» Epworth League Presents Pageant Sunday Eve Mrs. H L Fitzgerald and Iris Chris!naii ¡11 tJie home of het- Stephen oi Aiiilly. Irving Stephen hio e Mis Claud Cooke, nurtlirast uiul T. A Malm o( south oi llllls- ,o f Hill,lain* 1 boro. Mlv* n u u tu n e e CocbnuK«. Mihinit Miss Geneva ami Rudolph Mar- nt MoniiumUi. ht jtpeiuiltiir the h<>|| d a i. «Uh her sister. Mrs J W ugg of Batlleford. Saskatchewan. Canada, are s|M-ndillg Hie holidays Barney «Uh Mr. and Mrs A I, Chase and Mr and Mrs II W Harnes .peni Mr ami M 1, li I M.ougg Of Clnisluias wl(h Mr and Mrs W ar­ Tobias. They ure niece and nephew ren Barnes and famlly at Cor- of Mrs. Cl lose aild Mr Marugg neliua. Miss Janette Cadv. student at Mr and Mr« Edward O. Coiniin Gregor M u , lege. Cvivatlls, is ‘Peni Christinaa In Portland wuh sprnduig the h >lldays «Uh ln r •^,l 1 M. Phillip« and Mr- Hniali pan s Mi aii,| Mr, M p Ca.ly RP>«n. Mias ai ne Richards, at,o of Gre- gon u ........... .. “ ‘b - CBdy home 8 ta Friday Mrs Mr. and M r.*» T. G Ilronleewe and family sjh hi C iiruum u and WCdnesilay ,1, Portland with Mr. „ Hlrul>h, and Mrs Victor ('ordov.i They were / m m , o im «« » . . . . » » all C hristina « „ c i s , Mr ,,nd , ' PV ’ ,N , ,Mt 1 P 4 IN nto»'* « >'<> Mr., (1 II. e M atli tilled the school piograui given >11 the grange hall at Buxton rc- M Natalie Van Moock and port an enjoyable enlertulum ent l‘‘Oi. Mt and Mi < Kenneth »John Halley. Grace Hirubb. Ilarrl- Ihersdori , ... » son ai.ti Mr. and Teller, h'oirest and Fruncla Mrs L. C i.oinax and lamlly were Kirk from this district took part In Sunday guests a( (he home of the exerciaei Mrs Emina Dierdorff Miss Rulli Bailey is home from Monmoiilh normal for the Christ Mr. and Mrs CUarles Lunge. Mrs mas holidays R e Crouch. Mrs M an Clark all Teller of I’ortlund Vtallcd 1 I Portland, and Mr. and Mrs Dan at Harry the home of his brother, C. A B. Biukluiher spent C linslm as ut Teller. Saturday the home of m , m,d Mrs. Edwin Sunday y isttor it Mrs Theresa Burkhalter. Smejkal were M mid Mrs. 'Town- Mr. and Mrs. J l, Anderson and send June and Jean 'Poansend of soils spent Christina, Eve in _____ Pun Sunset. Mr ami Mrs Frank Schmlil- and with Mr and Mrs Edward dn and ehllilren. Sam Sm ith and fdedberg. 'They « re gin ,t,s Christ- Ed Smeik.il ol Tri llarne mas (lay „( u,,. Adolph Benson The Peerles« cream ery of P o rt­ home. land has started a route 011 Green Mountain amt will rollect cream Mr. and Mrs. A. M Juutisen and annly of Reedvllle left Salurday Mondays and Tlmrsdny ■ i 1.0s Angel,-, c.,1 They mil a l ­ El.KVS ( I t i l i t r mi the football game at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on New Year's Mrs. c . A Shipley, Mrs. George McGraw. Mrs Hay Parmley Mrs George Wilcox, Mrs Ed Barngrover (By B. A lihan) Miss Anna, and Ed and George Schneider. Bob Bovee and Ban MONTA1N HOME M o u n t a i n (By Mrs. Eretl W aif a id ) H artm an Home church luid standing room BANKS Freshm en entertained John Wahl, wlio is attending the onlv Sunday evening at th e 'c h rist with the annual Christm as party state school for the deal at Salem. lnas Program A special feature was a t the high school Friday after- is visiting his parents. Mr. and s?ladi!i' l^ctores used to illustrate noon. A program by members of Mrs. A C. Wahl, and family dur- C hristinas story front the Bible, the freshman class, and group sing- mg th e vacation. Friday afternoon A choir consisting oi pre- mg made up the program. A lter- Mrs Wahl and John attended the sc™’° 1 a8‘\ children ami primary wards S anta Claus distributed gifts program of the Portland day school S 'c ? 1*!.1 dr<’'--'*'d. 111 cynven- to all Ute students. tor Ute deal at Hosford school in Vlis\ u i n 'V h m r i i m ^ b a d Friday evening the Banks grade Portland. Jo h n attended this school ' „nm eein.'nre an t u i ' i im school presented their Christm as last year. *” " 5 ,i“ nd ' Jo, ’n program to a large audience. The p p H o lg a te M r a n d M r s a ~ * d 1‘' e Pri*Kran’ AI' n r o c r a m c o n s is te d o f r e c i t a t i o n , r 1 .1 j , ° * ',, e’ .. Mr A ler the program everyone w a re - ^ S n d ~ “ ^ c h ^ s ¿d £ °L d Hl,1^ r - " T d tarse ,bag of sp va‘ni' C h r i s t m a s D i n n e r ” B o th h ie h a n d o u . u . g ro v , r and Mts. Aliie and nuts and an apple rade ^lioort will re-nuen lm Pa™’le>' ‘>f ¿ i r Grove were guests Mountain Home school closed itan- ■ ’ * re o p e n Ja n of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parmley S un- Friday with a brief program and A t S u n d a y az-hool S u n d a y n sn rn -- — presentation Of gifts. Most of the mg a short a r e G, ! ¿n „ ? r- “nd , ' i ? H,’nry Youl,g of of <»e Uistrict «ere pr >- bU th e c l i d d r ^ V f t e r t h > n r o i r a n H l‘ cal,ll' d 011 the H L Jensen ent r!le toucher. Miss Ruby Hixl- S a r r l r i - n r e ru n e in an? . A , , Mon afternoon sop. h a d assisted every scho.’l child box ^ f S r n id v t o 111 c h B d r e i ? o r e s ^ r »»aUd M,s. 8 W. Ani””'’'tou> to make a gift tor his or he,- father box of candy to all children pres- ,Uid m , .uld Mr< Claude Morgan and mother. These consisted of hat s ’u n d a v e v a n i n a in s t e a d nf th e M anzanita were visitors of Mr. stands, flower boxes, tie racks, tu t regular c h u rc h serv irere Mie* Fn -Melissa Jackson and Bella Purdin racks hot dish holders and hand- u S S iie hn u : w H i e nrc mt’ « P° “ land last Monday. Mr. and kerchiets. This school «HI begin .n_ueague put on the pageant. Mrs. Morgan are spending the I10I1- again December 31 with onlv one "The Quest of the Holy G ra.l " The here with the A rm entrouts d a y s vacation for New Years. pageant centered around ’ King Ar­ days with his parents also. Francis Little Miss Hamilton was brought th u r and the K nights ol the and of Portland was also home to her paren ts Mr. and Mrs. Round Table. After the pageant a Thompson guest of the Armentrouts during Percy Hamilton Saturday evening members of th e league went C hrist­ th e C hristinas vacation. from the Doernbecher hospital very m as carolmg and later gathered Lloyd is spending the much improved. The statem ent re- a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Christm as Whitcomb holidays with his folks g ird in g th e wearing of a cast, as Paetscii for refreshm ents. Those a t Willamina. printed in the Laurel Ridge items present were Patricia and K a th ­ Otto Beard of Oak Ridge CCC of last week. was an error, leen Jensen. Marie and Naomi camp spent Christm as holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Medford Courtney Rieben, Alta and Ethel Brown, his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W alter and sons Clyde and Cliiford of Marion Maxwell, Hazel Wolford. Beard. Borego. Cal., arrived here early Fri- Hazel Benefiel, Miriam Tresliani. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Eldridge of day morning to spend the holidays 1 ..'5‘V"i?n ' ,l\ atJ,1.r>n Miner, ana H i .'.s c - : o v :> .;e d Mr. and Mrs. Eli with relative-. Mr and Mr- O oun- ,' Is bi ' ' Dwiuld If Jackson Earl and Lloyd Miller. George and Grindle and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff ney are form er residents of Moim- ol Gukiaud. C al. arrived Saturday Harry Thompson. George Finck. Kennedy Sunday evening. tain Home. night to spend tlx1 holidays with Ed Maxwell. Joyce Tresham. David her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. W G. Walker visit- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall and Wilson. David Rosencrons. Ray- ed Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heltzel and daughter Shireen and Mr and Mrs Hood, and his parents at Beaverton. Brown, Rav Moss. Bon Moor,', family in Portland Sunday. Victor K indt and daughter Elaine. Mi and Mrs. L. C. Lomax and Frank Wahl, Lloyd Whitcomb, A. Mr. and Mrs. Caddie Hutchens all of Portland, were surprise guest., ,anuly and Mrs. Elininu Dlerdorfi C. Wahl. Rev. and Mrs. Ellsworth and children of Blame are spend- of Mr. and Mrs. George Allison and and William R. Dierdorff spent Tilton and Hazel. Lorena and T her­ ing the Christm as holidays with a011* December 21. They brought Christm as m Portland with Mr and esa Paetscii. a . . . , hi¿ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sifts and refreshm ents with them i. Amelia Clemens of Helvetia died Saturday. She was the first whit John Dierdorff ami sons, Ly le and Haze! W olford and Hugh Hutchens. a rd an early C hristm as tree was child born on the site of Portland, arriving in her fattier'« k and Mrs. R, a. l ’earson of H arris spent Saturday with the Mr. and Mrs. George M cFarlane enjoyed by all present. Mr. and „ op- „ Christina* ... Island. of M,. Wash., on June 2, 1844. before there was any Portland. Complete si v iu i oatiay family a t Vernonia, of Forest Grove. Erwin Shipley of Mrs. M. R. Courtney and sons were 1UU) «ere Mrs viJoSs fLeben of Portland Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. C. A a 'so guests ut the Allison home pears on page one.—C ut courtesy Oregon Journal. A. L. Ama, her. Mrs Pearson ami visited with h er parents. Mr and Shipley of Banks visited Mrs. Lydia ü iat evening. Mrs. Amacher arc slaters. ,ro “1K.Sunday Weitzel at her home at M u l t n o m a h ------------------------- Mi and Mrs. O I- Hyde of North evening till Christ mas night. Sunday. They were also supper o . < Paeteeh. wno w a t . , ;,ests of Miss Bessie Clow a t M ult- D e a V e r t O l l C h u r c h and will report at the camp at l»akot.i arrived Iasi week to make t l n r home in Hillsboro Mr Hyde tending O S. C.. is spending the nom ah Sunday evening. Westlmber on January 3. be ,. with Christm as holidays with her p ar- Mr. an d Mrs. W. T Sellers and Mr. and Mrs. F E Cornelius, y will irllll.r z.. ",. B. “ F. ‘ pile in the ente, Mr. and M m R i Paetscii. Amos Sellers were guests of Mr. Jack and Cal Jack ta ¿ nu,r!> pu sh More. Mtss H attie ^ « ^ e S S ? M a i ^ ^ K R YERTON— T O N - T The h e . Congrega- Mr. , a,'!d and Ml Mrs. p ■’ A. Anderson . were C hristm as gu. of Mr. and < and 1 , children Mr and Mrs M 1 h l'ir r fl n 11 V J A Purvis in Portland an luldreu and m l Mr church children's program Tuesday night to spe,nd to VIsit until after New Years. l J E L tf / f IL ftU O L Anderson were ChrUtmaa biic . i presented Friday evening. A Uie Christmas holidays with reía- Harlie Davies of Vancouver. Wash, was ______ Coffee club citizenship depart- of Mr. and Mrs. \v R Wioi, of white gift service was also held. ti'e s in Redondo Beach and Bur- visited Ralph Moss Sunday, m ent will hold no meeting in Ja n - tlre.siiam. ’ 1,1 1 G irl Reserve cabinet met at the __ .^s- Quy Edson. who has been in uary, B ate for the February meet- Mrs a»- Cal)' . ,, . M rs- E- E- Nickerson w ent to c Miss Mildred Twohv Wed- Portland since to nome her husband was J tug « III be announced later. oj 1 H Tullock returned the Mr. and Mrs Ernest M arr spent ponland Saturday to rem ain until r home e í d w of evening The week to tier home at A pot luck dinner taken to the veterans' hospital oM r' Mrs' after the holidays with relatives. was served Mr and Mrs. Joe Llscln and Mr Kahlotus »Vll.sll , ‘ | lu,‘'" Hilallng liilerinent was m 1 Z,'1, View i enietery. Mr Hwanson was born m Hw, ,1 Man li 3. Hilf,, „„.i ,, ,»* d' Fore | Grove «1, yean. 11., Í. “l »Iveil by four . Iillili. n ' 111' W E Ikilby. II oik I |{1V l . r and Eiluur Swanson Portin and. )’ »„4 llilllli K Swanson. Detroit Detroit. Green Mountain Pupils Perform El ItV.S ( RATI t | WK OK A I. IN HKAI. EMTATg Writ. Tira and A u l„ i„ .J.|l. M .ka L oam aa.l Iw u , KUKATLI & W lSM lji llll.l.a m iln , Taiaghuna l i a i UKKIKIN | iJ# s „ , ner was served at noon. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Eli Orinóle. Lor¿ Hamilton. xj-»»..,,. Hamilton, -------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ELRY'S CHATEAU SMI E D ’S k J M A R K E T In rear of Pigglv W iggly Store QUALITY MEAT— Specials for Saturday, Dec. 29 PURE LARD 3 i u .................... STEER BEEF and VEAL ROAST 40c BACON BACK Sugar Cured. Pound ........... 10c Pound GROUND BEEF 20c 10c Pound HAPP» NEW YEAR FREE DELIVERY PHONE 3131 P IN E A PPL E DEL MONTE Buifet G R A PE FR U IT ?E L MONTE N ... o 2 tins • tor H -O O A T S 2 Small. for Large l-Ib. tin HOUSE 31c IOC K ia ili » I lI L il c o n s i s t e d Ol v o c a l SOIOS. U '.,h e ..„ .I goodness. W hite Rover. 2.... Made 15c from pure Reindeer meat. PUREX 18c 10c bi-gallon Quart 25c 39c BREAKFAST COCOA, B aker s. i/2. .............. 10c LOG CABIN SYRUP. Medium ......................3gc H-D AMMONIA or H-D BLUING Bottle T O IL E T S O A P 5c 3 bars .......... 14C O V A L T IN E R egular 50c size. Each JOHNSON’S GLOCOAT. 1-lb. tin HOP GOLD BEER. 6 large bottles u ..,.. I..I...... . mi II ano «1rs. » lil.A SSK a KIT r m (u m n irrrlal N alU nal Hank Ann Phon« 1 SW?I .......................................... 30c $1 19 II • :•< I 10 CURRY’S GROCERY Phone 771 T r e e D e liv e r y P u c e s fo r F r i., S a t. a n d M o n ., D e e . 2H, 2 9 a n d 31 Red Tomato Juice Wesson Oil SOAP TISSUE PUREX COFFEE Wlitlf i'UIIS. No. 15c 39c 2 fo Quart can Red \ \\ hit»- Lntindry. Liirg, bars. 10 for f 29c Toilet. Blu» & White, 1000-sheet rolls. 4 for 19c 19c 29c 1 .'-gallon Jug Red & White. 1-lb. pkg. YEAR v. Muggins ai U „ o a ln > a s - ¡ « ¿ » “ sS ™ ! at the home ot their slater. Mrs^ tOJJ, aIld 8 ^ lern M. B Edwards and family of Long- c c McLean of Astoria was a view, Wash. Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs. A i Mias Jessie Ireland, a rt Instructor w ; Havei“ - „ , In a Seattle high school, is spend- Mr and Mrs- z - J R188» ing the holidays a t the home ol C hristm as a t Salem with his m o th -,, her parents, Mr. and Mrs Lester er Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. K W. Tyler o[ Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Valley of Scappoose were Clirlstmas guests of Beaverton and Mrs. J. W. Maier Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stannard. and Ted and Pearl were Christm as Mrs. Ella Sinclair of Portland guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Whld- was a house guest C hristm as at d°h the F ritz Abendroth home. Miss Jessie Boucher of Kent, Miss Blanche B ritton is spending Wash., arrived Wednesday for a the holidays with her parents at few days' visit a t the home o f ; Netarts. her cousin, 8. W. MeUluish. l . D. M arrs of Salem spent Wed- Mrs. H. L. Haag and Everett De- nesday In Hillsboro on business. zell of Seattle, Wash., arrived Wed- , C hristm as dav g u e s t s a t the G siste rV Mrs J *W k V eU i,»’ '101 hCF M Heaton home included Mr. and sister. Mrs. J. W Kelley. Mrs p Lerflle 8tephen of Salem, Harold Carlile and Howard W at- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Stephen, son have registered for CCC work and two sons of Cariton, Mr. and May wo take this opportunity to thank you for your ayal patronage during the past year. . Ohe«fNe.n R ? , a r i< r '?s o l ".t i o n f o '' , h e coming year, will b e to serve von with th best quality m erchandise nt the lowest possible price. O ur best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous rosperous New Year. Sincerely, THE MANAGEMENT. COCOA SO U P AlULK „„ 16c 5K Xu’25c M°U N T VERNON. °f 4« $ 2 .7 .) o 17C u „ X 3 COFFEE (3 lbi SSc) Lb 19c I’ AIRWAY BLEND. cB > i? ^ S U E A l f c i * ir w n z S ik J k LOUR Good hard w heat. S $1.49 ’^■.“TLfarFMDL A iib the new pouring P (P int 15c). Q uart ^ c e ll,-n t quality. Soft nnd absorbent - Regular «9c. now MACARONI"'”""“"” T O M A T O E S -” - Eln«»t pure cane. LIM E RICKEY 50C , 000. sheet rolls 1/C wesson oil deal '’ int cun w ith , nix * salmon 10 iu . A«C'C C H IP P E D BEEF '2> O1 Jar ,0*' SU G A R 39c 3,,. 25c 10C ioc 2JX 25C S P A G H E T T I" '“ ""“ lie 2 "" T U N A F ISH 10c D E V IL E D M E A T ^ our'# be,t- Crystal White 10 b . „ 29c B ISC U IT FLOUR “X e "ik“ 3^ 1" 19C 35c dash A Basket of PRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES 1935 Plenty VWL SCOT TISSUE. 3 rolls 1-lb. tin A urea uupuis 01 W hite King WALDORF TISSUE. 3 rolls JOHNSON WAX. Piggly MAYONNAISE, Durkee's. Pint ......... MAYONNAISE, D urkee’s. Quart 60-w att W estinghouse .............. a*r - ano -Mr' DO G FOOD 12c Pkg. Light Globes Each 18c 25c 25c “W heaties give as much body heat as any cooked cereal.' COFFEE MAXWELL vi.w -.™ , W H E A T IE S 25c 29c . piano solos, readings, duets "and a laugTh r ^ 8cte dud,L'x)n and 8 13 Huggins. Mr and Mrs. Paul C. Rees and play At the close of the m e e t i n i Q»uKn»er Joyce of 01 Hillsboro nuisooro were Miss Genevieve C arter presented Christm as guests of Mr. and Mrs family spent cn ristm as a t the Mr. and Mrs. G arn ett with gifts Maux>n. home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rees from the class. I Mr. and Mrs. R F Peters and in Portland. Mrs. J. E. Davis of Omaha, Neb., fj*ildren were Sunday guests of G erald B arr of Medford was a Is vlsPipy friends here and in Port- -'»rs. Peters father. H H Craddock, guest of home folks the first of la n l during the holidays. I 1,1 Portland, and were C hristm as the week, returning home ChrLst- A miscellaneous shower was giv- quests of Mr. and Mrs. John Peters nias night. Th» M ar8aret Vandermost at ln ,,Port-a‘’di „ D ... . ■ Mr and Mrs R. B. H arris and the iioniu of Mr. and Mrs. Mplvyn Mr. and Mrs. H K Minnick and son Jerry of Portland were C lirist” Vandermost S aturday afternoon, family and Mr and Mr.- Philip mas guesti of X lr m irl M rs F I T hirty ladles were present. Foord of Portland were C h rU tm u Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Rex Dennev and day guests of Mrs. Emma Foord. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Melhulsh and daughter Sarelle from Mt. Shasta. The Philip Foords will spend a family C hristm as guests of Cal., are spending the holidays in week here. ,, . were M H. E. Lallan- a t Bt. this vicinity visiting M r. Denney's Mrs. A rthur Moore and son C har- Helens . les were C hristm as Eve guests of Miss Florcnre Gordon of Portland Tuesday evening twenty girlsfrom Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Matson. C lm - the Glee ciub sang C hristm as car- les rem ained to sp«'nd his C h rl.t- is -pending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Fred Gordon. ols on the streets of Beavertor.. mas vacation with Edwin Matson? Aiumm of the Beaverton high Mrs. N. I’. Nielsen of Longview. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and school are holding the annual re- son of McMinnville were Clinstm as Wasli.. is visiting tills week a t the union and dance Thursday home of her son. Arnold Jensen. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. H av­ Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wismer and ens. Mrs. Jones and the baby re ­ LRY'S < HATEAf son spent C hristm as at .Multnomah mained for a week's visit. with Mr. and Mrs. E rnest Miller. Mr and Mrs. Clair Sample and S tate Capitol News L etter—G iv­ Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dilley of ing the highlights of official a c ­ son Bruce of Astoria are -pending Forest Grove were C hristm as guests holidays with Mr Sample's tivity a t Salem.—Every week In the Argus. u mother. Mrs Elizabeth Bagley, and ° l Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patterson, sister, Mrs. Ethel Wclk. Mrs. H. S hannon Is spending the L. T. Keeler and son Eugene and » ct'k with her daughter. Mrs. K ath- Harvey Sabin of Portland and Mr. rlne Mctsker, a t St. Helens. and Mrs. William Sabin of Boise Mr. and Mrs. J. W Holt spent Idaho, spent Sunday a t the home C hristm as witli Mr. and Mrs.’ C. of Mrs. Mary Sabin. D. Williams a t Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wallace of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hodges spent Beaver, Mrs. Nell Bcott of Tilla- C hristm as in Portland with Mr. mook and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wal- and Mrs. C. D. Everest I and' Mrae oi Mr Mr and M l»- O nas Olsen of Salem and Mrs. Will G oetter w,.r(, guegU C hristm aa Eve a t the Specials Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Scott of S. E Olsen home Hoquiam, Wash., were C hristm as Mr and Mrs s E OL„„n Kn..n , YOU, the Housewives of LUeSW anterMrMrsn d 8m ttS' | C h « ' eS Christina-, with Mr. and Mrs. Zenas L Walker. Mrs. Stott Is Mrs. O ls e n in P o r i l a n d “ Resolve t o practice W alker's niece. olsen ln P orlland' Friday, Saturday a id Monday This is the New Y ear! Now is the time for Hillsboro to m ake your New Y ear’s resolution, g rea ter economy— But not to sacrifice quality and W iggly will solve this problem .” S A L M O N DEL MONTE Red Sockeye. q ,....,.. TIIK haa EVE. KAU. NOfiK ANI» SPElTAI.IST real value In coffee £ 5 !l,nfil; , u HARRISON D. HUGGINS M. D. — AND ~ A IIA I’I’Y' AND PROSPEROUS NEW To nil of you! the Fir Grove sew in’ chib at' her » " i s I n .u i ..,,. „ ,, wish you all the ” choicest things o f life, and hope all you w ant Is yours. Good bread and pastries made f o r H ealth and Happiness— shop here. A sincere thanks for the support and patronage given us by the loyal people of this community. PERFECTION BAKERY 5» Telephone 431 ” Maln irlday and Saturday Only' Matches SW EET P O T A T O E S 6 b . , . . ...... 22c CELERY H E A R T S Bunch ...... Full count boxea. 5 15c u. 8. No. 1. All Specials Good Through Well bleached 5C crisp. New Years. F a irw a y M arket INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 1^.