i THE Laurel People Arrange Party In d ie s ' C lu b N ew S p o n s o r in g Y e a r ’» E vant (By Mr». F. L. Brwwnl LAUREL— A community party will be held at the hall New Year s eve sponsored by the Ladies Social club. All in the community are cor­ dially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cline of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fields of Portland were Christmas day guests at the George Tews home. Mr and Mrs. Rollin Meyers spent Christmas day with his parents. Mr and Mrs. Frank Meyers of near Hillsboro. “Friendly Corner" class of the Sunday school will hold its Christ­ mas party a t the Leon Davis home Friday evening of this week Adolph Schmidt visited hts brother. Albert, and family near Tualatin Sunday. The B. O. and W H. McNay families were Christmas day guests at the Clyde Stretch home In New­ berg. The rock crusher at the quarry is being run by the SERA and the rock Is used for general mainte­ nance. Mr. and Mrs. Stoller and chil­ dren were Sunday guests of his sister, Mrs. Frank Hanauske of Portland. Other guests were an ­ other sister. Mrs. Veo Hobson and daughter Barbara of Lewiston. Idaho, thetr mother. Mrs Annie Kauffman of Woodburn and their brother. Ellis Kauffman of Port­ land. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs Francis Coolidge of Portland Saturday. Mrs. George Rosevear is at the Coolidge home caring for her little grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Guenther of chehalem Mountain visited her sister. Mrs. Amos Watkins, and family Saturday. Christmas day guests at the W. L. Stevens home were Mr and Mrs. Clifton Bagley of Portland. Mrs. Hattie Williams and sons of Hills- ELRY'S CHATEAU MILL WOOD $a.o« Edgings and inside wood. A4 Green. 4-foot ..................... Two or more cords ........... ....$1.75 Sawed. 50c more $0.00 Edgings and Inside, dry. o 5 or more cords ................ Excellent kitchen wood, the best buy you can find. Dry Slab and Block 16-inch Old Growth Fir H e rm a n Rehse Phone 2383X Res. phone 2062 OUR WISHES FOR YOU TV/E WISH that this year will ” be one of gretest Happiness and Prosperity for you a n d yours. May we extend a sincere thank you to our friends and customers for their patronage. Farmers’ Cash Store Feed - Seed - Eggs and Poultry Phone 3061 A lX.IHw MOTTZM ‘SU.OOIU a o o a auX xi put up and decorated by the young folks of the community The treats were furnished by the com­ munity and sponsored by the Ladies Social club . . The Christmas program at the church was attended by nearly a house ful! of people Oranges and popcorn balls were passed and a Chistm as box presented to the minister. (Continued fro m laat week» Mr and Mrs. Adolph Schmidt entertained with a dinner Christ­ By early spring. Neal was frank- mas day. — Guests were . Mr. and ly tired of the social strain and ___—. Mrs Carl Ward of Portland route He llad taken It f o i 6, Mrs. Larry Warren of Portland. gnulted that they would all leave Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jaemcke of for Hinsboro immediately after the Cornelius, Mrs. Howard Rice and adjournment of congress and had Miss Mane Schnudt of Hillsboro, looked forward to their home-com- and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tatman lng uut as Anne pouited out. the and Lawrence Tatman of Chelia- children had their school year to lem Mountain. finish, and she could not very well Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mulloy and ¡eave them; besides. It would be Thelma and Gilman Wight were almost impossible to open their Christmas day guests of Mr. and Own house, turning on the water Mrs. Harold Reynolds of Hillsboro and On. until warmer weather George Schmidt, principal of the came. There was no use in having school at Gold Beach, is spending delusions about Hinsboro weather the holidays with his parents, Mr. m March. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt 'Well, what do you propose to Mr and Mrs Charles Larsen and ^ 9 asked Neal almost angrily, daughter of Portland W'ere Sunday ,.j ^an't sit around here until June guests of his mother. Mrs. A. twiddling my thumbs. I liave got Naderer. ____to get back and tend to my prac- MUUcent and Junior Dunsmoor has been neglected too long were week-end guests of thetr fath- already " % U 'teo S T r ? ' * g ? S S 1'o i »«1 A“ * tactfully. “I <5cbill«a n w e re I r s u n d a v visitors at hardl>' d»re ■ sal what 1 “Hi going Scholls »ere Sunday visitors 1 to," she ventured slowly, flashing the J. W. Mulloy home. Mr Dem- a swift glance toward Neal to be mtn also visited Mr and Mrs. E. sure that it was a propitious time C. Mulloy. who have been con­ to plunge, “but I think we ought fined to the house for several days to—to be separated for a time, just with severe colds. , J. B. Hall and daughter Gladys as we had to be when you went to of Portland were Christmas day “Just what do you mean?" in­ guests of their brother-in-law and quired Neal grimly- uncle. C. P. Stafford. "I think I should stay on here The Laurelview school program was attended by most of the par- through the spring with the chL- ents of the pupils Friday afternoon, dren and I think you should go Mrs. O. Sahnow of Hillsboro was back to Hinsboro and earn all the an all day visitor School will re- money you can In your practice. Be- onen January 2. cause we are going to need u - Yol‘ Mr And Mrs. Richard Whittle can stay with Mrs Simmons. I were hosts for a Christmas day have written h e ra n d she » ill be dinner, guests being Mr and Mrs glad to have you. L. A. Whittle, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. “Oh. so you have written Mrs Whisnand, Doris Whittle and Dor- Simmons, already ’ asked Neal othy and Patricia Whisnand. wLthouut nlar?5d , Kansas City were speakers. Mrs cohol you voted the output of your come at once. lx>ping tliat this ag­ Ruth Crowther. Mrs. Maude Gen- splendid public school system Into gressive lady would, by some mira­ ■cr and Miss Ruth Ingles were ap­ drunkenness, poverty, disease and cle, prove sufficiently adaptable to pointed to serve on the program imbecility; you voted the schools her surroundings to be at loust par­ committee at Manning meetings into your jails and asylums Whrn tially assimilated by them. "President's Day" was observed the gerat middle class so lusts for Her hopes were groundless. Har­ Decenibi'r 1» by WBA No 2» at the the passing sliow as to refuse to riet arrived hi the middle of Amie s home of the review president. Mrs. light for Us young, look out. tirst "At Home" Anne liad left Elsie Kelly. A pot luck dinner was Bible students say the age Is her guests for a moment to see served. Mrs. Kel telly was presented tupldly drawing to a close, that Harriet comfortably Installed 1 n with u gift from the review. the great God has given the na­ the precious guest room She was Mr and Mrs. D. Cornutt und tions their time tor ruling the conscientiously cordial but she fal­ Stanton and l*atty Rliea visited world to Ills glory The Bible pro­ tered a little. relatives at Roseburg several days gram : "1 thought you might like to pour recently. 1 Christ to come for his own; tea tor me a little while," she sold Mrs. A Stephens. Mrs. Ruben lilts Is the resurrection of the saved Mine Estavl at five. Tliat will give Kelly, Mrs. Alex Allen And Mrs 2. The believers having been cuughl you plenty of time to cliange your Jessie Tillman attended a pot-luck up, a bund of God-feurlng Jews dress." dinner given by the H N A Ladles now WOM (KUH n.ui'M i l<> n a tio n to “I shall not take tune to change." at Banks Thursday Miss June Our- proclaim the kingdom as at hand Harriet assured her briskly. "I shall n n and Miss Elsie Meyers, wlio a t­ 3 Awful Judgments on mankind come down at OOM- 1 SM th e re tended sclxwl at Banks, were also lor turning from God. 4. A world- are a number of people here and I dinner guests of the ladles despot sets up and demands that certainly shall not lose tills op­ Mr and Mrs. Earl Fisher of he be worshipped as God. 5. Christ portunity to talk about the evils of Sunset visited relatives here this appears und vanquishes this des­ smokmg. tea and coffee." week. pot. 6. Christ sets up the promised "Wouldn't It be better to wait and Homer Bennett was called io k in g d o m Ugc a m i the vast body do that at some meeting?" suggest­ Crane last week to the bedside of of awaiting prophecy fulfills In ed Aiuie. “At strictly social affairs his wife, who la very 111 at tin- him. like this, we don't bring up de­ home of her daughter. Mrs. Ben­ Now Is Hie day of salvation batable questions." nett, ulio lias been in poor health Right where you are. right this "That shows you are not really for sometime, went to Crane a instant tell God you take Christ as Interested In great causes,” said few weeks ago on a visit. Saviour to love, trust and obey — Harriet, brusiung her hair back flat­ Mrs Jesse Tillman is visiting George N Taylor, Beaverton, Ore­ ly from her high forehead. "I shall her daughter. Mrs. Ed Stocker, at gon—Paid adv. have no such scruples. I am con­ White Salmon. Wash scious of the frivolity into which Mr and Mrs A Ohlemlller spent specialize In quality Job print­ you have led Neal, but I shall try Christmas day with her daughter. ing We Argus. to counteract such an influence As Mrs H Paulson, In Portland to meetings. I shall attend those, E F in n e y of Ryderwood visited too. of course In fact. I shall hold his grandfather, J. A. Fields, a few some here. I can see there is plenty days tlus week of room for them In this large Mr and Mrs. George Rtggle spent house which you have so extrava­ Christmas with their daughter. Mrs. gantly purchased, regardless of the Everette Drury, and family at Van­ fact that you already liad a beau­ couver. tiful home in Hinsboro." Contlnous rains here have made (Continued N ext Week) the creeks high but no damage has been done from high water as yet. A Christmas tree for relative* F a y e and D u n n S ta r and a few friends was liad at the Buxton Youth Suffers Burns in C om edy t.l.K Ï'S ( IIA I'EAII Donclson ÔC Sewell Phone 963 C O R W IN HARDW ARE Headquarters Hillsboro •■id I.IUENHFD EMIIAIJHEMN SUCCESS TO YOU AND YOURS F. Abcndroth WE’RE WRITING YOU A NEW YEAR WISH We take our pen und paper in hunt! to wish you t i l l the good things 1935 has to offer. May we also take tills op­ portunity of expressing our "Thank You" to our many loyal friends and customers. BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY take it out on D ON'T tlx alarm clock. If you're not getting your full measure of restful health-giving s le e p , come In and sec Blm- mon»' Bcautyrest Mat­ tress. the Rolls Royce of sleepuig equipment. Bleep insurance f o r only syiO-W P ic tu re A rollicking farce-comedy of Hol­ lywood life and loves Is promised to patrons of the Venetian theatre when the Fox Film production, "365 Nights in Hollywood," shows there Saturday. Alice Faye and James Dunn arc featured. : FUNERAL DIIttCTORH i Donft Shoot: t "42 H u n tin g and F is h in g S up p lies Aladdin la m p s lo n g 's Radio Tubes Tested Free ELRY'S CHATEAU Pre-Showing of Ccunty Teams Get Judging Diplomas Full Pint H IL L S B O R O SELFRIDGE BROS. 1935 Bass-Ilurter Paint Dealers 1138 DODGE PLY M O U TH AND Howdy, In Our New Showroom Folks! Saturday, December 29, 1934 We’re wishing you a bright New Year, chockful of Prosperity and Good Health. May we also take this opportunity to say “Thank you” to our friends and customers for their patronage. T h ir d S tre e t Hillsboro, Oregon Prescription Druggists 1208 Main St. Phone 266 21X HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY SIIOPH PHYSICIAN and HCKGKON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. O. PITMAN, M. D. Oeneral Beauty Work PHVHICIAN end BIJRGKON X-Ray and Fhyale-Tfcerepy Commercial National Bank BMg Permanent* and all klnda of beauty work. Telephone IMIX Balceny Hlllabere Pharmar? Of flea 92S1 Tcloph«»naa Raaldanca 791X Sanitary Beauty Shop DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. AU Kind« of Beauty Work PERM ANENTS a aperialty Telephone 1471 W KII/S APARTMENTS Mabel Rchendel Physician and Surgeon Wells Building TELEPHONES Office 2IM2 Raaldence MSI DENTISTS GARBAGE (»E L E C T IO N DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection Dentist AND CANS Telephone 144 PALM DRUG STORE P hone HAPPY NEW YEAR Thank You for Your Patronage in the Past. Commercial Building CADY MOTOR CO. -BA, D. P. CORRIERI ■ re n in o , Bunde, hv Aepnintmeul Telephone 2328 INHURANCE RUBBER 8TAM P8 GEORGE T. McGRATH Washington Coenty Agl INHURANCR HRRVICB Abete Bank Balldlnf Phone 2211 Rllleboro BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS from HILLSBORO ARGU8 FREE DELIVERY Per Infermati«» ehest nirealtry sr Ite Àdeertliers reti The A rts* — S1S1 =3E=