THE P age F our XnitebonáflíM.rg us H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , Happy New Year, and Thanks Social News of OREGON THE GREAI' AMERICAN HOME la s t w e e k T h ev w e n t on re c - ,i . r i « ^ “tihem ng Of the oi th e m ajor centers of the East, we learn th a t pre-C hristm as business today is easily th e best ui crim inal syndicalism law liberty commu hateful enemies ,mg years. other countries, particularly in Russia, from the bad of 1932 to the worse in foUowmg years w here communism ruthlessly stam ps out And' 11 ?'e are willdls t0 accept th is as a fact. fact, then th en ______ _____. . .. , *, . , we are forced to the conclusion th a t a large share opposition bj execution and banishm ent. O{ aRy ini pro» entent in national conditions must be W here else but in Am erica would the credited to President Roosevelt and h i s Brain state pay $750 for a transcript of the Trusters." a term destined to become a title of testim ony in the appeal of a confessed honor- and convicted enemy of the United States During the post six m ontta. several lead.n J jeeve-i, K05eminent on motion oi detense attor- neys th a t defendant was unable to pay. Liberality and extent of freedom th a t E £ r sc<^ m u ,1 $ I i 2 “ found in a dem onstration in New ork, w here communists besieged a protest soviet a m n eeting d b u s te of d 2000 u n t h avowed e sn eak e d n enemies la t f n r m •- ,u L, ’ t \ j ,.rm groups of bankers and industrialists have reached conclusion th a t th e New Deal, lrrespectiv ve of enable f e a t u i^ it may Incorporate, has. any questionable ,y doubt, the backing of th e vast m ajority w ithout any d ÍP?'. ° ^ eIL i t u “ „ , - m.d' ^ v e ’d^. t t V n i '5 e " m i h which have arisen the past two years.—Hood River News. Step in the Right Direction Through the milk control m easure, re ­ Martin Looks Things Over turns have been m aterially increased to Ancient R om es trium virate system of govern- the W ashington county dairym en. In spite _ m ent does not appeal to Oregon's governor-elect, of this we have a ttack s on the m easure Charles H. M artin, who takes office on Jan u ary 14. As reported in a Sidelights comm ent on th is page from the president of th e Milk Consum ---------- , - . . . . ---------------- _ e rs ’ I J leatrue in P ortland who a n n a re n tlv G eneral ------------------------ M artin recently ----------- declared th a t Oregon needs u . a r o r t i a n a ^ w n o apparently one governor ipstead of three. During the present would break down the stru ctu re th a t has adm inistration w ith th e board of control members helped to bring more money into t h e m aking spectacles of themselves a t almost every pockets of our dairym en neighbors and meeting an d often getting nowhere th is state has fr io n H « ir ie n u s . . . . ... ... , .. functioned for considerable periods under petticoat governm ent When those on the board absented themselves from meetings, because of pique or for b etter reasons, th eir secretaries were left to carry on af»a*rs ° f sfate. Fine Program tem pt to bring up the "dead Issue” sales tax th is time in the form of a luxury u x ; he took a leaf from the book of his opponent Joe Dunne by ra p ­ ping the state dep artm en t of agriculture for too much inspection and neglecting to find new m ar kets. M ention was also made of Oregon's need for a m ining bureau, lower interest and am ortlza- tion charges, and he denounced a proposal to divert School program s as presented in the schools of today are most interesting and entertaining. The program s are a testi- monial to the many qualifications now re- Basollne tex money fr°m h* h*ays schoof‘8' »mired o f t e a c h e r s S u c h w o r k h e ln « t n M artin is going into office with a friendly j i , , 3 i s> 9 UC' 1 W j r k h e l p s t o legislature behind him . th e county judges have round out tne education Of the Child and voted to support him , a n d so it appears probable bring out the most th a t is in them for th a t he will be given every chance to dem onstrate th e future. The w riter had the good for- th « effectiveness of his proposed program .-N ew berg tu n e to h ear the David Hill school Christ- 8crlbe- m as program Friday afternoon and feels th a t any parent or grown-up can have a m ost enjoyable tim e by attending such T h a t C r i m i n a l S y n d i c a l i s m L a w functions. The students, teachers and Frin­ i i is ap p aren t th a t during th e coming legisla- c ip a l Lester M ooberry are to be con- tlve session a determ ined effort will be made to g ra tu la te d on their fine work, and the repeal the Oregon C rim inal Syndicalism Law Those sam e will x undoubtedly hold true for other cere of > V h° ^ ¿ 1 ^ ’, ^ oi th^ tUte *7 _ t .- i i . i , ----- „ L . x x r „ .u ._ _ 4 --------------- ln our belief th a t there is nothing contained Alum ni of Hilhi will gath er Friday niirht a t - - th - e - high school gymnasium to ~ • ■■ -■ ren e w old friendships. School day friend- iv iic w u .u , e ..,i, sh ip s should not tie allowetl to fade out w ith th e y e a rs and it IS hoped th a t a goodly n u m b er will be present from the sJonto... various eluuxen C la . • • back throillfh the , v e a r * • • -------------- “We ore engaged as a nation tn undoing mistakes o f th e oast recU fylng thorn so th a t in th e future we w tr n tb e paying so mudi of a penalty as wc are p ay in g Uxtey — President Roosevelt. th erein th a t is contrary to the principle of good American citizenship, and th a t t h e law-abiding citizen has nothing to fear from It. Repeal of the law would mean surrender to the very forces th a t are now attem pting to overthrow our social system. T here is nothing in the law which prevents you —X . -- ----- •----- —x, — ------- and J- « citizens from standing « th e street corners and proclaim ing to the world th a t we are dissatlsfl»?d With our form of governm ent and th a t we advocate changes which to th e ordinary citizen m ight seem revolutionary But. we m ust advocate th a t these ch“11«*8 ** m“dc in an orderly m anner and not through violence and terrorism . If we ad- vocate physical violence we run afoul of th e law. T here is nothing to be gained by rubbing out a statu te which robs no citizen of his rights to be heard and which exist« only as a safeguard against seditious a c ts —Southw estern Oregon News. Four Persons Hurt I loiiday Accidents Mrs Esther M Audci am of P o rt­ land suffered an Injured hip C h rist­ mas afternoon when the car In ! which she was riding was Involved In a collision on the Canyon road r u s t of Itcaverlon. Tim s. North Plains residents were j injured Sunday afternoon when their car was Involved in u colll- j sio n with one drlveu by Fred Berger or Cornelius. Elgin, Frank a u d Fred Lankey of North Plains were hurt bi the accident which hup- , pencil near the West Union church. T h re e P e rs o n s In ju r e d in C h r i s t m a s A c c i d e n t Events Past Year attenriin» » w*sh-i Mr and Mrs. L. B. Loom- unnerra association in Los i i > Aligeir “ 1 1? jn d family of Portland. Sm ith March 15 W W Boscow county in Cal., is spending the ttie holidays holidays'"with B,' Iu ,iiu £ ,^ tap,XX>S’> 4,111 Joe Reuk treasurer, and Mrs. Martha Emerick, arenLs Mr. V4r and ,,,,1 Mrs C e- «Uisooro his parents, ro u rly native daughter, die. Mrs. ‘ a s- Kruchek. Mlssionarv Guild Meets— Maud Boscow named county tre ____ __ of __ urer. March 31 set as end of CWA .M r and Mrs. Jake R ufer and Missionary GnUd the ____E. M children oi E nright left for their church will meet next T hursday County banks honor county w ar- Vls.t Wllh Mr. 'a ix i1 Mrs. E *J* <’f Mrs. S herm arn1 ^ ^ n - s . a“L?iaUmil>wvn» reversaV ofB rw ides Peterson. Love a n d Friendship.” Topic. •»«-•'o »>•» wi o i u o u . i M r a n d Mr« n V ''O rientals In American Life and case decision d a u g h ^ ^ t ? y V p ^ n l « * SSd ^ V h e fust* L id th £ d r iS S L S .u “ ^ e d p.onZr" Mrs. Margaret a P ow - Miss Helen Wilcox were C hristm as in th? text b £ k Mrs. T lw m asT ’mi- M w h » PW dies. pleads guilty h Ol Mr aud Mrs. G. T. Me- nell will report on the Women s to’ attem pt to Pointer t Keith Kruchek aviation school school aviation s .” — - ~ w jg ’ £ friends are invited lo in t inatA iiattn« t < w U » i u __ " iT T 2° p0* * 2 £ • O eU e' Ix-Roy Mills und Charles Kay of Wc wish to i-xnre . our thniik- Brook to represent state in for the many acts of kindness'*" and m o n .trillio n ---------- contest Ht ____... Pacific -ymputhv extended - d, ----------------- - . — durlm ----- ng our re- International liiness and si«»« t 11,» i iiiiio I Livestock i , i > i .«aw ex x exposition w | n ,*»4 11» ’ 11 '7 » ’“ “ . reavem - rnl. , th , e --- - --- S eptem ber 20 Perry W W illiam s m T s -“ s ' vj’iv «... 'n i r r . '¿‘“ V’ nl: snaiiv Of iniU b o io killed w hen stru c k bj f„ r th e iw uutiful floral trib u te s s h e r if f C onnell s car. C ourt end.. T he Fam ily < rv h ' on rell,' i ron,,nUlec September '21 Assessed valuation of county set $86.5(15 lower than ia>t year Mayor O Phelps hurt in auto accident October 4 Fire Prevention week - 1 N County dair>intn and buslncsNinen triC( number seven announces lower protest a g a in st, acta of th e P o rt- p,.( ia i t ax lew Hillsboro declar- U> b A ,oln, P a .„sLall n d ^ t .tion M a ’rnaiit» id T o Ina». t i n ' i?nd w nu ,? ,7 K O n * C" ntro1 chapter, o . E 8.. will be held to- .'y!Lba,_n R M*r . Civil war veteran, dies. night a t th e Masonic Temple April 5 Dairymen and business ------------------------- ... .... , men support milk bill resolution Mrs. Lx'Roy Walker, wife ol Metho Tb Aro,« An.wartn ® lnlM Mrs. In Portland .... land. Cal., is spending th e holidavs r Professor w i e w i r Frederick rT w ric a A a Lucas in , Is si with Cal.. her brotfier-tn-iaw and sis- hls tXJok ¿,Andna'a l*?e Past/ APii!. 9 mill destroyed by ter. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Megargel. spTai " K„ fo1 $ * * * tecrt? ' f‘r e , OrF*on I’IroducU observed, u ^ ' A ^ ^ C ^ ^ v S i U n ; ShOrt: 4 Y Oi C*Ch ^ n ^ K . * . P " ¿ Ut X n U 2 S n l « - J t a '..7?ii?.da _ ." d d to lie flat until they reach the Jad u aU ^°x en X " R E Public Forum ,-d low' 4 tax lrvy h» of 'I“!«' »“ u> hl,v* on ' assessed valuation 50 p,.r cent caJli, va| U(. o le ii Powers dica. October 1 1 -County men win honor# al , n, er!iatl()Ilal Hhndy Brook tram diam plon 4-H dem onstration team ol northwest October 18 City budgrt shows ln<'rease G en eral M urttn speaks at chamber of commerce. HlUil special lax unchanged Farm ers turn down , „rn -hog plan for another year October win In O ctober 25 Blerly boys w com m ercial Natlonul bank corn aboa WlndsU,nn lltl, county and d“ ’' ^ November I Joe E Dunne, guber­ natorial candidate, speaks a t loral . rally — z- •••- M • P. Cady und A H. Busch inakc property trade November 8 -C h a rle H M u t i, named governor It F ra n k P e o n . jX " ™ £ c l t£ g ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ oor(> fly cause plowing up of c° unty whea>- r n ^ r ^ ln 1 reHef” 3 ' Memorta. Day S e o m m lU c e T Immediate Cash Buyer 40 t<> 60 Acres; must have good buildings, good road, within 50 miles of Portland. Price not to exceed $7500. Insure with TUALATIN VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY W. G. IDE m i M a in M rc c t lllllxtM»ro. O rrg nn generM (1r t /n s a i “i *20'??3' .. November* 15 City t« enforce I S‘d,‘” lk n>Pa‘r V fU rw ”‘ Our Yesterdays He-sslan H KV S ( I I ATE All « '" 7 " * _ ^ .< ?nd ^ . . _ w w Jaqulth ^ . yJ W2 S , ^ I y r ! i r 2 i , R e- "» T illam o o k 12 to 0 federal d . & ing the holidays . with her ? P parents, ! llef and SERA offices merged Mr. and Mrs. Earl Donelson. disease clean-up starts in county. May 17 -State convention of I Mrs. N. Nye of Spokane. Wash., November 22—County farm ers get I Farm ers’ Union held here David wheal check, o ld , and Miss Flo Nye of Seattle, Wash,, Davies aged resident of Masonic discussed * * are spending the week with Mr' T hirty Years Ago and Mrs. J. M. Person. Ar_ nec ’ he 22 ~ian4 Re . home' •UH«! by auto. Rivalry keen November 2B—S tate milk boar I i Miss Louise Fischer, student a t Oakmari pleads guilty to m urder j ,o[ P rlm “ry election reports on activities W ashington . 8 ^a te c?“ ?8e, *s spending in second degree in May 24—M artin and Dunne nom- . i county scrip redeemed. "Phlladel- ln second f , |l|lM.r M,rfrrP() <(\«ntinu*«i from pair» ••nel August » G ilbert Walling and Jtired Juw Injured (arsons were liquor store opened In Hillsboro Roy Freeman, both or Portland, taken to the Jones hospital February 22 -County quota C W A ! * i i w when n x k truck goes into workers cut. but projects In p ro -| «Hb h near Forest Orove Firth un- Marriage l.leeusea cess of completion to be continued, dual irrigation tour visits county. Darrall K Prewtng ond Ixils Hoy Scouts launch drive to collect August 10 Politicians start rum - Grace Jones, both of Tigard Dr household goods for needy 11 E. pulgn drive. a M ating. I n c . announced as noin- August 23 County fair open I ow ell E iford M 'Ali a r a n d A iulA ineo* of Frosted Foods to control with C. D Minton as manager [ey M ay b elle J o n e s, both of llllla- Fin v -M Alin it n i i u i c r v iirliiitn u 'iit tu x e s fo r tfrtn a n d nrim I x * fo , 1 N*<*t*nibt,r M arch l Closing dan. for e n t e r , » c a rs t<> he f<>reckH.-d Hayden w Literal of miLsboro August 30 FVdera. Housing ac. S T V l ' . l t ó K *W P lnk corn-hog program announced. ooro visitors today. ard B ram ann and children of T a- William II. Pointer of D urham con- _____ a rte d here w ith j M . Person ns W illiam A lbert ¡‘etera of G asto n Mrs. C. E. Lytie. Mrs. C arrie El- Mr. and Mrs 81d fesses attem pt to poison Mr and county dialrm an Shute bank de- route 2 und Sylvia Julia D u n k or id W Morion L y tle , left ¿£hei? o f ^ S d nd dl¥lclend W lllto « Cornelius muw 1 With the tide th a n against it. and. therefore, have Mrs. Delbert Stark of Portland given th e President assurance th a t they will play Miss Rosemary Snyder and Jake Lheir Part so, ln « the stru tg le back to full each recovery'. of Mr. Salem were C. C hristm as becomes more evident week tha, Burns of and Mrs. C. Sny- the nation, as a whole, feels th a t it is fully Justified der- m readjusting itself to take advantage, a t the earliest , M r. and Mrs. H R Em m ott and possible moment, of improving conditions. While wc. I L. F Em m ott and Mr and Mrs. ln the Paclfic Northwest, are a p t to be im patient at w Walch were Christm as dln- the slow motion effect of better times, as we see I Morgani ’ ‘ * ° H R despite the cnarges OI ten m ounted police- men. Their attitude is also shown in the Wholesale killings of opponents in Russia. More power to the patriotic groups lhem here we musl forget lhls same ____________ ____ o . the ... -O.-, nearly . . two years behind the a ____ n a loyal Citizens th at _____ are _________ fighting Pacific .W.U.WCD. Northwest was forces th , a t would East , in experiencing . repeal . . crim inal . syndl- - , i the stunning „ , blow j we , call De- , caltsm laws and perm it the w holesale pression and certainly are not justified in believing a d v o c a c y o f th e r e v o lu t io n a r y c r e e d o f tilat we nu« h t be the ilrst em er8e B ut we d ° fayocacy^ oi ine revolutionary creed Of know thM , had It not been for President Roosevelt s th e communist. Such laws Will never hurt personal interest in th e Northwest and th e wise a t- o r bother the good citizenship of this titude of Republican Senator McNary, we would have country. bad fa r more serious problems to meet th an those ■ W. F. Hollenbeck Buried Vancouver Local Folk and Their Friends A Happy, Prosperous ami Healthy New Year for the friends, subscribers, and XVilh W M th I . Com hlnW t h . ,llll»h o ro In d r p .n 4 .n , advertisers is the heartfelt wish of the B lllsbo ru Ancua m tab. 1*84 HiUsboro Independent eatalv 1*7« publishers and employes, who m ake up M r K IN N K Y A M r K IN N K Y . I'ubllahara Fubliahad Thuradaya. Enterad aa aeeond-elaaa m atear in t h . the imm ediate family Of th e H ills b o r o A r ­ M r. and Mrs. Lowell Brown eu- pu a to /fira a t Hilteboru. Oreaun gus. At the sam e time we wish to express tertained with a dinner o n c i’irhii- our appreciation of the patronage and { ^ ^ ‘B ro w n ^ /M d “ ^ * " ^ ^ M RS. K. c . M c K in n e y w vern e M c K inney Aaoociata Ed itor support accorded, which m ade it possi- Flannery and daughter of Willa- Editor ble to publish a new spaper worthy of this ™d“ daigtu^s. m ? L i " Mm^R F irst Audited Paper. L a rg ­ ftfew ber— Oregon Stato Edi­ est Audited W eekly Circula- to ria ] Association and N a ­ community. A. Oean and daughter. Mr. and tion in Oregon tio n a l ________ E d ito ria l __________ Association ... , . . Mrs Harley Uurdg of McMinnville M em ber of the A u d it Bureau of C irculation We also want to express our sincere p m Warner. e l . Dean <3 c a rl- appreciation of the splendid and untiring ton. Maurice Dean. Francis Brown O F F IC IA L NEW SPAPER OF W A S H IN G T O N CO UNTY work done bv the thirty Argus commu- a»d «he host and luxaess. Safcarription Rates S tric tly Cash in Advance nity correspondents and to express t h e m M f ^ . A » . ' •«-00 P e r y e a r _______________ ll.S t) U . 8- Outside Oregon >. BO hope that they will receive the continued shall of Portland; Lawrence Mar- S is months ____________ .S6 Foreign Countries — hearty co-operativn of the people of their “ pX dAito“caL*Mu'd a 7.V; The H illsboro Argus assumes no fina ncia l m sponaibility for com m unity SO th at all the news may b e Sewell and Jam es Sewell of Hllls- errors published in its columns, but in case# where this paper „1 ' boro were C hristm as guests of Mr. is a t fa u lt w ill rep rin t th at part of an advertisem ent in which p rin tto . and Mrs. Fred Sewell and M ai­ the typographical m istake occurs. lt is the constant aim of the Argus A n Independent Newspaper. Whoee Services and Policies family to give the best new spaper service , Mr. and Mrs c a rl Trachsei ami are Based on the P rinciple o f the Golden Rule. ‘And as ye would that men should do to you. do ye also to them like* possible and to be able in some modest ^‘"'sniehie*' Mr'* L dM Mr?ndH u in : wise.**- M atth ew 7 :1S. m easure to feel th at they have »lone a siaelile and children of Helvetia, new spaper job th at is w orthy of the com- a“d chU d^i^w ^C l^i^Sm gm “is Commends Patriotic Groups munity. W e sincerely hope that the job of of M r. and Mrs. Fred Amacher. Mr, and Mrs- Bayfield Pooiey and Subversive activities in the nation are new spapering ► ,,, . . „ service done will continue daughter Evelyn of Portland an. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Em m ott of being carefully scrutinized by a congres­ to merit the kindly support and co-opera- accorded this newspa- Eoiest Grove were Christina« break- sional comm ittee in the east and there tion . that has i been . i» . . . . . ia-'1 guests of Mr. amt Mrs. H R Enunott. has been considerable discussion in this per to r nearly 11 years. Mr. and Mrs. E. B arham and state in recent weeks, particularly since ------------------------- children of Salem. Mrs Elizabeth the O regonian started editorial opposition Kellogg ¡uid Mrs. Dons Jacobson oi to the crim inal syndicalism law. Ability to Pay Should be Basis K “ Mrx«‘d m « s l *?«. s U 5 - The attitude of patriotic organizations alian. Countv tax totals cut 1935 levies— sems to us to be extrem ely im portant, Mrs. L. G Selfridge. Miss Pauline significant and well tim ed. The Ameri- headline. Any tax reduction, no m atter seltridge ami Lloyd, spent C hrist - can Legion has gone on record against how small, is cheering to the property J m t o T □ " v S d i i K th e repeal and has publicly comm ended owner. O ur present property tax is anti- Portland were aiso p r e s e n t . '° ° the Oregon Journal for its stand in op- quated and unjust. It does not take into Mr. ami Mrs r . c . Vaught and position to the repeal of this law, which consideration the ability to pay, which ttele" gives protection to the loyal Am erican should be the basis of all taxation. W hen guests of citizen against the radical activities of any new plan is sought so m any smoke Mr and Mrs. Wayne Vaught. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Wilkes and „ „ screens of propaganda go up th at it is communists. tcAd.” ' All members are urged and Mrs. Lynn Wilkes of Port- , Rice W. Means, representing the Span­ very difficult for the people to learn the Mr. land, and Dr Lews Wilkes Ager of w LaGrande were C hristm as guests of Mr and Mrs- L- A Long spent ish-Am erican W ar Veterans, took a de­ tru e facts. Mr. and Mrs. L. E Wilkes ,he week-end and C hristm as a t the term ined stand before the congressional \ Mr. i r and „„a Mrs. Mr- W O. Joos „ home en- P o r tla n of d thetr son. Donald Long, ill com m ittee when he urged th at the de­ tertained w ith a C hristm as dinner for Mrs. F lora Baker. Earl Baker , Mrs. Perry Brown of the Masonic , - p artm ent of justice be given authority “ d M r? i# erH.OJ < £ iim '‘' " ld Mr Mw* S t " c 5 K d U « S £ and funds to keep constantly informed as to the menace of communism and th a t F e n i ^ i l ^ “L d RM \ T Leo’ii i h R.«e?st 8 ^H ters went to Dallas Wed- laws be enacted m aking teaching or Times are Better teaching at Garibaldi, arc spending n rsd.iy on a business trip, preaching of communism or overthrow of Because of—or in spite of—the New Deal, ac­ the holidays a t the home of their the governm ent a felony. il. r. H. ri Rogtrs. B echi n s 1‘ ^u n lo n ~ cording to the political viewpoint of the critic, there Few people are more cognizant of is a decided tu rn for the better in many sections of M i. a n d Airs. t, t.- Kjornes. win) '»r. mid Mrs. *.». ( . Bccncn o f conditions than are the district attorneys the nation. Argue as we may over th e prem ises^the Vn“ IUhayc‘'k '- a .^ 't h t ^ 'i i - l ^ Y m u u u n i o n ^ t * S home' MondayllThox. Of Oregon, who held th eir annual session fact IS so p aten t th a t it cannot be denied. From place at Witch Hazel, were Huis- present were Mr and Mrs How- in P o r t l a n d T hursday, December W7. 19:11 P H | Q H i f h - E lf it lin c y TUBES i . n j o y better tone •nd g re s trr per­ form ance with the new l o n g e r - l i f e r i f l L C O Tubes! " '’fxcem ber 6-HIIIU loses to Forest Orove 6 to 0 County tax levy voted al *378 032 Work , started on Hills h ™ P"t,n ce December 13 Mrs. 8. May Oreer. futes rum ors of graft. long time resident, dies. Banks an- June 7— J- H f,,lca 1 or I nounce interest slash. nndr i J , 5 . K rn ' ' December 20 Council p a s s e s mien and J J. Wlsmer for council-, d rainage ordinance. Total of taxes men. Selfridge Bros. Phone XIX ln county lower than last year. June 14—Judge John D ennis,' PIIII.CO BEALERA former Hillsboro mayor, dies ln I KI.KY'H CHATEAU California H. L. MacKenzIc and i SiU^hter Evelyn of Marshfield sp e n t, Hillsboro postm aster t o succeed P. L, Patterson heads of chamber stm a as « week-end week-end w with Mr. W akgener’ c n n stm ith M r and I S u fw --------------- Mrs. F. W. Walch | Mrs j ,, p,eper died a t Farm -1 of commerce. Dairy co-operative , Arvin Robb, student a t University I lngton December 15. i case settled by agreement. of Oregon, is spending the holidays Hillsboro Is becoming more metro- June 21 -Two playground pro-: a t the home of his parents, D r and \ politan every day. S hute Savings : gram s started here City watt'i Mrs. J. O. Robb. | bank will pay Interest on savings1 users demand rate cut. M P Cady Now a t Thanksgiving and K enneth C randall of S an F r a n - (deposits. i named chairm an district seven cisco. Cal., Is spending the holidays: T H Tongue Jr. appointed city: txnird Christm as time when y o u r with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Max attorney. June 28 -Washington county pio­ fam ily is gathered together is Crandall. F iftee n Years Ago neers and native sons and daugh-1 the time to consider this ques­ m i». j u i i u s nsoanr and Miss Helen Argi Mrs. Julius Asbahr and Miss Helen Argus. December 25, 1919 —J. J. ters meet a t Shute park. tion. Asbalir are spending the week in VanKleek At Sons of K inton have ,„ iv A _ p i i v se e k s w irlen lm , n t O ur complete slock and expert a d ­ J?™ ?11“ a t th« home of H arry world's champion dairy cow, wins) B , vice regarding memorial a t y o u r X and Mrg H c V n Behrpn twe° rfadt s WCOrd as Producer ot but-1 | B Beaverton eaverton seicetea »« " h L , d . v s " sclceted as "Happy Days” service. -* ---------—' — harles ' of Salem were Christm as guests en of I C S Davis, supreme chan- dueen. OREGON M ONUM ENT WORKS ! uciiur oi rkiiigiius oi l'yinia», manes ««a«/ -lu n in u u iivci uuuu »» »» . . . Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Putnam and ( cellor of K nights of Pythias, makes July 12—T ualatin river flood c o n -| family — official . . . visit . . . to . lodges . . . made. . Joseph . . — of ................ this d is - i 1 — trol study Belanger. **• '» • öt«nnaru, Mgr. Hillsboro, Ore. assistant county agent, transferred Mrs. Beulah H arris and d au g h ters' trlPt ,*?cre Frlday„ r i.,- ii._ i spent — . ’zAlzI i wave ir n o n Le, 11 (of f Porttand Christm as’' withi r 001(1 kuis many c h i n a to Morrow county. Forest Orove Mrs. Rose Cox and Mrs. Lena Mor- Ph«af« nte. Henry K anina of Bloom- National bank hold 4-H sheep rls. Ing reports th a t birds by the h u n ­ show. City to cnf»>rce occupation j Mr and Mrs r , | areas dreds perisnea perished oui out m his s way. . . Buhl. Id^h” we’re Q u esta J ” th i ,UT C businosf*i, bo» ^ r - Pros* tcam 'd e fe a ts local •viuul bp^rtflc team defeats local squad. Pacific I H Mrs. W Cora 8teln*e homp 1“ t P'