THE Page Six H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, December 20, 193 , *•"*" II Wltaon. 110; H miiiii »I T W» m |. M ictael Am ato, »ft. Mliiillh». » , . M i . I.Mhe, U um I. , 7 . Alois I otiiiholii, »ft. I' m I«4 i (bcim y 11 pii net I lU h it'l |I|.|,..|K »m Amy I. | | K ,W„ hurta» I. II,o w n , », . H , , , , t ‘•II. » . , M vr» F C arillo Th»Mnaa II »I M ary A C iarli. »7. ttatr»« ny, » O liver M adtam <;M rrta tn Foni. »ft; F ra n k lin • Î . Ih<>iiia>, Haya«, ». . »7 ; Francia Alva r il a M I.Milli, »7. J u .tli, Hm iry W Mohrm ann, Ift. l'a r a m ia in M .. - _____ . (By North Plains P. T. A .) NORTH PLA IN S- F W W ads-' a» . M ary A rm in .la tilaa, , 7 ; worth celebrated Ills ninety-eighth i v n . l l I. ears»,., « J , |.¡ l, „ ¡ . I (hllla blrtlxiav Friday a t lus home Ar. rputy conni y 1er!, ¡Iliau n ,111. M u rili» J „ „ , Ku.-k.iw * ta* Uotia Mini reg- open house was held and ills many I» \ i, i..r i,, j „ . k , , , , . , s |.„ ,„ r »•*1 MiuUou, rta 'ito n a friends and relatives called to wish »». I h ristia n W alth a rt » 7 iw o n le r. » current topics and can relate many h 'd .l ’ i.l«» « l llaujam fn \ alen» Underwood. d(*i>uty county re- Fran k lin interesting incidents of th e civil h.«.In,k. .........i n conter, »»ti. o H Krau», county «*h**d Pin. »A war. » Iin a n i Khernian Nelberver »; •u p t. II." » . Zola F M oraan, aaat. county Program tr n ti ) achool *up(, »75. J F Carpenter. county n n ■ 7 " ,, ’ .' s, ? ' F li.« b e ih l i . r r n •i.J». Kehen N orth Plains school will present »tat); Halen »S lal n k», deputy | L Newm an Funeral services for Mrs. Irm a » > | I i t a a n i New ton H p r . a C hristm as program Friday in the asAcnaor, »Uh», Viola tiumlhari; lone. »10 Kllaw erth ( a r in . n Virginia Taylor. 40. who died m afternoon. xr’a Mp, Aller Viola Stimi- , » ••««««ora exp. »74. v io la Sund 6 H . . A lle r Mabelle Ih o , i, i, . »• , Hillsboro Saturday morning, were '•••.« muntv Ladies of the T ualatin Plains »■» ■ s m * '. a#P. I«; J •* G aie- »; a l»...nm N¡íi..n j i ï i ' * i'“ K. P. Shaw WEIL HERE WE ARE-^ « u n i» . h . r i f f . » lu n n i H . r „ I h a r l . |,l..».l ", ' • conducted Monday from the IXmel- Cunnell, church met at the home of Mrs. \V. Uvpiily ahertff, I U I U U . H nli.1,1 l-» ll.- »7 M .u l i .w ¡l.’ .rv i v o ? K ! * " NOW, NOW.’ MV son A Sewell d isp el with Rev. R I John«on l.-puly JU ST SET T H E M bOVJN E Mays December 6 and made .h u r lff. »121 6U. G r . n l Am ella A P a rk in »U * è , î k ' i *" L Putnam officiating. Interm ent í '. , , d*1 ' aprons for a girls' school in Haines. d. ' N ä h e re t ÏI ©00Ù IAO----- <1 O. . I V F ‘ . « « » » I W L . r e a r ...............,Erta#lle». , 7 . i A A‘U was at the Hillsboro I. O. Alaska. " »7; • “»mer. ja n ito r »414.14. t«Hai »»tii>9. Mr« /.«,«««• Harm an R tM lM Q tR I 'M I iailrtnau, M itri.» » »e J„hi, m c e m e t e r y . Program at Arcade » _ . ».’ 4 69 M arl» Schmidt Mrs. Taylor was born December »tariff* «»nice »4114. m d»pt »is t. Pupils of th e Arcade school will PAYING YOG ' l \ K n k / lU • ’■»»■lull. . y J„„, r i« /k 9. 1894. at Son Francisco, C al. a n d , »■»«•». I.~i»r ih,.»«. ¡ J » : 7 - ► ► ? y i~ W l A n n i. I l . r A v li.« have their Christm as program F ri­ lerk • . • « ■ had been a resident S of »>(fei., •Icrk day. I t will consist of an operetta, l i e - this l» s city u r J-v«. v iv for e d »«»«. I ‘i**“- ! ttW ; Minni» « (a y. , .r. » .■ > '"'ï" u , N ’ n *' ' A" ........I ■ the past 33 years — accordion numbers by M arian Cy- H lZ S " 1«» 11 • ,,'» ' ” «>*lh n « lm a i¡ by the widower, Harold Taylor o f , r,.r«iw, Hart Hvmaing, d»linqu»nt tax plier and Christm as carols by groups Hillsboro; three children. lH'rnard. | n 4' i ” ' ^muén,"1 " ‘r*W ifÍ*«W fuña. ehlldre of pupils. ,V' Ar,h. r Bonny Jean and Joyce; her step-11»» «»; N P arent-T eacher association tock •nK»l. aarratnry circuit father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. I » ja . in about »60 at their program F ri­ Kali»» Palmer Tucker of Hillsboro; and , day night. This money goes into the «ay »4. lla lla Hart ha A rm - U n h a n " » ‘ ' V X ' ' .P , a sister, Nora Tucker of Spokane.!,. fund for the tennis court and othei . *' * • r l '- ' i l - r . »7. . . . *"*' -a u , n . Adama, »ft, W illiam l( a . k . l ! n « . . Wash. m playground equipment. „ „ “ 7.‘ »?«•-. H I . . I . . U , 11«,« » u . At the Church of C hrist Sunday i n ' ¿ V " . ’: » » . A u « u .l B u r.« , »4 5ll; J Adkin«. »22.S2 . W a lte r W illi«, morning Rev. Curtis of Forest Grove A I' »«• J blss». (H; t'.r r i. »».79. !» Butta. »10 69. K Nal»on, »Hl M i. P Il» r b .r . »». S ii» .„ ll„ w .n , »rt M angl« will bring the C hristm as message h' M A llan. »104.7«. H C.rlbb«m, »19M . llu n kar. «4. AU; v h« , ,,r C alvin llt.n kvr At 8 o'clock a Christm as program I. C Hail ly. » t l 16. Andy Ahdaraou, »rt- »m. vr„, „„««„„ k . •’**"'"* by the Sunday school will be pre- j 37; F L B row n. »44.rtrt. Joa C ro a ln , »10 - »15. B»tty . . * " • * • * '• I'h a r l« C ia m i« . »A Anna Cualard _____ Stalay. , 7 ... ; 46. Sam Steinke. »2 0 0 ; A F Schm idt, »rt. M rs J Franata (llllm p la . eented under th e direction of Flor­ ► C ...k ., S IS ; Mm Jam a* , f t ■ Alnnao I.« « ¡.h a w . | . „ | U , u ,k »1.19. A rk i» K<*»vaar. »1.9»; A rth u r ence Bunger and Mrs. L R. Bea, M tll.. «AUSA K .n n M h « U la . »AA.Si ; J ..-k | ñ ’. ^ c ' . . , * ' » 1 « * ” « ^ “ - C ‘* r k ' 1 L A illy F . u I« n .,. J, T " M ".K „ *n,,- - k .. ..........» I You are invited The senior class J Churchill, »1», W eim er, »Jrt.01 ; Andy tk*hl»a»»r. »4 4. , _ Bruce _ Ih a n lo ra H u leh l- Combe, Ada Curtia. »& . Mr« •‘»n. »7. of the C hurch of C hrist held their 99 . Fred Slam m . »42.0*4; F C Bell. »»<• - I |.u» DaV»« ’"»« »6 . . l.uiu Da via. ».ft J».-,- monthly meeting December 13 at 92. Janim Vall»y, »10.69. A r t tichrcadvr, • ndlof. I I « ; M r . "D eath on the Diamond." Metro- th e home of th eir teacher, Mrs. A »32 Ort . A J N a u lt. »J0.29. F C ray. »11. r a i l . I l l ; lla n ry K rtm an , J ,w W (Continuad on pa«, i. Ooldwyn-Mayer's new thriller which 1ft; Jim Schl«aa»r. »30.69, K K K«>bin- ! nardn»r L. Troutm an, and surprised her Bi L. . **"• Kn' m« i 'l - ’n l, »A. John •on. »27 9 0 . Q eo r*» Fiaher. »64.67 ; F i loilla. M ; John »«hay. «A. A ila C u rt,. comes Sunday and Monday to the w ith a handkerchief shower. W ataon. »22 3»; F W a tx m . »ft.ft«. I T Venetian th eater Madge Evans and W il l ,* . S * ! " 1’ ' W " « • " ‘•8 . » L Mrs. W alter Townsend of G olden- M ill», »6.97. V J W hit». »2 09 . A «Smith. I W illi« ,,, tta tlin a e r . »ft. G«»ttlta. G rau Robert Young are cast in leading dale. Wash., arrived Monday for a »2.79; John BUI. »5 56; P F Caa.m. I? ’ ‘ ¿ * 7 * L»»»»a M H a aer. (By Miaa Dorothy Boy) roles I By M m . F ran k I'e io ld t) visit with her sister, Mrs. Russell »6.37. Clam Inkley. »».70; Hay .Mathew«, | iy BETHANY—Be thane Presbyterian ------------------------- ROCK CREEK—The C hristm as »».3»; L F O M ara. »94.17. 11 1. BanieU. »7 r ’ i i ’ J ' H u tch cn .ft. »ft, F rla H a ll. Loftis, and other relatives of the G W a llln a . »19.54. J O M «ra. »ft, _ D _ B Huimaa. » » . Sarah F Humphreys. church will have a program and D i n , , , , , , - Arcade district. program at the Methodist church »22 J-?.?;- 32 . J Richard«. »4.53. L F (» M a ra . »ft. A n n ii’ jiüi’Zi Christm as tree Mondav evening. will be held Sunday night. Mrs. Gfeller Hostess • I S . m in o r chllilran of ... - »2121 ; B I. Daniel«. »3.0»; J.U2 ; J • Kn h . n • l ., I ! Cheta dan T he B. Y p. U. of the B ethany ° •« I. » 3 « . Kudoit,h rtrr Rev Lehrer preached a t the Re- »16.63; J O 'M a ra . »14.64; K Klina«*-. Krause Jan.on. Mrs. Gfeller entertained the »ft Mr« L i£ h £ A id ^ o f'th e 'H e l'v e tia ^ h u ^ i ^ P ^ ^ “rch elected officers for iornMNl church Sunday He spent »26.66 . W « l Coast Telephtxie Co., »13 - * . ‘ i ,r b * r> • * • M K a a ll t i i. . llu n kar, « J ; pi.ECTKIC candleH make L aw ler. »4 two days a t the home of his son- » 0 . W ilkea A bstract. »60; J H Barker, I aari F Lunstädt. »Jo December 12. Twelve members and the ooming year Thursday eve- today's Christmas tree Ritanuur rhu- fallows : Amos Rich, presi- Mrs. Elizabeth B. Patton, »37.41 . OrwKuii-W ashington W a te r Service 77. a I in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ! dran, ; t .th « ,„ . four visitors were present. Next ¡ 5 5 ? . ^ Co«. »1.40. John Bua. m ^ U n g 'w iU be a t th e home 01 Ctarence Z ürcher■ «ce-presi member of the pioneer A rthur fam - Ernest Stauss. ¡SAFER than in the days W’achner. »»1.1ft; C W yldor. . . . « . y U«a m w . r « . Mr and Mrs George Young oi ...u v « « • n t m o n . » t . C h arla. M .r .h a ll Mrs. Robert Yungen and new of- Ident; Clarence Croem. treasurer. ily of th is county, died a t Walla when candles had to he ac­ Dorothy Gerber, secretary; Carl Walla. Wash., November 30. S h e ; Portland visited his aunt, M rs.’Lou Slruhm eyer. »1.39 H S W irt« . »13 05 . »4 . M r . M a r ^ K N eitam »?' A i J n ^ 1 ’ ficers will be elected F A Fritch . »6 36. J R Bam furd. »24 - , » 6 . H enry N m , ift 2 a ‘ N au “ h ?' Comils, pianist. tually burning on the tree* was the m other of Mrs. J. L. Schmid Davis. Sunday. Club Names Officers ,2. Kohart Fr.U-h. » S 3 « ; J K M lt.a l. S a r a h T l w S » l \ M a r l ^ k''’ '.. T he P ast Chiefs' club held a ' The choir of the Bethany P r e s - ' of Aloha and one son at W illitsJ Cecelia K i t s spent the last two «13.17. chariaa Austin, » t u t ; Another SAFETY w h i c h '-'it- » A- __ _ weeks In Portland with her sister, man. »24 43. Harold Herxquam . »22.3» ; C hristm as party an an< d election of of- byterian church will give a cantato Cal With Compliment« PetenT Va’ *’ •’•rry. »ft F H time has brought is FIRE Jtdtn Jcppwten. »19.53; Jea. W il liant« J Patera. Sunday evening a t their church. She was born i n W ashington 1 Mrs. Pierre Mills. ficers a t the home of Mrs. P. A __ _____________ _________ _____ _____ _______________________ _ ______ * L “ «iay. »»S.BA; « C Can’.? » K u b ln atti, « 1 « J C u ‘r « i « ’ w H ' county M arch 31. 1857, the daugh- Rnck Creek store presents INSURANCE such as we of­ Mrs. Jacobson Honored Qualls Thursday afternoon. ___ Mrs of the Rose “T ru itt ’ was' elected pres.dent“; i Honoring Mrs. J. H. Jacobson © i'te r of the late R ichard and Laura ! festive appearance with “ite C hrist- ! , X 7 ' ' k .. w .‘ " ì i » ¿ r*',And X ’rc h , t ' > " »>" v w « fer at low premiums. In iv z r ¿ .L ,1 - ,.... In n o A f ille A r t h u r u h r v orrvucoH r h o rr>u< t r o o i n t h o „ m A v , . > n J „ v l, o . . Mrs C lara Gordon, secretary Mrs West Union a _____________r group of friends ___ met _ Jane Mills A rthur, who crossed the mas tree in the window and other ‘-— ' a ' « • > « ., » 1 » * » . A n d r e a I h r « I Ian nn.nd 11, u.. .... . . . . . HOLIDAY ' memory of the old. and in Roselia Mills, treasurer, an d Mrs. A. at the home of Mrs. Peter Yunker plains In 1843. On May 23. 1844. C hristm as decorations. F. Christener. C hristener nress Mrs. Nels Nelson and son Sylvan press eorresnondent. correspondent. i December 6. The afternoon was MT- A rthur m arried Laura Jane SEASON praise of the new— An OLD A fter the business meeting "500" I spent in playing games. Mrs. L. L. Mills, a f t ^ which they settled on spent the week-end in Portland FASHIONED CHRISTMAS played. Hazel Hollenbeck won Bellinger was joint hostess with I their donation land claim, which is with Mrs. Nelson's daughter, Mrs. | Here you'll find now t h e Alex Chalm ers place. Ralph Matson. 'GREETING TO YOU. high score and Rose T ru itt second. Mrs Yunker. Ceremony was performed by the late Stanlev Congdon is on the sick vin. »39.06 . C M H«4»erl». » 39 .06, I.r.r »« . Id. Vitt. - « / 8 H Vu-ïl..I„',,,'Wl‘,'' C hristm as gifts were distributed. Mrs. Johnson Hostess XMAS CHEEK ALL Thonta«. »22 .32. G aur*« Funr«»on. »6 « •ry »A M a rth a W « ,f « H ’ Mrs. N. P. Johnson gave a s u r - 1 ^ * v' J ' S ' O rlifin - Twelve chil- list this week each one receiving a gift from their . ; Sunday school pupils Of t h e R e - 37 . A rth u r J« m «. »72 56; H arvey Jaaee. Fl l i î " " 7 K ,,th W - ' - l l . »A. unknown friend, and thereby dis­ prise ’party honoring Mrs. C Owens' *fr ™ httn" e THE YEAR G rant formed church have been p ra c tlc -, • r«»m Miller. »iTs.ftO; h f of whom survive as follows: Mrs r.l- ¡ VViretanhavvr. t l « Jam ,-. closing th eir identity. Guests of the on her birthday. Five tobies of _ . -1 1 MB 1 . <..«.4 «Id " t !■ - t l .- . J -------- » VI. Wim.. ford, »16.75; Portland General F le r tr ir Mr« Ft hai club were Mesdames Luki Rogers. "500" were in play. Present were i Julia A G ault. McMinnville: Mis. uig for their C hristm as program Agent J O Latvon. »2.10. Jim Yat«a » M ~ < » « « > * * / « in * « a V w ith the J Ho1? ’ Bess Anderson, Blanche Berggren Messrs, and Mesdames Glen Carr. ihn M it««l 1.1.1 |H. r K V H ” P- U 0 . 7 71 J . par Every form of protection — Fire, choir u members from Helvetia ------ have h a r le s B ov. J am e W a l t e r s . Dave D a v e | * , . K... o o d ' / C*1 harIra Don n Butt», »22. Mary M athiesen and Echo Willis C Charles r;.h « *“*" ” • rr“ “ * Boy. Jam es s Walters, - ¿ ¿ •_ u and » i r T Rlc*'?j r L Z d .LTL V L L T 'L L . '. .'L L ’” * ' ( n« r l>' a Au u » stin. u n . »27 90. j iron u n «, an.- automobile, caaualty, liability. Ediger John Meurer J Petercourt thur. Oak Park. 111. After the death also been practicing for the pro- .12, 0 a MeLaud, » A r t Shepherd, and Miss Lena Taylor. B m a.. rullar s . m G arbar, « ; exnger. jo n n Meurer. j . reierco u rt, 1 nf her parents. Mrs. o P .r.™ „^t gram John Boeckli is directing the «-1.35; W illia m V a a d o -u m r in « . M I.B J atto n n lived Fidelity. Surety and Life. rh a (.. O. .tu ra, rullai M r . S Haan. I I J . . I J. Gillman. A. Schulz. E. Kruske, of 1155 2nd SI. I'honr H K D Lu«by. »71.62. A P»te. »77.97. F J home in Hills­ chotr. SS. A rabia O P iim än , M p . r r lla f a ip Let the advertisem ents help you C Owen. Mr. W alter and Mrs. at the W. B. Hare Phone 1732 B r o o k s K u n d e ra . »91.53 . H i L t 8“,b Su«bau»r, 1184 3rd Nt. lived with sis- boro and later her sis-, Mrs. William Luethe of Brooks ,SiTL. *17 *7' **• '¡ '¿ • « 7 ¡•h«'rm«*y"' r™ .«!’ ' au make your shopping plans. Owen received the honors. Mrs. ter. Mrs. Gault, a t McMinnville. Hili spent two days last week with n SCHlnn ^ i? ? ¿¡; - : ------- aac ! J ’“7;'i Srhu*l("« * inadaroan. allarm ali, nitar ralla! A dam ., Owens received many lovely gifts. When 18 years old she m arried her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John rich,, »n,«.»*? j . » c .,r r i» ri. k » io 7.7 j ’ m ’ 5* ' w “ U rn b«m.w. i i . i »» " -------■- G range met with Mrs. N. P. John- ! to the Palouse county near present the week-end ■ with • her parents C Cook. « 7 Z .lt ; Fran k Reh. «63 3 « . C F Andoraofi. »30 M «ry F Balchelar. »10 .................. ......... Gu» a...- £ < * • » •H . »14 Fddith H a rte ' Downer, »76.60 . C J H i n « . »66.44; son Thursday afternoon. New of- Sjte 0( Pullman. Wash., where they Mr and Mrs. John Peterson. H rtr« Hroatrom . »10. (.race Golvin, »10. (¿rave ficer» elected were: Mrs. John G i t t - , took up a homestead and later William Josse of Hillsboro and Keirhow. . ~i« i-.. »4.67 11« HilU boro a«i■ »17 “ i-vi.ih ' , i i ..'"T " D d ( <•,««. rea«, »17 • c,.n-. - man. president; Mrs Charles Boy, moved to Pullman. The family mov- O tto Zurbrugg of Bethany returned i*..™’, « ? J u »1 ’ H .7'.m n £ i , ± ’ f ^ 2 . l i c Z . H i i ? , « vice-president, Mrs. Phil Thorne,, ed to W alla W alla when Mr. H ill;la st week from their trip to Cali- » i.ii.7 3 h m P ih i, »m .7S ; n .,K m n . J O in ,i« r . n s M a rr Maud« ii,s»m ---- --------• ---------- -- - forma - *" — ' “ ~ • " Ftal« M b - iu « . «16; L o ttia K lanrha treasurer was appointed register of th e U. S. M otor Co., »76.11, F L H.w«. »14 53 L. G. Boie visited Mr. and Mrs. land office Several years after i Union O il Co. of C a lif.. »4 63; P aine« t o 'h . »3«. M y rlla F m .lv y »2»; M ary II j A uto Top Shop. »6 . Bailey'« Service tita- , Fulay. « I l ; L o lla II F..«, | 2 S . K . » . u . Albert Sandon of Huber Friday. the death of Mr she m arried ___ (¿e>»nfc ... . . Flaanor. «20; <>p.i G ibban. HU K |„ . tion, »4.19. Leland Ihdw eil, »2.79. Bethany B aptist church will give m , h . Patton, who died several years Estate of John Medol UalKomanu. ?•■*>>«• Ilu ...n . »35. A llh a . H arm .m . | | u Nowship, »2.79, M w m F. a program and Christm as tree Mon- agO. Filed Probate Court »501.92. --------- A u » u .ta llo ffn a r. ,,5 . L a u ra K ila J W Copeland Yard». »66 17 day evening. ________________ Estate of John Medol. who died E lectric Huppliat 4k C o ntracting Co., »&.- rla yiit« . »16. Am elia laarson. »22 M irila Bert Eastm an of Portland has i December 5 a t Forest Grove war 10; Christensen Machine W orks, »6 50. 8 « r n . «2" M a « ,.. K isa. »IA . l - . t h . r i n . moved into th e Findley home at v^CUaF V,anVOH tO hî l . Í ' • **”n" . K-'hanrk Mararfith. valued at «4200. according to the Bntw n'« T in Shop, »6.15; Lent« Auto Î"*,n‘ . 2 . Mabal I. M illa r. «IS Cora F.l.ia Cedar Mill. 7 probate petition filed this week. Part«, » 2 1 6 0 ; Corw in H ard w are. »4.95; » •*»«* > ’ Lau ra I, M u rray. »26. I |.u ’ A family by the name of Bailey. Thomas and Anna M arshall were „„„v »2 i „ ; s « h t*’ w itru th a r. GarsK«. * en. e J Newton. »29 M i.rau . rH tr P a le r - ' of Tillamook, Is living i n t h e A- ,,na J <>". F ran rra f t named as executors in Medol's will «9.«u. j w Dixon, »104.63; HUIaboru o '0 ' . . Frank Reeves home. Karuloliih. » jj Bernice Hychlick. | tí» »40 96 . Le«ter Ireland CEDAR CANYON—A Christina, while a brother, sister and several lumber c Huld« M Rydman. »45 . Addye M Mhaf- »41.46 . J E Ha*«*ltine 4k Co tree and program will be enjoyed ' nieces were listed as heirs «13.#». R o s e n M ill Co.. »1.1«. T is a rii f -'<•»11« S h affer «1,-., M in.',la E at the Fairview school house Friday. J ------------------------- Lum bar Co.. «211.u# ; J l> Kelly A Son, Hhar|>. »23 Bertha A Shaver. »15 Ja ,. Home-made candies, nuts and pop- Strassel Program for «1*3.15 Slandar.1 O il Co. of C a lif.. «11311 ' Shephar.l «15; M «ry I. K m lth «2- corn will be presented by the P. T. * « . 8 W Melhuiah. » ' * 5 H illab o m A r ¿ « ' » S m i t h . »16 er Co. T j T* **. ’ ’ P a tera. 12» M ra W H W att«. JX A. Strassel school Christm as program »13; The C. C. «tore. 57c; Bristol Hard »22 C lara Kllxabeth Wewtcott. »22 Mahl« Saturday afternoon Miss _ Elsie (B y M ra. Lou W r ic h t) school Wl11 ** given a t the school al 7 4.» ware Co., »16 5 6 . Munn el I 4k S h errill. 1 H a rn ao n . Sly ( h arlotte M M axw ell, ’n j A ' T Y ’ U C ’D 'T’V, n^ «aril I .VI MacLeod £11 L/CXJQ CH entertained M7I Lit IIIC U Ilt* her r M.ULMJI »11.25; Colyenr M otor Malm Co.. »1U.44* . »10. Emma K Edward«, »10. Bertha V CHRISTMAS Children a t her home in Forest p. m. Friday. Public is Invited. .I'lhn A H'«4>lin« s S c* Co o f C a lif., < «»yne. »12. M arion Jane H eard, »35; present a program a t the Ciiriotmas orovp Th«* afternoon was s n e n t in »16.03; The A untin-W eatern Hoad M a ­ A lta A lice John««.»,. »15; Gertie Madia», «I. lr^ rs M D erl Joseph Room good here. ! and Mrs Lou W right and son Wil­ Richard Bockman. forwards; and J C irc u it Court Witnenne« S tate vx. Peter I Potter. »6; Am anda Jane Perkina. »6 bur, Mrs. G. Paulsen and son John Austin D unbar C a rl .Hear«, »2 . Jean Sears, »2 . L au ra A lice Phillip«, »7; Am anda Prougb’ Scrofford. center. Brockman ! Prm igh. »4; B enjam in T and daughters Rosie and H attie., , C L A IM S ALLOW ED FO R M O N T H o p M a rth a Spencer, »2 , R R Boardm an. »4; Daniel Roaencrana, » 6 . Anna Lwm ora Rotermund Nellie Haney. W alter Haney and s ltam captain A O flV U liL ia«a ' »0.60. »9.60. N V L E M B E 'D R . 1931 »7 . M ichael Reevea. »7; H<«*e J R|«hey , the R utan family. 1 R. an»J H . - Charle« W hite, »6.37; E W illia m A VanD yke, damage«, « h e e p |» |0 ; Albert M ltn e r. »5; Jam«*« P Rhea Watson. 19.76; A Mir.ner, »2.39; J A killed by dog«, »16; W illiam A VanDyke »7; John E Read. »7.50, Jame« H e n ry , Mr and Mrs. Ted Haney spent T i m b e r Sale Notice j Field«, 5 0 c ; John Herb . »76.33; I. L damage«, aheep killed by dog«, » I I , N E Reynold« Wednesday with his brother. Fred |(erl»ert Delm ar Sha< kel- , Published in Argus M ac In ty re . »155.74; Louis Lom ax, »41.- Stan gel. law lib ra ry fund exp, »1.8 7 ; ford, ( 7 , »12.50. _____ Haney, and m other, Mrs. Sara U ria h S Heott, »5 . H arvey Ed . . .. . .. . . . I - *»; Vernon RoHebrauirh, »26.41; J W Donald T Tirmpleton, county judge, »200 j win Stub!»«, »7.50 Haney, near Strassel Notice Of a pending sale of tim - Barney. «19* 69; W A Tupper. »115; H D Kerkm an, county commii4ai Hoe. xupt m o u n ts girls and music comedy. office in Roseburg. 73. Jack H o t«. »91.95 B e rt H ill, »13.- cm inty hoapital, »34.69, Belle C Hoe. •College Rhythm . which comes _______ ________ 95 1 May, »2.79; Jame« W alter«, » 6 4 * 7 ; m atron county h.Mpital, »34.69; Anna Thursday, Friday and Saturday to Joe Lema« ber. »5 56; J H Berger. »12 - VanLoo, c<«»k eounty hospital, »49.69; Firemen Get Check 46 H D W j«w ell. »16.74. W Davi«. »13.- V era Hills, janitrea« county hoapital, »29 the Venetian theater, and intro­ In appreciation of work of th P 95 Al Nelfton, »5.56; E Traterm an , » L - 69; G ertrude M cLaren, laundre«« county duces Joe Penner, America's favor­ Erne«t Hud h ô p ...... ita l, , _____ »29 69; .. A ________ E Rochat, ...... num e V c W u M n „ .... ite radio comedian, in his first local fire departm ent during the fire : i . Lorance Allew n. » 1 3 9 . ..................... a t • ,n < 1 - 1 7 f 9 a« . l John W ilkin« ,5 .5 6 . It N e l- ty hoapital, »69 69; Mr« John Johnatone, feature film role. Lanny Ross. Jack _ her house _... recently. Miss Emily . . ' J... If V ____t . _ a,... ..M a D . a K . ulta, I n uraa county . hiMpital, «11.116; l l r <1 F •on. < I I I 3 2 . If K _ preitzar, «22.32. Young of Hillsboro presented the Oakie. Helen Mack. Lyda Robert! and Mary Brian are featured in departm ent with a check this week. Firemen publicly expressed their supporting roles. appreciation for the gift. To All Our Friends and Customers • a a See us for LAST MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTIONS T h is Space For P re-S how ing o f A C A D Y M O TO R CO. 3È % New IxiAttion 1125 THIRD STREET M BRbboro Oregon C H R IS T M A S G IF T H ead q u arters Whitman’s Box Chocolates Cigars. Cigarettes and Tobaccos Barbara Gould Toilet Articles A Very Merry Christmas to Our Friends and Customers P r e s c r ip tio n s Just A» The Doctor Ordered P*"ce "Irongcat emphs- ’I" on thia branch of o„r bmlnra« - t h a t ’« why your physirlan will miggrat that «end prescription« ke-g. A Complete Stock of Staple Drugs Hr b n k by muimuht, January 12 RELIABLE Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n i . M. PERSON. Manager Saving. « Ixxtn Bldg. Hillsboro, Oregon Al*o low coach-tourist fares on sale every day. PALM DRUG STORE S o u th e r n P a c ific Prescription Druggists 1208 Main St. FREE DELIVERY Phone 266 § w ’