Read Advertising I,niest Store New« A lw ays A ppears in the A rgus >r Willsbori W ith W h ich is j The Argus Gives Q u a U ty Service at Fair Prices N e w s L e tte r L IN IIÜ ÍC I Babson Sees State Budget Cut Made Continuance of Buy Cuts Approved - state appropriations S alem the forthcoming bliiinium Good Gains tor m *L NO. 15 HAPPY®NEW YEAR S ta te C a p ito l l. I the H illsboro Independent Good Printing HILI.SBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1934 VOLUMI-: t l u V A Combin' rgus I in Business Approach of “New Year” Rate Slash Recalls 1934 Happenings Ordered by SERA, E lection s, C annery Sale, R elief T roubles, U nion C onvention M ake N ew s H ead lin es Hello, Everybody! This is 1935! Coast Range Hides Fate Farm Power Firm Missing Man forth in life new budget uh bavins been approved by Governor Meier total $10,017.952 Tin* amount*, ac­ The old year, with Its varied rec­ der the federal deposit Insurance cording to Henry Hansen, budget ord of events, achievements, dis­ corporation installed director, la $1,285.190 lea* than the P ortlander R ep orted L o s t January 11- Hillsboro Grange ob­ T ariff* for T u alatin V a lle y apprupriauon* made by the legl»- Strong Farm P rices in 1935 appointments and griefs tn Wash­ serves Its 80lh anniversary Dairy­ ington county. Is rupldly waning. lullve Hc.iHlon of 1933 and $8.450.- in W ilson River A rea R educed to P arity W ith and Increase Buying What the new year holds In store men receive an Increase of 25 cent* 13(1 under llu- appropriation* far per hundred under t h e Oregon Is only a vision but u rapid re­ Since Last F riday P ortland D istrict P ow er P redicted tiie biennium of 1920-30 view of the last 52 issues of the Milk Control bill. City council reg­ In aplte of u normal increase ill ulates Uie sale and manufacture of Hillsboro Argus paints a clear pic­ Uie iiopulatloiLs of Htate Institu­ ture of the highlight events of alcoholic beverages tn hlllsboro. tion* und llic materially Increased January 18 — Circuit Judge Bag- 1934. coat of roinniodltle» used by these Outstanding among the featured ley announces his plan to retire Institutions the budgets for all of news stories of the year were Uie from Uie circuit bench and offers tile liiMtllutions have been held Searching P arties C onduct down to tiie level of the current P rosp erity's “G reen L igh t” relief troubles thut beset Uie coun­ himself as a candidate for the su­ Portland G en eral Electric ty court and relief committee, the preme court. County airport project blenuluiii. Halartrs and wages liave F ruitless M an Hunt side of the local Kuy-Muhng can­ near Hillsboro approved under CWA. in P la ce for 1936 also been approved on the basis C om pany Low R ate Cited nery to B. E Mallng. Inc., a nom­ of the legislative cuts decreed by January 25—Site selected for inee of Frosted Foods: Inauguration proposed Hillsboro postoffice a t tiie 1033 session wltli a recommen­ iBv Roger Babson i No definite word has been re­ of the state milk control bill with dation that Uie pay cuts be con­ Reduction of residential electric Fourth and Main streets. R. Frank ceived concerning the fate of H ar­ BABSON PARK, Flortdu -G en ­ tinued for another two years. eral buslnes will sliow a moderate Its benefits for county dairymen Peters enters race for circuit judge lighting rates for the Tualatin valley lan D Le Tourneau 24-year-old No major capital outlay* have g a in In the first six months of and the launching of the SERA I*ualaUn Valley Drainage A Flood division of the Portland General Portland welder who has been re­ been approved by the governor in 1938 over the first luilf of 1034. I program. Other high points Includ­ Control association organized. Electric company to a parity with ported lost in the Wilson river Uie new budget, but a supplemental am more bullish on the second half ed Uie closely contested primary February 1—Donald Long, son of Uie Portland area was announced country since Friday, although an budget listing building need* at of the year, providing the capital and general elections, the Pacific L A. Long, named Portland mu­ this week by R. R. Easter, local unverified rumor that Lis body llic various Institutions totaling goods Industries, represented by coast waterfront strike. Uie state nicipal judge. CWA workers find manager. The new rale becomes had been found near the summit building, show some life during the Farmers’ Union convention In Hills­ skeleton of Indian near old Glencoe. effective on and after January 1. $1.174.725 Is being submitted to the of the coast range was circulated in early montlis of 1935 The la tte r, boro and widening of the Tualatin legislature wltliout recommenda- February 8—Farmers r e c e i v e 1935 Fewest Grove last night. Approxi­ Industry I# the big "If” In 1935 highway. Present reduction was made in 1*011» checks under wheat control plan. mately 40 men. Including members Sharply rising building totals will And now a week by week survey 'in v ersion of a portion of the mill­ Hal E Hoes, secretary of state. fulfillment of the promise made of the sheriff's office, CCC work­ set the "Green L ight' for prosper­ of the headlines In each recurring age revenues of tiie department of by Franklin T. Griffith, president dies. ers and experienced woodsmen, have Issue of the Argus: higher education to t h e stale's ity by 1938 been conducting a fruitless man February 15—Milk prices raised of the electric company, to Mayor January 4—Sale ol the Ray-Mul- Business has been slowly creep­ fund as was done two years ago In Washington county towns by O. Phelps and the city council two hunt since Saturday for the miss­ wlirn $508.000 wo* taken 111 lilts ing upward since September and Is Ing cannery approved by stockliold- Oregon Milk Control board. State years ago regarding the putting of ing man manner. Is again recommended by txxlay nine per cent above last De­ I i s 111 . u r a m •• o l b l i n k d t j s i s u . s un (Con tn um n 6 j all rates to customers served in That the search would be aban­ this valley on a parity with those cember’s total. This rising trend Hie governor. doned tonight was the declaration The budget director rrnews hts should carry Into early 1935. A in Portland. A reduction in resi­ o f J. W. Connell, Washington recommendaUons that all s e l f - year ago I predicted a ten per dential lighting rates was made at county sheriff. Three inches of sustaining and revenue producing cent gain for 1934. The Increase was that time and furthre reduced snow, sleet and rain have hampered departments be required to appear actually eight per cent. Now I pre­ tariffs have been filed since, name­ searchers until hope of locating before Uie ways and means com -' dict a five per cent Improvement ly: The 8 10 of 1 cent water heat­ Le Tourneau has been practically nittlee and Justify their expendi­ for the early months of 1935 over ing rate and the general farm given up. Ready for her debut, Young 1935, in the form of Shir­ service rale tures in the same manner us do UM fis t half of 1934 If build­ M an Disappears department* depending upon ap­ ing and allied Industries m a k e ley Jean Ricker, dim inutive film actress, is giving the New Schedule Given Le Tourneau disappeared Friday Hearing in connection with re c -' propriations. He also lecommendi- headway, the second half should Mr*. C lem en t, First W h ite world a buzz to let everybody know she’s w aiting her j for residential light­ morning on his way to weld some ords of t h e Oregon-Washington ing Statements Uiat all state acUvlUes be required run twelve to twenty per cent C hild Born in P ortland service win be billed on the startin g cue. _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ ==========__ . logging <*quipnient at the Grote Water Service company here has following to submit quarterly statement* of above the latter port of 1934 On basis after January 1, Construction company camp. After been scheduled for January 4 at according to Easter: First 40 kilo­ expenditures together with e s t i ­ the other hand. If the heavy In­ leaving his car on the Wilson river mates of expenditures for Uie en­ dustries continue lo lag. there will Mrs. Amelia Clemens. 90, t h e the county court house, according watt hours used per month at 5'4 road, some s ix miles from his des­ to an order Issued this week by cents, next 40 kilowatt hours per suing quarter and that the gover­ first white child to be born wltlilr. tination. the missing man met nor be empowered to eliminate any be another temporary interruption the present limits of Portland, died Charles M Thomas commissioner month at 3 cents and all kilo­ John Ranes, who had brought a expense Item which he might con­ of tla- fundamental upward trend a t her home near Helvetia Saturday of public utilities. The Inquiry Is watt hours In excess of 80 at 1.8 during tiie summer similar to the evening Funeral services were con­ being conducted as a result of a wagon to haul the man's tools to sider to be unnecessary. sharp let-downs of the past two ducted Uila afternoon i Thursday complaint filed June 16 by the city cents. the camp. Preferring to walk, Le • • • Average reduction o f approxi­ Tourneau started up the trail and from the Donelson A Sewell cliapel council In behalf >f uo local cus­ mately 9 per cent is effected by Profit* from the sale of hard years olldes Influenced was last seen about a half-mile here with Rev. H A. Deck offi­ tomers of the company. liquor In state stores and agencies the new rate, which also applies Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner. 1264 A d eq u ate Old A g e P ension up the road, where he took a cut­ Government policies have had a ciating. Interment was at the Wi. t That sufficient grounds exist to to the Columbia county division. Fifth street, were declared winners liad passed the $500.000 mark on off across the numerous "zig-zags" C om ing in F ew Y ears warrant holding a hearing to as­ This will create a reduction esti­ of the annual outdoor Christmas November 30. according lo a rc- tremendous Influence on the speed Union cemetery. In the road. fporl by Administrator Sunimi- In­ of recovery to date. Last year I Amelia Johnson was born June certain where records of the Hills­ mated at $13.500 to residential light­ lighting contest sponsored by the W hat appeared to be LeTour- dividual liquor permits tssm-d this said "In making my New Year 2, 1844 In a cabin built In 1842. boro branch of the company were I in g custmoers. local Rotary club. Following the A sensible and adequate old pen­ trail was discovered late year expires on December 30 and forecast, I find myself tfor the Ihe first house built on the west kept, why they should not be pro­ Rates of the Portland General judging Saturday evening, Judges sion law is inevitable and is coming neaus new permit* will be necessary a lt­ first time m my thirty years of ex­ side of the Willamette river In duced and why they should not be Electric oompany are now the low­ declared that the displays arranged within the next few years, declared Monday about five noles from the er Ihe first of llic year, the Liquor perience! looking not to Wall street wliat is now Portland. She lived kept within the state hereafter was est of any on the North American this year were particularly out­ County Judge Donald T- Temple­ Wilson river road by Cecil Kyle, district fire warden, a n d Thad but to Uie banks of the Potomac there a few years and then moved tile contention of the order. Thom­ continent, with the exception of standing. Control commission warns. ton in speaking before the Hills­ Stevenson. Snow covered many of • • • I for my high-light*." Again In 1935 to near Helvetia, where she resided as contended th a t such records Niagara Falls and the city of Ta­ Second place in the contest went boro Rotary club this noon. It the tracks and darkness interrupted should be available at all times. coma, Easter stated. Governor Meier luts extended the administration will be the oon- lor Uie next 75 years. to A. H. Busch, who lives near the should provide an income sufficient the search. From what few prints Fact th a t books, accounts, p i ­ executive clemency to l.»H Inmates i trolling influence on business. What cannery, and third place went to to live on and without pauperizing could be seen, it appeared th a t the Mrs. Clemens was Uie widow ol pers, records, memoranda and esti­ of the Oregon penitentiary during the great majority of people are the late Cliarles Clemens a n d Edward Hurd on east Baseline anyone. person had been walking rapidly. the past lour years, according to asking today Is: "Will there be daughter of tiie late Mr. and Mrs. mates pretalnlng to construction, street. Honorable mention went to The Townsend plan has awak­ Footprints led to an abandoned maintenance, ojieration and Income records at the stall- prison. Of .Ills any major change In the New William Johnson. Oregon pioneers H. A. Deck. 1135 First street, with ened in the minds of the people the look-out cabin, but the person ap­ of the Hillsboro division are no; number 35 were under sentence for Deal's policies?" I do not Uilnk an outside fireplace idea which a t­ necessity for providing some kind parently did not stay in the shel­ In Oregon has Interlerred with (Cuntluuvd on p«v« 10, column I) murder and six for manslaughter. tracted the special attention of of a pension, according to Judge HELVETIA Mrs. Clemens. the kept investigAtions of the commission, A total of 122 prisoners liave been the judges. Others entered in the Templeton, who said th at as a ter. oldest resident of Helvetia, had according to Thomas. He declared Starching parties from the Con­ liberated on conditional pardons Is­ contest included Mr. and Mrs. Hai - memoer of the county court the solidated been an Invalid for the post two that records, other than customer Timber company camp sued by the governor. Prison rec- ry Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. need was brought forcibly to his above Glenwood, years following an accident when accounts, small expenditures and from Forest Grove, ord', show that Governor WM I her hip was dislocated. She Is sur­ payrolls, had not been kept 1 n S ca le f o r Com m on Labor Oakes. attention daily. from Tillamook, from the West sued 181 conditional pardons. Gov­ A number of other attractive vived by her daughter. Mrs. Angel Oregon since the general offices The present old age pension law Timber CCC camp and from the Cut 10 C ents an H our ernor WiUiycombe 182, Governor Yuletide displays were prepared by- me Keffer. and four grand children, on the state statute books is un­ (Continued on page 10. column 3> moved from Portland. Pierce 135, Governor Olcott 43. Act­ persons who did not enter the just and inequitable, gives relief to Walter and Charles Keffer of Port­ were Complaint protesting against the ing Governor Ritner 27. Governor contest and by Rotarlans who were New wage scale for all Washing­ land. Mrs. Mabie Williams of Seat- no one and placing a burden on the Federal two-cent tax on bank service rendered and ratec charged Patterson 28, and Governor Nor- ' checks will end January 1 after lie . Wash., and Mrs Ethel Mc­ were filed with the commission ton county SERA and work relief i not eligible to compete for cast property taxpayer, declared t h e prizes laborers will go into effect Janu­ Dougall of Myrtle Creek. Five great blad 21. speaker’ . He said that 290 old people being In effect for the past year June 16 bv the city council over ary 1 with the maximum to be Thirty-six prisoners have had , und Judges appointed for the event over 70 years of age are on the grandchildren also survive. a half. On Uie same day lo- the signatures of 90 local users. A their sentences reduced through cal banks will put In effect a re- Marker was unveiled nt the site number of grievances were pre­ paid set a t 65 cents an hour and included Mrs. Blanche Bride. W old age pension rolls in this county commutations granted by Governor i ducUon of the old Johnson home near the sented including allegations that the minimum at 35 cents. Common J. Enschede and Mrs. P. L. P atter­ and that ajerage received monthly In Interest on savings ac­ Meier. Eighteen of this number west approach of the Ross Island the book value of the plant and laborers will receive 40 cents an son. The contest was under the was $7. If the $30 a month maxi­ I were serving life sentences f o r counts. hour under the new set-up. accord­ direction of B F. Pile. B. M. Ooaid at present Judge Templeton expresed the be­ cent over 1933 at the local office, have had their sentences commuted tax was to be collected expires on great granddaughter. Kathryn K el­ in Washington county on SERA lief that the plan proposed by La­ according to Fred Holznagel, post­ to life Imprisonment. projects is $1.20 and the minimum the first day of 1935. Just what ac­ ler. was honor guest. bor Commissioner Gram is a step master. Volume of incoming holi­ In addition to the penitentiary tion the next congress will take 50 cents. Common laborers received in the right direction. This program day mail was also considerably Her father. William Johnson, an Inmates who liave been extended In regard to the tax Is unknown, Englishman 50 cents under present scale. That and veteran of the is based on a similar plan to the greater this year than last. executive clemency the governoi but local bankers anticipate th at very few workers were ever paid at war of 1812, served on the frigate industrial accident commission act That the increase In stamp re­ has granted conditional pardons to It will be re-enacted wlUi the pos­ the present maximum and that "Old Ironsides" In the battle with and pension would be granted to ceipts was not a fair indication 108 persons *enU'iiced to terms In sibility that the proceeds will be Pre-showing of 1935 Dodge and only a small number would be Ihe Guerrlre. His cabin, the first In county Jails for minor violations diverted to the Federal Deposit In ­ 1935 Ford V-8 models will all over 60 provided they give up of the increase in number of pieces Portland, wus built on a 600-acre Plymouth car models will feature classified under the new minimum be New of the law. Of this number 32 were surance on display starting Saturday at their gainful occupations. Those of mail handled was the opinion ex­ the opening of the new showrooms in the future was the statement of corporation. land grant. sentenced for drunken driving. t h e MacKenzie Motor company- gainfully employed would contribute presed by Holznagel. He stated that Announcement of the reduction of the Cady Motor company or. Davis. • • • a greater number of people were showroom here. Details of the car toward the fund regularly. Third street Saturday. No details In Interest rates on saving* ac­ The new wage scale covers all R. Frank Peters, who introduced Jolui A. Cooter. Lincoln county counts was mude several weeks ago regarding features of the new cars classes of labor and was recently- are to be a surprise, but advance Judge Templeton, said the present using 1‘4-cent stamps for mailing cards this year than In representative who Is slated to pre­ by local bankers and will become will be released until the official approved by the state relief com­ information received by H. L. Mac­ county court was very efficient and Christmas 1933. Kenzie. local dealer. Indicate that side over the nt the forth­ effectvle January 1. Savings ac­ pre-showing. mittee. Total of 375 men have AU holiday mail was delivered the machine will be longer, wider, was so recognized throughout the coming legislative session, has al­ count depositors will receive two Completion of the new showroom worked on relief projects to date promptly by the local office and ready become a temporary resident per cent interest under the new "The mystery of Christmas Is marks another step In the progress In December and the largest pay­ roomier, feature distinctive body state. parcels arriving Christmas morn­ of Salem, having leased the home plun while 214 per cent will be one, not of a day, but of One of the Cady Motor company during roll of the monlh was on Decem­ . lines and a new idea in motor car ing were delivered during the day. formerly occupied by Governor paid on time certificates maturing Who was born." said Pastor Henry Its 17 years In Hillsboro. During ' comfort. ber 13 when $3366 in wages was Receipts from all sources a t the Showing w i l l start Saturday- Pierce, but more recently by Carl at the end of a year or more. S Haller, adviser of the Hillsboro postoffice to date for December morning and it is hoped to liave n Gregg Doney. former president of Certificates for a shorter period of Christian Council. In his Christ­ that entire perid. the firm has distributed Three new projects were approved demonstrator available at that time, handled Dodge cars and in 1929 have passed the total for the en­ Willamette university. C o o ter's time will draw two per cent In­ mas meditation delivered at the added the Plymouth automobile. for Washington county this week, according to MacKenzie. The 1935 tire month in 1933. Holznagel pre­ duties ns speaker of the house terest. midnight Christmas Eve celebration New building, which has been according to word received by the Amos Bieriy of the Kinton corn dicted that the final total this . will not only keep him in Sa­ of the council Monday night at the under construction during the past local office. One program calls for V-8 engine will be practically the club won eighth place with his year would be far in excess of last same as the 1934 with some re­ lem during the legislative ses­ Venetian. "All Christians, whether month. Is a one-story, fire-proof (Continued on pane 10, column 61 finements Including copper-lead' corn exhibit at the recent Junior : year. sion, but for at least a month n it­ Catholic or non-Cathollc. Protest­ structure, 50 by 100 feet in dimen­ connecting rod bearings and a new- National Corn show at Chicago, ac­ er adjournment, cleaning up tiie ants of every denomination, may sion. The showroom will be 40 by type of crankcase ventilation. The cording to word received by L. E. , tag ends of tiie lawmaking Job sing together the praises of Him 50. Old Hlltsboro garage has been rear seat on the new car will be Francis, assistant county agent. so he Just bundled up the family . who came to earUi as angels sang Incorporated in the new building Contract for purchase of 334 upon the midnight clear." forward of the rear axle so that This exhibit of corn was entered and brought them along with him and will house the used car de­ all passengers may ride between the tn a district contest along with to tiie capital city, where li 1 s jxircelaln-ennniel street signs for A goad sized audience gathered partment and shop. Mohr Broth­ exhibits front eight other western axles. youngsters are now enrolled in the city of Hillsboro was completed to sing the Christmas carols and ers Members of the state game com­ states. Announcement of the award had the construction contract. Saturday with the Portland repre­ MacKenzie, Frank Doane, R. J. school. was made December 13 but at that mission have accepted an Invita­ M. P. Cady and R. C. Busch are sentative of the California Metal- to hear the young people's musical • • • Beattie and a new salesman, Gene Hilhi gridders brought a close time It was not known which of the tion to attend the Installation program. Every part of the serv­ Roadside beer parlors are doomed Enamel eompnny. The signs, which ice. except Uie numbers by the partners In the Cady Motor com­ to the 1934 football season Satur­ Rossman, went to Seattle Thursday three Bieriy boys won the honor. banquet of the Washington coun­ to preview the new car and learn under nn order of the liquor com­ are to be used In Installing Uie choir of St. Matthew's church and pany firm. day evening with the annual grid­ Oregon boys won first, second, ty chapter. laak Walton league, mission denying licenses to places "Philadelphia street system" 1 n the meditation, was carried on by iron banquet for local fans who details of the 1935 set-up. Ross­ fifth, seventh eighth and ninth In in the Hillsboro Chamber of Com­ whose principal business Is the Hillsboro, were contracted for by the young people themselves. Pas­ man a cousin of Dr. Hal Rossman, this district contest. Amos also had merce rooms planned for January assisted the team and provided serving ol drinks. In order to qual­ the council nt a cost of 75 cents tor Haller emphasized t h e inter- transportation to games. Jim Gro­ local resident, moved to Hillsboro a 10-ear exhibit selected as one of 7. The commislson h a s Invited ify for beer licenses these places a sign. gan, veteran end, acted as toast­ from Portland this week with his five which made up an Oregon Governor-elect Charles H. Martin faith character of the celebraUon, must now go Into the restaurant master and short talks were given family. state corn exhibit which was enter­ to attend and with a good chance and called for a greater unity In business when they may serve Mrs. Peter Grossen. 62, d i e d by several of the honor guests. ed at the National Oom show. tliat he will be present. carrying on the religion taught by customers sented at tables. Grocery Christmas day at the family home , High point of the program was This state exhibit, competing Judge Donald T. Templeton, pres­ tiie Child of Bethlehem. stores and drug stores In cities ov­ near Helvetia. She was born Octo­ presentation of the Howe award against exhibits from other states, ident of the local chapter, expects After the theater program, the ber 10. 1872, in Canton Berne, the er 5000 population arc to be denied to George Holscher, outstanding a good attendance from Portland, placed ninth. the right to serve the amber brew Prize money won by county 4-H young people went caroling through Switzerland, where she married halfback, as the best all-around Tillamook, McMinnville and other by the glass. The commission Is club girls In the Ball Brothers can­ the streets of the city, and en­ Peter Grossen January 25. 1913. player on the 1934 squad. The valley towns. Forum meeting of the local Town­ also considering a ban on Sunday ning contest nt the state fair was joyed a waffle breakfast Council They came to this country a trophy, sponsored by the Lyman send Revolving Pension Plan club beer sales. received this week at the county expresed Its thanks to Mr. Phelps month later and settled at Helvetia. Howe Clothing shop, was based will meet at the Christian church V. F. W. Post Sponsors • * • of the Venetian, the Hillsboro Ar­ She was an active member of the school superintendent's office. Lois upon scholarship, leadership, train­ Sunday a t 2:30 p. m. Several prom­ John H. Carkln has been reap­ Blerly of Kinton placed sixth In gus, and Mr. and Mrs. Abendroth German Reformed church. She Is ing. co-operation and ability. New Y ear’s Eve Dance inent local men are being asked to pointed as a member of the state Division I and Frances Detrtck or for their Christmas gifts to the survived by her widower, a son. Plan for preventing crime and Fighting spirit and co-operative present their views, either affirma­ Veterans of Foreign War* post council. tax commission. His commission was Rock Creek placed seventh. Fred Grossen; and three daugh­ ability of the team was lauded by tive or negative, of the plan. Also Juvenile delinquency was proposed No. 2666 are sponsoring a carni­ signed by Governor Meier and Sec­ Rosalie Reed of Aloha-Huber re­ ters. Mrs. Chris Relehen of Hills­ W. O. Hare. L. C. Kramlen and C. news regarding recent developments by O. Russell Morgan. Washington val dance for New Year’s Eve a t retary of State Stadelman. The ceived the gold pin this week offered P yth ian L odges Sponsor boro, Mrs. Fred Jossy of near Beth­ T. Richardson In short talks. Gifts over the nation, especially the vis­ the Shute park auditorium. fact that Ills commission docs not by Montgomery-Ward company for any. and Mrs. Howard Nottage of from the team were presented to it of Dr. Townsend In Washington, coun-ty district attorney, Saturday Koeb’s Rhythm Rascals have an N ew Y e a r ’s N igh t D an ce bear the signature of State Treas­ tiie outstanding home economics Portland; ten grandchildren; her B. M. Goodman and Reece Hath- D. C., Is to be presented. Oppor­ during the closing session of the eight-piece orchestra and will add urer Holman has given rise to »»me club girl In the county. Knights of Pythias lodges of mother, Mrs. Rose Wandfluh and horn, coaches, by Grogan. two more pieces after the first of conference of Oregon district a t­ tunity will be given anyone to ask speculation lo the effect that Car- the year. Sylvester VanLoo of Ver- Hillsboro and Forest Grove are three brothers and four sisters, all Other speakers Included Good­ questions. torneys In Portland. Morgan's pro­ . kin may not long survive the ud- Forest G rove M inister boort, trumpet player, has recently sponsoring a public danee at the In Switzerland. man. Hathhom. Richard Glllmore, Local headquarters are located at vent of the new state administra­ Shute park auditorium New Year's Funeral services will be held at Shelby Forney, Rev. d ia ries Reed, the stage depot In Robert Kelly's posal, which was adopted In a res­ Joined them, and Evelyn Schulmer- T a lk s at R otary Club ich singing with them. Little Bar­ tion. January 1. 1:30 p. m. Friday at the Bethany Herb Schulmcrlch, Charles Wun­ real estate office. Kelly Is secre­ olution. suggested the establishment bara Is Moore Ideal of service was stressed In a night. • • • will tap dance during Dance Is called for 8:30 p. m. derlich, Claude Cook. T. G. Bron- of Institutions where first offend­ Presbyterian church. Rev. H. A. tary and has literature and other The state now has a $5000 In­ Christmas message given before the and all Knights of Pythias, Pythian Dickman officiating. Interm ent will leewp. O. O. Coslett., R. Frank club supplies for distribution. Any­ ers could be taught useful occupa­ Intermission. The orchestra has re­ cently purchased 15-watt public terest in a set of plans for a lot Rotary club Thursday by Rev. Claude Sisters and the public are Invited. be In the church cemetery. Donel­ Peters, P. L. Patterson. B, W. one desiring Information is asked tions and be turned back to so­ address system a constructed b y of new public buildings .The plans P. Sabin of Forest. Grove. Maurice J. W. Connell or Hillsboro Is chair­ son A Sewell have charge of fu­ Barnes, J. H. G arrett and Rollln to see him. R. L. Putnam is p resi-, ciety as self-supporting and useful Charles Douglass and will use It at were drawn by a group of archl- Dean sang and was accompanied man of the event. the auditorium New Year's Eve. citizens. Deck. neral arrangements. dent. on Uie piano by Mrs, F. J. Sewell. B uilding to Promises Gain Rumors Fulfilled Unverified Hearing Planned Early Pioneer Woman Passes to Scan Records Water Company Gardner Display Pension Need Captures Honors Seen by Judge Rotarían Contest Relief Wag es Revised Here Tax on Checks Ends Tuesday Holiday Mail Increase Big Cady to Hold Opening Here New Ford Car Will be Shown Christmas Carol Festival Attracts Amos Bieriy Wins Com Show Award City Lets Contract New Street Signs Hilhi Gridders H old Banquet Martin May Attend Izaak Walton Feed Funeral of Mrs. Grossen Friday Four-H Club Girls Get Contest Prizes Pension Club Plans Meeting on Sunday Morgan Presents Crime Curb Plan (Continued on pave R, column I )