I'hui'mlny, Decem ber 20, 1934 THE H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON iltfht, uiwl enrol Ringing lent Yule* ♦ H?°zïŒUr ,C hrlstP3ii at Hat* cleaned and blocked, shoes tide utinoNphere to the meeting A .sin ^ t1 ft Atore’ 1320 W ashington shined. W. Q Stampolls, 1132 Main Ixix wit* parked for n needy family. 43-44 Street. 37 tf The next meeting will be a t tho | home of Mrs. Verne Curry with Mr». W F. Haase was h noreti See W. M. Smith about your au- Mrs. Htaiuiard in charge of the r ' Z z i n v ' s / i / l i r J / r i i wlUl a h'flhduy party at her home tomoblle Insurance, a u t th Ram bling M ountaineer» n o r iz l ed program. x > f l€ t4 .s k . } U ( u r ,tui,Jay Those present were Me .-.r. S for reliable western com- Gance at Laurel hall Suturday and Mesdames C harle. Whltesell Play to be Glvrn— pany. Can save you money.—1356 22 IS Old cents time and Christm and Albert Knobel of Portland. Portland J j day ‘'Z I V as m x assembly n Z a T 'X ^ u n io n 1 high S e ro n d 's t' — P h o n e '¿ S ix 34tf modern. æZ®™ December Adnd«sion and ..........Albert — ’ “ qatr. _ * i i1 , O afternoon at ine union high The Coffee club . H . i?Lnt 011 H Haase and »on Harold of Laurel 25 cents. 43 4 llllhl alum ni party and dam e Chiefs' d u b prtwnLed a comedy, Night, will be presented a t the about 150 Invitation» to children .,l Henry J Haas*1. Jo an Ooetze and Lschool will be In charge of the Old Time Dance ino C hristm as as' v)n Norman John Haase and rh il f,,rl Reserves. The school band. will be held I'rlday evening. l>-« em dlnx tid by Mra. U. I t b b u iu i u . Woman’s Relief Corp , meeting b ri­ Hillsboro HULtboro to attend a Christm ber 2M, a t the high h *UI assist with the C hrist- orchestra 44U 44p clu/wt of 1B35. election ol oihceis, J u iih m Anderson. Fred Chase. W F Ixirmor, and H. be given to all children attendlni p y Henry Peters all leaving H- Btannard, reader. A Christm as and It Is planned th a t no child In ) and Mrs Anna H uhm an of Com e- tx,dy- Beaverton Girl Reserves Notire of 12 years or under will lius Carl Peterson of Firtlale la w - **11 furnish one number on the „ All graduates, former studetu«, Huturduy to spend the winter in j tree anil exchange of «tits will fol Hillsboro be Without C hristm as joy Mr...1 " X e Kriebe m " X t h o ? program and a one-act play, “»ilnil „ ,lMnce « ° f £• North and FREE lunch tlld r Inmlllen and friends, and ex- lamg Hem h, G al, was presented! low the program. Loren Mllllman Is chairm an of Hie j,„s William Meyer and the host lJ t ! ■ rT ^ io "‘l“ r i k v 'h ilb “ r Leider, "by M artha «Uver ChrtotmM "baito. | I Ibr "kiddfe." party on 8 a tu t- selections. They were directed by Arch Masons here Thursday night iB; — ■ - - for the ‘ ................... P A TenHaaf, with Miss G ertrude and installation will be held at Mis O race Chrlxtrnacn of Hovt- t jam ea, song. "The Son of God Binging of C hristm as carols was day- Lachner Havnaer as accompanist. the Masonic temple Friday night. ■ laud president of tlie ltelx'kali As- o (M.s F orth for Peace." by ch o n , enjoyed, an Interesting reading from . . . ' . _ Mrs H. N. Becker, reader, gave Members of the Masonic lodge. (■ ■eniblv of Oregiui. iiiude tier offlelal mpjeu,, "peace on E arth Gix«l-Wlll Dickens’ C hristnui, Carol was given A l U S i t 'c l l P T O B T a m several selections which were a de- Eastern Star, families and friends; v'ls I Monday evening to Hl Uiboio u , tllolr ..Glory u , * v i wl.Ti? win Mr’s (}ardner. Mrs. Lyman Howe swered with nam es of Christm as Mrs Heaton presented Mrs ■rnesa air*, i p , , E» ‘ and they were sung during LEARN TO FLAY jazz . ¿ e th a n v Prexhvten ie x h ? ie r ,.o VltU>r Br>ant. Christensen with V..MI-VOUW1I w.ui a gift of table U e l l t c r t a i n s r m e n t i s , the Rellianv ill , S « 1. oi)»oi., With Mrs carols the meeting. An exchange of gifts Beginners or students with a fair stiver from tlie lodge and Mis. . . . , ,, r. ,, , hv n.» ViS.'iJ , Fred Sewell, accompanist knowledge of music. Vernon Holm, noble grand, pre- j ° ( 1 I’ i , T 4' V".a. SnnHa'v by ' ' ' choir at 8 p. m ( Mrs o a rd n e r gave a short ex- was mode »ented Mr* Heaton with a bouquet Bunduy *07001 will en tertain th e J • ■ .. . a i Planatlon of Chopin’s composition Here E'rom New York— Satisfaction guaranteed. of chrysanthem um s Mrs. Iluhn and h artals, friends, and the member- 1 .SJY A ’ b*’forc Miss MacDowell’g selections, . {rs H Arnold iG ra ee W ahner) the rn a - nl ’ hip „ of the church Bunday evening H >red Albert lien Meier, stating in th ai at n he t was wils ra iled th - "Port Mrs H (Grace IVAN KOEBER m i vrand grant] o o fficer i i i t i i s . received i m i v i x i ra curna .n„... „.,n serve ansen Hamel. Peed i . issv ie .. Harry n.hn siaiing calico tne l o t : arrived last Arnold week for a few Wanner) months at 8 o'clock llie y will In- Hansen. Fred Jossy. Ben Leu. John lions Plano’ and •Bough hts vuq t wl‘m j,er parents. Mr. and! pb , „ . . i ’ l i i L associate patron; Miss Rose Cave, nlr cert. Friday evening, December 28, Dungan; carol, “Away in u Manger," ( L z O I C c iS v. 1U D secretary; Mrs Helen Delchman. I treasurer; Mrs H L. Hoeffel, con- at and under the auspices of Beth primary class; Pastor's stcry and dustress; and Mrs. R. R. Easter, any Baptist church In Jingle Bella." primary; S an ta Claus! Dorcas club met Thursday eve- associate conductress Woodward, who Is studying In San and C hristm as tree Plus Selected nUig at the home ol Mrs Harley Francisco tuider G lenn Goff, prom ­ Following election refreshm ents Here are some suggestions Smith, with Mrs Robert Tanner of fruit, popcorn, nuts and candle., inent Pacific roast organist, has ar- . _ . w, Short Subjects! as assisting hostess Officers re ­ were served by the out-going of-1 ranged a iirogTiiin which m arks her *' AI.ATIN YAI.EEY ( II.APTER elected for the coming year were fleers The dining room was dec­ as a muMclan destined far a dis­ I.EAGUl OF WRITERS MEETS .90 tinguished concert career The con­ Mrs Fred Caldwell was h o sier Mrs. R W Oates, president; Mrs. orated with a large C hristm as tree, i’ COATS cert will begin a t 8 15 All are in­ Tuesday evening a t the meeting of V .tre and Christm as carols were sung I - ..... .. of ... Western Fatty ixrmax. src rrta ry -trra su rri. during the evening. vited . . . . , T ualatin Valley League .95 Joint installation will be held Although only twenty-two. lier w riters Mrs O. Osborne gave u Mrs Clem Esllnger and Mrs. F TEDDIES I _ Livermore of Beaverton were vis­ with Tualaty lodge A. F and A M. i DRESSES recitals tn San Francisco and locally resume of a play and Mrs. E W. itors Thursday evening. December 27. In tlx- past lu»ve attracted much at- Hillis gnve a biographical sketch SILK The hostesses presented each tent Ion In San Francisco's musical w h ltttcr Response to roll call GOWNS circles she has gained a unique Wiu, ln„d(. bv reciting n W hittier member and visitor with a C hrist­ mas gift, and card playing was e n ­ reputation lor her skill tn reading poem SJ95 SILK joyed Christm as decorations were a t sight the must difficult compo- A C hristm as tree and exchange SLIPS sltlons ol Ba«’h Of gifts was the feature of the eve- used throughout the house Manv old favorites will be played n ing .15 during her program, umong them j^,,. January meeting will be held Celebrate Wedding Anniversary— Hie much-loved "Nocturne in E Flat ttl 1Jl(. home of Mrs Agnes Hines HOSE Mr and Mrs. J. H Hensley and by Chopin S a in t - S a m s " T h e tlrove. with Mrs. Ellza- son Henry' acre guests Sunday at a Prises — Noise Makers 8w an....... rrau m errt " by Schum ann Detli Todd as assisting hostess dinner given by Mr. and Mrs Al­ And we wish you a very Buch-Gounod's "Ave Marta," Rubcn- bert Dnppen of Portland In lion- NEW YEAR’S EVE steln's '"Kuinnimnal-Ostrow" and (¡Iris Have Party_ ™ XN *• • . aw .•« or of Mr and Mrs Hensley's 39th MERRY CHRISTMAS Tachalkowaky's beautiful "Andante Continuous OI Show Oral Christmas— 2 until 11 p. m. wedding anniversary. They received Shute Park Auditorium m x K s w’^ , x r w t i r ^ « several lovely gifts. Mrs. Duppcn Is Hillsboro v * GOAR'S lure tn B Minor. ” Bach’* "Toccata rycnlb« a t 1 h c Congregational a ley. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs Hens­ Sponsored by Veterans of and Fugue In D Minor." and Wtdor's church Foreign Wars Post No. 2666 "Toccata In F" lrom the "Sixth Breakfast Club Meets— Past M atrons Meet— Organ Symphony " A special feat m e BrrRkflLM rIub niPt Wednesday Past M atrons' club will meet F ri­ Music by Kncb's Rhythm Rascals E. M BARNES. Prop. ot the program will be MIsa Wood- wHh „ „ „ s ta n n a r t wlth M r' day. December 28. with Mrs. H. A lad ies 10c Gents 10c w ards own improvisations on C h rist- R Burllngame as program chair- Dwk Members are asked to bring mas carols man C hristm as decorations, candle- simple gifts for a Christm as party H ilh i A lu m n i A nnual Mrs. W. F. Haase 150 C h ild ren Will See Santa Honored at Party HCt y P la n R e u n io n Girl Reserves in Charge Program at Hilhi Friday DANCES t. SSSSi,^: Christmas Tea Given Thursday 14 R V 1¡ Rebekah Grand O fficers Here Monday Night Sun. & Mon. D E A T I H K 1 Cantata Sunday Laughs, love and excitement | the year’s biggest thrill! Sunday School 1 i Mrs. V. Curry Matron O. E. S. Miss Woodward to Give Concert # S Christmas Sale F. •í^hany'MÜs p w Qift Sale Elects Officers ll |K ‘V5 bRII ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■I * g la M I ■ V W 69c g i l 1 ~1 h I " 1 I ' i-LkJ ’ W & 12 $7 $2" Carnival »4 DANCE A miscellaneous shower was given Monday evening a t G ran t Jones' home honoring Miss Audrey Jone... bride-elect of Lowell McAleur. Those present were Mesdames Lester lackey, A rthur Aldlnger, Morton Hart. Ira Butterw orth. Richard Rice, Darrell Jones and O rant Jones, Misses R uth Jones. Josephine Stuart, and the Joint hostesses. MLss Opal Betzer. Miss Wilma Ptrte, Miss Hazel Brown. Mrs. Newton T hom p­ son and Mrs Ross H ortram pf. The evening was spent playing bunco. ! ™ i : | ¡XMAS SPEClALi I iT u e -W e d -T h u . « Honor Bride-Elect With Shower “ W O M A N ’S S H O P =ikl 4 I r V l Thurs • Fri - Sat. THIS WEEK ^l V I I g Q ■ l(^0 Matinee Saturday at 2 p. m.— Evening at 6:30 I I Mrs. Peppard M.E.C. Phoenicia Temple Mrs. J R Peppard was elected most excellent chief of Phoenicia Temple. Pythian Sisters, a t t h e meeting Friday night O ther offi­ cers elected were Mrs. J. W. Har­ ney, excellent senior; Mrs. Lee ( Oakes, excellent Junior; Miss Angle! Harrington, m anager; Mrs. R F. | Peters, mistress ot records and cor­ respondence; Mrs. Henry Johnson, mistress of finance; Mrs. O rant Zumwalt, protector; und Mrs. H. ll. C hantler. outer guard. Mrs. 8. E. Olsen was elected trustee, and Mrs. Natalie VanMoock was recommend­ ed as Installing officer. A ix>t luck dinner was served be­ fore tn e temple session to members and their families. Following the j meeting, members of t h e Past __ I I I I I A rtd td JO B T E N N E R L A N N Ÿ ROSS J A C K O A K IE HELEN M A C K From Your Jeweler Are the GIFTS Supecme We have countless things in our store th a t are appropriate and de­ sirable as C hristm as Gifts. If win­ dow display docs not contain what you want, our show cases must, you are Invited to call. ANDERSO N JEWELER 1211 Main St. "LET ANDY FIX YOUR WATCH" P a ttm o u n t P lt t u r t by N orm an Taurog w ith J Made (or the mil- lion* who loved “Little Women.'g Anne T om O. P. Helen I ■ B row n ■ H eggie I Westley " the ho h o e h U h ia y L . M " ra lU Baud upon MONTGOMERY. hy L . C. Pagt DIANA WYNYARD in "ONE MORE RIVER” Shirley a> "Anns" PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT 11:15 I I I a W ith C o .. In « . Directed by George NUheUe. Jr. REGULAR PRICES P L U S "Silly Symphony” - Fox News — and Comedy 10c and R KO RADIOI Pittar«* Plus "POP EYE” Cartoon And Other Short Subject* ■ “