The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 03, 1935, Page 10, Image 10

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Page Ten
New Members of City Council
Lodges Plan
Rebekahs, I. O. O. F. Will
Install at Tigard
TIGARD A Jo in t Installation ot
officers o f Tigardville Reoekah
lodge. Tigard I. O. O. F. lodge.
Rubv Rebekah. Lincoln I. O. O. i
of Scholls is scheduled for January
10 at the Tigard Odd Fellow temple.
Charity will no.d a short business
session at 7:30 p. in. to make way
for the installation ceremony. In ­
stallation will take place as soon
after 8 o'clock as is possible and
the public is invited A short p ro ­
gram is being prepared to take up
the rest of the evening.
Woodyard Succeess
SERA woooyard in Tigard is op­
erating successfully under the di­
rection of Timothy Casey, local
supervisor, w i t h a considerable
am ount of wood being cut. Work
is now directed on t h e second
group of logs placed in the wood-
yard bv the county relief comm it­
tee. Workmen are cutting th e wood
up into cordwood lengths. The coun­
ty gets a fifth of the wood cut.
Working conditions are not favor­
able, but there is somebody work­
ing a t the yard a t all Unies.
lU lU a l
v Christm
/ 111 lo U I U t as
U U lI ie r
w H a s S>
given by Mr and Mrs H W. Me-
Donald a t th eir home in Tigard-
ville to a num ber of relatives and
friends. Among those attending
ong Mrs
lire George Arnold.
>\ere 1/r
Mr. and
Dr. J. O. Robb
I.. C. Kramien
{\'eW M a V O r , COUTlClI
. ’ \Y \,
d W O I T I 111 W t tlllt. S(.l«l\
neir. aliai
Curtis Tigard, and Misses V iola, ing by fire underw riters and into
Mabie and Evelyn McDonald.
the class enjoyed bv some neighbor-
Officers of Tigard G range degree ,
, ,
team initiated Rev. and Mrs, §. R ,, 1 8 cnie-
S m ith of Tigard Methodist church
G arrett also stated th at he be-
lnto the first and second degree Ueved th e m anagerial form of
December 21. A C hristm as pie pro- government to be sound, and de-
r a s s
e r a l , ‘h S a “ t f ¡ ¡ « s , “
the pie turning out to be presents, be extended t<5 th e county and
Various games were played during state. He stated th at the new
the lecture hour.
council would continue to work on
Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n G aarde en- a aoning ordinance, building codes
tertained on Christm as for Mr. and “
, ho
Mrs. Marvin Gaarde. Mr. and Mis. t0 take care of the need!> of the
William Heilman and son Bobby, growing city and new ordinances
Mr. and Mrs. H ans G aarde and pretaining to revenue measures.
W Utam M o ^ d o n a‘;d
R^ r h of, h city empl° T r o ^ m ‘
A colortui gypsy troupe, which mended by the mayor and conftrm-
has been putting on several per- ed by the council included George
formances around the country, play- McGee, city m anager; P. L. Pat-1
ed before members of M ultnom ah terson. city attorney; W. C. C hris-
Rebekah lodge of Portland Friday tensen treasurer- Dr J. B. Dins-1
evening in an original setting of
XT, |
fir trees. Members of the troupe more, h ealth officer, W ilbur Dll-
are local Reoekahs and Odd Fel- Ion, fire m arshal; O. O. Freem an
J. J. Wismer
lows and their fame as gypsies is police chief; W. W. Weaver, n ig h t:
spreading. An appearance before officer, and S. W. Melhuish 7 ire |D r. J O. Robb iupper left», L. C.
K ram ien (upper right», and J. J.
“ heduled tlus chief. A rthur Kroeger. H. A. Deck
Wismer below), who were sworn
Annual Evangelical church C hrist- and J-
Person were nam ed as
as city councilmen Wednesday-
mas program was held December members of th e library board. A p -.
23 a t the church with over 75 pointm ents on the city' planning
- Robb and K ram ien photaa courtesy
!,ltHn,d l? e Candy sacks were ais- commission will be announced later,
Seliffraan. W ism er photo courtesy Mr».
tributed to the youngsters with accordins m G arrett
G unton.
candy canes going to the audience, « co rd in g to G arrett
Members of the Missionary society
Committee appointm ents for 1935
planned a surprise box for Rev. W. "ere announced as follows: Finance ■ properties owned by th e city as
Rademacher, which was presented —M. H. Stevenson. J. M. Person parks. He thanked the council, city
duÆ£8,„the. pr° S 'a/ n,, _ .
. and J. L. Anderson. P ark—Ander- m anager, fire departm ent and city
injured* his face* fe Thursday
son. L. C. K ram ien and J J. Wis- employes for th eir co-operation
Consider Flood Control
mer W ater and light—K ram ien
Melhuish. th e new fire chief, has
Cleaning out of the brush
in D r- J - ° Robb and Person. Civic served on th e local departm ent for
Fanno creek from Greenburg
to improvement—Robb. Stevenson and more th an 10 years while his pre-
Bom ta has been suggested as an Kramien. Appraisal and p ro p erty - decessor. Tews, has been with the
SERA project to eliminate some of Person, Wismer and Stevenson. O r- force 18 years and had been chief
the senous floods th a t have been
coming down through Tigard in re ­ dinance and building code—Ander- for the past seven years,
Fou owlng the meeting, City M an-
cent year. Each year, high water son. Robb and K ram ien. Stevenson
from the creek has caused consid­ was elected as president of the ager McGee was host to members
erable damage.
Of t he ojd ajjei new councils and
Mrs. Fanny Smith, sister of Mrs.
Only other new business con- several city employes for a lunch.
Erviila Tigard, left for Los Angeles
to be with her sister-in-law. who is ducted by th e incoming adm inis-
tration included th e endorsing of
seriously ill In th a t city.
*™ 0 ™
" VTC-HQ,S ° *
D am age W rought
W‘£h . th e
Âhe S! ie’ ay SWre fOi liqU01,
th T S ift w ^ k ^ i ’nns’frtS ihi dSf1“ hcenses and the granting of a card cade, near* North Plains, and fu-
age ha«
room license to I. H. N aught and neral services were held December
atone Fanno creek e a rR ^ S at.T ^ ifi Claude Cook a t t h e "Pastim e." 26 a t the Whosoever Will church
morning, caused the drowning of a Members of the appraisal commit-
m term ent in the Arcade ccme-
cow and the taking away of some tee were asked to complete an ap -
fence High w-inds blew over a num - praisal of city property by the Feb-
was »»rn Ju »>'
i n u ™ o n s aind h fh t £ £ i c ™ a ! ruary meetlr' 8 ih lle the ordinance L
n d ^ ¿ ¿ b M
first snow in this v ic in itv w L S e n rom m ittee was instructed to act H utchison i n Boonesboro. Iowa.
Saturday night with over an inch on th e building code and other November 25. 1870. They left in
on the highway near West P ort- suggested ordinances
May, 1882. to come to Oregon by-
the :mp°io7es
10 oer cent
the t road
' S T » 11«
by '» of cityh
w £ ru t 'Yai:on train and
tW° were
Weeks on and
beating frim t l i f ls t s r e p p i^ l2 -
, ° f th ® retln n 8 c°uncil Oregon, for a year. From there they
dependent team, B litz-W eithard of t»»0™ yielding to th e new. Phelps moved to the Arcade district, which
Portland Thursday night at the expressed the appreciation of the was all tim ber land, and settled
a railroad land claim. Her h u s­
.8y?1i BIltz roti UP a city lor the co-operation of em - on
band and oqp son George preceded
te r before th ? locals
ge?““?: ^ ° yes \ hheIpin8 to keep th e clt> her
in d eath by several years.
ganized. The independent team is
a cash basls durm 8 the depres-
She is survived by the following
composed of ex-college basketball slon- O ther business finished by sons and daughter: Henry H utchi­
stars and is rated as one of the the group included the passage of son, at home; Daniel Hutchison
t^iro “L oi'0rtland T»16 Sherwood December bills and the acceptance and Jam es Hutchison of route one.
re- ^ of r report
i team
. am « won
5 - a 8a-
e from the O
e ^ r i s ’ by“ t h i lire “c h l T f ^ d ^ r o u ^ th ^/e H . l K
K T ho J ° Urria,1 l, team «
Sherwood mar7hal
Friday night by score of 29 to 26
ters, Mrs. Id a B alfour o l Portland
The next -----------
inter-city —
™ a t the
past and -----------
present --------i
coun- and Mrs- Em m a McLeod of G a s - !
sue saii.v
will be played at Sherwood Friday cils were among the most rep re-. bon; tw° brothers. George Keenon
------- ---- and H enry
. tive groups of his 14 years r on nt rOute one Cornelius,
r » j? ^ n dl s .o{ Mlsa Lots Jones and the council six of which were a? I?eenon ° f Jewell county, Kansas,
Darroll Frewing. who recently an -
wnten were a., aiso survive, and ten grandchildren
nounced their engagement, greeted ¡payor, » a s the declaration o f and six great-grandchildren
the young couple a t th e home of P1»elps following his retirem ent. He
Mr and Mrs. B. S. Frewing Friday cited the unfinished business re- —
a ln,eSnrf iS S ^ nted MlSS J ° n“ Wlth m ainin8 such as the occupat.on tax 1 OO L a t e tO C ia S S lf V
ordinance, building code and dedi
Our classified columns may have CaUon ot the Tamiesie and Bagley " H o r n « k e r , near w ireie ■tation. ( 4 t f
Just w hat you are looking f o r _I
Read them .
Powers Grocery
Prompt Service . . .
Red & W h ite . 6 f o r .....................................
Hillsboro Motor Co.
B a k in g P o w d e r 31c
12-oz. tin
Q uick or R egular. 9-lb. sack
S p a g h etti
F ranco-A m erican. No. 1 tin ........................
T jm atoes
Blue & W h ite , w ith Puree, 2 ^ s . 2 fo r
i home they are sent to a son. Wat
Heralds New Year Scholls Club to
! ter Jaqulth. and family at Han Comity Officers
( lain let. Cal
M r a n il M rs 1. W h ls n a n d ami
Begin New Term
Convene Monday daughters
Dorothy ami Putty s|ieut
i ll y
Abortion control areas apparently i
may be developed out of the work '
th at has been started by th e feder-1
al abortion control program, ac- J
cording Io W. F. Cyrus, county
1 agent. Another meeting In the
Blooming section for the purpose
of going into abortion control in
dairy cattle from the standpoint of
comm unity co-operation will be held
j at the Blooming schoolhouse F ri­
day. January 11. at 8 p. m.
Dr. W R Lytle, state veterin­
arian. will be present at the nieet-
j tng to explain in detail the re ­
quirem ents concerning the establish
- m ent of control ureas and wluit
j ¡nay be expected from the state
livestock sanitary bound in connec­
tion with m aintaining such areas.
The testing of cattle under the
federal plan is progressing and
dairym en still have an opportunity
I to sign contract agreements. How
long the plan will rem ain open we
do not know but probably as long
as dairymen are signing and the
veterinarians doing the work are
, kept busy, they will continue to Albert Toiler, former Hillsboro resi­
make the tests. As the work sla c k -! dent who rang in the New Year
ens down we may expect that the
at the Methodist church here
program may be discontinued local­
Monday night for the 83rd con­
secutive time.
The meeting a t Blooming Friday,
Jan uary 11, should be of interest Rudolph O raiff of Hillsboro Mon-
to dairym en generally in those com- ■ day when he plead guilty before
munitles when- some consideration (lie local Justice of ttie peace to u
has been given to the Idea of creat- eliarge of disorderly conduct
tng control districts.
N Rummer, also of Hillsboro, was
— --------
fined *15 and costs Thursday on a
Fire Losses Low
* iaUure to “lve ,he rl«hl
following circuit court
Durine Past Year cancre in issued
tins week: Guv
„ ,
. .
, Mount vs. M arshall T. Ryan et al.
iCont.niwd from pan o n .)
| aenviug motions; Lillian Ludwig
'>y„ U’e departm ent. 2J being city vs. pearl T liiy n g ct vir, voluntary
calls and 18 rural.
non-suit; Sam Ludwig vs. Pearl T.
Fifteen calls occurred between 6 lliyng et vir, voiumarv non-suit,
p. m. and 7 a. m. All trucks were Emm a Ludwig vs Pearl T. Tliyng
driven 335 miles with no accidents
or injured firemen An average of
ca,npoeU °et ¿ T d e ia u U . d W W
12 men out of 16 in the departm ent Elbert J. Bessie vs. United Lumocr
answered the 17 siren calls. Tews company, dismissal; Joel T. York el
also reported th at he had answered a f v s , U'iiarity J. Ualdra et al, dis-
37 calls including all siren calls and
6ktluKZ >01X1 compoiiy vs
.in n .
J Dorn Lumber company et al. dis-
a _______ _
! missal; J. E. Sinunons vs. E. J.
Members of the departm ent a t- ¿¿ssie et al. dismissal; Ida Tupper
tended first aid school under Dr. vs. W C. Tupper. dismissal; Paul
H arrison D. Huggins during the Carm ichael vs. R uth Carmichael,
year with 10 of the m en passmg the default, decree; Ed Moyer et al vs.
examination. During the year the Sherm an Mill company, approving
departm ent purchased two salvage report, order respect to omitted
covers, two axes, hose clam p and wa8e claims, transferring certain
uniform shirts.
logging equipment and machinery
Fire M arshal Dillon reported t h a t . 1?
secured claim of
__ „»
David Hodes. secured claim of Clies-
most of the buildings within the tpr A Harsch. secured claim of N
fire limits had been inspected oil Goldberg, fixing time for hearing’
an average of once a m onth. He of receiver's final report, fixing
reported checking all schools for fees; W ashington county vs. Docla
20 m
et l<]a al. t,on
of Beav.
n fire
re drills
ortus. re
cnarging JO
e ex-
ex A
m braham
ons. LiqU
of Bank o,
tinguishers and condemning a grease PrtOn. authorizing division of stock
kettle and having same removed assessm ents collected and expenses
of 44 fire calls were a n - , of liquidation; and Liquidation of
swered w ithin the city lim its dur- Shute Savings bank, authorizing dl-
v e a r a r r n r d l n g tn nillm
vision expenses
of stock assessm
ents collected
ing the
according to DUloi. and
of liquidation.
17 ? L Whl.m
and 23 still calls He attended 38
out of the 44 calls, 14 still calls
alone and three calls outside of the
Dillon also called attention to
the fire prevention week program
conducted by th e local fire de­
partm ent in co-operation w ith the
fire m arshal's office.
Hearing Scheduled
for Sherman Mill
(C ontinued from page on«)
T h u rsd a y, J im u u ry .'I, I ti.'tft
Pro»»“' °--ders were Issued this
APt>K m the estates of John Me
Olli, John C. Young, M S. Wood­
man. Henry Kruger. Herm an Schul-
merich, B. K. Denney. Marie A. Itei. I
Casper Kelirll G uardianship orders
were issued for th e Chalm ers m in­
ors. John H. Richardson, and Bar-
rows minors.
C irc u it court onier» Ia»t week w ere:
U ta h Construction com pany e». L.
K. I
W a ttia et al. decree. Rime G reenfield v».
Charles F. Emerson et al. o rd e r. Ed M o y -i
er et a l va. Sherm an M ill company, com­
prom ise stum paue lien claim s, second or­
der of d istrib u tio n ; Binuham II. W rig h t
vs. Han« H e n ry W enner et al, default,
judgm ent ; C re d it
Service company
Edmond P. P ierre et al. o rd e r; M ay C. I
W o lf v ., Erneet W o lf, dorree
G ertrude
O v a ltin e
Both for
lle tu m ln )
C h i i Im u .
th e l.u e W h ittle hom e
< t ’«»•»< i 1»u«wl fr«Mrt
C learance S ale
Florsheini Shoes
W e il’s!
Bought and Sold
1930 Chevrolet Sedan
1927 Overland Sedan
1925 Dodge Touring
2 1926 Ford Tourings
savings departm ents of the Shuta I
jX m eT t; Aui^t** Crop
SilVingS bUMK and the Bank Of A n nie Crop, «ustaining m o tio n ; w . c
1930 Ford Truck, H/g-ton
Beaverton were issued Mondav by XB>r,or
Chari« K. T ay lo r, o rder,
TuHrro D n rrin .. fsnro, ««n eo,« i
' U n ltw i State« N a tio n a l bank of New her w
Judge Bagley. Commercial d e p a rt-; vg. Dewey c. G earin et al. confirming
m ent Of the local bank will b
H a rr y L. Robinson, executor, vs.
allotted 68 per cent of the stock as- £ « ^ r V ' s i ' r . h V 1! ; ^ / ' . T
Agency Willys 77
sessment proceeds and 70 per cent order; William h . n sm ith v». n. h '
Come in fo r a
of the expense, the savings depart- Klli,"n •< »•; order; o i .v e j.d m w n et »i
m ent receiving th e balance. A t:
‘lir'i t n U f J S S I
dem onstration.
Beaverton the commercial depart-: rt
order; and ciarem-« Palmaiier
m p n t W ill b e n lln tt o r t H9 n o r r e n l 1 i* - U n know n heir« o f Jam re Hum e, de-
ent W ill De auottea 82 per cent fa u lt and deeree: R. C. H u n g er et al
of the assessm ents and 81 —
M u n d o rff
ux, dismissal ,
L u la I. P f a f f r». C. O. Broderick, dia-
cent of the expenses.
m is a a l; and John V a n d erw a l va. Charlen
G. R. Bailey of Portland. Indicted W illiam s, diamiaaal.
Gas - Oil - Accessories
recently on a charge of Issuing a
Prob ate order» last week w e re : J<meph
check w ithout sufficient funds to B u lik. M iddleton S. H a n rk e l, Herronn J.
Luck. John A. Huber. Rasmus Nelson,
pay same, was arraigned before W illia m K n itte l. Charles Gerald T u rn e r,
C ircuit Judge Bagley Friday and A lb ert F. G rl tim a c her, Louise K. Bacon, Cars Washed and Polished
P eter D ethlefa . and The^nlore VanDyke.
entered a plea of not guilty
P in o
rxf and tt-ne
waM * * * ° i»»u«d In the iruardian-
Fm e
OI $25 was imposed upon ship o f the H e ltie l minora.
O u tin g Flannels, Linens.
Save N O W
tJ d
jAa Q
1 ja r
M any other items spe cia lly price d fo r F rid a y and
S aturday. These prices good Ja n u a ry 4 and 5 only.
Gossard, Nem o-Flex, N a tu re ’s Rival, and Le-Gant.
Here are the prices:
’2 9S
’3 $4 $10.00
’5 ”
In a great C learance! Some
H art S ch n ffn e r & M arx and
C lo th c ra fts in the lot. Every
style and color and sizes to
f i t regulars, tails, shorts,
slims and stouts. See these
suits N O W !
W ashington < o u n ty ’s greatest stocks to select fro m !
F u r (Oats, Dress (Oats - Sport Coat«. Dress, S w ag­
ger a u d K n itte d Suits, Evening Dresses, D inner
Dresses, A fte rn o o n Dresses, Sport and Street Dresses,
R IG H T N O W !
25po to 50^ Reductions
Used Car Exchange
2nd and Wash. Phone 2641
JA N U A R Y 5
A» IfOtvtmirai Xuia»« tartH*
gXÌTtE AX y i n n r » »Tr M-»-»«wKwnr»-KTrvkI
l.onk fur
the Sign
of the Blue Eagle
“' ï ’S ïg
its guidance. I t is the road o f s ta b ility . Thousands use it. There
is no m ystery about it, no doubting, n o th in g hidden.
It Leads the W«y
Hillsboro Motor Co.
ilc fm ito ly to m erchant«' «tore» in ihia com m unity. I t ¡a the rtith t
r o . „ W hen you
y „ „ „ „ ................ .
T h ird and W ashington Streets
a ll huam,™ t h a f , p h , t a g the game „ .u a re ty operate»
the sign o f the N R A Blue Eagle,
N ext S aturday, and see the only car of
the year th a t surpasses any o th e r you
ever heard of, fo r sound V A L U E and
C h evrolet
Vou must choose the
The Blue Eagle o f N R A beckons and calls to you to fo llo w
its dire ctio n , patronize those w ho operate th e ir business under
take time to visit
In c lu d in g the 1928
4 -c y lin d e r ear.
In Business Today . . .
yo u ’ve a rrive d at "th e fo rk in the road,
w ay you w ill go.
1935 M odel Cars
A c t . „« you tra v e l th a t m arked road, atop a t the A r g a . o f-
l„-e . w here the ........ Eagle la diaplayed. to r we ran aerve year
p rin tin g and a dvertising needs.
fam ous
MAKER— $2.50 value.
Red & W h ite D rip C offee.
SC H O LIit Townsend club m eet­ n e a r Isiinel
Aitken of G arden Home will serie
H M Mears and family uttended ill the senate.
ing will be held Mondav evening
a l the M !•: ehureh when a s p e a k e r a lainllv Christm as dinner at ttie
L. A I<oug. former editor of the
from Portland will talk on tlie old Milton W eisrhkul home in I'oitlaml
1, \\ Crowder, who has been Hlllaboro Argus, ha» been appointed
age pension.
Twelve members of the W alter eonftned to the house the past us circuit court bailiff by Judge
Buike faintly were C lirtstnuu day three months following t il l attack elect Peter»
guests ot Mrs. Burke's mother. Mrs of pneumonia, was able to be out
of doors Sunday.
Della Fisher, at Beaverton.
M a rr ia g e l.le e u s e a
Ed and W aller Sohrbter. who lire
Miss Virginia McCann of P o rt­ employed on a ranch near Amltv.
William I- Yate» und ' 1
land spent Christm as at the J. T. spent Christinas with their parents,
Haas, both of Oregon City, Decern
McCann home.
Mi ami Mrs Chris Suluhlei
Mr and Mrs w F Gembella and
Mr and Mrs I. II Murray went ber 27
daughter spent C hristinas with her to Woods last Sunday und brought
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Lln- Mrs. Bruch und two daughters
uow. at Bethany Mr and Mrs. E home with them
S lttl'l fll<>
1*. Llinlow were also guests.
Mr. and Mrs Wi-s Sandy und
Hugh Kellogg has oeen plaster­ daughter Ikinna were Christmas
ing the new home at the Lyle l*ot- dinner guests at the Ed Demmiu
ter home.
Mr and Mis Ben Benjam in and
Mr and Mrs. 1, 11 M in ia i sp e n t
K enneth Carlson and Lloyd Brown the week-end at Mt A ngel v isitin g
Check Up on Your
w eie Chrlsliuus guests at the Keith relatives.
McClure home in l*oilland
Mr. and Mrs. W I. Peters e n te r­
A family gathering u> the W G tained with a Christm as dinner.
llesse home C hristm as tiu'luded Mr Fifteen were present Tliey recently
I extend Io all my friend* a heart
and Mrs Jam es Moore, Mr. and received a letter from their diuigli
M rs All Young ano children. Mr ter. Mrs Clara I’eter» Einy. amt felt desire th a t nineteen hundred
! and Mrs. Fred M attlilesen of P ort­ bubs, who sailed (gtot«-r 22 and a r ­ and thirty-five may lie a year
land. Mr. and Mrs. John MattlUc- rived In Manila November 26 where a lN iiiia lln g In Joy and P n in p r illy
,-n of Idaho.
her husband Is stationed Ui the U
and In continued friendly relations
Bunday guests at the B artlett 1 8. Navy yards.
home were Mr. and Mis A W
Walker ot Hillsboro and Miss Myr­
D ivorce» (¡ r a llie d
tle Walker of Coiiege Pl.we, Wn.-o
Wolf May C. Wolf from Ernest
S e ll« F a r m
George Manured sold his 40-acre Wolf.
Napier Willamina Napier from
furni to Frank Carlisle of Spring Owen
T Napier
Paul C a r m ic h a e l
Can finance your Insurance
Mrs. Ada Hansen is at the E ol­ from
Ruth Ciremieliael
premiums on a monthly baaia.
ith Meyers home helping care for
her son-in-law. who is 111 with
P h o n e 171
Ix>t the advertisements help you 1132 2 n d S t.
rheum atism
Mr. and Mrs Edward Egger and make your shopping plana.
daughter Marian and Mrs Chris
Allen and son Teddy ol Beaver
were C hristm as gue i.. al the M ar­
tin Bonflgt home Sunday g u e sts
were Mr and Mrs. H arris Miller
and children Betty Jean and Ted­
dy of lYirtlund
Rebuilding bv Mo.iroe lLitehei.s
lias started replacing his Dundee
houi" destroyed by fire two weeks
ago. The house is to be a modern
five-room bungalow type.
G randm a Jack of the Jacktowr.
district is slowly reco'ering Ircm an
attack of the flu. Her son George
Jack Is staying with tier.
C hristm as guests ut ttie Earl Rus­
sell home were Mr and Mrs G or­
N a tio n a lly advertised inert'handiae fo r Men, W om en
don Thompson of Progress. Mr. und
Mrs. Olger Penne, Mr. und Mrs.
and C hildren in a great price reducing event.
h*rank Fisher and Mrs. Alice Connel
of Los Angeles, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Curl Carlson e n ter­
tained her parents. Mr and Mrs
N O. Boleen, with a Clirlstmas
MEN— F o r a short tim e only
Miss C lara Hansen of Portland
w e’re reducing the prices of
spent Thursday with her parents,
our F lorsheini shoes. F lor-
Mr. and M rs H ans Hansen.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rueck e n ­
sheim q u a lity nt a price way
tertained with a family dinner p ar­
below it's real value.
A few styles $7.95
ty Christmas. --Twelve guests were
The Roy Jaqulth family of Moun­
tain Home visited tits parents, Mr
and Mrs W. W Jaqulth, Christmas.
Mrs. W W Jaqulth, who Is a wheel
Drastic reductions in our W ash Goods D epartm ent.
chair Invalid from neuritis, ts un­
I’equot Sheets and Sheetings reduced. Tow eling«,
usually well this winter. After the
A lw a ys look fo r the sign o f the Blue Eagle.
W H IT E L A W . M a n a g er
C hevrolet and Oldamobile
3 rd and W ash.
Phone 441
Tom ato Sauce
D on't try to save a few dimes!
by spending a few cents less for
Chevrolet repairing, you can't. Bar- -
lng a few pennies never compcn-1
sates for inferior workmanship. Let
skilled speelalidts who know your
Chevrolet from A to Z guarantee
you absolute satisfaction and work-'
hianship of the highest order. Our
popularity is an indication of out
skill. H ighest standards of work­
m anship m aintained b y modern
m ethods and equipment.
Control Areas
Pending Here
H IL L S B O R O .
to see the Supreme Value
Specials for January 4 and 5
If you pay attention to these
"don'ts": Don't try to see If there
is gas in your tank with a lighted
m atch, there ts. Don’t try to pet
a strang bulldog on the head to
see If he Is gentle, he isn't. Don't
touch a trolly wire to see if it is
charged, it Is.
Buy W h e r e
Hillsboro Motor Co.
JA M E S W H IT E L A W , Prop.
t h e B lu e
E a g le lx
D is p la y e d
Telephone 3101