THE Th unid ay, December 20, 1931 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Page Three in rn t piopoaal to the national wal­ n u t inurkHlng agreem ent wae drawn Grade Schools Walnut Growers Attempting i up and forwurded to the ae< rrtary I of ugrlculturr and the walnut con­ board. Elect Leaders to Settle Code Differences 1 trol 1. T h at a tuiliorui Ratable prr- centuK«* of Oregon and Cahlorn--- Mr. Hlmmona h a w . He has been n L fiulllvan entertained friends Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. H B. C. Schappert Sunday afternoon. innln.i'd in '!,< ih m *1 Sam aritan a t the home of Mrs Mi Breen Hun- J. Churrhley Sunday afternoon hospital for the past two wckx with day with a dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schappert Let the advertisements help you pneumonia, but unproved tap.dly . n , , Anderson of of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. make your shopping plane. Dirk G om of Portland visited his A father. H erbert Go..;. here I nur day. Mr» Fred Sm ith of Portland vls- W alnut grower« of this nectlon I Rowell of Ncholl« wae chairm an of crop« «•»$< h year 1« not equilana , met in INu'tlaiul recently to threidi llie committee, widt h worked out 1 due io the wide a re a of production S t u d e n t s G iv e P r o g r a m s in 1 I 1,' 1 ‘ ‘ relativ« in iioibtx out code differences. Frank F ' the program The following amend-1 and different climatic crop in eat h ( and, Cochran last Monday tute, thereby producing ac o n d lti' u : K e e p in g w ith S e a s o n Ml ’ l* tm a Thwnpoon of W, - tumber. who has been ill, was re- ' "J& '-'fi affecting tin volume of the «uip- i --------- I moved to the hospital In Poi llano '■ " 1 W * f I in,U and u nhort crop ,n Holiday Chocolates PEANUTS another It I» believed liiat a w p - I'he 5A and f.U of the David last Monday. Her m other Mrs A. 2* 4-lb. Fresh roast’d urate Clop appraisal Is needed mi jjm elected the following * Mowe ol Vernonia, had be, n which to ba., »mplus control p,- olficers H enrietta Meltebeke, pres- t-x^ing cur,‘ of her naught*r. Box 3 I ba. ......... c, iit.u., ■ III order that M’Cllone b« -ild cn l H arlan Weliilz vtcc-presl- ' Emma 1 human was a P'.rt- flu ted ny nature with i.liort crops Ut.n l ’ iV rl| WeUllZi secretary la,‘d visitor la-*-t Thursday and Jri- 5-Ib. WALNUTS b, relieved prop,rtlonatcly ol cun Nt.’w HA oI|i< , n> ’ at the junior . Box trlbutlon to surplus control, I lin r M ary E l|a M arl- " r a uunp basketballD arn dl Fancy Ore­ loi ner, the Veinoma separate sones are suggested — ,„.r , p president; reslfe..., Bud « Knapp, ..« .w vice- J . 1,1 " ‘7*7. . . . . deleated . gon. L b ..... uppruUul purpuwn, to-wit: Oregon- president Lucille Ita.smus.sen, aec- 1 hcoJ b a rn at Vernonia W ashington. N orthern California. Iliursday night, but lost lust to Wilars Wilarx , Houtlx-ru California. Mine Away Friday night. 2 T hat because of Uie fuct th at — _ ....................... .... ........... , Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K ern bi Oregon has only two quality classl- W(' | ‘r '7 t X ^ 'lz iv ld ’ liil^M dlSii Jack {‘" r .t lan? '' tsited in U m ber and W- >- Maximum Illations of walnuts whereas Cali- * “ A1 l* > " * ’" 1 Umber lant Friday 2-lb. jar form a ha» three, anil th a t any Mr3- lda C utright of Hillsboro Libby’s. Tid-Bits or grade muv be delivered on volume i ' L1 111 hJk7 / ' I , ° lia.', been vuiting with her daughter to the control board as sur- Felicia C rittenden returned toC och- ant| | aniny. Mr and Mrs. David Bulk. Flavored jusl Crushed. I nlu. walnut»: th a t Uie Oregon grow- lul?! '.. . . . . . . . ... Castle, lor tile post week. right. I , i producing a higher quality may Al *£ie Junior high several clawes Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kilburg 8-oz. cans. !»• penalized by his delivery ol “f?’ »’J?“4!1 (1 Ibt^’isting projects have moved to W estlmber near the 2 lbs. 3 cans h ig h er priced m ils than California ">« “¿ 'X t e * 1' X lS m iJ CCC, iaI,"p' Where Mr Kllbur>i u From the Fred Bowlby Farm Hence It 1» recommended Uiut the ln*, l hiR rt»tlng booklet» snowing employed contribution» to the- control board '^ n f e sixth ^ f r a d f , Mr anU M,s Art.hur Braden of Savory, rruckly brown—the high note of In m i .isji instead of nuts, on the ¡.[.‘“ V?!* rl;at.1 . .... ...5raj V‘ ' an- vlsitu.g their son-in-law on or- daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hay- Uh operatimi« wen English classes are working w v m h K vi sam e principle 15 1033, the holiday feast! Re sure that you place at least th a t It |xx-m» and stories for .................... the‘«-! mond Elliott. conducted In L ngiun | an(j ^jrs Q jen peoples and •ibuted th a t this con- ? ^ r a n your order tor poultry early ho that you nuts are contribute Fancy bulk. Seedless. •las» 1» working on debates to be small daughter of W arrenton and trlbutlon lx- llgurcd on an equitable given may have the first selection. noon , . William People of Knappa, who 2 lbs............. 4-lb. bag laisls for all Mictions. ... ,*r,ve K4’* “, . . lia-s Just recently returned from ;i Tliat exemption from the p ro­ The en^?al h Hawaii, were in Timber Saturday visions of the m arketing agreem ent Dromedary. 15- oz . and Sunday visiting visiting with with friend; 1 lx' perm itted to tliohe growers who the 1 Ring '« a" lKI(? / Uhav,ffS ’ ino **“ c“ aI“ i liunn h ru lay t,J‘< p rth tn tca en<1 at her home in Skamokawb. ah nuts pureJm.M.1 iron, grower« are program. The m ain number W luh. dLHHxw d of direct to oonaumcih ¡*Hh P ^y tn u tle d ILi. p ^rni |t'r a t (Ured from tli'' original store ^¿rrv w*JIch Involved a fam - Orville Studer of the Snider ily s schem e to clean up Its tom - shm gle mill broke his arm while ................ .. bilV son C haracters were: Rasp- .ranking a car last Mondav. M. II. PRESTON berry Red, Bill Grogan; Mr». Sims. Jran w rite r Honored M H. Preston of Sunset Camp John ChnsKuison; Ione Sims. Nor- Mr and Mr u F Weiler em er. CANDY NUTS 55c 89c P lu m p T ender MINCE MEAT 29c F O R C H R IS T M A S 15c 25c W et >011 for qour liruk* « jím I wish you 16c Pineapple 19c verij m e r r q R A IS IN S PICNICS 13c COTTAGES u. 17c SWISS CHEESE 25c BEEF TONGUES Lb 10c BEEF ROAST Lb S afeway S tores death lap.a-d Into uncoiu>clou»ne. Evelyn Clark; Mrs. Dunn, R uth Me- ; evening was speni playing games from which he never recovered. Hi Dougall; Rev. Dunn. Charles C n t- present were the Misses Annastocia blip Briggs. F r a n c i s Marquez. Bettye Gene W right is survived by his widow and daugh- tenoen; Plilllp » __ i w l V <> c . M m u s t v - i uldu il z x o fh n m n tr l A nna I ter. Mrs. M | | H Preston o and M ir Brown; H Hulda, the maid, Anna I Georgine and G eraldine McCurstlon Phillips, and three grandchildren. Ixuder ; Russie Brown of Westlmber, R utn Don and Beverly Phillips and Mrs Anna U dder presented a scarf ueyers, Billie Huffm an, Maxine K il- Anthony Kilburg of Tim ber dance, and a group of girls out- burg, Hazel Shifter Constance I Mr Preston was bom In Webster, lilted in raincapes and galoshes T*x>ley. H enrietta Bergm Thelma N Y.. June 17, 186«. m arried Addle sang "On A Rainy Day," w ith and . Joyce ~ — Thompson, Ellen — Wien- I Odell Rotx rson April H. 1877, In gestures teke, all of Westlmber, and the G rand Ledge. Mich., and came to Tuesday evening the Junior high guest of honor. Jean Welter. Many , Oregon In 1888 school presented its C hristm as pro- beautiful and useful gifts were r e ­ Funeral services were held Tues- gram. The first num ber was a ceived. a t tlic Forest Grove Undertaking pantomime, 'Silent Night," pre- Cliristmas rush started In earnest compuny chapel and Interm ent was .vented by the Treble Clef club. A a t the Timber post office tins week In Buxton cemetery. Elder Bee- C hristm as play was given by stu- and early mailing of packages and craft officiated. dents from various rooms. cards will be greatly appreciated ------------------------- Between acts, th e Treble Clef Mrs William H uffm an has been Netgliborhood news from 30 Argus club sang C hristm as carols. Lloyd soliciting for funds for a community correspondents In different sections Anderson played a violin solo, "O Christm as tree for the small chil­ ! of Washington county appears In Come All Y i Paltliful." Evelyn dren in this community. the Argus eaeh week. D a r n w hat Haworth and Ann Peters played a ■ your friends are doing for less th a n P‘ano duet. A vocal trio consisting . . . . ev ev i three ren ts a week U «f Teddy G ardner. Buddy Wood ________________ and U o n Wiley sang "Jingle Bells Quail,y job printing—Argus. and "Silent Night. ’ Jack H ow e; — sang several C hristm as carols. 9c NICE ASSORTMENT OF POULTRY FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 5 Deliveries Daily ReedVllle S. S. tO Rea. Phone 321Z Present Program P. T. A. m et in the library of th e; ,By " • « ' chuwhtari Junior iugh school Wednesday a ft- I REEDVILLE—The Reedvihe Sun- ! ernoon. day school will give its annual I Vacation to S tart 1 Christm as program Monday evc- The grade schools will have a nin8 at 8 o'clock. The program Christm as vacation, commencing j ibis year will consist of numbers Friday afternoon. D e c e m b e r 21. kiven by each class Santa Claus Classes will be again resumed on »HI visit with presente and can- Wednesday, January 2. Many of j dy. Everyone cordially welcome. 1 the teachers are spending the holl- Christian Endeavor will give days a t home. Miss Moore will b e 1 C hristm as party for the Reedville tn Soledad. Cal . and Miss H er- Endeavor society T hursday eve- m ann will go to Broodbent, in nlng a t th e Mrs. S. A. Becker home. | Coos county. C. T. Imlay spent a few days In Seattle last week. He visited the G rand Coulee dam near Spo­ kane while there. "Rabbits’ 'are ahead of the "T ur­ tles" in their contest between the classes of the Reedville Sunday school. This contest will end in ( By Ix»U Richmond) TIMBER—Several men were In­ two more weeks. The losing side jured when a speeder Jumped the will have to give the winning side track while coming In from the a party The attendance last S un­ woods at Sunset cam p last Monday. day was 68 and Mrs. C. T. Imlay's A rthur Beyers received a severe class received the banner. The girls from Mrs A. Shradder's and cut on the leg. W estlmber unit of the CCC gave Mrs. A. Nordlund's classes sang a dance last Tuesday, and it was “Softly and Tenderly.” The Parent-T eachers will meet- announced tliat th a t would be the last one until after the holidays or Friday afternoon. December 28. in the school. R efreshm ents will be until fu rth er notice. —' ' Mrs H erbert Simmons drove to served. George McBreen and Mrs. Portland last Monday and brought Mrs. § s C g . J S a t: 3 § Hills Bros. (1-lb. 31c) 2 lbs............. SHRIM P Golden West Gulf Kist, fancy 2 23c 85c S ’ l-lb. jar ............ 30c) Pineapple Juice (8-oz. 5c) No. Is, 2 for O Y ST E R S 15c S Gulk Ki«t, fancy. Grapefruit Del Monte or I 2 ’;: 23c Florida Gold. w ....25c Catsup Ü) New DATES crop, llallowb Del Monte OCx* 2 bottles ...... 19c S 2 a. Kern’s. 9c Bottle K $ C ra n b e rry 2 SAUCE tall cans 25c T o m . Ju ice 15c LIBBY'S GENTLE PRESS. $ P u m p k in § S n o w d r if t ££ 9c RAY-MAL. I No. 2 cans, 2 for ISO % 49c (6 lbs. 95c) I W esson O il Qu.r, s P in e a p p le I ty-gallon 79c) J. D. D BROKEN 8IJC E S. P in e a p p le Christm as Suggestions 29c .. 33c SWEET TREAT. FANCY SU CED C A N D IE S Airway, lb. 21c. 3 lbs. 59t Nob Hill, lb 25c. 2 lbs 49c Edwards Dependable Lb. can 27c. 2 lbs. 53c Maxwell H’se, lb can 31c Pure cane, 10 lbs.........50c $^. '•“ S Maraschino Cherries i 3-oz. 8c 5-oz.......12c MINCE MEAT « Kerr's fancy. 2 lbs.....25c Pickles, sweet or dills § Libby’s. 6-oz................10c s TOBACCOS s l-lb. tins make excellent gifts. 1 Prince Albert ............. 73c Granger ........................ 73c » Model ........................ 85c 59c CIGARETTES Camels, Lucky Strikes, Chesterfields, Old Golds. s s RAISINS THOMPSON Fancy Seedless. $1.75 DEL MONTE— Large 2 1/} size can 10c OYSTERS— 5-ox. can ......................................... SHRIM P— No. 1 can ....................................... CRACKERS—SNOWFLAKES. 2-lb. box........................................... SUPERIOR. 2-lb. box ................................23c 25c MAYONNAISE—Bulk. Lb....................................................... 10c 10c 29c 15c MELLOWEST— Large 2 Vi size can. 2 for __ 15c BAKING P O W D E R - CALUMET— Lb. can .................................. CLABBER G IR U - 2-lb. can 19c) CAKE FLOUR—Swansdown. Large pkg.................................... MILK—MT. VERNON. 3 large cans .............................. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES SWEET POTATOES “ 1.......................... 1 5 c C O C O A N U T S ^ ...................................... 5C JA P O R A N G E S ......................... 73c AVOCADOS Each £^*vo 5C LARGE VARIETY OF NAVEL ORANGES AT LOW PRICES These prices effective to Christmas Day, December 25 Be sure to get a copy of o u r H a n d b ill PHONE 2001 FLOUR CHOCOLATE Hershey baking. Pillsbury’s Best 49-lb. $A.O9 None better. Bag ................... M %-lb. cake ...... 4 dlV 51 z» X CRANBERRY SAUCE Ducks, Geese an d Chickens OT TVFQ V CO LINDSAY. Ripe. calk 2 for .............. ........... 29c PINEAPPLE Where Assortments are Larger and Selection Best HAMS AND BACON FREE ROAST Willapa Bay Chocolates 2 V ,- l b . VEAL ROAST 11® 25c I COFFEE and HAM SANDWICHES. ALL DAY SATURDAY. CANDY Young and Tender MINCE MEAT 3 lbs. 35C ROYAL GELATINE ’»„• Æ .. 25c ROYAL “ K£ °T0"'"“ ................. 33C Saturday, Dec. 22 OYSTERS . . . . ................................ St"d:................ 32c BAKED HAM SANDWICHES and HOT COFFEE ALL DAY PORK , « There is a definite reason for the freshness of CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE. Every can is dated. None sold over 10 days old. All purpose Swift’s Premium or Armour’s Star FREE T FRESH T h is C h ris tm a s G iv e Food CHOICE ...... 14c OCEAN SPRAY. H ILLS B O R O M E A T CO M PANY Carton .......................$1.20 PEAS Safeway. Hardwheat. 49-lb. sack .................... Friday, Saturday, Monday, Dec. 21, 22 and 24 8 pkgs.........................96c Ocean Breeze, fancy 2s Famous for n atu ral sugnr content. $1.49 P U M P K IN AT THE 2%-lb. box 41/g-Ib. box ..... Brown, 3 lbs.................. 15c FREE DELIVERY Xmas C hocolates OLIVES 10c Lb. $ Finest ingredients. A gift M suitable for the most par- ci ticular of friends. 7 5 c * 100-lb. sack .......... $4.99 Powdered, 3 lbs. ........ 17c FLO UR Absolute. Family flour. 49-Ib. sack ...................... s s Geo. Washington Old Fashioned Chocolate-., Monster Gum Drops, Satin Mix, Peanut Brittle. RUCHEK’S ASH GROCERY SATIN MIX. 2 lbs. I9c «C BROKEN MIX. 2 lbs. 19c K GUM DROPS. 2 lbs. 25c CHOC. DROPS. 2 lbs. 25* FRENCH MIX. 2 lbs. 35c CREAM MIX. 2 lbs. 29< WALNUTS, large, lb. 23c FILBERTS, large, lb. 15c ALMONDS, IXL, lb. 15c BRAZILS. 2 lbs............ 29c Libby's or Sequoia. M edhun ripe. No. 1 Tall can SUGAR Christmas I Edgeworth ................. 89c 43c CANDY Timber Men Hurt as Speeder Jumps « Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday December 21, 22 and 24 FREE DELIVERY Columbia Best (Lb. 25c) 3 lbs............. a COFFEE s U í Í s Í ícs COFFEE 15c lie 23c 15c 2 9c HAMBURGER Lb DATES PURE LARD 3 lbs. PLENTY CHOICE U. S. INSPECTED BABY BEEF 39c Xmas box CQp «Ji/Lz Satin and Broken Mix­ ed. Extra quality. 2 lbs. 19c Gum Drops and Old Fashioned Chocolates 2 lbs. 25c NUTS PEANUTS Fresh roasted. Lb.............................. '.. 10c ALMONDS Soft shell. Lb.................................. 19c BRAZIL 25c 2 lbs. ..................... MIXED NUTS No peanuts. 2 lbs............................. Q Cxs ÖuV PUMPKIN “S . 3“:...................... 19c PIMIENTOS X M“’ARY. 15c DATES '¿'T‘ “ a MO,3T ............... 19C