Page Two THE w n Bobby of Umatilla vuited at the A C Wahl home Sunday flu b Meets Friday The M others' club will meet at the ••'me of Mrs. Ray Parnilev Friday afternoon Miss Viola Parker of Portland. Mr and Mrs George ---- Wilcox and Mr. Mrs. B. L Sellers and M a n y H o lid a y G a th e rin g s Jan et and of the Fir O rm e ditsrict were guests of Mr. and Mrs R A Wil­ H e ld by B anks F o lk cox and family C hristm as day. Health Clinic at Banks Soon B A N ^ “ a h e X H IL L S B O R O teacher l u the Moclips. W ash , high school Mr a «d Mrs. Harry W hitfield of Estacada spent C hrudm as with her parents. Mr and Mrs N. J OrlffUi *n the afternoon Mrs Whitfieid. \ , , s . cVcnr Delauney Q riffin v | s t e d Mrs. Keenan at North Plains. Mrs Kee­ A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O . Hughes Perpetuated in Marble nan Is Mrs Griffin's mother birthday anniversary of ' Laurel Class Attends Party M a il Mi and Mis Wlil Tanner and family of near Beaverton. Mr ¡uni Mrs Eli Grindle. Mrs Belle Lilly B irth d ay C elebrated and Hazel Wolford were C h rist­ Mt. and Mrs Millard B urnett of mas guests of u Mr Mrs. Chris clunc will JJe S ^ ^ ^ ^ i i ^ - d 'W i l u and e « Mune~anU held a t -th e _ B a n k s ,g ra d e ^ school or cf Thursday, J imu ary .'I, 19HB OREGON C a rrie rs E n c o u n te r M u c h Snow on Routes ll<> Mr- I' I,. Ilmwnl LAUREl, F ifir c ti iiiciiiiicrs of the "Friendly Coinci ' class d the Bun­ day sen 1 m ined th,- heavy min storui Fr.uav evening to attend the Clirlslm .ii pally held til Ihe I,. F Davis home. Ap;iropriale games were played and ¡in . .change of small gifts p i.sented by S anta Claus after e ieh member performed a stunt or to!,1 a story caused much merriment. Flection of officers will ¡be held ; . the next inrcLiig at ttie Raleleh Wliitui .e home. January Lisbeth Lippert of S eattle I Ve.a ti. vlier « . Hubbard was the gue. i of 1 ii, a Mullo.i lioin Wed­ nesday until Bunday. Earl Fields of Pori land spent several days here Iasi week visit­ ing his former grade schoolmates. Robert Splering returned home with llltll lor a lew d a is ’ visit Mr. and Mrs George Kosevear and daughter Velma were Saturday and Sunday guests of their son and , brother. Albert Hosevear. and fain- ' lb' of Washougal. Wash They call­ ed on the D. Coryell family at Vancouver on th eir way home Jack Roberts and son. all of Hills- and Sheila Hall pourea. boro; Mr. and Mrs Enunott Shipley Mrs. E E. Nickerson returned infection in m an It is a well known and Uiree children of Vernonia, home from Portland Saturday eve- fact th at diagnosis of typhoid, rheu- and Mr. and Mrs. George McFar- nuig where she luid spent the holi- ntatism and m alaria is not in - lane and daughter of Forest Grove, days with relatives. frequently made when symptoms ,ora°M r Mr and M‘ s Jotu> Hartwick and *re actually due to the presence included Mr. and, M r^ c a n Joyce and Mrs. Della Hartwick of trichinosis. An exam ination of of Hillsboro. \viiiATd fcnipiey ox spenl Monday afternoon and Christ« autopsies on persons representing Dinnton, m us M ane Anaerson ox mas u u h relatives in Portland. a normal population dem onstrates g jrt-an d , Mr. and Mrs. c n a iie - m f . aRd ^jrs c A Shiplev ano th at Uus Is far from a rare dis- Mr and Mr> George McFarlane ease. As the winter season ap- W1 ' And tw ir dauEnteix of 101(1 daughter of FVrest Grove \is - proaches and pork and pork prod- S s ^ d ^ r ^ d ^ s °LiovPd ‘^ S ^ X . ^ e v 8» ^ E ncounter Snow nesduv for a few days' visit with Many came from a distance on New tutele. Carl Coolidge. Year's eve and made Ihe occasion a their son und uue Fred Schm idt spent several days | Swiss family reunion. in l’oi (land this week visiting Ills brother In-law. John Behnelder and Hillsboro Argus cimtallls ull the family. Ills niece. Mrs C Rutledge, new» of HIII s I nmxi and the su r­ and lornier neighbors, Mr and Mrs rounding coiuiniinltles. Read It and I*. I IJlIlgurd Irene. Ina nnd Elbert Stevens | keep Informed on what Is happen­ I spent Christm as Eve al the I tom e! ing a t laMiie. tf of I heir uncle. Max Holding, of Portland. Tliev visited oilier friends| before returning home Wednesday. Mrs Mary Hoy of Beaverton Is visiting ut the home of her daugli- j ter. Mrs John Splering. Mrs W II McNay entertained with a dinner the Bunday before Christm as for Furl Fields of P o r t­ land, lax> and Bobby Splering. ll»w- i»rd Davis and Hilly McNuv Velma Rosevear Is spending sev­ e r a l d a i s th is w eek w illi Mrs Wal­ ter Moye of Portland Mrs Ada Hanson of Midway Is spending lids week with her daugli- : ter. Mrs. ltolllii Meyers. Mr. anil Mrs. lsx< Brown were New Year's dav guests ol her sis- j ter. Mrs, J W TWIgg. mid fuiiiily of Scholls. The Laurel Light*' class of Sun­ day scluxd was highly commended Sunday lor attendance, there being lllteeu girls of grade school age present Elec!Ion of officers will lie Aunt Gertie says, "She Is held for the Sunday school next a decldrxl blonde since Sunduy. she decided to be o n el” Mrs Raleigh Whitmore und daughters Irene and Elaine were guests of iheir mother and grand mother. Mrs F Havenian of Clie- When you decide that halem Mountain, from Saturday until Monday you want I h e finest Rural innll carriers from Laurel encountered a lot of snow on the 1» i e a, cakes, pastries lull part ol their r o u t e , la s t B a t- urday. George Tews on route 1 and breads, then you'll hud to have help with a team for K £ s . r o , ^ , ^ - Llo>d U da oi MuK- half a mile 11 G McNa.v route patronize the 2 managed to pull through alone There is no snow at the office Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clark and Bert Friday an d Mr, and Mrs. Indicated by the increasing number HELVETIA Helvetia band Jam ­ Chi lstnuis Eve guests at the John boree held at the K P hall at son Billy of Glenwood and Mr and Fred Ennis of Hmsboro were guests of cases of this disease being re-i Mrs. Erin Coffey and sons of Port- of Mr and Mrs. W. G W alker S un- nortXi disease ixin g re . Spiertng home were Mr and Mr., North Plains drew u big crowd and land were Christm as guests of Mr dav Jolm Duluie and Mr. and Mrs. Ihe affair was a social an«l finan­ and Mrs. Cass Wilson. W hen the Mr and Mrs. Dwight Sellers of Trichinosis is caused bv a para- P roving th a t a U. S. suprem e court Judge can bo ornam ental ns Carl Brooks of Linnton Little Lu­ cial success Joseph Wenzel, bund Coffeys were on th eir way to Banks Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs W T m tlie muscles of pigs. This well as useful, the figure of Chief Justice C harles Evans Hughes, bo- cille Spelrlng went home with her and orchestra leader, was very busy I Christm as Eve they had a n auto- Sellers Sunday. parasite may occur in large num - aunt. Mrs. Duluie. and remained getting ready for ihe entertainm ent low. and those of o th e r living notables have been Included In the until Sunday. mobile accident near Aloha. Their Mr. and M rs W G Walker spent °t’rs 111 infested meat. As many as and Is greatly enthused with the frieze surm ounting the new Suprem e C ourt building in W ashington. Mrs. W L Stevens. Irene Btev- returns He wishes to thank ull car overturned in the ditch, and C hristm as dav with the Ellis Me- 1200 have been counted In a piece Mrs Coffey and one of the boys' o ra w family a t Vernonia of muscle. I t is estim ated th a t the From left to rig h t, above, the figures represent form er Chief Ju s­ «■ns und Mrs. A Schultz and Mrs who helped, especially the pythlun were slightly injured, but th e car Mrs H arry W hite and grand- body of persons who have died from tice T aft when a stu d en t a t Yale; Ellhu Root. A rchitect Casa G ilbert, Hattie Williams of Hillsboro took Sisters who rented the hull for the was quite badly damaged. Mr daughter Betty of P ortland visited this disease may contain 5.000.000 who drew plans for the building: "A u th o rity "; "L iberty E m broiled"; Miss Ina Stevens to her work ul price of overhead expenses After Vernonia Thursday, following her expenses were paid the baud treas­ Coffey and family were brought on from Sunday to Tuesday with Mr. to 100.000,000 of these parasites, "O rd er’’; Mr. H ughes, and Sculptor R obert A itken, who carved the visit at home over Christm as. They ury had more than »30. out to Banks by Mr Nelson Mrs and Mrs W. T. Sellers. Trichinosis is r a t h e r e x te n siv e !» figures. Coffey and sons rem ained until Auxiliary to Meet g i found plenty ol -now around T im ­ The M ountaln-Helvetla Schwelzer Thursday evening, but Mr. Coffey The American Legion Auxiliary b^ , d ™ re c e d e d sus P hone 151 We llellv er ber and drove part of the time Vereln had Its annual New Year’s ent; Interm ediate and young peo­ through a heavy fall of snow returned home Tuesday evening will meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday S u s mUels tre k e d m kUI th ' eve celebration Monday night An Guests of Mr. and Mrs. J J murht it the R. \* A hAh priuus iuucn > treaiea 10 Kill Uic ple. 6:30 p m. Evangelistic service, Mrs John splering visited her immense crowd filled the had Hutchens for C hristm as dinner in- Mr an d Mrs. Claude Morgan of •arvae FrvshI>’ killed pork is inure G erm an M. E. C hurrh, B eth an y 7:30 p. m Song service assisted by sister. Mrs. John Daiine of Llnn- which made dancing space crowded young people's choir. Sermon "The ton. from Friday until Sunday. eluded Mr and Mrs. O r v i l l e M anzanita visited his sister Mrs- danSerous ,yian meat th a t has been On G erm antown road. Sunday Ark of Refuge." Tuesday. 2:30 p. Hutcher.s and family and Mr and w S Willis, at T hatcher last week , Pk in c o d *l<>ra8e Ior some time school Miss Lillie Brown e n te rta in e d 1 every Sunday. 10 a. m.; G er­ in. Missionary society; H l-T rl Mis­ with a dinner at her home follow­ Mrs Delbert Hutchens, all of For- Mr and Mrs B ert G rindle and decause parasites tend to die out d r------< sionary ------ club. 7:30 of ...w nieet- est Grove; Mr. an d Mrs. Claude Victor F ern s of McMinnville and durtng prolonged storage at low man . . . service. 11 a. m.. first a n ,, ----- . Places —w w W - ed bv a theatre party in Hillsboro Hutchens and two sons of Taft, Mr and Mrs F ran k G rindle of tem perature. O ther processes o f *nira <>unaa>s. jaigusn service. 11 mg to t .« be a announced Sunduy. T hurs- Saturday evening, celebrating her _ Claude _»_ MrCalm and __ ■ son __ of _ . . Portland . spent Monday with Mr ut Preserving _ ____ i _ « kill . .. the ft m s p ro n ri a n n i f o ° ur, u r t t h h S rfn v ., day. ri«., * 7.30 .. p. m ... midweek Mrs. m ___ eat _ . tend to a' „m S im unda>® midweel meeting eighteenth birthday anniversary. Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Archie an d Mrs Eli Grindle.’ Mrs Bert frichinella larvae but cannot be de- E' Jullus Traglio. pastor. tf and choir practice, a he •arty wel- Guests were Edwin Baker of Blucx Thompson and two children of Grindle went to P ortland with Mr Ponded on to destroy all of th e '• — come to all services.-R L. Pul- Hork. Vera Kocker of Hubbard. Mountaindale. Mr. and Mrs For- and Mrs F ran k G rindle for a week's larvae. ' ~~ ' Christian Science Society nam. pastor, Thelma Mulloy. Helen Rutschman, P hone 771 F re e D e liv e ry Lee and Bernice llrown. Raymond rest G a rrig u s a n d family of T aft, visit with relatives before retu rn - No m ethod of meat inspection Services are held every Sunday — — Meyers. Ted Rutschm an. Earl Bak­ Mrs. Elsie Soehren of Forest Grove ing to her home at McMinnville. will' invariably "discover t h 7 " pres- ^ s ‘- at P 11 a ’. m ' : Wednesday evening will discover the *?'•. All Saints' Mission (Episcopal) ___ of . these n a r a s i t e s . n o ffS ? . sen sé*rvir<*s Snnriav schoo. sfhrvil I ¥ firs *<■•« t * flimHau O..O. G arngus Mrs_Althea Harmon John Holland, who spent last ence ices at af 8 Anelnrlr* o'clock; Sunday Sunday in in Epiphany, Jan - er. Robert Soule and G ilm an Wight Mr. and Mrs Chris Hoffman and and daughter of Prickett district, week with relatives in Banks and m ent m sw rtorl « n n « £ at 11 a m- Pupils UP to tl the age uarv 6. 1936: C hurch school.'9 45 a. J a n u a ry 4 and 5, 1935 ‘U15 Mr !drl 9. *, H utch.'us Hillsboro, returned to his home on ^ t o ^ ^ f t r i ^ l n i K t c r ^ of 20 years ar e ‘\e K o m e d i. Free m.; esrvlce and sermon. 11 a. m.. by daughter Betty of near Tillamook and two daughters of Blaine Can- Bald M ountain Sunday City were C hristm as day guests at scopic exam ination of pork f o r rwu” open on Wednesdays th e,v icar Fellowship a t 8:30 p. m., ers f t-------- ' xi5 in the a a it^rno °n were ' Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W inters and trichinella spirali« wax rfi£ ~ o n tin „ea iUld S a tu r d a y s from 2 until 4 p m. Prof G unn of Forest Grove has the Adolph Schmidt home rRIANGLE Quick or Mrs Delavss Hopkins and M r a i i d two children of M anxaw ta are vis- « i j M i n ’M ? * “ Sunday's topic. "Ood " P been asked to lead the dl ru von Mrs John Crawford l>-rt Sunday I O K e g Uia r . 9 . i b . B n tk O jJ C ____ ____________ ____ ____ ____ _ in 1907. Since then no attem p t h*is Mrs L. A. Solmen of Tillamook. King Mr and Mrs. C. B.” C arstens £ -,¿ “''¿ '.5 “ All who are Interested ui ihe his for a three weeks' visit witn her A H u tc h e n s family fa m ily who w ho a m n e d f o th p er - relatives rciartv ^ e 'ln ^ B an « « k - . . s . __ i be€n been niade. made 10 carr>’ on such ex The C. A. Hutchens and daughter, Wilma Conner, nt Wolf Made from Oregon While Oats. tone church and Its modern tn- am ination ination in any p art of the United have been visiting here for a week,1 vicinity. ’ .. ............... — am s und S Banks 7 ^ c h o M. o re w E. rv Church '’sim dav 9 1, rerpretation are invited to attend Creek In S o u th e r n O r r u m Impossible to left for their home Monday. C hristm as dinner cuesis of Mr States. It is next to impossible Sunday scnooi every Sunday, 9 4a —R R R Wlsecarver vicar Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison ano B ank. Has First Snow and M t? E a rlI w ils o T a i d U m lv detect ^ « t e d hog flesh by in- an .m f> MrshlH' Jenvs,e n ' ®uP " ‘,n en ? ; w is e c a rw , vicar. T had Iaing of Seaside arrived at Banks residents received the first and Mrs Minnie Schulnierich were sPectlon for tw° reasons: G i The IP, Preaching serv.ces by E.lsworth the A Schultz home Wednesday for M eth od ist E piscopal C hurch a few days' visit snow of the season Saturday night Mr and Mrs. C. W. Moore and are very “ “ “ U- ir°ni 0.6 to 1 T.dt n,a past,or'w e\ eri 6unday eve- ,-nurcll , ctll)<)1 9 9 4S C hurch school. 45. ' d M Miss However, by Sunday afternoon the lam ily and Ferd Schulm ench and '«»^nieter in length; (2) they are 8 * ‘d m,‘e,s C a\e fupertateildent r e l ^ Rose u n ce Cadv of Hillsboro was wor- the D eld snow in m town had all all disappeared disunnfear^d Mis Mix Celia Celia Gershfield rw*rRhfi#»iH of r\f Portland. of the the same same color color as am muscle muscle ti%sno t__• , 11. sermon ___ guest of her grandparents. Mi snow town had oi tissue firs* and third Wednesdays a t ,7 - ship, b¡ >y the pastor and Mrs. M c FY t . from C hrist­ It was reported th a t 2 ieet of Mr and Mrs. Rav Woooman ci in whIclJ th c>' ore imbedded De- p- m - Epworth League. 6:31 0. . evangelistic mas imtll John Mr and Mrs the ground m the M ultnom ah visited Mr. and Mis. faction of trichinosis infested hog service. 7:30. the Sunday Night William K Monday. _____________ H«-<1 A- While err of Portland were Bald Mountain district Munday. George McGraw Monday m eat at packing plants is not prac- W h osoever W ill T ab ernacle Men's club In charge. Serm on by Five miles no rth of N orth Plains» Rev. A. C B ennett, music by Tnom- Stuidny evening guests at the Mc- Steele of Gaston is Douglas Dreeszen spent the C hrist- tical- Fee home ____ _____ ____________ Sunday school, io a. m.; begin as Isaacs; Mrs Rhoda Rennlson. woiKing a t the Charles Kessler mas vacation w ith his ____________ parents, Mr. Trichinosis results from eating _ Rollin Meyers Is confined to his w <_ _ _ J w_ . . _ and Mrs. O. D. a Dreeszen, - r a v x .. r. . » i , a and sm c otner ru uncooked pork, usually in th e form nin< a new quarter of study Every accompanist bed with sciatic neuritis Mr- an d Mrs. A. A. Croisant and relatives in this vicinity. He is of sausage th a t contains larvae of onc Present this Sunday have a Mr. and Mrs A A Soule and son trichinella spiralis. These larvae scripture containing the word Ood Foursquare C hurch SILEX I Y PE. All glass. A real bargain. With 1-lb are encysted in the lean portion of At I 1, . 4- “ “ iF, Pastpr will ,preach ____ _ ___ ___ Robert were New Year s day guests Friday night Rev. _____ H arter will glass jar Red & White Coffee of Mr and Mrs. R. E McNeil of the pork ready to develop in the 9?. Things It will help speak on the subject. "C hurch Ed- Portland. stomach of th e person who eats '■îrXh„mliS£,,î?- h,«9.L, »R ation." Sunday school a t 9:45 a ah for Mr and Mrs Sam Coy of Hills­ the meat. Heating the meat to 145 T,30« ,a th cKr ,£ i la r m : n‘2 £nlnk worship a t 11. sub­ boro and Mrs. Winnie Mulloy nnd degrees Fahrenheit, the tem pera- ^Vv’ice T J r v ïe ject. "The Bread of Heaven Cru- son of Hubbard were Sun­ ture used in the pasteurization of lowed b ^ tesUUnoiw‘Km eeting' The s?ders at 8 P m • young people in day Leland milk, will destroy the parasites. tor will ‘bnnJ the mesige8 "tm i- Special evangellsUc service home guests at the J. W. Mulloy In rear of Piggly Wiggly Store But there is often the danger of «de the Gate"*TUesdSv 8 n m at 7 45 p m 8 Pt'clal mu!“ c “ nd Mr and Mrs B O McNay and not m aintaining this tem perature regular se?vice yJu” ^ ’ w’ lcSm ? 3Plrltual «‘nging, Rev H arter H annah Red & White. Large 2 ' ï -lb. cans Dailey entertained with a LJAL1TY M E A T — S p e c ia ls fo r S a tu r d a y , J a n . 5 will speak on the subject. "God's 2 for ix'riy at the McNay home Thursday inside of the meat. O uter portions —Melvin E. James, pastor. Penitentiary or Bible Hell." All are eientng for Mr. and Mrs Lee of the m eat may appear well cooked! _; ;__ Invited to attend. Brown. Helen Rutschm an. Vera while the Inner p art is quite raw Pilgrim House Kooker. Thelm a Mulloy. Lillie llrown and win retain the living paras.tes. Sunday. Jan u ary 6: Epiphany of MY NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION_ led Rutschm an nnd O ilm an Wight’ Especially is this true if the piece O ur Lord «Twelfth Night», celebrat- STEER BEEF S m a lle r P ro fit» — B e tte r Q u a lity . Mrs M Coolidge and grniutson BEEF of pork is quite thick. Cases of mg the coming of the t h r e e Fred went to Klickitat. Wash . Wed- trichinosis have occurred from eat- Magi from the East to worship at mg just such such m ner portions the m anger Chapel service a t Pound . of undercooked pork. 10:30 a. m and 7:30 p. m. At rnorn- Pound ............. (B y M n . If . C S ivard) To be safe, no pork or pork lr-K worship P astor H enry S Hal- ALOHA—School board called products should ever be eaten un- !' 4 moth e r' >««. U FREE DELIVERY ^ ' Patin^ m T d Qn What U haPPC1 ; I - r d *. Ä ^ S T X i ^ t e ^ ^ .4 “ Second a t M a in S tre e t P hone 3251 tf publicly on SuAdav mornmg j ^ - New Year's Eve dance In the — uary 13 at 10 30 a. m T h r nostnr A,oha G range hall was largely at- «'rices E ffe c tiv e F rid a y , S a tu rd a y n „ J M on t’ay . . „ „ u s r y 4, 5 a n d 7 may be seen any day between 10 tcndcd T h ere WU1 be another old a m. and noon, or by appointm ent. Jlmei Va 2c^ lnr>l ^lc w^ h music at the House office. I j 52 Jackson JurnJJllcd Dad Thom as orches- street. Young Deonlc’s meetings ire. Saturday night. will be resumed on Monday. Jan - r>iJ gi]nVlnire *a” F'ou,m all ot uaiv 7 /. • Oregon City visited »cvcral days C & H quality. _..__ during vacation at the home of FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES their grandm other, Mrs. Newman. P en teco sta l T ab ernacle Gordon B arnum of Independence 1246 Lincoln street Sunday: Sunday school. 10 a. m.. has been visiting friends and rela- F rid a y , S a tu rd a y an d M o n d a y S pecials worship, "tl; Young People's 2eek *” thU vic‘n ‘ty i,,r the P“31 lloirn Pd. Sugar, 3 Ibs. 17c sendee 7 45 *n 'J?' w it? 8ein tlc Mr8- O eorBe Balden, who has B lhlt kt.Tdi5 7 as J? been «»»Ping with her sister. Mrs. SPERRY w aver m a tin g 7 44 n A R lchar<*« »»”• Pa«» nine of Juice. Flach dlv* iv a ^ G ritte ’servlfe ? 45&n m "iontf“ ls >Pavlng the fatter part H arry Downev Dastor• ' 7 45 P 2f January for Honolulu to Join her n a r r y uoxney. pastor. husband, who has been transferred 8. No 1 i h .id i,. n ..,. u fr°m the U. S. S. Arizona to two 4 nrlstian C hurch years shore duty there 5 II». a H yx.-^iirrCh, SCf?°?1' ? t 5 Mr and Mrs J ■■ Hal1 “ "d chll- Pure, fine cane. L a i m c h t n o « u ^ D n t e n d e n t . dren visited over the holidays with / yenr ln ^ sto ry Mrs. Hall's m other, Mrs. N HUI. ing^wnishVn n for allages_M om - Mr. and M rs Lee Barnum spent Hu lichen •riiie d ??0ck' s 7 rn,o n the holidays a t the home of Mrs. Solid pack. meeting 9 Townsend club B arnum 's m other. Mrs Pruitt, in 1 0 0 -lb . sack $ 4 .9 9 meeting, 2.30 p. m.. Judge John A. Eastern Oregon. No. 1 tall H a?E ndear T , c ,,r ‘>>- The two T urner children Jlm - ^ k .? ^ W a,7i5 & ‘«dranTmnottheti i Helvetia Band Has Jamboree Success Perfection Bakery kM IA J SK CHURCHES CURRY’S GROCERY DATQ d ROYAL,^':.C„ "OWUE,< 31C TOMATO SAUCE “(or 25c Coffee M aker ol ED’S MARKET XXO Pears and Peaches 39c POT ROAST BOILING 10c 8c Aft/. GROUND BEEF ......1 0 c HAMS School Director Named at Aloha F a ir w a y PIGCIY WIGG Brow n Sugar 3 ibs. Pancake Flour LUX TOILET SOAP 19C LUX FLAKES ¿ARGE PKG' 22c PEPPER 52*2” 6c SALAD AID D P^iKEtii 21c SALAD AID S” 3/. 35c syrup MAID;.. 17C SANIFLUSH P„ „„ 19c “Buy two pounds and save 2c.” D in n e r B e ll Margarine 2 H m . 25c Sugar 10.L. 50c TOMATOES SPINACH No. 2 , ¿. 2 for .... CATSUP Large bottles. 2 for ............. 25c SANICLOR Half-gallon jugs. 17« E ach J9C 39c PINEAPPLE ?ro ken can *Uced Large 15c Resolved— N. B. C. COOKIES BEANS PRISCILLA, Butter Flavor; JOHN ALDEN Mo­ lasses; MILES STANDISH, Chocolate. 48 cookies to box. E A C H Small White. 14c, SOAP. Mission Bell. 2 bora Helling out. deal stock MAYONNAISE In bulk. lc SWEET POTATOES » CARROTS 4 POTATOES " Local. No. 2, good cookers] SALT of that we will not sacrifice our High Standard Quality Merchandise for inferior goods at lower prices, but will at all times endeavor to give the highest quality at the very lowest possible cost. Specials for January 4, 5 and 7 COFFEE M. J. B., Hills Bros., or Folgers. O-i xa Royal Club, S & W, or Bo-Ka. OA Ä i-ib.......... 29c SUGAR WHITE KING S Í* ”” ............. ll“n kl1 “'•<1 15c "nu cmi’ 5c F L O U R Fancy S hard , Q wheat. l'KEN: 25c LAUNDRY SOAP '™,„™ ^ OLe KERR’S OATS ££„" ,„ '1, 19c ij c ORANGES ’"¡¿„I" 10c 30c 2-ib...................58c .C o í r e É 15c LEMONS 10c 17c 1-lb. FQLGEffS M a rk e t 10 lb«. 50c KRISPIE CRACKERS 2 -lb . box 29c TUNA Light meat. 2 cans Small Whites. 5 ibs......19c ~ rd an d M a in C o rn e r 3 j”.*;""'. PORK 8i BEANS 3 PUREX Phillips' quality 17c 25c PRUNES f e , . 0"*0" 3 ib. 14c BAKING SODA 3,b. 10c Buy In Bulk and Have O C xa JLtz z Wiley’s New Deal Grocery Ju at P h o n e 1001 Beans 19C You may now serve yourself at our Modern Store and SAVE 5% ON YOUR PURCHASES. Compare our prices, you will be surprised at the savings! Free running- 17c CORNED BEEF Í S 'i't„.25c TOMATOES 2 cans ........... alibi $1.69 ~ RINSO Calum et pi,.1’’’**'. POP CORN S 20c or 2 a. 15c G uaranteed to Pop B a k in g Pow der NAPHTHA SOAP 6 Lk; 25c MILK MT. VERNON. 3A-" 17c