ÎH K t*age Four H IL L S B O R O AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O * l'h u r a d u y , OREGON .lu iiu u r y J ), 1 9 3 ft «d ii» le r« » l lull of W line of N K and Mabel A W ight <17931 1929 3* 3 1929 12 29. 1930 92 34; 913 79 Kowen : (19*3» 1929 13 99. 1930 912 23 Block 4 . Oregon Aa»et (\*. (a t ’orp » . l» » î ( I 01. ID»" III «». I» * » »■' "»• O"" W Hl.x-k 3 V iola E. K e m p ; ll» 7 7 ) J»*0 page 610 Deed Record» G H Baldw in Range » , w ith H Hue of Basel I ne Mt , 11399' 1923 94.25. 1927 93 32. 1929 <3.46 119 45. 1930 917 32 : 93 7 90. Hall*« A d dition to Forest G rvv*. S. 920.32 l2i>44t 194 T 924 37, 1929 122 33. 1929 13 » I . » X 0». »20 10; »22.50. 190 65 fl . theuse W lllllskoro. lh«mce H 1929 93 7« 1930 93.03; 921 03. C am eliu». F S3 ft. of l x * 4. and a l l , 40 I«o<* 17 and 19. Block 2, a» de Fairview Addition to IlilU b o m . F. 9«» 12 4 73, 193d 920 93. 9103 39 Tuitnu«'* » l» r**» 'i4ml AtlilHU'ii I,' l l l l l . Myer'« A4 llk v k 3 a» d*»»’ ilh *d in Vol Hum phrey's Addition to lllllsbortx W % baro, Lm »». Imu »< liil» r» « *llo » of «w" F lra t Addition to Bank«. Tract K t and «. Block 3 ; Com m onwealth Ttu at | t | .. u. I I N lieed P Challarom be , 1794' 1930 |27 22 930.43 • ” r'l» • Vernon R. and Klfreda G arH ak . I 133. page 211 l*ee»l Record« W W to lieg . being Lot Lo 3. B k vk 3 . M ary I. V a n n e ,. ,2047) t.-r Un» N K . n » . HI.. Illll.h o ro . w llll A T itle Co. la C o r p ) ; (16H0I 192» »55 20. describe«! in V o i. 144. page 4. Cornelius, of ».»•» Lot « 3 »nu and a all of t l « < ) 1929 94 94. 1927 ’ 95.03. 11991» 1927 914 69, 1929 $13.64. 1929 337 11. 1930 939.69. 9*4 76. W M . 26 A Elisabeth Free ru n s E. r.. 40 *« i ft. l »’» h «-i ------ 1929 <5.26. I M ellar *«Ht»r lin» B«»»Un» H) . Ili» « ,» * I Í M . - 11 4 9 R e cord*. Anna L. Roterm und ; (170*1 Block «» H arm an K. amt Kmmu ' «*»» »«•»«• »■••«T; W . < 1929 3? 66. 1930 913.97. 954 69 1920 »33 21 ; »7 «.«5. man F ey . ,114.,) 192/ 96 04. 1928 $6 3<. H ft th»n>’« H. fto fl-, thon.'» W 110» 81 Lot Hum phrey's Addition to lllllaboro. part 1929 335 97. 1930 933.93; 993 34. Myer's Add to Reedville Homes. Lota Thws (1T95, 1927 3211 92 1929 3197.59. Knob H ill Additikm to Forest Grove, Fairview Addition to Hillsb«>. Lot 6. Lots 4 am i 5. B kvk 4. as de«crlb«xl In ft.. (o r a h w . IU »in» N 810 fl . )h»n.'» ,020 39 2 .. ,930 96 58 , $38.13 Beaverton. N S of Block 1. aa de- 1929 946 23. 1M 0 <59 70 9676.92. 7 and 3. Block 3 . Comm onwealth T n iat T ü rk e i Wild Mlewwrt A d dtllon t«» Hills* 1 o,a 5. 6 and 7, B k v k 1 . Chas D Staley . B k vk 5 . 1 N l'om pkin«, ,1969) 1927 Vol 109. page 573 Dee«I Record* . J T DU 30 f l.. Itw in » H. 810 f l.. Ih »n .» W C o r » .l: (1531) 1929 «cribed in Vol 139. »»age 439 D*wd 1929 (».« «. 1030 ( ¡ „ . . ( . i , !•>., it O O l 11130 • ml T itle Co. ( • $14.73, IM O I E In h»a . l'vtnw l.nf 8H. S » ' 3« 1 I boro. I.o ,« L 2. 3 and 4. llh v k ft. as Cornelius. Lx* 9. Bks'k 29 . F. J. and IIS93» 1925 99 19. 1926 97 79. 1927 99.46. 9101 20. 1929 99 99. • -4 45 Records, le«» W . 53 ft. 3 inches • • de- due»»,bed ,u Vol. 136. paga 604 Dee», I N 1929 99-<0. 1929 39 30, 1930 39 2 9 . 956.91 $33 SO. 1 U 0 $£3.2 371.50; 3215 39. C e rtifica, iaau»U fu r »14.33: »33 44 l< 3 W W M . 0 U) A , Flnr»lnw H a tlie F. B amw ; ,1796) 1930 96 94; 96 95. ' scribed in V’ ol. 144. page 31 Deed Record* Records I hi io« H igh .School D istrict Myer'« Add to Reedville Home«. Lot & M u n it» r. I 8 I I 0 I 1080 »8 0«. 108« » I Knot» H ill Addition to Fore«, Groxe. Lot per«A>nal tax. Hillsboro I W. Leonard; (17031 1930 911 43: M Mo«>re C laim Nu. 41 Cornelius. Lot 10. Block 29 : L . G No 3 . (2147, ,928 $36 , / . 140 49 1087 »4.01, 108« »3 00. 1080 »3 M . 14. Block 3 . H enry J *«<1 Ha„r r •?« Fair«lew Addition to Hillsboro, part T ra c t, a* dvscrilwd in Vol. 107 (»age 73 35, 912 95. and Bertha W eidcwit»ch ,1797» 1927 9. B k v k I . Cha# D. S ta le y . ,1994» 1925 Tucker and M,ewwrt Addili*«» lu HUI« T o n sin g . (1682) 1929 <1850. 1930 119.43: 93.25. 1926 33 11. 1937 93 39. 192» 33 55. lx * a 7 and 9. B k vk 6. beginning 75 ft 1030 (3 03 . 131 01. Deed Keeonb F rank A. Hid Ethel J Beaverton. Lota 1, 2 and 3. B k v k 4. 310 46, 1929 99.99, 1929 94 70. 1930 99.15. 1929 33 33. 1930 33 72 . 322 77 5. of N F ««»mar of 1.»* 7. Block 6. C h vrW M ka. 180411 1030 »3« «3; (3 7 .4 t. <41.16 , T n n ju » '. lln r M o n iw l AJdlIton tu llllla - ln»ro. l x * 3 am i W 4«» 8 ft Lot 4. B kvk as described in V»d. 143. page 94 Dee*i 337 15 ». City ..f lP ll s lH .r o . ,« I4 8 ) 192. 928 76. thence W 94 65 ft., thence N » ’ 5 ft., Riverside Arre«, p ert Lot 4 • • de­ Record. . Daisy H Knxib H ill Additixm to Fxqreat Grove. M M .«.r» Claim N o «1. Hlllahero. h . hum. Lu» ta . ha«, a l lnt»raa«»lun “ f A lle n . ,17041 IM S Cornelius. lx * a 6. 7. 9. 9 and 10. Bkx-k 926 60. 1929 926 30. I960 327 59. W 94 65 ft., thtmee S 75 ft.. scribed in Vol. 127. I W 24 Deed Rec­ 323 73. 1929 921 73. 1930 322 99. 173.35 I h 1928 Lots 1 and 2. B k v k 2 . Charlc« P Scott . »hence ginning at N W corner of B kvk A. : t» r Un» ni N Kana» H) , Hlllahnru. 29; J. M e rrill and C. E. and 1. S W o lf tbei»A*e F. 49.5 ft., (hence S 113 ft.. 61 o rd ; T and Ann« K lin k e r ( 1 3 3 3 1 IJJ1 Beaverton. S l y L«*» 3 and 4. Block ,17991 l-airvlew Addition. W 30 ft., S 429 ft . center line of Baseline St . , hence W 1751.8 3122 1926 925 60 1925 323.30. 1927 ,1995» 1926 36 22. 1927 36 77. 1929 37 12. I hence Tucker am i H,ew ar( A.IdKUm to 11,11« E. 65 9 ft., thence N 70 ft,, 1209.5 92.17. 1929 92 29. 1929 92 04. 1930 92.33; 3. a» described in Voi. 111. page 547 f, . »hence H 50 ft., thence W F 30 ft . N 429 ft. to beginning . Cha* 321 13. 1930 1929 36.65. 1930 37 42. 339 26. 323.54. 1929 922 23. 1929 «m l M yra E. T3.7 f ,.. (hence N 43 ft., less, Knob H ill A d dition to Fore«t Grove. them-e • 15 f, , them « buro. Lot 4 llk v k 7 . R A 99.99. Peed Records. Bank of Beaverton . 322 29; 9154.59 K R itchey; ,2052) 192 1 96.19, 1929 95 9-3. ft., foi beg . thence N E. t a r li le . ,2149, 1929 39 42. 1930 $ 9 8 | . beg inning at 73 7 ft. W of S. E c«»rner. Lots 3 and 4. B ltvk 2 ; C. F Cook ; W 101 .3 fl . »hence S 315 ft . them e Rosewood A rre Tract». 1 a * A : A M ,1706, 1929 310.39; 312.13; C e rtificate Cornelius. Lota 3. 4 and 5. Block 39 . ,1996» 1925 36 47. 1926 36 24. 1927 3»i.76. B k v k 6. thence W 16 f t . thence N 113 1929 35 99. 1930 $6.13. $27 25 921 33 to beg . Iteing 29. Be» IM I I and M ary A, H o w ell; (1587) 1930 911 3 2 . iiksueti for personal tax. K. M Mo*, 1.«* 30, beg at lntar«e«, l«i» «'f » eit­ f, 1930 37 9 2 . 32a is. strlp . F í C o rn ellu «, (llftO ) 1920 KnoP H ilt Addition to bo ras t Groxe. A. D Hoadt . ,1970) 192.' certificate issued fo r personal tax. ler line of N Range i t . Hillsboro, w ith 32 00. 1929 31 75. 1930 31 94 38 38 S h e r * i .. i Arre». Lot 6. Block 2 ; J m * ‘e ft as de«cr il»ed in Vol. I&2. (»age .362 B k v k 46 1 Corneliua, Lx* 4. H arvey Lota 3 and 4 B lo-k 3 . E k iin W. L am b . $38 99. 1030 $61 30 . | I3 4 ft4 Beaverton, Lx* 7, Block 15. a» Fairvie w Addition to Hlll«lx»r«». part Deed Records. J T G errish F a t.. ,2»»ftft) centei line of ttaaelliie H» . Ihence W J Knudaon: ,15911 1923 »2 51: I» .« scribed Van Blaricum Eat. ; (1792» 1930 314.95; ,1999» 1930 37.42; 39.30. Wehrunga Additi«** ,<• lllllsborw • 42 in Vol. 145, page W yatt 591 ( u S o 17318 f t . thence S 50 f t . thence W »2.51. 1923 »2.75. 182» »2.58. IM O »2. 316.62 Knob H ill A d dition to Forest Grove. |x * s 7 and 8. B k v k 6. beginning 73.7 1929 90 63. 19.30 910.11. 922 10 ft ..f S 138 ft. I x * 0. llk v k 1 and I * ft Records; Frederick J. thence N 213 . t . ft W of S. F c«»rner B kvk 6 ; thence W M Moore C laim No 41. Illll«l»«»ro 1.310 8 fi f»»r a keg H e n ry’s Add. to Cornelius, l x * 1. Block L o t* 3 and 4. Block 4 . C andine (»leaser . » lt.» L , ¡ f f « »5.4«. 1927 »8.42. 1989 39.31. 1929 alley o», E xacatad . Guy R Mtovei thence S 139 04 128. page 258 «hence V4 1,»2 52 fl 1 Henry F B eam an; ,1793» 1926 315.54. ( 1 9 3 0 1927 35 64. 1925 35.93. 1929 35 54. 16 ft . (hence N 113 ft., thence E 89 7 T ra c t, as described in Vol Lota 7_ andIJS. Block ,7 t I 19SO j , oj . »45 7 . ,2152) 1928 $10.08. 1020 $10.01. 103' Sherwood Acraa. --------- _ f, thence S, 43 f , . lhence W 73 ft., Deed Recorxla . Bert C H u ntington ami ft., llienee F 69 96 ft.. Ihence S 1.5 04 910 42. 934 15 2 . John M Anderson: ,1592, 1929 94.41. Beaverton, Lots 1 and 2. B kvk 13. as 1927 315 69. 192S 914.92. 1929 314.10. 1930 1930 36 19. 326.09, to beg , l»etng l x * 30, Hec. , thence S 70 ft. to beginning, am i E. S A J. C .v k . ,2056) 1929 $11 7H. 1930 ft . , hence E. 314.95: 393.95. Knob H ill A dditii'n ( a > Forest Grove. W ehrunga llk v k lo (o ||llleboi<>. p«i 1929 34.15. 1930 34.45 ; 314.69. described in Vol. 123, page 22. Peed R 3 W W M 69 A 1 N 39 T H e n ry # A«k1. to Cornelius. Lot 9. Lots 5 and 6. B k v k 4 . Lena E. Fry ; o f beginning at S W c«»rner 1.«* 8, llk v k 330 6 5 . $47.49. 6 herwt km ! Acre«. Lots 9 and 10. Block Records F ran k P u lv e r: ,1709, 193>’ 'L o , ft. llk v k 30. a« de«. »lbe»l In V«>| 132 M unger (2121, 1925 $3 0 M organ's Addition to Hlllsborxt. S. 50 ft Floren e T B k v k 4; Lucile M. S p rin g e r; ,1795» 1929 ,1990» 1927 35.64. 1929 95.93. 1929 35.54. 6. thence N i t s f t., thence E 99.6 ft.. 2 : John M Anderson ,1593, 1929 36 51. 322 95 ; 325.70. (.age 24 Peed lleco rd a. M a ig a ie * J Ixmg 1926 93 32, 1927 94.01. 1928 $3 69. 192» thA-nce S 113 f, . theiuw 99 6 ft. to be­ 33.95. 1929 33.76. 1930 33 95: 313.05. lx> > 2 and 3. all in B k v k 1, as de 1930 96.19. 326 09 1929 $6 23. 1930 35.55; 321.93 Beaverton. Lot» 5 and 5. Block 15; «2153» .02« 920 10. 1027 $63 0". 102« H e n ry ’» Add. to Cornelius. Lot 9. Knob H ill A d dition to Forest tìrove. g in n in g . C ity of H illsbo ro ; ,19?OA» 192? •enhed In V»4. 186. |»age 7 1 Peed Kna- 93 52. 19 ." 93 93. 925 09 Sherwood Acre«, l x * 15. Block 2 ; J. V io letta Spraner R o dm an; (1710, 1929 | .0 So. 1029 $fth 90. IV.io $ 6 1 3 0 . $305 02 Tongue's Pnrecor»l«nl Addition to H ills- B k vk 4; David Schuh; ,1796» 1929 36 10; Lota 7 and 9. B k v k 4 . C aro line <• leaser ; 39 60. 1928 38 67. 1929 39 95. 1930 39 20; 4»rds and Probate Record# No. 3173 . Fre«l H . S m ith ; ,1594» 1980 311 12. 912.45 319.90. 1929 317.41, 1930 319.35; 351.31 Orenco, lx*4a 7 and «. B kvk I, aa 940 66. 1930 i boro, l x * 32. beg at intrise» lion »>f cen- J S e w ell. (2057) 1929 $3210. ,1991» 1927 35 64. 1929 35 93. 1929 35.54. Sherwood Acre». Lot 3. Block 4: J a m « Beaverton. Lots 7 and 9. Block 19. 36 S3. dt*ci,be»t in Vol 83. page V I»eed Record* F airview Addition to Hlllsobro, part l x * $60.81. $110.71. I ,e r line »»f N Range Si . Hillsboro, w ith H e n ry’s Add to Cornelius. L a * 10, 1930 36 19; 326.09. B. and E rm a C. C a re en : ,1696» 1930 H B. and M ae L B u rto n ; ,1711, 1927 L ila J llr o w n . ,3154» I0»o $7 54 9« 4 i 7. B kvk 6. Iwvinning N E. corner l x * 7. N o rth Side Add,,!«»»» to 11,11»,»or»». Lota 1 center Hue «»f Baseline St., them e W Knob H ill A d dition to Forest Grove. 349.16. 1929 347.52. 1929 343 52. 1930 B kvk 4: David Schuh. (1797» 1926 34 13. 387 92; 342.S4. Orenco, !.< *• V and 10. llk v k I , G rant 94 65 f t . S 75 ft.. E. 94 65 6. 7 and 8. B k vk I. Jno. H Harm s E a t.. 1751 8 f» . thence N 163 ft ,«» S. E 1930 93.76 . 99.93. Lot 5. B k v k 7; Paul P atterson; ,1992» then Vt Spencer Homestead. W . S l x * IS ; R u­ 345.92 . 3207.21. Br».w», ,2155) 1030 9« oa I » . * , N 75 ft. to beginning . M ary A. ,2"39» 1929 $9 83. 1930 >9 2 1 . 920.10 Plewsant V iew Add I a » CAxrneliua. Lot 1926 32 39. 1927 32 53. 1929 32 62. 1929 ft , \ . r of w hat is known as l x * 43 Tongues dolph and A nna Schuepbach; ,1597) 1930 Beaverton, Lots 1 and 2. Block 20; • Orenco. lx * a I. 2 and 3, llk v k 2 P H o n d t ; , 19711 1927 35.75. 1929 35 34. N o rth Side Addition to Hillsboro. Ix * a Addltkm . thence W 1310 39 fl . for l»eg 911.10: 912.43. Peter Van Debey. ,1712) 1930 319 3 7 . 14. B k v k 2 ; Fran k C and Edith D aw ne . 32 31. 1930 32.73; 314.0? M s rtln J. B e rn ard a, ,2156) 19*0 9*7 *2 . 1929 35.31. 1930 35.51 . 324.52 1929 324.91. 1930 9 am i 10. B k vk 1 . Andrew and Dll. il7 9 9 , 1929 923.22. Knob H ill Addition I a > Forest Grove, thence N 175.08 ft., th em e W along Spencer Homestead. W . l*j Lx* 19. I 975.1ft Finney's A ddition to Hillsboro, all WlebAdd. ,29601 1929 $5.89. 19.»o $6 13. G Lots 15 and 16. B kvk 7 ; M argaret J. F rig ht-of way 163 21 f t., th em e H Rudolph and Anna Schuepbach. (1599» L»* 4. Bkvk 32 ; John 323.26 : 379.90, Beaverton W «s I x * 5 and A ll |x>( 6 ■ o f B kvk 7. except tract conveyeAl to Ja«. 313.45. Pleasant View Add to Cornelius. Lota Hollow ay ,1993» 1930 35.29. 35 92 161 66 ft . thence h 162 52 ft to beg . 1930 320.19: 322.50. H s m m d : ,1715» 1930 39.61; 39.64 B ern arda. , 2 Ift7) llk v k 2 . M a rlin J Oak G rove Addition to Klllslmn». Lot« ! . . i, i .•( N. S Lot 54: F Knob H ill Addition to Forest Grove. K e rr as deacrilvd in Vol. I l l , page 19»': . . . i i i N R w Spring H ill Farm B e a x e rtn . Lx* 5. Block 32 . I. I. More- 24. 25 and 26. B k v k 2 Mrs. A n na Piscr . 1030 <8.21; 90 20. except tract sold to Ikm n elly as describ«^! 3. 4. 5. 6. i am i 8. B kvk 8 . Ge» rge ami ,1900) 1930 99.90 . 99 9«. ____ __ Luta 1. 2. 3 and 4. B k v k 9 : Cha». D. . ,1301) 1927 319.04. W M . 63 A . Florence I M ungei . J. and M ary Sewell lock . ,1716» 1929 39.71, l>3v 39 19; Orerie»» b»t I b kvk 3 Hans P and 1929 $23.ft^. Talbot's Add. to < W 1200 29 ft. fo r a Ivg . Ihence *4 32 96: 39.79. thetu-a W 100 ft. to b eg inn ing; H a ttie 317.12. 19So 327 2 6 . 349 69. and Iv a B. Sum m ers; «1719, 1930 34.57; 1928 32.97. 1929 32.92. 1930 Lots. 3 and 4. B kvk 3 . A rth u r C. and HillslM.ro. lx * s 6. 7. 8 am i 9. llk v k 3 . llenn le B t'o ffm a n (2160, 1020 91« 03 . Tonquin. Lot» 6, 7 and 5. Block 2 ; A Forest Gn«xe. part L a * 4. B k v k 4. a# F_ and E. J B axw ; ,1894A» 1927 37 34. 35.12 certificate issued fo r personal tax. 184 9 fl . thence W follow ing t) h. W a lte r A S k illm a n . ,19641 1929 $5 93. A R England Eat . ,2068» 1926 $6 99. right-A.f-way 101.70 ft., thence S. 175 06 1030 $30 8 8 . 9 6 5 80 F . W r ig h t; (1613, 1925 32-34. 1925 32.49. Beaverton. Lots 3 and 4. Block 36 ; R. described in Vol. 114. page 256 D e ed ' 1928 37 20. ’.93 ' 36.19. 923.20. Samuel 1929 $5 89. 1930 $6.13, $20.09. 1927 $8 29. 1928 $7.64. 1929 |7 33. 1930 ft., them*» E to ,M*g . being l x * 33. Sec Orane«* Iota 7 and * blxvk Rectxrxi# ; John K. M a tth e w # . ,1807) 1929 Nayk«r'» Add it km tA» Fose«t Grove. N 1927 92.31. 1028 92.34. 1929 32.92. 1930 B and M argaret A. Denney. ,1720» Garden Tracts A fklitkm to Hlllaborti. 98 68 . 942 IX». I K u n i ,2163) 1025 947 30. 1026 I 324 93. 1930 327.96; 359 09. . ’ ... of F. I 2 l x * 2. B k v k I . CtCAirgia R 32.49; 316.66. 1929 341 99. 1930 344.19. 396.34. 36 T I N R. 3 W W M 42 A Flor 917 88 Forest Grove, part of L o t 1. B k v k 5. I Hevkbert »1995» 1930 355.71; 962 35. I x * 12. B k v k 3 . Elm er T Connell anil Pattison A M oran 1st Addition to enee 1027 920 0 1 . 1028 910 5 6 . 1020 Tonquin. Lot» 12 and IS. Block 2 : A . F ra n k lin Avenue Addition to Beaver- T M u n g e r. ,2123» 1925 91 98 F . W riK h t; (1S14I 182» » 1 5 5 . 1826 ,1.«1. Lot T : F B T u r n e r; (1 T Ï1 I 18Î7 described aa beginning 15? ft. W o f S. N aylor's Addition to Foreet Grove, part Hannah J B lanchard. ,1985» 1930 91 2 2 . HillslM.ro. lx * s 6 am i 7, B k vk 4 . C y ril 1026 91 37. 1927 9 2 i'i'. 1028 $184. 1029 103») 918 32. $207.70 la y lo r . ,2069) 1930 94 14. 94 65 1827 »1.5». 1828 »1 55. 1828 »l.»7. 18»n 39.04. - Orane«» S Kg |«*s 11 and 11 l.kvk Lots 2 and 3. B k v k 8. as deecribed in $1.37. 1928 38.90 1929 39 16. 1930 39.61; K. com er o f B k v k 5. thence N . 100 f, 91 76. 1030 9107 . 912 56 G anien Tracts Addition to Hillsbor-», PattiSAMi A M oran 1st Addition to thence E. 42 ft. ; thence N 25 ft. ; thence Vol. 119. page 334 l»eed Records. !<•« 339.85. » 1 6 7 ; «11.02. Tongue's llgVecnrded A ddition to H ills ­ 6 . G .rd .u . Il Lester ,2164» 1020 »3104 Tonquin. L o t. 16 and 17. Bloch 2 : M a* 1030 921 5« . 947 60 F ra n k lin Avenue Addition to Beaver- W 95 ft. ; thence 8. 126 ft. . thence E. (»art a described in Vol. 121. page 496 L a * s IS. 14. 15. 16 and 17. B k v k 3 . E l­ HtllslM.ro. Lots 1. 2. S. 4. and 5. llk v k boro, I x * 34, beg a l In , erse** Ion of B E l it . ; (1615) 1850 <1.66. »1.86. B Oretico luta ft and 6 b k v k 0 . I ton. L«* 12; Lau ra M Olson ,1722) 43 ft. to b eg inn ing. W . B. Haine« , 1908» and Vol. 137. page 214 Deed Reeonh . m er T Connell and H annah J. B lanch­ 5 . R It am i M ary A. Colem an. ,2070) center line o f N Range Mt . Hillsboro 11986» 1930 36 13 $6 86. 1929 99 10. 1930 9 l" O 5 . $2143. T.m quin, Lot 20. Block 2 : A rth u r E- 1939 ; 357.4' .< i Ernest H. Benjam in e< al and W m . E. and ard 1930 913.92; 915.59. Stali»* »1165, 1026 $5 1». 1027 H . U ; w ith center line of Baseline St., thence Garden Tracts Addition to Hillsboro, C raine l i l . .16161 1827 ».77. 1828 ».76. Pattison A M oran 1st Addition to Foieat Grove, part L a * 4. B k v k 8. as Elsie M Johnson; , 18971 1926 31.04, 1929 <1 » F ra n k lin Avenue A d d itiivi to Besver- IW28 $7 4«. 1020 $6 84 . 1030 1751 8 f ,.. thence N 16ft ft . them e Lots 3. 4. 5 and 6. B k vk 4 ; Joe L u c ie r . HillslM.ro. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6. B k vk W 1828 » 84 1830 » 8 3 . »3.68 ton. Lot 13. less W. 1») ft ; LaPessa G. described in VoL 118. page 281 Dee.1 $i n . 1930 $1.23; $8.78. $40 11. 1107.90 ft for a keg pt . them e N $26 9»' 6 . A R England »•«, . (2071) 1926 <8 71. W Tonquin. L o t 11. Block 3 : W illia m H o cken. 1925 ,1814) Naylor's Addition to F«>reet Gn»xe. part ,1987» 1929 $11.78. 1W0 $12.26 ,1723» 1927 37.93. 1929 37.73. Re»'ordif . O M G a rd n e r. O rane» k * a 7, 6. 0 and lo b kvk ft, follow ing t l E Garden Tracts Addition to HillabA.ro. 1927 $9 58. 1928 $8 96. 1929 $8 82. 1930 103 83 ft . thence W S tillw e ll; 11617) 1828 ».77. 1928 »94. 1929 37.08. 1930 37.47. 333.70. 39.74. 1926 94.66. 1927 910.15. 1929 910.67. Lots 2 and 3. B k v k 8, as described in Wm II llu*ky »2166» 1020 $11.7». rtghb-of-way 101 70 ft., thence S 84 0 ft ____ ________ _ __ _ Lots 7, 8. 9. 10 and 11. B k v k 4 ; Elm er 99 2 0 . 950 60 1930 ».82: »2.84. H iv k e n ’s Addition to Beaverton. Lots 1929 $9.97. 1M 0 $11.15; $63.07. Vol. 121. page 496 Per»! Records; Hugh 1030 $16.17 $35 76 thence ► to kwg . being lx>< 34. Sec 16 l\>nquin. Lota 9 and 10, Bln to <8.03. 39 56; 332.77. 1930 918.37 361.32 deecribed in Voi. 134. page 123 L>eed Vol. 118. PML 1030 $tS6.X2. $213 46. Tonquin Annex, part of Lot B. aa Garden Tracts Addition to Hillsboro. H illsboro.* lx * a 7. 8. 9. 10 I I and 12. boro, l x * 46. beg. at a pt. I6o8 16 f, Hocken’s 2nd Addition to Beaverton, Rec»»rd* ; John W’ . and M arg u erite J. H. B enjam in e< al and W m . E. and Elsie Kherwtssl k * 6 bltvk 3 , W P am , Range described in Vol 3. page 35 Register of Block S; Caroline E. and A rth u r B Cle- G u yer; (18191 1930 $27.96; <31.19. England Eat . ,2074» W. of intersection o f W lina N M Johnson. ,1899» 1929 $12.19. 1930 Lots 16 and 17. B k vk 4; E lm er T . Con­ B k vk 8 . A. R Bsssl« I. Flak ,$174» 1020 $3u 76. (ftSn T itle « ; Oregon Iro n A Steel C o .; ,1633* m ent: ,172«» 1930 354.53 : 361.04 nell and H annah J. B lan c h ard . ,1990» l» ï» »IT 4«. I M I 11» IT. IM » «IT T». IM » *« • » U h N l)>.» uf W '«.hln «l..n S) . »> Forest Grove. W . Lot 3. B k v k 12. $13.61 . $28.87 $22 24 . $48 13. thence S 207.32 ft tended. HUNlmro 1927 3.38. 1928 3-77. 1929 1.48. 1930 3.41: $17.67. 1030 $18.30; $10127 Hoc ken'# 2nd Addition to Beaverton. as described in V’ol 133. page 535 Dee«i N aylor'» A d dition to Foreat Grove, part 1930 $ 1 8 4 ; $2 t>6. Hherwisxl lots 3 and 4 B k vk 8 . Fran« 5ft.03 ft . e N 108 21 Garden Tracts Addition to HiUabA*r-->. Pattison A M oran 1st Addlt,A*n to thence W 32.28. S. E. of B k vk 4 : Ethel L. Hoc ken Records; M arg aret I. B ro w n ; ,1820) 1929 IxXs 3 and 4. B k v k 8. as described M and Gladys M M aykv (2177) 102« N o rth Tonquin. Lota 1. 3. 4 and 5 : Edw ard«: (1727) 1939 $7.18: 38.03. 14. 15. 16 and 17. B k vk 6 ; Elm er Hillsbor».. lx * a 1. 2. 3 and 4. B k vk ft . thence E ,«» l w . being l x * 46, Me»* VoL 117, page 272 Deed Records ; Ernest Lota 324.92. 193V 327.96; 359.09. $24 70. 1020 $ 2 1 3 3 . 1010 $26 02 $31 »0 W M . 26 A . IM « « I I N .« I w J. N. Barde. A g en t; ,1625, 1927 319.39. R. England K a t ; , 207ft) Hocken’a 2nd Addition to Beaverton. Forest Grove, part Lx* 3. Block 13. a* H. Benjam in et al and W'm. F. and Elsie T . Connell and H annah J. Blanchard . 0 ; A C ity View Add to Mherw«s»d lota ft. 4 (2116) 102ft $1 08 1020 hk.reitce I M unger 1928 318.59. 1929 922 56. 1930 119.93; Block 22. Robt. J H ocken; ,1728) 1928 described in Vol. 137. page 338 Pee»l M. Johnson $76 83. 1027 $80 46. 1028 <33.01. (1900) 1939 $5.54. 1930 ,1992» 1930 $2 45; 32 74 B and Bertha A Dtckinsoo 1026 $1 67. 1027 9'2 00 10*28 91 B4. 102« and ft. G G anien Tracts Addition to HillsbA.ro. $82 46. 1030 $8ft 82 . 9467.43 399.93. $29.70. 1929 $54.40. 1930 $57.40; $158.39. Records R aws Olson (1821» 1930 $12.38; $6.19; 913.13. ,2173» 102« $12 0 0 . 1027 $13 5 0 . 192« N o rth Tonquin. Lota 6. 7. 8. 9 and 10. A iklltlo n t<* $1 76. 1030 $ 1 0 5 . $12 64 N a yl - ’s A d dition to Forest Gn»va. part Lx*a. 1, 2. 2. 4. $ and 6. B k vk 3 ; Elm er I Pattison A M oran lat Hocken'« 2nd Addition to Bea vert ami . 113.85. $13 23 . 102« $0 14. l»30 $10 0 2 . | 44M Tongue's l Î n records») Addition to H ills- le«» 1.06 A. in Lot 8. beginning in center E. 4 o f Block 23. as described in Vol Hillsboro, Lot 7. B k v k 9. als«» 2ks ft. Forest Grove, p art Lot 4. Block 14. a# Lot 3. B k v k 9. beginning at S. W . corner T. Connell and H annah J. Blanchard City View Add to Mherw«««! k * 13. ------- -------- j |4g bt>rx>. Lot 63. com. at pt. 867 ft ft. W o f Sec. 34 T . 2. S. R. 1 W . W M in 135. page 346 Dee»! Record# leu. 50 ft. described on K. ; J A T ay k.r . ,1076» 1928 in Vol. 136. page 531 Deed Lot 3. B k v k 9. E. IS ft., thence N. 100 ,1994» 1930 $3 6 8 . $4 12. a t intem ectlon of W line of N Range | 4 »< Mays ,3181) l»16 »4 01 1927 $4 1ft. center of O. E. Ry. R ig h t-of-w ay. E. 228 by 100 ft. as described in Vol. 141. page Ree»'nt* ; G ertrude Anna and L in n B ft.. W’ IS ft., thence 8- 100 ft. to be- G anien Tract« Addition to Hillahor< . 1929 34 12. 1930 $4 29; $11.07. S, . IMft •< 4 ' I f t t t l : > I. » f t. to 8. W com er Lot 9. N o rth Ton g in n in g ; F. S. Whiteh«»u*e ,1901) 1926 lxXs 22 and 23. B k v k 6 , W L. Cole. Pattison A M oran 1st Addition 262 Deed Records. F B. T u r n e r; »1729- Jew ell; ,1823) 1926 $12.97. 1927 $14.1 tended. Hillahoro. thence M 20lM ft f l , View add to Mherw»«d k* I . . quin N . W . on W line L o t 9 to N . W . 1927 $15.65. 1928 915.44. 1929 $14.15. 1928 $14.83. 1929 $12 38; $1.04. 1927 $1.13. 1928 $1.17. 1929 $11 1. (1993) 1927 $3 43. 1928 $2 89. 1929 $<.82 111.08. 1930 Hlllab»>ro. I x * 8. B k v k 9 ; J. A and 106 70 ft . them e N 2«4 41 Veronica Jergens ,2182) 1026 |4 4u com er. 73 degrees 37 m inutaa to cen­ 1930 $22.96; $76.34. 1930 $2 9 4 . $13 62 M rs J A T a y lo r. ,t« 7 7 ) 1928 $2 96. «hence W 1930 $ 1 2 4 ; $6.36. $73.17. ft., thence E to keg , being l x * «3. 14.03 te r of O. E. Ry rig h t-o f-w ay. southerly («arden Tracta Addition to HlllsbAVo, 1929 $7.07. 1930 $7 3 6 . $19.46 N aylor's Addition to Foreat Grove, part Hoc ken s 2nd A d dition to Beaverton. Foreat Grove. Commencing at S. W L’tty View Add- to Hheiw - d kd 10. on rig h t-o f-w ay to b e g in n in g ; J. N . 50 _ ft. by 1 « f t. in S. part B k vk 23 . corner o f L o t 1. Block IB. thence N 100 L a * 3, Block 9. as de^*nbed in Vol. 10ft. Lota 7 and 8. B ltvk 8 ; C ity of H illsbo ro . 16 T 1 N R 3 W W M M . .50 A Pattison A M oran 1st Addition to 102ft $6 lw'. Fran k Pa »is ,2103) I M o 81 6 7 . $1 *7. Barde ( A g e n t.. ,162«i 1927 $18.00. 1929 Maude M Florence T. M u n g er; ,2126) Ix * 9. Block 0; Abraham T a n n e r : ,1730» 1927 $8.43. ft., thence E 50 ft., thence S. 100 ft., page 434 Deed Records; Father M atthew s ; ,1996» 1925 $3.05. 1926 $2 90. 1927 $3 19. HillslM.rx., $4.7ft 1020 View Adtl. to Mberw*«al I t * <2 $18.19. 1929 $22.08. 1930 319.50 ; 387.0$. I 1928 $2 96. 1929 $2 94. 1930 $3 07; $20 27 D ra k e , ,207ft) lftlft $ 12.06. 1030 $13.40. 1V26 f l •• 1928 $8 32. 1929 $7 61. 1930 $6.74: $33.69 thence W . 50 ft. to b eg in n in g ; J. B tlft<'2) 930 912.38; 913 85. S trila M rCttnneii ,he4ra, ,2184» 102« N o rth Tonquin. South .46 A. Lot 11 a# $4 71. 1030 |4 00 |3.t 84 Garden Tracts Addition to H»llsb«>r«>. $20 61. Hocken'# 3rd A ddition to Bee v e rlo r. Vandervelden ; ,1826» 1925 S m ith # A ddition to Foreat Grove. Lota $8 12. 1926 Tongues Unrecorded Addition «o K ill*- < I . 1*$* $5 61 . 1»39 $6 19. 1030 $6.66 d ^ e nbed in Vol. 134. page 126 Deed Rec- Lot 1. Block 1 ; J. G. and E m ily C. $10.38. 1927 A M oran 1st Addition Io Pattison $11.28. 1928 $11.86, 1929 1 and 2. B k v k 1; A lbert S. F reem an . L a * s 0, 10 11 and I t . B k v k < ; E lm er o n b ; A. S. and M yra P a ttu llo ; (1427» S m ith ; --------- --------- --------- ,1903» 1926 $2 59. 1927 $5 64. 1928 $5 93. T. Connell and Hannah J. Blanchard . Hillsboro. I x * 12. Block 0; M ary E. and b»vu. l x * 67. as described in Vol 134. $24 01 ,1732« 1926 $5 43. 1927 $5 42. $11.08, 1930 $12.38; $72.87. __ Vol 137. page « I l Dee», C ity View Add. to Hher«.-»d lots 2ft. W illiam s <2O7ft) Itfto $22 67 . P«ce ____ ftg« _ >nd ,1906* 1930 $3 0 6 . $3 43. 1927 $.19; $.22. . . w 1928 35.34. 1929 94 89. 1930 $5.16. $29.37 Forest Grove. W. of Lot 1. Block 1929 $5 54. 1930 $6 19. $28.98. Chas D Rcvord* M argaret M arie Booth and Jack 26 and 27. 1 rank and M ary Davis ,210 .. N o rth Tonquin. Lota 13 and 14; J N . Garden Tracts Addition to HillabAiru, 825 38. Sm ith's AddittAin to Forest Grove. Lots H o ckens 3rd Addition to Beaverton. 17; Ida Posey; ,1828» 1929 $11.08. 1930 Barda (A g e n t» : ,1628) 1927 $7.66. 1928 Lo6 2. B ltv k 1 : J. G. and E m ily C. $12.38; $26.26. Simmon'« Addition to Hlllab»»r«»t N R.«e Gibaon . ,2128) 1030 $12 2 6 . $13 72 8« 22 . 80 20. 4. 5 and 6, B ltvk 1 Robert N. M c C lu re .* Ix»ts 16. 16. 17 and 1ft, B k v k 8; Elm er C ity View Add to Sb«rw.-<1 lot 2» $7.74. 1929 $9.40. 1930 $8 30; $37.0$. T O ì M M H an d H a n n a h J B la n ch ard . f' ..f S % Lot 10 Blaell I ; F ’ hrl S m a ll. Forest Grove. W’. % L o t 3. Block 17; ,1904» 1930 $9 2 8 . $10 39. Tongue'« Unrecordw l Addition to Htlia S m ith ; (1733) 1926 $6.04. 1927 $6.02. T u a latin Garden. E 2.25 A. of Lot 1928 <5.94. 1929 $5.44. 1930 $5.74; <32.67. E. and L ,2081) 1929 $.58. 1930 $ 6 2 . $1.S$. S m ith s Addition to Foreat Grove. L o t ! , 1999, 1930 $3 6 8 . $4 12. M e re# sc ,1829» 1930 $12.38; boro. Lx* 71. beg 1677 24 ft. W uf Mrs J V Hays ,2196) 1026 $4 04 . 102/ 50. all of L o t 61 and W . 2 S A. Lot 52. $4 17 ; 102» $4 41 . 1*20 10*0 $$ S3 Sim m on's A d dition to Hillsboro, S. **j intersection of W line of N 7. Block 1 ; P h illip and Bernice Freem an Garden Tracts Addition to Hillahoro. Hocken's 3rd Addition to Beaverton. $13.85. Range St leas O E. righb-of-w ay. less .1308 A. ns Lot 4. Block 1; F. B. T u rn e r; ,1734» 16 ft. Faye w ith S M ain St . estended. M * ; * 4 Lota 19 and 20. Block 8 ; E lm er T. Con­ l x * 10. Block 2. lea* N Forest Grove. N. b, o f W 1 /1 L o t 4. ,1906, 1929 $6 92. 1930 $15.48; $25.07. line of Epiera Add to Hberwo««! k *s I and described in Vol. 140. page 177 Deed Rec­ 1927 $6.02. 1928 $5.94. 1929 $5.44. 193" Block 17; J F. and M a rth a W ilson . Sm ith's A d dition to Foreat Grove. Lot nell and H annah J. B lan c h ard . (2000) L o r d ; (1082, 193" $7.97. $8.92. HilM heru, thence N JOO 88 ft . thence W I . N e ttie Young 12 189, 1*25 ords ; John Richards. ,1630) 1930 $45.81: $5.74; $25.90. Sim m on's Addition to Hillsboro. P a rt 00 63 ft . thence S 200 02 f t., thmice E. X b kvk I * $2.06. 14. Block 1 DWbert O. Haagc ,1907) ,1831) 1930 36 19; $6.93. $9 66 . 1928 86 61. 102» $8 31. I M u $8 00 . Foreat Grove. Lot 1. Block 18 ; Cor­ 1928 $2.51. 1929 $2 21. 1930 $2.64; $8 23 G anien Tracts Addition to Hillsboro. Lots 10 and I I . B k v k 2. as deecribed in to t-*g . being l x * 76, Se» Hocken’s 3rd Addition to Beaverton. 36 T IN , 5 T u a latin Grove Tracts. Lota 7. 8. 9 and $36 1ft Vol 12$. page 626 Pew, Records; Faye Lots 21. 22. 23. 24. 2ft and 26. B k vk South P ark Addition to Foreat Grove. Lot 5. Block 1 E. B. T u rn e r; (1735) nelius State B a n k ; (1832) 1930 $24.76; i- * * m If A Bortlui 18. Block B ; Ambrose D. Sm ith E at.: 1927 $6 62. 1928 $5.94. 1929 85.44. 1 9 » $27.72 K m .cE « Add to Mherw<»d k *a 4. $ and and O tto Erickson A C o .; (t»'H3, (2120) 1025 $9 76. 1026 $9.71. 1027 $9 58. Elm er T Connell and H annah J. Lord Lota 4 and 5. B k v k 7 ; Julius Koppiin 8 (1631) 1927 $3.31. 1928 $12.28. 1929 $5.74; $26.57. 6 b kvk 1ft; E ffie Davis aud C a rt'd I I 1930 $6 61; $6 1« h ard ; ,2001, 1M < M -M M | . Foreat Grove, part L o t 2. Block 21, E a t.; ,1914» 1930 $23.47; $31.87. 1029 $8.90. 1020 $8 83. 1030 $9 10. $6151 and Pearl Horen4M#rger ,2180, 1026 $6.15. $10.80. 1980 $10.49; $41.28. Sim m on's Addition to Hillsboro. N 3 3 beginning at N . E. corner of Block 21, Garden Tracts Addition to Hillsb«»n>. South P a rk A ddition to Foreat Grove. Hocken's 3rd Addition to Beaverton Tongue'« UnrerordtNl Addition to H it's T u a latin Grove Tracts. Lota 1, 2. 8 and Lot 1. Block 2 . C. H F r y ; ,1736) 1925 thence S $59 40 of lx * a 10. 11 and 12. Block 16. Peter boro, I x * 76, 150 ft., thence W. 100 ft.. Lots 9 and 10. Block 8 . W T Fletcher Ix * s 1. 2. 3. 4 and 6. B k vk 9 ; Elm er T 1468 MI ft W of 1920 $22 >2 . 10*0 $23 0o 4 nirwV D Ambroae D. Sm ith E a t-: 36 89 1926 86.64. 1927 36.62. 1928 $5.94. thence N 150 ft., thence E. 100 ft.. 1 cm ,1916) 1928 $13 65. 1929 N orth T u a la tin N 4 b kv k 2 . Cot 1 M < I C o n n ell and Hannah J Blanchard . ,2O»>2* and K a tia H a nsen. (2098) 1930 $30 66 . intersection of $12.74. line of N Range ($632 1927 33.30, 192* $l*.»ft, 1927 $¿9.99. • S • ..4 . . Block 11; H a rr y J. and Lots 10 and 11. B k v k 9; E lm er T . Con- 6v.s4, a asss 1 a« fl eoso 10*9 a S i a * * is s a « 1 A 1 A • * s 92o sö ev.Ss, SX s 6 <6.4*. v . 4 s . a sum ex. 4 , . « 4 * » A k ..u IW ’ ' ‘ 1 ' H o c k « . _______________ Jrd A ddition _ to __________ B ^ w r t o n . _ . 1 M 5 M S .1 « . I 9 ! ( D I T I . 1M 7 ,M .« S . IM S ______ ____________ C r r n l x r . _ ____ ________ ,1920) _ 1930 144 5 4 . nell and H annah J. B lanchard; (2005, $45.00. Lots 1 and 2. Block 3 ; V,oi«tte Spraner $38.55. 1929 $36.00, 198" $40 23; $246.61 $49 88. ,1 9 3 0 $ 1 8 3 . $2 "5 Tu a latin Valley H-xnea. L o t 77 ; Ore­ Rodm an. (1740) 1928 $13.07, 1929 $11.98 . Foreat Grove, part Lo ta 1 and 2. B kvk South Park A ddition to Foreat Grove. I Garden Tracts Addition to Hlllaboro. gon Iron A Steel Co.; (1640) 1929 $23.10, 19S0 «12.64: »42.19. ««. “ nd 16 Block 11, A lm a l.in d - L o t 12. Block 9 . Elm er T ConneH end <29.21. Hocken'« 3rd Addition to Beneerton. Record» : Andrew and Lydia K e lly 11839) b e n t: I l M l i 1M 7 «2.1 69. 1928 »2 4 90. H annah J. B lanchard; (2006) 1930 «.92 I Tualatin Valley Home#. Lots 91. 92. Lot 7. Block 3 : F. A lle rth a To n g u e. (2111) I L a rra n c e ; ,2u94, 1929 $2.94. 193u 5" B T u rn e r; (17411 > « * »27.28. 1929 »39 34, 1930 ».-,6 31. 1929 »21 27. 1930 »19.80; »102.60 »1.03. $8 1". 1040 $7S < . $7176. •3 . 94. 95 and 93; Phyllis L . Cross; 1927 $6.02. 1928 $5 94. 1929 $5.44, 1930 <137.62. $1" 17, 1026 $8 71. 1027 $V 50, 1028 $8 80. S»»uth Park Addition to Foraat Grove. G anien Tracta A d dition to Hillsboro. $3.0< ; $6.72. A ll the above d«wcr,bed property lying (1641) 1930 $27.01; $30.23. 1020 $8 82. 103" $9 2 1 . $62 22 S»»uth Coast Addition to Hillsboro. Lot $5.74; $25.90. Foreat Grove, part Lot 1. Block 25. as Lots 15 and 16 Block 12; C W and N. Ix * s 30, 21. 22 and 23. B k v k 9 . Elm er and l>eing w ithin said W ashington Coun­ V irg in ia Place. Lot 26 ; F. J Bollard ; Tongue's U nr<*rorde»< Addition to H ills­ H ocken’a 3rd A d dition to Beaverton. i« c n b e d in Vol 119. page 121 Deed Rec- A. O d e ll; ,1922, 1925 $8 65. 1924 $10 89. T. Connell and H annah J. B lan c h ard . 6. llk v k 3 7 . C ity of H illsbo ro . ,3096) ty, State of Oregon. 7164«, 192b $15.43. 1929 $27.30. 1930 Lot 8. Block 3 ; F. B. T u rn e r; (1742* 2rd > ' N e tt,e H o ffm an <1941, 1930 $6 19; 1927 111 84. 1928 311.86. 12AI 86 ft W of 1925 $6 10. 1926 $6 82. 1927 $6.39, 1928 boro. I x * 78. lieg 1930 $12.38. '2 0 0 8 , 1930 $3.07; $3 44 In the foregoing descriptions, the ab­ 129 40; $79.62. intersection of S. line of M ain St w ith R.d^c Lot 1 B k vk 2 Georvc 1927 W 62- 192,5 <5 94- 1929 <5 44 I « '» . 962.25 Garden Tracts Addition to Hillahoro. $5 93. 1029 $5 80. 1030 $6 18. $40 ftt breviation, W. W M , stands in ••< h V illa “ lodge, i x * l . oiocK z . oeorge w ? 4 . line of N Range Si . Iliilsl.- r 5? Foreat Grove, part Lots 1 and 4. B k vk South Park A d dition to F o rm t Grove. Ixits 24. 25 and 26. B k vk 9 ; Elm er T South Coast A ddltkm to Hillsboro. Ixits W instance for West of the W illam e tte H . and Grace Johnson; ,1648) 1930 thence 8. 2"O.7l ft . thence W | „ m 40 B oaken’a 4th Addition to Beaverton. J’ » 140' W . o f S. EL Cor. of Block Ixits 1 and 2. B k v k 19: M y rtle K ane; 2 and X. B k vk 1 0 . A lva C. and Cora M Connell and H annah J B lan c h ard . ,2009, M eridian In Wash)ngt4»n ( <>unty, Oregon, $17.79: $19.92. ft. . then. e N t«M> 7 ft., thenre EL to beg Lots 3 and 4. Block 1; F B. T u r n e r; N . 150*. E. 40*. N . to N. lin e of Lot ,1 9 2 4 ' 1926 $7.27. 1927 $7 9". 1928 $8 $0. 1930 $1.84, $2.06. G u lle y . (2"07, 103" $3".65 ; $34 30 the ahl>, r « , a , o n . A . !• in va 1 V illa Ridge. L o t 2. Block 2 : Agnes South C « w l Additim i to H lll.b o ro . Lo« 'X n « Lot 7«. Km- 16 T t N it 1 W (174$, 19C7 310.23. 1928 $10.09, 1929 £• ™ W 1*>* S. to a point 150' 1929 $7.76. 1930 $8.66; $44 65 Garden Tracis Addition to Hillsboro. stance fur acre or scree, the figures »< and J. M B u rroughs,' (1649) 1910 M . .50 A ; Berths T on gue. (2112) 5. B k v k 42; Ralph * Jessie K a y . ,2 "9 9 , W $8.71, 1930 $9.17; $42.76. « . of S. lin e of block. EL HP. S. 15ertIvely, the aldirwvtation. Bt . Hocken’a 4th Addition to Beaverton. to beginning John B. M atth ew * . Lota 1 and 2. B k vk 20; A lm a L in d b e rg . Connell and H annah J. B la n c h a rd ; (2010) Reptat P a rt o f W ashington Acres. Lota $10 07. |'»29 1920 $ 2 " « l. boro. K. I x * 81. keg at a pt 026 25 N . E., S am i W , stand fo r the dire« W m ^ Y le . Lo< 4 : Edwin P .' .7 d Eva ’ 2.” 72;. N'etti« U o ffm a n . : (1843, . im « lf.-i- Ix > d . i.i »»,. ----------- *-____ ________ ; ,2011) .a m . •• ft W of tnter*e»-tton of W line of N 193" $21 44 . 847.«7. Hocken'a 4th Addition to Beaverton, f necoraa io r d s . N e ttie H 1928 4. B k vk «_ 20; KlttAbeth ■ F » reem an . ; Em m a ie K Thompson 193" •-? $7.$«. Ikma, N orth. Kast. South and W aat re E. Edw ards; (1664) 1930 $79.20; $88.66. I x * 6. B k v k 1; M aude M T a n n e r; (1745. < { * - « . 1929 $13 85. 1930 $15.47; $49 41 w ith H line of M ain St T ho rn a’a Addition to Hlllaboro. Ix * a «, Range St $8.23 • i*e»tlveiy Wherever refer«*nce fta made (1926, 192" $22.1$; $24.80 W eatgard Tracts. Lot 1 ; M ultnom ah 1927 $5.42, 1929 $4 89. 1930 $4.6"; $16.69 HillatMiro, thence S 2'H, ftt ft . them e to towns, cltiaa, plats, additions, tra ct* ‘ Probate Records No. 3321). Stokes A d dition to Foreat Grove. Lot G aniep Tracts Addition to Hillahoro. 7 and 8. B k v k 3 . Exina Shearm an Kats Com. A Sav. Bank (1655, 1929 $5.45. W. 54 Jb ft., ihence N 200 64 f t . thence or •< reage. the same refer# to the map* Hocken’a 4th Addition to Beaverton Forest Grove, part Lx* 2, Block 25. as 6. B k v k (2102) IM u $44 U ; $48.4U. Lots I I , 12 an.i 11. l!k v k 11. > K 1; Nelaon 8. Rogers (1027, 1930 $5.62; $12.39 Thorna'a A d dition to llillaboro. Lot I" . E («• I-eg . lie,ng 1. 5ft « f I x * » I. Lots 7 and 8. B k vk 1 Maude M T a n - in F rob- Records N o 3321 ; J Bai ley (2012) 1929 $7 6«. 1M 0 $7 0 8 . and plat* of the same that are on file 1030 $4 33; $4.85. Weatgard Tracts. Lot 2 ; M ultnom ah 1929 tl0.'34, 1930 «10.09; Block 1 ; W a lte r R H u eklna. (2104) 1920 .1« T I N R. 4 W W M 2ft A E x t.; ,1844 in the office «»f the County Recorder «if Stokes Addition to Forest Grove. Ixits $17 $0 1928 $35 58. Com. A Sav. Bank ; ,1656, 1929 $2.18, n e r : (1746) 313 6ft. 104" $14.10; $4" 05. Bertha Ton gue. (21S3, 1026 I« I" . 103« Washington County, Oregon. 1929 $33.24. 193" $37 14 $118.61. $23.77. 1 ; Nelson 8. Rogery . W herevn Garden Tracta Addition to H ilU boro, 9 and 10. Block 1930 $2.25; $4.06. Tho rn a’a Addition to Hi,»shorn. 8. 5" ft $5 82. 1027 $« 30. 102 m $6 01. 1020 $6.89 reference i* made lo .|e«*l records Forest Grove. I x * 4. B k vk 25 aa de- (1928) 193" $9 56 Hocken’a 4th A d dition to Beaverton, $10.70. Ix/ts 6. 7. 8. 12 and 14. B k v k 12. Com- M ultnom ah W eatgard Tracts. L o t 3 ; Ixits I and S. B k v k 6. • • described in 103" $< 13; $4".60. Lot 9. Block 1 ; C. W . Scott and Maude b rib e d I in Vol. Vol. 31. page 600 Deed Rec- register of titles, (be u rn e refers to the Stoke# Addition to Forest Grove. Lots mere tai N a tio n al Bank of Hillsboro Com. A- Sav. B a n k ; ,1657) 1929 $218. / B M a tth e w i '1845) 1929 $16.62. 4. 5. 6 and 9. — Tongue’s Unrecorded A d dition to H ill»- recorde or register of title« on file M. T a n n e r. (1747) 1930 $2.58. $2.89. - 3 - ; - Sam antha W (2"1S) 1925 $15.26. 1926 $14 66, 1927 Vol 114. page 465 D e ^i Record«. I I. I Bkvk 1930 $2.25; $4.96. 1930 $18.57; $39 39 A M ary P a tto n ; < ll" 6 ) 1026 $4 57, 102« boro. Lota 88. *6. „5. »«. 87. 88. 80, 9ft, Ihe office a t the County Recorder ut H ocken’a 4th A d dition to Beaverton. , $15.07, ------ 1928 114.83. --------- 1929 $14.73. 1930 C olem an: (1929) 1926 $3.33 $3.73. W eatgard Tracts. L o t 4 ; M ultnom ah Forest Grove. E. >/« L o t 4. B k v k 2«. as County, Oregon W bere*«i $1166. 1027 $0.68. 102M $8.0", 1029 $8.84. , 06 . 07 . 0N. 90. I"«,. | 0 | . 1"2 103. (04 W aahington 10, B k v k 1 ; Maude M T a n n e r; <1<| 49 Stoke# A ddition to Foreat Grove. E. $1544 Com. A Sav. B a n k ; <1658, 1929 $2.73. I x * 104" $9.10, $50 0$ , and 106. beg at a pt 1727 77 ft W o.1 reference is made to probate record* d n c r i M in VoL 137, p a y , 361 D w d t u , - 2S f t. L o t 7 and all L o t » Blork 6 ; de- Cardan Tracta Addition to (1748) 1929 $5 44. 1930 $5.74; $12.52. H)llsbor<>, 1930 $2.82; 6.21. intersection .»f M line of M ain St w ith and record* a t wills, the same r * (» r * to Hocken « 4th Addition to Beaverton. " S Í’ . H a rriaon ,1847) 1M 8 349.S«. «cribed in Vol patte 97 D e c i Lota 14 and 16. Block 12 142. W m . C. and 1029 $M 26. 103" $8.60. $46.61 Weatgard Tract#. Lot 5 ; M ultnom ah the probate records and rerwrda of w ill* Ton g u ea A ddition G, HilUboro. Lot 2. w line o f N Kangs St Hillsboro 1930 $55.71 ; $118.16 R e coM *: C. 8 . ESthel. Ralph and M il- Edna K ilb y ; (2014) 194" $6.11. $6 8«. Com. 4k Sav. B a n k ; (1659) 1929 $2.72. Lots 1 and 2. Block 2 : F. B. T u r n e r ; Foreat Grove, p a rt L o t 1, Block 2 9 : dred W hite B k v k < ; E d ith L . Reomae . (2110) i r / 6 thence R. 361 07 ft., th em e W 1 IIM .«7 on file In the office at the County < lerk (1749) 1»27 $10 84. 1928 $10.70, 1929 Garden Tracts A ddition to Hillsboro. (193") 193" $ 1 6 9 ; $1.78. 1930 $2.82: $6.2" of W ashington County. Oregon. V alley V iew Addition to Foreat Grove Lots 6. 7 and 8. B k v k 1$; Elm ar T 116 26. 102« $14.64, 1027 $16.98, 102-' ft., parallel w ith (). E rig h t-o f-w ay $9.97. 1930 81".34; $46.64 commencing a t 8. E. corner o f Block 29 W eatgard T ra c ’ «. Lot 6 : M ultnom ah 130 _ft.. S. 133 f t . , E. 130 Lots 4 and 5. B k vk 4: O F. and R alph Connell and Hannah J Blanchard ; (2016) S U M . 1020 $14.74, 1010 $16.42 . $10145. thence N 87« 44 ft . then, c E. to beg You are hereby fu rth e r notified that Com A Sav B a n k ; ,1660) 1929 $2.7$. 1 H ocken’s 4th Addition to Beaverton. N . 133 f t.. W . — Lots 3 and 4. B k vk 2 ; F. B. T u r n e r . ' to beg inn ing; W T«ingue'a Unrecorded Addition to H ill»- ».«"„g Lota 83. 84. Mft, 8ft. w7. *8. 89. 95 there is now due and owing and unpaid 1030 $2.7«; $3 09. B. H a ln e a; 11849) E. D a rb y ; (19321 1930 17.23: »8.09 1930 $2.81 ; $6.2". boro. W. Mi o f I x * 7. I»eg at a pt. <48.<5 06, «7, « m , 0®, joo, |o |. |«»2. p n , p i, to (1750) 1927 $10.84. 1928 $10.70t 1929 $21.67; $24.26. the p la in tiff, W ashington County. W alker* A d dition to Forest Grove, part Garden Tracts Addition to Hillsboro, Weatgard Tracts, L o t 12 ; M ultnom ah E'orc#t Grove, part I x * 4. Block 29. I x * 1. B k v k 2 ; a* describe«! in Probate Ix * a 9. 10. 11, 12 and 1$, B k vk l < ; | f t . W of a pt. where the W line of loft. Sec 36 T I N K. 3 W W M Oregon on *an| .e r tifi.a te a and each of Com. A Sav. B a n k ; <1661) 1929 $3.27. 19.79. 1930 110.33; $4«. 63. H ocken’a 4th A ddition to Beaverton, commencing at S. W Range Mt. intersects the N. line of |«>.47 A ; Bertha T4.ng.1c, (2134) 1925 them, and upon the plerea and parcel* corner of B kvk Recorda No. 3821 ; N e ttie H o ffm an (1931i E lm e r T. Connell and Hannah J. Blanch- N 1930 $3.37; $7.43. Baseline ML, thence N. 202.71 ft., thenci | 5 | 87. 1926 254 21. 192.’ |hft 13 Iftjy of real properly In *aid < crtiflcata# de 1928 171.1«, 1929 $«6 48. ard ; (2016) 1930 $4.59. $6.14. W’eatgard Tracts. L o t 13 ; M ultnom ah f '” 0* 6 an<1 <• Block 2 ; F. B. T u r n e r ; 29. E. 100 ft.. N , 100 f t., W . 100 ft.. 1927 $67.68, E- M f t - “ deecribed in 193" $74.28 : $312.97. $.194 "ft scribed, the respective sums listed w ith Garden Tracts Addition to Hlllaboro. W 107.28 ft., thence M. 2"3 < • fL . thence |&® g j, | f 2u $57 2" 10,«> $».:, Com. 4k Sav. B a n k ; (1662) 1929 13 27 I (1751) 1927 $9.63. 1928 $9.50, 1929 $8.70, V J 10? . / * - ' Vol. HO, pave 421 Dee.! Record»; Claud ' 1930 $9.18; $4142 Tongue’s Unrecorded A d dition to H ill*- * * ’ h lh e, h»na of «aid reaperllte W a lk e r* Addition to Foreat Grove, I x * Ixits 27, 28. 29. $0 and 31, B k v k 13 ELI- K to lieg., leas E. ’-ft as d «wc ri bed In 1930 $3.87; $7.43. propertie# in ihe foregoing list, am i in Record*, beinj’ boro, P a rt I x * 82, as described in Vol Hocken’s 4th A ddition to Beaverton. V. C lark (13611 1923 »32.62. 1929 »18.36 1. B k vk 8 ; F. B Tongue and M arth a m er T . Connell and Hannah J. Blanabard , Vol. 116. page 142 Deed W eatgard Tracts, L o t 14; M ultnom ah thereto part of l x * 7, Hec. 3«. T. 1 N. R. 3 i 124. T r a v e r; <1936) 1928 $20.40, 1929 $30.47. (2017) 1930 <5 21 ; $5.83. page r,;., s«, p age Oi.1 lic e d K e c o rd # . R o y an a n I addition . , . ---------- there ia uue « ... . and . . . . owing Dead Recorda; Roy Cum. A Sav. R a n k ; ,1663) 1929 $3.28.1 Lota 7 and 8. B k v k 2 ; F. B T u r n e r ; 1930 *16.43 ; «69.36. Foi rest Grove p art Lot 2. Block 30 as 1930 $34.05. $95 "5 E t u C .r m » ., . ,2 l3 f ,| |«2H « |.» 1 ; «i n« " . f'.'1 ,'?*• 1 , ' ""1 ■ " « ’Un*» (1752) 1927 $10.23. 1028 $10.08. 1929 M. ; .26 A .; < ity of Hlllaboro Garden Tracta Addition to Hillsboro, W . W 1930 $3.37; $7.44. described in Vol 119, page 57« Peed Rec- W a lk e r* Addition to Fore#t Grove, part Ix iU 32. 33. 34 and 35. B k v k 13; Elm er (2111) 10*26 $8 64, 1026 $8.14. 1927 $ k 04. r w l i f i r . u U .,,- 1 f..r iwraonal . . . . Lt W eatgard Tracts. L o t 15 ; M ultnom ah <8.71, 1930 $9.17; $42. <5. T o n , , , . '. U n t « - . ,n M A d dition «> H ill.- ” ,t V - “S ’’‘ l H iv k e n ’s 4th Addition to Beaverton. orda and Prob. Record* No. 3 « 0 3 ; Doro- L o t 4. B k v k 11 as d c#rribci in Vol. 142, T . and H annah J. B lanchard; (2018) 102* $8.81. 1029 $8.24. 10.3" $8.58; $66 8". Com A Sav. B a n k ; <1664) 1929 $3.28. t*. u M Mew i t u rn - . . _ _ _ _ .. . . . ay E’redden Lots 9 and 10. Block 2 ; F. B. T u rn e r; thy (1852) 1930 $37 I «.I o Io7 . r ¿ ». 7 2 » : . , ' ’ ’ per - ------ ----------------------------- fr«.»» tb. dale «»f Tongue's Unrecorded Addition to H ilis- boro .14;, B k v k 426 Deed Recorda ; G uy F. and M ay 1930 $4 91 ; $6.50. 1930 $3.3«: $7.43. } ° ’w ).«•«/ bT í . . 7*1 ’y n ft * w G anien Tracta Addition to Hillsboro, boro, I x * 1", 6 /1 0 A. in Her. 26 T . 1 V ia ; (1938) 1930 $40.23 ; $45 06. W illow brook F arm . L o t 5 ; Elizabeth (1753) 1927 $9.63. 1928 $9.51. 1929 $8.71, $41.57. Range Ht., Id. Foreat Grove, part L o t 1. Bi«vk 31. 1930 $9.19; $41.46. Ix .t* 88, 39 and 4", B k vk 13; F F Cor N. R 3 W. W M a* described in Pro- w ith N line of Oak Ht . H illalxiro. I bene, West P ark Subdivision of Block 1" V in c e n t: (1667, 1930 $ 2 1 5 8 ; $24.16. Ht 107, Her 36 T 116 34, 1928 114.23. W il#hire. L o t 6 ; C. F. and Lulu F. 1927 $6.02, 1928 $6.94, 1929 $5.44. 193" W. 50 ft. to beginning; W m . H. Barker 193" $7.42; $8.3". 1 N R. 3 W W E a t.; (1864) 1926 $18.16, 1927 $19.73. $6.74; $25.90. Hlole of O r— Kon for W , h ill,Io n Count» G a r ; 1928 120.75. 1929 $19.39. 1930 $21.66; N a y lo r’s Additkin to E’oreet Grove. Ix * a Lota 9. 1", 11, 12 and 13, Block 15. M ary K urdy's A ddition to Beaverton, I x * Tongue’s Unrecorded A d dition to H ill* ,2136) 1027 $7.66 1920 17 11 * l'"29 1*7V / ' for • decree fore-loalm , the lien of .etch W itch H azel. L o t 1 : Louise M orris and $111.59. 10; R. F. and L illia n G H a n n a ; (1756) renpectlve r e r tlflr a te In Ihe alw re Hal nd 8. Bk»ck 10; Elsie M atth ew s; and (¿hriatian V a n n e t; (2024) 1020 $7.07, boro, Lot 11. Ivg. at a pi. 1"71.1I f i«.)" $ 7 .3 6 ; $32.71. ’ ’ H arold L. K irk p a tric k : (1675, 1929 Foreat Grove. L o t 3. B k v k 81, lea* F. (1940) 1929 $7.76. 193" $8 6«; $18.37. 1927 118.06, 1928 $17.81, 1929 $33.31. ■gMliial the r«*»|M*rtiv<> pr<*>erty or |*rop- 102" $7.36; $16.14. $41.90. 1930 <40.20; $91.89. W . of a pt. where the W . line of Tongue’* Unrecorded A iklltlo n to H ills 25 f t . ; C a rrie E., W ill and Ruth H. Tol- «■rtie* to which the ll«u» «if #*id c e r tifi­ W itch H azel L ittle Farm s. I x * 25 ; 193" $67.23; $152.72. W est Park MuEidivision of B k v k 1". Garden Tracta Addition to Hillsboro, lU n g e Mt., Hlllaboro, intersects the boro, L o t lO t. l * g at a pt 128 I ft. W and doe* naw a t­ Lom bard Addition to Beaverton, Ix>t »on and Elenor Johnston (1866) 1926 N a y lo r’s Addition to E'oreat Grove, Ix * # Lota 28. 29, 30, 81 and 32. B k vk 15 Stanley G. M a m o ri ; (1676) 1930 $34.97; line of Baneline HL, thence N 204.96 . ,,f Intersection o f W line of N Rangt cat«» ha* *1 (ached <; Forest H a rt L e h n e r; <1758) 1927 $43.20; 1927 $46.57 ; 1928 $49.08; 1929 9 and 10. Block 10; Joe M o rley ; ,1941) M ary and C h ristian Vannet ; (2"25) 1020 f t . ; thence W . 1"6.12 ft., thence H. 06.52 tach, and y«m and each a t y«.,j, a r» * Um- $39.14. w ith N line of Oak Ht.. Hlllfllwiro monad to appear in the above named $45.80; 193" $60 14; $262.81. 118.0«. 1928 $17.82, 1929 116.32, 193" $18.85, 103" $10.62, $40."6. Woodland Acres, E. of L o t 16 : O 193" $8.67; $9.70. ft., thence E. to beg.. Iieing I x * I I . He- thence N. 100.67 ft., thence W 6<) ft.. , Court w ithin *ix ty »An, ,|nyH lif r r lb r Foreat Grove . A ll Block 32 ; Irv in g In - V . and E u re tta Hal m i ; (1678) 1929 » 1 7 .» ; «77.71. Garden Tracta Addition to Hlllaboro, 36 T . I N. R. 3 W W Hawks Addition to Gaston, I x * 10, M , 5 /10 A . , thence H. 100.66 ft. ice K. If» beg . dale o f the firs t publienti<»n o f thi" Lom bard Addition to Beaverton, I x * vestment Co. (1856) ’ 928 $281.68. 1929 Block I ; Fran k Kertson ; (1944) 1926 L o t 9. B k v k 16; C M. C ra w fo rd ; (2026) »3.64. 1930 »3.84; «8.37. Florence T . M u n g er; (2113) 1926 $13.42. being Lot |08. Hec 36 T 1 N . R. 3 W notice and Riinunon», exclusive »*f th« 12: F. B. T u rn e r; < 176" i 1927 $13.84. $263.16. 193" $294.03; $938.97. Wdland Acre«. L o t 17: M a ria — $8.6«, 1927 $2.76, 1028 $2.9«, 1929 $2.81. 1030 <1.28; $L38. I 1926 $12.8". 1027 $14.06, 1928 $13.04, W M .25 A .; Elizabeth E’reeman Eey data of the firs t publication, and defand Forest Grove. I x * 1 Block 36 a* de­ 193" $1.35; $2".75. P ir e lt i; (1679) 1928 »9 96; »11.14 *» « »13.66. 1929 »12.52, 1930 »13.21; Garden T ra c t* Addition to Hillnboro, |02" $12.06 103" $13.40, $80.28. 1927 $7.66, 1928 $7 I I , 1929 $707 Ulla soll or pay the ainount d u « mu, scribed In Vol. 131. page 146 and Vid. B ank*. Ix>( 7. Block 1 : H. B. E b c rly ; »69 68 Hillsboro. I x * 2. B k vk 5, a* described . Ix * » 1". 11. 12. 13. 14 and 15. B k v k 16; Tongke’a ’ Unreeorde«l A d dition to H ill* - (2117) 193" $7.3«. $32 69 your respective property . r iirupertia# • (1683) 1930 »40.65; «46.39 j Lom bard Addition to Beaverton. L o t 141. page 176 Deed Records; G. A. arid In Vol. J35. page 2"4 Deed Record* . E lm er T. Connell and H annah J. Blanch- ,,oro t i? be«/ a, » nt I M2.25 ft. W T o n g u e * (Jnrtvorded Addition to H ills , shnwn on the foregoing Hst, together witE M. Cobb (1863) 1930 $46.42; B irdie M W«# k | and J. W B a iley; (1947. a rd ; (2"27) 193" $3 06; $3.43. ’ • K F lrat Add. to Banka. Lot 4, Block 3 ; 13: Furcal H a n L e h n e r; 11761 1 1927 M ary of a pt. where the W . line a t N. Range Paul Rubinann : 11 »85) 1926 »4.25, 1927 »19.87, 1928 »19.62, 1929 »16.32, 1930 $51.96. 1926 $43.63. 1927 $47 92. 1928 $44.47, 192" Garden T ra c t* Addition $o H ilU boro. Ht.. Hillsboro, inter*eet« the N. line of horo. L o t 109. I »eg. at a pt. 178.1 f t . •c .ru e d Interest fr-on the data of the of inler*«vtlan of W . line of N iasuance of said certificate of dellnquen.y Forest Grove, E. % I x * 2 B k v k 36 $44.18* 193" $45 97’ , $26*3.1 «7 »3.31. 1928 «3.46, 1929 »3.74. 1930 »4.05; i « I L » : »81.76. Ixits 28, 20 and 3" Block 16 ; Earner T . B a*cline Ht.. thence N 205.62 ft..W l«)6.83 W «nd aicrueil n s l i , and In raa* <.f your ----- ’ 121 "5. M ason’s la t Addition to B«»averton, Ix it as described iq Vol. 18", page 376 Deed Hillsboro, part I x * 7, B kvk 6, aa de- CimneJI and H annuu J. B la n c h a rd ; (2028) ft., thence M. 206.07 ft. ; thence EL to Range Ht. w ith N. line of Oak Ht., H ill* fa ilu re so to do, • decree w ill he •«•- boro, thence N 190.68 ft., thence W Records; L au ra M H am blin (1864) 1925 scribefl in Vol F irst A d dition to Bank», I x * 8. B k v k L B k v k 1; R. B G reenwood; (1762) 143, page 624 Deed Rec- 103" $1.84; $2.06. beg , 11 eg ing I x * 12, H*o 36 T. I N . R tere«! I,y na*i«| court forarloalng the lien $9.19, 1926 $17.66. 1927 $16.92, 192* "rds ; H arvey B. H u f f ; 3 aa described in Vol. 115. page 424 Deed 1928 $2 67. 1929 $4.89. 193" $5.16; $14.24 G arden Tracta Addition to H ill*bor-i, 3 W. W M . 6/1 0 A .; Florence T . M u n ­ 5" ft., thenen H. 19" 65 ft., thence EL t» (1948) 103" " f each re* pec ti vv c e rtific a t* a t d *lin- beg., being I x * l"0 , Hec. 36 T. I N It 3 $17.79. 1929 $16.62. 193" $18.67; $108.28. Record#; Exiward L . R o y; (1686, 1930 M ason’» 1st A ddition to Beaverton. $12.26; $13.72. Lota 31. 32. 33. 34 and 36, B k v k 16; g e r; (2114, 1026 $12.81, 1926 $12 22, W W M ., .25 A .; E liz*heth Fr — m«i, quency again*! the pro|»erty o r proper- Bum p’s Addition to Foreat Grove. Lot* $12.16; $13.61. L<* 2. B k vk 1; A. C. and Mabel M Hillsboro, W . % I x * 7, B kvk 0 ; E liza - EJmer T . Connell and H annah J Blanch- 1027 $13 42, tl««»* named in #ai »7.32; ».•12.62. 1920 $19.49, 193" $25.4"; $60.25. < ; Mrs. C lara R H eltzel (1687) 1929 $ 4 5 0 ; $12.67. $14.82. 1920 $14.72, 193" $15.34; $68.12. Garflen T ra c t* Addition to H ill*boro, Tongue’s Unrecorded Addition to H ill *• Bum p’s Addition to Forest Grove, I x * T o n in .'« U n r c o r d c l Add,I,on to 11111«. your reapeellve namea loyelher w llh In- Mason’s 1st A d dition to Beaverton. $11.28, 193" $12.17; $26.19 Hill*boro, E. 89 ft. o f I x * I , B k vk I x * 36. B k v k 16; Elm er T. Connell and Imro, Lot 13, beg at a pt. I2M8.08 ft le rm t ... aforeaald and a— ruln« real« boro. I,o t ,13. b«B. «1 n pi. 378.1 fl. W F irs t Addition to Bank», L o t 11. Block Lot* 3 and 4. Block 1; J. C. G uyer; 8. B k vk 1 ; A lice M . and D. R. Brown ; 18; Guy E. Loxley ; (1966, 1929 $35.34, H annah J. B la n c h a rd ; ,2030) 1025 $1.8», W o f a pt. where the W !erly f..r ih e »all»- 193" $2.11; $8.44. Ht. w ith N. b o - of <)«k HI.. IfbU lH .ro, L Records; Andy A Kathleen K o s tu r; Mason’s 1st A d dition to Beaverton. Hillsboro, p a rt I x * 4, B k vk 18, as de- Garden Tracts Addition to Hillsboro, e .lö ll i. h* ,"h , r »«al «nd folind / t í . 18 ,9 22 .n d 22 H k v k 17 E l m e r 11 ,,f » » ’’•» n e Ht . thence N. 206.07 ft Rum p’s Addition to Forest Grove. I x * scribed in Vol. 12", page 269 peed Rec- Lota 60 f t (1688) 1925 11 81, 1926 $6.11. 1927 $3.99, ' I x * 5. B k vk 1 ; J. C. G u yer; (1765) 1929 '“ c X n - ” , ‘ « . n ’ . " " / '!>......«T w Í 1- " i ’ » « • « Ih r n -e N. 190.66 ft., Ih -n c - W b.w i o 1 " " P m ir r iy « . provlileil by 9. B k v k 1; M rs. Ruby Oakes; (1868) 1926 orda; Rose C ave; (1066, 1927 $27.15 Ihcnr-« H. 190 66 ft., Ih -n c - F, to h-u ' 1928 $4.15. 1929 $1.49 1930 $4.8«; $27.33. $3.81, 1930 $4.02; $8.77. T. ,“ 1 " 1 P r«y«t In p la in llf f a rom - 1929 I« « $62.11; (2031 F irst A dditkin to Bank*. Lot 2. Block Mason's 1st A d dition to Beaverton. ! i i ? ’ a ^ 7 I 1,77’ 1928 , 2 '04’ 1929 11 ®2’ 1928 150 2031, I N I , 1 , 1 4 ; «2 0« ’..h’ ny ,K N ‘ "o b? " w ÿ « /h ! belli» L o t 113, H-c. 36 T. I N K. 3 W « F p lte jllo n «or Judemen, an.l 1030 $2.12; $10.68 I W, M ., .26 A . ; E b m b -th F r — mnn F e y ; C u r« ,e n T r o c l a A d d it io n ta llillaboro. ’ ‘,b 1 ‘ 1 N K- * W W IVI , f t / I O 4. as described in Vol 101 page 468 Dee I Lot# 6 and 7. Block 1 ; Andrew Byers; $201.17. Garden Tracts Addition to Hillsboro, "" r,,u r‘ A .; Florence T . M u n g er; (2116) I92ú (2139, 1927 »7 01, ,928 »6.61, 192,1 »6 47 r m » r C u rtis A d dition to E'oreat Grove, Ixits Records. Bank# Camp No. 569 M W A. : j (1766) 1929 $6.54. 193" $6.89; $16.03. Hillsboro, part I x * 4, H k v k 22, de- Ix * a 26. 27, 28. 20 and 80, B k v k 17; $12 20, 1026 $11 64, 1927 $12.78, 1928 i.-’ * 2, 8 . 4i * • M in n i* Baber scribed in Vol. 98, page 482 Deed Rec 1930 »6 74; »29 94. (1689) 1925 $4.54. 1926 $12.77. 1927 $9.96. Mason’# lat A ddition to Beaverton. E lm e r T. Connell and Hannah J. Blanch- $11.86, 1020 $11.78, 103" $12.26 ; $M |.I8 ... . 193" - F jr> t Ifa p t,Rt c h u rc h ; (1957) 1929 a r d ; ,2032) 1930 $3 "6 ; $3 43 l l f r ' ’ w n T f " r! h* r ">■! plal.1 (1870) 1929 . . $6.14 $12.38; fjrd(( 1928 $10.39. 1929 $11.28. 193" $12.16; I * * » 10. 11 «nd 12. B k v k 1. M y rtle M ac- E a t.; TonKiie'» Unrerordnd Addblon lo H ill« „ her r 1 r"1’" ' 1' «""I f "T .„ r b Tongue's Unrecorded Addition to H ills- boro, Ix it ,17. be«. «I « pt. 678.1 ft W S is .34. Lend B uchanan; (1767) 1929 $11.97, 193" $20.06. $5.89. 193" $6.13; $13.45. Garden Tracts Addition to Hillsboro, «"■■'W, » i m • J / ' J ” 3 6? !! C u rtis Addition to E’orest Grove, Lota E'irst A ddition to Bank*. Ixits 7 and $12.62 : $27.63. Browns Subdivision of Blrvks H and Lo,» I I , .12. 31 «m l 34, Blnek 17; E l m - / ' " f " ' L o t " • '* « • of interiwction o f W line of N Hnope „ ,d e..o r., i f " . '" • ’l b* W. o f a pt. where the W. line of N E’airview Additkin to Hillsboro. L o t T . Connell and Hannah J. Blanchard R. B k vk 5. a# described in Vol. 136. page Venn’» Addition to Beaverton. Lots 1 6. 7. 8 and 9, B k v k 2 ; C a rrie M. Ram- I, ________ HI. erllh N. line of Oak Ht.. Illbaboro, an7 »"<1 18. Block 2. W illi.m A d l - r ; ( l 8 7 6 | dltkm to Hillahoro, I x * I , B kvk E ; J. 1930 $.61 ; $.69. Tongue’» Unrecorded Addition to H ill*- of Intwraectlon o f W . line of N. Runt« 22. 193" $28.38; $169.52 (iarden ' Tracta Addition to Hillsboro, ’»«ro, I x * 16. beg at a pt. 1498.89 ft. W '»29 »5 64, 1930 »6.19; »19.77 H e nry G erriah ; (1061, 193" $18.39: P a rt of I x * 1, B k vk 8, F irs t A d­ Edith B u rb an k; ,1 7 7 4 , 1029 »8.46, 19»'l ,9Z* HL withi N line of Oak Ht.. Hillsboro, Cal«m Crest ‘ Additkin to ~ Foreat ~ Grove. $20.58. ‘ lx * s 27. 28 and 29. Block 18; E lm er T . •'f ■ P’ - where the W line of N. Range Ihence N d ition to Banka, a* described in Vol. 58, »8.91; »19.44 100.66 ft., thence W .,0 f< and M a ttie P a rk in . Doughty's Subdivision to Fairview Ad- Connell and H annah J. B lan c h ard ; (2"88) i Ht., Hillsboro, Intersects the N Cornelius, Ixits 4 and 5, B k vk 6 ; L y ­ I x * 8 ; Bruce W line of thence H. 190.66 ft . th en.e E. to beg” page 183 Deed Records, lews part sold by $36.68, 1929 ditlon to Hillsboro. I x * 2. B kvk E ; J. 1930 $1.53; $1.71. as daacril»ed in V o i. 68. page 134. peed man T W ilco x; (1775) 1029 $7.06, 193" 11878) 1927 $33.84, 1928 Baseline HL. thence N. 207.17 ft., thence beim I x * 118, Hec 36 T. I “ Court N If W ashingte $33.24 103" $53.0] ; $174.24 H e n ry G e rris h , (1962) 193" $6.13; $6.87. R e to rd » ; Ben D o o le y . (1695) 1025 $2.42. $7.42; $16.21. Garden Tracts Addition to Hillsboro, W . 104.99 ft., thence 8. 207.82 ft., thence , W. niHilc ¡...... County, Oregon. W M ., .25 A. . E.lizaheth Freem an n«««k and cnlcrw l on th«. 2 .1 t h d a * of H a ll’s A d dition to Forest Grove, 8. 20 1926 $6.82, 1927 $5.32 192« $5 63, 1929 Cornelius, Ix it 10, B k v k 6 ; Rophfa Enne* Addition to Hillsbf.ro, Ix»t* 1, 2. Lots 3". 31 and 32. B k vk 18; Elm er T . 1 E. to beg , being I x * 15. Hec 36 T . I Eey (2141) 1327 »5.75, $5.99. 1930 $ 6 .4 9 ; $36.46. “ ’ 3 W * - M - */>?. Í lï«ren<- «5.:lí. im u »5.52, «24.51 1323 »5 34, 1923 Tucker Ext. ; (1778) 1929 $3.28. 193" f t. L o t 4, B k v k 1, as described in Vol. 3, 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8. B k vk 1, a* denr-ribed Connell anti Hannah J. B lan c h ard ; (2089) N. It. 134. i*age 617 Deed Record* ; C ity of For- In Vol. 136, page 6"4 Deed Records ; U n - 1930 $1.84; $2.06. F irs t A d d itio n to Banks, I x * 4. Block $3.46; $7.54. T. M u n g er; « j * « . ’ . i w «‘ ¡ " oh 7: i,„ ^ " 7 ’ '." ,o »« in» ,trd day « f January, 103< 8. a# described in Vol. 186. p#ge 4"2 Cornelius. N . 16 ft. o f Lots 4 and 6, est G ro ve; (1879, 1027 $2.33, 1928 $2.37, ' ion High School Diet. No. 3 ; (1063) 1028 Garden T ra c t* Addition to Hillsboro, , $0.9". 1027 Id. «78.1 ft $6.67; $69.03. In * " n . i v T " " nd l.’ r,,<’eM' Mroce.fl- Deed Record»; J M P e rs on; ( 1927 Block 9, also ’ft alley on N. 10 f t : Geo. 1929 $2.22, 193" $3.84; $12.04. L o t* 37 and 38. B k vk 18. Fred W ool- $10.02, 1930 $10.42. $69.02 W of Inleraerlloo ,,f W line of N $29.87. 1928 $15.67, 1929 <33 71, 1980 | C. F ish er. (1779) 1926 $3 62, 1927 $3 67. H a ll’s A d dition to Forest Grove, Lota Fairvie w Addition to Hillsboro, W . «1 d rid g e ; (2040) 1930 $9.80; $10.07. Tongue’» Unrecorded Addition If» H llh - Kanye HI. w ith N line of Oak h i Mil,, h istrlct Ai» "i»«»n the undersigned de­ $36.60; $120.45. 1928 $3 46. 1929 $3 29. 1930 $3 45; $19.67. 5 and 6 in B kvk 1, as described in Vol. ft. of Lota 6 and 6, B k vk 3, a* H ighlsnd* Addition to Hillsboro, Lota ] boro, L o t 16, beg. at a pt. 1603. mm ft. boro, then— N. 190,35 ft., l b - „ (-,, W E’lrat A d d itio n to Ranks, Lot 10 Cornelin*, Ixits 4, 6, 6 and 7, Block 11; 132, page 143 peed llecorda; C ity at E'or- scribed In Vol. 124, page 600 Dead Re«- 3 and 7, Block , ; T . H a rtt G a rd n e r; W. iff a pt, where the W line of N. «1 . Ihenre H 190 35 n . then— i H Ä Ä . H ill*b o ro ; ( 196ft ( 1925 (2042, 1930 $3 99. <4 46. H k v k 8 a* described in Vol. 188. page H T . Scholfield (1780) 1928 $7.90, 192" eat G ro ve; (1880) 1925 $8.66, 1926 $8.3", orda; C ity o f .R a n g e Ht.. Illllslm ro . Intersect# the N. brine l,o l HR. He- 13 T I N II VP 1027 $8.38. 1928 $9.10. ,929 $8 86, 193" 116.78, 1926 $11.64, 1927 $12.78. 1923 cMi,n 630 Deed Records; Globe In vestm en t Co $15 "4. 193" $16.84; $43.41. Highlands Addition to Hillsboro, Ixits line f * lla*elln e Ht., thence N. 207.82 ft... w M . .25 A .; Ellaabeth Freeman F r , 111 86. 1929 $11.78, 193" $12.26 . $8