Page Ten THE Sherman Mill Pays Claims H IL L S B O R O ARG U S, Local Groups G ather Christmas Gifts H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thursday, December 27, 193 | Lime Corrects Soil Acidity "F* J fappy Chappies’ I Excavating Finished Local Post Office Excavation work on tlie Hills­ boro federal building, now under lily Win. i ’ Cyrus, County A yyntl • oiisiruction at tlie corner uf Fourth Q round limestone lias been. u. ami Mam sireets. was pnmplet. ,| and as far as we can see now. will Hila wiek and forma aie now being continue u> be the more economical laid for cement footings Ikmrlng I form of lime for use in correcting Stum page claims of Axel Erick­ of concrete la expected to begin soil acidity. Now and then ques- son and Prank K irsten against the lairtly after tlie first or the year I turns come up concerning the dr.-dr-' Sherm an Mill company now in re­ W Kllppa. governiuviit conatrue- I ability of using other forms of ceivership, was compromised Friday llon engineer, liaa been assigned („ ; lime for soil purposes. Hydrated tn a circuit court order authorizing lime Is tlie most commonly m e n -' the toeal project and lias been the receiver to accept »200 and the turned substitute for ground lime-! ilipeivlslng work tills week, claims for approximately 1,200.000 stone. Even when hydrated lime feet of down logs. On the same ! can be purchased at prices con­ day a second distribut.on of funds, siderably under what It can ordin­ W inter Term Extension am ounting to 20 per cent, was o r­ arily be obtained lor It still u a dered for wage claimants. Center Will Open Jan. 2 higher price source of lime than Joe T rau tn e ro f Vancouver. Wash., I ground limestone The u lu ler term of tlie l*urlluud was bound over to the grand Jury Extrusion Center of the Oregon a ro u n d limestone can be p u r­ Saturday on inform ations charg­ S tate Hyatem of Higher Education chased from several sources. The ing the unlawful transportation and will open January 2 wllli class.- •slice varies but one very good possession of alcoholic liquor Quality ground limestone Urat is ‘;’ll’l>y chappiev uorid lamous song Writers, are coming t a l l i r Vena- hieeUhg hi Lincoln high aclmol and oi:lv, direct from the Param ount theaters In 1 "’ 1 r ,itral ourai) library a A rummer number m of Joe T rautner of Vancouver was - .. .. •• tp eaier Friday VIIV. better Lain some of that we have Seattle and Portland They ore radio stars of NBC, C1W. ami KNX !,*’w ! i’,',1, ' Wl ,M' “ Gered and, arrested Thursday on a charge of been getting can be delivered or. ........................... .........— — XEX and KO1N. " “ V « ¡ » 'V 't . ^ ¿ T h e illegal transportation of liquor, and Hie farm in W ashington county ui 20 gallons of alleged moonshine i not less tluui 10 ton lots for » 5 3 j «• c l v . , j o | h - u u> students wishing io en- whiskey was confiscated. Unusual 1 Feast of Uie Circumcision of Our roll at (Ills lime Catalogues may per ton fills lime has a KCIlCl W UPC OCalC »low speed of T rau tn e r’s ear a t­ Lord ChatM'l worship at 7 30 p be “blamed from tlie Portland Ex lower content of calcium carbon- ® Toys given to underprivileged children of Hillsooro by tlie Coffee club at a C hristm as party S a t­ tracted tiie attention ol D’ p'jiy j ate th an Ute limestone Uiat we' in f n i m t v 'V FYom the Old U w to J4'“?*™ C r,lU r uiiUje‘ MU Oregon ***• V1SC U 111 v^OUlHy tli<* New Pilgrim H o u r will be building urday »Rentoon at chamber of commerce. Johnson, who made the arrest. tiuve been getting trom the slate open U> receive vUttors to the 1 congress. Those newly-elected . prlce U the G, R. Dailey of Portland was ar- »ember 7 near Tigard in which .•>(>«■ tuiiru*s n.pany >». a l. Such over m em beri'kiiow ü i « t h e ? ^ d 'e " im o le“ ThU »“»* n g h t ^ ’ wiy o ^ a p X t .l t a t a l y "f“ -he* c Ä ^ ‘i e ^ u i ' N ^ ' Ä , » HusinraB ' Good tested Saturday oil an indictm ent Boyer alleges his truck was dam - h "'" h ‘ C L L. M. Orange Phclp.. m anager ■Anne Lime l. gtnerauy puted to nave been given in the first Of t lve year, continued ac- Mmkky. 4i«mi»*«i: D. F. wh*i•». There will be a lot of talk about used here tn llu t,wuy extension winch lias been Communion will be administered <>f Green G ab les’ was Hie feature this purchase Of walnuts. tivities this week in clearing the C. O M cFarland et «1. diam bM l . Far..»- , n i l a t l o n o n th p D drt o f h rtn ua I . , cou,*y pr«vedtng la id up d u e ’lo'”w eiuiier\xi’nditkii'is" January 13. with a pre- picture Pleading guilty to a charge of docket of the circuit court. He dis- «r»' bank o f w ik o n v .il« w. o. Vm.nn-.o. group, the . on stiver tin advocatei part ot tne and bonus Hie P1“« “ »« of alfalta Tins is general- OUler “ a ' 'e n li.g Irene Pewey v i.eR ey P e » e v . group, the stiveradvocates and the , . H)d urfc.b w aiiheiiei. th.eZ GUwr new projects contem plate a January 11 EI.KV'M « IIATEAI having an overloaded truck. C. missed a number of actions which .ti-niiMBl. d i s m i s s . M ari. P e i-.n te e ., N.ehei« Printing-press theorists Mv b e l i e f » KJ*« I“ “1 uce. although there , worker to complete “ " ““ rv 11 Arvid Larson of Scoggins Valley h«''e been pending in th e court as D eP inte. ' d . . n . « B l . A l i « D .Fr.n« «. & Uiat President Roosevelt will sltu atw iu and cases where r „‘ ’ was fined «10 and costs Thursday U Gu» A P eE r.n e», d is m is sa l. G e .m e E throw his personal strength against ground limestone should be used for ' OI , r , 1 ,nu*,!’ 11 list of dismissals th is week: lie-d ie »>. j 8 . Lersunx « al. du- any outright m onetary moves To other crops particularly crops, where 1 1 C - •ruuP# m'-uv-v ivi t,w r r J tA and a in the local justice ot the peace mis««l . Its.lirer Lumber eum pany vs. m v t n llld . the bid t h r e a t o f c u r - iy iin m n r e to I __ _ J cook to prepare lunches for 70 70 1 ■ George K. B tm - i v , Edn» I . Bees, dis- ---------------------------------------------- . „ . . . „ W mind, the big th re a t of cur- commercial fertilizers «•.. m,i„„ eook 10 Prepare lunches for court. m issal HiUsbom M ercantile com pany vs. Stay-Round S d e com pany, dism issal Rn reilCV inf lation IS Indirect—through l„. near! " 10 pupils at the Dilley school Damages totaling *500 are sought Tom W illiam s, dism issal . Barney L^is ter-Low e * eonitjany v a Gilbert Carr»- ¡ y , uuoahUlCed budget. Congress, ‘ X , Call for fig h t CCC camp recruits se a filed ? bL C A ^ c a,X n«Fo .sx ^ , ¿ r r t « b . X ' S V or lime c a n lw in a « suit the Barker Bread company and one ux K r it N ation al bank John W underlich w al. diam iaaal. a 01 puouc money for more unempio> - bt determ ined by a soil test and its ihe v year was received here this ” Hodw * ‘ ’ — ——a — —11—* ----- Aon Ka» H,.||1 _ a . I ’ vs. w. "* h . ** y -n O rd 4 en . d *’ ism issal; ment relief and a « for , further "nnnin llata* of its truck drviers. J. Jarvis. Wed- o f M cM innville va. D. Sturey et ux. Gertrude use can be well confined to Uioae week Experienced cooks w ill u e Sm ythe w N. a R.siiun et pruning. ' Some Five-Year nesday in the circuit court. The d u n u ssa l: Portland. A storia A Pacitte al. dism issal ta n j cases where such soli testa tndl- given preference tor part of Hie ; E. Quaekenbush et al vs. mjp x • - j cw Railrond com pany va. W H M.A.iu et J ; < i » K' s a s u ^ a E s r a n s ...................... .... action arose from an accident Sep- ul dismissal. Portland. Astoria a Pa- E ï , : î “ s . , â ,y v». vs. G«orv« George Ftohar. dis- p postpones day when bud- r7 ,'U art’ *ccurate «no county relict chairm an anan A com pany Fiahar. dia» ú 6 tp o n C 8 t m h e e d ay W h e n t tne he b ud» 3. a . Black « »1 vs. j. w. get can finally be balanced and uldJcatc m “ f«ir way Just how ENDS MONDAY, DECEMBER S lat Phillips, d u m u s a i. j a . W ack et at makes currency inflation all the much lime should be added. There s it io n .1 ban™ i t r.rSiT Grov»* v. more probabta even though there are other soil tests for certain plant A lfred hrevrkaon. diani»***!; J H. Karr- Is ahout it a t p ro e n t. food elem ents which are sometimes (B y Vivian Ihidmtn) .tein e ^ Vina C j o M y Bacon £ « j h ¡<£ T h i budget problem tro u b le me'UMd. M *«•<*»*< o« & tn the*«, . how.v.r, are iniaaal va. M oil« Ire- nvt>riz t h a n « n v n f t h n z ith e r « w h i c h u Joe Bcliclble Nordl and of w e'face to ^ .y ° l n f l a u ^ m o& ei £ £ £ J*? “ • FMrttaiuf visited and N M M artin Nieben dismissal, v, e Geiger v> Cecelia Pore- nations has always txitiic through le‘ 1 a' *l,n* »-St. Lime require- got wood Monday 1 he Nordta and nian et «1. dism issal W ashington C ounty an unbalanced budget. Instead of hient or »oil acidity tests are made “*r Schatble have moved to a new ' et’T f " d b i b S ’l i ’' iurrinO!1ol,mI . j 11' “ h Printing paper money, our govern- a t the county agent office and it tot'aM‘{*' ln Portland, having given . d m issa l. H. H a r n n g t.n • • JJ>i printing governm governm ent ent bonds requires but but a a very very small smull soil soil si.iiwivv, i w t ^ d d i „ . J n « ,7 ti‘Ur“n l bwun,*a8 1,1 MAIN STREET Stephenson et ux. dismuwai M .t t K .r m e n t als_ “ prunutg ooiias requires location county road number 6 9S. dismis- Mid forcing them OtltO tile btUlks. sam ple for th a t nunxisi* . t llwtxxl distrlt t sa l; L. E D arling v .. Southern Pacific Eventually investors may get pan- * purpose. Mr antl Mr, Willis H iatt of ___ ________________ _ PHONE 81 com pany. dismiMal . W ---- Stringtown road moved K roniniïïi »” “ w f e r m a i " t h e ^ ^ r o n i p h u - l y * l a “t ^ n ^ r e i ^ ^ i d every’" im h itïf’m ^ 5 ' ' ’"-"''nirnt'ian hmne“ D « to îé m tlie £r Bagley Dismisses D o c k e t Suits Long Standing Rpvitt'd Weil’s Animal Year End D o lla r S a le Hayward P o w e rs G ro c e ry 3 Prom pt Service . . . n ^ ^ rifj 1 V'e . danger of inflation is grave. ««al: N A- <• • ' n.ember, tlie .surest way to bank ve. j . E Curry. d i . m i . . Kn.yht inflate our currency would be I o , ' ’ï ï ï ï " yw” yi.A„d K e . UH^ns.'n p ^ f ^'onT y^.roÀ i Tut r ’a: K d £ Gv a Hi?n,- E . " ^ r r , Sd ^ . At Vhe sam e îim e I u r g e V m issa l. Henry S tiavelli et al v- ja m ee Ai«x. d ism issa l; John Hvrmens »». Krnaei Specials for December 28, 29 and 31 , « T o ile t Tissue > » ^ d = . S i T i S S r ’c POUltS to lower mortgage rates bill irm an1" «OIJnt hl l ‘a,’1,,‘ lower buildinv riksts ’Hi*«».- ^m iun with his farm work fOre conxtruetirkn • ' t.1 - *» l i*-/. Stegm ann and juin Waltei "d .-„A" “ " 1 ), * V u s ‘ „nV ll a v c b'1' “ « « 'H ln g out cedar poats ‘ - ‘- r n ' m4 1 9 ^ <«* M arffiL. ^ c h ^ ^ u v T S ^ U eorpi Laemermai, « ciiristniasd for ¿ ¡5 7 tT a ' ***** v-qulUes. allt. W hile unem ploym ent tills will- LJ,'.n “L1." ''1',1/ 1 « n/ • 5 ü,nnLüdi? - p»«** - 2 -« «“ » T ± ‘ £ and £ » Mrs. Willis H iatt. Jam es Pen­ man. a5 ? ve depression low of March, the number of jobless will drop as w ipi^n Albert Forest and N H 1933 This past year prives nave 1935 advances. The expected train m ... risen about 10 per cent and die in mnP"a . n ‘ • oi t.aiiu with their daughters. ,u o « h S u « ta T “ ^ • t.k m « or tri aiifnM XM kii. n ______ _ 1' ^ Z ' f ' S X ; .7 u i»mi*>al t Hillaboro t t c . ^ Mary m d .a g m G. J r Lorn- T 5 wl.u ------ i-a l . C tne - Buchanan - - - com pany va. W aldo Van cultural quotations az a iesult of nave a ve^V s>harp rise In the early I J B. Ralston. Medium ............................ S ic k le . disrni«-.iai . P e te r S m ith W M short crops due to tne drouirnt. °i Uie y?ar Improvement Clement», diamtaaal. Farm products prices liave lumped nJ lines, where the bin bulk ________ ___ _ is the __ Merrill M arten and family left about ___ 46 i per cent over last ’ year ’ lliilxl priiyiiiriiiHnij unemployment . lies, ,___ .. . ov while goods bought (aim ers have , enc°uraglng fu/H.i. factor i tn • t. Sunday for Tacoma, Wash., to increased only 9 per te n t This 19J5 labor ouuoox. Aitnough In ’•pend C hristm as with Mrs. M urten’s means th a t the position of u .e ?22’e i,’?“ijstri<2 Present rates are mother, Mrs La-sky Fatz» V I icc in it IV/lon iarnMr “ th e “b e « ‘hT'm uiiv^years th a n m i'929.j ex p ,. t Marvel Haym retui returned home Royal Chinook, spring pack Large flat can r a le lvlissing IVian His real purchasing power h a s lo s*' higher mounting demands for wage Wednesday Irani Jone s hospital, f-,™ greatly increased and Hie outiook * "5 2 2 * ? 5s ! r c v<‘“ f auvam es in . w she underwent ai an appendi- ¡sheriff’s office ta v T huntad for lo r, la35 twin ts to still higher p. ices “} Ilvl11« TOSta will a lls operation ™ , " unted Ior and a further advance in buyin prod ‘" to demanding highe. p. -j a met met with Susie Vander- the m an without avail. Reports in- power in the farm areas wages. — dicate th at LeTourneau. a "trouble Many industrial commodities have Labor troubles will seasonally ln- a ” l "til* 'the*1 candv T ig s ' 'tO r'th i , shooter" for the L eT ourneau Ma- shown some weakness ln the last crease during the spring months Fairview school. Red & W hite. 8-oz.................................... A t C I chinery company in Portland, car- 5 2 »s due i ? . hacking away »»<1 will hang as a threat over Mr. arid Mrs. C harles Menke ned 22 caliber Distol but no 1 ^ ^ NRA price-fixing anci bu»si- certain inah>r industries. Tins will spoil C'iiri ( iidls wil I i tlielr son ivnn matches. He h a ? a w^T and two ne5s d“Une“ J h ia weakness is out he due principally to the fact th at Me ke and amifv of B rlg h tw « ^ in p t X i d ‘ ° S A ain ‘2 2 2 ’>^ ? .K ? - L L h iL .! R « i id S S L .5 8 2 2 5 “ key of New of W drought ashington force Industries as auto- Longview Tires, a battery, tool« and auto trend. th e OlfOAft effects mobile, and steel. This docs S uivòn "sundav t e r r a i n in Cedar fho el a-ev. ■ ok-. » and" _ _ legislation -I strong V TV.xExil.X ln ♦ textile, Aw such ♦ i !. . ,->.»4 . a. ..I rw... . ‘ Wash i f visited parts were » stolen C hristm as night er supply-dem and K in ratio are all not mean, however, th a t m e , ........ next Mrx Charles C runican Huy- »____»»._ the « Main . WOrklnor toward in n o r d higher » ..- wholesale ...I— I-.».. I few fe w m I iio n ih » will a.,II see .... any funds . wimd"visited .»H Red & W hite from ‘ — Street . garage In *»°rklnK onths a t the H a v n .w of ’ home v __ th#> com nw vpur « h ^ . m cntallv nhioc 'As a Z sundaV ‘ mu . h i v *“ rtu y n t* noine HiUatxxo according"to’ a 6 renort to prices pnces in 1'L th« coming' year t T i h ».* e 'id men tallv si-rinnc serious luiwvr labor tm tro'ubies 'afm r.Vion q iZ h P n n n rii , vance- , however' will probab.y Be ta r as m ajor strikes are concerned. ,™“ y, “ rn? , ShMF f f C o n n e *1’ . , at a slower pace th an in tlie last the unions may get plemy ot un- „ I,l7’“ 1‘ y ¥/ocj!nkS’ No arrests for violation of tra f- eighteen months. The im portant employed to parade--but those al- uorK,ng in Portland the past month, fic laws or for drunken driving about 1935 commodity m arkets ready having jobs will hesitate to jxMidii the Chrlztmuz vacation were made in Waashington countv W1H * lectlvHy. Each commodity leave them. Temporary disturbance® * Hh. P«renLs. Mr. and Mrs. J Red & W hite. All flavors during the Christm as holidays An * llL.haVn w Jbdged on its own “^er demands for higher wages will Moehnke, and family. m m n h ii. holidays. Au- merits. Rising farm prices should frequent; but no dislocation of ----------- tomobiie accidents were unusually be the high-spot and this mean anv m ajor industry nor any ser- Pilgrim House Many other items specially priced for Friday and infrequent in spite of the wind higher food prices for everybody “’»» interrupoon o f production Friday Holy Iimoi n ts’ D.iv i u n - and rain N ineteen hundred thirty-live will should take place. incmoratlng children ot Bethlehem S aturday and M onday. These prices good Decem­ see a substantial rise in the cost ot Advances txtth ln factory and lam by order of H< ro«l < St M at- ber 28, 29 and 31. L.iinK -p rin cip a lly because of food farm buying power definitely me..n thew 3; I8-I81 Sunday: .Sunday blUs Prices of foodstuffs are r.ow better trade—wholesale and retail within the Octave of Christinas a t the highest level in four years, alike- R etail sales In general tlur- Chapel services ot worship a t lu .10 f - T a " “ the advance goes on week aft- *n g the early m onths 01 ia.,.> .shou.d a m. anil 7:30 p. m. Tlie m orn- No extraordinary rise Is “e considerably better than the lng worship will be choral, with in the furniture, the cent last six montlis H enry _ .........— .O. ....... zvrx X l a i i u r i expected and miscellaneous sections clothing, of "the average a*»ut 5 of per aoove the and first sermon on "Tlie by ^ ta P r astor S ti ll’s tiin e s a. T I Holler n the i Continued from page one so. The president, however, will try ram jly budget. Utility rates will d» “ a *I o* 1934. The holiday .season evening a musical story of Christ- W T A S H IN G T O N C ounty’s to follow more closely the middle c“ ne further. On the other hand. Just completed was the most sue- mas will be given, and there will b e Hutto, tw een s n e i a i i . t i n ____ o » n » r i _ » « « m u iw i — may even' cossful in years — many toe all ties be no sermon. Tuesday, January re n u w.lU strengthen ~ ▼ v largest D epartm ent Store M - course “- ¿ . » I — . 1 c . experl‘ ju.iip h»"?» .sh arply in certain localities even v exceeding -4 ¿ \ L ---- 3»4«upiv a i u -UU i K 1029. u n it volume extends to you all best wishes mentation and orthodox business A lack of suitable rental .space in a> wvl1 a* dollar value was m uu methods, toward which he h a s more th an half of our leading cities better and I expect this trend tn for a Bright and Prosperous has already and to broaden Into ail . leaned in recent months. . - developed --------. . . . and t h e continue ----- ............................................ New Y ear and takes this op­ _ , shortage is growing dally. This Is lu>es tn 1935. Medium-priced "nec- o n e change which will please the most bullish Influence on home roitty" m erchandise Is likely to be portunity to thank you for conservative business men Is organ- building winch I can foresee in in best demand. With growing your valued patronage . ¡zed labor's loss of "face" a t W ash- 19?8: purchasing power, however, t h e ington Labor leaders read so much 1 have previously stated th a t the semi-luxuries and even luxuries ¡ into SeeHon 7a of fh ! M^S construction industry holds the key wl11 enjoy a better call. wi, lnt° bectlon 7a °* the NRA code to orospertty. Five of our ten mil- ic Cars O worried about the lopsided con- lone as building costs, taxes and «ress which meets on T hursday interest rates are high a n d 're n ts Jan u ary third. Fear has been ex- **?"!, there can be no substantial pressed th a t it will be -nnw er. P “ «*’1” ln building. T he rap.,. ( — YOU KNOW US! drunk" and th a t it will be full o. so-called “wild men.” There wil ‘ ------------------------- ----------- -------- ■ indeed be many of them. W hat will they do? They will make a lot of talk, a lot of headlines, but few new laws. The Townsend old-age pension I plan and the Connery thirty -h o u r I bill will be presented. They will i both make a lot of newspaper copy, but there is little Uklihood of their passage at this session. The Bought and Sold fight will be close on the Veterans Bonus bill. Its enactm ent is pos­ sible but not probable. A compro­ mise bonus bill seems certain to 1930 Chevrolet Sedan pass. Unemployment Insurance also USHER IN THE has a good chance of becoming Essex Sedan NEW YEAR a law. While we are eventually The old y e a r has about coming to some form of Job in- 1 Dodge Touring reached the end of the trail, surance, this is th e wrong tim e to launch such an experiment. But 2 Ford Tourings and 1935, like a blindfolded on the whole, I believe th a t the) candidate w aiting to be in ­ president will hold the w hip-hand I 1929 Chev li/g'ton Truck Trucks Total Oldsmohiles ® W and total of 111 new car« and trucks, and 187 used cars and trucks m akes a good rec­ ord of sales for any Hillsboro autom obile dealer a t any time. Considering th a t this is 14 Expectinv a very vood business on the coming SENSATIONAL NEW MODELS. (Not long to w ait) and wishing you a HA PPY NEW YEAR in 1935 HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. P li E S E N T S ANOTHER ADVANCE IN TRUCK E N G IN E ER IN G USED CARS I he First Year for Oldsmobile in active competition in this m arket, and the sup­ ply of cars was limited, we are pleased with h t c results, and wish to express our deep a p p ré ­ ciai ion of the patronage, and to com plim ent this m m unity upon its buying power and integrity, ior we have experienced very good collections m contract purchasers, 0 l i 1) WELL LOCATED 6-room house all on one floor, lot 50x150 feet, sewer, sidewalk ind paved street, »1800, reasonable terms. FOR RENT Also have houses to rent. E. A. G R IF F IT H Real Estate and Insurance Can finance ynnr Insurance pre­ miums on a m onthly basis. 1152 2nd St. itiated into a secret order, is about to be adm itted. We Ford Model T ton Truck stand in w onder and antic­ ipation on the threshold of Agency W illys 77 the New Y ear and w onder w hat is behind the door I Come in for a which hears the nam eplate dem onstration. “ 1935.” We take this occasion to CARS PAINTED wish all of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and to thank you for your Gas • Oil - Accessories patronage during 1934 and th a t we hope to continue Cars W aahed and Poliahaai serving you during 1935. Used Car Exchange Phone 171 2nd and Wash. Phone 2R41 ,C!levrj 'e ‘ ankd 3rd and W ash. Phone 441 UB important fact to remember T about the new Ford V-8 T ruck for »935 ia not merely that it give! you new money-saving feature«—but that thet» ¡ta- turet nan* bttn atliled to a trmk u hot* tionomy, ptr/ormanc*, tlamiha ban* alriady bttn provtd. For 1933, Ford give? you an entirely new development—Forward Load Dittribution. Thia makes possible more uniform tire and brake w ear—better brake action—improved operation and wear throughout the truck. In addition, with more space between the cab and rear sale, the 1933 Ford V-S permits acute angle turns with full-width semi-trailers. No matter how efficiently you are now doing your hauling, these and the other features of the 1933 Ford V-8 are im portant advantages to consider. They are matched by no other truck io America today, regardless o f price. the Hillsboro MotorCo. JAMES WHITELAW. Manager Obtained bymounting front springi ahead of isle and moving V-R engine forward. Thia placea more loadahead of rear axle, more weight on front end. j NEW Test this new Ford V-8 Truck yourself. You» nearest Ford dealer will let you do this . . . on your own job, under your own load, with your ow n driver! t\f\ II I *n‘l uPi p G. B. Detroit. Easy Terms Through Universal Credit Company, AZAZ The Authorized Ford Finance Plan. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS FORD V-8 TRUCKS 1935 More than ever, America’s great truck value J