Thursday, January 3, 1936 THE H IL L S B O R O Tureday. A pot luck dinner will be W ar and Mawna In Hillsboro Thurx-I iwrved a t I o'clock. I duy evening Minx Arlene (lo ite r «pent Chrlxt- GuexL« at the John Schm vlt/er mux viicullon with her friend, Ml.«« h o m e Christman were Kllen Zwelnei Muryhell Flint, ut the llurrv Flint of Tigard. the lleruiun und Lloyd beuch home. M ct/entlne fumlllrx of lllteon, Mr Mi and Mm. Virgil BliJi uml non, mid Mr,, Hurry Srhm elU er, und Mr. mid Mr«. Curl Itueck uml lam - 1 Mr und Mr.« Joe MugliUW'li. “>d Hb.h were C hrU tim u dinner Ml alld Mrx. Hu bard Joyce un i Virgil llisli Superintendent) «ui«t.. a t the 11unk Mlllei Imine ctitlclr«*n »nd nephew, Raymond, About twenty uttendeil the curd || „ rn |b rI t te r home were Mr. mid I >*"• Home of bln parents Mr und Minnie B artlett. his (laughter. Mrs Mrs k . E Robertson mid Mr and M**-Erwl’> Shipley, in H illsboroFrl- as day guests ut the S am ­ Mrs George Robertson, ull of Port- **MV evening T he uffulr was In uel Christm Helffert home were the Curl land. honor of Erwin Hlilpley's blrtfiduy. Helffert family, Mr mid Mrs Dun ( lull Mre(. Mr and Mr» K K Rowell, Ml u h if w M * and Mr„ j „ n Uh Chrl5ten.Mii und lloffner of Portland. Mrs Albert Scholl» Woman*« club will m eet! Mrn. J. E Hennett attended the Hleffert mid children of Portland. ut the Mrs. Julius Christensen home joint installation Of the Eastern . al,4 . Hayward FASHION BUREAU, 103 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 i uncral H eld for Helvetia Woman ’,i Joe K err Is laid up with on In- dem and Vivian Zlgler. Mrs Tom jured bark mid hip, received in a Shuck mid son Stanley of Hillsboro lull from the poict) Flnigan and daughter Wanda. a «« C hristm as visitor« at the S P. Mr and Mrs. John Hitchcock \ \ i n t e r ’ s F i r s t S n rN i* . Taylor home wen- Mr and Mrs. were C hristm as guests of her par- M iR'in Ptzer and Helen and Ila * " * * * ! [ Mrs M att Zednbrtck MOUNTAIN HOME — Snow be- May I iz4*F of Sca&idt* and Mr. and Willamina. tfan fallinc in this vlcinitv F ri- Mr« Leslie Raney of Aloha. Christm as visitors at the Stark dftv ni<,jn and m. mldnigh' S at- Mr mid Mrs Carl Wohlschlegel I«™ ' were Mr and Mrs. Bill Yedd S?dav was “ veral S deep, went to Ooble Monday to visit Mr and Mrs. Harry varying according to location from ,: r . . par,‘nU ' M r' and Mr» Fritz and Mr. and Mrs three to six inches By Monday the un. , moim and d auRh ter a n d Mabel snow was melting and was all gone Mr and Mrs. Mike McCann «pent from the trees. It was a t all times Christ mies ja y at the Harry Frew- Christm as guests at the Elizabeth loo wp, «now to Dermit anv coast­ ing home m a r Amity Mr« McCann Rw'd home were Mr. and Mrs “ ", unity T h ie ^ G io remained .for. several day« . . Bruce Bclmlmench and daughter A t t i r e d 0 0 ^ ^ fay n i?hTw 7th° iffle u ltv in each Mr and Mrs Harry Schmeltzer Alice Of Hillsboro, and Mrs. J. II out chains had H difficulty in r reach­ entertained the following with u Collier of Orland. Cal ing home late In the evening. C hristm as party December 28 E r- Mrs. O. T. Olsen and son Robert Miss Maxine Allison and William 3 lbs. ma Buker of Manning. Oeorge K irk- were C hristinas guests a t the Ed Scott of Portland were Sunday Patrick. Donald 8chmeltzer. Mr. Benson home guests of Mr. and Mrs George Alii- mid Mrs Claud H arris ol West Because of the severe storm the son. „„ B Linn. Mr. mid Mrs. Wayne S tro n r ol,i “ *e pension meeting was post- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundquist or Poitland. Mr and Mrs. William P°n<‘d until a later date Jin,« ol Hill«Doro, and Mr and Mr«' Mr and Mr«. Loren Seward, who ?PíL-d?¿lí?llÍ?£_.Bi.Ldl£ _f.ld have lived on the Ferguson place yw ht the Christm as holidays with John Strickler. The ladles u,.r,. ___ r • Bie .. past . ... all schoolmates or Normal school two years, ..h a v e moved *!er mother. Mrs._ Arena C ourtney.,| ^ s . Courtney | Re». Phone 321Z friend« ol Mi « 8< liinelt/ci the 10 u l>l“ '' puii ha«ed recently near i?.tl,er, KV-sts former Ml.«« Wilnw Baker Beaver Creek. C hristm as included Mr and Mr« C hristm as Eve visitor« a t th the e , I^Irs' Rose Jackson and family and D^ne T a j or and daughters 61ur' Carl Wohlschlegel home were Mel- Arland Whitmore of Laurel spent _e/ and O l ^ y s o f Scholls. Mr. and I'hristm ax ut the Alex Scott home Mrs. Harold Davis of S.'.erwood. of Oaston Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Courtney and John S tctts family of Hillsboro son Ronald Dale U Mountain Home, and Cliff SI. Roberts of Portland “nd Mr and Mrs. M. R Courtnev were Christ mas iruests at the Julius sens Cliiford and Clyde of Christensen home. Borego, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wenstrom Mrs. Sam Body left here Friday s» x and daughter Hena spent C hrist- Kelso, where she is the m as with her parents, Sir. and Mrs Ruest of her son. Aubrey Tavlor. C W Larkin And wife and new baby daughter *!■ Ruby Rebekah lodge will observe) un.V> “ Uer Ncw Year's, the Thomas Rilev birthday Jan-1 V“-»11 Allison spent several days uary 9 ¡in Portland during the holidays. _ _______________ Mrs. L- B. Howell of Hillsboro and Miss Bonnie B artlett of Scholia were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Allison Saturday. Mrs H arriet Ford returned T u e s-. C hristas guests of a Mr. and . . Mrs. . d.iv. after a 10 days’ vacation with Alex Bruce included Mr and Mrs. her mother nt Umatilla School Bill Woods and family of Portland, started Wednesday. The playslied Mr and Mrs T c Hamilton and is almost completed. Mr Rnd Mrs Percy Hamilton and Several cases ot measles have children of this community, __ _ been reported _ _ in the neighborhood Mr and Mrs Lester Haffey and January meeting of the Ladies sen of Vancouver. Wash., were houre guests of Mr. a n d Mrs. Harry i lub wll be with Mrs. Albert H an­ Saunders last week. ley on Jan u ary 10. Heavy wind storm s Christm as, Thirty-eight were present a t the Saturday, Monday, Jan. 4, 5, 7 watch party given bv Mrs. Lily night left this community without Hanley New Year's Eve for the electricity during th at night and Stock Up with The»« MONEY SAVERS Christian Endeavor of the T uala­ Wednesday forenoon. Gibbs community club sponsored tin Plains church. a dance Saturday evening for th e ' purpose of raising some money for Merchandise News — Appea rin g dreorating their new hall. regularly In th e weekly advertising Med. Mrs. B ertha W aldron and son of scores of local business houses. Jerome Waldron spent Christm as Can A real aid in homemaking a n d with relatives In Portland good living. Scores of small ads Mr and Mrs. Howard Stum m a of (l.argr can Dr) Columbia Best. th a t bring buyer and seller R i­ Newberg were guests of Mr. and gether —Regular in tlx« Argus, tf Mrs. Emery H arris Christmas. 9c 10c 20c Sm ith ! Is Mrs Miller's m other and la William Zurcher home eighty years of age I Mr and Mrs Flory Hemmy and Ray Syverson of K lam ath Falls | Verna and K athryn Hriuoiy of «pent the Christm as holiday with Borina visited relatives and friends his parents. here last week and attended band Evelyn Day left Wednesday to at- practcle Wednesday evening. tet 1 normal s, oool a t Monmouth Mr and Mrs Bob Davidson vis­ O'Connor» E ntertain ited his parents from Saturday to Mr and Mrs. Paul O'Connor en ­ New Year’s day They reported tertained with a party Sunday eve­ th at there was eight inches of ning Present were Dave Cameron. snow near Sandy Friday. Robert Cameron, Mr and Mrs. Fred Born, to Mr and Mrs. Wallace Donaldson of Portland, Kenneth Mill», Mrs Margaret Bowman. Miss McCuen, December 23 a t Long­ view hospital, a boy. Robert Wayne. Ann Robertson of Portland, Mrs. Emma Youngen of Milwaukie Sabina Whitehead. Mrs. Mary G rand pent the Christm as holidays with of Aloha and Mr. and Mrs. J C her parents, Mr and Mrs Fred Smith. Youngen. Mr and Mrs. Adolph SchUd and family of Tillamook visited a t the Robert Youngen home Sunday Mrs. Roea Feueratcln, Victor Feuerstein and John Zurcher were guests at the Leo Payne liome tn fB / Mr«. John M. Davidson) Portland Christmas. Mrs. Feuer­ stein remained a few days with HELVETIA—In spite of Inclem­ ent weather the Presbyterian church her daughter. Mrs Payne, and re­ turned home Friday. at Bethany could not accommodate Maxine Dahne spent the C hrist­ the crowd th at gathered to pay their last respects to their departed mas holiday with her aunt, Mrs friend. Mrs. Pete Groasen, The Weaver, In Portland. lovely floral offering and capacity crowd was a fitting tribute to one so highly respected and esteemed. A very large crowd gathered at ( B y Vivian Hudson) the Donelson and Sewell funeral Miss Anna Laemerman of For­ parlor Thursday to pay their last respects to their old friend and est Orove visted with her folks. neighbor. Mrs. Amelia Clemens Mr. and Mrs. George Laemerman, Many others were waiting a t the between Christm as and New Year'*. Snow fell in this vicinity T hurs­ old cemetery at West Union, where she was buried in the family plot. day to a depth of 18 inches. Mr and Mrs W. R. Hudson, Mrs. William Zurcher and M ar­ jorie Bearsden spent a few days f Ernest and Vivian, and Floyd Up­ last week at Sandy, visiting Mr dike were guests of Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. Clark Zurcher. Mr. a n d , Alvin Hunger of Orchardale New M rs Clark Zurcher accompanied Year's Day. tnem on their return trip and spent the New Year holidays a t t h e ' Subscribe for the Argus. S afeway S tores r p i l E dress In P a tte rn 354 would flatter any school w ardrobe. J It may have a double or single collar, and looks splendid In colorful gingham s with lawn collar. A vailable In sizes 4 to 12, six« 8 calls for 2 14 yards of 3S-lncb fabric with % yard con­ tra st for collar, cuffs, and aasb. F or the w hite collar, an o th er yard Is required. Crepes or woolens In popular shades make the dress illu strated In P a ttern 3S0 a distinctive daytim e frock. Sizes available are 14 to 20 anil 32 to 42. Size 18 requires 4 yards of 39-lnch fabric with % yard contrast and 2 '■y yards of ribbon. To secure ir PATTERN and HTKP-BY-HTEP HEWING IN- HTItl'CTIONH, fill out the coupon below, being sure to MENTION THE NAME OF THIS N EW SPA PER. 19c week. Jnn HAZELDALE— Children of the I Hazeldale Sunday school were en- ( teitained with a party by their I teachers Prluav afternoon. Game« and music were enjoyed. There were thirty-seven present Ray Noland of Marchfleld camp. River.,.d'i. Cal , visited Mr. and Mrs Klrchelowe last week-end. Mr ! Noland Is an army aviator and was cruising the northern states. He Is Mrs. Klnchelowe's brother Dinner guest« of Mr and Mrs. N. P Brooks New Year's day were Mr. and Mrs Will Tisdale ana Mr and Mrs N. C Yoran of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. R Beadle, Ray and Richard Beadle of Gresham , Miss Jasm ine Johnson o f Monmouth. ! and Mr. and Mrs. O. A Watson of Aloha. Mr« N W Andrews and son Wll- ; iiam of Portland visited Mr. and , Mr William Heil Christm as day | Mrs. Andrews Is a sister of Mr Heil. E ntertain New Year's Mr and Mrs. Tom Miller enter­ tained with a party on New Year's Eve The occasion wa, to celebrate Mrs. A L Danford's birthday. Pres­ ent were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Danford of Tillamook, Mr and Mrs. J C. Smith, Mrs. N F. Danford and Mrs Green of Portland Mrs. Danford ?iova*l HAMS m Page Three OYSTERS B O ILIN G BEEF 9C w Ik. MANY OTHER BARGAINS TO CHOOSE FROM PHONE 982 FREE DELIVERY