THE Page Two Buxton School Event Friday Parties Held During Week; Club Officers Named (By Mr«. Je**o Meyers • H IL L S B O R O Forest Grove acted as installing o t- ’ and playing games. Those present I fleer Mr. Nickerson from Clack- were Misses Jean Wenger, d a t a i anias county was a visitor. TSchabold. Anna and Hilda Meyers. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. K Wallace Dorothy Getty, lues Erdman, Mar- of near Manning, December 14. a garet Hinton and Messrs Dan He- bov He has been named Eugene beisen. Ernest and Clarence Tselia- Artluir bold. Wiltrial ami Albert Grossen. Art M arr of Pendleton was a Donald Jo ao Allen Berger. Vincent Manning visitor Saturday night Bishop, lew is IXmaldson Wesley Mr and Mrs. Laurel Frost of Pieren, Harry lladertseher. Carson Forest Grove visited relatives here Hanson, Lovat and Jim Davidson. Sunday evening. W aller H ershej. Hoy Holter. Mr. A large crowd attended a dance and Mrs J F. Davidson and daugh- at M anning Social club hall S atu r- ter Luella and the host and hostess day night. Dances are being given Helvetia Lada's' Aid met with every two weeks Mrs. John Gfeller. North Plains, | o Oeorge eo rg e and c Claude iau a e Higgle ixexi m euug w m be m Riggle are ueceinoer December i- 12. Next m e eeting will workuig a t R i^ le brothers' cam p with Mrs. Robert Youngen. Mem i ^ . kenll,ld bers are requested to atten d tor Joe Frydendal left Saturday for election of officers. Tule Lake Cal., to hunt ducks. There will be a shooting m atch Mrs Prudie Fickas is on a busl- a t Helvetia store December 30. ness trip to California. , ------------------------- AR G U S. H I L L S BO R l» . (» R E I J O N Seal Su/c Endorsed Endorsement of th e C hristm as Seal Sale now In progress through,ml the slate has been given by Governor Meier In a public statem ent Issued today. T he statem ent reads "I am glad to call the atten tio n of the people ol Oregon to tlie Clu istnias Seal Sale. 'Sli ce 1915 this lvas been an annual event by which tto Oregon s ta te Tuberculosis association lias carried on its ac­ tivities The money derived from these seals has gone into public health education Into free clinics for those unable to pay for medical attention, into research projects and Into a rruaade for public support for tlx« prevention of tills dread disease. "The splendid forward steps which have been m ade bi our state in tuberculosis cure and control are evidence th a t every cent Invested in C hristm as Seals lvas yielded a fine retu rn in h ealth and Ivappuiess. "The contribution asked from i« r h one Is not large and I to p e all Lhuae w ho can possibly do so will help out cheerfully and generously.” BUXTON--A C hristm as program will be 5» .**?e *?•’.“?* V ..1,’’, grange hall rriday ru g n t ocnoo W ,,o « ay v tor fo r t . h e I x tlid a ts . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson, Mr and Mrs. George Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Kelly, Mr a n d Mrs Jesse Meyers, Mrs C lara Allen, Mr. Webo. Victor White. O rin Cearley an d Mr and Mrs Elvui Cearley were Hillsboro visitors Saturday Services were held a t th e Cathode church Sunday morning. A miscellaneous shower was given BANKS—Mrs R. M Banks re- i By Mrs John M Da vid»*'nl Mrs A M arlin t Thelm a Hutchison) , . ... .c e iv e d word Sunday evening of the a - t the grange — —-— »— — hall December 11 HELV ETIA— H C l\ f t in js clioo* Hpiitli of Iter fath er IVm Stichler S S t M , S ei S S ‘f w i c r « ’ l S ’? tm ''’ program will be held 90 *, d m Albanv Funerai V» P' ? ^ e k Eva B e n e fit , ‘ evening. Everyone is cordial- serv ices were held hi the Forest ther. Edith Rinck E \a uenenei, jy invlte ‘S*'.., m.Un» 11’ mCl°rnli Hillsboro. Mrs Edr.a Bagley of Elizah Stone. 93. died a t the home S ld s X im tw a k e rs wil7 b rb u Portland, and Mrs. Elsie E. Stevens Sugar Cured. of her daughter. Mrs. W C Lee. " h M .w er w.u of Laurel. ________________ here December 14 and funeral '¿»xiT^All are w eh o m e^o atu-nd Pound .............. Pound ............. Agricultural News — Regular ar- -^v ices were held Monday at the ’P*®“ ' An welcome to attend ¡ticles from the county agent, and o ° ^ n lJ ^ o^ c la tm g ‘^ In tlrm e n t NOW. HELP ENROLL OREGON’S Former Resident Helvetia School of Banks Passes to Give Program Schools Plan for Programs T hursday, I»eceinbcr 20, I'.Ktl gvxxl statem ent which has come to hand follows "These registrations mean eltl- .-enslup |X»pcrs placed on perm anent record, and available tor all time lo come us legal proof of age and . legitimacy in lltiguiion Involving ‘ m hciilauce rights, insuiaiuc and veteran's and age compensations , T to y also Insure the right to a t ­ tend setxwl. to obtain work, to join the navy, to vote and to marry They a re necessary lo obtain pass- lu rts (or traveling In foreign conn- I tries." These are enough "selling points” tor the "Register Your Baby’’ Idea to t's all try to put them over, and now. Promote Prosperity W ith P rin ter’s Ink! CURRY’S GROCERY X: Free Delivery Prices for Fri., S«t. mid Mon., Dec. 21, 22 mid 24 XMAS Neighborhood news (w m 30 Argu., eorrespm dents hl different sections of W ashington county appears In the Argus each week toxirn what your friends are doing for less Ilian three cents a week tf Plain Satin Mixed Chocolate Drops Jumbo Gum Drops Let the advertisem ents help you make your shopping plans. Uroken Mixed Foursquare Church Has New Minister Last Rites Held Laurel Resident she is rep°rted IB RAI Phone 771 ) Your Choice I 2 DATES lbs. ... . O RANG ES 25 2 2 Navels. 15c dozen 39c P U M P K IN 10c HKRSHEY. 1 g-lh. can. 2 S N O W D R IF T 15c f ., )* , . 46c C A K E FLO U R & - £ Imperial Cafe 33c O IL COCOA and A MERRY CHRISTMAS to all Our Patrons. CANDY 25c ED’S MARKET PURE LARD STEER BEEF 40c BACON BACK OAz* 4V V 1VV GROUND BEEF 10c FREE DELIVERY PHONE 3131 I communities.—Every ArBUS week in BABIES the s U e was to rn m SeVk- M shire. Vt.. Septem ber 30, 1841 She T n ^ fa m T ro O r^ g o n ^ (Ry Oregon S la t« Hoard o f H aalth) 1923 Deceased Is survived by the months and now living in Oregon *» gathering its Initial mom entum dren^™1* grandc*ld as these lines are being written. ________________ Our state was adm itted to the nw .lu s r - o v w a r m s Federal B irth R egistration Area in ON O R tt.O N LAHMS 1919. meaning th a t a t least 90 per ‘ S tiff” la m b s Due to Feed Lark cent of the births occurring In Ore- PRINEVILLE—Sheep flocks near gon were regularly recorded. Oregon Terrebonne and Powell Butte, where lias a good reputation for its at- stiff lam b trouble had been reported tention to vital statistics, but the lately, were visited by County Agent fact th a t 90 per cent registration Li W B Tucker, who diagnosed the regarded as good perform ance shows difficulty as nutritional rath er th an how much the people of the whole a specific disease. Changes in feed- United S tates need a stlrrlng-up ing rations were recommended by on this topic. Such a stlrrlng-up is Mr. Tucker to see if this would not just w hat the U. 8. Census Bureau and the State' Board of Health overcome th e trouble. • • • aided by the S tate Emergency R e­ lief adm inistration, are a t this D. R. S. Helps Lake Farm ers adm inistering to the people LAKEVIEW - Eighty-nine sheep- o moment t Oregon. Tlie " m ¡ echanics of the m en of Lake county have sold 2 i - ^ " r { i at ? 034 old ewea to tlie government " rl" 1> “ r' .*J*“ 1. “ card drought relief service, for which ‘ard n £ vX s fo? listing of' rnv they received a total of 846.06H Of t '° r were r o n ^ i m ^ ConSthe6 raw h esem b tto i " - ^ e ^ S T t h V = r nb e h ^ ^ S u r PeTuU i i ^ a ^ r e V nof this project will conserve consider- J" able forage and other feed for the These cards will furnish a means b etter and younger stock, says checking the completeness of County Agent Victor W Johnson. birth recording in this state and - - - will insure th a t every child whom the pasents or physician report Seventeen Grasses Tried « „ “ i, DELICIOUS CRISP XMAS MIX Lb CHOCOLATES Lb ALSO— Gaudy Pepperm int Straw s, Tasty Ju m ­ bo Gum Drops, Creamy French Mix, Fancy Box Chocolates, Fluffy M arshm allows. In fact a com plete stock fo r your selection. 2 BUTTER— Lb. Fancy Imported 19c GOOD QUALITY MIX NUTS 2 ib. 25c PAPER SHELL ALMONDS u, 17C C r a n b e r r y C heaper *D a « M M M M M S a u c e th a n fresh Snyder’s Cocktail Sauce— Bottle ................. Broken Slice FANCY GOLDEN new crop . | PINEAPPLE— 2 8-slice cans Christmas Bakery Features m Medium Large HOLIDAY FRUIT CAKES RIPE OLIVES— Tall can ............ Make a most acceptable gift, one which the recipient doesn't have to wonder how It Is going to be used. Per pound lib . 2 A 25c large -I cans I v V m I Pint . .a "d u “ty'..,n b u lk '..... A Flavored with C herry wine and Brandy. iT S A llV w U a lv a CRAB— No. % tin ....... berries. Fancy quality for those Xmas pies. M a y o n n a is e C. & II. Powdered Carlton G rade A ROASTED PEANUTS 2 SUGAR— 3 lbs. NUTS HOT Ginger Ale • Lime Rickey large bottles th a t will thrive on the prairie soil 1110 Prt>Per place, and hill land of Tillamook coun- The foregoing are two decided ty. grass nurseries liave been es- benefits anticipated from the cam- tabhshed on th e farm s of B. W. paign. but th e really g reat out- step p a and F. H. Neilson, to test come of the drive should to —and 17 varieties of grass These in- m ust be—the deep Im planting of elude English rye, Italian r y e , the "Register Your Baby” I d e a meadow fescue, chewing f e s c u e , among the people. highland reed canary grass. K en- In the campaign, we have an op- tucky bluegrass, bulbous bluegrass., portunity by talking, writing, p rint- orchard grass, smooth brome, tall I ing and doing to drive home into oat grass, timothy, red top. m eadow ; the consciousness of ourselves and foxtail. Astoria and Seaside bent, everybody else the "Register Your River bottom soil such as th a t on Baby" Idea. The two things to do th e F. H. Neilson farm , seems par- j are to get the card into each fam ticularly adapted to rye grass and lly and to see th a t it is mailed If clover, according to K enneth Carl, there Is a baby less th an a year assistant county agent, but it Is old in th a t house. believed passible th a t a better m ix­ Many lists have been made of ture may be obtained by observing the benefits to the baby In after the grow th of th e varieties In the life which accrue from proper and nursery on this farm. official registration of his birth. m 4 n n a L ib.. lo C e ll flavors. 6 pkgs. 2 5 c Dozen ...................................................................................... MINCE and PUMPKIN PIES. Each F a ir w a y INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street 20c 30c CO FFEES PEAS Early G arden. No. 2 tin CORN 20-oz. tin Bantam JELLO B aker’s, lie pkgs. Each Chrsitmas Necessities ji; Kà CANDY Gum Drops, Choco- lates and Broken Mix. 2 lbs. lUMlz SATIN MIX. Lb. 10c ALMONDS. Soft shell, l-lb. 18c BRAZIL NUTS. 2 lbs.............. 28c MIXED NUTS. Fancy. 2 lbs. 33c WALNUTS. Large size, good quality, l-lbi. ..............................................1 l-lb. FRUIT COCKT No. 1 tall Tin C. H. B. CATSUP. Large bottle li)C Dozen .............. ......................................................................... J e ll W 45c 25c 15c 4 lbs. A. m V and 8TOLLEN Is ju st as much a p a rt of th e holiday setting as is the tree. Each . f .......................... FRUIT and NUT BREADS. Fine for th in slicing. •t C m L o a f .................................. Specials for Fri. Sat., Mon. Dec. 21, 22 and 24 15c S w e e t Spuds 1 1 5 c 34c SUGAR. Fine gran. 10 lbs. 50c EGGS. Fresh extras. Per dozen 24c COOKIES. Fancy assorted. Pkg. 15c BAKING POWDER. Clabber Girl— Can 8C CANDY BARS. 3 for 10c DROMEDARY DATES. Regular. 2 for 23c CRANBERRY SAUCE. 2 for 27c WESSON Oil.. Quart tin 39c D U R K E E ’S WDRCESTKKNIHKE SAUUE— OO„ 2 for ............................................................. RELISH SPREAD— CLOROX— Q uarts. n C ~ QFFxa «Hr .................................... Z f C P & G SOAP— Regular. Oilxa 10 bars ............