THE T hursday, Jan u ary 3, 1935 H IL L S B O R O AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O , MAC H fIF .K IF F ’M M AI.K Notice is hereby given that l»y virtue of an eaecutlon, Judgment, order, decrea and order of sale Dsued out of and under the seal of the C ircu it C«mrt of the Htate of Oregon, fo r W ashington County, on the I P h day of December, 1924, in. a I cause therein pending in which Fred liasse Is p la in tiff and Harold F. Klford and Edith C. Elford, husband and wife, are defendants, in favor of the p la in tiff and against defendant# in the su*n of 1260.00, together w ith Interest thereon from the Pith day <»f October. 1922, at His ra le of 7% per annum , and the fu rth e r sum of 66« 00 attorneys* fees u p - on p la in tiff's firs t cause of s u it; and the fu rth e r sum «»f 1 160.00 together w ith Interest thereon fro m the 13th day of October. 1932, at the rate of 7% per annum and the fu rth e r surn of 626.00 at icon 1 ' lorueys' faea upon p la in tiff's cause of suit, and tlie fu rth e r aurn of J I l 00 00 together w ith intereat ’ hereon from the 1 h day of October. 1932, S' I AKM MA( IIINEKY the rale of 7% per annum and the fu rth e r sum of 626.00 attorneys’ fess sis S l ’(K K tra ile r for K E. Kastman N O T IC E O F F I N A L K K T T I.E M K N T upon p la in tiff's th ird cause of suit, and m ils east, '.g-nilla south L au re l slurs In (he ('(Minty Court of the Htate of Or«' fo r hl* <-«ata and disbursements lierem G A S O L IN E engin», 12 h p . good (iiii- gon. for W ashington County. Inc irred taxed at Ilfl.MO, and a com,.u,no iilt ion, for »ala or tra ils for row or ke sale of tha follow ing de- In the M atter of the Kstat f Andrew lug rue t belfei coming frrsb I r It o f s n s r . It’ Masurek, Psceased. 1 scribed real yruperty situated in Wash­ I. Hillsboro Phons N o rth Plains bl 16. ington County. Oregon, p a rtic u la rly de­ Notice Is hereby given th at the under J O H N Deere tra ito rs and farm niavhlliFiy rib««! as follows, t o w it . fu r sala Lester Ireland it Co. 43if signed, ad m inistrator of the above en­ Lot No. 12. W itch Hasel L ittle titled estate, has filed his fin a l account I'arins, excepting a parcel o ff of the in the ('(Minty Court of the Htate of Ore r n iii.T itï <4. Koutli side of said Lot, described as gon. for W ashington County and that fo llo w s ; Beginning at the Houth- W AN TED Poultry of all kinds. W rits, Monday, the 21st day of January, 1935, at weat corner of i/ot 1M. running thence w ill call, or bring I riday, Saturday or the hour of ten o'clock a m. of said day N o rth 0 ’ I I ’ W’eat 244.1 feet, thence Monday before noon. Portland prices in (he County Court Itoom in the County 46 i f Court House i It Harden. Cornelius. N o rth H9* 41' 4 6 ' East 746 6 fe e t, in Hillsboro, W ashington th em e ttouth S* 67' East 244.6 feet, F IF T Y Leghorn pullets fo r sals. F A County, Oregon, has been appointed a* thence Houth 89* 41' 46'' W est 761 42 Jones. Itt I. < ornoltus 4*^' the tim e and place fo r the hearing of ah feet to the place of beginning, con­ 1 objections to said fin a l account and the ta in in g 4 222 acres, more o r leas; I settlem ent thereof. P IG S I w ill, on Katurday, the 12 th day of l>ate of firs t publication December 20, Jan uary, 1936. at the hr sale J E. H a trlck. lit 6.1 191« h a te of last publication Jan us, / A M of said day, at the fro n t door 4bp l 7. 1936 H illsboro, near M in ter bridge. of the C o urt House in Hlllslioro, W a s t i ­ S T E V E K O H N IK . A d m in istra to r of the W E A N L IN G pigs. each llalph W ithy- ng ton County, Oregon, sell at public Deceased. combe. Itt. 6, H ills b o ro . 4 miles south Estate of Andrew M asurek, . . . . , I auction to the highest bidder, fo r cash in p .if I. I'utlers A llo rn r» (o r t h . Adm it,la- h. , „ , th. rl((ht t lu . ln U rB (, of Hillsboro, near Grabel school '*4 '4 which tlie w ith in named defendants and PIG H for sale Ed HasU>n. Itt 2. H ills- I tra tor. each or either of them had on the 3f said execution judgm ent, order and de- rst Grove 44tf June 9, 1916 (39 Htat 21H), and M ay 17, 1 cree, intereat, ro»t* and a rrru ed coa*.. 192a t «6 Htat. 697. Public No. 417), and said sale to he subject to redem ption as | M. IIDKHEH i pursuant t o departm ental regulations. l*er the statute of the State of Oregon. C ircu lar 120", the tim ber on the follow D atw i this 13lh day of December, 1984. I W A N T E D Cheap huesea fo r foa feed. 41-7p lands w ill be sold Jan. 21, 1936. at J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing­ Argus |6 |7 . 19 o'clock a. w»., at public auction at the ______ ton County. Oregon. H a re . M cA lear & llO ltaSlJi for sale, good farm <>r logging 43 7 h(jrsee. 14o0 tbs slid up i W Welch. I I H Land O ffic e at Ibweburg. Oregon, Peters, Attorneys for P la in tiff ... — |& u feet south Newton station 4btf to the highest bidder a t not leas than --------- - ----- ---- the appraised price as shown by this N O T IC K T O C R E D IT O R S HOltHE.-i fo r sale or trade. Ray Dels- notice, sale to be subject to the approval N o lle - i« hernhy given that tha undcr- MM I'hone S IM 46tf >f the Secretary of the In te rio r. Tlie ■ igned haa been appointed A dm inlatru - purchaee price w ith an additional «um tor of the Patate of H e nry Krueger, he- „ CATTLE o f o n e -fifth of one per cent thereof, -uaaed, by an order made and entered T U R Eki- year-old grade Guernsey hull, being rommiaaiun« allowed, must be do- in the ( ounty Court of the State o f Ore- gentle, « imm I condition, 66»* Phime po«iis-,| when the rig h t to purebaae is gon for W ashington ('o u n ty, on the 6th N o itli Plain» 41F13, M F. M ill«, Kt. 3. aw ard n l by the Register, but certificate day o f Septem)»er. 1934, and th a t he Ito . 72. lltllaiMiro. 46p iif sale w ill not iasua u n til tha pur­ duly qualified as such A d m in istra to r. F I lE h ll cow. T It »nd alsortioti taatad, chaser h ai complied fu lly w ith said V«2- Now therefore, a il persons h a v i n g fur »ale Frank H ertel. I mil«« ulationa. C ircular 1209, as to tha ex ecu- -laima against said aatat« are hereby north of Hchefflin 46-7 of the contract of sale, and bund notified and required tu prenant them E H .I IT I 1 N-month»-
e received fro m citIsens of th« Oregon, w ith in six months fro m the date C linstm as night blew the l a r g e ly U nited Htatea, associations o f auch c iti f this notice, U - w lt : W ith in six months 46-9 262IX ------------------------------------ u ,„ K a .» v Christm as tree across the highwa>. lens, and frporationa organised unde- from Derem ber 13, 1934. the laws of the U nited Htatea, A number from Cornelius attended any hated at Htiiaboro, Oregon, this 13th *», RIA L ESTATE Htate. T e rrito ry or D istrict thereof 'nly. day of December. 1934. (.««alton fo r atore Upon application of a qualified ken HTARK, Administrator ot th « held at, the Buckeye dance pavilion Argu «untry In ------------ ---------------------- . Thos. rh u rs d a y n ig h t ■ baser, the tir n ix r on any legal au b d iv - Fetale of u H enry Krueger, „ -------------- Deceased. 17 stoii w ill be offered separately ix fu re he- H. Tongue J r ., A tto rn ey fo r A dm in is- W A N T to rent Juration for barber ship ing inrluded In any o ffe r of a larg er t ra t or. Helen Shaw lias been confined to 43-7 or w ill pay cash for established ahop unit T . 4 H . K. 4 E.. Her. 29. N E *« ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 her . home with ........................ . . measles If reasonable. W ill act prom ptly A r ­ HW>< red f ir 1.600 M ; T. J S., K. 6 IL , Paul Irm ler of P ortland visited N O TH E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T dí Rl At»* near StMikane. to trade fo r acreage in W ashington county. John H u llx r t, care of George H o lt, Ht 6. IhllslMiro. 46-7p 6 A t'K KM , real bargain, ft-ruora house, p«r M f« r th« henil »ck. T . 2 8., R. 6 E., r is . I..I wui . — --------- — ¿.^ basement. barn, outbuildings, f ru it, nuts, S*e. 27. NE»» h » a. in Eugene N W »4 rsd f lr 710 M. T e s t a m e n t of » « « id a u .i-reK»«d a ra u « !, n » I rii»d II« « in — —o ' — ' ' spent a few r d ayj here wlth (terries, some «»luipment, 32699 cash, r«*l cedar 19 M. d**ad revi f .« 140 M . ’ i he above entitled court and cause, her their i i t l l l l l S'» balance 4 % '. K. IF W'ooU»n, Forest whit « f ir 20 M. h«mi I notified and required to present the proper vouchers together w ith H A I.I I» <* lover, «»als and vetch hay for I therefor, to tha undersigned at the law 1 sala. Eosli Hr«». 'Islsphons *2*21 offices of lia re , M r A lear A Petera, in He h« I la 4 4 lf V« I be First N a tio n al Hunk building. tn Hillsboro, Oregon, w ithin sia months fro m 41. iAKM FROUUCE ; tba date hereof I tun Paled this 20th day of Peramber, 1964 II» n Gradua peas for sals for essd J E N N Y A N D E R S O N . A dm inistrât ria of wt«v| for wvsvll E I*. Itow lon, Id of said Perte»«eiI H are, M r- Hillsboro, Phons 33FX6. 46 •tonas. Anderson's Jew elry store. 4 I , (1ST LO R I YM > » O l NO I'e a rl earring "Leave at title oT f o e. ». KI I'AIK WORK DONE WANTED— Mlavellsneous W A N T K I) llu , key - tut, or 0"V -v a • ru b a lo . A n u a W a th it,.. l . - u r . l I'htma 46p Hr holla »»IH. 11. IIEI.P WANTED W A N T K I, Mm, w llh lr u .k . tu (ur- t.l.h . „ i t haul w .» m ( tu F o r tU n d . n r« -” ulti y rtm lh . dry •« .« " » « ro w lh , .lo o and aaartlu.l. ('arm ara' F u -I HuppUT. I>kun» A î w . t r r « l» î 13. «ALK ur TB ADK—Mtosellanwma tiN F -to n Ford truck for «ala or tra d * E ’ t Ib.w io n. Kt J. H ili-b u ro . Phon 46tf 38F X 6 _____________________ li. K ill s i l l M is . . H u i r , .u , l il i i » • !• . »Te K - » " - * ’1 s ' her«. 1497 Jarkaun St . . 1W () I AK M W sgoli*. 9x11-’ W l i t o t i rug for «ale. 1547 W ashington Ht- . K N «I’ »geew. good - unditIon, I ‘ Howard Hchnetdei. Kt 1 llllls lM»ro. . . . r ' I E N C E pueta Kay D« -m an fu r sale W ill Phone 21 »7^ deliver JÎ?’/ ( ARM AMI TIKEH IS. \ I i F O It nd g («al Graham I «ondi lion C a ll 1932 Ht Hec 44tf Cornelius Tree Struck by Wind Cornelius Teachers Attend State Group Meeting W c buy and sell — Use18tf At u s e d I s i .l , »»'u. , . r i . fu r I - . W rerkera. t .n M lll.b u ro Au>» WE buy and »ell uaed cars. — M ackenzie Motor Co. F IE L IS. s i n m t -ii. •« wood for sale. F ir , * -ak and M h. Ray D»l»n»an. Phone Hillsboro «» if Ilo ; •w e e F O tlH f - H 'I r r “»k ” "“ 1' 2 *f (»•fore delivery 31 I hone - '» vod- H K A H O N E D oak and country slab delivery. ln - Hawe«l any length befurr I rum an Itoyd, • ide block Wood. 11,11.1... . z ' Oil N in th » I. I'h .'it- t llE S F l, • » » f — 1 -I*- * i—-r» - 1- R - " » ric h ., fo -l »II »— I « - F o iw t O ru»» •tf 66 t B ill S4U- 19. gKEDS—PLANT» » I N F a rava planta and hl«h««t qu a lll» a u a ra n l—d » r.fta .1 a u rh .rla a . f ll l» r t Ir a o w alnuta. pracka.. prunaa. rh a rry . paar, appla. h a rn » ., nw a. and .h r » h .. Sand L-r l-aryaln Hat Wday. Nu* l 'la n t l n , O uld»'' »n requeat I h»na. w rite or visit us. < arlton Nursery < <» . 39t I i arlto n ’ » r w o LEGAL I ■ SAXTON A LOONEY Producer, of Quality SAND and GRAVEL Plant located ( miles north of For­ est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone 1609R WE IN R EAL ESTATE W r it , F ire and Autom obila Inauranea M ake Loan« and Iasua Surety Ronda 30. H IL L S B O R O , Talaphona 1391 DR. E. W. ALMQUIST V eterinarians Telephone 643 and 642 Dally Trips to Portland Hillsboro Auto Freight and Leland Corl and son Donald I of Corvallis called. Mrs. A. Berger and daughter Miss (By Mra. Lou 'W rig h t) Oleva of Forest Orove have moved Mrs. Arnold gave a party for her Into the form er C. N. Miles home. Sunciav school class at her home Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dixon were in Forest Grove Friday afternoon. guests Tuesday of Mr. Dixon's par- Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Loynes and MrS' Dlxon of and daughter from Dufur spent Milwaukie. ay to Monday with their from Reidar Ronning of Tapten. N D parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Loynes. has been a house guest a t the F. m j - s buev LaSalle has received Horlacher home for the past week, »ord th at her sister’s husband had Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Adamson died a t Winlock. Wash. a n d ”son” of Sheridan and Thom as ___ Dona Mae Morrow is spending Adamson o( Portland were guests the holidays visiting relatives in o( Mr Mrs A j oliver M r and W a lte r W r ig h t lamUv Christmas. c Q £,lxon Aas peen confined spent Sunday with Mrs. W right's hla home with the flu. grandparents. Mr. and ’ Mrs. J. P . Mrs. Lillian Kelsey spent t h e M cFarland of Manning holidays with her sister in Tacoma. G. W. Paulsen and son John are Mrs. Geneva Robinette and c h i l - doing ___ ___________ _________ of chores for J Greenwood dren Lavon and Vernon, Sam Me- Hillside as the Greenwoods are uvaine and Chris Michalson were visiting in Washington. Mr and Mrs. Walter W right n t Sunday evening with M rs right's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Place, and family of Banks. -------------------------------- - i 1 Mr. and Mrs. Claud Morgan of shut-in and elderly people of the M anzanita spent from Thursday to community Saturday with Mr. Morgan's sis- LaVerne Shay of Tillamook spent ter. Mrs. W alter Willis, and family. Monday and Tuesday at the home Emerv and Marjorie Place and Bonded and Insured C arrier Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Iteed- vllle, Ilillwbora, Cornelia» and Forest Grove Pirkap and Delivery Service a t Package Rates Hillsboro Phone 542 E ast Side Term inal Portland Phone EAst 9131 Thatcher HOT WATER HEATE H a rry Phone 46 STOVES^IIF.ATLKS I....I' ... the red old for le»s than 31-60 per M fo r said estate. red f ir and 31-00 per M fo r the Dated this 6th day o f December, 1934 cellar FRED W J O H N S O N . Corn- W E N A W. C H A S E . Executrix of the 44-M last W ill and Teatam ent o f G ilbert C. Chase, Deceasdsl. H are. M cA lear A Peter». Attorneys for Executrix. 42-6 N O T IC K O F H A L S and M rs L. J. Corl of Portland Miss Dorothy Horlacher spent the evening with Miss Carolyn Kalk- TO CREDITORS Hillsboro. warf In the M a tte r of G eo rg * W o lfe Lip p ert. Mr and M rs Elvtn Finegan and Bankrupt ; No. B 19661 in Bankruptcy. family of Hillsboro, and Mr. and Notice is hereby given to all creditor* Mrs. C harles Finegan were dinner that on the 26th day of December. A D ____ ____ _ hristm as _ Day. 1934. George W olfe L ip p e rt of Aloha. gan and family C Mrs. Ashley Mrs. J. W Si uver, “— Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was “ J ™ “ ” -, b . „ k r Upt and th at the Jackson and son Jimmy and Mrs (|r>’ of hi. creditor, will be M attie Sm ith were guests of Mrs. heW in Court ,h" Countx Couri1 ,l^ m Vuieer.t H ernrich of Hillsboro F ri- c House at Hillsboro. O re- . and Mrs. J. J. Shaw have returned to their home in Milwaukie after a four-day visit a t the C- H. C L E A N . w«ll n n .lr tn *|H tri- Gonyo home. niwttt tur Kiltiltä . ifarKK« ( i. W lla iilr . New year's dinner guests a t the In the C ircuit Court of the State of O re- «SS Mlath Ht. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T B. E. Waldorf home included Flor- gon. foe the County of W ashington. In t h . c - u n t y Court the s ta te of O re- ence French. W H. Johnson. Mr A A. Schram m, as Superintendent of 43. FARM LOANS w*»h">rt>™ County. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and Bet- I | of the State of O N j M k P la in ­ , «"¡V lnT2iim 2irlt7rndO,E a it. "x tv M Mae. ____ 1‘he t» Federal l»and t if f . KA U M ______ monar I r w ta m e n t and Estate o f Jasper N . c T wc F m lm a w V r t l n rvl bank n«w has am ple funds in bonds to Mr r and ( Mrs Delmar M i artin of G rebel. Deceased. day of - Jan uary. 1935. I eon gon. on v« the *— M 12th . - - loan to farm er» a t 4MPA- O ver 31.909.- A n n is M . Pearce. E x ecutrix, and A. M Mrs. G Edson and daughter Bon- Yamhill spent Sunday at the C har- N u ic » is hereby given th at the under- I a t ten A . a t which tune said cred- 009 ha» been loaned to W ashington home • •------bringing H«ck. The schedule filed discloses 31.62». — • Christensen I abov« entitled cwuse. U» me directed, and hearing and settlem ent before said Court «¿-sets, 3*678.02 liabilities. 3151.99 ex- the Oregon S tate Teachers' asso- 1 Carl , 1 Alf!., «ensen c Jr. r ' was at the ciation meeting in Portland the lat- Christensen home last week. dated the 39th day of November, 1934, the C o urt room there«>f in Hillsboro, emptions claimed, I during the absence of Chris Chris pon a Judgment rendered and entered in O re ro ti. on Monday. J an u ary 14. 1936. at January LJM ». , „ , . ter part oí the week entitled Court in ||ill»l»oro, Oregon, a« b B| i j ro u rt and cause on the 22nd day of 19 o’clock a. m. of »aid day T tlO S 11 IO N G U E J r . Referee in The George MUne home has been tei?íeiL ‘n Aberdeen. Wash 46 he tinte and piar ce for hearing objeetlons Novwmber. 1934, in Detail __________ and firs t _________ pubiixhed __________ December 13. Bankruptcy. Hillsboro. Oregon. favo r o f A. A _____ M. Conrardv spent the week-end I reshingled, a n d John Mundorf's to said fin a l acc rount. and for the fin a ' S* hram m , as Superin t « m i dent of Banks 1934. East publication J an u ary 10, 1936. in Portland. home is being reshingied. S H E R IF F S S A L E settlem ent of said astate. *f the S tale of Oregon, md I CHA- i G R A B E L . Eaeeuu-r the Chris Johnson spent the holidays Mrs. M D. M ann and Mrs. M at Dated this 13th day of December, 1934 A n n ie M Pea ree and A. M H-x-keti. a« iaat » i l l and Taatam ent and Eatate of l No. r i i \ ! X X f f i ¿ i c r « '" tie sm ith were quests at the C. £ at £ the Ole Matson home near Hills- D I B H A D D E N . A d m in istra to r of the Executrix and Executor of the Estate Jiu(|>»r N . Grabvi. Deceaute«!. M. B. Bump E -la te uf -aid Ireeaaaad. H a ra M cA lear Em m a H orkan. daeen-ad. and iwuvu u. of »nd under the real of Hare home in Portland Wednesday. residence and addretta Hillsboro, Oregon. Saie t*sueu A Prier». Attorneys f«»r A d m inistre - H<»-k«»n individually and L au ra T. Hock- A ttorney fo r said Executor. Mike Hcr.derson has been ill at 43-: I F he C ircu it t o u r t of the State o f O re- 38. I'! ROOMS AND APARTMENTS O REG ON 1236 Second St. DR. R. J. NICOL DOGS— P IT S I». I I R U t R I D < «Rie j»upe for Hansen, Boa 377, Kt 2 Portland Hllblsoro 14FX DEAL KUBATL1 & WLSMEU 12 P H O N E 714 for estimates on new and plum bing, c«n- w irin g . repair J"ba. C. Hcliu line rich, i crete work. 4 ltf 1443 Jackson street 10. "Our task of reconstruction does not require the creation of new and strange values It Is rath er the finding of the way once more to known out. to some degree, for- I gotten values." -President Roosevelt. I ’2- m a rk F a « * li*a d iu g e N ut par* m h tad. Cash should accompany th * order. NelKhborhood new« from 90 Arcus I correspondents In different seettons of Wiishiiufton county upprars In the Arcus each week I«wrn what ' your friends are doing for let« th*n three cents a week. tf NOTICE Will you protect your fam ily’s health this win­ te r? Then have a fam ous ARVIN hot w ater heater installed. The cost is low — in term s of health and safety ! Lowest installa­ tion charge. Busch’s Service Garage P U B L IC A T IO N S N O T H K O F F IN A L H K T T L K R « N T In llw County C’o urt of the Htate of Ore- u-.»n fo r Wa»htngt*»n County. In thé M atter of the Fatate of Harsh < R.dihins. Notice I« hereby given, that the under­ signed A dm lnlslratrhC M rf the above nam ed e r nt», has filo ! in the above entitled Court and reuse, her fin a l account •: nd Ì tor. report as such, and the Court has fixed 1936, at the N O T H K O F F IN A L H K T T I E M K N T i he 12th day of Jan uary ,f said day. In the County Court of the Stata of Orw- hour of 10 o'cloek A. M nud the C iairt r»«om of the above entitled g«n. fu r W ashington County. C .m rt In I I I I I - I m t o . Oregon, as the tim e In the M a’ ter of the E state of Em ery and place fo r hearing objections to seal Alpheus S tew art, Deceased. fin a l account, and fo r the fin a l settle­ Notice ts hereby given that the under­ m ent of said estate- signed. ad m inistrator w ith the W ill an- this 1 l l Uh t h «»ay day « f »»«•cenoK«. December. 19.1 | linied > A ted thia • • ,,„ wr,| ,,f n|H»vr entitled relate, has L O U IS A A C U M M IN S A d m in is tra trix f |k d h|# f , nj|| , n th r t ,,u„ t y >f the ia la t e -rf aal'l l>a< eaaeil. H » l» C o u r t of th.- State of Oregon, fo r W a .h - “ ----------- M- Alear A Falera. A U oninV * ’ »r A,t ingt«»n County and that M onday, the 14th «J-1 day of Jan uary. 1935. at the h*»ur of m in is tra te ti ________ ■■■ — ------------— — ------ irn o'clock a m o f said day in the N O T H 6 O F S H E R IF F 'S _ S A L K U P O N Codnty C o u rt R.»»m in the Cxiurt House Hillsboro, W ashington Coanty. O re- FO RECLO SURE f an ' gon. has been appoint«al as the tim e Notice ie hereby given by virtue is- and place fo r the hearing o f a ll objections execution, daeree and order “ " I «if the ' to said fin a l account and the settlemcn* mu*«I out of and. under the Circuit Court of the S tale of Oregon thereof. D ate «»f fir» t publication December 13. f« r W ashington County, on the 24lh day Date of last publication Jan uary of |>e ember, 1934. in a eauae therein . 1934 n d • 19. 1936. l*endtng wlie«ein O lave Jobnaott G E O R G E A L L IS O N . A d m in istra to r w ith K it »tine Johnson, are p la in tiffs , and Nor man L C«a»per and Sophia L. Coo|wr, the W ill annexed of the Estate of Emery P. L . Pat- husband am i w ife, and George I I Itid- Alpheus Stew art. Decease«!. A ttorney fo r the A d m inistra- td ter »on. well are dalendants, to me directed 43-7 ieiivered, and com m anding me to make tor Dom e. and ach of them, fo r th» sum of i gun fo r the County of W ashington dated ihc 2t*ih day of December. 1934, in fav- 36.429 47 w ith inter«wt thereon at th e , Dinner guests Monday even; ing of N O T IC K O F F I N A L 8 K T T L K M E N T ___ I t ,r of H a rry L. Robinson. Executor of ra le __ of per ______ annum ______ from _________ October „ 6. Hills- he Estate of or Raleigh Katetgh S. Kuouwon. « r- - - -- — 1931. the fu rth e r sum of 3409.99 a tto r- ,n ,hv b ou nty Court of the .State o f O re- , {he Kobtn-un. de­ Mrs. Lester gun, ashington County. r e , and nnu the m e costa eu»x» o i f and ana upon ........... fo — r W ....... ........— ------------ ceased, as p la in tiff, and against K. B. w r o w e re m i . and ney's i I«*««», M. D. M ann and thu w rit, commanding me to make sale In th« -Mutter of the E state of M ury b en ny and M arg aret A. Denny, husband A lO O O erry , M r B . . . . 1 ' . .k_.U Sm ith. »V— I t A A «¿.-F, e-« m an ta ts * X M lV r - « s . V M t Q attle ’ fln S»n ml . w ife, and « A A Schram m. -s State Smith. Elisabeth Decimsed. of the follow ing dwtrrilaal real property Nu'u-a ia herid>y elven, th a t the under. Superintem ient of Banks, defendants, fut Mrs. LlO.Vd S ha». Misses Evelyn in W ashington County, State of O re­ iuned Executor of " f ihe he aum of ,1500.0» w ith interest thereon R p c J MVTR WpldewitSCh and Gladys ■i,nnd the laat W ill and ihe gon, t o -w it : Taatam ent of aaid de.ea-.ed. de.eaand, haa filed in fro .ro .n and MoOiXTry Testam m the _ -1st — day — . of __ Jan u ary, a t F e i r a a r z ^ e r tu n a Lester M u u u e r r v have n .» .r- la«Xs T w o (2 t and Three ( I t Ladd t h . above entitled t o u r t . m l e u . « , h i . Si.- enrd.led in tlie University O t Ore- and Reed's A d dition to Tow n «>f fin a l account and report aa aueh. and .he fu rth e r aum o. ,.t .u o . cvxtia ai.u ...... t o . to Beaverton, as per the duly recorded ta. and the fu rth e r au.n of gon extension center in Portland t h . Court haa fixed and appointed the i Pwtsementa. map and plat of same on record in 5th day of Jan u ary. 1935, a t the hour > ,135.»». a ttorney l t -------- fees, w ith intercut there- f o r the Winter term. the Recorder's office fo r W ashington of 1» o'cloek A . M of «»id day. and the i “ » I ’ w “ the 22_nd day o f December. 1934. A new street light has been erect­ County, Oregon, excepting, however, ed near the park. Court r-xitn of the above entitled Court at the rate of 6 per cent per annum the follow ing d«wcri)Mrd p ro p e rty : and which Execution, O rder, Decree in Hillaborok Oregtm . as the tim e and Mr. and Mrs. J . S m ith a n d t Beginning at an iron at the S. K. place fo r hearing objections to said fin a l of Sale is also in favor of A. A. Schram m. daughter of Aloha visited w ith S late Superintendent o f Banks, as one corner of T ra c t 3 of Ladd and Reed account and fo r the fin a l settlem ent of defendant against K. B. Denny and M a r­ relatives here Christmas. Addition to Beaverton as shown on said estate. Maurice Mundorf of Canby spent garet A. Denny, husband and w ife, the duly roconiwl plat ther«x»f «»n Dated this 4th day of December. 1934. the other defendants fo r the sum ' ' the holidays a t his home here. file in the office of the Recorder of E D W A R D J. S M IT H , E x eru to r of the 3 1699.99, w ith interest thereon fro m the ( onveyanccw fo r W ashington County, '* Mr. and Mrs. C. S tanton and last W ill and Testam ent <»f said De­ 2nd day o f February. 1933. At the rate Oregon, and running thence along the daughter spent C hristm as w i t h ceased. 11«re. M cA lear A Peters. A tto r­ o f 8 per cent i»er annum sss' east line of said tra c t 8. N 0 * 24* d * d ^ « n X . relatives in W ashington neys fo r Exeeutor. 42-6 sum of 37.09 costs and disbursements, W. t. 436 chs. ; thence N * 5 * 33' . . . u the fu ____ Dinner guest* on Tuesday o f and rth . e . . r ............. sum of f 312O.O0. 3 12 a . u 0 , a tto r- W. 1.916 chs. . thence N 9 * 24 along N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T oey fee-, w ith interest thereon from the Mrs. Louise Cochrane Were Mr. and a line parallel w ith the east line of j In tha Cutinty Court o f the S ta te of O ra- J2ml 'lay uf Dararuurr. 19S4. at tha rata Mrs. Lloyd Shaw. Byron and GU- said tract 3. a distance of 6.2H7 chs. of f 6 per cent par per annum , which Kxecu- Execu- ____ gon. fo r the County of W ashington, o par cant u e - f ____ MOO _ berry and B eth and Bob t>> n point on the north line of said ii« » n was directed to nie and deuvered C o c h r a n e ." l*nJ>at« Departm ent. tra c t 3 ; thence along the north line •a ie «f the r«wl property hereinafter de- ---- and commanding i ' me to , *ir make sale of : . '.he n f i In the M a tte r of the hTstate o f Louisa A. ........- - - - - — „ „ a r^ n v*,f c v i ^ u r;um, n 5 r “ n n m j “ M £ n A t r ^ c h c ie M D u £ n c e a a l w f i S of said tract 3 N K9' 64' W 4.07 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S scribed in order to satisfy the sum o f Montague, Deceased. chs. : thence S 0 * 24' East 11.9H5 Notice is hereby given th at an order 32699.99 w ith interest thereon from Sep ,iJ i,« i" '” J ^ . » u t u r ’of ’ « t . U i of P u r t u n n V ^ a n i Execution. O rd er, and Mr. and Mrs William Mann and rh-v to a point on the smith line of was made in the County Court of the ¡ " " ' T i n i * 7 - r 'â n Îu lii** an * 'h a * fu rti» i S ia la t.f O n n u n fu r W » ,h lt,» l..n C .-unlr sign ed, as e\ex u lo r o. t no estate o i » , . * .. . ,. / . 1 said Tract 8 ; thence along the south I A U.miAarn» H ot . uha .1 h«« filo,t Decree o f bale I W ill on Monday, the l a n U IJ . L rin .1 ' m Z m , " ? „ dT a n i c u ^ C m " . •*«>: ;'.r m « 5 H m ic m H U l . b ^ “ ‘’ n t “ 1'?' line of said tra ct 3 S H l* 37' E 6.093 slim of 3299.99 attorney** fees, for which on the 12th day of December. U .U. Ii eh». Io the place of beginning con­ •aid sums Judgment was rendered by said | the m atter of J ! '* 1 uf tha S tale of O rwtuo fu r W axhingtun l.r « " m r t “ he h u ^ b r e a k fa s t tO tain in g 6.26 acr«w. Save and except« probate the East court In said cause in favor of the Deceased, adm itting County, and th at Saturday, the 6th day { oi4.if W ashington County, Oregon. ____ _____ _ t __________ _________ Anna M . Ledwidge et ux to Susan E D ate of firs publication December 7. J. W C O N N E L L . B h e riff o f W ashing­ the Receiver’. F in al Report, which aaid N e w b e ;in , part of James Barker claim Mr. and Mrs. Philip Miller re- b«« undersigned has been appointed ad- 1934 D ate of last publication Jan u ary 3, ton County. Oregon, liy Richard Busch. Report thia of uepor. h n a. .» been .wen filed tuett to .. 2nd day .';'|s « ,i„ n i T i Riw. ¡turned f i' o m California Friday, m in lstrato r of the estate o f Mae G. W in. G. H are, A tto rn ey for Deputy .lattitary. 1935. lit the above entitled .tilt. | | . .. |,am II W rurht to F ' yd C. Shoop. where tllt'V spent three months at j o ij n W. C O N N E L L . S h e riff of Wash 46-9 M abry, deceased. Now. therefore, all per- P la in tiffs . R ^ rt atuir . n l I X t i d T hW 1'c.ct. Seetion. 32 and 33 T2S R IW i 5 ,m Mr and Mrs. Adolph Miller sons having claims against the datate of Ington ( ’ounty, Oregon. . l i i S . . “’i 8 F.. He.tder.on et ux to T h - d o r , a n d t hree children have moved to Mne G. M abry, rieceeted, are hereby N O T IC K o f F IN A L A C C O U N T notified to present the same together w ill lie m a il, and entered by the co u rt! kad itln n Dilley. In the County Court o f the S tale of O re ­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S n . i . found to be equitable and la w f u l' A ddition, w ith proper vouchers therefor to the Mr. and Mrs. WU1U H iatt re­ gon. fo r W aehlngton County. S »rah M. G raham to Rose B. G. Thies, undersigned a t his office in the W ells . Notice ie hereby given th a t an order in (be premises. In the M a tte r o f the Eatate o f John A. turned to their home near Forest nart Section 24 T2S R IW . or at the w a- m a,,e ,n the County Court of the Building. Hillsboro. Oregon, This notice is published In the H ills ­ E a rl J. Kieaendahl (G u a rd ian ) to J. E. Grove Monday evening after spend­ Huber, Daceused. law office o f E. II. Tongue, Commercial Notice ie hereby given th a t the under­ Building. Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith in six State of Oregon, for W aehlngton Countv boro Argus pursuant to Ih e order of che Forested. 1Ö9 acres Section 28. 29. 32 ing several days with Mrs. H iatt’s on the l l t h day o f December, 1934, in Honorable George R. Bagley, made and and 33 T I N R IW . signed haa filed her fin a l account as parents a t Hayward. m onth* fro m the date of thie notice entered in said cause on Jan uary 2. 1936 the m atter of the eatate of M. S. Wood­ A d m in is tra trix of the Eatate of John Fred Brookm an et ux to Em il Brook- D. E. W IL E Y . A d m ln ietra to r o f the man, Decesseli, a d m ittin g to probate the The dale of publication as directed in man et ux. 29 acres Section 6 T3S R IW . A Hul*er. deceased, and the (.ounty (»ourt Estate of Mae G. M abry. Deceased E. j iMMl W ill and Teaiam ent of M. 8 . Wood , said order Is „ J a n u a r y 8.^ 1986. Ask your attorney to send your L . E. LaR ue et ux to F. E. Rowell, of the State of Oregon fo r W ashing­ Receiver of W. C. C H R L S T E ■ N S E * — N, II. Tongue. Attorney fo r A d m lnistrs- nmn Deceased, and approving and con- *” .............—* * -» part Section 19 T2S R2W legal advertising to the Argus. ton G x in ty has set Saturday. January Sherman M ill Company. tor. 41-8 ( f j rm (ng the appointm ent of Ray J. Wood- I H a rry A. A lexander et ux to F rank 26 1936, a t the hour o f 10:0« oeloek Executor of the Laat W ill and m an, _ ______ M A llen. 2.986 acres Section 16 T 1 8 A.’ M at the ( ’ounty C o u rt Room in N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T ! I* ^ N T I Testam ent of M. 8. Woodman, Deceased, R IW Hillsboro, O regon, as the tim e and place In the County Court of the State of O re­ Notice Is hereby given th a t W illia m , Comte A Kohlm an Co. to Robert A. fo r bearing objections to said fin a l ac­ Rupprecht. the duly appointed, qualified and that (he said Ray J. W«»odman has gon, fo r W ashington County. duly qualified as such Executor. I ’arrish, Tract 82 Comte A Kohlm an's count and the autllam ent of said estate In the M a tte r of the Estate of B. K. L ittle Hornea 3 acres. and acting Executor of t h * Last W n l Now therefore, all poraone h a v i n g Dated December 21. 1984. Denney, Deceased. und T*etam*»»t of F rank 11. Bchmidt. De- claims «gainst said estate, are hereby Blodgett Co. Ltd. to Consolidated T im ­ L O U IS E A HUBER. A d m in is tra trix ceased. has filed his F in al Account In Notice Is hereby given that the under­ ber Co., 6649.54 Aerea T l A 2N R6 A of the Estate of John A. H u ber, De­ the County Court of Ihe S tale of O re ­ notified and requlrod to present them signed ad m inistrator of the above named 6W w ith the proper vouchers to the under­ ceased. G Russell M organ, A tto rn ey for gon fo r W ashington County, and that estate has filed in the above entitled Helen BI at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, and the C o urt room of the above WANT-ADS c m P h o n e 501 EHSU c* M a in S t. Easy Steering is Safety - - - We'll make your car steer easy. T h at's a big thing when you're going fast. MARFAK. the world's finest grease lubricant, is especially good for steering systems. Come in today and let us make your car easier and safer to drive. It won't take long. We are handling th a t NEW TRITON OIL, made by the Union Oil Co., which Is guaranteed to give better lubrication or money back. Come in. let us change your oil and give TRITON OIL a chance to prove itself. THE TEXACO STA TIO N Towing Phone 1703 L. S. Campbell Night Call 384 Across from O. E. Depot The Only Station With Complete Service Willamina Clay Drain Tile In addition to our Standard Quality D rain Tile and Building Tile of our own m anufacture, we handle the products of the W illam ina Clay Tile Company, which we believe to be superior in qual­ ity and equal in price to any other product of its kind in the m arket today. A nything you need in the draining of your land, layout of your septic tank or sew er system can be seen here. If there is any­ thing th a t can be made of concrete we can m ake it. Hillsboro Concrete Brick 86 Tile Co. Real Estate Transfers Orcharditle n i Across Washington Street from Cannery on P. R. & N. Railway Office Phone 1341 Art Kroeger 2546 —Home Phones— Henry Kroeger 1204 I TV • IliV ir V m P n C h illi y l l l v l l 3. t. 5. i. 1 TV _ Q T | <1 X tllL i li.„ ___ P f l l l I T T V IT 1 P F I A V U 1 L I J l ll v ll BETTER FEEDS for LESS MONEY 6 Reasons Why We buy in carload lots. We sell direct from our factory to consumer. O ur mixed feeds are alw ays fresh. We sell for cash only—you pay for no credit losses. We use home grown grains. No better quality grains grown. We have W ashington county’s largest and most mod­ ern feed m anufacturing plant. Pay Cash and Save — Trade with Imperial IMPERIAL FEED Si GRAIN CO. Phone »1 Millers of Quality Feeds South Second 84.