THE Thursday, December 20, 1934 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Five make the suggeatltm, If such u *ug- an exclam ation of pure rapture as their ear marked with Us "blue Ke.'.tion is ever to be made!" "Certainly you ought not Do you card" swung Into the slow line of Imagine th a t Mrs. Sliaw spends hlnlng UmousuK s advancing, a few her leisure moments g l a n c i n g feet ut a time, down W est Execu­ hi iiki through tie' cards th a t are show­ tive avenue. They passed through ered upon her and deciding whom the grilled entrant« just behind Robert Fu ki ll. Oivitl and Berle to lavor with an Invitation? She ■S iiator and Mrs. Le< As the la- Thninphon Amy Godfrey, Virgulti never *<«•» those card«. She has no 'i.'’ went mt«, the cloak r«x,m to S everal P a rtie s H o ld D u rin g - I M r Ktuptzer unii D ille IJeVnre 'l'Ina ( o in m u n ily P ro g ra m « I 1*1.t . w,n Hlvr „ chrtotnue. pro- leisure moments. But Ml*« Hop­ I emove their wraps, Mrs Lee linked kins«, n. the grim old dragon— and her arm cordially inside A nne* W e e k ; B irth d a y s O b served Krum Friday and will dlMiil** for a C h u rc h S u n d ay Evening a pretty gixxl sort, too, when you elbow. two week.*’ vacation _____ "Stay with u*. won't you? We get to know her! ha* you all nt a l­ Twi lily-four member» ol the ly docketed and knows w hether know th< ropes, we ll show you Just HCI1O1J.H A community pro- "Double Tree ' Bunday school clan» MOUNTAINDALE -Sunday after- you have done right by our Nell, what to do and where to go so you noon the Lutheran Sunday schixil arum will be given ul the Scholl* ol Mountain Home held a class will see the most—" mid all th a t So run along home, M F church Sunday evening All party ut the Curl Sheltenbrund a t Mountaindale will present its They went s-wlftly past a little ( loldtlwks. and get your note w rit­ as program to the public, organlaatlona ol th e vicinity will home room with Its many paneled cup­ Christm ten I" W A Snyder of Nehuleni and tie program will commence at i contribute a number. Anne used up sheet after sheet boards containing the china of for- j 'I o'clock. T hirty pupils are taking Born, hr Mr unil Mra la w r e iu e Wiley Flake ol Portland were S u n ­ of lier new monogrammed paper nier adm inistrations, through the Flint, December 13. u Kill, u l th e day guenla ut the Jesse Snyder long rareidora‘“wh«Te t h e '^ r t m i i s Pa r t ,n 11 bu0Uc U ur*cd 10 (C o n U n u s tl fr o m la s t w< before she achieved a letter th a t home Gtxxl Humurltun hoaplta) In P o rt­ How 1 wish." lie m urm ured pleased her; but flnully It was writ of the wives of form er Presidents toT * A "500" card party was given land. Hhe win* named Elaine Rune ten and dispatched. W hen no an- smiled serenely down from their j Luther Miller returned Monday evening a t the Moun- swer was immediately forthcom ing golden frames In the space be Thursday schcxil. The money will be ufler u week'» trip to the beach on ■die experienced a sensation of yond they could see the scarlet-coal lalndale used for tlx' wiring of the school. u flailing trip sham e surely slie ought never Ul ed Murine band grouped near the T hirteen tables of cards were hi Mi and Mrs. C. 11 Plielp* luive liave w ritten th a t note! She was front d«x«r Suddenly the selection moved to l*ortlund for tla' winter Portluud Saturday of brick und tile late to have middle-aged, not to being snubbed for tier tem erity! which the band was rendering came play and *19 was taken in. Honors con i pal i lea. iiaintli» where lie la employed it* a say elderly. a t my Then, when she had resolutely dls- to an ubrupt end. and there was a were won by deorge Meacham, Mrs. Club Elect» »pec ml officer In the Railroad yard« It Is unthinkable tliu t any ml.ssi-d tla- m atter from tier mind. moment of poignant silence. ’Then Haehl, Fred Schwander and Mrs. tiff leers of the Townsend club side Lillian McNeal. Bub Ulllepale, Mr m an should Indulge In airy per- Dora came to her one morning tfic strains ol "Hall to the Chief" Emma Schwander. .. and Mrs K enneth Flem ming, LII- ! elected lit the meeting at L uuni •tltlugc with dowagers of ra n k !” wreathed In smles, and extended rang out, and a brilliant proces­ Mm j* vi°*V^o.rhnnx«! Han Haas, Leonard P arro tt, Muriel December 13 were Cupt S. S Dal- "Because they would resent It as sion turned from the br«xad sta ir­ u srnal square envelope engraved M rs, H' A Qualls entertained and Dave Ludy, Gladys Clulade. by, president ; Mrs Hugh Kellogg, an Im pertinence? or because tlu-y on one corner with the magic way near the East room and a d ­ Thursday alternoon for the f Philip Llebenow. offer no Inducem ent to levity and Fruncí* Swanson Lunurd Blsh and vlee-president; words '"Hie White House" in small vanced slowly toward the center of Chief elub of Friendship temple. It Jean Cox ol Portluud were Sunday w? UI. i Z . . u ...,...!.* ,* nuliscretlon?" asked Anne, who was gold bl«x-k letter:, tin- hall; the President with Mrs. was the annual C hristm as party g u ests of Miss G race Miller. The ol Portluud wus speaker. Next meet ! beginning to enjoy herself again unknown "T h u Just came, Mis’ Conrad. I Shaw on his arm ; the secretary of and gifts from the umrly went hunting mistletoe during lug will be held a t Scholls Decern "Bath, my dear lady You have thought mebbe you'd like It right state and Mrs. Standish, who was friends were distributed tier 28 W II Kellogg was chair no Idea liow virtuous 1 am when away." ih«- day regal in purple velvet and rase lace; L ig h ts Turned On Four |UJ.u.t. , ^ in t- times closed. ed them as tliey passed on Into the Anne read: Louise M aurer H onored Tlgunl lodge T hursday evening when «lay afternoon and w will dismiss for Jumct * * m myself ill d i s m i s s toe yself" " ' i Blue room; and the secretary of A surprise birthday party was giv­ Mr*. Sliaw plana were made tor Hie in s ta ll» -1 • «*,. w....i««' >i..n 1 - - I commerce, a hearty, Jovial sort of en Saturday evening in honor ol will be glad to receive I loll 1 person, leaned across the silken Louise M aurer a t the home of Mr. Mrs. Clara Wohlsclllegel Is spend­ dlhh.'r at Hie Church following Hun- Mrs. Conrad rape and sfuxik hands with her a* and Mrs. Frank Corey. The evening " ^ o rE H fu l" “ ^ H ^ i T y o w ing the clirlslm a* vacation with her ' he passed. Mr Goldenburg greet- was spent in playing games. Those Wednesday, January seventh son, Carl Wohlsclllegel. day s. li.M.I Sunday P lans ^ e dis- memory?" he Inquired, with a slight i Ihg her after a long separation present were Hulda M aurer and a t five o'clock. Mrs lieorge Lewellln spent sev­ ■ ussed for Increasing the member- ,|riiu j said Dora trium phantly; would have welcomed her in much Chris Pieren of Portland, Mr. and eral days last week at Ute Mrs ship and for u num ber to be given “Excellent." said Anne, with em ­ for "There!" Mrs. Abe Youngen and daughter Dora hud been told, of course, j the same manner.— Della I'inke home in Portland for the C hristm as program phasis. B ut there was no tim e to stand Elaine and Elmer Schmidt of Hel­ about th e note to Miss Hop- | still, Mrs II T Kocher wus taken to A ttend Board Meet But Senator Lassiter did not seem all making happy comparisons. vetia, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Senskl , the S t Vine« ill's hospital Monday Ferd d ro ller of Scholls. W V to be daunted; and when a little kniAon. But Anile did not feel trium phant. The instant th a t th e Presidential and sons Ross, Roy and Gerald, for observation and treatm ent, Dolpil of Portland, L. J W hitaker later she told Idrn tliat she thought party had disappeared Mrs. Lee atie Shipley and daughter Miss Grace Miller was a Friday ol Ilex mid W H Bentley ol Dim- ix'rhaps she and Neal should be She felt frightened. And when, at I whisked Neal and Anne away Into Mrs. K Charles Austin and son Sam. iilglil guest at tlie Ernest beedy dee left Monday for Los Angeles Having, he Informed her. with even quarter before five on Wednesday, I the stately dining room, where Orpha, W anda Park, B ertha Grosbecx, seventh, she went down liome bi Portland to atten d a W alnut Control board more of u drawl, tliat they could h January Wayne Tupper and Mr. and Mrs. er front steps drewsed ln the sap-! V*e‘r , P1“ «* « * llh Mrs R uth Christensen won the meeting December B»- not go until the guests or honor phlre velvet she grew hot and r a i l John Green of Hillsboro. M.ldred “ d, a p r o n prize a t the apron sale con- Mrs. Neill«' Vaughn and Mrs laid departed. wives who were already gathered and K enneth Miller of Forest oy turns. But sjie walked steadily there. ducted by Mrs Lucille Flint lie- Vina Hill of Portland vtsit.-d a t the “But they will go." lie said, "ex­ across Grove, C hris and H erbert Maurer Hie W hite House porte-co- cem lxr 12 at the Hebekuh lixlge H. L McCool home Sunday actly on tlir tick of ten-thirty. T h at cnere. "Single file, please " the honored guest, Louise Maurer, slightly and serenely meeting for tile benefit of the 1. O .. Club Elects bi tlie luw of Uie Medes and P er­ to the bowed The crisp voice of the aide stan d ­ and the host and hostess. m an who opened the door ing a t the door of the Red room d F home In Portland Miss Eva Carlson entertained six sian* The worst of It Is. tliat Sunday visitors a t the Frank members of Hie girls club Saturday a lte r tlia t you will be free to go. for her, and regarded the tall form ­ Neal slopped behind Anne, as two » guv« home were Mr. and Mrs. lo re n Seward a larewell surprise Officers elected December 1 when too; you will no doubt lake ad v an - ally dressed man who she en ­ ladies [xui.vd before an unrespon­ Corey William Pieren and son Harold ol countered just outside Hie entrance parly Sunday evening Those pres­ Miss Ixiralne Demmln entertained sive President. Then she gave her Portland. with composure. a f ttjj sure when I uliall ent wen- Mr uiul Mrs Earl Russell. were Ixmun Demmln. president. |(ol Mrs. John Jansen entertained the This Is Mrs. Conrad. Senator name and Neal's to th e aide who Mr and Mrs George Lewellln. Mr. Ennal Trask, vice-president; Arlene see you again ' Banks-M ountalndale "500" club at Conrad's wife. I have an appoint­ bent to hear them. H otter, secretary, and G race K ing­ and Mrs Frank Fisher. Mr. and "Neal mid I have been asked to m ent to see Mrs. Shaw a t five." "Senator and Mrs. Conrad." She the home of Mrs. Fred Ennis in Mrs. Joe K err and Mr and Mrs ston. treasurer. anoUier dinner." said Anne "In "Yes, Mrs. Conrad. Mrs. Shaw was sliaklng hands with the Presi­ Hillsboro Tuesday afternoon. Honors Miss Harney Holeotn Is spending lionor of the Hammels. The S ta n d - Ed Demmln and Bill C rane o f dent. whose tired face did not re ­ were received by Mrs. P. A. Qualls. Wcholl* Mr and Mrs. C harles Detn- th e week wlUi her au n t Mrs. H ar- tshrs are giving It. I Hunk It 1* Is expecting you. Would you like to lax for an Instant from Its lines of Mrs Fred Bovee, Mrs. Cass Wilson leave your wraps here?—Now If nry Barclay, of Portland iiilu and H anna W erre of T ualatin most awfully kind of tliem to In­ dark fatigue. But there was some­ Miss Agni's Peters, chief operator vite us. B ut w hat I started to say you will come with me Into the thing personal and cordial in Mrs. and Mrs. A. E. Willis. and Mr and Mrs. G ran t Dodge of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es M athlescn ut Hie Eugene trlrplione office, and was perhaps you will be there, mid Blue room Mrs. Shaw will be there Shaw's welcome. near Hillsboro. and M argaret were guests Sunday in Just a minute." Next of the series of card parties Mr and Mrs. R obert Ruthenbergei I might met* you then." "So you did come!" she said of Mr and Mrs. T hor Gronbeck of nice he Is!" The tall fig­ pleasantly to Anne, recognizing her will be held a t Ute F E Howell of Sherwixxl were Sunday guests at "I see." said Lassiter, suddenly ure "How Vernonia. had vanished mid. relaxing a Hl«- W 1. I’eters home. home Saturday December 2» grave. "T hank you. I shall be little, she looked about the circular instantly. “I am very glad." Mrs. Garrigus Honored Mr and Mrs W alter Peters of th « n "Is she always so nice?" Anne Program Friday A party ln honor of Mrs. Donald apartm en t with its long draped win­ W«v>l Linn visited his parents, Mr Anile had the sudden, uncom­ dows giving glimpses of th e garden asked Mrs. Lee as, the brief in ­ G om gtis was given Friday a fter­ Midway school will liave a tree and Mrs. W. L. Peters, during the fortable feeling th at she had made and CItrlstniaa program Friday a f­ beyotul and the white 1 lowers stan t of contact over, they were noon a t the home of Mrs C. I. an appointm ent with him. With massed about the gilt clock on the swept along into the G reen room. Williams. A game and cards were ternoon at 1 4» o'clock, when they week-end. L W. Crowder had his home w ir­ "Oh. always! She knows t h e played in the afternoon. Mrs. Jam es Ills usual intuition he guessed HUs will dismiss for a C hristm as vaca­ ed for electricity last week m antel piece. The door a t her left mid with Ills usual sm«x*h s k ill­ clicked and opened, and the tall President isn’t well, th a t all this Moore received first ln cards. Mrs. tio n The program »ill cons! t of Program at F arm in gton an effort for him. and so she A. V. Davidson second and Mrs. W. ful nes* restored h er composure. two play», dancing, songs and recl- spare, formally dressed m an came is The union Sunday school at tries to make up for his unrespon­ S. H ahn low. In the games Mrs. "And a t many other lestivitlcs into th e room again. tatUttw Honor roll for school In­ Farm ington will hold a C hristm as siveness. Shall we go inside 'behind D. A. G arngus won first and Mrs. which you will attend" he said cludes Evelyn and Allen Boleen. tree mid program Sunday evening "Mrs. Sliaw," lie said in an Im­ the line' here and get back to the Chris Tolke low. casually. "We are certain to move pressive whisper Mae. Della and Viola Burke Perfect Thomas Reed and mother, Mrs. Mrs. Essner Hostess attendance roll; Viola Burke, June Elizabeth Heed, mid Mr mid Mrs In tnterlixktng circles. If n o t ac­ Mrs Shaw extended her hand. Blue room where we can mingle Mrs. G Essner entertained with Hatfield. Della Burke. Virgil H at­ M U Boeorth wen- dinner parly tually the same one. os 1 rath er She sat down herself and asked with tlie members ol the cabinet suspect may be Hie case I hop«' a "500" party Thursday afternoon. field, Percy Robinson. Robert W hit­ guests at Hw J. M S tretcher home Anne to do so; and th en pleasantly, i the 1,01 JoU° ‘ U you dance? I shall perm it myself r casually, jL s im llv a and nd f ln ^ n t lv x she ho hnoun rv-KJiIi. Honors were won by Mrs. B. W alt­ ten. Frances and Evelyn O'Dell T hursday evening fluently began 'The Blue room—no. I think the ers and Mrs. Fred Jesse. Those to l«x>k for you a t the ch ild ren s to talk. Anne, answering a t first Mae Burke. Alice Watson. Allen Darlene r n Bolma. Mr i [„.„niial hall o n n a , duughter «luugiuer of oi m room—oh. I w ant to do both! present were Mesdames George an d Evelyn Boleen. l.uella and “ V slightly, ln kind and alm ost in monosyllables, lound h er­ E I ast mxl Mrs. E«1 Bolma spent several ' “Æ w ant to do everything!" Anne Meacham. Floyd Stovall. B. W alters, He bowed EVederlck Hathbone. Frances and days self. a t tlie end of five minutes, last week with her aunt. Mrs superficial tribute Near them a talking pleasantly, casually, and exclaimed Joyously Fred Schwander, Fred Jesse, Emma Pearl Burke. Muriel Kellogg. Alma Neal teased her about It a fte r­ Schwander. Lizzie H arm s and the Erickson. Very! Frost, Dorothy '171 Rollm Meyers, a t la u re l She re- gill clock chimed softly und struck fluently also. For the President’s frniy“ r k w a i i d ^ t . o i > i r iJoi- home T hursday be- hail 1 ^ 'Hw ¿m ba^ndress wife — amiable, composed, unpre­ wards W hen a t last they were on hostess. «.thy who was favoring Neal w ith a few tentious. a t once put her visitor their way home, and rolling slowly Birthday Celebrated othy W hlsnnnd. Donald and Helen > c“ ui“' of llln e s » __________ formal rem arks. UiktanHy extended completely a t ease. Anne liked her, past tlie orange-colored globes ol Mrs Archie Thompson en tertain ­ Bolma light, he put his arm around her her hand In farewell, mid sought immediately and immensely She ed with a birthday dinner in hon- Mrs H T HeaK 1» spending the drew her close to him. Hie ambassador with her eye. flrwt of Has week with relatives in forgot all about everything defer­ and "I'm glad you've recovered from "W h at did I tell you!" laughed ential She rem embered th a t this I*ortlaiid lacssiter softly. "dood-hy — uem woman, sitting bi-side her —"the your stage 1 right about the W hite , lle n r v 1‘clrn». Bob B axter am . You fit in there wonderfully. Lady Delight." ’ C harles Haynes spent the »<■< k-end first lady of the land"—had ln her House luAUREL RIDGE Young M arried You d do ju st as well a t the job as a t Neskowin on u fishing trip youth worked her way through Shaw herself!” Ed Demmln went to lAirtland People's class of Hie M ountain Hom« CHAPTER XI oollege, tau g ht school, gone t o Mrs. 'Neal!" Anne exclaimed, "how u n c h e o n s , teas, dum ers, calls Europe as the paid etiaperan for a Tuesday to visit his aunt. Mrs Biuiday scliool will hold a party can you?" B ut there was no re ­ every m onth The first was Decem­ G ust» Ebtenhardt. who is 111 a t Hie Official receptions, charity bulls, group of young "society girls.” and proach in her voice. ber H at the liome of Mr. and M r:. Emanuel liospilal evening musicals, calls. Tuesday m arried an impecunious y o u n g (Continued N ext Week) Carl Hchullrnbrmid. H om e Kurils noons a t the senate office building. | storckcper whom she liad endeav­ Dr. R 8. d ra ffls and Sam Tracy Tlie house wlilrh was being re ­ Friday afternoons at the Congres- ored to inculcate with her ideas of modeled by Mr and Mrs Monroe of Portland were guests a t the W slonal club. Calls. Calls. Calls. culture Anne began to realize some- Hut« liens a t their new home near C. Edy home Sunday had been swept breathless­ Uilng of th e struggle—both for him Mr and Mrs. Norman S tearns of ly. Anne Dundee burned last Tuesday night Into Hie swing of It, almost and his wife—th a t must have pre­ The H utchens liave rented a new Portland s|>cnl S aturday with hl* before she realized wliat had h ap ­ ceded his ascent to the Dosition of house at the new location to which brother Sidney Stearns She grew very th in mid she President of th e United States. Mrs S. S. S team s called on Mr. pened badly tliey moved Monday. They will re­ Her beauty took on a "Ju st a m inute. Mr. Cooper." Mrs. and Mrs N A Say of Corral Creel: slept build inumxllutely. slightly luiggard quality, and there; Sliaw was saying calmly. Anne Sunday afternoon. Mr mid Mrs deorge Yacklay Bi­ where durk circles under her eyes, turned and saw th a t the tall for­ Born to Mr. und Mrs Harold latn ter color In her cheks, but mally dressed figure was standing and Mr mid Mrs. deorge Yacklay 11. girl Jr. and son Oliver of North D akota Stnrk. — Deermbr ... a _____,1.__ c w hat she lost In freshness she gain-1 in th e doorway bowing. "M r Coop­ County S uperintendent of School: (>tl su b tiy. in sophistication and er has come to let us know th a t our spent tlie igist two weeks a t the O B. K raus visited t n e Laurel jjlslinctlon. Jacob R uhlln home. Tliey have fifteen m inutes together are over, recently bought a farm nt Colton 1 Ridge school Friday afternoon And she loved It- She was pro- Mrs. Conrad. I am so sorry. But I Bom. to Mr and Mrs H arald| B ertha Schm idt of *Sherwood sm n t kn '“ ü>« » 't h a rapidity which was hope to see you very soon again. rih a ^ St Iunuit ol Sherwood Hnrrwooa sp rr to »*» Stark. December 11. a girl She w as1 im ¡]t'r*,la 'm iht of . pt tiu n sl,j(ic|en tiy ru rare be rem arkable You will come to the congressional And may GOOD HEALTH. named Jan et Arlene. . 1 Wednesday andI T hursday at th« eycn tn (h a t capuclty where so reception, of course?" many others liave been tested and HAPPINESS and FORTUNE Loren Seward went to Clatskanie home of S. H. S tearns Anne had not intended to do I? , hi . M<^ * M t,.rxIan|ew eitt «it have proven beyond any possiole anything of the sort. B ut she a n ­ last Tuesday on a business trip. ; be by your side all through diiught« i Hint Mr®. M ary J e w e tt of fin e a d ap tab ility of H onor R oll d lv r n swered eagerly. m an I L I J C ’ C BETTER SHOES ¡the coming year. Perfect attendance at MountaUl- Middleton six Tur*«lay afternoon the fine American w we; “Yes. of course! I am looking for­ H I L L O EXPERT i v p m l FITTERS slde school for post six weeks 1* as a t tfie W. C. Edy liome Nothing, perhaps, was more ln- ward to It ever so much!" Mr. and Mrs John Strickler and -<«r a i.v„ follows; Eddie Ardeel, R uth Hol- ie of h er udvance tn savoir- She found th a t she really m eant Mildred mid Dickie, Mr and Mrs HILLSBORO'S EXCLUSIVE rom. Robert Weaver, Jo h n McCixil. faire th an tlie difference in tlie Hits; and during the next week her SHOE STORE *lx> ls McCixil. Aleen Hutchens and W F Strong mid Lois of Metzger, «U'grec of composure with which v iew p o in t did not change. The fol­ Shirley Cartoon. Those receiving 100 and Mrs G race Jack of Tigard she approached tile W hite House. lowing Thursday she was athrill (1NC.I per re n t ln spelling for the past were Sunday guests a t Hie Henry W hen she first drove under its with excitem ent as she put on the six weeks were Eddie Ardeel. S h ir­ Hesse liome a t Scholl*. w hite-pillared portc-rochere to de­ "glittery" dress and her new pend­ Tlie small d aughter of Mr. and posit her card mid Neal's on Hie ant. arid she seized Neal s arm with ley Ctortoon. H erbert Herd. Ruth, Erm a and Helen* Holcom. Aleen Mrs. Percy Hamilton, who has been small silver salver extended to her ln a Imspital suffering from an by the m an-servant ln livery her HuR'hens, Ouen Kertz, W anda Lyt- sell. Lois mid J«»lin McCool, Viva. Injury to her lung. Is at home fingers trembled so th a l she could but wears a i-ast cast about her )mrdly ,ay down V|le nently folded Ilgam out aooui nei Berti'en and Billy McCann. Betty again iui< ^ f i Af Q re o iic r’wiiZ. w ts of cardboard. The deference Swank and Maxine Woldrln. D e­ c i5 i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Strickler were cember 12 C. E Barker called a t which doth "hedge in a king" and the sch«x>l mid talked on Ills trip guests a t a party a t Hie W. F. which d eny It though we may— Metzger Saturday Strong liome a t to the middle west seems to many of us to hedge In Mr. mid Mrs. H arry Schm eltzrr night G uests were oaM dates of a President also, rose before h er in and lion SchnielUer went to E ast­ Mr. Strickler and Mr. Strong at Its grandeur, terrifying her with ern Oregon Monday to deliver by tlie Iron-Firem an p lan t In P o rt­ Its significance Her sense of awe AC truck a stum p puller to be used land. Tlie evening was spent ln persisted all the afternoon; and for pulling Juniper stum ps on Hie playing cards. when Mrs. Hammel told her she C harles S tenm s left Friday for should follow up Uils ceremony of Schm eltzrr farm near Terrebonne. Richmond, Cal., where he has a card leaving, after a little Interval.; G range Has Party Scholls G range held a C hristm as position In th e Ford plant. with a note to Miss H opklnson,. tree party a t the meeting Saturday. Mrs. Shaw ’s secretory, requesting! G ifts were cxrluuiged und a pro­ N e w 4 -H C lubs S ta rte d to be received by tlie President's gram given. Mrs. John Schm eltzrr in W a s h in g to n C o u n ty wife, her reluctance to take tills had charge of the tree. step was as evident ln her face Two new W ashington county 4-H bold Plan Tree as It was ln her voice. M ountain Home church will hold clubs were granted cliarlers this "Why. Hammel. I couldn't! week, according to the county Surely I Mrs. a C hristm as tree and program S un­ school ought to wait for h er to superintendent's office. Both day evening. The T. R. Moore and Ed Selffert rlubM are located In th e W hitmore families were Sunday guest* a t tlie ’adloo11 *Vld Miss Helen WR KRAI. IN RRAL R8TATR W W Hollngsworth home In New dig Is the leader of tlie groups Writ* Names selected are "F ir Grove berg. Fir« and Automobil« Iniuranc« Mrs. Anna Hansen, wlio spent Handwork club" and "F ir Grove Make Loans and Iasu« Surety Honda ’ the |iast. m onth with her daughter. Baclielors' club." KURATLI & WISMER Mrs. F. M. Llllegard. returned to Our classified colum ns may have HILLSBORO. ORFX1ON Portland to spend th e w inter with Just wliat you are looking for — Telephon« 1891 1286 Second St. Mrs T. N. Mueller. Mr and Mrs. Ed Wohlschlegel Read them. left I'hiiiMluy on a trip to t'uli- lay rung O uerts were Helen Hollen- j Hoi be« k and Sydney Connolly, and Mr. I ai d Mrs Thompson anti daughter Bonita. M ountaindale Program Set lornlu to h|M'inl Chrletma* and tin' Scholls Plans holiday* with friend* mul relativ« Juektown Itoli Olvrn u I I honor roll In- E vent Sunday rludxl < I Juikluw I.mille llulix'i'o. Dorothy mul Y O U N G ’S Funeral Home "Thoughtful. Sympathetic Sendee" Phone 972 Hillsboro Charles E. Wasein Rites Held Monday T H E K IN G O F T H E KEROSENES TvyywTl Funeral services for Charles E. Wasem, 72, of Hillsboro route 3, who died here Friday, were conducted Monday afternoon at the Donelson A« Sewell chapel. Last rites were conducted by Rev Reule and inter - ment was at the Hillsboro cemetery, Mr. Wasem was bom October 25 llvPd Hillsboro four years. He Is survived by the widow, Mrs. Augusta M. Wasem, a son. W alter A Wasem of Fossil, a daughter Mrs. Rose Ju rg ­ ensen of Beaverton route 2. and six sisters. Ad B rings R en ter Lease of a 65-acre farm neai Oregon City — .. option w to „ buy u with was l>rouelM' about Friday and S a t urday by W M R obin/in, following the use of a «lassified advertisement ln the Hillsboro Argus. The p la e leased to C Christensen of iowa. * Quality Job printing—Argus. PEARL O IL ÍIANDAR0 Oil COMPANY Of CALIFORNIA BEST «WISHES YV/I'- wish to thank our patrons for the past year’s patronage and in- sure quality work for the coming year. X tUf W —W. A. WAHNER Hillsboro Shoe Hospital 1126 Second St. -:- Phone 1842 And we again call your attention to our 5% DIS­ COUNT. Save your cash slips. i | W e e k -e n d S pecials— N o D isco un t on T hese Ite m s SU G A R 10 PEAS 50c No. 2 can. COFFEE Mt. Home Sunday School to Party SALMON This is a real value. i-ib......... 19c Cream Oil. 1 fo r . 65c CHIPS PUMPKIN C ry s ta l W h ite Fancy preferred stock Merry Christmas Folks 91 Large 5-1 b. box .... 19c SUPER SUDS SNOWDRIFT 3 -lb . can ............ s 10c f SOAP VANILLA F la v o rin g . 16-o z. b o ttle < 19c? 2 ta ll cans 3 lbs. ............................. 5 5 c L 19c 2 f o r ........... 49C 29c f 4 pkgs. ----s FLOUR One last chance to get a good hard wheat flour Sprouse-Reitz Co., 49 a.............. .....-... 81.69 $ W Get your Christmas Candy and Nuts here. There is nothing better for price and quality. You save when you buy at «i Wiley’s New Deal Grocery | ss SEASON’S GREETINGS d e p a r t m e n t S T O R E 'o rn e r 3 rd an d M a in PHYSICIAN BEAUTY SHOPS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PREMIUMS NOW TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS IN! and SURGEON A. O. PITMAN, M. D. G eneral Beauty Work Telephon« 1881X Ba I el Schendel Hosiery, Shoes, Sweaters, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Etc. S HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PERMANENTS THE ÎJ.C. PENNEYCO I I Just P ho n e 1001 «r lu HILLSBORO ARGUS Adeertleer« call The Arm e — l id i