Page Six Contest Losers to Lntertain Winners aglnan CORWIN HARDWARE The bond outlook 1« complicated l|r« since he was 12 cently received word from their years old and had many friends He son Floyd Jr., who is on the U S. was graduated trom th e eighth S. Destroyer Simpson, that he is grade here and trom New berg high now stationed at San Diego with cent neuter norniul Those ot my Interested In lemuluu to sew is school. He was formerly employed the fleet. readers whose business bus yet invited to ullemt by the Pacific Auveiusing com- Mr and Mrs. Ledford T. Wood- Miss Murluu Wilcox spent tile shown little or no Improvement pany ui San Francisco lor a nuni- ward and son K enneth atiended a slmuld take heart. The outsumdiii:; Christm as holnluvs visiting tier pm ber of years. He returned to Cali- New Year's Eve party at tne F. E f i l l s . Mr and Mrs W J Wilcox. In development of 1934 was tlie broad­ tornia last August, after an e.\- Kenyon home in Portland ening out ot recovery into many Mosier tended visit here with his parents Mr and Mrs. John Suiciair nr.d Carol Ann Uebe will spend (lie new lines which had not shared and daughter. daughter Marjory of Leisyville vis- the Improvement ot 1933. and 19 coming two weeks with her grand -------- lted with Mrs Sinclair s sister. Mrs 33 will definitely see this trend parents. Mr and Mrs I. Slade Mrs S L. Carlyle visted in Port- Fred Quaintance. and family Sun- conunuod. Remember th at while While her folks. 1,1 mid Mrs l.lebe. land Monday and went from there day. business Is 27 per cent below nor­ return to Fort Louis, Wush to Forest Grove with h er son-tn- Honor Roll Given Marian llagg spent tlie week vis mal today. U is 1« per cent better law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Honor roll In Miss McKinnls lllng In r musin, Margaret llagg George D. G arratt. to spend Christ- room (or the last six weeks was an- p iI O T O shows the new Ford V-S standards. The cars feature many ride closer to the center of the ear. than December two years ago and in Portland 9 per cent ulxive last December mas with Mr. and Mrs. H N Rob- uounced. Those receiving all "Is" “ de luxe Tudor sedan for 1935, engineering Improvements provid­ visited Mis It 1 Let * ms ull be uhmi thankful tins The Ford V-S engine now has a new — » iui » tor oi u „., auu > u- Mis Hose . . . Ilruee ............ .................... bison were Nancy Pitm an and William w-hich has Just been announced. The ing greater riding comfort aud In­ system of crank, use ventl.a,ion. The w e'‘w dl‘' ^ g ^ ^ ' ^ \ , , ‘X ‘“veig,!U;d Mr and Mrs. L. T. Journey and Losli. Those receiving “Is” and body lines are distinctively modern creased ease of control. The engine Tudor sedan Is also available with« prosperity sou Clyde, who is on leave fi-oni “Ils" were Bobby Bernards. Doro- . . K - * mid ................. .\li ' J Kirkwood M| . | j u ihe Battleship California, which is thy Webb Donald Warren. A rthur ana a departure from previous Ford has been moved forward. Passenger« out de luxe equipment. Kirkwood and children visited Mr in dry dock at Bremerton. Wash.. Anderson Richard a n d V a le r i e ---------- and Mrs a George in Portland visited Mrs. Journey s sister. Mrs. Stewart. Sammy Csergei, Robert tion departm ent under contract with (. lircsinuuN M. J. McEntee, and family De- Duncan, Lorene Scheldt, and D an- Jam es W Mott, received $18 712 for r Henry. Everett and Dorma. Mr. and Mr and Mrs ci N Allman oi cember 26. iei Bella. these services, in addition Gold- •Mrs. Lloyd Metzentlne and Mvnia (By Mt». 0 . | | l*«ii| Portland have rented the li Bear Stanley Cormls of Portland was —- —---------------- .stem received some $16 000 for Ins and Miss Ellen Zweiner were C hrist­ Mr and Mrs Albert Scott enter- home inas guests at the John Schmeltzer taUied their daughters mid fam ­ a guest ol Mr. and Mrs. Gail K arns N p w s I p t t o r services in handling building and Bt‘<‘dville C E will have u coil« Thursday afternoon. V^upllOI ix tW S luClTCr loan liquidations under the direc- home at Mountainside ilies Christmas. Tnos? present were w ratio n meeting Bunday All E n­ (By Mr$. E. L. Co») Murgurct Curington Ethel _ . tion of the ooroorAtioii detkirtmpnf Mr and Mrs. Vein Cross mid three de«n>r member ure urged to at- Mr and Mrs George Davies hud R p ila vi&itari M r s I n lla M ir o n a t iei / or New Forest Grove are . vUUtag thelr and eliminating the state treasurer T h ^ r ^ r ^ ““ ^ «W » session 7 ^ The lw tmer ^ e r ^ w t f f ' T O S “ mi " ec ’ä c Ä eto‘n< “ “ Mr. and Mrs Fred Jeffers of Ku- berg vcdlcrl Mr ,„|,j Mrs H llagg cousins. for Arlene cards . few secretar>’ oi state from an -v have a c!a‘m f° r «750 for services speakers during the lecture hour. Mr- Ferris M bs M argarelte Per- gene spent from Sunday u n t i l Sunday. ** v/X R n l i n P s .™ .« a Jurisdiction over these institutions, ‘n connection with the recent tele- one for the Townsend old age p in - ru. Messrs. Dovle and M orru Fer Christm as night at (he home ol Irene and Junior Allig of iMrt. chUdren^-isiJed’ herS%S£ * * * Ii tOn£ J nvestli a t‘°n w,hlch has not « o n bill and the other against the ris spent C hristm as at the R a\ , Mrs. JetiCIS parents. Mr and Mrs land are visiting (heir grandparents children visited relatives here Sun- revenues of th e state high- .T hLs flrm h as also b i, Ever>one is invited to come Kulken home. Joe Maggenstos mid family Mr mid Mr, 11 I, Allig * A r W rn rh r o f p o r t i.o a « wav denartm ent f o r a t « \ v e r e m handled meet of the work In con- and hear both sides discussed. M r a n d M rs R u v ...» I alltf Mrs. d ia rie s Deverell Miss Murgaiel Imlav of Him. A- C ./w rig h t of Portland was a departm ent for 1934 were S3, nection with liauidation of defunct Services at id Xfr , .‘..a x»e’' tta«ui und so n . spent Chrlstnius day in Portland kane is v isitin g relatnes hi re' » . « , a M V . i s , L .-f. w « x ,i S3' « S '» S ¡ S M T - S W k « ' « » broth- Mr and Mrs M E Meyers are ward Thursday evening. year 1930-31 according to R H umbia c o u n t i e s *“ ** “ “ u v u * “” »«2* ‘» !?ws... Pleaching by th, where suffering *- from an attack of pio- Mrs. S. L. Mrs. Mary ®aldock- Raldock state hiehwav engineer. i r n Carlyle ^ r froma and FtorestS(^ove s u t e highway Mtorneys shown to have 9:45; Bible school. lO ls 'riie ’newiv muine Beach returned from Forest Grove This was „ diL due e. * t o t the h e Uj6S.?.f k is s . . . i e r ^ t h e v ^ ^ i S n ^ m ' ! P 1* 5 ’f'.a? more di‘ P artn ,en ts officers will be installed bv Helen Johnson of Portland spent Frioay. where they had been since s ila y o S ) 'h i'au to m o b ile « lew days visiting her friend Hel­ Christmas. fees yj-niep dropped from are H. M. Kenin. $5830 36 from the preacfiing service. m m e miss Elizabeth S truthers enjoyed!« Mrs. Enistrum is employed at the $ l.^ S S o with StSi.“ 1 ^ ..b o a r d ; New officers for the K ,„ ton Bible ?,e«“ w ^ ’8 ? U& 5 U ‘‘T a f e n “ r i W i i d * ^ * , ' en Becker. Tintend? & % e ir «’to’rw1' I V" " < * * “ - n d two "Government includa» the art ot persuading, leading, sacrificing, friends from Portland spent Friday teaching tdway.s. beeaunc ¡MTliup. reuse of $700.000 in £ £ S e, , conuJussl° n : Eugene Marsh, penntendent; Helen VanKleek sec .s ‘,l,nd Mrs Lowell K ahr and at the Scott home and daughter Virginia of Beaver- ¿ a s o h n e ^ ïx ^ ' and the greatest duty of statesm anship Mr. mid Mrs. Amos Henderson another Increase /ro m the b o y d of embalmers retary; Laura Peterson treasurer J^ d b e rt of St. Joluis visited ^onmen Ä ‘ the M J - McEntee « Ä h to educat»' President and Mr While, brother of Mi . here Thursday. 'lv $126.000 in motor i land" t 4- to J-dje-^ Pomeroy, Edward a id u Madge ’ c S i. ^horU U r organist; : p fte ro n ' reIatlves het Bert Meyer, uere entertained at velt. Donald Rogers and F Robert Bur- ^u cg opirators Christm as dinner at the home ot r id a y u n til Si’enr*9^I?1 th e executive d epart- librarian Trustees elected are as detie visited from ns-m»»» n»s»ii operators. Mr and Mrs. Bert Meyer Monday niaht with" Only iive per cent of th e revenue • ??, i®58 j' Kenln- $400 from follows Everett Wright three years Mias Mildred Steinhoff a n d Fore« Grove “ loss was due to a drop in autom o- departm ent; Custer S H Pomeroy, two yeiFs and ' TU.T51 u ru \c . rtJlT,a, raf ««we KJisS. S. H .1 from thp pymmi H « ,4», t r-.sw ---- J ‘ brother FVrd SteUilioff. entertained *785 fr°n i the executive de- L. Cox. one year. bile registration from 283.550 cars h e a e i .7hf.77T , 7 7 k 7 7 ~ ““ o crucas d u ui .*“ • * * k “ , »ew a ir dEV s, jesse snider 28 of WUh Scholls O — / al a family Chti I>^ tma S a tr e L n r 'e ’ a i t M ;flS issu U -si io 3iM uou in Til 'T'JLT': S i jr S um ; Mrs M r snent “ d to r s ro*'1m "T ) A . , d e f gathering e ,’: « , i ,„“^ Donclson &, Sewell We Cover Surfucea Hillsboro Decoriting Company It II. NICKEHGN. Prop. Phone 2102 Bend Kinton Grangers to Meet Saturday Bett for ALL AGES Mel ali Jersey MILK Quart 10c McRill Jersey Dairy Advertising Use Urged by Babson MABS5??> w S ,‘S ' S S m n k ^ ^ ^ u r T t m V T h e fa« t K h e Warren ’h o n ^ ThnrSi« FI**?? burden borne by automobile own- ¡ ¡ a S i / s s i w s s i , s s s . ' s ' S a w - a s a s . ” !; board and th e I! “ h e r ^ 'n ^ c h r i s t n m s ^ “th" Mrs ln‘ a ^ ' r l ^ i ’ T u i n ^ ^ r u V p r l ? ^ B raune’s mother Mrs M artin Wen But bee i use nr s S S t s a j s S & = «. '2 & « .,« S ? S S M ,S " » i s ¿ » “« W W g o g jg d y a s a w Room J Local assessments as r^t-n^n^d bv the county assessors have been de- dining on an average of $25 WXi - 000 a year for the past seven years 9 :30 a . m. to 12 m. 1 :3U p. m. to 5 p. m. according to a stut/y made by the state - l Valuations on local property as distinguished from reached sinc^ their peak utility in 1927 property, at $953^58.046° which time there has been a de- — — *i year this ve«r’< »<._ __ staling only 1775 854 451 ^ $178.103.595 • ' f e y » In the . £ .sev- £ a slump of Are the leaders among m a n nnJ year DerLod' Utility valuat.ons fu n f ’ f c , a “ r T e t » '7 f u h i8 h J " q ? u « m i ,a i c n . ' i * n ° * ‘ reach « 3 their a a 5 Until f 1931 £ Pbonet Re« IUei.ce 2972 Office 2971 H oot HOOGEN-BREWSTER Now at Thiitik.iifiviiig and Chri.stmu* time when y o u r fumily is gnthered together in the time to consider this ques­ tion. M ATTISON s a S i i s i a ™ S , Our romplrte stuck and expert ad­ vice regm ding memorial at y o u r service. OREGON MONUMENT WORKS IL II, Stnnnard, Mgr. Hillsboro, Ore. "■ « I R A . " » . ? ! I S ' & S I E ' S X i ? , , 1« ; , v ; i “ » i . ? a r a i s s s - i s ? " a s , ? £ s s k s “i £ ; a s At the same time ent revenues the highway departm were of "being Pr.°- being n«£ri .J ... 1 M arun .haa has pro- luced Baldock _ points out. rev- ¿ “ ¿emere1? “/)! "t k ? centered In the attorney enues available for county roads were also being reduced by repeal course ’ w o u ld ^ c S f n L WhiCh' o i HARRISON D. HUGGINS mlll m arket road tox, ta x , ,hn-eCS ? ta t? » a «nateria1 m aterial ° t U n one-mill M. D. produced approximately $1,- deputy a tto riiet Two 125-000 a year. County levies t o ^ £ m e d ro T h /« .fr o ,a re now eye , EAR, NOSE AND THROAT m atch th is fund have also been ^idem, c ^ ^ i n n ^ ^ u s W a l ac- largely abandoned during the past to h w a v £ ™ ^ ? i£ L fan '? the sta:e SPECIALIST four years still fu rth er reducing two attornev1? ^ r o ? '80 emPloVs revenues for m aintenance of coun- the attorney g en era?6 approvai of GLASSES FITTED tv roads. C»«Bifrcl«J NatUnxl Bank A nnti ' ’T 2' ' ‘ ’‘‘" k '«»’" M>n Harold and daughter Evelyn O i • s r i s s - u '. Remember Now; Your Beloved Dead s i« » « » B I’hone 2104 x » ■ i : s s % '» & f c % i r 3 .? ! .................. ........ it1 home of w Mr. and Mrs Aueti-a construction. “r.d w ?rlh returned ¿ÌÌS** home last “ ■ * Dallmam Dadmunn. here'they’ wili^màk? P c '“ mu! steel operations will ht H ii\ei1ii,? " J nt . - for. . u 'e p r é g n i' ‘‘ m ? s . '"‘band rapidly In first half; sec- spent several days and Christm as Dallmar.n was'’’for'merfv'xiis.s w m “’ ond half depends o n with hw sister. building. i r « Walbe‘ * Chemicals should sliare’in the com’- - ‘ Mrs. Lilly M. Bierly spent last 1................. “1K year s buslneas gains Mill own- ®lur «•»«• Tried on Burn, wlth her daughter, Mrs. Ethel eI? are feeUng somewhat better COQUILLE S e v e n te e n C o o s McCormick of HUI. c )ro Mrs Bierly ?ite r a ,v erv troublous year Much county farm ers are co-operutmg returned to her home the first of ia r‘,n a,ld industrial equipment needs " “ !> County Agent George H. Jen- th.e WBek- “ replacement. Railroads are due for ‘Gn'' thM vear In dem onstration “ d Mrs. J h Aten attended S n e , rell,‘f but lo'>»t-oull Investors trial'- to determine the value of fu'leral 111 leave ral1 stocks Rail Kentucky Blue _ of a friend in Portland ______ alone _ ___ grass _ in checking checking December 26. ~ equipment m akers stand’ to bein'- erosion on burned over"hill land- , J J. VanKleek received word 111 *r anv ral1 modernization pro- In the county About 5000 pounds last week_of v*«c the u death his uncle «» t s _,p ..through congress, of seed obtained c a u i o of i t ils uiicip — «•••'»»•n** wgimvoo. —• this •-•••*> -" vm was »»»».-» a fwv «$4 icu o by y Mr £ harles Saunder.-, of Plattam outh’ c oud thP, ul*htv outlook Jenkins from the federal gov« rn- Nebraska, who wa.. 93 years of age , " „ 1 ¿in“'! eV,er bu.1 p,,w,'r con' 'J?*'.“ 1 lhrou«h the plant indust ustrles Mr. Saunders died December 14 k o“ fo'ir ' y^a '' Peak division a t O 8 C . and distrlbu so the “ n" net ' ~ results may be --------*..........................— better to farmers of the county<’l;,trlUUtC<1 “ ,h ' " H" ----- t , v .« . Wasted Advertisin< ro ,,,H„r? hant; has no moral right valu? °f advertising in vah l ° ^ f byJ he advertising la„ e iewr c‘rcu- r ? e rea<3 and those only bv P ^ o n addressed. Ninety per are wasted. , Bv Wilma'*AnHo^kru,h*r’i „ _ „ u i^ iS t,p ipai er cxf U culars considered a fa m - Miss’* b X J nr ro Is Fnad by aI1 m em - mother Mrs a Ai 'a an»d her u rs, family and borrowed nr tif’ i r> Anderson of Seat- « ’< *'je « ¿ sts sr w a . y t «•» t / th etiiSnneii?lbors fhpn s „ , 7 h S , ' h i i t . ' S S were Pridnv m “ c or -ekitives eve “ “ UVes - k ^ r = — See d ie N ew High Speed SAFETY CAR Hitcon T h e 1935 PLYMOUTH feeds. High average egg whlcn te a r they have also been on The c a n * “ ^ ^ ' w a n t e d . and Oav' W!lson were BuestsChriM? production, better quality 4 clSie touling only »'67.649,- > m n some more atxj^ rehgton ’ in^n °in A,rs' u 'st€r Rob- eggs and low flock m ortal- 954 Uus y w . . . riva?U- r egMhea ^ tie U> Roblnsoil en Th ag*lnst Cheaper feeds. Legal fees paid to attorneys by «hen the last rm sliona« w £ here“ M ^ a n F r t o 1“ ' ° r Mr and f ibdiLc ^ r e y aepartm de T sr t S ents during t*4V — _________________ L _ “ > a \ p ^ d - - and daUKl‘- Firtr P w p j“ '"?»■■■ four years, other th an the atto r- _________________________ _______ ter Koressa of Portland •» ■}? Producer. You ney general and members of his- WELCOME 1935’ in»?1 and Mrs. Roy Lietz ot St can . . . t , afford to feed any- total m ore than $150.000 Of . UP around Third and Burnside ' rrarenk C bn tmas with Mr.^ ' am ount approximately $110,- ts the Skidway. So-called because H ^ g e iK ‘ ' Mr and Mrs J L. thing but the best. because Haggerty funds?- The~remaln3er7°*mounting « 5 ^ E ™ it S d „ D Hlte and C» more than $55.000 represents feei card rooms, beer joints the band a"d Mr o ’fj Joe FHnt K ^.pattorneys handling bank of homeless men. Di the nah^r and ?®ber t Holland Feed - Seed - Eggs and Poultry' and Mrs. William these institutions. V1 tuns In a few hours y' 3° me ” C' Phone 3061 t o S ' w h o ^ X u S T 'S X c ’u1: advertises S " z i m m e ii ^ n ¿ 2 Z i g h Z - tlons against a n S X , - of budding an? '¿l,bv. h? L Eul?e,i' and t h e M ^ „ s an^loan offldaH for the corpora? Coffee 5 “ dntsH° m^ , ma^ ^ l ^ d ^ t m “ “’^ Perrls ° f --------------------- you see. So it goes where anity Mr and M r. n V Metzentlne. has mired down; stripped of hotw 'w n T and may,^ heaJ'h wealth a a n r d ‘ c lo th ' e s 1 with money only a memory. Ju t of all this there came a when you use our modem lern message of victory scrawled In battery service. They £ £ D f l t t e P U Ô ô P ^ Î C C red pencil on one of D ad’s five-cent men who are intimately ^ rd a - It read, “Failure in the Christian life Is impossible so long acquainted with every de- _______ as you trust In Jesus C hrist." Noiv tall of battery construc­ some soul in the Skid way had prov- tion. As 3 result, you can HwiAb m ' ,And If It stands in the depend upon their ability Skidway it ought to anywhere to serve your’s most ef­ C hrist started it away back there ficiently. If you have b at­ on Galilee th a t night when the tery trouble of any kind, d?®1 * as. "kely 60 sink. Walking call here first and avoid over the• trouWed waters, he shouts to the frightened disciples, “Be of Grim reap er of possible future disappoint­ T%?»Cbeer; U ls 1; be nr* afraid." ment. the poor a n d in e n a word of command and the rich— the young storm dies out into peaceful calm. Guaranteed Batteries at res-H e m akes good everywhere and old— all we everyway every time. And why the low cost of $4.95 can do is make 18 very ° ° d of very God. sure th a t those J h ’h n ^ H 8. * ere made by hlm and without him was nothing made dependent on us th a t was m ade.” will he well pro­ Second and Baseline Streets Phon» »kQI B ut he will n o t undertake for vided for in spite until the sin-question is set­ tled. Right now, right where you of his coming! are, tell God you take him as your Life Insurance is Saviour to love, tru st and obey I ndependence Then step out into 1935 looking utterly to him. Throw yourself on Assurance. Get him. He waits to prove hln*self full information the friend th a t stlcketh closer th an a brother." Yes- 'Be of good from us without cheer; it is I; be not aftald .” obligation. George N. Taylor, Beaverton. Adv. /V o ir Farmer’ Cash Store rarmers on Display C A D Y M OTOR CO. New Location 1125 THIRD STREET Hillsboro Oregon S p ecialists S erv e Y o u if LENTZ AUTO PARTS Why Not Build That Septic Tank? overflow from th e septic tank. v * " it' the Ule to carry the T here is nothing more satisfactory burned brick for septic tanks. We h ^ or v serviceable e ^ l ^ p l th a .e ^ V ^ i ». d ^ ' SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Washington Street between 1st and 2nd Hillsboro PLANT AT SCHOLLS, OREGON O ur Motto— “F riendly Service . . . F air Prices” Credit Bureaus (Incorporated) Collections — Credit Reports In Washington, Tillamook, Polk and Yamhill Counties Personal C ontact on Collections Washington County Office Commercial Building Second and Main Streets Phone 3071 Hillsboro, Oregon CHAS. L. WALKER HILLxSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY SHOPS 1955 SUCCESS EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP Oeneral Beauty Work P tn iu n in li anil all lilnila of b « u l» work. will be measured by Y o u r Savings Don’t have a blank bank-book to look at the end of next year! That’s not work- in# toward a brilliant future! .Just save 10'' of what you earn each week and be thrilled by a neat nest-egg by 1936. It’s a winning habit-and one that insures your own future. C om m ercial N a tio n a l B an k Taleyhona IhRIX Bal, any lllll.h o r. Pharmacy Phone 1732 1164 3rd Nt. HILLSBORO NCKOKON A. O. PITMAN, M. D. PlirSfC IA N and RtlRGRON X-Ray and Commarclal National Rank nW* Offlca (1(1 T.laphnnaa ItmManra 7(1 X DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. All Klnda of Haaalr Warh I'hydclan and Surgeon PERMANENTS a iparlnlty Talophona 1471 WEII/B AI'AHTMKNTH Well» Building kl.lm l Bchandal tki . kphonm Offlca 2«B2 llaalilanra tkkl HENTISTS GARBAGE collection DR. RALPH DRESSER Dentist Commercial Building Talaphona 144 tranlnea, Sunday hr Appolntmaut G arbage Collection and cans d . p. corrieri Telephone 2325 INSURANCE "The Largest Independent Hank In Washington County" and Sanitary Beauty Shop Agent Every form of protection — Fire, automobile, casualty, liability, ’ i Fidelity, Surety and Life. PHYSICIAN GEORGE T. McGRATH Waahlnaton Count? *xran.r INStIRANCR HRRVIlia Hhul. flank Pl,on« Bulldlna Rlllaboeo Par Information a boat nirtotnrt RUBBER stamps BOY YOUR RUBRER STAMPS from H IL L S B O R O A R G U S Ila Aivartlaan rail The A nna — 2141