce. ’
ClWd U,e ,a t l lh a t *57’250 m to“ »
h T
January 3. a t the lam -
( <«rw<r Nrcewary
^ « n ^ o f P u rity
cases of “can ia tio n T r e ^ T h ^ u nL**0 M d ^ f S i e ? « / " ^ ^ ? 4 were
Co™«"«iUng on the experience
Court Judge
Banquet Set Tonight
A ls o
C ite *
S a tis fa c to r y G a in
committee rooms while clerks of F a r m N e a r M o u n t a n i d a l e
the stale departm ent attended U-
, . ,
the details of tables, and typew rit­
Increase of approximately 40 pci
...» in
hu lrL
Osal f'/im
ers and the numerous supply Items
Approximately 275 gallons of al-
In deposits a » t I the
Com- .
tliat go Into the burUiess of law- leged alcohol, two huge stills and
merctal National bank during tne
equipm ent were confiscated and
post year Is another evidence of
Just when most political observers lliree men arrested Monday eve-'
the retu rn of better times and of
were ready to concede th a t the iilng when slate and county officers
eoufld.-nce in banking histltutlons.
m atter of organising the house und raided a large distillery operation
D ep osit* listed in the December 21
senate was all settled except for on the Clarence Muller farm near
statem ent of condition of the bank
llie formality of voting, Senator Mountanidale, Distilleries, which
total »1.159,637.15 as compared * 1*2»
Stringer, democrat. of Litui county, were housed in a targe barn, were
*826.940.06 for the same date in
Injects a new tinge ol doubt Into about 25 feet tall and equipped
‘b33. .
. . .v
the situation with the announce- with electric appliances nnd oil
S tatem ent of the First N ational
ment th a t he Is still out to defeat burners, according to reports of the
bank of Portland, comprising the
Harry Corbett for the senate presl- raiding officers.
head office and 18 brauche*.
u n i one
dem y
Two men, M. Kirsch and 11. Pol-
oi which 1 a located in Hillsboro.
John Cooler, slated to preside ‘" •
latter believed by county
^creaae in deposits o.
over Un* house, broke his silence on authorities to be G erald Bechtel,
M341.MU.78 during the same period.
legislative »ubjrct* long enough this * r ? a r" 7 lrtl “ > lhe barn and «avp
week to declare for a policy ol >“ •/ »ddresse» as Portland when
H o J‘ of 19M di b i t s were ouotad
strict economy Ui public cxpendl- 'xx.ked a t Uic county jail The bird
at *48,035.120.30 During the past
turea. particularly as applied to the
Fr.-il Harley, also of Portland,
pandUW aeoaion and to announce *»» arrested as he drove away
th a t the house Jobs would be ap- roni
>" a ra r alleged W
. r s w a a ; s r j s s s r i i f r a s f c
s r s
portioned among Uie three c . o . m - u *' l r l i l carrying
22 five-gallon
cans of
Loauu Decrease
grade was evidenced b v s t a t i s t i c , »’»rxers are to be congratulated,
ln l
iilx l
> ,ll K u m a r
from courage, not fear; from
grrssloual districts. Cooter’s uddl- a k o " ° 1 « nd » »»«•* °2‘ burner,
N W lon^tain“ “hav^show ii Iurnh* e d by the Federal Land bank especially as Portland had its drive
th i s ; C
Donetson & Sewell, fu- candor, not prejudice; from kind-
tloiial announcem ent of p l a n s
* * ,,? * * ,.. / * <
« indicated t h
a t ‘ dd
«>< ‘hi- neral directors, were in charge.
nes*. not malice—from love of ju s­
whereby tic hope» to relieve th e , Kirsch and Bechtel, alias Potter, G a m e C o m m is s io n M e m b e r s m onths while Items of cash on ‘he ‘ndex n? ' ? ber ° n
/ r° t‘*
H?ltabOro^ ^ceinL , to ta le d X5I7
Catherine M. O'Donald was bom tice and a thorough knowledge of
taxpayer» of the coal of building ‘»cod guilty to Informations charg-
h a n d a n d h on .ta o i v a r io u s tv n e s had increased from 77 to 102 during
Hillsboro, s receipts totaled »517 February 8, 1870. near Council the law and facts ln each case. He
H e r e ; P r o g r a m C ite d
ond nialntalniug county roads has ,n« «Pew lton of a .till and pos-
hand and bond* of ' “rious types
In cash and condensed milk donated
show considerable gains. These facts *,
Z, . . ran o 01 i» rm .
C a r n a tio n M in . M tm -ianv Bluffs, Iowa, and was m arried to urged the new jurist to ignore con­
caturd more th an a ripple of in-
m axliW ednesday after-
bear out statem ents by financial Pnee- received to farm prices paid
»n Milk ^ p a n ^ Louis F. Emm ott a t Weston, Iowa, sideration of supposed desires of
lerrst since It seem s to mvolvr Ull- “ ° ? n b r ,° " “ Kra,lk Fetar». clrcu>t |
contribution for this city. February 18. 1890 They moved to the public, great financial in te r-
loading tins burden on the high- wl«r
J‘ld‘" m ’' n n aI,d
lH .
t a l l « ...4
way departm ent whusr budget l s i ’,lx mo,lt,Ui
county Jail
a n d : life of Oregon as the state s g re a t-, though funds are available, poten-
*558.25 Organizations and business W ashington in 1891 and settled ests, power of the press, possibility
already pretty well strained to lake *lnes of
0,1 Puch coon t Jtt*l
asset was stressed by mem bers, tlal borrowers are reluctant to take
firms contributing the »5. *10 and near Shelton. In 1902 they moved of loss of personal reputation and
care of the p resen t s la t e highway
d enies are to run concurrently.
of th e game commission and other» loans unless assured of a p ro fit
*<*3 d
»25 memberships (In some cases to Hillsboro and had made their political standing ln rendering de­
fcjftt 1 !»»■■
U . aoaoaaaAas 4aa
*» »
t ra w * sa 11 a t I n » '
» .» » V .
_ ._
Mailer, »MaaaewMa^e*
reported to K be « I the
owner In attendance «.e
a t e the
installation /" Cash
on hand saaaoB
and aAoaoa
dne *aoeaaw«
from I
assisted by th e employes* were as home in and near Hillsboro since cisions.
Bagley cited the co-operation he
th a t time.
of the property on which the still dinner of the W ashington co u n ty ! banks totaled »251.423 at th e close
l* . i . O°,M,r M , r
,VCr' **■'’ found, also plead guilty
to chapter. Izauk Walton League, in I of 1934, according to the Commer-
Mrs. Emm ott Is survived by her had received from members of thc
nor-elecl M artin continue sile n t as ,unl^ r charges und received
two the chamber oi commerce m om s' cud National statem ent, while the
Auxiliary to the American Legion, husband. L. F. Emm ott of Hills­ bar during his term of office, de­
to the contents of their message» ^.„teners of 30 days each In th r here Monday night. More tlian 70 total a year ago was *132,54733.
boro, and tw o daughters, M rs claring th a t no court could be a
1 he ,n« no.„y « J n ,n
" ’'“ “ J'
“,,d Hues to u liu g »500 perwn», including delegations from Governm ent securities held by the G r o u p U r g e s C o n t i n u a t i o n fessional Women's club Scout H ar- C harles E Riggs of Portland a n d ' good court without the sincere and
w m ii a tu i r in. uutnuia Msmon
jail-Sentences also run concurrent- Tillamook. Portland and elsewhere bank In 1933 am ounted to *91,850
nngton post U. S. W. V Auxiliary Mrs. A. K enneth Carlile of Van- nonest assistance of the bar. He
o f S ta te A g
B u re a u
lh a t Is If nothing interferes with |y Harley entered a plea of guilty were present. Several speakers pruts- and ln the present statem ent the,
U. H W. V . W oman's Relief Corps, eouver. Wash. A son. Louis, died held it imperative th a t court and
prompt organization of th r house U) u charge of Illegal transporta- j ed the work of the present com-1 total is set a t »325.674.73. This Is l­
D aughters of Union Veterans, So- June 11, 1926 O ther survivors are bar co-operate to the end th a t Jus­
and sriuiU- lh e governor I» ex- non of alcoholic liquor and was mission and expressed the hope th a t t e r
figure Includes government
John Plass ol the Verboort local clal club O. _ E. 8., St. M atthew s five _____
sisters. _____
Mrs. ___
H. _
R. _____
Em m ott of tice might be achieved regardless
.T h u « U n X u M i S
,'ünu . ^ i i 1« l n
’ .‘iJ®*'. U“’ 11 ,,could ,lOnUn‘*
oi PoUttas guaranteed bonds such a . home »¿"elected p ri.'id en t ¿ r the W ash- Young People's d u b . a ‘ j . r I ? " a Hillsboro. Mr». William Kleef and of consequence. He closed by wish­
the e tU.™ 'iiclT w lTb ¡ta?e ^ 7 i Old
‘ Ï
Pre*erv»“ on °» O regons wl.d owners loan corporation and fed- m
Farm ere- Unlon , or Son. Paul P atterson. Safeway store Mrs George Ford of Weston. Iowa; ing Judge Peters success and em in­
into e f ^ t V n u the , ^ î lorn T T«I
T T ’ n “‘. L * « , T ' 1'
Ia rm , loan ^ “ ds “s WeU “ the third term here Saturday dur- C om m erçai National bank: Hills- Mrs William Downs of Underwood. ence as a jurist.
“X s . " 7 1 ‘S i »
? r e c V - ‘ “ k V i .. Bechtel and Mailer ___ j the greut lure of the United States, governm ent securities.
.............. ‘«g ___
an _
all-day meeting of the or- _ bom _____
B ranch First
Mrs. J. _____
H G am
f C oun
Representative members of both
_ National bank. Iowa; ____
__ e r _ o _______
acre declared Dr. Irving Vining ol A .h-
Municipal bonds and w arrants '¿ S littim i' a t ' the " v e te ra n s " ^11 Oregon - W ashington W atar~"scrvtae cil Bluffs, Iowa;" two brothers? Mil- W ashington and M ultnom ah county
mendaiioiiA for changes ui t h e orlglnahy arraigned o n u t h r e e land, game commissioner and foim - have also me reased markedly, p o h He Succeeds Jo h n Pubots of W est Co Credit Bureaus Inc.. Poi Land ton and Harvey O Donald of Wes- har associations were present for
state set-up a* tlwy appeal to thc charges Tuesday before Donald T. , r president of the state chamber ably as a result of the fact th a t ,Jnlon o w
of Jefferson G eneral Electric, Hillsboro Rural ton. Iowa, and five grandchildren
Ihe ceremonies. The Portland deie-
outgoing executive
Templeton, county Judge
mir after
ni» four
J r and Klv‘
commerce. The question ln the local banks are now honoring coun- stale prP!>ldenti and WUUam F mail carriers. E. B. Tongue Hare
She was very active in church t?aUon included R obert Maguire,
contact with public
dou tie-» nreTiV
° f Ul* *,,U,d oi
oi “"V» hi America ty w a rra n t, a t par value. Present Cyrus
1 a t„ .nded u , . McAlear & Peters, C. C store Fred «nd community affairs and wa* a P™n* C. Howell. Loyal H. Me­
erniii ce. t will llon
dou u
, . pr.
pre ., ,n n . original
origin al inform
in fo rm ations
a tio n s against
again st each
e m h today.
today, Mr
Mr. Vining said,
said. Is whether ligure is »281,799
»281,759 11 as compared
com pand m M tin
lno e 'T
n d 'm S T ’on
^M a rk e t’ P o w i o f n m
. r rea
e m b e r o F the Methodkit
church c-— C arthy,
a » o R. E.
----- Dennison,
------------- Andrew J ,
number of recom
m cn
for of
e, w
. an
. J v e'xxl .............-
» w n ith
F arm tm o n
id P h ^ n ic k “ mple
McCann and W L. Cooper. Mem-
io m m
d a tlo n a for
of thc
thc three
three m
m en
w as
as dism
d ism issed
issed. .
there will be any good hunting and with »266.254.03 last year. Assets and nurleultnrai nmhien,«
changes ln thc stale organization
Haul taken by th e officers in-1 fishing in Oregon when they grow oi the Institution total *1,286,580 44
Lumber Co. Palm Drug store HilL- tc r'>- oi which she was a past chief; uers oi the eighth grade a t the lo-
mu»! of which, however, are still eluded a 300-gallon alcohol still, a Up. Dr. Vining cited the broad lor 1934 as compared with 6
L O ther
0 officers
7 elected
, . by " t h “ e ‘ boro Feed
— - Co Donelson A: Sewell of Alma Bennett Olden T _ e n t ta
ta l i Junior
Junl<>t high
high school
school attended
attended tne
under consideration by M arlin.. laO-gal on whiskey »till, 4ooo gallon* aspects of the wild life policy, say- 382.95 on December 30. 1933.
T West U n k T v i ^ n i S d d e n t ” M*rx
,Conti„ u«d
“ Daughters of Union Veterans and installation ln recognition of Judge
planning commission
“ . w
i . est » union, vice-president,
Vl«*-Pr1esid<;n t 1 Mrs.)
of mush, six large vat*, large q u ail- u,g a program of live and let live! Increase
In crea se of
of »412.242.91
*412.242 91 or'approx-
o r « nnrm - ?[
. f Neighoors
------ of Woodcraft Service
--------- P
Beter s on the local school
(C ontinued un |u*«e «. colum n I )
— necessary.
imutely 55 per cent in the last two
L. H orner of Blooming sec-
Change» ln departm ent heads an
Circle No. 850 of Portland.
thc part ul the new ndintnlstrullon
Funeral services were c o n d u c te d ',Mon? a >' ai“ r m arked , the be«“ "
are expected to await adjournm ent
bv Rev C M R eed w h o nairi a n ln « o i new ‘erm s fo r four co u n ty
by Rev. c . M K e e ^ «ho^pajd a oKklaJs. H D K erkm an of s ^ , .
of Uie legislature, Dial Is unless
taH m en .s n ecessitated by th e d.
lhe l e
e b
‘“ b a te to her sp len d id ’ ch a r- “^ X ^ y
M artin should decide to relieve
presslon. according to M att C orn- ‘" t n Nation«] bank of Portland <‘' “ P1“ 11' Members of the executive
‘« e r . Maurice Dean sang several j ^ ^ o f H i R ^ r o t ^ n t ^ c J -
ll<-mv ll.iiizm of his duties as
solos suirt x au artet Mrs C
M J Sewell of
v* Hillsboro,
I " “» " ' “ . COUUty
gail oi McMinnville, chairm an of
board are Fred Jossy of West Union.
county cor
budget director, and join with State
Reed Mrs. Ardis M ill«. J N. W*ley
st ^
d ‘ ‘^
‘ b X
the game oomralnlon. Referring to ,
" 1 P*™’“ « p a ra tc statem ents N p Johnso of Cedar Min . and
Treasurer Holman ln releasing Wil­
thc ten-year wild life program, he ‘or li' e var'ou5 branch bank* but p Patton ot Qaslon
A packed house greeted John A and Maurice Dean, sang several
Maud J 5“ ^ '
„am Einzlg
r.inzrg as purchasing
puniiaMiig agent
R u f. said the departm
d enartm ent was five years
a d ' ,7te
a r c t' local manager, states
Resoluuo~ ~
. _ Jeffrey Sunday on his second in- »elections.
J™ ^ t T ^ e w
becYn U ^ir
and .secretary to the board of con-
„ „ i , a l . ahead through federal o p e r a t i o n
vitation to speak in the local C hris-
D ie funeral service of the Pythian elective terms.
traction at the local Veterans of He said It should be the business o.
the state agriculture departm ent tian church, under the auspices of Sister order was given by members
Banquet honoring Bagley and
Foreign Wars hall Friday night In thc Isaak W alton League to see past year.
and the continuation of the de- the Hillsboro club of the Townsend of the Past Chiefs’ club. Mrs. E L peters is being sponsored by mem-
Tile reccpUon to be given In h o n ­ the first of a series of wrestling ti'a t the wild life program Is car- j
(CooUnwoi« , p«», «.
or of Governor and Mrs. M artin cards to be sponsored by thc coun- tied out.
O ther resolutions approved urged
W ith all criticisms of the plan H. R. Morgan. Mrs. S. E. Fayram
next Monday night will be strictly
th a t all funds collected by the by Its enemies and even from of- and Mrs. J. D Anderson, with Mrs.
in form al Fvervbodv
lx Invited and ty P°!,( R<,Cd' “ rOUgh “ nd ready C h « t« r McCarty of Portland
a lot of f«rfks a n dy ix i la T ink
tad ta tak‘ *tr“PPlef- W11‘ ln rrl Nl* ‘ Franklin, stale president of the Walton
, state on inheritance taxes be placed Bcials In W ashington, D. C.. taken N atalie VanMoock as soloist and
>rr«lucible school fund and into considerauon. still the Judge Mrs. Fred Sewell as pianist. P all­
advantage of Uie opportunity to Hill Military academy instructin’, In league, decried effort* to make out
protested against the im portation Iet’ls certain the congress will en- bearers were members of Ute K nights
meet the new chief executive and the main event, according to Ray of state licenses obtainable for 50
act the plan Into law as a recovery of Pythias lodge, R. F Peters, E.
lhe stale's new first ludy
Seml-windup m atch will be be- m ental to Uie interests of the state
Repeal of the state crim inal s y n - , Farm Union program
and the measure. He pointed out th a t the J. McAlear. Fred Cornelius, J . D.
tween George Blackley ol N orth' T h at th r new state ad m ln lstra -) dicalism law. was opposed In a st*tc purchasing board were dis- Pension side of thc question is o n ly ! Anderson, Leonard Brown and A.
Ulne»« kept Secretary - of S tate -----
Dakota and ---
Joe ------
keep «vo
its rittriu.1
hands 1/t»
off tuc
the uniui
garni ivowiuuuii
resolution pMOAca
passed D
Hillsboro ' cussed *>y • S » tate President Potts, incidental, th a t the old people are W. Havens.
—- of Holly- tlon wvvp
Offer of tlie Oregon-W ashington
— the
-- -----------------------—
« Tuesday c >rus spoke
on the relief buying « reality being employed to s p e n d -------------------------
from the ...........................
capltol|w uod ■ Both
main event nnd th e i commission was the suggestion oi post. American Legion
W ater Service asampany to pay ex­
during the last week of his term seml-wlndup will
one-hour A rthur Moulton of Portland, past night. W aslim gton county's repre- 01 *>“>■ f°r the middle west and *3°° Per m onth for the purpose
penses of qualified city or state
A party planned In his honor by matches Two 30-mlnute prcllm ln- president of the state 1/nak Walton sentatives In the state legislature outlined the proposed new corn-hog of putting money into circulation V ^ O m C llU S v J lI I C C r S
investigators who wish to study
employes of the state
departm ent arles are also scheduled for the ln- League and present national dlrec- ’ are to receive notice of such action Program
and buying power into the hands oi
x -v rr-
record» ° t ‘he company, kept ln
a*t tnhiuUs Rial card.
legion. Legionnaires
Legionnaires con-
tor. He
He declared
declared th
th a a t t the
the commls-
commls- from
from the
the legion.
p ° t luck lunch was served at ’bose now deprived of It th a t con­
Francisco for the purpose of
Stadclmun in the few m onths of Equipment from the former Hills-
slon must have th e co-operation of tend th a t the law should be streng- i noon
suming power may be brought u p .
economy, was the salient feature
p,,b|lo "J**1'« J’s- boro Athletic club has been Install- all good sportsmen.
thened as a protection to American
to our producing power and th ere­
CORNELIUS— Byron Mooberry of the hearing conducted here F rt-
tabllshed hlniscU a» a hard-head,-,l ed In the hall a t Ninth and Oak
o th e r speakers were C arl Sylvan institutions and government.
by bring prosperity to our nation.
was sworn in as mayor a t the day by the state commission of
1 As to the m atter of raising the council meeting January 3. He public utilities. The inquiry was
tect the stale *
enormous sum of two billion
— dol-
adm inistered the oath to J called a t the court house to de-
lars each m onth to carry on the
I™ 1 « and Ervin Sahnow. both term lne the location of records of
Townsend plan. Mr. Jeffrey p o in ted , f i n i n g new term s as councilmen
Hillsboro branch of th e com-
, out the fact th a t several new D- C- W hiting was swom in as re- pony and to ascertain why they
' sources of revenue are open to our corder.
ln this state.
»chedulcd to sta rt a t lg o n . EbbUiger expressed the * hope I °PP°“in g thc rest of the member-
Sherm an Mill corporation, which 6°vcr»»n«, ‘, such as. an adequate I An ordinance creating the office I could
T h at not
th e be lo kept
c a f system"”s
Mrs. Emmott
Red Cross Quota
in Recent Urive Buried Sunday
Walton League
Has Big Meet
I—Ip /jrlc
a XVilVio
Farm U n ion
Je ifre y Sees
Wrestlers to
Show Friday
»„SV . ‘ ^ T T L ^ S * .
DL) n
F la n
Veterans Back
Water Firm
O ffers A id
L -lir n o n K e e ls ln the
1 ake (Jrrice (Jatn ■
C haiile Thomas, public utilities,
commissioner, threw a party a t his __
office here Suturday for the p u t-.
•’ 111
Kith-SOt*! OCOI*CS
tContlnunl on i » Kr 4.
slllP in a membership drive, which
- - — Is to end February 12. The losers
ust fnrnixh
furnish a ■> feed.
A m instrel show under the dlrec-
tlon of A. J. Foelker, SERA dram -
i otic Instructor, will be presented
column 4j
Mill Dissolved
has been ln receivership since O c -’ ,
income tax. tax on in- of water commissioner and taking but »226 annually for accounting
tober 16 of last year, was dissolved
bonds, etc., as well the place of several old ordinances service under the present plan and
^ T a f ^ sale«
T r i to»
UX' , nn.»,
T h? I wa« d dT
ii‘SS®d . „ a explauled *_
to —...................
‘h a t the charge would be between
- . . .
_ _ .
I as a tiansaetion
cuit judge following nmiroval of n
th a t aftcr the plan ls eral visitors.
tll0 0 and 11200
orexon of-
t he receiver's final reDort The dis ° nC.® *" ° p rra ‘l011 ‘hat the overhead
L. A Jackson was reappointed f|ce were established was the state
Ortlllflrvaa zwa»z«kk«>
sa 'in g s by the plan will pay for it i fire chief and D. C. W hiting named
LT r'S * '• " O '- 'o T s a n F ran-
ill fighting the Pacific Telephoni-
Telegriiph company. Officials o f ,
48 cities were invited to attend,
> x w * v * v - v v -F k -k lV k V F l L F l I W Y Z t T l A soon
a a
. ,
W ashington county legion Jam-
T1,e local clubs have been
on ‘he “ brary board were withheld
^ i m e d ^ n T 'S i a t " ^ " L a i
but only six guests put In an ap-1 Ml,lh,„ (t,
i.y n.wcr w. li.i..»n i I
2 Supervision of pupils physical borec will be held here January n
U' ^ '
w ithout assets an.i untll tlle „pddle of next m onth to because the mayor was not cer-
1 d ° Ut 5? 1 th,^
¡ r a ^ T t h “' S a i
Park. F lo r id , January hen th and safety to a much great- 20 with Hillsboro post as host and thp.
T 11'
. ,
Bet i’‘K,la'ures on the petitions for lain Just wliat vacancies there were ;
poor J1“ “ 101*11? and
, this will take the place of the re -
Final dividend am ounting to congress. There are over 270,000
on e«w 1».«,!»««.)
huge success Newspaper men who ^ la|.\s„nic of <)UI. „ X ^ r a carty er degree th an ever before.
3. Valuable work in vocational ular meeting January 22 Dr Ralph per C®,n i on Prc‘Prre«i wage claims petition signers in Oregon and
o ,
L“5 ‘>?r.,,y W,'‘,'e '«> announcem ent th a t another town education, 1. e., preparing young' Dresser and Leon Davis are I was a1* ordered in n n n ro v in s « » , » , • , - ion non i -
---------- ----------1
Informed th a t It was strictly 1»!- ¡s drastically sloshing Its school
J charge of program arrangem ents.
vat*- and Invited to leave, which expenses. Thc chances are th a t the iwople for specific trades.
4. Increased earning power of ed­
l ne corporation
The local club will meet again
Hillsboro, receiver,
receiver. The
Initiation ceremonies w ire held
they did.
, headlines of this same paper car- ucated
over uneducated men.
went into the hands of receivers in the M ethodist church of Hills-
• • •
lied a sensational murder story or the filing oi a suit by two boro Sunday a t 2:30 p. m. The pro-
There was no pay day for circuit In the adjoining column told about
employes on behalf ol 80 fellow giant will include a debate on thc
and supreme court Judges In Ore- the latest arm ed robbery. T here Is
College News Service— Oregon taking systematic record keeping
, Townsend plan by the high school
gon tins month. Their” nppropria- a direct relationship between the H
A t f P l u J q C n n i ' I u i M » workers.
farm ers are being given an oppor- for the first time,
L. Clark of Hillsboro and R a y -' public speaking class.
lions have been exhausted and ‘wo, even though before the depres- .
tunity this m onth to get valuable
County agents and specialists
mond G rigory and C harles Jessup.
---------- --------------
.ey will have lo ..w a d legislative «»<>•’ «Time was Increasing n t an '¡ J " ; 8u ? einPV t * 7 ,;k
assistance in starting a more c o m -! from the extension service are
both of Voncouv
stlon replenishing the funds be- “ ll‘n,,1,’K ri te'h R*,‘2c^',wl t , th !?—N„®2! the debit side we fin d '"
plete record system on th eir farm s holding meetings through the var-
>re they
draw their Decern- Year time
I should I ke to present
t . „ , can
...... ...................
build- gp td
t‘he an n u a] ionwmthm » y en‘rred Pleas ° f «“ ‘“ V to in-
or. If they already keep system atic ious counties ln January acqualnt-
•r snlarh
s. The
supreme c c o o u u rt'
r t 'son".'
".d ,« give
,ve. ,*"y
The supreme
sonK’ nKU*'!’’
»«un-s ? a and
my coni i„L
. s ? R atlona? S
r •
dlctnw nts charging statutory of-
M a n
records but are unfam iliar with ing project leaders with these new
finished thc biennium »5500 in thc “ ie‘1,s J"1 u? 8 ,7hole P ^b lcm now lng. as evidenced bv the fact th at
n j o i u ^ x v x a il m aking the sum maries for th e year, free books. After enough leaders
rrlm e costs this country »5.200,000.- tion u » Ma ii„x A rthur n ,nin.' ;enses- c la rk withdrew a previous
red, while the circuit court account u" dpr
" ---------- - „
ll,an '">d . T w M.-iyon?Mwerer„
o £ B guuvy
''‘My lo
....... ,, « , -, P'.en
F'v» °.f
ui n ,,ui
io Plead
picau guilty
guiiivt Searching party headed by Cecil they can get help ln "closing" their have been enrolled, community
Was approximately »11,000 short a t B ate We hpent Wisely on Dur ^ e e W1"
P“ bllc
n " « ® ‘» ï “1 Thuredwy. The Vancouver men were
district fire warden, returned old books and starting new ones.
meetings will be held to which all
the end of the year. This, too, ln
c ,,
, , ,
ih a i 1. ''d" P1,“ 10!’- „Swne may argue
®‘i ntc deni"
„ arralK"p«i “ >’«t Plpad guilty S atu r- Monday from a fruitless four-day
National F arm Inventory Week" farm ers enrolled ln the record keep­
spite of the fact th a t the enter-
rh e fl,sl QU«»“ 0" * b lch comes h at clnirncter building Is primarily *
e n d e n t for the Woodburn day, sentence bcUtg postponed on search ior H arlan Le Tourneau, ls being observed In Oregon J a n u ­ ing projects will be invited. Those
gency board took care of the Nov- UI> ls; Haye the American people the function of the home anu the plai?‘'. , ,
Gregory until
Mav 1 and during FoHland welder, in the Wilson riv- ary 14 to 19 through a cooperative who kept records last year will be
ember salaries for the Judges with 1,,‘«’n spending too much on educa- cluirch. I m aintain th a t It is also T ,ljt lai,t m onth was the best De- „()OJ h,,llavioi. for .ImslI„
" er country. Three experienced woods- arrangem ent with the A gricultural invited to bring them to be sum ­
deliclcncy appropriations
“ on? ,T h" ‘' l' re «bnormal t mes
partition ' men appompanled Kyle on th e trip A djustm ent adm inistration, th e Am­ marized If they so desire.
, . .
out only four years ago one-quar­
C lu tte r1 t0 “ reniotp cabln beyond Saddle erican Bankers' association and the
ter of state and local taxes was
Bankers point out th a t farm in­
« i d he,-» (m ountain in hopes of finding the Oregon S tate college extension serv­ ventories, followed by simple sys­
l'.arl Snell of Arlington, who t<x*k
,s |x n t
schools. D ie real
to loop p o « , i m 1», l'™ ™ ’ m V ' « « S i .
£ S S « A i ? « S ? T t a S S 11
ice. Farm Inventories are valuable tem atic record keeping, Improve
over his new Job as secretary of question, however, Is not go much
In themselves, but mainly they are any grower’s credit ratin g and fa-
stale Monday, 1* the thirteenth whether vne have spent too much
official to hold th a t position since on public education but whether
both the s ta rt and the conclusion ellltate all such financial transac­
ent i has
statehood. Only two of the 13 have our
of a year's record keeping.
a l rig
h tr U P“»
' M yielded
' d l a v good
y X S ; » n n ® ^ « >a^
nr ^ d ^ l a r e d " ' <' ^ X g h t e r . who had Ih tc e died" K e l l , n « ‘° n ° p e n * N e w
tions. The AAA Is interested In
been democrats, the republican*
AAA program s have greatly stlm - promoting record keeping as It 1»
having a monopoly on th is honor on this huge Investm ent-dividends and 11,Prp la still more today, tlw t p :
In a iira n « ,« C m ,.» ,
nnd heltl ln trust- He fu rth er al-
. ! ulated farm
— --
— —
keeping, »—
par- a great help to growers and official*
•Ince 187«.
in the fin in of better citizenship could wen be elim inated to make
• u r a n c t L » ro u p
leged that the plaintiff and defend-
Harold Kelllngton. jeweler. Is op- tlcularlv since the adm inistration of the control program*. The ex­
and stronger character. Are we place for o th er things th a t b e a r-
r l a n s A n n u a l S e s s io n a n t were the sole heirs to the pninB business again ln Hillsboro distributed special record books free tension service has for many year*
more directly on Uie business of
Annual meeting of the F arm ers’ estate.
! «Her an nbsence of five years. He Is to all signers of contracts. T his year urged this as a sound farm prac­
fe(, of a , ipuaj 425 for getting them ?
l et
Mutual Fire Insurance association
Joseph T rau tn er of Vancouver, lopa‘pd at present a t Ute stage de- the new record books have been tice likely to increase profits for
tltlons would go a long
.. us examine the J'profit and making a living.
curbing th*' abuse of loss" statem ents a u d “balance
3. Failure of many of our *ec-iof W ashington
ls scheduled
charged with u unlawful
P01 ,n thp o ,flce with
greatly »«»■
------- ------------—
n it, n i u i
i t t l i e p v i 111*
----- R. H. Kelly
a a
, u
v v u iu iii^
i to
v r farm
ilin '
« any
W J I S J er.
x l.
j in
Un- opinion of I’, sheets" of our schools. Here ls ondury schools proparly to prepare for 1 p. m. Monday a t the local tlon and possession of alcoholic Mr Kelllngton has been ln busl- ; m anagem ent specialists a t Oregon
Those in charge of the orotiram
n, who retired on Mon- what we find on the credit side:
r n
students who Intend
to DO
go tO
to COl-
col­ chamber
of commerce. Cards an - liquor, waived grand jury Indict- ness ,n Beaverton during the past S tate college, and though still not in Oregon emphaaiae the fact th at
ttiuv of state. The ree-
1. Americanization of millions of lege. This ls a source of complaint
n 'Is contained In Start-1 Immigrants, prnctlcal elimination of on thc p art of many prom inent nouncing th e session were sent out m ent and plead guilty to the charges ®*8nteen months. Mrs. Kelllngton as complete as the extension service: taking a farm inventory which to
ort to thp state leglsla- Illiteracy, nnd a rise ln the gen- educators, and results In loss to this week by O. E. Montgomery, Tuesday. »Sentence was postponed and daughter will move to Hillsboro ixx>k. they are highly satisfactory, a Hst of things the farm er owm.
I on pane 6. culumn l)
¡eral level of Intelligence.
(Continued on page 10, column S)
(Continued on page 4, column t )
after the School term .
particularly for one who is u n d er-|
(Continued on p«g« 10, column 3)
Farm Inventory Week Begins
in Oregon Area January 14
n0S ’-OlWlaVe
Party Ends H unt