THE Thursday, December 27, 1934 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , Paire Five OREGON by Lola Solberger. Wesley Pleren the holidays with her son, H Jo h n ­ Woman H urt By Auto and Lewis Donaldson, gave an In­ son. In Portland. Mrs Carl Seheulderman, SO. of teresting program Thursday eve­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogg and Portlland, formerly of this county, ning and a good crowd attended family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. a fractured right leg last ........................ 'jn hristm r ‘ C as day guests at the B P. Hagg and family of Tigard. Mr suffered week when she was struck by an E Waldorf home Included Mr and and Mrs. 11 Hagg. Mr and Mrs automobile. She was treated at (B y North P lain s P. T. A.) . W. H French Florence and 'i Hagg were Christmas guests of Emanuel hospital. ________ NORTH PLAINS—Pythian Bisters Mr Albert French and Mr and M r, Mr and Mrs D Hagg. Mr. and und their families enjoyed a pot J. J Shaw of Portland ELKY’S CHATEAU A. Anderson and family of Sherwood, Winona Install Large Crowd A ttend. Church Affair Sunday E v e n i n g ^ k ^ « « ^ r t y ^ t As the first Tuesday In January Mrs Portland were unable to tom e be­ falls on New Years Stanley C or­ cause of mumps In the family. Officers December ,5 Many Family Gathering. Held Christmas and Mrs rida will hold services th a t week l l i i s l s .,1 ( a i d T a i n and Mrs. H. L. Altlg have on Wednesday night a t the school a Mr Mr and Mi - O lio Bcliulienbi and beautiful Christm as decoration — — —— — oers of the Hillsboro temple, were (Incorporated) display in the windows. LAUREL R ID G E B lli'iw o o d »-literUii’ cd a pally of friend , i'll BCHOLLS C hristm as p r o g r a m Alice Howard. Cludstlne Pjeer. Jean cypher attended a R e e ( _Jv j l j c C h u r c h Giaugi- met wltt» Winona Orange day evening wnh -Sib as the main j given Collections — Credit Reports Bunday night at the Scholls T r a r t and Wallace Flint. Thev sold “ “ ‘.yp.ier a . ™ - - illceresl Among those present weir Let the advertisem ents help you 111 'Tualatin Deiembcr 16 lor Joint M E ehureh mi hide.I tlv Pillow- th eir complete quota ol Chrlstm,. ¿ “ m *. V In liistallulion ot otlU'em. Mrs. R V> the families ol Mi anti Mrs. Emil Illg pliuio solo. Mrs C. Kail seals. Perfect attendance at tlle Miss Pat Bimp.son in f ortland Bun make your shopping plans. Washington. Tillamook, polk and Ra»liiu»»cli, l«l»t lllUMter ol Hhei- HitMikinan. Mi und Mrs Hwayze., Stretcher; prayer by Rev. Sm ith; school was made by Wallace Flint. d“y „ „ . ' Mi and Mrs Hoy H arrington mid ix r S aturday wood. wiu, liihtalung oil leer and Yamhill Counties choir number; greetings. Dorothy Amy Alice Howard, Red Spencer| Pythian H a Slaters 1 New Y ears day; Lt. and Mrs. H. Liebe and daugh­ Walling Elm a. Lillian Allison, ludy uay nigni i ne das» presented Mi rung. and Mrs. M atthiesen from rm id o -n lik e I t ¿/»ren^iw ’ard and Mrs Duane Chamberlain and ter Carol Ann of Port Lewrls are Mr. Hr niueitzer with a set of Blbie maps ussistanl steward, t . inimtlee ch air­ are visiting relatives « « ~ A" “ children left Sunday evening to spending the holidays with Mr. and large bar* men appointed were W E Voting, as a Christliras gilt Mr Bchmellzei Idaho, who lly. spent severul day., X v T d k « m m h S S m spend.U ie holidays with her par- Mrs L. H. Slade legislative. Oeorge Norinanson. ag ­ in la in presented each couple witn rn UU' j'lm” Moor-e home. « S S llL 1 ~ ei,U' Mr and Mis J Kirkpatrick, The clilldren and grandcliildren a mix oi lovely C hristm as greeting SANICLOR COFFEE riculture; Juseplune St i lekler. home of H F. Rannow spent Christmas cards with scripture quotations on Among the many visitors at the prorram at Mountainside ' 10 8 Poltane economics. An excellent bleacher. day at his home. They are Mr. and “ r Er“ 1” ■* M Mrs. Chamberlain Secretary l*omona O range will meet with them, tin s imines aooul 250 euros Jacktown school program was a Eighteen visitors were present at Every-Keady society met a t the Mrs. W E. Rannow and two chil­ Winoiui Orange at 1'ualatln III the io ne mulled out by the class Mis Icriner teacher. M N Bonham, who a . L Troutm an De- dren, Mr and Mrs. Hans Koch of yrai loose present were the t.n u h i the school three vermi» 22 M ountainside when the pupila en- jiome of school gymnasium January 23 Vt-gallon Mrs T. C. Darnell and The Home Economics elub ol an -a s. und Mesdullies Hurold Aebis- and 23 years ago when 01 pupils at- tertained with the following pro- cember 19. Mrs. A D. Chamber- Gresham. two children and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hhcrwood Orange la id a bazaar 111 vher. Richard Joyce. John Htncklcr, tended o n ly 13 are enrolled now, gram "Santa Pixies by first.six jain was elected secretary to take D. CREAM OIL Churchley. Mr» Nellie B arrett who cooks "The Stable by Irm a Hoi- lhc pla£e ol Mrs Carrie Tolson, Aivin Loreiizen. Gene taylor. Roy Hhcrwood December 20 Professor Yeomans of Pacific by Vira McCann; w reath who recently moved to Hillsboro. PEAS C. F, Nystrom pun based a new JaquRli. Rai IT Bchrneltzer, Edward ai ’u i e ’íírb í donmmiw a t Pacdic °°m ’• university gave a talk a t Uie Reed- piU.kcd a Christm as Aeoiseher, Jolui Hctuueitzcr mid the ,, Ilj^. n, N e w w " g ^ at ne home drill by eight girL; humorous read- The car Tuesday evening m lmr Sivwr Mrs G rrne lU ym Ed. *“« uy Jan,es t K err ut. box for a needy family. A delicious vllle P arent-T eacher meeting F ri­ Werre Brother» sent out the first host and hostess » r r t X varmioii "Christmas a t F u m ig an s f l a t by mneheon was served by Mrs. Trout- day. Scan. Mr mid Mrs Otto Hcliullen- carload oi potatoes from this sec­ CAKE FLOUR lor il days vacation. JoJm McCoo|, Lois McCool, Wandy man Ladles' Aid netted *41.30 on their tion tills season. The potatoes were biaiid and lamily drove to Oregon I u’f iV m r^tm as Eve^w th a1 fairniy hyLscli. Eddie Ardeel, Helen Hui- annual supper last Saturday night Mrs. Loftis Hostess Pillsbury. Preferred Stock »«•nt to California, where thry are City December *6 for a Visit with C ™ »rtv n íu . Schultz mid coni' Huth H“>co'n- p hllip Stetcher, Mr and M rs. Russell Loftis en- In the school house. A dollar of Mr. mid Mrs liarry . They also Large pkg........ iû lv V , to be used lor seed. JELL POWDER «,‘i Bc-Ilil?iv H L HueHel llolx'rt Weaver- Bllly McCann S an- terwini-d with a dinner and C hnst- this went toward Uie decorations i ailed on Waller H annon and Mr. Will Laeale Here for Use C hristm as tree. m d iaimlv of w itch Hazel N B * wlth w “u ,or mas party Saturday evening. Those PANCAKE— Mrs King Ralph Sullivan of C entralia spent Mr and Mrs. ltay I...... and three mid Laurel Ridge sclarol pupils d irect­ W e l c h a n d famUv and Max Bennett LUidon Laird of Entflerprlse is present were Mr and Mrs. Roger Large pkg........ AdVVz spending Christm as vacation with Hawley of Tigard. Mr. and Mrs the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. children from Brush, Colorado, a r ­ ed by their teacher, Misb Helen 1 < ? “ r e tía n a X HUI Icy rived Thursday night alter m ak­ Asbahr. sponsored a very success­ m ,m e tt m,d < l ^ r “ ‘z e W e o T p o r^ t í . aunt. Mrs. S. A G oiter, and G lenn SUH of ReedViUe. Mr. and D. L. Sullivan. and Mrs. J. M. Churchley ing the trip in a light coupe and , ful community program a t the uer.. tue Bue»U family. Mrs». Howard Oíame and Mr and Sr. Mr. and son, and Mrs. Mary Oling­ at present threy are staving at tlir sdiool Friday evening. We have a few candies and nuts left which ,d , . , , ,h» i»r and T bf SERA wood camp on Uie Mrs Johnny Gates of Hillsboro. er spent Christm as day with Mr. d ia r ie s H Haynes home 'They in- - laturel Ridge school sold ull of ,Ionday al Patulla U nd resumed work Mon- Mrs. Marie Taylor of Portland we are clearing out at special prices. tend to locate h eir permanently a)u .r a wevk s ¡ j ^ t down. was a guest of her sister, Mrs. John and Mrs. H. J. Churchley. the C hriatm as seals sent to It by Mis W. B. Chandlce honit during Mrs. W alter Hickenlooper re­ Mrs O. K Austin til near New­ Uie T uberculosis uaaoclullon Bcnool tne week were Miss Jess Snyder and family Joined Loftis. Sunday. Buy your New Year supply now berg visited a t the C F. Nystrom will commence again Wednesday lee and Mrs M argaret 1 hotm x oi o t,)e ^.^R yes a t a Christm as din- Mr Charlotte Hutchinson is turned home Wednesday from vis­ iting relaUves in California for the home Bunday afternoon. Portland and M r and Mrs. Ciar- a t Ule L)uve Flske home quite ill a t her home. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Every Day Mr and Mrs W ullrr M atlhlescn .-nee Phoenix of Boise. Idaho. U) Muitnom ah Clirlstm as day. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Brisbane past two months. Miss Florence Yeo will spend Jolui Jackson re tu m id to e m t a - Mrg H T Hesse en_ were Portland visitors last week. from Flier, Idaho, have been vis­ You SAVE 5% When You Buy Here go Wednesday, where he is iting a t the John M atlhlescn home tertained about 20 relatives with Mrs. K atie Keenon is expecting the holidays visiting relatives In the past week piuyed as a machinist. m a c m n lsl..................... turkey dinner C hristm as day. her daughter, Mrs. Mary Reed, and Sheridan. Miss Barbara McBreen returned J. L. Cappoen of this district Sunday dinner guests a t me Mrg Ra ttic KoeOer. who was family of Portland to arrive New and his sister. Mrs Rene Taghorn. Cliailes Haynes home were Mr ano lak(.n Vincent hospital last Year's day to make their home from the University of Oregon to i»vld**jn) spend the holidays with her p ar­ of Cornelius left for Watsonville Mrs. Al Dodson and lamily ol Wetlnesday because of a reUpse, Is with her. HELVETIA Helvetia community Hillsboro. Cal . Wednesday evening to be with not much improved Mrs Perry W right and daughter ents. Mr and Mrs. George Mc­ Just Phone 1001 Staz Corner 3rd and Main their father, wlio la seriously 111 band will hold a jamboree at the 1 he Slur class of the M fc and Mrs j . g Bennett had Virginia are spending the Christmas Breen. K T hall. North Plums. December Mrs. Berdie Johnson will spend Sunuay school hekl a Paiiy at lia lhelr housv wlred tor eiectrtcity last holidays with her parents. Mr. and and not expected to live 31 A good program will be p re­ ehure h ETiduy evening and dccorut- week B irth d ay Celebruted \{rs George Harris, ol Scoggtn Val- ELRY'S CHATEAU Jam es Dodge was surprised by sented and later the orchestra will ed Uie Christm as tree for bunduy JaquiUi found a piece of ley. play the old year out and the new aevrral neighbors on Ills birthday service sedimentary rock on the Jolin A Bible study class Is being held anniversary Tuesday. December IB year In. Elr. I Hr" Igiit111zt*r place winch contants each Sunday evenuig at the home Band Gives Tire Election o! Sunday school officers lnip ri...Moo« of Sequoia leaves. These of Mr. and Mrs. George Sheppard Hand member» presented Joseph * Mrb< an,e| dM rsXt'w ^kkiiyFllnt and ‘, dwnri fain rlv h av e now very llu rd ro ck . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crawford and amt members. ‘ a ? . mm, c X n nh£e Christm as day dinner guests at daughter. Mr and Mrs. Merlin lak e In New Members moved from the John Colman place U|e George Lewellen home were Wick. Mrs. John Loonier. Mr and We-1 Union local of the Farm ers' • i . 'unaeii .„ d snn.inim Mr ancl Mrs- John Schmidt and Mrs. Steve Pnvrasky and sons, Mr Mr. »“ d Mr\ , ‘^ * * d a n d *“n J "*u’ Rudy Lorenz of Firdaie. and Mrs. Ross Rasmussen and union initialed eight new members 1 Mls Audrey Heaton attended a daughter all of Hillsboro, and Mr. December 19 at K P hall, North n “ V r 'b,v n ^ : X o Mrs. E. J. Davis in Hillsooro. u and p cJub Christm as dinner ;ind Mrs. Orin Fair and family of Plains After a slxrrt business meet- ,ug a program of local talent was Program Held mid partv Friday evening in Hili»- North Plains U ie Christm as program held at mid took with her as u guest Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stigum and pre „ruled and later dancing was i-njoyid Next inerting will be J a n ­ the Jacktown school Friday alter- miss Lorraine Demmin. who helped son spent Christm as in St. Helens noon included songs by th e school; serve a t the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Arnie uary 3. "Christm as Stars. C harles Rose- Mr. and Mrs. Medford Courtney stigum . Program Given m an. number by lower grades; Ol Borego. Cal , are spending C hrist- Frances Millet of St. Mary's Helvetia school presented a C hrist­ "Note for S anta Claus. Virguua mas holidays a t the home of his Academy Is spending the holidays mas program Frlduy A good crow it Keutzer; "W hat the Stocking Said." m other Mrs Rena Courtney. wlth her father at the Millet farm attended. A feature of the evening Tommy Williams. "Jolly Old St. Miss Mary Schmeltzer had charge ln sirady Brook whs the entrance of S anta Claus Nick," upper grades; "A little of th e Christm as program a t the guests of Mr. and Mrs. carrying u sack with fruit, nuts Christm as Pessimist." Lucile Bal- Mountain Home church Sunday w Dinner e . Mays Christm as day were anu candy. He distributed the pres­ acco; "If S anta was Pa.'' Robert evening. A children's vested choir Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mays of ents from th e tree School will be Keutzer; " W hat Did We G et for smig songs which were illustrated Yamhill and Mr and Mrs. Lester closed until January 2. Christm as," exercise first and sec- bv shadow pictures. One hundred cypher and family. Mr. and Mrs H Uutterfleld and ond grades; "Santa Claus' Surprise mid ten attended and treats were Twenty-three women’s coats, beauti­ family of Portland visited th eir Party," Mildred Roscinun; song by given all. A Christm as contribution fully furred, in blacks and browns. parents, Mr and Mrs. Adolph lower grades; "Wiial Would Yoy of *7 66 w-as collected for the chll- cordially extend to Uadertseher. Sunday. Bam B adert- Sav," Orval Thompson; 'Greetings dren's orphanage a t Little Rock, Fine fabrics, silk lined. Is workmg near Sherwood to S anta Claus," Dorothy Flcken; Ohio. In spite of the foggy, rainy eve­ ’ ’’ our loyal friends all the scher with hts brother-in-law . Cliff Floyd "No Stocking to Wt-ar," Dale De Si^es 14 to 46 Ruby Hodson returned to her ning. the pot luck supper December There will not be a shoot mg Vaune; "I'll Take W hat Santa home in Willamina for a week's 18 was a success both as to a t­ Joys and Blessings of a m atch a t Helvetia »tore December Brings.'' Robert Flcken; "Song of vacation. The Mountain Home tendance and good eats. Happy 1935. We also wish 30. Charles Johnson and family spent NOW the Snowflakes," Dorothy Flcken school held a Christm as program Mrs Jam es Batchelder received a and Lucille Balacco; ' school song. Friday afternoon. Christm as a t Yamhill with the D to take this opportunity to. shipment of 10 Mammoth Bronze Present Candy Miss lajls Potter of Seattle Is M artin family. Mrs. Johnson and liens from Yoncalla which express our appreciation of turkey John O ardner. bus drvler for the visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Betty stayed for a visit of several were hatched In April and averaged Scholls high school students, gave Charles Potter, during Christmas. days. 111 3-4 pounds Mrs Batchelder has your patronage. The school children, ably assisted as candy as a gift to the holidays. been In the turkey business for Christm 45 passengers on his route Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Erickson enter- five years. This year she hatched Mr ELRY'S CHATEAU O ardner was presented with a talned with a neighborhood party- 914, raised 836 and finds a ready purse set by Uie pupils Saturday evening. m arket for them. Mr and Mrs Will Lormor of Mr and Mrs. George Bennett of Roy Orossen. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hillsboro and sister-in-law . Mrs. Oakland. C a l. phoned through at Fred Orossen. underw ent an a p ­ Stevenson, of Iowa visited Mrs 12:30 Christm as night to extend pendix operation a t the Jones hos­ Audrey Heaton Sunday. The people greetings to hts parents. Mr a n d ' pital Saturday. all neighbors In Iowa during Mrs. J. E. Bennett. They said they Mrs. Pete Orossen Is seriously 111 were Agent Mrs H eatons girlhood ( tried to get through on Christm as a t her home. Joseph K err J r of Seattle Is Eve, but there were so many; The heavy rain Friday did a lot Every form of protection — Fire, of damage to crops and stopped spending Christm as a t the parental many standing in line th a t it took homrT until Christm as morning a t 10 automobile, casualty, liability, auto traffic near John Pubola and Sunday guests a t the Joe K err o'clock to put the messages through Fidelity, Surety and Life. also at the Bauer bridge near Rock home wvre Bertha Shaffer of Creek If you have something to sell and Roy Miller, who has been working Yakima. Mr and Mrs. Joy English 1164 3rd Kt. Pilone 1132 In a sawmill at Prescott, spent Uie of Portland and Joe K err of are in a hurry to sell lt. let the Seattle. classified advertising departm ent of C hristm as holidays a t home. This group includes every girls’ coat in the Hillsboro Argus prove its ability Honor Roll Given as a speedy and efficient s al e s Honor roll for the Oroner school our stock. Pile fabrics, chinchillas, sport J.- J l f f-;/? Ask your attorney to send your Included K enneth Carlso»!. Amy medium. ieKni advertising to the Argus. Granges Hold In sta lla tio n Those p ic.en t were Mr and M i­ ll 1’ HUKklei. Ml and Mrs. George L Huker, Mr and Mrs C. H. Huyiu Mr und Mi W <’ Edy, B e l t lluyncs, Donald Edy. M l ,.. Kale Dodge and the lamored A pot lues ilim iei was served Mr mid Mi John •fatUileson. Mi and Ml- Walter .lutlhle.son visited al Hie An. Young home III Portland one duy last week Schools in Scholls District Present Christmas Programs Lodge Has Party at N orth Plains Credit Bureaus Observes Yuletide 10 a. 25c 50c 4 4 a....... 19c M b,..........19c 3 lb*.........55c 4 Pl,„. Helvetia People Plan Jamboree 19C 19c 19C 4b„......10c Off/» 19c Wiley’s New Deal Grocery PRICED New Year’s G REETIN G S YY/L Mason Hill C H A S. L. WALKER G irls’ Coats Greetings, 1935 SEE The New Ford V-8 for 1935 On Display at Our Showroom Saturday, December 29th i , otor C o / and fur trimmed styles. Sizes 3 to 14 NOW May the New Year bring you all Fortune, a wealth of good luck, and Happy Days. To our friends and customers we wish to ex­ press our appreciation of the patronage given us in the past. SUITS Swagger length coats with skirts to match. Sizes 14 to 20. Grey, tan, brown and blue mixtures. CLEM’S PLACE Confectioners - Bowling Alleys Billiards 1260 Main St. Only a few left. HILLSORO ICE CO. = NOW /AUtHORIZiO SALK* ANO SiRVIC« LONGER, WIDER, ROOMIER, WITH DISTINCTIVE BODY LINES AND A NEW IDEA IN MOTOR CAR COMFORT J.C. PENNEY CO. WANT-ADS D S P A R T M S N T « S T O R B