I hurndiiy. December 20, 1934 THE M o u n ta in Fop H IL L S B O R O The Greatest Gift ARGU S. II I L L » B O R O . OREGON It’s a Gift L a u re l People P ro g ram Set O rg a n iz e C lu b Pleasant View Program on Saturday Evening Christmas Program Laurel Church Sunday Morning <11. Ur. Illnl .M* < -‘»uturU i OHBUAUEM MOUNTAIN Moun­ tain Too xt'liool will present a two hour Clui»luui» program Mhluy evening. Then- will be u play, "OhrlaUniut With the Mulligan», with 13 Inking port. besides leading» mui inuMc Hunut Claus will be here with candy l»r everyone lllll lieuton of Newbeig v tolled Mr. mui Mr». Granville Even- Deoeniber 13. Pupil» ut Mountain Top school with deportment und no grade be­ low DU and pert n t attendance (or Ute last month are Gerald lliuison, C'lutrinuliie Brunson. Ardytli Elzwll- er, Helen Mru* Gunther and Boult 11 Clark Mrs Wayne Jones und son» ac­ companied tier »Ister, Mr» Roscoe Howard to Grants l*u»s Decem­ ber 12. where they will visit rela­ tive*. Including Iter mother, Mrs G. Kendall, until alter the Holidays. Mr Jones accompanied them a» fat as Salem Mrs. J K. Blawvr entertained with a dilute.- party Friday eve­ ning for Mr. and Mrs F. E Hoff­ man. Miss Helen Houun and Mern- bell Hoffman Mountain ’Dtp church will give tlielr Christina.» program Sunday evening They have been practicing on a play tor Ute luat two weeks Irene Whitmore, Helen Gtlo and Wallace Whitmore were neither ub- »ent nor tardy at the Fir Grove . sclaul lor tlie six week» ending De­ UJy M ri. F. L. Brown) Patte Seven LeisyvilJe School Has Xmas Program LEISYVILLE Tlie school chil­ dren will have their Christmas pro­ gram Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Everyone cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair and Marjorie and Mr. and Mrs, Albert Leonard of Silverton attended ttie hop growers' convention at Salem on December 8 Tlie Sinclair» spent the week-end at the Albert Leonard home. The Women's club met with Mrs. Maes Thursday A Christmas tree was enjoyed. Miss Margaret Dixon. ! county nurse, gave a short health talk. Emil Kerkoff of Seattle has been spending a few days with his son, Kerni Kerkoff. Mr. and Mrs Reynold Hoberg, I who sold their place several months ago are moving to Hillsboro. Mrs. E. E. Rowton visited with her sister, Mrs. Victor Berg, at Aloha last week. “Anne of Green G ables” Theater Xmas Special "Anne of Oreen Gables'' film version of the popular novel by the some name, has been selected for the Christinas special at the Ven­ etian theater. Anne Shirley. Juven­ ile star. Is cast in the title role and Is supported by a veteran cast. The picture wilt be shown at the Ven­ etian Tuesday, Wednesday a n d Thursday. Publishes Book “The Bells of Helmus'' by Coble ile fx-spmasse of Hubbard was pub­ lished December 1 ln Portland. Mis. I de Lesptnasse ts well known here to Pythian Sisters as a state officer. CORWIN HARDW ARE Headquarters Hunting and Fishing Supplies LAUREL H. 8 Dalby wa» elected Official Newspaper of Washington president and Philip Llebenow sec­ Aladdin Lamps County—Hillsboro Argus with which retary of tlie Townsend Gill A <• Tube» Tested Free ts combined the Hillsboro Inde­ Long s Radio pi'iision club which was organized pendent. tf ut the community liall Thursday evening. About fifty im-mbers Join­ ed. A Mr. Berger from Portland was the speaker of the evening. Program Sunday ING it loud! Sing it long! Sing Christmas will be observed at it sw eet! Sing it strong ! tlie church Sunday morning by a short program consisting of num- W e’re wishing you AN OLD bers from each of the classes, ltev. FASHIONED CHRISTMAS to be Simpson will be present and give enjoyed in new fashioned ways. a short talk. A. A. Soule arrived at his home Let’s get together for e x t r a this week to spend the holidays. Christm as cheer. Harold Hathorn and his mother. Mrs. W. N Hathorn of Hillsboro visited their parents and grand­ parents, Mr. aud Mrs. E. C. Mulloy, Sunday. FARMINGTON—The community Program at lanirelvlrw A lot of children who have Sunday school Christmas program Lauielvicw school will have a stayed up Christmas Eve to will be held at the Christian church Christmas program at the school­ Sunday evening. Everyone Is cor­ house Prlday alteruoun at 2 o’clock, catch a glimpse of Santa Claus dially Invited to attend. followed by treats from the Christ­ will envy Baby LeRoy his tete- Mr. and Mrs Markin Boge and mas tree, according to a report by a-tete with the great man. But Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luma, all of the teacher, Mrs. Orayce Hughes Master LeRoy seems too awed by Portland, were week-end visitors at Mr and Mrs. Amos Watkins and the Ed Boge home. Phone 47 Hillsboro. Oregon children were Sunday guests of the occasion to appreciate his gift. Mrs. Olga Hardin and daughter her sister, Mrs. Ernest Guenther, Patsy have been quite 1 1 1 with the and family of Chehulem Mountain recovered to begin again Monday. flu. Program Friday Darlene Bolma of Midway spent Mr. and Mrs. Merl Bruckman laturel scliool Christmas program last week with her aunt, Mrs. Rol visited Mr. and Mrs Ervin Burk­ will be given ln the hall Friday lln Meyers. halter Sunday. Mr. Bruckman Is evening under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanson ( htiiull . Mr« I illv M Hicrlv Rutschman sergeant-at-arms. The Friday night by their daughter stranger to any man. MIB1*1?11*4 «YT? arr °rak?o in the A number of the local Odd Fel- I (Hr Hr. Il C. Rlvsrd) The angel answered, “The Holy i“ tta ^ n ^ - k e t *or suto th U ^ rek i®*“ attended Tigard lodge Thura- ALOHA -Various grades are busl- class donated ten dollars toward Rita ln tionor of the play cast of the fund being raised to paint tlie The Thirteenth Chair.' which was Spirit shall come upon thee, and Purllahd market form to this ^ k day evenl.Mf ly rI sen, Flnlgon home o ilier guests there '.T.'iJ'j“ ' ‘ and Regina Duyck and Messrs. on the Father's side. To be tempted I report card. Bunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ostai Mr an’“ The ^ 1 ' boys received that the GU- Adolf Rutschman. Hannah. Helen Wayne Shipley. Earl Oroat. Harry ever born into this world w ithout: and Ted Rutschman. Cecil Schmidt. Seabold Jr.. Russell Mailer, Ralph a human father. Two natures ln Kartihi of l*urtland, Tom Shuck olid , )r t , , , WPPg ,,f Mr Hansen s >n°re 17,1 Company will furnish Mrs Emelle Hogrefe and Irene and Cop Walter Jesse, Edward Max­ one person; God and man. “For in j son Stanley of Hillsboro and Mr m “ h 7 VMentlne I l»*m " lUl u ™ »n ' U! Elbc-rt Stevens. well Oris Mailer George Thompson. Him dwelleth all the fullness o f 1 and Mrs Otto Orndulf and mui „ rx w ,. VanHorn near future The 'Portland Mrs. A. A. Soule and son Robert Arthur Vandehey. Aloysius Vander­ the God-head bodily." So God prepared a body for Him Robert. Robert orndulf aceom- . . . . .. hvlng for the must Schools Boy Patrol» wear the same and tier motlier. Mrs. C am e Aggas. zanden, Raymond VanDyke. Rene paid«! h l. aunt, Mrs Tom Shuck ttto Arthur tL iS n - ¡ W ° , vbefta' »“rnlshed by Ule 0,1 wlio is her guest, visited the W. M. Wyffles. Joseph Duyck and tlie and Mary brought Him forth to Karbel family at Newberg Sunday. hostess. Rita Duyck The evening the birth; He lived his holy life, to H<*r lioiiw* in HUUboro untl will n... H our ® nortH of tin* school conijMMiy. You are invited to come in the bank a t any time remain until the last of ihia week. Inovt.(1 Wr«-K to ttle k a Buch- Clare Kellogg ol th« Fourtli grade Mrs. Cally Dolly, who fell and was spent ln playing games and < died for sinners and ascended bock Keeord Good S T S S J r w htei h « l bien rrSlfl.y »“ » recently moved to Cascade fractured two ribs recently, Is con­ dancing. to glory. and discuss your financial problem s w ith us. And now mothers of today, what Four of Uie seven pupils at Buck ....«...-„j Locks valescing rapidly. Her daughters Arm Fractured of your boy? Will he be a strong Heaven scliool were perlect in lMls# Margaret Vandcrmo»t was F*11*1 8riMle k,rls &re engaged tn are alternating in caring for her. Theodore Vanderzanden suffered tower? Will he take on spiritual attendance Die tlie las’ lost six mlM'elloneous stiower Sut- dressing a doll, which was purchas- Mrs. Elmer Peterson of Hillsboro — weeks — *'• They , ; - broken arm as a result of a fall girth ln the uplands of God? Up are John afternoon at the home of ed by thclr teaclier. Mrs. Mack spent the first ol last week with a from Jotui Mattern. Marjorie Petroli, * a tree while trimming It Fri­ where "My faith looks up to thee," Merrtbet) Hoifman a«U IXjral Bax- wHr. Mr ...d Mrs T»>- doh Is to b e . Christmas g.ft her. Mrs. Ed Losli of Portland the day. acknowedgement and confes­ latter part of the week and Mrs. ton Phyllt» wohlscldegel. eigUi '.’j a n d e r m c ' f t t "There were lor sol>“' Klrl ln tlle community, Miss Frances Crunican of Baines with grade, revived no grade below DU X ” tyn thlnv |»d “s p r e in t a7d Ruth *“ 'd ■* Spain Sutton Flora Nelson of Portland is there sion of sins? Will he be of that spent Sunday night with Miss Rose (Bern, Miller began excavating for “ „ X were r e ie lv ^ by Mils ri‘t *-niiy returned from a Thanks- this week. little band that dares to do right Bernards. a day when he might side-step a potato basement Saturday He vandermoot giving trip to Idaho, where they Sunday guests at the Raleigh Glen Ireland, son of Mr and Mrs. in Whitmore home were Mrs. E. Have- Arthur Ireland, arrived here Sun­ the right to escape trial and loss? plans to build a barn over the ex- Woocember 30. alter which ployed on tlie Edward Luckenback cently from near Spokane, where he returned home Thursday night. hod spent most of the summer and McMinnville Monday. ---- .. will follow the annual election of ship, He has signed up lor another trip fall with an aunt. Mr lUid Mrs George Maynaiu | offlcer!( Mr. and Mrs Harry Mix and so n 1 Whittle» Entertain visited Saturday and Bunday with E L Cox vbutP(1 ln iwrtland for Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Whittle en­ Mr, and Mrs MeKlsslck of New- a couple of days last week as a Morris of Hillsdale visited the Ash­ BLOOMING—John Kamila has ford home in Alolia Monday tertained with a dinner Sunday, berg. 1 guest of friends. Morris Addis of S alon visited m honoring Mr. and Mrs Sam Coy of been elected president of the Bloom­ Mrs Kurt Jacky and baby son ar- i Mr» Ethel McCormick and fain- Hillsboro Others present were Mr. ing local of the Farmers' Union. rlved «1 the A D Hill home Ilium- 1)y (>r Hillsboro visited relatives tn Alolia Saturday. Pupils of Mrs. Kearney's room and Mrs. J. L. Auld of Hillsboro. Other officers are: Leonard Mueh- day Tliey win remain until ultei KtnUJn Sunday afternoon. held a candy sale Friday. Proceeds Mr. and Mrs. H M. Whtsnand and ly. vice-president; Jeanne Jepson. ________________ secretary-treasurer: John Goetzt. are to ly used to purchase a Mr and Mrs. Richard Whittle. Mrs D. M McInnis went to Port- . . . . n | present for Nina Bruenlng, a class­ Mrs Pearl Crabtree of Pendleton conductor: L. F Newkirch. door­ land Wednesday where she was a JVlt, H O fU C r U H lS mate who Is tn the hospital, as the and daughter Mrs William Helming keeper; Richard Schoeler. Howard guest of her daughtirs. Mrs. L L. result ol an automobile accident. Murray und Miss Alice McInnis, of near Portland, former residents j Olanie and Joe Werre. directors Because the next meeting fails the Ed Johnson ts employed at the ol this community, were greeting until Friday when a granddaughter. Bonneville Dam Laura Luc Murray returned home old friends at the Fanners' Union day after Christmas It was decided Illy Makel II. Alllaon) to eliminate Ihls session and have Mrs John Schmid visited her with her and remained until Bun­ MOUNTAIN HOME Christinas aunt. Mrs Julia Gault, tn McMlnn- gathering at the Community trail the next meeting January 9. There 6 IV E YOU A IL TH E S E : day evening Her mother. Mrs. L Saturday night. L Murray, Miss Alice McInnis anti PruK™1'» vtlle Sunday. Mrs Calvin Whitmore fell at hei will be a short business session Frank I’lin ler tame out Sumlav ‘. ’“L1 f”, Sul’d“> ev*n !'K ln i Miss Oenevievc e .. ........... of ............. Tnnt Control Smith HUls- home last week and dislocated her j before the entertainment as this is meeting night. Committee ap­ • El W hitm ore und son Walter m M ^ s i h n w l l i e r S in b’>ro spcnl Tues‘1‘‘X vwittng at the hip. She Is convalescing satisfactor­ open pointments will be announced at hunted at Wapato lake Friday.' V< ars. Miss Marl Bchmeltser ts 111 bLMnp oy Jeannie Sivard Ttoibtrature Control ily at this writing. Tliey brought home 25 ducks charge of the musical and vocal Jo,in sivard of South Dakota Is Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown were that time Eii Wolschlegel of Bcliolls visited Pri«J'am; Mrs. Mildred Loren/en Is vwltl„g 1,15 h C. Sivard. Mr. Sunday evening guests of her sister, ^Automatic Ask your attorney to send your' w *' ' K S S 2 " i J i S ’ g a s . ~ a• ‘h • “ » ' ™ ’ s ” “,h Mrs J. W. Twigg, and family of legal advertising to the Argus. Sv lio 1 Is Insulated. I ’entilated Oi w j " « ’" i s , , ™ » . „ » c . w • Robert Williams of Hillsboro was the guest of his aunt. Mrs. W. L .! Son-Tippable Sbehes SAXTON * LOONEY nr a ll a m i tin exrtuuice of gifts 11,1 lls vnrisuna» p i o g i n i i i o n for of worU, gifts. Friday afternoon The children are Stevens, from Monday until Fri­ > X all ¿ and m g iui a w exctiange rap iX gdt Producers of Quality day of last week. Plei Çounterbalaneed Oren Doors k a.M urniK a w * * , •* . cxHuiiiuiiu? nift-s kiav'inic draan Kollin Meyers Hurt en cent» if you wish to exchange earlier ten -» — , - _ luuni-s SAND and GRAVEI Mrs. Jessie Peppord of Forest Rollin Meyers suffered a severely, •f****' ________________ Mountain Home Christian En- ' Orove _ Is teaching --------- - the ----- Smokeless, glidin g Broilers Hayward arm last week while work- | Plant located 4 miles north of For­ _ deavor met at the home of Mr. and 1 scliool during tlie absence of Mrs. bruised trg with the steam drill ln the rock , est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone 'Porctlain Tnaniel Finish H lfgafM l , Mrs George Allison Friday eve- Hanes, who Is 111 at her home at quarry. He was unable to work for j 1609R nlng Plans for raising money were Gales Creek. several days, but was sufficiently I 1 and a H a p p y N ew Year our happiness to wish you happiness for Christm as and New Year ahead. Holidays I and T the ’S every day, it is our wish to serve you well. E L E C T R IC A L G IF T S H ere’s to your HAPPIEST CHRISTMAS LAST Accept our good wishes for a Christm as warmed by the light of good luck and good health. flcFall Jersey Dairy phone 2104 M a n y Years & a 3 PORTLAHD GEHERAL ELECTRIC CO. L IG H T PEPCO pow t a OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY Richard E. W iley, M anager the temperatures specified for your baking and roasting. On its surface burners, you get instantly, just the proper heat you need for any top cooking. The smokeless broiler gives new savor to meats and fish. Smartly styled —but highly efficient —are these modern gas ranges. And economical- no end —for they save in time, in labor, in failing dependability. Dealers are showing the new automatic gas ranges, and we have attractive displays of the 1935 models in our showrooms. See them this week. Ask about liberal credit terms. And don’t forget—a new gas range can be bought with a Federal Housing Act loan. We will gladly tell you how. P o r t l a n 1300 d G as & C o k e C o m p a n y Main Street — Hillsboro, Oregon FREE A $ 2 5 .0 0 SET OF STAINLESS ENAMELED WARE W H E N Y O U BUY A N E W GAS R A N G E — priced $ 8 5 .0 0 or mors without kitchen healer, or $ 1 2 5 .0 0 or more with healer. D IT A IL S AT D IA L IR S OR AT OUR S H O W R O O M S I