Page Twelve T II E H IL L S » O R O Hilhi Vacation Offers France Program Held Begins Friday NRA Program at David Hill Annual Alumni Dance Set Repeat Performance Friday Afternoon at School for Friday at Cym ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O . Hopes to Revive Dead Humans Queerest Accidents of Recent limes Combine Humor, 1 'ragedy l?VERY day. all over the world, (trauge. unexpected, and al­ most unbelievable accidents oc­ cur. Many bring direst tragedy In their wake; others fortunately escape the grief, and are remem­ bered for their humor or oddity. One of these nenr-tragedlet which turned out happily came about recently. In Brooklyn. N Y., a 3-year-old tot cried out, "H ere 1 come, tnnm al" and dropped from a third floor win­ dow to a concrete pavement. Un­ hurt, he crowed: "W alt t}JI daddy bears how 1 Jump!" In Gary, lud.. recently, a woman, getting out of her bath, stepped on a cake ot wet soap, akldded across her bathroom, shot out an open window, dropped three stories and landed, unhurt. In a sandplle. In another recent freak hap penlng. a young Ottawa. Canada, am ateur golfer took a lusty swing at a golf ball, and nearly stran ­ gled before help arrived His club had snapped In two. and the broken head and tape lashed around bts neck. When a man bites a dog. It's news: and so It Is. too. when a deer kills a hunter, or a flsh slays a fisherman. In Pennsylvania, some time ago. the day before deer hunting season opened, one of the creatures bounded out ot a woods and crashed Into a car carrying three men to the mint­ ing grounds All were killed And a French Canadian trapper ot The Pas. Manitoba, was shot dead when the tall of a large pike, threshing about tn the bot­ tom ot his canoe., touched the trigger uf a rifle A Detroit woman wished her husband plenty ot trouble She told him. "I wish you d go out and nave an ao-ldenL" He was State Land Plan Outlined Monday Pair Get T enns in County Jail UraUC GrOUDS Plan Speaking Contests kno*'> GOUntV Taxes Cllt y ^or 193 J CHEVROLETS USED CARS Bought and Sold 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Nash Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Truck Pontiac Sedan 2 Ford Tourings Agency Willys 77 Come in for a dem onstration. CARS PAINTED Gas - Oil - Accessories Cars Washed and P»Hsh«d Used Car Exchange 2nd and Wash. Phone 2641 blr to ___ _ the poisonous food, yet near future by County Agent R. M $4753.96 and $4957.88. No levy was D ate-Prune Products company vs' Baldwin, chairm an. Metzger, sickness and death resulted Knox and O. H llvslop. chief of reported this year in drainage dis- M artin Bernards, decree; J. The second and most common the plant Industry division a t O 8. trict number seven Peters e t ux vs. L. M. Sparks et Miss Oleva Berger o f Reedvllle, ,..r a for larger b*- ux- confirm continuation It Is planned to make five Special school taxes ation of sale; Peter A Frances Post of Bend. Rex Jones type of bacterial poisoning lias f 1 districts and areas near Hillsboro Broeren vs. John M. Wall et ux of Hillsboro and Miss Estlier A lien, symptoms entirely different from lan-’e plantings of about 100 acres 1 are as follows U n io n $200 32 Cor dismissal; H. L. Ford vs. Annabel of Forest Grove. botulism. Symptoms appear within c a t.h ? burned-over land. neliuT$248ll7 li m e ? ¿5 1 61 'm ik - Spaceman et al. dismissal; H a ^ ‘ ------------------------- la few hours after the f Sod Is eaten ^<1 to d tstrlb u te the rem am der of and consist of vomiting, fever, ab- seed to a number of co-opera- ■ boro $19338.67. Leisyville $53.57. D e n ^ “ ^ al d r i l X ’d w re e " Mr^ FOOD POISONING dominol pains, diarrhea, general tori ^or t^hil on a sm aller scale (B y O rc .u a State B,s»r4 of H e a lth ) Ja c k s o n k $155.14, is s 14 Dilley n ilU v $806.28, tan* o« For- Essie L. 1 Goodwin vs. B ° U ec ^ re v e 'p - M r k s . ! Jackson a ^ and prostration. The und,,r varying conditions. ___ ______ From time to time the state weakneas, I est Grove $9799.38, Jacktown $282.33, dismissal; Wade H. . Everest ~ et ux boasd of health receives emergency course of the disease is short, usual- , Shute $88.71. Tigard $5671.74, Tuai vs. S. O. Levack et ux. dismissal; calls to investigate sudden out- J y not longer th an 24 to 48 hours. If you change your address kind­ atin $3336.92. Reedville $1198.9i F. F . Tooze vs. W. H. Becker et breaks of illness involving several Very few fatalities have been re- , ly notify tlie Argus direct and at once. al. dismissal; and John E. Bailey people and sometimes a large group, ported, Gales Creek $2832.71. Grabel $128.53, THE ~ The causes of this kind of food Johnson $117.48, K inton $347.84, O r-, o vs. unknown , heirs ------- a t law of Horace T hc preparation of acid drinks m SEASON’S GREETINGS enco $871727, Groner $210.91. Mouu-1 et “ *1’ ■. ° orber rder. galvanized tubs or buckets may J poisoning are careless and unclean Probate orders were issued this dissolve enough zinc to cause typl- methods of preparing foods which taindale $412, Shady Brook $114.73 to all and may good cheer Beaverton $17 590 99 M ountainside' 016 ,e states of Jasper N cal and violent cases of zinc poison-I are subsequently improperly stored persistent vomiting i This condition allows contam inating J i S S i- ^ ' , i lOC\ CreCk Grabel, i e r .- " A " Augusta ^ ^ ” s ^ and h Reinhold L ^ ‘U M Irm ^ o ' - ln8; ^ d Cramps, S S and m errim ent prevail. May are the symptoms; bacteria to grow In an Ideal media. 6-room house ail on one floor, Arcade Carl E. Muller, Mae G. Mabry, th a t may follow the preparation of and in an Ideal environment. Salads j lot 50x150 feet, sewer. sewer, sldewui'k v o u r Xma« thi.4 year be $141.26. N orth Plains $801, Buxton Charles Gerald T\irner Andrew lemonade '--------J " .......................... and ‘ other acid drinks !£nU,Prr f>my food poisoning. and jolliest Xmas you have The most frequent causes of „ j under conditions of absolute cleanli­ is for public utilities. In addition to mission. Complaints were f i l e d food poisoning outbreaks, however, ness. ever hath the taxable property there are soi- against the Seghers Lumber com- are bacterial poisons resulting from diers exemptions allowed totaling pony and H . j Kreider the Improper and insanitary prep­ ON OREGON FARMS aration and storage of food. In $89.810. Valuation of taxable p r o p - ______________ R m I Estate and More Alfalfa Grown in I.anr the old days these outbreaks were erty for 1934 was listed a t $24,597,- EUGENE—Lane county farmers CARD OF THANKS iMursnce attributed to "ptomaine "ptom aine poisoning.'' j purchased 36.000 pounds of Grimm 440.96. W e arish to express our thanks for attriputed the kindness and sym pathy extended ua Scientific investigation has shown alfalfa .seed In 1934, a survey by Can finance your Insurance pre­ JAMES WHITELAW, Manager in the illnesa and death o f our w ife and the old "ptomaine" theory to b e ! County Agent O. S. Fletcher shows, mium» on a monthly ba»ÌM. CARD OF THANKS i 2?"t ,h er' Mr" V irginia Taylor.- Harold erroneous and th a t the causative This was enough to plant approx- Chevrolet and Oldamobile W e wish to thank tnjr friends 44 Phone 171 3rd and Wash. Phone 441 neighbors for th e m any acta o f k indn__ i Taylor and fam ily. agent was of two types. In one, i imately 3000 acres of alfalfa, and 1152 2nd St. and sym pathy extended durinir our re- [ certain resistant bacteria grow in while many fanners probably failed cent bereavem ent, th e death o f our w ife [ Quality Job printing—Argus. m e absence of air and produce a J to obtain stands because of ad- WELL LOCATED E. A . Fee, according to a proas report n reived lien- Evers fui m was alleged Io have liecn the »Ite of an loli-u distillery oiM-ruled by Paul Hemal ley and otliers. Ever» was grunted prnlMitlnn for- five years lie wu . „1 asM-ssed $4(1011 by ' tile Internal rev enne déliait ment T o o Lute to Classify I IA V K mu all «aah l>iiy»r fu r Improvr.l 10 to Ï 0 arraa ■tillahla fu r fllberta I*. O Kag«m, I l I ll»l>oru, l'hutt« * " l ■« N O T K K TO t ’MKhlTONM In ih« C ounty Court uf t h | Utaia of iii.- ««u duly ap|>u4nt««l by th« ah««*« « n ti lied Court, aa A tlm ln U tra l r i « uf th« ««tat« uf aalsl dm «•»«■! anti ha« duly t|uallfl«*| aa aurh Now th«r*fu r«, a ll |>«raun« having claltna against aahl ««tat« a r« h«rrh> n<>tlfl«t( and r«qulr««l tu pr«w«nt the aanta, t<««th«r w ith prup«r Vouch»«« thw w fur. tu th« untlvratirn«'! at ths> law uffteaa uf lia r« , M r A l««r A l*»t«r«. In I hr H r a t N a tlm tal 11«uh Lulldlti«. ,,, lllllaburu, llrggn ii, w ith in ala month» fr«- > th« «late h«r«*>f liatssl thia <|Oth <1 ay uf |tm*«tnh«r t o il J I N N Y A N IH * ILMON. A dm in (at rat rl« , f th« f e ta l« uf «alt| llm.98 warm lined. SALE SLIPPERS For women and chil d r e n. All colored iini»... 39c MEN’S SLIPPERS G ift felts, com fort­ able fitting in a l l sizes. Toes reinforced.... LUNCH CLOTHS All linen with fast color borders. A use­ ful gift. Special 69c 69c Store open this Saturday night for your convenience! SkacLotizC^à At WEIL’S DEPT. STORE 79c CO FFEE Red & White Stores. 1-lb. pkg. * 98c We Carry a Complete Line of All Varieties of Nuts Red & White. 2V4» Belitene« ot two year» hi u,,. federal penitentiary wa» nieten i>m to Anton Evers. W ashington conn lv fa rm er. M onday by Federili J im ,. The woman was klllod, the man seriously Injured. Back In 1937 the three children In the family of Uriah Itlchards were killed in S near Orting, Wash. Ksvsral year« later the fathor was killed by au auto, leaving four survivors. A year ago June these (our were killed in one accident when a train bit their truck. The Christm as story was por­ trayed ill a very unusual and Im­ pressive manner at the David Hill 'school Wednesday evening The stage setting showed a cathedral window portraying the Shepherds. Wise Men. Herod and his court, and the manger scene Mrs. Marie Priest accompanied the singers and plaved • • s "Trinity Chimes " M l ANY have been the Instances F t i U i e Plapp and Don Mdrrison tn which persons bit by ' R£ New York newsies presented a street car or locomotive or In­ dialogue and Viewed the Christm as volved In a plane crash, have progi am tn the huge cathedral from , outside, finding out all that Christ - escaped uninjured. And Just as ' mas in its true meaning exempli­ frequent have been strange occur­ fied. "Morning S tar" was read by rences of an opposite nature. Jack Allison. Donna Lou Hearing A Chicago acrolmt. for Instance, and Naomi Hanel sang "S tar of the broke his neck when he tripped East Marion Meek read the C hrist­ and fell on a smooth, sandy bath­ mas story. "W atchman. Tell Us ot ing beach A star Iowa football tlie Night." as an antiphonal. was by Billy Ziegler and Wilson player had his shoulder dislo­ A program of "depression sung Bowlby Donna Lou Hearing re- [ cated wheu his younger brother legislation" sim ilar to A m erica's cited "O Little Town of Bethle­ kicked him In his sleep. And a NRA has been prom ised to hem. and Christm as Carols were wait T ill TMt w»T prominent Chicago surgeon died France by its new. youthful sung by th e primary grades. "The T*STB THiSS from Infection after he had prem ier, P ierre-E tien n e F landin, Christm as Song" was sung by Steve QoiCuirS. OH pricked bts (Inger with a safety SON/ above. 45-year-oId P arisian. Meek. Carols were sung by Mrs pin. F laudin recently succeeded V. W. G ardner. Mrs. Victor 'B ryant and Mfs. Lyman Howe, accom pan­ Carelessness has been respone P rem ier D ouniergue, resigned. ied by Mrs. Fred Sewell. Ible for other accidents. To sur­ The pageant was made possible prise his wife a Kansas City, Mo., the otherss being out of work as a by the teachers, Lester Mooberry Or. Il E CorniMii. Berkeley, man got up flrst one morulng and result of seasonal professions. having composed it. A large crowd Calif., blologlrt, almwti above (Continued from past * on«) baked biscuits At the hospital Just what action groups seeking of parents attended. On Fridav bolding l.nzuru» IV. oner-dead public opinion the . pageant --------- will be t------------- presented ---,---- again . . . will have , great repudiation of debts or currency in- $h to which both were taken. It was dog which he brought back to effect on legislation, the speaker nation would is ice m the next Con- ' ^he benefit of the school chil learned that he bad used Insert life, and gazing at L aiarua V, declared. For this reason, business gress was a Question which Dodson ftren and parents. Mrs. Ella Schultz powder Instead of baking powder. ---------, ..„ e -------------------------------e he c^ d n(X answ w _____ _ These _ Will «in„ D..„. R uth ........- on which ho la now experim ent­ sing and Miss Boyles men should study proposed l e g i s - declaJTd ___________________________ run over, tost pari ol a loot 1 ot u An llllnola man a false teeth ing. naked periniaalou of three lation and confer with their Con- groups hold th a t th e depreciation will give a violin solo. she said. "I wish you'd lose the bothered him io that, when not I governor» to revive convict» oxo- gressional representatives of values has made it impossible to other foot." He did Fed up by In use. he kept them In his back T hat President Roosevelt is seek- pay debts and th a t either re- i culed In th eir gan chamber», but this time, he sued (or a divorce. pocket- Ills sum hit a bump In wan refuted. l)r Cornlah lin» ing to discourage the enormous ac- pudiation or inflation is necessarv • • • the road, and he had to have cumulation of wealth in the hands He cited influence of these am aied science with ihe auccese / COINCIDENCE featured two tin- stitches taken where he had "bit­ of a few was the opinion expressed groups as evidenced by support ot hie eipertmenfs ten himself." usual tragedies In May. 1931, by Dodson. He scouted reports th at shown for the Frazier-Lemke bill. (Continued from p ave onel Here have been described only an Indiana man and hit wife this would be accomplished by socl- veterans’ bonus and the bill to pay of the heirs holds a n undivided -. Hilhi Coach Injured a few of the more spectacular were Injured when a train atruck alistic methods, declaring th at some depositors in closed banks. He also ten th interest in the tract, accord- a t G y m n a s iu m F r id a y accidents, yet sim ilar mishaps their auto al a grade crossing In coni rol would be placed on th e ac- declared th a t a strong silver bloc “*8 to the complaint. B M Goodman, local union high May. 1932 while riding In the occur dally The lesson seems to cumulation of large earnings w ith- existed and predicted th a t all of Orders were issued this week in same car they were struck by the be that no one knows how. where, school itriurlpul and lllllil coach, out destroying the incentive for these groups wiuld be active next „ follo»uig circuit court cases: achievement and reward. an m -t» .— . Henry v VanDyke vs. » Lizzie VanDvke same train at the same rrosalug. or when an accident will happen. narrowly escaped aerloua Injury F ri­ year. - Lester - Ireland acted as meet Henrv day when lie was struck on the Unemployment, with its resulting lng chairm an. Dodson was accoin- dismissal; Citizens Bank of S h er­ I break-down of morale, is an acute panied by F. H. Reece, traffic re­ wood vs. Elwood H. Snuth et al. r - violent poison or toxin. Final con- verse w eather ixHKtltUnis. M r. head by a pulley while working - decree; J H Hoffmas vs. E Anlick- problem confronting the govern- presentative for the Portland chain - ¡ e r et al. dismissal; Edward N tam ing tilts toxin when eaten by Fleu-lu-r estimate.» that not less In the gymnasium. Students wrre * ment, according to Dodson. He p r than 2700 acres of this crop were hoisting a ventilator Into place und f • - I man I U A I l or anmiuls produce» tlie disease ber of commerce. Weinbaum. adm inistrator, vs. M att as "botulism.'• Tlie symp successfully estubllslied In L a nio ' Ooodman was assisting them from dieted the adm inistration would do No fu rther noon m etings will be Kurt, dismissal; I. M. Brice vs. G r O toms w which identify u case of bom county this year Tilts Is a conoid- “ Lull ladder when Uie accident oc- away with the dole system and un- held by the local chamber of com Brice, default and decree; W. R. Finals in the annual W ashington lism are first and most im portant erablr tncreuse over the previous cured. Tlie rope sup|x>rtlng the pill- dertake a public works program in merce January Neilsen vs. S tate Industrial Accident county grade school declam ation double vision, next nausea, constl- alfalfa acreage In the county, he ley broke suddenly and the pulley its place. Public opinion demands commission, dismissal; W. V. Wiley atruck Goodman u tter dropping th a t an annual relief deficit of be- ' vs. Thomas A. Mulcay et al. dis­ contest will be held M arch 15 at l»“ tion. Inability to swallow. Impair-1 says. »P**«» wlLh accom pany­ about 15 feet. missal; S tate vs. Benjam in Perl- Hillsboro, according to a contest ing marked tween three and four billion dollars general weakness weakness and and u i i ^ x H A L S v u i mano et al, dismissal- S tate vs" announcem ent Issued th is week by , 8 mar,te« general Grow Stem Hot Free Clover must stop, he said. ' T i Jam es MoJney e t a l . ' dwmlssL O. B. Kraus, county school super mijscuior control, arid final- CORVA1 J.IS -T U re e Benton coim- Argus classified ads get results. Dodson questioned the accuracy S tate vs. Vem Baldwin et al. dis- intendent Prelim inary elim inations tonis*arel « ‘n erali? deiSavcd * uncT'do 8l___ of schools renrftspnted and thm c Hn»» «nd « ac «1 www of Bank of order H E of schools represented and vw « tw three tlon and processing of canned food was developed on th e Oregon ex- Taxes in special taxing districts Burdette vs. Oregon Nurserv com"- divisions according to the contest- have made botulism a rare disease pertinent station and recently re- sal- Albert Albert Fuchs Fuchs vs vs" ants ^ “dc will be made In each but unfortunately every year cases leased to farmers. — YOU KNOW US! were also slashed, the total for 1935 dismissal; being $14,193.52 and for 1934 $17.- Henry Ulmer et al, denying motion class in Previous contests, di- of botulism from home can n ed ., both underprocessed foods are reported.: Plan Erosion Control Trials 417.90. G arden Home w ater district' or new trial; Delbert V. Learned visions I and II will have prevented by boll- , GOLD BEACH -- A number of shows $2875.84 on the 1935 statem ent „ ph Bowlb>'- Judgment vol- serious and humorous selections Botulism can be liable f C hristm as vacation at Hilhi \\ i*l start December 21 and end Januaiy 7, according to B. W. Barnes, su-j perintendent Senate club met Monday evening with Senator peerenboom presiding in the absence of Senator Tuppei Debate between Neophytes M a c Grogan, Christenson, Patterson and Person featured the meeting. G irl Reserve program will be pre­ sented at the general assembly F ri­ day This group is taking charge of Christm as baskets for distribution to the needy through its service’ committee. Members of th e first year food class planned, prepared and served a breakfast last week, completing their unit of breakfast. Senior class of 1935 has been in ­ vited to attend the annual alumni dance a t the high school gym F ri­ day evening. December 28. Mem­ berships will be available. Miss Lillie Homedew is coaching a group of high school girls in basketball practice. County Farmer Gets Term Federal Court ZIPPER PURSES H andy gifts for the miss or m atron. All colors. Special . DANCE SETS Dainty brassiere and panties i n pastels. Lace $•» .29 trimmed JL GARTER SETS Men’s Paris garters with your choice of key ring, arm band- or tie and c o l l a r clasps. In gift box 10c GIFTS A table of jew elry and novelties. Hun­ dreds of little inex­ pensive gifts. Your choice WOOL GLOVES W omen’s and misses bright colored wools, golf style. Special HOLEPROOF HOSIERY 49c ! ua kjawcLb&vwi, ★ Famoui HoIeprooflqualiJy made finer than ever, throuflh new Improvements. Certified by test of Boiler Fabrics Festing Bureau. M ore beautiful. Longer wearing. A nd sealed in transparent w rap to reach you In a ll Its fresh perfection. What gift could bo so lovely? With it, in each box, an authoritative Guide to Color Harmony of Costumo and Hosiery. Special— 98c - 3 pair «2 ® 50c MEN’S HOLEPROOF AUTOGARTS 10c 49c pr. TOY SALE ON THE DOLLAR SALE BALCONY Starts Wed., Dec. 26 Watch your mail for bargain circular »