THE Thur»d»y, December 27, 1934 H I L L S B i) K O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , Page Nine OREGON « » I L»r, ,934. and I ha fu rth e r H IIE M IF F H H A L E *.f 112 7ft, mie, to me dlrerted and da,,varad aum> Notice le hereby given th at by virtu* J m andihg me Io make sale o f the real of an eaurutiun, judgm ent, order, dec r e properly herein after described, 1 have and **r*ler o f »ale Issued out o f and under I levimi upon and poranani to said eaeru- the «eal o f the C irc u it C o urt r of the Court flou«« In H ills - cause therein pending In which Fred I boro, W ashington C ounty, d rago n, at 11 mm i*e la p la in tiff and H a ro ld F h l ford A HEADY MAKKET WITH I the hour of Io o*cl32. at fol- the rate of 7% per annum , and the am | more p artic u la rly aoscrlbod | l-O P It-fiN d dry oak wood, |6 90; »a wad Iowa, to -w it : First InaorUon, p«r word le fu rth e r sum of 960.00 attorneys* fees up­ I By C u rtis T ig a rd ) before delivery 91- Phone 2034. 2 > if (N<> aarvh « !*»• than 26*1 A ll o f bota ft and 7, lllock 1, on p la in tiff's fir s t cause o f s u it; and i I ANON i ll oak and country slab wood. TIOARU Masonic and Eastern Ih a k e n 'a T h ird A d dition to Beaver­ the fu rth e r sum o f 9160.00 together w ith Each additional I u s e r t , on, p a r Hawed any langih before delivery. In- ton, aa shown in W aahlnuton Coun­ Interest thereon fro m the 13th day of S ___ ta r __________ members of Sherwood will word —!• ■ >de Id uh v. I l> Ito yd, 061 ty Kecorda at H i, I «boro, Oregon, (N u ear vie» Ires than 26c, i ) . i . 4 , . r , m u . a t Ik a r a t» .4 T . f— jM Sld a joint installation Thursday N in th Ht Phone M illsboro |4 lf to aatiafy the hereinbefore im m e l sums “ iiiium and the fu r th e r sum nt 926.00 at --- ----- ol -« LoDiglit) I d — Sixerwood • Othcern llaadar», par line !<>« H t-S h l, and fuel oil. Gaorga I,. Hand am i for the coata and eipenaea o f said 1 torney«' fees upon p la in tiff's t N«> sarvlra laaa than M e I .uta, „".I lh. furHur . « «aeon . . " J I the S e s . to be tntatolled are «ale am i »aid w rit. Kanl «ale w ill h«i rtrka, fuel oil dealer. Foreet G reva Mary Cook, ma iron ; Dori» Younis, litf o»a«U - uhpa t to redemption a« pro- hop uo together w ith Internet there*. Phone 1432. Count Word« Hand Money patron; R uth Cook, associate m a­ ' i vide*, by the statutes of the H late o f from the 14th day n t O c ln h tr, ,'»32. Count Your P ro fit« Oregon •f 7% per annum and t h r a t the tron; A A. Wood, associate patron; 111 SI I IIH—I'I.ANTS Illat-k Faca Heading« Not per­ n «I at Iflllehorn, Oregon, this 2 6 ,h fu rth e r an n of 926.o0 attorney«' fee llilm a O aarde. conductress; Adel m itted. Novem ber, I >44. u | nhi p ls ln liff's th ird cauA« <>f suit, and It I t I .F A N h l l . h t amai fo r sale Shepard, assistant conouctreso; J W . C t iN N E l.h , H h e rlff of W ashing­ fo r hi *‘«s*ts and disbursements Iterriri Ilea verton «710. ("ash should arrotnpany I ha order. Haiah Rasmussen, secretary; Nellie ton County, Oregon I,. 1'atterMon. incurred taxed at 61 b *<>. and a <•- niinanu W IN K grape planta ami high Aiuius. treasurer. Ion Cunningham . A tto rn ey fo r P la in tiff. 41-6 lii t ; me t<* m ake sale n t the fo llo w in g <,»• guaranteed g rafte d euckcil* f il ie r t Mrs Persel, R uth; Betty - rilwd reul prop«’r ty situated In W ms I p Ada; O ut of f a , moas to all no In fo rm a ­ cherry, trees, walnut», poai •he«*, pruin Inj/ton County, O reyon. p artic u la rly dr- tion oh the claaalrted P«we w ill Ntcliotson, Esther; Cecil Weston, N O T IC E O F F I N A L H E T T I.F M K N T am i shrub*« pear, apple, berries, r*m arribed a*> follow«, t ‘s-wit. he uivan out u n til tha paper le M artha; D ittte Stearns, Electa, today. "N u t Hem, for bargain list N'»tl>n la hereby given that W illia m Lot No. IH, W itch llaxt-i L ittle ta«ued uval. Phone. Itnpprccht, tlnr duly appointed, qualified Mi» Grace Rucker, warden; Anna P lan tin g Guide' Farm s, excepting a parcel n tt < > t the or visit < arlto n N ursery ( '•• . am i acting E a eru to r nf the La»l W ill McDonald, m arshal. South sid*- of said Lot, deaerihed a* 8> tf and T«wtament of F ran k 11. Hchm idt, De- i. O re g o Masonic officers to be Installed follow s: lle g in n in g at the South­ ANNUUNI EMEN I N ha« filed his F in a l Account in are G us H anke, m aster; Emil Law- west Corner *»f l,o t IM. running thence the < ounty ( ourt nt the S tate of O re ­ HAY ASH I I I l> N o rth O’ I F W w t 244.1 feet, thenca renz. senior warden; Jesse C un­ evfmv body knows that our Perfect 20. gon f«»r W a«hington County, and that N o rth ft>* 41' 46" East 746.6 f a c t . 4 ningham . junior w arden; A. H. ,»iue W hite Diam om i» are p m «*, lower 1 vetch hay fo r «aid Court has fixarl Monday, the 14th jeweler« price Imperfect HAI th em e Mouth 67* Ka«t 244.6 feet, than moat Vincent, treasurer; N. G. Hay, sec­ Telephone 221» day *.f Jan u ary. H».l6. at ten o’rlock A. Limit lire» «tor«. 86 i thence South H>’ 41' 4ft" Wewt 781.42 Anderson's Jewelry retary; Don Craw, trustee. 4 4 tf M nt «ai*l «lay in the County C o urt r«H»ni < holla f*-«-t to the place nt beginning, con­ ( in the ('«ninly Court House in the C ity Miss Edna Sm ith and L. J. W hite- ta in in g 4 222 sires, m ore o r less; of H lIL h o ro , W a«hing,on C ounty, O re­ LOST ANI» U H IN » I w ill, <>» Saturday, the 12th day nf head were m arried Sunday morning 22. FARM MACHINERY gon, a« the tim e and place fo r hearing Jan u u ry, 1936, at the hour o f ,0 o'cJoc!: a t the home ol Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hevarai kuille«! • a,»». J O H N hserv tra i tor« and farm m achinery «aid fin a l account am i all objection« there­ ul<.vim, handkerchief«- Ar fo r »»to. («retar Ireland A <*«». 44if to. and f<>r the fin a l settlem ent of said A. M. of said 'lay, at the fro n t door Rankin. A large num ber ol friend.» • »f the C o urt H oum ? in H illsboro. W ash­ I A N t H o l t - I l cream separator, u«ed very estate. and relatives were present to w it­ ington County, Oregon, »all a t public Dut«*<| thi« 13th «lay of December, IV34 little , giaal condition. 946. c.,«t 9»6, LO H T Me*»'» bl auction to the highaat bidder, fo r cash in ness the ceremony. A num ber ol W J Daniel, m ile im rih w w t Ja« k- W IL L IA M H O P P K E C H T . L a e ru to r of hand a ll nt the rig h t, t it le and interest showers complimenting Miss Sm ith 'ice Chrli Argus and | h « town ««boat <9 the La»t W ill am i Testam ent of Fran k which the w ith in named defend ant Itew ai «I. Christm as pre ...I were held in th e previous weeks. I I . Hchm idt, Dareaeed Thos. H. Tongue each or eith er of thorn had on the 3'dn Announcement ol the engagement J r ., A tto rn e y fo r Executor. 43-7 «lay nt M arch, 1923. or have a c ju ira 'i>. J ol Miss Loi , Jones, daughter of Mr. 25. PIOS el silica said date in and to said real prop, 1(1 I’A llt WORK DUNE Mrs. «Í w re k.-.-l'l p ly - (n r »»I«* i" and Mrs. Dan Jones, to Darroll G E N F M A L L A N D O F ,- K F . W ashing- urty o r any portion thereof, t«> aattsfy i„y Trewing, son of Mr. and Mrs. B n. I». C.. Novem ber So, 1934. Notice is «aid exeru lion judgm ent, order and de­ saia? pd.« ,111 wtmniing ptg« fu r »•’ S. Prewing, was made early this irshy given th at «object to the rondi* cree, Interest, coals and accrue*! c«»at, «arre, M m intalndato tu uml lim itatio n« of the a d a * f .-aid sale to ho subject to rodvmptPin ax ». week. Mr. Frewlng graduated irom ) J me V. ly jf l Hl«» 2l»n. and Al ay 17. A N I-IN G p ! e . fu r » a ,- <: Il T pt«r the statu te »4 the Htuto of O rc /o n . Oregon S tate college and is now JH i 15 Miai 6>7, Public No. 417), and ui, 1% noire north wc» t «»f K in t Dntcsl thia 13th day of December. 1>34 “ working in Nebraska. Miss Jones yy A N I LI >— M I jmc 11.» nr ou» irsuant t o departm ental r«*guiat ions, ito H a t read. J. W C O N N F L L . S h e riff of W anhm g- " attended O. S. C. lor one term . rru la r I2»0. the lim b e r »in the folluw lon County, Oregon. H are, M c A le a r 6 A SMART afternoon frock th a t will look distinguished a t any Members ol the G irls’ league at u lami« w ill he sold Jan. 21, 1>46, at Peter*, A ttorneys fo r P la in tif f. 43 7 liti «h« Phon« o'clock a. m . a t public auction a t the the high school were pleasantly Inform al function Is th a t Illu strated as P a tte rn 341. In the West U nion H I mid O ffic i at Itim ehurg, Oregon, 44-6 surprised w ith a party planned by N O T H F T O ( M E I),T O M S crepe, or the new tw eeds or taffeta, th is dress is stu n n in g , the he highest bidder a t im t lea» than Alice Gregg, girls' advisor; M argaret I A l l. FO K K ID S Haxton. lit . 2, IL II* - the appraised price as shown by th»« Notice 1» hereby given th a t the urider- square collar and cuffs adding a dashing bit of chic. Sizes 34 ,1 w ill I - rw « l««.l ta, ill. president, and H e le n 44 -«• A d n iin i"'T u ­ Olson. otice, ante to he »uhjeet to the approval signed has been appointed to 42 are available. Size 38 calls fo r 4 1 j yards of 35-lnch i . ,..l ,«!■ . I n il. " I - Four C hristm as trees ÍM*ar, must I m * regi»- W AN I m f the retary <-f the In te rio r. The tor of the E atata of H e nry K rueger, De- Schmcltzer. fab ric and 1 yard of contrast. t i hi. "< >h. < ui.ty o i eg later, serviceable t rie d or ur< liM.«e prn e w ith an additional sum cca»A*d, by an order made and enter «»I covered with candy canes was a , l . r r v . . . ‘. " I l l 1" A M H- ' U nusually stylish Is the neatly designed m orning frock. P a t­ age II ■ ker, ph*»m U 16J F o .- f o n e -fifth of one per cent thereof, in the (Jounty Court <>f the S ta te of O r p a rt ol the surprise and the canes | l w . . . . l . r J», I» I. (">• ' h . h ... 44tf ed. must he dc- ri>n for W ashington C ounty, on the 6th were distributed to the girls alter te rn 351, which can be m ade easily w ith plain or printed cottons U , t u . h - l r.wk I » , r . . r l in .m day nt Saptambar. 193 4, and th a t he has p*a»lte«i the rig h t to purchase is Fac they had played games. o r w ashable silk. The designs com e for sizes 14 to 20 and 32 r i a t . l . 4 u r lh , ’ ho >««. iwardr-d by the Me star, hut cert I f icat. duly q u alified as such A d m in is tra to r IIORNKM unty 24k Mrs. John Tigard had a pleasant )u .l »1 « h . u f d r - " t th« Now therefore, a ll per»« »ns h a v i n g to 4 2. Size 18 requires 4*4 yards of 35-lnch fabric with *4 of sale w ill not issue u n til the pur- 44-: H n lth lJH for «ale or tradì Ms y visit from her sister, Mrs. Fanny eer claim s against said estate are hereby li rhu»er has complied fu lly w ith «aid re<- y ard co n trast. Ph* SH ' required to preneut them Smith, who resides in the Middle- ulations, C ir r u la r ItOtf, as to the execu­ notified and To secure a PATTERN and STEP-BY -STEP SEWING IN- W A N T E D home, alm ut II» » Ih tion o f the contract of sale, and bond w ith the proper vouchers, to the under- West. I l l 1 1- WANTED II. Z.urrher, Mt. 2. Ileaverton. STIJEl TIOXS, fill out the coupon b‘ low, being sure to .MENTION required thereunder. The money dvp*aited »i«*ned A«*, fa m ily row«. K. J. » o n N Al I Ml« rin n r.iu , I» unit T. 4 S . M. 4 E.. Her 2>. N F 1, N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T it took the measure of F nen d ly ' P a tte rn No. 351 Dvlptam ha. ft mila» north *»f H illa- 4rw»w. «-«* r . •"•liitu " IP" * E ., ¡ n County C o u rt o f the S tate o f Or» House 31 to 23 In a h ard fought _ 4-’>t> C " *i rC*|l f lr i * °i° r? ’ T rffx 1 lltllsbor* Sec I. Lot 4 red f ir 3.6S& M , hem Iocs How ard Schneider, H i l l . " I U N bull. ~l- " „ .n t h ,—bl. fnr wile won. f..r w * * h in ,t o n C o aatv. encounter on the Sherwood floor N a m e ............................................. 45*6p 51» M . HW *- N W % red f i r 1.9M6 t e a r H e lv e tia In the M u tte r i.f the l - t . t e of Gilbert1 Thursday night. A lter losing two T ra rh a rl Itr«»»., m il» north of Elm on- hemhwk 626 M . none o f the tim ber W ill deliver fo r F E N C r. "" C. (tu t.e . D k «. m 4 -* lea 4&I straight games to - Fred ------------------ Meyers and City ............................................... slwive subdivisions to be sold fo r lews than May De,«m»n I'lxm e 2107. N o lle« t. Iw n b y ytvett. th a t the under- U r a d l o r d .s G o th e S , t h e l o c a l bO>S W IL L pay i a-h fur all kinds c attle and | | 7ft per M fo r the re*, f ir . and 31.06 • im e -i i .i e e u t r ii o f the U a i W ill and .. reinforcem ent, were hogs. G ail K ains, 'lei«q>hone H llU b I m o t r *. ,.r r M fo r the hen.i.H-k. T . 2 K « K . V*. L *" ! i. . t / ’ . * I with a / little L . remfori Name of th is new spaper . . . . CAIIS ANI> TIKES 42-6 97 K-1 I x il i . A 7i w rm ta m e n t of said darta»ed, has file d in , .. IS. 242, X. 43- and displayed a — is e « ; . r N V, • V . *. ¿1 r '..n S ’ >**• “‘- o «.ittie-1 c u rt and n u o . her anxious for battle and 2-1..« («rahan» Kroibcrs E o li h ale O ot. to -Il M M i>en7 * 1 7 ^ Iir “ M ; f"1 *1 ""'1 t -c i- r t aa . u e h . a n d good brand of ball. S Sherwood will condition C all H»>2 Hec- tru ck, g «<**1 REAL ESTATE » h it« f ir M . hrm loek >U M ; none nf ____. ... All m aterials specified In above patterns may be purchased 44tf I». th« court him fised and appointed the play another league game a t iu> i4 . At Itl-S . reel I,. r , . I" . S-rx— " n ... th«* ■■■■ timlx»r to he »old fn r laaa than 91.76 4th ‘ad«rsi l-and Ix n k now haa am ple funds in h.*nds to loan to farm er« a ’. 4 ' j ‘ i . O ver 9l.o*>‘».- uoo ha« been luaned to W ashington county farm ers by the hank. W r ite «»r call f>*r particular« W ashington Coun­ ty N a tio n al Farm Loan A«M»rtaUon. J M I ’rraon. secretary. Hlilsl*oro 9 lf P U B L IC A T IO N S N O T H K Tl» I H h lU T O K S N O T IC I» TO « X K h lT O M S that by virtue In the I ounty I <»urt of the M a te «>f O ra- N»H,ce 1» hciaby . . - fo r w W a-T aahiniflnn l - .. .iih '. n County * u»i> o f an order m a.le an., entere», «»»» «he i„ t o . M . i t r r ..t - I , - I . f t , nf S.. U.I ,6 lh »lay o< De»am»»er, 1934. by the < »»«». II o r n d u ff. i> ( ..a rt i t W ashington ( .»unty. Oreg*»»». , h . l t h . un. the undersigned h«» been appointed ad- Jeratgned haa been dtily confirm ed by nitnl«tral«*r the estate of M ae <* th«- at-ove .»ntltlcl court, aa Exerutu r of M abry «lerea-ed. Now . theref. re. a ll per- •ona having «lain»« auainst .he e»tate of the l«»t W H, an*, Taatam ent *»f »aid da- rceaed, and ha« duly tjuaitfied as such. M ae G M abry, deceased, »re h e re b y N«»w, therefore, all persona h a v i n g notiDe*! I«» prerent the same t*»geth*r | claim « against «aid calale are hereby the w ltk pr*»per v«*ucKer» theref *»r and required to present the i.fflce In th< W ells j uoDf under» igned at h t*»gef t H T»»n«ue. < m m errial therefor to the undersigned at the liitlahor«». Oregon, w ith in »lx fir m n t G. Mu—ell M organ In the ('o u rt H"«i»e at Hill»bor«». Oregon, w ith in •’ fro m th e .1« ■ ! "* W IL E Y . A d m in istra to r *»f the ,i -»m the date thereof. Dated th»«* 26th *l»> <*f November. ,914 nf .M».' G. M abry. D c « »«*«, I G. I t l'S t 'l I.L M O R G A N . Executor of it ue A tto rn ey fo r Adm»n»«tra- nent ml Tv W ill f »nid he !.a«t 44-ft 41 Dec<«a»ex|. N O T IC E t»F Ring out the Old! Ring in the New! to i L ,h«„ Jl Si cordially extend ** to our loyal friends all the Joys and Bless­ ings of a H appy 1935. We are deeply grate­ ful fo r your patronage of us in the past. V V /E Miss Duyck at Roy » fui “ « • • • * • • “ it ¡holiday decorations. Eighth grade " ° V J i S i H V d i deb“ led A«* Pens“ »»'' M ethodist Episcopal C hareh (B y M i*s M a rth a V anderxand en» « ‘i001 .rcS?S1? ' . C h u r c h school 9 45. Miss H Rose ilb ert ‘c superintendent; divine ____ - wor- —. ____ . . ___________ ___ — ROY—A shower was ___ given at Chaae, Dareaaed. H a re . M cA lear A I*eter>. belts have been Issued to th e school Cave by the state tralfic departm ent shlp u sermon by the pastor. Moore's hall December 19 in honor A ttorney» fo r E x ecu trix. 42-6 N O T IC E O F H A L E and will be worn by Bud Seliiken SpeCjai music by the choir; Ep- of Miss Sylvia J. Duyck. daughter In the C irc u it C o urt o f the h ta te of f the i«a»t win and diliicult operetta th a t ha* ever cfup W1jj m eet a t 6:30 Sunday eve- were received. TTie evening was t if f , i'‘* ’ *n.cj»t and Foitat. »,f ja»pcr N . been attem pted for production by ning for a light luncheon a fter spent in dancing. va. An nie M. I ’caree, R x e ru trix , and A. M. " t a X a Mt.en t i n. lh. nn.ier- ’ Inch officers for the club will be Program Given Hocken, F.xaruu»r o f the F a ta le nt was seleckxl by William Sievers, in- chosen. St. Francis school presented its l.iiim a Hocken, d«reca»ed. A . M . Hock­ signed executor of the last W ill and structor of music a t the high l i 'M u rn t and Fiatate of Jasper N . G rabe,, Christm as program T hursday eve­ en and Lau rn T . Hocken, husband and lecca haa filed his fin a l account and -------------- S c h o o l, — as the operetta u f. D e fe n d a n t.- ......... -cd. ...... ' — . ----- tO t - v be glVeil j HaiKlSt (. hurch w . ife, Defentiant«. ning. Quite a num ber of people U , t o r n ,, nf ju d n -m ,.‘u‘'J, u,'" in ,h' l£ un!> sometime in April. It is The Gold- Sunday schoo, 9 45; preaching. attended. „ r d -r. J „ «.,d , .r d ,r „ 1 , , „ utq ‘ " f lh « S tale n f O r « ,. n fu r W w h . en Trail. ' , , T U rf < . -m v o lm u d o l e ' s m e e t - Miss Peggy Doherty went to her ............. ............ .. , . , u rl hl lh , ' t t v » > > - ^ t , ’ :'' L lo n S e « ,iK ± , T i ir r t V'.“ ' ” ''lîT f c v f A a rea' in« at 6:30 We a r e 's till striving home in Trout Lake, Wash., to • h n v , «n litl«.) rau»«. to » » d ir«, led. and f ‘ ' nt . “ T *** ‘ " r / " * * C hnsum is ^ o c r a n i D e c e m b e r 17 to make cach servlce worshipful, spend the holidays. d - t o l th« »"lh day nf Noe«nta«r. 1V34. •’"> "‘ "1 «"d .r t . ! . m « n l b « f,.r . . . . d t o u r ............. ju d vn .,,,1 r . . . d , m l and an t.ra d in ,h<' ’1 h ' r” f H? .‘•J’0 " ' M e m l ’i i S Î * r w ^ ? v ? d ^ n rS e n ts from instrucnve and enjoyable. W ith Misses Dorothy and Helen Aerts of Santa >'our attendance and participation Nebraska arrived here last week -an, court and eau»e' on the 22nd day ©f Oregon, on Monday, J an u ary 14, 1936, at r-hiVlM M -vers■ d u f f r ^ m Charles Meyers, acting as S anta w approach more for short visit Mrs. Frank Novem ber. ,934. in fa v o r o f A. A . ,0 o'clock a. in. o f »aid day. Dated and f l n t puhii.hed December 13. Claus An Ulter-club inctUlg wao vo appru*icn more tor a a anwij vuat, with w Schram m , ua Suj»erinienilent of Hanks announced bv O L Moore club nearl>' to thls 8041- church Herb and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Aerts of the S la te < f O regon, and against l u l l . i . „ > , . u b l. ,. t o « J .,„ .« r y l«t. i."'S. CHAS, i U K A H K L E » « ,u u .r «-* t o . “ f„ ; fanl,ir v ‘ 14 «t the “h d pastor wish to express to The and other relatives. A n n ie M ,'re rc e and A M Hocken, a» nt *°r jan u aiT i* a t ui Argus Our sincerest appreciation Edm und Vanderzanden. son oi E xecutrix and Executor o f the Estate <»f last W ill and Testam ent nnd Anthony stliool nail « u n a and thanks for many favors ot --------------------------------------------------- Jasper N . G rab«,. Deceoe* ,1. M . It. Hun,,., b t - Em m a H<* ken. deeeaacd, and A. Jtl. residence and address Hillaborc toSilWnfanidi p the P ast year and to wish them all Hocken in d ivid u ally and L a u ra T. Hock­ A tto rn ey fu r »aid Executor. expected to attend Portland is things iOr_th e« > m in g year. en. and each o f them , fo r the sum of the r«d f i r _ *n d »E0O |»er M fn r t h . J O H N ISON. « r«*'l cedar, F R E D W r.«n. mlaaloner. 96.429.47, w ith In terest thereon at the f ’ *i per annum fr«»m October t»., the fu r th e r »um of |l*>ti.(Hi a tto r- fee«, and the coata i»f and upon thi» w rit, i nm ,m andii an*In . me to make »ale o f t h e f o l lo w in g d re c rib e d real pn»perty F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N O T H E O F F IN A L H E T T I.K M K N T ,, .,f the Htate of O l* - ........... ... In the County Court o f the State o f O re- i L g.m, f<»r W nahiugton ( «mnty. g..n, fT W a -h iig to u County. on. t In 24' L O l ’ lKA A C U M M IN S A d m in is tra trix |> F H H A D D E N . A d m in istra to r o f the W. 6.439 chs. ; thence N H6* 33’ *.f the E state of «ah, Deceased. H nre I. ta le of »si*, tH aea»«,. Ila rc . M rA le a r W. 1 !»|5 ch- . theitve N o 2 , along i A lre r A l ’etera, A ttorney» for A l ’eter«. Attorney» for A d m in istra­ a line p aralle l w ith the east line of in ls tra lria . te . 43*7 raid tract 3, a distance o f 6.2H7 ch». to a point on the north line of eaid N O T IC E O F S H E K IF F 'h H A L E I I’ON N O T IC E O l F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T t r a d 3 . thence along the north line fokf . c i . ohure In the County Court of the State of O re ­ of «aid tract 3 .N hl» 64' W 4.07 Notice 1» hereby given by virtu e <>f gon. fo r W ashington County, ch». . thence H 0 * 21' East 1L9H6 execution, deer«* and order <»f » •!* f th«- h» ’ be M a tte r *»f the IQxtate Fatate of Em ery ch». to a puint on the »outh line of su«'*l I»ut of and, under the »eal Alpheu* S tew art. I> « ’ea»«l. said Tract 3 ; thence along the south C ircuit C o urt *»f Ih e State of Oregon Notice 1» hereby given that the unilcr- line of said tract 3 S M l* 37' E 6.003 for W ashington (-ounty, on the 24th day igned. ad m inistrator w ith the W ill a n - ch*. to the place nf beginning con­ of December, 1934. In a cause therein I of the above entitled estate, has tain in g 6.26 aerre. Save am i except­ pending w herein (Have Johnaon a n d 'J*.'*? filed hi« fin a l account in the t .»unty ing therefrom a »trip of land 10.0 ft. wide along the e n tire »outh lin e of tlte above deacrihcsl tract which is w ith in the boundaries of the State H ig h w ay, »ahi » trip o f land contain­ ing O.tjOl acre», and a 20-foot atrip o ff N o rth end o f the 6-acre tract containing 0.1233 Nun her 26 th* ! » u* ** at ^ t h«'- ta ie of six • n<1 f *'r hearing o f a ll objection« Together w ith all acre«. and I sin g u lar the N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T In the County Court o f the S tate ©f O re- gon. fo r W ashington County. In Ih e M a tte r of the I-state of M a ry FLr.i eth Sm ith. Deceased. ’ * -!* •. b s ld lli ; - E v e r \" c la s s Hi » » A OUT S c h o o l IS gTO W - W E M m g x signed Executor o f the last W ill and No action has been taken by the y e a r's SermonS^ h e A rt of testam ent o f »aid deceased, ha.4 filed in h itr h w n v r n n n m x s in n on aoouirinif ® stim A rt Ol chib £ to .- - I . . - . , . . . . ,n «n.i . , h.- highway commission on acquiring * A un. aain " n ie Townwnd f .n . i ..... ..............nJ r « ,..r t « . I, and right of way tlirough the business Si“ D the ...............................................................district ('o u rt ha.-* fixed and appointed the for the super highway and nieeting 2.30 p. m. C hristian B t- &th day of Jan u ary. 1936, at the h«»ur a result the aidincs have become O cator. Junior 4 p. m. and In ter- «•f 10 o’clock A. M. of »aid day. and the pitted and rough. T here are some ~ ed^ . tae.™ V i,iy o™ ?.irpeiip1 .,e0 6i.30 Court r*a»m o f the above entitled Court h o le s as much m as four lour or five ®*'angelistic se*vice <.30 p. m. mucn nve ScnR by young in Hillsboro, Oregon, a» the tim e and holts as place f»»r hearing objections to »aid fin a l lO C iie s d f t PC A K D innailv was the P o o le 's choir. Serm on: Flirting account and fo r the fin a l settlem ent ©f pavement •f V , t o , ? , ? w ith Sin.' Monday eve eve New Year's »aid relate. sponsor of the petition and had a w atch party Monday a t Selfridge home, Dat<>d this Ith day of December. ,934. long list of signers. E D W A R D J. S M IT H , Executor of the 1307 First street, sponsored by- last W ill and Testam ent o f »aid De- Young People's Endeavor society. eenaed. H are. M cA lear A Peter». A tto r­ Midweek service Thursday, 7:30 ¡3. neys fo r Executor. 42-6 CHURCHES c.rrm an M. E. Church. Bethany m. Subject "Evangelism." AU mem- bers ureed to come. We are making P hone 501 M ain St. SEASON’S GREETÍNQS Civic interest was" in* evidence . , w 'Siln ir rh h^ h o o i q early this week when a p e t i t i o n N ^ l e r ^ u ^ n n t o n d e n t b r o u g h t U P tO State , WObltr, enh superintendent, IO the UW M vaw llighway t - v n r .. nA l k rev/to«- . m n i ic irj»* u ra V C l t h e S £ S u S w & ™ S r i& o iS h Busch’s Service Garage May the New Y ear bring you H appiness, H ealth and Prosperity. We also w ant to express our appreciation of the patronage given us and to express the hope th a t our autom otive service will merit your continued sup­ port. The TEXACO S T A T IO N N O T IC E O F F IN ( L A C C O U N T On G erm antown road. Sunday preparation for our meeting with In the County Court of the State «»f O re­ gon. fo r the ('-»unty o f W ashington. school every Sunday. 10 a. m.; Ger- Teddy Leavitt stole evangelist be- Pr.diate D epartm ent. man service. 11 a. m.. first a n d BH-mng January 13. A hearty wel- ■ In the M a tte r of the Estate o f Loui«a A. tliird Sundays; English service. 11 ,o “H. our services. R. L. i M ontague, Deceased. a. m., second and fourth Sundays P utnam , pastor. Notice is hereby given that the under- tf Fo u r « , ^ r b h . r e h I signed, a« executor of the estate of _ E . Julius T ragllo^pastor. Louisa A. Montague, dewaxed, has filed C hristian Science Society We wish to th an k those who his fin a l account in the C ircuit Court of the H iate of Oregon fo r W ashington County, and th at Saturday, the 5th day i.f Jan uary, 1935, at the hour o f 9:30 o'ch»ck in the forem am of said «lay and the court room o f said c u rt has F a t 11 a. m. Pupils up u p to vu the u i c age »st f ,,.n r „ th a n 3 ■ ppolntAil by »»iJ C o urt u to« lim e «m l of 20 years are welcomed. Free rh u rrh S n m b r niollt a n d attended snm»- p la c , fo r Ih e h««r(nir of .-bjeetn.i,. there- reading room open on W ednesdays, p„,m?h,w? U h„ 5 nlg - d m t o and the salt lenten t thereof. j < a t i ir d n v c f i m m 'J u n t i l 4 n m c ° U l u IiO l D<- given adm ittance. We D a te d a n d f i r s t p u b lis h e d December 6. r h r t g H a n Q c i a n c i 1 '' a i s ° W L s h 10 th a n k the Argus pub- 1113«. P h .« of i . . t publication D ^ e m b e r Sunday s topic. -Christian Science. Ushers for th eir co-operation in l»er cent per annum , and the fu rth e r <»» "»•'I fin a l account and the aettlem en’ tenements. h<*re*litamenta and appur- 21. IV3«. printing our announcem ents. ..... t «<>041011 . » o . r f i M - H fo r which thereof. lenam-ea thereuntil belonging or In Banks M. E. Church 8 A M U R L S. M O N T A G U E . E je c u to r. « •« I .m n l Judgment wa« r e n d e r,a l b y » aid |, n t e ^ t ’X h h c a ^ ^ anywise ap p ertaining Rev. and Mrs. Rustroi. form er Wood. M ontague. Matthieesen & M ankin. Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 s £ u^ nt FYi- .o u rt in »aid cause in favor of the ’M 4. *?H,e " f ,nMl Pub,l« * Uwn J « " « * * * Now . therefore, by v irtu e o f a .id ex- A ttorney». 42-ft att,nLp MrSh iiii'io rv ‘tw a Shv,FriIl s«orth tlay night Ju d will speak and sing, ..i-in iif r ., «n.i „ „ „ i Mi ihi- il«*fcii.1»iit« I *’’• ,9.1ft. ec*ution. jiidgfncnt order, decree and order N o r n ,a .I I Cr o f Ih e Court House of W ashington the ab<»ve en­ Notice la hereby given that an order , t, rtniemption I to the highe.-t bidder fot signed, ad m in is trato r of Conrad L u d w ig to Aupuata I udwia.! H arter will speak on "Will H ltler- ( .u n ty , Oregon, in Hillsboro. Oregon, was made In the County Court of the rJUlh , n a„ (|f , he rlKht> t i l |e Rn(, title*! «'state, has filed his fin a l account 20 acres Section 35 L'2H n-w R 2W . ----- a -.,..- -x ro« . „ antj Communism Endure P erm ­ proceed to »ell a t public auction to the Htate of Oregon fo r W ashington < ounty ■ which the defendants in thia in the C ounty Court o f the State of O re Charles Miles et ux »o A lice Berger highest bidder, fo r caah In hand, and anently?’- Special C rusader service on the 12th «lay o f Ihs-emher. 1M 4. Ii- Hlltj 4.1U-|| and a ll o f them , o r any gon, fo r W ashington County and that et a,. L o t ft EUoek. KF Cornelius. according Io law, Ih e follow ing described, t 6: . J p. n-. with young people In the m atter t»f the Estate of John Me*h>l. ,,f them had on A p ril 30. I92H. the Monday, the 21st day o f J an u ary. 1935, at G. W . Sheppard et a I to K atherine parcels of real property, situ ate In Wash­ Deceased, ad m ittin g to probato the Last (,f j , M. m ortgage herein foreclosed, or the hour o f ten o’clock a. ni. o f said day H ighy, 5 acres B e n ja m in It . Ca.ehJn^ | charge: evangelistic service at ington County, O regon, to -w ,t: W ill anil Tretam ent «»f John Medol. U r , Hinee that, date had. In and to the above in the County Court M.a»m in the County claim . ?:45 and New Year's Eve service at Tha north h a lf of the south we», C.nirt House in Hillsboro, W ashington cease*,. an«l approving an«, co n firm in g I .leaerihe«, pr«q*crty. or any part t h e r e o f ,,,. Comte 4r K.'hlrnan to M a ry E. < » 1- 1 o' lock Tuesday morning Special quarter and the southwest qu a rter of the appointment, of Thomas M arshall as (4, aatiafy said execution, judgm ent order. .¿2* H m a a m l'n ia re f > r ’ tha hJarim r of al nell. T ruvt 12 Cocut« & Kohlm ati L i'* * e spiakers and music wilt be h e a rd .1 the smith weal q u a rte r of Section ten, Executor am i Anna M arsh all as E x ecu trix ,u „| ,,ri|er of sale, w ith interest. a,f“ P j ? / m i l . ¡ S ! t t i n I th * “ T W. CoooeU 'S t a r t « ! «o J. r . L ow ry ^ * e *S ln V lt e d and Ih e Northw est q u a rte r of the M illen of Quality Feed. Sooth Second 8«. Phon« <1 of Ibe I.HHt W ill anil Te»l«m enl n f John em ln. ohj^-ln-nR to »Hid fin a l account and the northw est q u a rter, »m l the N o rth Medol. Pereimed. and th at the «aid T h o m a- , , „ , e ,,f flr > l ,,„|,||eatio n D w w n b e r 7. •« ‘¿ ‘• " '« 'J , et ux. part Lot 2 Block 3S i « r c i. Grove. three-fou rths of the southwest quar­ M ai d,all and Anna M an-hall ha«e d ill. , ,,;t t. H a le of Inal publication J an u ary 3. .„ ‘u t o L ',? f I.! m J HcaVta-n Jam ,a* J j w Connell (S h c r iffi to ja n n A n- If you change your address kind- ter of the northw est q u a rter, and qualified as such Executor am i F.xecutrix. jysft. , < f pubthatton Janua< v derson et u x. 30 acres Section 23 'M N iy notify the ArgUS direct KFid at the southeast qu a rter o f the north- Now therefore, all persona having claim s .h>|n C«»unty, Oregon. 42-6 v V h K O S N ,K ' A d m in istra to r or t h - W edel. W illia m C. Tucker to A. * M ' * ot A ndrew M axurek. Deceased. I a rre in the southeast corner deeded and required t<> present them w ith the j ----------------------------------------------------- ------- t j* t a t part Block 34 Cornelius. j L. Patterson, A tto rn ey fo r the A«iinir»ia- for burying purpoeea, in Section fif - ELRY’S CHATEAU proper vtmehers to the at WmleL H- C Ttackec et al to A. M N O T IC K T O C R K D IT O R 8 , tra te r. 44-3 part Block 34 Cornelius. te n ; all in T . 3 N .. M- » W .. o f the th eir re.idence In S.-i-uitin Valley. W aan- W ill M er., con taining 229 acres or Not toe la hereby given th a t an order InKton County. Oregon, or nt Ihe law Charlen F. C runican et al to A lbert Jand, m ore or lees. office of T in e I I Tongue J r ., in the wan n.ade in Ih e ( ’«»unty ( ’«»urt of the L. Dober. «>*, of N W ’ « of Section A n d said «al« w ill ho made »M*>Ject to Com m ercial lllock In Ihe C ity of IH II-- H tsts of Oregon, fo r W ashington County TtN MIW redemption as per »tatu te of the State boro. W a.h ln g to n County, O rezon, w ith in on the l l t h day <»f December, 1934, in N ora Keen Sm ith to George McGees I Luey Ch»»wnsn io Etnil T,f«d>nvw et the m a tte r nt the estate «»f M 8. W« mm F- nf Oregon. »lx m onth, from December 2l)lh, 11134. part of I. Kelsey D. L. C. T I N K 2 W . i . D a ta l this 26th day o f D«**-em,* r . 1934 Sanitary conditions should be the first consideration of the Rural wi ass cores .UTine D a li-I th i. 2IHh day of December, 11134 m an. Deceased, ad m ittin g to probate t h e '•< •.,» » » « Section t t T » E m il Liebnow et al to K u rt L w to w w J. W C O N N E L L . S h e riff o f W ashing­ T H O M A S M A lt S IIA l.l,. Executor of llw Last W ill and T re ta m e n t of M H. Wood N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S . Dweller as well as th a t of the city. m an. Deceesed, and approving and co»- «* “ *• 20 acres Section 35 Tf H ton County. Oregon. By Richard Busch l.aat W ill and Teatam ent of John Medol, In the County ('«»urt o f the H tate ©f O re­ firm in g the appoin tm ent of Ray J. Wood- George M aynard et ux to F ran k ( arltale Your yard and garden need drainage as much as any p art of the A ttorney for Deputy. W m . (J- H are. gon, fo r W ashington O u n t y . _ . ., 46-9 Dw A easrd. ! farm. Why not tile drain the garden and use th e tile to carry th* N N A M A M H H A L L . E.xecutrlx nf th** m an. aa Executor of the Last W ill a n d !* » «»• <0 acrea Sectton 90 T I B R .W , B lain tiffa . N. A. Vetera et ux to H A W est. I In the M a tte r of the Estate of J. T . A n ­ Last W ill snd Tsatsm ent of J«»hn Me*h»l. Teatam ent of M H. W m alm an, De«ee»ad. , derson. | overflow from the septic tank. and that the said May J W«»odman has »«'[* Steel'« A ddition. _R^_ver^ ’n - N G T I.'K OK K IN A I. A U H U N T Notice is hereby given, th a t the under­ Drem aed. . . M . F. C rew to Lenora M. C row . 5 in Ih e County Court nf lb « H late of <>r«- T here Is nothing more satisfactory or serviceable than good, hard- Thus. H. Tongue J r ., A tto rn ey fo r duly qualified as such Executor. signed has been duly appointed by the acres Isaiah Kelsey D. L . C. No. 57 Now therefore, a ll persona h a v i n g Kon. fo r W aahlnaton Coiinly. K xreutnr and Executrix. 44-R j burned brick for septic tanks. We have them , also plans for building. above entitle«, Court, as A d m in is tra trix I In the M a tte r of the E a ta t, n f J">>n A - claim s against said estate, are hereby T I N R 3W . of the estate o f said deceased, and has I J. W Connell , Sh eriff» to H e n ty n o tified and required to preaent them Huber. Decsased- N O T H E O F S H E R IF F 'S H A L E Harm s et ux. L o t I Thorne*« Serend Ad- duly qualified as aueh. Notice 1» hereby «Iveii that th» “ "< •« - Notice i« hereby given, th a t under and w ith the pr«»per voucher« to the under­ dillnn, Hlllataore. , f'"'v «h-ref""*. »H Pemon, havin',' aipned h a . file. I her fin a l account a . signed a t hla reaidence in the Tow n of by virtu e of «»» execution, order and Shaw -E ear Co. to M in n l. W jw lo n e . r ia lm , a n . in .t .a ,d eatat« are hereby A d m in ta tra trl, of lh « Kai*«« "« «lecree o f sale laaued out o f and under M ultnom ah, M ultnom ah County, Oregon, 1 7H acre« notified and required to present the the 1 o r *ftW office o f Thoa. H. Ton gut A. Huber, daeeaaad, am i Ihe I " ‘" ’ h ' Bertha Boyer e l al to Charlea M ile . « " « • B jtrth e r w ith proper voucher. [ ihe seal of the C irc u it ('«»urt <>f the o f Ih e S ta le of O re Kon for W aall in« Hl ate o f Oregon fo r the ('«»unty of J r., in the O tm m ereial Bloek in the C ity et ux. L o t 6 Bloek 1« Cornellue. th w e fo r, to the under.lane.1 at the law lu ll ('m in ty has sei Haturtlay. January o f H illsboro, W ashington County O re- W ashington dated the 2 l« t doy of N ov- M a rtin Neum ann to Flo ren tin e Neu- •fflo eft of Here. McAlear .« M « » » *n 2«, 198*, a t the hour of *« " ‘''" ‘j * ember. 1934. In favo r o f Ida C. M eats, g«»n, w ith in six m onth* fro m the date m ann. T ra c t 64 W itch Hasel L ittle Farms. the F ir s t N a tio n a l Bank building . in A M a t the C.m nty Court Ria.m In of the fir s t publication of thia notice, p la in tiff, and against lawilae K. Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith in six m onth« fro m P o rtland T ru s t A Savings hank t.» Hlllabnru. O reiion, a . toe lim e »""* ,’1“ ' defendant, for the sum o f 92200.00. w ith to -w lt: W ith in six month» fro m Decem­ F ran k A. M erriam et ux, N *^ of L o t the date hereof. B. R. N IC K E S O N , Prop. fo r hearing ohjactlona to »aidI « 1 » ! • ' ber 13th, 1934. Interest thereon at the rate of 7 per Date«, thia 20th day of December. 1934 Fount and lh« »»tllem ent o f .a id e»lale. Dated this 13th day of December, 1934. ft V alley Vista. J E N N Y A N D E R S O N . A d m in la tra trlx of cent per annum from the 1st «lay of A. O . Johnson (G u a id iu n ) to J. K. M AY J. W O O D M A N . Executor of the Paled lleeemher 21. IM 4 . December. 1933. and fo r the {u rth e r the Estate of said Deceased. H are. Mc- L O U IS E . A. HUBKB. A d tn ln l.tra lria Last W lfl and Testam ent o f M. 8. W«»od- Breck et ux, 3 acres Section 23 T2H A lr e r A Peter«, A ttorney» fo r A d m in ­ of the E a ta t, of John A. Huber, l>a- sum of 9190.00, attorney fere, w ith In ­ m an, Deceased. Thos. H . Tongue J r., A t­ R 1W terest thereon at the rate o f 6 per cent 44-8 F irst N a tio n a l bank of Forest Groxe is tra trix . ,.,« <1 R ti..» ll M oraan. A ttorney h.r 49-7 per annum from the 19th day of Novem - torney fo r Executor. A d m in latra trlx. T hird and W a sh in gton Street# P hone 1703 GAIN F a th er Time gives A calendar. We wish th at w ith an unbroken succession I n n in i I us a new and blank yours may be filled of happy days. And may this year be a fore-runner to many years of success. We also wish to express our appreciation to our loyal custom ers and friends for th eir patronage in the past. 8unday IMPERIAL FEED Real Estate Transfers Paperhanging - Painti.ig W e Cover Surfaces A Hillsboro Decorating Com piny Qc GRAIN CO. Why Not Build That Septic Tank? SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Washington Street between l»t and 2nd P L A N T A T SCHOLLS, OREGON Hillsboro O ur Motto— "F riendly Service . . . F a ir Prices” Phone 2102 4 A