Thursilay, Ja n u a ry 3, 1935 Wiik Whirh I« C .m W ina lli« HlllaKir* liv d T w S rn l HIH.boru A r r u . «.lab . 1S»< U itl.lx r o lm fepem lent «Mato 1ST» M rKINNEV A M rKINNEV. FvkU akan Published Thursday» Enterad s» sueun.l-clsaa m attar ¡n tka pontoffic* at Hillsboro. Ü rfsvn W N E M rKINNEV VERNE Editor dealer- D r e tr o n S la in E d t- MR6. R C. MrKINNEV A « o c ist« Editor X S l 7 « . X . o n and Ne iional Editorial A»»"ciaticn Member of the Audit .»»•lit U N E W SPA PER First Audited Paper U r » - - t Aud.wd W aakl, Clteula- turn in ll-n iu n Bureau of circu la te« !________ or W A SH IN G TO N Subscription R stss S trie tlj Cask in Advance p „ y * . , ___ ___________ «I SO U. 8 . Outride Oregon S i* B o n t k a ____________ h* Eoreign CnuuUlas itllN IV Snows Force End Man Hunt THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME Rating Revised in Dairy Test i ^ Argus press time has been set up to W ednesday night until fu rth er notice iti order th at all people throughout th coun­ tv may have their paper on the same day. This will require the w holehearted co­ ! State A lters R equirem ents operation of readers, correspondents and for A b ortion -F ree H erds advertisers. Your co-operation will be ap ­ preciated by the members of the Argus Kcquireiiiciils for oUlaining th e 1 editorial and printing departm ents, who rating ot accredited aooruou-liee as a result will have one less day in which herds have oeeii revised, aceoiuin* to produce the paper. The publishers iu oilicial word Hum the stale de- would like to have the reaction of readers pai'tuieui 01 a g i t e a . ture. Ofticutl a n ­ nouncement cuilteruing Hie change to the change in order to determ ine future reaus as toito ts: policy. • A ttreuned uborliutl free herd ' stt * l "7. .idi i¡ llmil for Harlan 1» Is* Toumcmi. I'm llandcr who Ini ' In i n inl.' iiit. In the wilds of the Wilson river country since Deiemlier 21. was of. Helally alsindoned Thursday. How­ ever. a reward of »Kidd win offered last week by relatives of the ml*. I ing man and It is uudrratnod sev­ eral private parties lire continuing | Hie search Heavy snows in the area have caused th» search to bo almost hopeli'S. according to reports a t Hie sheriff's office No definite clew I regarding the m an lias been re reived 'Ince he left u wagon team and started on a atiort-cut to a logging company cam p two weeks ago Ilex Hhelton Bechtel, Bherwoud I route 3. was hrmight to the county ' lall Saturday to serve a 7 'j-d ay I jail sentence on a traffic ronvu - tian The sentence was Imposed shall nieitn any herd 01 cattle which has passed a t least two successive ¡ uoorliou tests with no reacting The H illsboro Argua aaaumea no fin an cial responsibility tor i cuttle. provided Bang's Disease con­ a m published in its « 4 u m a s. but in M S » » h*'« lb “ to at fault n il! reprint that part of an advertlamuent in which Let’s go into the new year with a con­ trol woi'g lias oven sta lle d prior the typographical mirtak« tx*cur*. fidence and a determ ination to do our to January 1. 1935, a lte r which date A o lo d a w o d n o t Nnwspnpur. « hone>M nriees and I successive aoorlion tree tests utmost to co-operate in cur small way in three be are Baaed on ih e P rinciple of th e Colder Rule. And »» >• required; these tests be-1 would that men should do to you. do yu also to them like- the recovery efforts of the Roosevelt ad- I j shall nig not lass th a n eight nor more w w e.”— M atthew 1:11. m instration. We will never get far with Ilian twelve m onths ap a rt, provid- political back-biting and criticizing some­ | ed th a t no reacting cuttle have thing merely because it is dem ocratic or i teen removed from such a herd ard Just" e "i the pean | .1 H Barber ■ w ithin eight mouths. Any aecred-j republican. rtirft of betwen 25U and 300 grain Summons in the tax foreclosure suit i lted herd certificate issued cover- ■ neks from J. C. Martlnazz.t ot ¡ ing such a herd shall be valid lorI of the county is being published in the T ualatin Bunday night was report­ : not more titan twelve months." two county official papers, the H illsboro ed to Hie sheriff this week Up to tile present tim e an ac- j Argus and the Forest Grove News-Times. ¡credited herd was one In wiucn' To us this long list of delinquencies shows I there were four successive clean the great need for finding some method tests not more than eight m onths ¡ for equalizing the tax burden. The fact F i f t e e n T e a r s Ago of those writers who editorially condemn ap art and not less th a n four montlis th a t one has some property is no indica­ the Seme Argus. January I, 1820 Toil government and its NRA program not infre­ ¡ apart. Under the provisions of the rhurge to outside systems Investi­ tion w hatever of his or her ability to pay quently refer to conditions in G reat B ritain, and federal abortion control program gated by Hillsboro club or th at this property is bringing in any prove to the satisfaction of themselves and to a : the dairym an agreed to continue M N Bonham pioneer teacher, visits old student. I*htl Melscltan percentage of th eir readers th at "the tight little testing a lte r the government made retu rn whatsoever. the free test until he had a herd In lu rtlan d The Argus has continually cited its island." under able leadership, Iras come out of the subject to accreditation. This m eant UlrtliA To Mr and Mrs Erin I w ithout recourse to what they are pleased ftriiarr of Bethany, December 2w, belief th a t a change in our taxing policy depression 1 four successive clean tests. to call brain trusters w ith crazy Ideas." U nfor­ a boy. is necessary so as to make the burden tunately. it is not generally known th at these critics As revised, the dairym an who Mrs Noah Heater, burn at Hlier- more easy to pay. It feels that the scientif­ lack the background which would qualify them to signs one of tltese federal a g re e -¡ woud In 1856 died here Ikrerinber 26. ic basis for taxation should be on ability draw comparisons between procedure in G reat B rit­ i m enu now will have to have but Workmen Marl on new cannery to pay and th at all should contribute in ain and these United States, and the reading public two successive clean tests not less - budding at North Range and base­ does not sense the im portant fact th at, writing in than eight nor more th a n twelve ■ . . o | . line some m easure to the governm ent which the dark, so any of these critics are making th em ­ months apart If the federal vet- M rs U G G ardner, pioneer brings them so many benefits. No m atter selves ridiculous in the eyes of the comparatively J crinarían makes one test and the ° daughter, died December 27 how small the contribution it should re­ few Americans who keep themselves posted on what i herd Is clean on th a t test then the Joint t" Miller died suddenly at North Plains IN -cem b er 38. sult in greater appreciation of the pro­ is happening in the Land of Muddle Through. dairyman would need to have but . ...... . Thirty t ears Ago | Funeral services for George It C hristian church of Hillsboro is tection and benefits secured through or­ Probably not one in a hundred of these critics one more clean test which could Argus, January 8. 1905 Dr Janu -. Holt. 76. who died rarly Monday ganized governm ent in the United States. ever heard of the British Planning Council, a group be eight m onths a fter the first one to b*' ltH* 111 an evangelistic meeting mottling at his Imnir on Hillsboro Withyeombe of Corvallis here at with a degree of power for reform such as and not longer than a year after uy Evangelist Teddy Leavitt, state T hat careful study and use This new spaper has also pointed out endowed route 5. were conducted Wednes­ road meeting enisnirages scientlfb h as seldom been delegated to a commission in the first one. Of course, in the ^ ' S ^ t . be1gln,?U1« / “'m ary 13. of the advertising i n t h e on numerous occasions its belief that pro­ Britain. Curiously enough, this council was created interval between these tests no re- ^h ls »Ul be the first of a scries of day afternoon from the Dunelaon A W Baxton pi n.;ii. : ■ Hillsboro Argus will pay one’s At Sewell chapel with Itev II A rttlzen. dies In B eattie Dceeinbrr visions for more frequent tax paym ents months before we Americans ever heard anything acting cattle could be removed from In W ashington county to subscription many limes over Deck oldelating Interm ent was at 29 be conducted by the evangelist would also be a helpful factor to the tax ­ about NRA and its sponsoring "brain trusters," but such a herd. each year is evidenced by a O E. Jackson, son of County _________________ I The local church has arranged the H r Iatwn eenirtery here card received this week from payer. It is a plan often followed in busi­ the group has been doing a large am ount of ex­ Treasurer Jackson, died here D e ­ Mr Holt was born June 30. 1838 cember for a pot luck dinner and afternoon cellent work, especially in behalf of the British farm ­ a subscriber of long sta n d ­ 31 ness and if it is good for private business gathering of the Ciirlstlan churches at Mentor. Ohio He had lived on and other producing groups which, in th e past, ing. The card declared III F raud» E Rowell and MI m M ui - it should be good for public business. er of the county th a t day. Mr. Leavitt Hillsboro route 5 for the past 15 nle II Sutherland m arried lu-re have been ignored when legislation was being framed. part: "As we do nearly all of Those who have difficulty in paying now years. Besides the widow. Mrs. Jessie j January 2 meetings in wasi>- our buying in Hillsboro, we But let us refer to the front page of a recent Holt Mr Holt is survived by six J ington county before. He organized would probably find it much easier to pay- issue of the B ritish Daily Express, owned by Lord too. find th a t we save far ttlr llu sons. Mllen of Kalamazoo. Mich.. Forum meeting to study the four the Beaverton church a number of small sums, monthly, for instance. more than the price of the Beaverbrook, and one of a series of newspapers Hutchison To Mr and Mrs O r­ Muriel and G. It Jr. of Hillsboro ville basic plans of unemployment in- years ago and last year held one paper through reading t h e through the columns of which the noble lord gives Hutchison of Pumpkin Itldge It would also indicate to us th a t len­ route 5. Lloyd of Beaverton route December JO. a boy advertisements." government hell when It presumes to lean tou surance will be held Tuedsay a t 8 of the most successful meetings tor iency in tax collection over a period of the 2. Floyd o( Canby and Louis II. o l , Hcdortha To Mr and Mrs. W far towards the masses so long ignored in Britain. p. m at the cham ber of com m erce1 the Forest Grove church Claude years in which big sums are allowed to Across the top of the front page, in large type. Is under the direction of Jake Well. Sabin, pastor of the Forest Grove Hillsboro route 3; and two daugh­ II Hcdortha of Cornelius. Decem­ ter», Mrs. Susie Brooks of S t Helens ber 31. a girl pile up as a burden over the head of the the caption "Some of the Crazy Things Being Done | local chairm an of the Pacific N orm - church, was instrum ental in get- Hundley To Mr and Mrs W II and Mrs Daisy Ptapp ol Hillsboro taxpayer is fa r from being an act of mercy. in England, and below are th e following headlines, west Regional committee for study- ting the evangelist for this series Hundlrv of Olrnwood. January 1. ing unemployment legislation. A of meetings. a girl also in heavy type: It would probably be more kind to use T in : NEED OF I'KFVFNTIVK ________________ Horneckrr To Mr and Mrs Rol­ • Government Pays Hop Orowers for NOT Rais­ vote will be taken on the proposed more stringent methods th at would keep INFORMATION plans and retail m erchants ana | I ' l l 1 and Hivrneekrr of Ihimpkln Itlilg' I By OrwHi Slats ll.atol ,,f llaalth l the paym ents up wherever it is at all ing Hops; C ontracts for hauling rock from Di'cember 31. a girl others interested in such legisla- t l l l l S D O r O C lO I lC t T A sedentary life among adults Berger To Mr and Mrs Call five of tile six county quarries were Railroads Paid for NOT Hauling Pigs; possible. Some will let obligations go as tlon are Invited to attend. »-». . a i t and persons of m ature age luu re ­ Bergrr of Bethany January 1 a let Saturday morning by the county Potato Growers Paid for NOT Raising Potatoes- long as they possibly can and to a point duced, to a considerable extent, re­ gtrl. court. Jnwe Brothers were low bid­ The text of the story indicates th at, while Lord w here they reach a sum th at cannot be Funeral services for Jam es Leo ders on the Jackson quarry with six sistance to endure hardships There la a need for an intelligent under­ Beaverbrook and his henchmen have only recently Bullock. 84. pioneer wlio died at met. . Ashland C hristm as day. were held cents a yard mile up to IS miles standing ot liow to preserve a strong discovered what is going on, this policy of the P lan ­ and five cents a yard mile th ere­ body and how to live a better life 1 Those who skimp and sacrifice to pay ning Council to aid th e producer has been in vogue December 28 at Salem, according ___________________________ _ The usual indications of the effects: after. C ontract for the Laurel __ quar to word received here. th eir tax bills are entitled to have every for many months. All of which indicates th a t B rit­ Faurest Anderson o f Hillsboro Mr Bullock, the only grandson ry went to Frank VanAken at seven of »dverse economic conditions are possible effort made to secure tax pay­ ish leaders who have been held up as examples of troop 216 was advanced to the of Marv Ramsey Wood, once known cent*. Durham quarry to Paul llagg *” ments, for non-payment tends to increase practical men who have succeeded In lifting B rit­ rank of a life scout Friday night “s the mother queen of Oregon plo- a at t 6 6 8 8 c cents, e n ts P lh l nn u rru t o F I '‘ hlrh b" s ,M ’ n continually reduced I ihl quarry to E L in recent years. Science box trlum ph- ain out of the worst of the depression, have long w lu e h I nt‘e r s ' crossed the plains to Oregon 40 to GO acres; must have the burden for those who pay. at the district court of honor whjgh and -U Ie d a t Hlllxbriro, been following a policy, similar in basic principles, saw five scouts advanced in rank where his grandm other died In Roas at 11 cents and Haarldale , d over many of the deadly diseases L. Susbaucr a t 8 3-4 notably those of germ origin such good buildinga, good road. to th a t being followed in the United S tates by equal­ and seven m erit badges awarded. H 1908- He had lived in Ashland for quarry to H. cents. A. H. Erickson a n d Ous as typhoid fever, diphtheria and ly able leaders. Frank Peters presided as Judge of the . past eight years. Ricliaw were tied for low bidder on others. There are some diseases within 50 miles of Portland. And, In view of this, it will be well for new spa­ the court. hlS Batem an quarry at seven cent* however, that have shown an in- Price not to exceed >7500. William Frost and F rank Sivars, i ‘ W, Hi! ki,n* «i/* r s ir H a n a ' a yard mile creasing incidence and death rate per readers, when next they see B ritain and B rit­ b o th ol Aloha LIUOD 219 were ad- - ^iHlckll? K ° r diseases hardening of the ish methods cited as reproach to our own govern­ Governm ental subdivisions should give both ot Aloha uuop 219, were ad f-red olson. formerly of Hillsboro, _ — --------------—---- arteries, kidney disease, cancer and preference in th eir purchases to firms ment ar.d its methods, to consider the source—and vanced to second class rank while I is also a relative diabetes are Increasing Inaure with the politics —Hood River News. Harold Davis of Hillsboro troop 216' ------------------------- The conscience of the citizen must within their jurisdiction w herever possible. T U A L A T IN V A LLEY became a first class scout. M erit, r? rj The business or individual th a t contributes badges were awarded as follows r O U f K C TSO nS i l l i r t im portance of good health. A bigi! INSURANCE AGENCY through taxes to keep the wheels of local Second class—D elbert Crews, H ills­ . Sl,,' ,(h° kl''rs of «»■ W ashington the bi-St asset U u t'a 1' m T i .in",'», governm ent going is entitled to every pos­ boro 216. personal health; Jack / County Farm Ixian association and «ess. Every citizen of Oi gon has a sible consideration. The State of Oregon In the trial of Dirk De Jonge, convicted of crim ­ Culoertson and Robert Beatty, Aloha Two Beaverton residents suf­ borrowers of the federal land bank right to live a hygenic life in a takes this into consideration in its activi­ inal syndicalism, defense lawyers denied allegations 219. firem anship. First class— F au r­ fered injuries in an automobile ac­ will hold their annual meeting at healthful environment. Heart dis- Anderson. Hillsboro 216, puth- 1314 Main Street ties and even provides for a slight differ­ of the prosecution th a t Communists advocate force est 10 a. m. Tuesday In the Hillsboro r “ r ls ni'ittier entirely unprevent- faiding; Lloyd Miller. Aloha 219, cident Friday near Beaverton. H. Cham and violence. In furtherance of their claim they had Hillsboro, Dregoa bcr of Commerce rooms Al- t t , r noT !'•’ relrntli .i In Its progress ential. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred De Jonge make a speech to th e Jury. In which he automoOillng; and Frank Pulver, F Miller received a cut lip and injured shoulder while Howard Wll- though definite figures are not th e article or articles can be purchased joined his attorneys In th eir denial and Invited the : Aloha 219, first aid to animals. ,on suffered lacerations of the head avallabli, J. M Person, secretary- teeth and tonsils, neglected rheum a t home from people you know and who jurors to Join th e Communist party. and wrist. The accident Involved treasurer, declares th a t the asso- atlc fever, or other Infections are O regon M otors Buy» pay taxes and contribute to all w orth­ In a pam phlet seized by Portland police in a two cars and a truck and occurred elation had one of Its heaviest loan- adequately dealt with heart disease while activities in the community a t ju st raid on Communists headquarters the statem ent is G reyhound Line H ere on” the Canyon Hill road years in It« history during 1934 “ h be prevented to a certain ex-' ; ing ' ________________ tent and controlled In most ras s as reasonable a figure as from m etropoli­ made th at, In Europe and America, "th e class stru g ­ Purchase of the bus line from W. R. G ernhard of Hillsboro, his KNOWING HOW Strenuoiw athlcti* r o n tp rU l! >u gle Is entering the phase of civil war." The "class Forest Grove to Portland by O re- wife and three-year-old baby re- ( tan concerns. K in M n tn r if r n r n t h e P a c if ic O r e v - ! ceivcrf m in o r tn lu r le s R a tu r d a v l A ,a lr Profit on an Investment [ore the age of sixteen inay damage struggle" Is Communism's favorite slogan. "The gon Motors from th e Pacific Grey- ceivea m inor injuries B aturaay 1(( c<.ru ln l d pVPry h th e heart perm anently. Under th at class struggle.” says the Comm unist pam phlet. "Is Iwund company became effective morning when their car struck a u wlulnt< t„ put h u ¿ „ n c y into a tlie heart has not snffi • ni entering the phase of civil war in America" and In Tuesday. Little or no change has .slide on the Canyon road east of venture, and for “knowing how" to reserve to w ithstand phy , al i Europe. develop an organization Into a tests. The time to prejiare fm ntiil- been made in prices or schedules: Sylvan In an American Communist magazine of July, but a new set of drivers arc work- perm anent paying Institution. die age Is In early youth, when bc- ------------------------- Hillsboro was particularly attractive 1929 appeared the following: ■*— his busl- ‘ ginning ‘— —— The m an who c— conducts disease may be detected ing on th e route. The new ow ner J uJ ge J e ffr e y to Speak ne*» fairly and honestly, and pro- and made amennble to tria l m int during the Christm as holiuo/s with its When Communists urge strikes and the crip­ already had pk^se.Mon of the lin t T ow nsend P ension P | . „ ! d“ceH “ 8°°<1 product ihouid fiave II is then th at' I ii'c Individual" ""m i colored street lighting and the very fine pling of industry and defeating th e American Irom Forest Orovc to Corvallis. on * ow nsend T ension Tian thl. f,upport of the people In th. be guided and d lr e r te d ... t h » dLs government in tim e of war. we are accused of Pacific Greyhound company pur- Judge John A. Jeffrey of P ort- community In which the business ease Interfering wi;h h i, fitne residential displays th at could be found in chased the Oregon Motors bus lin e 'la n d will address a mass m eeting1 is located. rnay v,.('| Or rorre.'b-d trying to bring about th e defeat of our own most any p a rt of town. The colored out­ from Portland to Marshfield. | ln the interest of the Townsend . ■■ US ? cli «’hysleiai.» have foriunately at government. To th a t charge we plead guilty. . i_ ,. * , , , » > . a b iu tv kn ow lntr h ow ’ tr* c o n r ln r t __ ______* . v side displays and the Christm as lights Old Age Revolving Pension next T h at is precisely our aim. shining through the windows m ake a B erneil B eldon Sought ¡Sunday, 2:30 p. m a t the Hills- plead guilty," this official Communist m ag­ r e T a r ^ a W e ^ S lv e ^ th r o u g h 1 a ^ K ' W ’r e ' T r n ' m “ T cheerful atm osphere. The citizens th at azine "We H ere by H er R elatives boro Christian church. Mr. Jeffrey says, "to a program of crippling industry and presslon such as we have experlonc- *, * ’ re, , n<> more valuable show their civic pride in this m anner are defeating the American government, if a t war." "We Request to locate Berneil Beldon, an speaker and many were during the past three year. ' lrly, defection of to be congratulated and the Rotary club do n o t tell th e soldiers in the arm y,” the article 16. who was working for a fam ily, 1 lisaPP°lntcd *n n° t knowing of his cd Businea» ability should be recog- ?, 151' '"'I’1'1 lul.y hi those In which to be commended for sponsoring this con­ continues, "to throw away th eir guns and ru n home. near Hillsboro about six months Prcvlous m eeting a t the same place nized and honored with a fair “ ‘'I, <)n's,'L,.lí,, 80 Insidious as to be was received this week a t the *s,!VPral weeks ago. So the Hillsboro profit from the Investment. Those a < e s t a b lis h e d or even fairly a d ­ test annually. C ongratulations are due We tell them to hold th eir guns in th eir own hands ago, its al chamber of e o m m e r .e T h e T o w a en d c lu b h a s *nvlted h I m of us who haven't the anility, oi v? :' " d b ein rel.h eaffected liid lv ld u - and use them against their own capitalistic oppres­ reoueid w a, a n t bv I h ^ l r l s a u n t !l« a ln t h a l everyone may have a N « not know how to make a busl- « «ware of the fa rt th at he Is the winners in the Rotary contest and it is sors." request was sent by the girl's aunt, . , . m ss a paying Institution, should really 111 In carrying out any ex- STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA hoped th a t it can be made into a still big­ On this official statem ent in th eir own magazine Mrs. Jay Davis of Flint. Mlcii. chance oi hearln« thls able »Pea*- certalnlv not criticize those who tpnslve »cries of cxatninatlons upon ger event in the years to come. th e Communists do not seek to build up and im ­ Anyone knowing the whereabouts ol l r '. can, and do. Individuals who consider themselves An hicrca ing Interest is noted in With one hundred and thirty well, the large number of defecti prove, out to destroy. Instead of peace and harmony, the girl is asked to communicate millions of people, and millions of discovered Is astonishing These! with the chamber of commeri e I the To»"«end club gatherings. J. the Communists seek to create endless strife. Com­ 1H. G arrett. Henry Young. R. L. them out of employment, we believe defects may appear trivial in th e m -1 munism would raise here the banner of Soviet R us­ j P utnam and several others led in th a t It would be a gixxl thing If selves, but they are potential dls- sia, overthrow the governm ent of W ashington. Je f­ C ity I la c e . O rder , he round. table tUscu».|on« Bun- we had a great deal more mi n who ease-producing factors of Ihe great- ferson, Lincoln an d Roosevelt, and put a S talin or ? Wu ‘,o w k e e p a good substan- est significance, and al times even for H ouse N um bers day afternoon. The public is In- Mn Huey Long with his vindictiveness is a Lenin, with the power and authority of a czar, the ledger ’’ ° U lhB r Kht * *** ° f d''^ rdte lndlcallo,iH of serious d is -' O rder for 4000 house numbers to vltcd. Young people arc urged to a fine type to be the d tatorial head of as ruler over the American people. And, on official ' hear these discussions for t h e m e T C d i? ' iheir’^ ^ V f t ^ / e a great commonwealth such as the state statem ents in Its own publications, it would do nil be used in the revision of the local Townsend plan Is of interest to ev­ this by arm ed revolution. Yet, De Jonge and his a t ­ numbering sy .tern was placed Mon­ "ongP^ T & ‘X ' " WO,,ld nOt th r ‘Ve! a d* " “« : hut the " d ^ t l o n '* o! of Louisiana. W ith little or no opposition torneys in th e sanctuary of a court, where De Jonge day with the Chisholm-Ryder com ­ ery citizen. he slammed through the Louisiana legis­ was on trial, solemnly represented th a t Communists pany of Niagara Fails. N. Y., by the 1 physical defects or predisposition to disease and faults In living habits [ lature a bill ejecting the mayor and coun- do not advocate force and violence. city. The number adopted ls of a C ounty T each ers V isit N ew Y ear D an ces H ere the correction of which would have On the verdict ot guilty by the jury, De Jonge deluxe tyjje with silver colored O regon State C onclave cilmen of the city of Alexandria, where D eclared S u ccessfu l even a remote beneficial action on Washington county teachers were he was “rotten-egged" a year ago while was sentenced by Judge K anzler to seven years’ Im­ numbers on a black background. Two New Year’s dances n t Shute Lhe life of the person examined. I well represented a t t h e Oregon park auditorium, o n e sponsored physical failure, and u ltlm -> delivering a political harangue. He would prisonment. The sentence Is example of a court th a t served M cP h eeters C om m itteem an S tate Teachers' j earners' association conven- conven JJond!*y night by the county V. F. ate dentil are due not to time hut have made a fine Nero. W and another Tuesday evening by to definite physical causes The the great end for which it was created—defense of for S tate Sales C ongress tion in P ortland last week-end, ac- the Hillsboro and Forest Grove periodic examination endeavors to self-government, the true adm inistration of Justice L. T. McPheeters, local life In - 1 'ordln« to B K raus, county K nights of _________ Pythias lodge, were de- determine the causes or defects so and the punishm ent of public enem ies—Oregon Jo u r­ surancc m an. has been appointed • boc' superintendent. Kratts, C. H 1 d a red successes, according to coin th a t they may be removed or c o r-1 nal. a member of the attendance com- Nosier of Hillsboro, W. L. A rant of m lltecs in charge. The New Y ear’s reeled. mlttec lor tie All-State Bale, con-1f'" r"st Orovc. C. R Newth of D u r - ! attracted more than 4(M) We specialize ln quality Job print-I gress to be held January 9 In P o r t - . ha«» and Miss Frances Post of night 1 ° “ tlended A dequate old age pensions will make Ing—Argus. « ’ M,- land under the auspices ol the P ort- Bend were county delegates for fo r a g rea ter degree of happiness and land Life U nderw riter,' a ./»cation. bf' T h u rd .iy session. A lai ?■ nuni- , ■■ 1 ------ contentm ent in this country of ours. This There is something about Governor-elect M artin's This will be the third congress ,cr of teachers from the county j visited the general meetings Friday would be reflected in greater prosperity effort to plan out the state's buslnesK and get a p ro ­ sponsored by the group. — . and Saturday. When tlw mighty mite de­ and decreased unemployment. Happiness gram th a t Is rath er cofnfortlng. It may be th a t the business has been well handled during the Court O rders W ith d raw al mand» his right . . . M other and contentm ent in old age is a goal well state's past adm inistration but there have been m any dis­ knows beat. Hlic treats His o f Property from S a le E state V alu ed w orth striving for and paying for. quieting charges and disturbing wrangles th a t have Howling to F I R Order authorizing the exchange M ore T han $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 left a bad taste in the m ouths of even those who of circuit court lurnlture valued a t GROVE MILK A telephone Estate of the late M. 8. Wood- j call will sta rt courteous, clock­ feel th at the Meier adm inistration has been ln some 8155.55 for 1925 delinquent taxes o ilm a n was valued a t 816,023.90. a c - ] Everyday w ear soils your garment«. Add to work dellvary. economical and efficient. George R. Bagley, circuit Judge? cording to at. inventory approved W ashington county is showing t h e measure this the absorbing of body moisture. Result . NOTE: A warm glass of Fir The state Is entitled to and needs th e best brains was authorized Thursday by the I this week by County Judge Donald quality of its dairy cows in these herd tests th a t arc available. If G eneral M artin works out a Orove Milk before going to clothes get lifeless . , . lose color. But by our court. The order w ithdraw s, T. Templeton. The principal p art bed 1« a safe m eans of a s­ being m ade by the Yamhill-W ashington definite plan and gets the help of men who arc county the judge’s property from the pro- j of th e estate was ln personal prop- am azing safe dry cleaning process, we bring your suring sound, restful sleep. County Herd Im provem ent association. It competent to help him carry out th a t plan, he will posed tax foreclosure. erty. clothes back to life . . . restore sheen . . . preserve strikes us th a t these tests are a m atter of earn the gratitude of the people of the state. So of the public business Is haphazard and met M any T ardy M otorists Hlvoree Suits Filed O rder T o d a y ! texture . . . give colors new sparkle. And wo good business. David Hagg & Sons are much when the emergency arises, th a t It will be some­ Rush for 1935 P la tes Da»idad^ forJi,‘nn‘e Bradford ™ m aking a record with th e ir herd of which thing novel to have the plans worked out In advance hand-finish all garm ents a t no extra cost. Announcement th a t 1935 motor Johnson—-Anna Johnson vs. Le- they and th e county may well be proud. of the event —Sheridan Sun. vehicle license plates would be re- Roy L. Johnson, quired on the first day ot the year Young — G raham 8. Young vs. brought a rush of tardy motorists L aVer*t E- Young A doption of the new stre e t number­ "8omc of the New Deal m easures are p arts of to the sheriff’s office. Approximate- ing plan in H illsboro should prove of real fascism 8ubscrlbe now to th e Argus. In DAIRY and communism," says Hoover. Surely not ly 150 tem porary stickers were 1s- 81.50 a year. 81x months benefit. A ddresses in this way will mean those parts of th e New Deal of which Hoover's sued here Monday and about 120 Oregon Phone 47 Hillsboro. Oregon 85 cents. T hree month* 50 cents. Phone 4RX1 som ething r a th e r th an a hodge-podge. friends claim he was author of.—Hood River News. Ion Wednesday. Two m onths 35 cents. tf I «M Let’s Work Together Equalization Needed f Our Yesterdays England and NR A MCCtingS Planned by Local Church George Holt Rites Held on Wednesday Advertising Pays Subscription Cost Meet Set Monday Empi oyment Plan iias coiiducu,d Court Contracts on Rock Hauling -------------- Local Scouts Lam U XlOnOrS at . p V>ourt I Dies at Ashland Immediate Cash Buyer Preference Due i i Their Song of Hate Farm Loan Group Plans Annual Meet in Holiday Crashes W. G. IDE Excellent Displays P earl O il A Fine Hero More Happiness A Plan for the State’s Business We Bring Your Clothes BACK TO a t N2GHT L IF E Home Laundry ÔC Dry Cleaners FIR G R O V E •