THE , t Orenco People Plan Service hospital Portland spent Bunday i with her parent». Mr and Mr». J. I*. Rogers. Igile Ilaughmaii from the CCC camp a t Rouge river In home to spend the Clirtstmus holidays. Mr and Mrs Tom A William.» ol Portland are visiting Mrs William .' parents. Mi and Mrs. lXMlle C •’ rgel,. Honor Roll Given 't'lav.e arlor 'Pile hostess fur the ulleruoon Hie Mestlames Na- thanlel Rone and N. Bradley. Mr. and Mis B A. Mitchell a t­ tended a Christm as dinner und family gathering a t the home of Mr. mid Mrs. It E. Wilcox In Vancouver. Wash. Mrs. W f H unter attended the C hristm as tree und entertainm ent held In the Congregational church at Hillsboro Bunduy evening H IL L S B O R O Victorious Christian Living C elebrated; Roll revealed In Him, to live so near to Him th at Ida power upholds ua and gol’les us. Is to win the vic­ tory of faith. Deep and wide In all our life today Is the need of victorious C hristian living. We are In a world In which we aro talking new deals and reconstructions, and no sensible man will dlspar- ago tho need of applying coura­ geous Intelligence In tho effort to discover better methods of organ­ izing and conducting our social life. • • • AV/HEN' man finds a better In- ” strum ent or tool for bis pur­ pose than the one ho Is using, be does not need to tie urged to use th e new one and discard the old one. And there Is a sense, there­ fore, In which, as we discover a b etter way of society and men be­ come convinced th at It Is a bet­ ter way, we shall enter th at way very much as wo adopt new Inven­ tion* and better methods In the physical world. But underlying all our external life Is a persistent problem of m an’s relationship to his fellow man. No m atter how much we Improve outward conditions, or social organization, there will still be tragedy In human llfo where sin nnd selfishness continue. Whpn the social engineers have done all In th eir power to plan nnd better society, we shall be far «hurt of Its achievement unless men have the will and purpose to live In right relationships with one another. Meanness and sor­ did nexs nnd gelflshr'"-» will find a means of defeating the highest purposes, unless they themselves a re conquered and driven out by love and goodness. To overcome evil with good Is tho method and goal of the great struggle In which all good men und women nro engaged. This was the supreme purpose of Jesus In coming Into the world, and it Is the victory through Him we u u y achieve. T est: I John B tl-l'J T he Inleenatloual Bunduy Hchool L esson Uniform for D ec. tin. • • • J ti ll lesson, wlileli presents the of H o n o r A n n o u n c e d '■J tuple, "Victory T h r o u j h Christ," Int im ill’ ••» III« picture of Ill y M r*. Ilu u h llu r .le lle l C hrist ns King and Conqueror. GltKNUO All lnvltutl«»«» Is ex­ The previous Christina» story told truded to Hie entire community to of III» coining Into the world. attend u candle Unlit communion "Be of good cheer," «aid Jenus service In the church from 11 to hl» (list Iplo», "I have overcome o'clock till mldnlKht New Year'» the world." Our le»»on 1» a com­ Bve Au "iiiri ol service la being mentary on these word». In III* arranged th a t will be different. overcoming of the world, C hrist Mr». M itchell Honored give« victory to Individual men In friend« culled at the 11 A M itch­ ell home Bunday, bringing a beau­ th eir effort to overcome »In and tifully decorated birthday cake and ■elflHhnesH. Ice cream lionorlng Mr». Mitchell Wo aro living In a world th at on her blrtliday. Those present offer» consiant Incentive» to »elf- were Mr» fra n k Connell, .lean Ann Connell, Ml«» Adele Guerber. Mr iHhnesi where It doe» not tem pt and Mr;, f II Leary and daughter men to the grosser »In». B«lll»h- Elizabeth of Portland. no»» 1» In reality the deepest of Mr. and Mrs Lester Gross and all »In» and at the root of all daughter ol Portland spent Bunday sins, but It appears to ua clothed with 111« brother, Calvin On»»», and In dlngulscd and «oinetlince a t­ family. tractive form». Mr». B. I.. Carlyle returned Thursday evening from a le* A man may ho very unselflnh « vl»l with relative i and toward III» own family or hie own friends In lx* Angeles, Cal. group or hl» own country, hut at Ernest Will’ l l and children H el­ Iho Hit mo time rut hies» In actions en and Hlierwond visited Mr. Wil­ ns they affect other people end lett'» parents in Newberg Bunday Mr and Mr», Clutrlle Penner of other countries. A man may clothe Mr an.i Mis. J c M a rk of New­ Portland were Bunday guest» of under the guise ot ambition, «no port iuid Mrs. Agnes B ryant were Mr. and Mr.. W. 11 Klug und fam ­ dinner guest» of Mr. und Mrs W cess, and what 1» called “enlight­ ily. ened »elf Interest,” a courso of d u e :« at the J P. linger» home f H unter Bunday. Bunday guests a t the H erbert' life th at 1» utterly out of h ar­ Bunday were Mr. and Mr». Runsell Bchetdt home were Rev. Edward mony with Chrl-tinn» service and D uert and titre' chlldien ol P o rt­ Beheldl and Mr and Mrs. Louts the principles of love and brother- land. Mr. und Mrs Jack Huger« and Z urcher of Rock Creek Mi mid Mr» C P. Beck mid Mr. bO d. e e e sell Il a ■|«,nt C hristm as week with und G W laiywn ol Pm . relatives and friends In Portland. land Mrs r | ' n overcome the world In our will have as then C' M i» A gues Bryant spent Chi 1st- guests Mr. and Mrs f M Hull mid own hearts and In our own m as with tier »on. lalto y llryant, children of Marshfield, also Mr. Bvc» Is no cheap or easy victory, und family In Portland. C. A Wheeler anil L M. Stark Becks father and two b ro th ers ot Wn ennnot arc.inpllsb It unle»* of Portland were Bunduy guest» at Portland. Mr Ball 1» agent for wo live on a high plane where we Consolidated Truck lines a t Marsh- the II E Burdette home. liuvo the constant Inspiration of Mias Lorene Woodward of San Held. Mr and Mrs Curtis W arner and communion with those who have franelsi'o arrived Saturday eveiun ; Mr- W llfert attended a lived nobly and who have left u* to spend the C hristina» holiday., play at Ernest the Calvary Tabernacle in a good examplo. with her parents, Mr. and Mi Portland Bunday evening. L T. Woodward, and family. The height of all such com­ A large crowd attended the Joint Mr and Mrs. Tom Pleren and Christm as entertainm i n t and treat munion with (ho most Inspiring two children of Helvetia spent Bun­ day with Mr. und Mi’s. 3. W presented by tlic Bunday school and examplo that It offers, and the public school held In the selie’e power of a Savior to help us, 1» In Baughman und faintly Friday night. A very our relullon Io Jesus. To find God Mr. und Mis Jack Robertsun and. auditorium program was given under: daughter Clludvs ol Portland spent enjoyable the supervision ot MISS Marie Mc- Bunday with Mrs. ltolxrtson'« als- Klnnls. g : Ml C l.a r le It s i a: d ' all iiy. Offlrlul and Unofficial New« — Mr and Mrs. W alnard Hlliipa of Boise, Idaho, arrived Bunduy to All that Is fit to print In Hillsboro spend the holiday» with Mr. and and the county — Court, arresu . (Ils Mi- Richard llumtsrl Mrs. M L Goble. Mr. Itllppu Is school., taxes, weddings, b i r t h s , ORCHARDALE An exchange of located In Hillsboro il » government deaths, society. Every week In the present« was enjoyed H by the tmaa engineer In construction of the Argus, pupils of school district No. new post office. ixt Friday uftrenoon. In the eve­ El.It V S ( H ATE \l l Mie. Olive Rogers of S t Vincent ning a large cruwd attended the program given by Miss Jenkins and the pupils. Those taking p art In the th ree-act play, "G randpa's Christm as S p ree.'' were: Donald Wright. Lucille Klann. William Hudson. Jeanette Wilson, Harry Wright. Ralph Tmunerman. Alice Hudson. Frieda Tim merm an. Clara Hunger. LaVern Klann, William K lann William Hudson and Ray­ mond Hunger gave a recitation. The program wits interspersed with FREE DELIVERY — PHONE 2001 C hristm as carols. The school house w.i . decorated with Christinas dec­ oration.» and a pretty tree. Suc­ Fri., Sat. and Mon.—-Dec. 28, 29 and 31 cess wa» attributed to Miss Thelm a Jenkins, teacher. Bags of candy BRAND and n uts were contributed by it ,,z iM,iii,. Jam es A. Baintord of Hillside. Jtm Hayden of! sprnt KELLOGG 8 Wednesday and Thursday with Mr 1 pkg'. and Mrs. J. It. Hayden. W alter Hayden 1» visiting with MACARONI CHEESE Mr. and Mrs. Hayden of fo rest Full cream. P orters. Kleen Park x* Grove >1 lb, B irth day of «il 1» Orchardale Pupils Enjoy Jchristmas < hrl RUCHEK’S ASH GROCERY '- r a lu V IP l RUBY 10c 15c C O R N FLAKE'S O-f pkg. T U N A FISH Ik/III V MT | I V 1 1 L .A 17c 27c 23c 1-lb. PACK 81ze >a. VERNON U || r