« I ; 7 ir ò Wllsbori Sections — M ain N vw h Section ami Tax Kureclnauru With Which is C ornl.i- V O L U M E 11 r g us ro Indepc - Good Printing The Argus Gives Q u a lity Service at Fair Prices H IL L SB O R O , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . J A N U A R Y 3. 1 9 3 5 N G . 46 • S tate C apitol N e w s L e tte r II V A. L. L I N i l H ItC It Hanzen Budget Seen as P o litic a l; Claim s Do Not Stand New Mayor and Council New County Officers Will Take Office G a r re tt, K ra m icn , About to Make His Mark in the World Ag Outlook in County Take Posts W ism er K e rk m a n , B a r n e y , an d R obb A ssu m e P o sts Optimistic S e w e ll C o u n ty A g e n t P r e d ic ts F arm an d M rs. B o sc o w T a k e Im p r o v e m e n t to C o n tin u e CA1JCM Claims put forth by Bud- H e re on W e d n e sd a y O f fic e s on M o n d a y net Director Hansen to a hav­ D u r in g C o m in g Y ea r ing of 1 .366.000 In the budget as approved by Governor M rler for 1935-36 over approprlattuns a n d inlllagr levies authorized for tile ) ______ pust biennium do not stand up u n -| tier a critical analysis of the new A d m in is t r a t io n O u t lin e s T h re e L e g i s l a t o r s B e g i n budget. D a iry G rou p s 7 . C. Kramleli the veteran Jurist, George H Bag- som ewhat improved in some lines poses to lop off tile 1030 levy. In and J. J. Wismer were sworn In ley. On the same day lour county, while In others there has been little addition he estim ates the gross “» councllmen. Appointment of B olflclals, recently re-elected to of­ improvement. Some farm ers ex­ intllsgr revenues of these Institu­ W Melhuish to succeed Wullei fices which they now hold, will b e - 1 press themselves as believing th a t tions at »350,000 below liaise for Tews as chief of the fire depart- gin new terms. conditions are actually decidedly 1033-34. but in thia either he « ¡ m e n t was the only m ajor change Judge-elect Peters Is a native o f 1 a , .. . _ better. There are others who believe Uie tax commission la in error announced by G arrett I n t h e . B r o n le e w e H e a d s C a m p a ig n W ashington county and has had th at the ap parent improved condi­ since their Is a discrepancy of a p ­ roster of city employes serving un 24 years oi active court practice tion is solely a m atter of a more F e d e r a l H o u sin g P la n proximately 1331,000 between th r der Uie old adm inistration. He attended local schools and the optimistic, hopeful feeling regarding Plan under which the city man two estimates. T ualatin academy, graduated from the future rath er th an an actual The budget director lias also “ m t wouio nave c o n tr o l o v e r im {„tensive , ampagln f o r houseI Pacific university In 1905 and from realization of any more Income barged tlie »400.000 appropriation P ° JdpP“rln *y111^ repairing and remodeling under the Hie University oi Oregon law school during 1934 th a n they had In lor the liquor commission as on ex- )J»»*. r‘n,w» ,» i L ™ fta rre n m « federal housing adm inistration plan l»10. In 1917 he became a mem- 1933. pense against the 1933-34 biennium | J 'u t»««d by M»*<■* “ “" e l t “ will be undertaken a t once bi W ash- ber of the local law firm of Hare, Facts regarding prices and re ­ in »nite of the fact tliul the amount M* < •> ’ ll. '* 1" 9 U“ ta ‘ ington county, according to an an - McAlear d J h ttt the manager recommend p ^ t e d campaign manager H T Botts, Tillamook county can- into 1935 there seems considerable tavlngs" ts represented by tha ap- 10 l*’1' m a>,‘,r and council depart- Details of the campulgn have not didate. reason to believe th a t the im prove­ (roprlalton ot *93,000 made oy the n,ent ■» ads to serve under him. ()ecn fully {orm u|a ted. but probably County Terms S tart m ent is going to continue. 1(33 session to meet prlneipal and Sidewalk Cut Urged will Include a house to house can- County Commissioner H. D Kerk- Benefits Helpful mterrat payments on the loan Iron, G arrett also suggested th at side- vass by SERA workers. Publicity ,„a„ ol sctiefflln and Coroner Fred While the year 1934 saw alm ost the Industrial accident commission walks on each side of Maui street accompanying the campaign will be Sewell ot Hillsboro will sta rt their a total failure of the w heat crop to finance the Mate office building between Second and T h u d street« carried through county newspapers, second elective term s Monday Mrs in this county, the retu rn generally snd the agricultural bunding This be narrowed 36 Indies, allowing 53 chamber» of commerce. Rotary clubs Muud Boscow, county treasurer, and from field crops was perhaps bet­ appropriation was off-set by rentals mon. m dies of street room to al- and the Venetian theater. A com- j yy. Barney county surveyor will ter than for several years. W ash­ collected from departm ents occupy- jevtate trulflc congestion. He pro- mlltee of speakers ts also planned begin their first elective terms, ington county grows more wheat log these buildings which went In- p,,M.d a relief project to accotti- ,o address various civic and frater- having been appointed during the th an any other county in Oregon to the general fluid Hanzen lias plish tills and sidewalk repair pro- organizations. lost t wo years to {¡11 vacated posi- _ --------- west of the Cascade mountains. H e re H isto r ica l dl.allowed Utils appropriation ui Ills gram s Demand for housing Is greater a t Hons- Barney was named as sur- C o lle ctio n Traditional ringing of the local B a g le y & H a r e P a r tn e r s h ip I a » s of our w heat crop cut the new budget and taken credit for M atter , w t and electric d o w - ,llls Umr lh an during the World veyor In September, 1933. when i _ _ .i R . | ; „ I i _ _ . j total crop return rath er heavily but Methodist church bell by Albert . saving of Hie entire amount. J u s t, cltv w 2 X X I L S by » a i «"<1 particularly so for mod- Earl Hobbs resigned and Mrs Boa- L ° C al R e l,C * U r g e d R e n e w e d a f te r 19 Y ea r s benefit paym ents paid to those Tozier. former Hillsboro resident, to how lie expects to finance retire- thp mayor lie favored taking rrnli“'d Homes and houses th a t are cow was appointed treasurer fol- -------- farm ers co-operating with the ag n - herald the passing of the old year incut of Hils obligation Is not clear necessary — — „ step» . , — to _ ---------- . in K 1 enll 1933 appropriations il.c u lt w iie rln i’ r t T o w n T ^ " a s « ir e ''p ie s - , tnccnUve ,o r “ »v^tm ent entirely new coun’ty Jegisla- “ n historical way The _____. re-en- h ts tz ir lr a l w a v in this t h ia community m m i n i i n i i v ¿3rd c-i ■ consecutive .... . tune? . —_ Q lApfeV OI returned r»*tiim#»H arrvm rtm aiol„ $42,000 AAn few approximately to 19 years during which time George those fanners who participated aml supreme courts and the care gure f(>r {lrc protection Work ol 'm ..« «to. n.,«ui, .1™.« llvc delegation will take seats when and^ secure a place for the safe- actrnent of the bell-ringing scene Of wayward girls fell approximately hp 'Inayur oouncllmcii . n ' “1 Ule Pu^*lc d« ’!i not 8rn er“ >- the state legislature convenes at keeping of all coUectlons contributed was the clim ix of a watch night R Bagley served as circuit Judge Last June it looked as though »IIO 'XIO short of m erli,ig actual ex- , •‘" d ‘“ ‘“ ‘‘'L “ Vi U.: -Salem January 14. None ol the w asadvoc ................... advocated ' by E. J McAlear in program a t th e church attended by of the 19th district. Simultaneously lhcre was a hay surplus th a t m ight before the Hillsboro Rotary iqo persons, comes the announcem ent th a t the become rather burdensome before noon today. President R E. For 63 successive years Toz.er , . >ear was out Aimoet unexpect- . promised Uiat the board of ha« been on hand to ring the belF 7 ™ ° f ” are; I-IcAk a r hc ts required, it does not niut- derful collection owned and gath- Rpv Charles m arrnn««ri tri ™en r‘fw ‘y lorm ea ered by Albert Tozier. former local, _ C? ’" ^ere’ for-^he partnership has now been re- have left on hand need not cause 11 institutions for the past two inent electric projects and endeavor ’ ler B Uie property Is already m ort- y-.irs exceeded »1.500,000 Employes to bring to Hillsboro Its share of Wfh’d newspaperm an and now of near Tcmier i r I h i . , ter M r« Erfith nefted Wlth Nel1 Stangel. formerly anyone any special worry W ith Total charge. In eluding Interest, Toz^ W eath ered ¿ e ¿ h ^ n l v ^ m secretary to Judge Bagiev, as asao- norm al feed demands in western in the state purchasing departm ent any opportunities developed College News Service S econd Champoeg. and urged that it be rozier w eatnerred, are the only sur- crate. Mrs. Agnes Brown will be em - Oregon m the next three months, point out that the commodity price Tribute was paid to members of ,nay not eKceed nn »mount equlva- corn-hog campaign in Oregon, to m aintained viving of the »30 first have only a norm ,ev. 1 hslay Is 30 to 35 pci cent the local lire departm ent by per . »100 or.gm.il depa by the give «44 all R growers of LiHX- theae VUIIlUlUUi- commodi- Developments UI in niUMAHU Hillsboro «U a n d U TA l*‘v ‘Z ? 1 W.*5 discount __ , iuntia Vi oW.t members »Vic ..»»W.. watcii A p.oyed in the --- outer office. ------- - will . . ~ al surplus ■---- higher than II was two years ago mayor. He declared It to be ll,s nnthi a “ 11 ■^,‘ar no *“ pajat,lp ln ties an opportunity to sign up surrounding territory in the period were ->rc»nt thi v».i Peters leaves the firm of Hare, ol liay for shipm ent to distant monthly Installments. Charges for Installm ents MMln forX ? , o, a w v».-« and both ’ ere P o sen t this year McAlear & peters to succeed Bag- inarke'‘s- Dn this basis, and Ignoring the nor- ( C o n t i n u e d o i l p a v e («•, oolumn 2 » longer periods are based on the x i s x T X s s s s - s r a í s g - S S / S í t í S mul Increase In population, these ley same scale. Exceptions as to m onth­ appropriations must be Increased ly paym ents are made In the cases by at least »300.060 If a serious of farm property or others having ^ " ‘ « t e ^ t » " ¿ r e í " ‘“s t a m S y X S » ^ “ ‘w h l-h ’ to Nat,Onal ^ i t o r i a l " asociatton Un- X ’ ’¿ e U y ^ m deficit Is to be avoided during the no monthly Income, payments bet th<> h t n k . n l 8 111 rpcently hc ' as superintendent ?c? l s X t r e t i ^ to T h e ^ m t ludee been Purchased a t such a figure next biennium. mg made on a seasonal basts. Notes being delayed until thsmkful. _________ _______ cham poeg ‘ “ 10 perm lt b w * profU takin« Departm ent heads point to the G rowth of population, improve- McAlear will continue to practice somewhere along the line The may run for three years but may be , ‘f r ™lc the, W " « 1»! officials tact Uiat they are not in nearly uairi up on at .1 any anv time to..« with u „ i, a .. corres­ visits the state late in January to ment to the school systems, paving reaular^ a7 [h Mcthodist church law at lus form er location over (Continued on page 8, column f ) puld so good a position to w ithstand a) complete the final details. of streets, installation ol sewer and «, * a National .« ™ « the Hillsboro branch. . e F u irst ponding saving In Interest cost budget cut today os they wert two The new contract», which grow - drainage systems and other changes , tn^ p 21 y • • 1 bonk of Portland. Although he will Fire losses In Hillsboro totaled years ago. Economies enforced by * were pointed out by McAlear H e 1 • iam ny was pres not wilh Hare End ers may sign or not, as they choose, . . , __ t . x. . . w . th e last legislature liave resulted In »1640 80 during 1934. an average l_ Il I I k I- j . s « .. . Bagley, he will use the same front --------------- ------------------- “ < more simple than the lirst oiies sa d 1 XPS had bccn but. c< ?*? ------------------------- rrlous depletion of stocks of all loss of approximately 50 cents per * IV lO lO r S office. « . . . 1,1 trencral m e new plan foil. ments they probably kinds. Typewriters, adding machine» cupita. according to the annual McAlear came to Oregon in 1908 but vanes as to rate ol la' e . not so. *?“d. ^ r " 1" 8 and other equipment have also report submitted to the city coun- and was employed In the abstract teriorate unduly cU Wednesday Wednesday night by Walter New Chevrolet and Oldsmobtle reducUo1’ “ 'd benefit compensation, to ^ Wer c fe g * ™d of W a head on the 75 per Inquiry regarding records of the defendants owning approximately m ent over the previous year when Oregon-W ashington W ater Service 1350 parcels of land to the condition or needs of state lnaU.h(,, , drawlnR Rius<)llne „ earj new body lines, improved perform- ,934 “ ** Produced as In functions, officials here charge. delinquencies were approximately company here will be held a t the Certificate» of delinquency to- flame 1 and unknown 18 Siren callsj ance, all-steel tu rret-to p bodies and j Corn acreaire n e e d he o n to ,n 53 per c e n t court house tomorrow . Friday i at taled considerably more th a n 2100 I totaled 17 while 33 alarm s were • knee-action riding ease. The s t a l l - per cent u n d e r th e e s t a b l i s h e d , Oregon ranks fourteenth among; ..honed In iM e.. Final hearing In the recelvershm Gross cellections 011 the 1933-34 10 a m. by the state public service when the foreclosure action was ________ _ d»rd «..rie. ,.,.n,htoe„ __ . _______ r le ln “ »der the established base I Final hearin6 In the receivership tax ro11, totaling »983.315.91. am ount- commission. The hearing Is the r e - ¡firs t the states of the union In t h e plioned In Forty calks were received dnrd series combines perform ance, though n mav he e.., m ~ th e R h r r m » , M in r n , h . . . contemplated, according t o ' ‘■ « • » ''" '« • s l e . ? .lu„.n anil econom y w ith low price the niaxllmiIn fo_ « hl,.h \ ' i’1 Illp Sherm an Mill company has »mount of lilghways contracted un • the maximum for which payment sel or Satiirday morntog pd «34.775.03. Rebates allowed »ult of a complaint filed June 16 D istrict A tto r n e / Morgan¿ but a was made last year Benefit P«!-1 e o rd it^ to an order sfg n ^ T a rt weei^ ior Parly pavniPnt of taxt’s came * ?y l, h e C‘, t y COunc“ ° ? behalf oi 90 > aW n ^ b e r of these were re- drr the Public Works program, ac­ ................................... --------- prior to the filing -.................. m rn ts will be a t the rate of 35 bv o e ’ rge R. Bagiev circuit Iud7e 8923032 lpavlnR a delinquency ol Ioca‘ customers of the company. cording to Information received by deemed of the — - ’ ¿ th er orders"“ • Ofnix» d'H) un Testimony - to - be taken R. 11 Baldock. state highway en- i cents a bushel instead of 30 cents. i ¿¿verM V u * th JUug ir i^ d . | ftnnrnVjrM apPcoximately »339.310 — - - will — in — complaint. The district attorney gtneer. Fifty-one per cent of O re­ Both corn and hog benefit pay- omitted wage claims and recognized '• Pa-v nient of back taxes during the elude inform ation as to the location and his aslstant, W alter H utchin- m ents will be made In two Install-1 certain secured claims. Tlie mill P“*1 vear reduced the delinquency of records of the Hillsboro branch son, have worked during the past gon's 1934-35 program has already j been contracted. Baldock points out. m ents instead of three. went Into receivership recently, fol-1 on the 1932 ro11 10 26 4 ppr cent- of the company and why they should two m onths preparing the complaint This Is far ahead of the record of A i i d w a Ä Ä T r ¡ï£ Restrictions are removed on what lowing a friendly suit filed bv two Remainin8 delinquencies on other not be kept within the state here- which covered more th an 100 pages F» either California or W ashington. , While selling conditions will be ièvies^w lli"be^henvIer’^T Îto Ot Summons In the foreclosure ac- VJÎ'n'i WBS fornlcrly called contracted corn) employes on behalf of workers W tax rolIs arp 16,3 pcr cent tor 1931 after. aftt ' A number numb€r of grievances grievance» were presented in the com plaint am o n g ' tlon Is published this week In the ,bI î lî In j tw^re* m o ^ : s ^ : Income taxes ‘i Is n ’ still C. Christensen of Hillsboro was and 8 6 per cent for 1930. Budget Director H anren w a si tre ‘i S J upward e c } « “ acrea«e. ’ oUier <« c ro p la n restriction» d o 7 v e ^ on k use n " name7receiver" W’arning th at taxpayers who have J'blch was the allegation th a t the two official county papers, t h e failed to meet the last three in- book value of the plant and the Hillsboro Argus and t h e Forest W .LS ¡„I a"d"l«rlieiri'ariV of the "Ôoüih"are S i l f f T e x t ” ^ « from h ^ rrie ^ Jn ^ ’ ° r hog b‘lalne“ «Bice the base was *toïk“' ¿¡segm ents ' andd ‘Ìiq,Udatton under the ìo-p'aymént ! opp,atlnR expanses were excessive, | Grove News-Time». ,UI l l l l l t r i , , , ! l l l l l . l l „1 »«.uuu.toju I n a r ilf i.to r to «to, M ,„,.l, p .. * 7 rI' «’WlierS Will SCClire a n y or hoir b u s in e s s sin.to «he sto c k - „— sss e s s m e « ----- ,,,lu n^uiuauuii O , t o e o r . . „ « , . t o « - , ----------- w H a -'’ s 111 now 'the most f a favorable v o r ,« h t o » territories e r r tte r le e ««•■«» 11« X I y< H r IT O m b U rd C H S O m C ) „ h lt .h o - I ....Il . . .. . -= = — _ 'Tili' s ta te s 9*,‘n'’ra ’ lund W 1,1 rpai .,s«.t.> taxes _______ ______ established will sign the 1935 con- expenses between commercial and pl \ subject to the foreclosure the red only »2,397,868 when Gov- Tlie Northwest also offers excel- 1 ' Wlmt. is ------------------- the outlook abroad? s Can- has bPen m . ad" ,Cun,,nu' d 4> ^ ' “"weel °by Miss’“ Els’ c’r. * t £ ernor Meier took over the reins of lent opportunities Brisk trade in ------ ,..,- . h„.,.fi» . „ , I . --------------a. government In January. 1931. The | f-be, farm areas should be reflected ada. Latin America, South Africa | paym‘J Us * 1101 be +• i fourth installm ent under th e plan ■ deficit reached Its neak of »4 53# - ln Increased activity In the Indus- and Australia should continue to made « here less than 25 per cent j was due January 1. »76 »1 th e Close o f 1912 in tlie tr la l centers ns the new year pro- go abend next yenr, but elsewhere of the base In either case was pro- 475 ut Uie close Of 11132 In the KV,-scs Moderate advances ln whole- rerovery Is momentarily faltering, duced ln 1934 unless the falliire midst of the Meier adm inistration I s„ie prices will be passed along to F u rth er substantial recovery In was oiiisi«,. th . . . * ■ lailul'e T h at sharp practices of some I "W hen paym ents cannot be made and Is directly traceable to waiver I the consumer on retail price tags. B ritain depends on a bettering of « S “ “ ‘d« °f th e grow ers control real estate dealers are responsible' he is ousted, leaving behind sev- of the state levy against property Only In food lines are prices e x -, World trade. The F ar East, Is su f-j urow ers w" ° did not sign the 1934 Most. Im- fertng from over-production Cen- contracts may sign the new ones in a large measure for the desti-1 eral hundred dollars ln Improve- for th a t year. When estim ated rev- !.’pp!pd, '1!V,np ii!'a n ’ly' M',’n Distribution of the Argus enues Irom other sources failed to ' >,ort,u’t of « ’“«'^lons will con- l/al Europe Is dangerously restless ________________ tute condition of many relief clients m ents which are immediately cap- will be made throughout the ... . . . . . . . -B” le Improve next year. As to war prospects, I can only . . ... License fees for 1935 on dogs tn W ashington county was th e de Itallzed. The tra c t Is offered as county on Thursday mornings materialize the deficit was In -) w ith distinctly better trade pos- say th n t the outlook Is grave. I I2 « » k W a lto n L e a g u e owned in W ashington county are claration of W. J. Mills, county partly Improved, perhaps mostly until further notice in keep­ creased by »1,434,300, but has been stblllties, the outlook for all types doubt If France and t h e other n ;.,.. as j «,«■«_. now due and payable and m ust be SERA manager, this week. M ajor­ cleared, at a substantial Increase D in n e r M o n d a y N ig h t ing with the efforts of the on lie decline since th a t date and, of advertising Is better. Linage has KOld bloc' nations can w ithstand em erg en cies shown » consistent gain In the last Indefinitely th e pressure of eon- Installation dinner of the Wash- paid before M arch 1 in order to ity of the realtors are square in ln value. / barring unforeseen .m publishers to give readers iig .n c ie s .1 vpar and th u (rcng wll, tinned .deflation, if these countries ington county chapter of the izaak avoid paym ent of »1 penalty in a d ­ their actions but a small number and advertisers the best of promises to illsappear entirely lit - ,nlo ¡935 .p,,, r4|j/y has cut price g«> <’ff gold" the wav mav be w 'nltni« léiiàn«. .„"«,' i j "- "We have documents which show dition to the regular fee. Licenses have caused much trouble, he stated fore the close of the present year fixing adrift, thus promising keener Paved toward an immediate world , an o " “ “gut will be held a t th, service. All community corres­ will be the same as ln 1934, nam e­ In commenting on records resulting 1 th a t some property has g o n e • • • j eon,petition in the next few m onths I currency agreement. Tlie artificial chamber of commerce rooms a t 7 pondence should be in tlie of­ ly: »1 for males and spayed females from Investigation of relief cases. ~ ' tr o u g h several hands, being resold Federal aid for the common school lhan ever before Henee, concerns advantage of dollar devaluation has P- nl- Monday. Members of the fice not later th an Mondny "Prospective buyers are shown encl1 tlme by the same dealers a t and $1.50 for females. system will !,«■ forthcoming in the m’f8t concentrate on sales earn- "boat spent Itself but prospects game commission have accepted an and all advertising m ust be , - t o “ s.,.1" d S r a « “ » » *• »"■><■»• cut-over stum p land, the soil of I lncre®sed prices. Some of the prop- turned ln earlier. whlch Is good ln most cases, b u t! l’r8y was unll,®ded a t as high a» i F a rm er s’ U n io n to E le c t ion of C. A. Howard, state super- ment. and ndvprtlslng budgets must luotmenta. invited Governor-elect Charles " The Argus is anxious to get Intendent of public Instruction, who recognize this fact. Appropriations 80 much for trade and Industry Martin. O ffic e r s H e re S a tu r d a y not all. The buyers spend the last *2’’° an acrP Various methods are used to ----------- ------------- the reaction of readers to has Just returned from a trip to can lx- calculated on the basis of Now what about stocks an d bonds? Officers will be elected by the dollar they have to get a bit of 5 per cent sales gain In the first Briefly. 1 believe we have been ln ! cm » the change in order to d eter­ Washington. D. C., where he a t­ a half Washington county unit. Farm ers’ land, then they're stranded—stuck. pump revenue or its equivalent from and a considerably bigger gain a nialor bull m arket since July L o u n ,y R e c e iv e s S E R A “With a persuasive description of the clients. A small or sizeable down mine w hether the earlier tended the council of state school In the last six months. In adril- 1933. and that the coining year will Union, Saturday at Veterans' hall In F u n d s M on th n f superintendents. lion there Is the posslblltv of nn see a continuation of th at bull ,,, , , n ,h f Jan paper should be continued. Hillsboro. Meeting is called for the wonderful possibilities In th a t paym ent In cash is taken. T hen • • • Increase 111 advertising rates. market. Congress m a v unsettle Washington county'sallotm i 10:30 a. m. with pot luck lunch particular section which is adjacent after they have been milked dry. The co-operation of all will to a large city but located in a n ­ they arc ousted. In many Instance» The advertising and sales out- prices from time to time but fun- January under th e SERA program Governor-elect M artin has given a t noon. be appreciated. People sending other county, the salesman get» there is no contract of sale, b u t his endorsement to the proposed look brings to mind the possibility dam entally better business will be I am ounts to »14 365 according to R „ sales tax. The treasury ab- the most Im portant Influence o n l w w »u ' items to correspondents should them located. Many tim es there is merely receipts given the buyer 1 .late departm ent of public wplfnre of county relief relief committee committee s solutelv o lu te iv must «„««, fin d «, n e w fn m, n , he 1935 lass stock m arket. Earnings w w