THE Thurnduy, Jan u ary 3, 1936 Masons, Eastern Star in jo in t Installation Tuulllv lodge, A. F. unii A M , i nt were Mr and Mr» Claud Cook iiihlalli'il »Un < i» plnU y wltli lu a l- and »on Vernon, Mr. uud Mr... atlu d ia p iri-. <>. E H, liiuiaduy Fi.uik Bi'hulliHTIi II. Evelyn and Al­ rvviiliiu ut thi* M ix jii I o tciupiv. All vin hi Iiulim i li b, Mr and Mr... , , jo lu n o n look thè ilu ilr a» wor- II, ib Biliuliiierlch und »on Elmon, lUilpIiii innate r öf tiie fudge. Ollie» I Mr und Mrs. Chester Blewurt oi . . . H- ... H. Killy. M-jitor i Hi aver. Mr. Hnd Mrs. Dave Edlger officers are li- Kelly, w.11 lie n ; J. I.. Aulil. junior w ard'll; ; and daughter Dolorc», Mr. unit Mr.. i .i.ok J r . tiru .o ifi F C H oU - ! We» Mcliulmerlch and daughter , mull í «eirelury; Cari Ruaarll, w»«- llu ty mm Luclle K athryn, Mr. and lur dim W. II l'iigniwn. J"ii- ) Mr.,. Loren Sehulmerich and daugh­ l o r dvA '-n, J.uiira Crvilk«'»huii». ter June, and the iiosli a. diupUUi. txauüd Megargel, nentor At cndrotl, Takes Vacation— «.tf-w.uu. J W Burney. Jtuüur hu w- Fritz Abcndroth returned New a i ü ; L 1» Hhiiiaüerger. lylcr; and j II Murtón, tor tiirce Year's day irom a week» vacation with relative» and friend» In Cull- yi'iirk. . Installation nTi monti ■ or U lu la - Inrnlit At Ban I ru n c ise o lie found liu d ia p lrr were opened by Donald buainegs quite lively. He visited Mcgaigcl, Junior port pul ion, with I runner employe', ut Ban Jose, where Mr». Megargel tui eaeorting niar- Ha y had a jewelry »tore, and also hal Mr» H M Goodman »a» In- I nail one at Carmel, where lie vla- ,lulling officer, Mr» 11 A Deck, ' il, it O ther places visited during , napliun; Mr». J II Murtón. 01 vi.cation were Oakland, Berkeley, gunu>i, uncí Mr». II. W Barm» ui- and llurllngumi He »aid It rained ■,tailing mundial. Mr» Verne Curry and raim il in sunny t'ulilorniu all took the chair a» worthy m atron, 1 the time lie wus there. F C. Holznagel a» worthy patron. Ilniiorrd at progressive Dinner— Mr» J 11. ÜuiMnurc. « x w inte m a­ Mrs. Donald It. Jackson < M argaret tr o n W F Cyrtl». aaHoclale pe iron Mía» Ho»e Cave, »ecretary; Rood, was entertained Bunduy eve­ ning with a progressive dinner end­ Mr» Helen Delclunail. treaaurer; Mr» H L. lloeffei, conductress; ing at the home o[ Miss Dorothy .Mr». It H. Baater, associate con- Havens 1 hose present were M l'ses duetres»; Mr». Frank Rowell, ch ap ­ D r in k r Felton, Cluia Ruff, Mildred lain; Mr» Arnold Jciuten. mundial; Elder. laihomu Powell, Mary Yoder, Sm ith. Kilty Caldwell, Mlie. lluzel Bryant, organist: Mr» E.runor It C Munson. Adah; Mr». W F Dorothy Havens, and the lamor cyru» R uth. Mrs. F C llolanugel, guest, o th e r dinner huetesscg were Esther. Mr». W J K lischede. Eleanor Bmlth, Mildred Elder, uud M artlia Mr» Fred Sewell. Electa. Lahoiua Powell Mr» W F Treglown. warder; and Watch Party a t Walkln»— Il l Patten, neniinel. Mr. und Mrs. J R. W atkins en ­ Program presented during I n ­ with u Watch Night party stallation Included plain, »election» tertained New Eve, Those present were by tllen n Payne of Portland, vo- Mt Year'» und Mr». Tom Thom u.on of .1: I '.w .n H ill " I Carlton. Mr Mrs. Jam es Vulle Pnrtlaiid. aeeompanled by Mrs. T u r­ of Beaverton. und Mr and Mrs. Lowell ner. xylophone selection» by Roscoe Brown. Mr unit T H. Pitm an Munson, and a vocal nolo by Muu- und fumlly. Mr. Mr». and Mr» O. W rlce Dean, accompanied by Mr» Hundsuker. Mr, and Mrs. W. Jung- Sewell. Mr». R uth Harbison G ardner nickel und fumlly. Mr». J. W Maier, unit an apfiropi late »election Bil­ Ted und Pearl Muler. lowing the worlliy inatron'» welcom­ ing siiecch, and little Jan e Vinton S, hulmrrl, h Returns— was flower girl for the entire meet- Mr und Mis. Wes Sehulmerich mi! Christm as carol» were »una In and two children of Bun Francisco he dining room following th e OH arrived here the lust of the week r monies. for an Indefinite visit with Mr 8, huhnerlch's mother. Mrs Anna Sehulmerich. Wes has been playing bull with the C incinnati Rol» unu is having lus winter'» vaoatiuu. Mrs. Jacks,»,, ( oniplhiirnted— Mrs. Donald R Jackson of Ouk- lund was , ntertalned witn a lunch- i»»n I'hursday at the home of Mrs John R. Bullies of Portland O l l i e r Robert Kelly wo» re-elected pres­ guests were Mrs T W. McDonald. ident of the Hillsboro High School Mrb Florian Mills. Mrs W Picrey, Alumni naMM lallon at tlic annual und Miss Dorothy Oillmore. reunion In the high school gym­ Canadians Visit Here— nasium Friday night O ther offi­ Mrs. Alan Purvbt und two chil­ c e r an- Mlsi Florrnce M cD onald ecretary. and Mis» Oussle Bigler, dren of Edmonton, Alberta. Canada are guests of Mr» Purvis' parents. treasurer Dancing, ranln and a social time Mr and Mr» Jacob Mohr, and were enjoyed by the « o re s of Hll- oilier relative» They came down by hl graduates until a late hour. The auto, making the trip with friends gymnasium was beautifully decor­ In two und one-liulf days. ated with a big C hristm as tree All classes were reprew nted ex­ Sewing Claaars Resume— Second term of the SERA sewing cepting 1911. 12. '13, 14 and 19, alum ni member» being present iiom clgas will meet from two until four California. Portland, and many olli- o'clock each Tuesday and Friday afternoon at the public library rr outskle points. Plana for a picnic were made for beginning January B Anyone In­ the first Bunday In August a t Blue terested Is invited to attend Mrs Lucv Ingram in in charge Lake Have W atch Party— Mr snd Mrs Howard Olanle e n ­ tertained with a watch party New Year's eve. their guests being Mi and Mr. J,din Gales. Mr and Mrs Miss i j d l a Hemrich. daughter of Glenn B ull and Mr and Mrs Roger Mr and Mrs C Hemrich of east Hawley. The evening was spent hi of Hillsboro, and Edward Lange of playing cards. ihoudmeud were married N ew Girt Reserve» at .Maaauu— Year's day at Balt Crssk near Margaret Cypher. Alma Salinger, Dallas by Rev Neuman The bride­ groom's niece and nephew. Mis» Margaret Batchelder a n d Evelyn Edna twinge and Irwin Lange, at- Paslev left this morning for a Mazamu teiUMd i h in i 1’h e b rid e w ore a three-dav vacation a t tam p Mt Hood They Joined a street rnarm ble of m idnight blue. group of G irl Reserves of the P ort­ Mrs lwuige has been In p artn er­ ship with her sisters In the restau ­ land area. rant business at the Imperial cafe Poem Published In Tennessee— since April and Mr Lange Is a Iha-ni entitled 'Bounty," n New farm er Tire couple will make then Year's verse, written bv Mrs. Myrtle home in Hillsboro for the present massing of Hillsboro, was published in the December 30 Issue of "The Challenge." a magazine published In Kelly Re-elected President Hilhi Alumni a I Meet Miss Hemrich Bride <»f Edward Lange Miss Haas Weds William Yates Miss There.»« I, Has and William I, Yates, both of Orrgon City, were i»l In m arriage New Year's morning a t II o'clock. In the chapel of Pilgrim House with Pastor Henry 8 Haller reading the service Miss Haas Is a sister of Mrs Elizabeth Davis o f Hillsboro The young couple were attended by Mr. an id Mrs J O. Beaullau of Oregon City. The young people will make their home in the Clackamas county city, where the groom Is employed at an automobile agrnev. Entertain at Dinner— Mr. and Mrs. J H. O arrett en ter­ tained with a dinner party Friday night G uests were O. Phelps. J. L Anderson, J M. Person. L C. K ra- mlen J. J Wlsmer and M II Stev­ enson. IxN’al Singers In "Messiah"— belongs the honor of being Hills­ boro» first new 1035 resident Bhc I» the daughter of Mr and Mrs. I, C. Hullt iE dith Wilson) and tips the stales a t 10', pounds She will celebrate her birthdays with her great grandm other. Mrs. Kln- raid of Ci "orbett. who was 77 year» old New Year day. Mesdames V W. G ardner, Lyman Howe. Victor Bryant, and Clinton Duxbury and Miss Minerva Fuller sting In the ''Messiah" presented Bunday a t the Portland auditorium, leav e for Yakima— Mrs. F L. P rangrr and children lelt the first of the week for Yak- inui. Wash., where they will make their home. Mr. Pranger has been In th at city for several months. Card Party Wednesday— St. M atthew's ladles will give a card party a t the Catholic .school hall next Wednesday night. Mrs. J W Jurdee will be chairm an of the hostess committee. Ur«. Sehulmerich llimless— Speaker at P. T. A. M eeting— New Year's Baby Arrives— To little Miss Nancy R uth Hultt Mrs Anna Sehulm erich wax host- I’si New Year's day for a family re ­ union, having all of her sons and daughters, excepting Miss Alma, who Is In the east, and most of her grandchildren ns guests. Those pres- Mrs« Barnes is having a Clearance Sale Dresses, Coats, Suits and Hats Get your’s while there is a choice. GOAR'S W o m a n ’s S h o p K. M. BARNES, Prop. Miss M argaret Dixon, county nurse, will be the speaker a t the I’ T. A meeting next Tuesday evening at Aloha Her subject will be "Ealing on H ealth ' Rattlesnake Belt Displayed— R attlesnake »km made into a belt was brought In last week by J. Routsong. The snake was killed bv his son, W. N. Routsong, in Arizona In 1007 Pomona Officers Meet— Officers of Pomona G range will meet Friday afternoon ut 1 o'clock In the Hillsboro G range hall for rehearsal hi the fifth degree work, .ohese Group E ntertained— Lohese Camp Fire girls were en­ tertained wlih a C hristm as dinner party December 2(1 a t I he home of Mrs. Victor Bryant, th e guardian. Undergoes Major Operation— Mrs. H. M. Reynolds of near Scholls underw ent a major opera­ tion Sunday at the Smith hospital. Dr. C. T. Sm ith operating. Ret urns from Hospital— Jimmie Ede. who has been under treatm ent a t the IJoernbecher hos­ pital for two weeks, return, d home the last of th e week. Miss Morrison Speaker— H IL L S B O R O A RG US, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON P age Seven Officers Named by Men’s Club Mrs Stevenson are showing him as Hats cleaned and blocked, shoe» much of our country as possible. shined. W. O. Stam polu. 1132 Main They made a trip to Newport New 87tf Year'» Day. See W. M. Bmlth about your au­ Ml and Mrs. C. E Wells are en ­ Ugilbres Entertain— tomobile Insurance, a u th o r is e d joying their trip south to their old Mr and Mrs W E Ogllbee e n ­ agent for reliable western com­ home in Texas, according to let­ tertained members of the Kappa pany. Can save you money.—1358 ters received here. In writing from men now form the membership of Tau club with a watch night party 34tf Officers were elected a t the last the club and twenty-one of them Ilurlenglii. Texas, December 2U. Products of artists from Hillsboro New Year's eve. The evening was Second 8t. Phone 2831X. | meeting of Scout H arrington Camp w< re present Sunday evening for and vicinity will be on exhibit at i spent In playing cards and a pot Mr» Wells says In part: Real Old * h < Dance “Tliey let U» out of Mexico anil ; No. 15, United Spanish W ar v eter­ i Hie »upper Following a social hour the Coffee club meeting in the I luck supper was served. Those pres- we were fortunale to get back under ans. and Auxiliary, und Joint In­ officers were elected as follows: j chamber of commerce rooms at , ent were Messrs, and Mesdames At Aloha O range hod. Saturday the »tars anil stripe» again and stallation will be held a t the Vet­ 1 C. C. Weber, president; C. M, K ru- 2:15 p. m January 11. Mrs. E. E. E. M Bowman. Fred Chas»?. Harley night, January 5. Olven by Dad line sure feels good Co get back In ­ eran» hail on January ib . h . b cliek, vice-president, and Harley Bentley, chairm an of the a rt de­ •Smith. Fred Heintz. W. F Lormor Thomas and hla old tim ers 4« partm ent of the club, announced. and host and hostess. to th<’ I'.ood o,d U. H and >ce Old Rogers, junior vice departm ent com­ Cruse, secretary-treasurer. Glory again All these people th a t mander, will be the installing of- Miss Alice Sewell, who h an in ­ The club had charge of the eve- Moose Dance are ,o dissatisfied with our govern­ : I leer. i nlng service In the auditorium. J. structor In the a rt departm ent at Birthday Celebrated— Every Thursday night a t the I. Camp officers elected and ap- N. Wiley led the chorus choir of, Linfield college, will be the prin­ m e n t should have to live over there O O. F. hall. Admission 10 and 25c Mrs. R Frank Peters entertained and they would see things dlfter- jgjinlcd an- E. D. Hite, com m ander, ' 1 • »my men; Henry Young offered cipal speaker a t the meeting. 4«tf a dinner and theatre party Revelers' orchestra. 1 C. E Duma.,, senior vice com m and­ the prayer and E. N. Baker read; Those having paintings or other with ently. in honor of the eleventh "Our speedometer »ays we have er; John Jepxjii. junior vice; F rank th e scripture. Rev Reed preaciied types of a rt work which they would •Saturday Rambling Mountaln»*ers birthday of her son Robert. Those gone over three thousand miles. Buck, trustee; 11 H. Roger,, adju- on "The Unsearchable Riches." This like to exhibit a t the meeting are present were Donald MacKenzie, Dance a t Laurel hall Saturday Lizzie Is beluivmg pi city well. Hoe lu n l ui.u quarteim uster; L. B iia - club plans to lake charge of the; asked to call Mrs Bentley, tele­ Theodore G ardner, Jack (loounun. night. January 5. Old time and had better- We saw the new llJJo ley. offleer-of-the-day; A E Ed- »ervlti•» in the aosence of the pas- phone 1218. or leave them with Mrs Henry Hunt, Eddie Wells and modern. Admission 15 cents and l ord today and now Lizzie doesn’t i v,,»rd... oilu e i -ol-tlio-guard; Jam es or during the next three Bunday Ed L. Moore at the cham ber of Robert Peters. 25 cents. 45-8 Welch, chaplain; Aioert Bpierlng, evenings, who will hold meetings, Commerce. look so classy. " T ills place wo» Just nie.a|Ullr historian; and Fred Boyd, patriotic at Cornelius. Everyone Interested in art. w heth­ Used Clothing Solicited— Ask your attorney to send your and cactus twenty years ago We instructor. Sunday evening Rev Alexander j er a member of the club or not, More used clothing is wanted at The Auxiliary elected the fol­ G. B ennett ol Forest Grove will b e ' »s invited to the meeting, Mrs. Bent- the SERA sewing room, and may legal advertising to the Argus. hud lunch with the Rotary club this noon. They were very n ite to lowing officers: Lena Edward», pres­ the preacher. Rev. B ennett w ill; lev said. be left a t the SERA room near trie uh . We rate ua pioneer» in thia ident; Ida Hite, senior vice presl- »nog with him Thomas Isaacs, Oregon Electric station Mrs. Isabel LEARN TO PLAY JAZZ i i e n i . O ra Laws, jum ur vice Minnie j wuo will direct the congregational country, Warrens, who is in charge of the "Tomorrow morning we are go­ I la li y, conuui tor; Mary Bpierlng, n . g l n g and sing two solos. Mrs. work, will call for clothing If de­ Beginners or students with a fair ing oul to Port Isabel for break­ guard; Mrs. Merlckle, historian; lthoda Rennlson will play the piano sired. knowledge of music. fast The port 1» being dredged oy E tta Welch, patriotic instructor; and accompany Mr. Isaacs. Wei- Satisfaction guaranteed. Entertain» at Luncheon— the federal governm ent to make a M artha Jepson, chaplain; Hazel come ts extended to all. Francis E 8turgts, who has been seaport for this lower Gulf coun­ Dumas, musician; Mary Rogers, Mrs. Morris Well entertained a t IVAN KOEBEK with Hare, McAlear & Peters here luncheon Friday for her daughter try. I wish you could see the acres secretary and treasurer. Hillsboro ANNEAL GOODIN FAMILY for two years, and Miss L. M ahalah Dorothy. Those present were Nancy Phone 2943 and acre» of citrus tree», mostly K urtz of Portland were m arried In Aileen Easter, Jane Vinton. Gloria A graduate student of Ronald Buck’s grapefruit, b it» of It Is the pmx- REUNION HELD SUNDAY Portland Tuesday a t the C hurch of Johnson. Mary Elizabeth Bickford, Simplified S tandard Course of Jazz meated kind. We would like to take Annual Goodin family reunion St. M arks and All Angels. Rev. and aonie home, but know we could Dorothy Well. was held a t the W. G. Hare home Rictiard F. Ayres performed the never gel It through Arizona und Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs- ceremony. California. Anyhow we ure eating ROY At an Impressive wedding J W. Goodin. North Plains; Mr After a short wedding trip they all we can of It. ceremony at the 81. Francis church Mr» W A. Goodin, Cornelius; will be at home after January 15 "Expect to »pend New Year's ; Thursday morning Miss Sylvia J. and and Mrs. T. P. Goodin, Oren- at Bancroft, Oregon, route one, In Corpus Christi, then a few more Duyck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. co; Mrs Ida Gunk. Mrs. Fred Zllly where Mr. Sturgis will manage a days m Han Antonio before we Emil Duyck, became the bride of and son Fred. Mis» Lena Goodin. and poultry ranch. He left s ta rt home." William A. Peters, son of Mr. and Mrs Lillian Day. all of Portland; turkey Mrs. John Peters of Verboort. Rev Mr. and Mrs W G. Hare, Mrs. the employ of the local law firm Joseph Heesacker performed t h e Dolores Vinton and daughter Jane Monday. Mr Sturgis ts the son of Mr. and j ceremony. and Mr. and Mrs. John Hare, all Mrs. R. E. Sturgis of Brooks and The bride wore a white satin ol Hillsboro. Mrs Sturgis the daughter of Mr. dress with a trailing veil caught and Mrs. A C. K urtz of Portland. about the liead with orange blos­ Mias Iva I. Lee. daughter of Mr. soms, She carried an arm bou­ PICTURES APPROVED Both are graduates of th e Uni­ and Mr» W E Lee of Hillsboro, versity of Oregon, where Mr. Sturi of tea roses and white sweet FOR COMING WEEK and Henry I. Sprogis, son ot Mrs. quet finished the law course In 1932. peas. Legion ol Decency committee of was a member of Alpha Upsilon. Anna Sprogis of Aurora, were m a r­ Miss Madeline Duyck was her Hillsboro C hristian Council h is Is­ while Mrs. Sturgis was affiliated ried a t Vancouver, Wash., New only attendant. She wore a pmk sued the following recommendations Year's eve at 12 o'clock Mias Anona dress and carried an arm regarding pictures for the coming with Alpha Omicron Pl. Lee. sister of the bride, and A. F. taffeta bouquet of pink and white sweet Gwinner of Portland accompanied peas. Raymond Van Dyke acted as week at the Venetian; We heartily recommend “Mrs. ATTEND GOLDEN WEDDING them. best m an for Mr. Peters. A fter the Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" as a AT SILVERTON SUNDAY A wedding dinner w a s given ceremony was held at family picture, especially fit for New Year . day at the home oi the home a of reception and Mrs. C. C. Weber, son bride's parents at viewing by children. “Mlils of the W Mr. arren and daughter Dorothy, a t­ the bride's parents for relatives ol which about the eighty friends and Gods" is also an approved picture. the couple. Mr. Sprogis Is employed relatives were present. In the eve­ tended the golden wedding an n i­ versary of Mr. Weber's parents, with the W E. Lee suwnull Just a wedding dance was given at Mr. and Mrs. George H. Weber, at being built near Banks. The couple ning FREE SEWING CLASSES the Buckeye pavilion, a lte r wiuch Silverton Sunday. The celebrants will make their home In Hillsboro. the young couple left for a wed­ HELD ON TUESDAYS are the parents of 11 children and ding trip to Southern California. Free sewing class will be held at all were present a t the anm ver- Mrs. Peters, wtio attended and 1432 F ourth street, conducted by sary celebration. Fourteen grand­ graduated from Oregon Normal Mrs. M Wick under the State children and one great-grandchild school, will continue her teaching Adult Education program. A get- | upon her return from her honey­ together meeting will be held F ri­ were also present day afternoon, January 4 Regular The fifty-first wedding anniver­ moon. Mr and Mrs. Peters will reside on classes will be held on Tuesdays Give Program January 13— sary of Mr and Mrs. Aoolpli Mal- Hillsboro Masonic and Eastern Irom 10 a. m. to 4 p. ni. All in ­ chow was celebrated at the home a farm near Gaston. S ta r lodges will have charge of the terested are cordially invited. of Mr. and Mrs Hallie Ireland New Sunday program. January 13. a t the nl weri Mi Masonic Home. The program will und Mrs. Ralph Ireland, Mr. and Return from Trip— begin a t three o'clock in the a fte r­ Mrs George Thomas. Helen and Tom Sholes. Harold Pasley and noon. B e tty Ireland and Ira Ingram ol Les Brown of Forest Grove re ­ Purliand. Nova Bledelinann ot Curl- Mrs. L eatha E. K napp became turned Friday from a three weeks’ County Chapter Meets— ton. Mr and Mr» A. Uulterworlh, the wife of Hayden W. Literal In trip Chicago, 111. They left In an The county Red Cross chapter Parnell, Eoe. Robert und Dorothy a quiet wedding ceremony on Sun- old to Ford collapsed about will meet next T hursday evening at Uulterworlh. Helen Willard, Ed In ­ 1 day evening a t 9 o'clock, a t the forty miles which from Chicago, and re ­ the cham ber of commerce rooms, gram, Mrs. Lulu Ingram , Mrs. home of the bride on Baseline with six cars, each driving at 7:30 o'clock. Eugenia Gibson and Ju n e Irelanu. I street, with Pastor Henry 8. Haller turned one and towing another. They re ­ all of Hillsboro i of Pilgrim House officiating. At- turned by the northern r o u t e Eastern Friend Visits— , tendants were Mrs. E sther Pugh through the Blue mountains, w hert John Stone of W atertown, N. Y., and Ralph Kirkpatrick. ley roads slowed them up. They is a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Literal lias been employed slept In the cars a few hourj a t Mrs. M. H Stevenson. T his is his a t the Pharm acy, and Mr. Literal a time. first visit to the west and Mr. and ! Is employed at Fred's Meat Market. The couple will reside here. Legislation affecting the school child probably will be the topic discussed a t the Hillsboro F aren l- T rachers association meeting at 8 p in. Tuesday in the auditorium of the David HUI school, Mrs. Paul L Patterson, who will be in charge Second term of the public speak­ of the program for the evening, ing clasg conducted by Miss Eleanor announced. Sm ith at the Hillsboro public li­ E ntertainm ent numbers will be brary will begin Tuesday evening. provided as well as a speaker who Classes are conducted under the is expected to come from Portland. SERA educational program and are M.s. Patterson added. held each Tuesday and Thurdsay from 7 to 9 p. m. The work con­ sists of practical experience and LEGION AND AUXILIARY help in improving the a r t of con­ JAMBOREE HERE JAN 29 versation No charge is made. A county council and jamboree of the Legion and Auxiliary will be Mr and Mrs. C lair Wilkes of A l- held in tills city on Tuesday night, ' banv PAULINE LORD W.C.FIELD5 and Miss Elinor Wilkes of Jan u ary 29, according to announce­ Corvallis were Sunday guests of m ent at t h e Auxiliary meeting Mr and Mrs. L- E. Wilkes. Clair ZASU PITTS EVELYN VENABLE Tuedsay night. Mrs. P. L. P a tte r­ I Wilkes is teaching In th e high son Is president of the county school a t Albany and was en route Y ou h ave seen his in p ictu res . . . Y ou h ave council. An Auxiliary district con­ home from attending the Oregon KENT T A Y L O R Ä ^ y U « ^ heard him on radio. Hi* prediction* to d a y are ference will be held at the M ult­ S tate Teachers' association m eet­ nom ah hotel in Portland January ing In Portland last week. Frtm tbi fla y by A h a Htga» Rtct anJ Amu the h appening* o f tom orrow . 12 and 13. Members from this dis­ Sally and Sonny G ardner, who C r a w f tr J F h x m r A P aram txH t P ic tx r t trict are invited to attend. Following t h e business session, have been spending the holidays wltli their grandpurents. Mr. ano games were played, Mrs. H enrietta Morgan recelvuig the prize at bun­ Mrs. R. C. Vaught, left Monday P lu s "S illy S y m p h o n y »» co. Hustesses for the meeting were night io r th eir home in Yakima. Mesdames W. F. Cyrus. L- Clark. Wash A nd O ther Short Subject* Fred Caldwell of the Southern W. L. B atchelder aiid Ernest Z ü r­ Dr X w i l l drive d r iv e n n au tom ob ile co m p le te ly Dr. X w ill an cher. Pacific left New Year's dav for a Wheeler, where he will be located b lin d fo ld ed through the street* o f H ill»boro. ior an indefinite period. With Red Devils— P review S atu rd ay N igh t, 1 1 :1 5 Mrs. B ertha Bowlby, who lived Raymond Wilson a n d Roland Kelly of the Red Devils oi Portland, on West Mam street, has purchased 4 p . m ., T U E S D A Y , January 8th with three other members of th a t a home at M ultnomah and has tak ­ G ertrude M ichael and P aul C avanaugh in organization took their annual dip en possession- In th e W illamette river on New Mr. arid Mrs. K enneth Perry of Year's day. Their picture appeared Salem were week-end guests of ST A G E SH O W -fl A z , 9 C /» In Wednesday morning s Oregonian. Mr and Mrs. Donald T. Temple A N D PICTURES A W and AUCJV ton. W. IL C. Installs— Francis B arr spent tne week-end G eneral Ransom corps. W R. C.. .a n d New Year'.- d iv at tin- L. J. _ will hold Installation of officers Doherty home at T rout Lake. Wash ¡«k Q ¡3 B Friday afternoon a t two o'clock. Mr. and Mr s D. H Clements of Portland were Sunday guests ot _ Install Officer»— Open Installation of D aughters of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Walch. Union Veterans will be held Monday LESLIE GARRISON January evening a t the Veterans' nail. Funeral services for Leslie T hom ­ Dorcus Club Meet»— as, Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. 6, 7, 8 Dorcas club will m eet Thursday' William G arrison of North Plains, evening Januai'v 10, a t the L. C. 1 were held from the Donelson & j Sewell chapel this (Thursday a f t­ Lomax home. ernoon', with Pastor Henry S. H al­ ler officiating. Interm ent was at Two tonsil operations were p er­ Scholls. The boy was born June formed a t Smith hospital dunng 18. 1934. and died New Year's m orn­ tiie ¡wist week. Miss France* Ouiei ing. of Buxton was operated on W ed­ nesday and Miss Louise Robinson ol Cornelius. Decemuer 27. L. W. Mullendore underwent a nnnor o p ­ SEE W H A T HAPPENS . . . when a mother Never such daring,■ eration the last of the week. Dr. leaves the upbringing of her children to chancel C. T. Bmlth operated. thrilling action « *■ Mrs. L. F. Osborne of Portland is . . . a blazing story set against the raging conflict *rmy scout p e n « -" spending the holidays with h e r daughter Mrs. George Laver, and of today . . . romance (rates Death V » l- family. Mr. and Mrs. Laver and Jan u ary C learan ce f.unllv and their guest were New l«Y »o • _ Year s dinner guests of Mr. und Mrs. Allen Long of Laurel. s tra n g « Mrs. W H. Wleber and Infant son band of returned home from Jones hospital p « o p l« | Tuesday. Jerry Wicber left Tues­ day evening lo r Spokane, Wasn 1 used M ajestic Model and stran- _ after a few days' visit with his No. 70. $ C X J .5 O father. W. H. Wleber. g«r * d - Mr and Mrs. Orville D. Yokum 8-tube console Ji v e n t u r « I_ of John Day were guests several days last week of Judge and Mrs. 1 used S tew art-W arner Donald Templeton. Local Peoole Enjoying Trio Art Work Exhibit and A u x ilia ry at Coffee Club Bunday evening the M en’» club: met In the basement of the First church for a bupper and Elect O fficers th Methodist Meeting .Jan. 11 e election of officers. Twenty-five Francis Sturgis Weds Tuesday Aliss Duyck Weds William Peters VENETIAN I Miss Lee Bride of Henry Sprogis THURS - FRI - SAT. Celebrate 51st Wedding Date Mrs. Knapp Bride of Hayden Literal P. T. A. Meets Tuesday Evening Public Sneakiner Classes Resume in 3?l 4 < M3 ! m ~WGG s ! TUES-WED -THURS. DR. X .. ! i In Person ¡B lin d fo ld D r iv e ¡ I I I I II VENETIAN D ouble B ill R A D IO SALE I I I ofjh # z, , i . 4. I Cabbage Patch’ I I I I I I I I I 44 MENACE” I I SUN - MON - TUE. Fast-Riding . F u ll-o f-F ig h t Fearless . . . . I I •I Ì 1 1 J t'AKI> OF TH A N K S W e wit*h 1» oxpre«» ear sin cere thanks ’ and appreciation In onr m any frien ds for (heir kindneaa during our recent bereave­ ment Hnd ulao for Ihe beautiful floral o i- [ lerim .Mr. and Mia. J. M. K effer anil I fam ily. 46p I Edris Morrison. Portland photog­ CARD OF TIIANKH rapher, will .speak a t the A. A. U. to rxprvnn our niurere thanks W. meeting next T hursday evening for We the wish ninny nets of klndnenn anti aym- at the library. onthy extpn