THE »Thursday, Decem ber 20, 193 1 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Eleven N O TH E OF F IN A L H E T T L E M E N T Ilh H IP K NALK with Mr and Mrs. Cliff Thompson * Ing service will be choral. Monday, 1 ia hereby givan, tb at by Irtu« h i tie* County Court of tha Htata of O re­ and children >ec ember Christina* Eve. An- of gon. for W ashington County. of un Laavut hm, O rdar and Der Seven tables of ' .500 were In play nual midnight worship In ctwilunc- aal I . ,lc i ,« <| . ..ii . I .. «.<1 i ' ( I th«- M u tter of the fo la te o f G d liert at the R N A card party Friday tlon with the young people of Hllis- C Chaae. h«*ceaaa«L of the C ircu it C o urt of iba Htate of O re­ I'Vening. H lghstore , were made by l>oro Christian Council, at 11 30 p. N o tu s la herahy given, that the u ruler- gon, fo r tha Counly of W ashington, dated Mr and Mrs William Davies sec- m. at the Venetian theater. Street fried Executrix of tha last W ill and tha I9 th day o f N o vero ber. 1934, in favor (lu a a lflr d C I omi m I IS o’cloeli Wednesday Noon ond by Mrs George Moss and caroling will follow. Tuesday. De- I rik a o n , d a ivxasd. by th a C o u n ty C o u r t o f of Georg«« W J<»aaph a n d lie ri h» h T» ■»lament o f said deceased, has filed In II ( tr - the ui ovi entitled court and cause, liar * th a H ta ta o f O re g o n , fo r W a s h in g to n JoNaph, p lu in tlffa , and against C Claud Williams cember 25: Christmas Day Reading nd report as «uch, and L O rg an , huaband and fln a l a«-« A 1CEAIIÏ MARKET WITH v isan C o u n ty , and Iota q u a lifie d . A ll p tra o n a gun and L ffla Married at Vancouver ! of Dickens' "Christmas Carol," at fr o n t «la G U K K N K K Y vow fo r G ra d e E v e n t F r id a y ; L eague wife, defendants, for the sum of 124 49 »he court has fixrrd and appointed the having « Ialina against aatd «alata ara hars- I Watt'd hard. T II. and abort 1« Fred Creps of Banks and L o is'7:30 p. m . with shortened evening BIG KKKULT» AT fisti to präsent tin* «anis, duly « «Mita and disbursement* w ith 6»/< interest 4th «lay of Jan uary, 1936, at the hour 4 4p hy Guwrnavy h a iry l ‘ h«»nw 963 Quick of Hillside were married prayer. Wednesday. December 2ti: P ro g ra m S un d ay N ig h t verified, a« by law re«juire«l, to tha un- Ir» m N w n d , t i IV. ,934. and tha fu rth e r *f IO «/«lock A M i»f «aid «lay. and th« LITTLE COST Saturday In Vancouver Mrs. Creps St. Stephen's Day. Commemoration rsa» dsialgned at Y O U N G Jerway fa m ily eoer fo r •« above entitled court 1113 Public Service B ld g . sum of 61,990.99 w ith Interest thereon »ourt room of the lorth Portland, Oregon, w ith in aix months from from the 22nd «lay of December. IV27. f in H ill* boro. drago suitable. Claude < ooha. m ils is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs of the first Christian martyr. as the tim e an« Jun ior high a«*h«M»l. 4

f Deeember, 1934 September, 1929, at tha rate of 7 par I ■' ! I woril *• m iX 4 2 .’» W E N A W ( K A K E . Executrix of the I Ihe.illth and .sixth grade room Fri­ visit In this vicinity the newly-weds meetings during the holidays. Pas- ant par annum , and fo r the fu rth e r au D A N IE L K IIA W . A d m in istra to r. Leland (N o service less than X8c, will be at home at Neah-Bay, tor Henry S. Haller may be seen it 1170 2 1 w ith intaraat ther««»n fro m l * * t W ill and Testam ent of G ilb ert C. day evening. Everyone is invited to II Hliaw, Attorney. 40-4 Reader». par Una 1°« 2». HEAL ESTATE Wash . where the groom ha* em- each day between 10 a. m. and noon, th«« 24th day nt June, ,930. at the rata < ba»e, beraeaed, H a re . M«-Alear A Pah attend. (N o aervlee laaa than 95eI per annum , and the Att«»rneya fo r E x ecutrix. 42-t or by appointment, a t the house 27ft A t'K k rt, real bargain, 6 room h<>u«a. I of 7 per vent Ttie Epworth League will present ployment. N O TH E OF F IN A L H E T T L E M E N T bansniant, b a rn , outbuilding», fru it, nula, w ith i n t e r e s t -------------------------------------------------------------------------- fu rth e r m in of I l S l . 70 Born, to Mr and Mri. Wilbui office. 1352 Jackson street. Count Word« Hand Money the beautiful pageant "The Hoiy Farvor, harria«, «orna ««qiilpment. 12800 rash, In tha County Court of tha Htata of O re ­ *hvrw«»n from the 4th day of M uy, 1931, N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T Count Your P ro fit* December 16. a girl. Mr. — gon, for W ashington County. balanvs 4 % ', D It W ooton, Forest at the rate er annum , In the ('«runty C«»urt ot the State of O re ­ Grail" Bunday evening at the church Methodist Episcopal Church Black F e e * H a n d in g s«— N o t par- at 7 30 Sunday morning at ten FarvtjT is at present In Idaho where Grove. 4t-4 In the M a tte r «>f tha Estate of M a ria A. and the fu rth e r «urn of 1300.00 att«»r» gon, tor W ashington County. Chufch « Mua Koge Itel. beceasetl m ilted nay's fees, w ith Intaraat thereon a t the o’clock the Sunday school will give he is employed. Ml A ( H E H haat straw b erry land, «oma Notice la hereby given, that the under­ 1 rate of (> |w r efore aaid Court m.. second and fourth Sundays the c£’?lr. h ii | 4 |p fin a l a«'>'<»nnt ami i*»r I bw fin a l settle- t.uhlic a a rtlo n 1» 'h e hiitheat bidder K V K H Y IIO D Y k n o w , th»« out I '. r U c l I tf “ rmot? «object. "Ood With fo r , t t h . C o urt r.«,m thereof in M ili,t» ,r.,. Stephens and Marcella Mossman, —E. Julius Tragllo. pastor ■— a w e - k a e i e — e w ^ a e e M o m e w e m | ment of Bald estate. It lu . W» iHtJ» »r» p r ie d tu a » . ____ Us." Epworth League, 6:30. special < a»h in band, all ot the follow ing de- (>rogf/fi, on Monday, J an u ary 14, 1938, at of Yamhill. They also furnished a bated thia 17th day of November, 1934. scribed real pr««perty. lying, being special number for church service ih .» U ...t j.w .l.r ., v r k . im p » r f« t u and 10 «/cbjcg M m t,f Ma(d day Christian Science Society Christmas program. Glorified glv- A U G U S T IT E L , Executor of the last .itu a te in W n.hin iftn n C o u n t/, O recoa. etunsa A n derson« Jew elry «tora. »& . . . . . . . . . . . . . , o . , , , , and , lr. t pubi,Mfw,1 Deeember |J. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolford anti Servlces are held every Sunday ln»> program at 7:30. Everybody It I. A11 f l I D I . tona«l Packard piano f«»r W ill and Testam ent o f aaid deceeaa«i. and m ore p artic u la rly daarrtbed aa fol- | M < L u l „ „ b lira t..« . Jan u ary 10. IM S . children and Mrs Belle Lilly spent sale Mrs. I|. I.. M erlckle, 1014 Wash- H are, M vA leer A P e ter*, A tto rn e y * fo r lows, to -w it: at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening welcome, C K AK . F . G R A B E L . Executor of the Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Wol­ ». Hfcl’AIK WOKK DONE Inytom Bt._______________________ ____ 44p , Executor 40-4 Beginning at a point in the N o rth laat W ill and Testam ent and Flatate of ford's brother. Howard Lilly, and services at 8 o’clock; Sunday school P H O N E 784 fo r estim ale* on new am i L ine of Section 10, Tow nship 2 South Pentecostal Tabernacle at 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age J as p«r N. G rabel. beceajted. M B. Bump, re p a ir pdia, w irin g . plum bing, «on­ 3X. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS of Range I W eal of the W illam e tte N O T H K O F F IN A L H E T T L E M E N T residence and address Hillab«sro, Oregon. family near Wapato. 1246 Lincoln street of 20 years are welcomed. Free erate w ork. etc. II. C. H«'hu,roer(ch. «in» S »9* 3»' West Dale Christman has been quite 1H reading room open on Wednesdays A ttorney fo r aaid Executor. 43-7 In the County C o urt of the H tale o f O re ­ Saturday, a Christmas program C l.F A N . well furnished modern apartm ent ■ from the Q u arte r section corner on for the last two weeks and was ao- gon, fo r W ashington County. and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p. m. at 7:45. We cordially invite you to for ad u lts , garage G W Hagle, 938 the N o rth lin e of aaid Section 10 sent Irorr. school at Fir Grove In tha M a tte r of the Fatale of A lb e rt N O T IC E TO ( K E D IT O K H Sunday’s topic. "Is the Universe. I come. The program will consist of 10. WANTED—Mlncellaneoun I G- and ru n n in g thence Mouth 0 a 18' F G ritxm avber, Deceased. A quilting bee was held Thursday Including Man, Evolved by Atomic songs, musical numbers, Notice is hereby given th at an ortler recitation West 10 chains; thence H. 90* 2' F’U K N IH H E b 2-room apartm ents, fo r rent Notice Is hereby given that the undar- wa«i made in the County Court of the at the George Oatfield home with C A L L FO K B I D * West 443.88 feet to a stake on the Force?” i and readings from the Psalms. reasonable. »32 F'lm t Ht. 43 4p signed, duly appointed A d m in is tra trix of State of Oregon, fo r W ashington Countv Mrs. Clell Carstens as hostess. Healed bids w ill »*• reretved by the East boundary lin e o f t h e J o h n —■■— I Sunday we will have our regular the above named derimaed, has filed In on the U t h day o f December, 1934, in County Court t*f W ashington County. O re- , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parmiey and liuslagea la n d ; thence N o rth 0 * 6' I (he i abtzve entitled court and cause her Sunday services. Sunday school at Banks M. E. Church the m atter ’ ja ta te of M S. Wood­ gon. at the office of (he County C o u rt | «2. FARM E. 10.03 chains to N o rth line of Sec- ■ ■ ■ .1 . — fin a l account ami report aa auvh and man, D w o . vu, »E m ittin g to probate the two children spent Saturday and Sunday school every Sunday, 9:45 10 a. m., morning worship at ii, 1111lat»>r<». Oregon, u n ti, ,9 ;0U A M Hat- ftlM 10. tbcm • N o rth W * M ■ 10.11 Sunday In Hillsboro with Mrs. F A R M money to bam The Federal Land (he court has file d (he 21st day o f be- urday. Derem ber 29. 1984. for the haul» I Last W ill and T m ta m e n t of M. S. Wood­ a. m.. Mrs H J$psen, superintend­ young people's service at 6:30 p. m. chains to the place o f beginning, i« n k now has am ple funds in bonds to cernber, 1934, at (he h«»ur ot 10 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. man. Deceased, and approving and con­ Parmley's parents. (ng of cruehed ruck or gravai from all ent. Preaching services by Ellsworth and evangelistic service at 7:45 p. containing 10 acres m ore or leas, in loan to farm ers at 4 % % . O ver fl.OOO.- A M ot said day and the court room firm in g the appointm ent of Ray J. Wood­ A. J. Frledley. County P lante during tha year 1986. karta the County of W ashington, S tate of Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ m. Harry Downey, pastor. 000 has been it mi ned to W ashington ” f *he above entitled court in Hillsboro, man. as Executor o f the Last W ill and may he had at tha office of the County Mrs. Eli Grtndle visited Saturday ning, Oregon 8 o'clock. Ladles’ Aid meets county farm ers by the hank. W rite or J Oreg«»n. a» (he tim e and place fo r hear- Testam ent «/f M 8. W«xxlman. Deceased, E ngineer 44-8 call for particular«. W ashington Coun- Ing objections to «aid F in a l Account, and to aaliafy the hereinbefore named auma arid that the aaid Ray J . W o x i m an has in Hillsboro with her brother-in- first and third Wednesdays at 2 Free Methoxlist Church W ANTED Used M.-C’«gm ,rk bearing t r a i ­ and fo r the coat and expense« o f sale law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ty N a tio n al F arm l„e- 1 demption as per statute o f Oregon. will be in the evening, beginning at notified and required to present them spending the holidays with her bated at Hillsboro, Oregon, thia 21at HCU* WANTED 1 ceased Hare. M n Building. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Delauney are class for everyone. Our lesson will J r , in the Com m ercial Bl«x;k in the C ity Notice la hereby given that th e under­ P o rtland. Oregon. W A N T M l Men w ith trucha t» fu m la h a Christmas lesson on the Chris­ 40-4 Ml M PROPER I 1 Christian Church friends In Portland this be of Hillsboro, W ashington County O re ­ visiting signed has I m w ii appointed ad m in is trato r and haul — I and »awdu.1 C »» uae tian home The morning sermon at No. 4094 gon. w ith in six months fro m the date week. Lord's Day church school 9:45 a. of the eatate of M a rtin H a w kins, de- , good, „re»» nld grow th. Htaady Joli, 11 o'clock by the pastor will be on N O T H E O F H A L E of the fim t publication «»f thia notice, m„ C. H. Nosier, superintendent. t 'a m .e r . Vuel Hupply Vh.».» A T w n ta r In the County Court of the S tate of Or»* ceased, by an order made and entered In Dividend Declared gon. fo r the Cuttaty of W ashington. the subject "Are you following ’your’ 44-9 the County Court o f the S tate o f O re ­ ,n the C irc u it Court of the S ta te of O r»- to -w it. W ith in six month« fro m Decem- Í1 0 7 . fo r tU n d . Patrons of Washington County star?” We will also hear a special This is the Lord s Day before Christ­ gon, fo r the County o f W ashington. ' ber 13th, 1934. In the M a tte r of the FLslate o f John C. gon. fo r W ashington County, on the 4th mas. We have the Christmas lesson. Schram m , as Superintendent of receiving a Christmas ladies’ duet. "Star of Hope." You Young, Deceased. Dated this 13th day of December. 1934. bank are day of November. 1934, arid that he has A. A 13. M A L E o r T R A D E — M l» c e ll » n e o u * Banka o f the S tate of Oregon, P la in ­ N«H!re la hereby given that In pur- been duly qualified to act aa such ad- R A Y J. W O O D M A N . Executor of the present In the form of a ten per are welcome to come and worship Our entire offering Is for benevol­ R A Y to tra d e for hu«a. »*•<« M atiaco. suance to i t if f , ence and for the Old Folks' Homes. order of the above en- m in 1strator. Last W ill and Testam ent of M. S. Wood­ cent dividend on the waived depos­ G arib ald i A r e 4urt made on the 2<»th «lay of Let’s have a large attendance and man. Deceased. Th«ja. H. Tongue J r ., A t ­ its of the bank, which were declared with us. Now , therefore, a ll persons having claims F o i l H A L E 24 A n gora g-at«. 7nu cedsr November, Pearce, E x ecu trix, and A. M. torney f«>r Executor. In the evening at 8 o'clock you a worthy offering. 11 a. m. Christ­ 1934. fo r the 43-7 le ot the against said estate are hereby notified A n nie M when the trustees met December are welcome to be here and see fence p«wta. <*r trade fo r spike-tooth or reel «xxtate herein after Hocken, E x e ru to r of the E atate o f ' «1» ribed, there and required to present them w ith the 17, 1934 The checks are now being the Christmas story as told in mas service. Music by the choir. reversible disc harrow B ill ( ashner. w ill be sold a t p riv a te sale to the high­ pr«>i>er vouchers to the undersigned ad- Em m a Hiw ken, deceased. A. M Hock­ S H E R IF F 'S S A L E Kt t .- b.-r w .».»l 44 est bidder, for cash, st 1IU2 S p a ld in g m .n l»trato r en and L a u ra T . Hocken, husband and I given out at the Washington Coun­ pageant and pantomime, confirmed Sermon; "What The Birth of Christ the law «»fflce o f P. L . ' ______ ________ Notice is hereby given th at by virtu e w ife. Defendants. V *»'b and Building, in the C ity of P o rtland. Coun- Patterson In the W ells B uilding, H ills - ' ty bank. Those not called for by, by Word of God. It will be inter- Means to the World" Christian By virtu e o f an execution, judgm ent | an •« •r u tio n . judgm ent, order, decree Endeavor: 4 p. m. Junior; 6:30 p ty of M ultnom ah. S tate <>f O n on boro, O regon, w ith in six months fro m the I nW r«s*»*r»ts to tra d e f«*r fresh, young January 1. 1935, will be mailed. issued out of and under to hear, too, how long be- ra„ Intermediate, and Young People, Jersey or Guernsey c«»w or it I. It. and a fte r the 22nd day of llecetnlier. «late of the fim t publication of this irrder. decree and order of sale issued and ” rder «*< American Legion Auxiliary met esting m t of the alx»ve entitled court in the lhe "**aI * * the C irc u it Court of the State fore the birth of Christ It was peace program, 7:30, sponsored by o r B arred Rock chickens. Il«*» 79, Kt. 1934, the follow ing «Isa« ribed reel eatate. notice, t o -w it ; W ith in aix months fro m above entitle»! cause, to me directed, anJ of Oregon, for W ashington County, on Wednesday night at the R. N. A. prophesied. The adults are working Missionary Society. Solo by Miss That portion of Hectbm 2u in Tow n- Nov ember 22nd. 1984. 8. II 4b the l l t h «lay of December, 1934, in a hall and enjoyed a Christmas party. •hit> 2 H Range 1 W . of the W ill- D a tw l a t Hillsbon». Oregon, on this dated the 3vth day of Novem ber, 1934. W A N T E D T o trade hay /o r hursee music by choir, pending in which Fred A Christmas pie was opened, follow­ out the pageant of the Nativity and Minerva Fuller, up«»n a judgm ent rendered and entered in cause therein sm ette M eridian. deaer(l>e«, as l»egIn­ 21st day of Novem ber. 1934. H ey 1 >•!» man l»h«m» 2197 H tllaboru. 4 1 tf the Abiding King combined, with trlo ¿y Putnam sisters. Peace ora- H i u - f is p la in tiff and H a ro ld F . Elford ed by a social hour. ning 10.80 rods W and 193 12 f t N E D W A R D L E E R IC H M O N D , A dm inis­ •aid court and cause on the 22nd day of and Edith C. E lfo rd . huaband and w ife, several original ideas. . tiOn by Mitchell Kerr; playlet. N«»vember, 1934, in favo r o f A. A . of I (»e corner common to Sections tra to r of the E state of M a rtin Haw kins. Mrs. O. V. Powell of Lebanon 14. F O R S A L E — M l a rc I I a n r o w * Remember too we will hear fo r; "Wooden Soldiers." and pantomime as Superintendent of Banks are defendants, in favo r o f the p la in tiff 20. 31, 2» and 29 in said Tow nship ber«axae«i. P. L. Patterson, A tto rn ey Schram m, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edwards of and against defendants in the sum of of the S tate of Oregon, and against and Range . running thence W . 47 I P .N /T i p««ta /o r sale W ill deliver the first time the new Christmas ! finale.' There will be a “White Gift" fo r A d m in istra to r. 40-4 interest thereon Monroe were Thanksgiving guests of A n nie M . Pearce and A. M H««cken, as |28o.(Mt, together w ith rude and 11% ft . thence N 4 rods, song "Redemption by Perry Wright, shower for needy of the community Ray Delsman Phone 2107. _ _ <4tf E xecutrix and Executor ot the E atate ot I ipwn the 13lh day of October, 1932. at Mrs. E. E. Nickerson. Later they and I I ft , thence K. 47 rods and which not as yet been publish- j to be used by the church benevolent T O P buggy. G«ngue am i shaft« for sale I N O T IC E O F H H K R IF F ’H H A L E Em m a H o rken, dec eaaed. and A. M ! the rale of per a n (»unt. «nd the all visited in Portland for a few ed. He has 11% f t . ; thence H. 4 rods, and 11 ft. Notice la hereby given, th at under and Hocken individually and lu iu ra T . Hock- f “ rth * r *um of IS O .M attorneys' free up- will sing it accompanying committee this winter. Either bring M in n i^ H c h w a rtx , 1714 Itaaelins Ht P , to the place of beginning con tain­ days. by v irtu e of an execution, order and himself on the guitar. This is a your donation Saturday evening th*s W H E E L chair f«»r «ale o r rent Mr» en. and each of them, for the sum o f , **» p la in tiff's fir s t cause of s u it; and ing tw o acres more or leas together PeSSy Wilson Honored decree of sale Issued out o f and under •5.429.47. w ith O ttic e Hbsarer. 2 ,4 Buckeye Ht.. Fores’ ! intereat thereon a t t h e ' tbe fu rth er -urn of 1150.00 together w ith treat in itself. Christmas treat for week or either morning or evening w lht the rued of publb- easement to the seel o f the C irc u it Court of the rate of 7% per annum fro m October b. ’ " t* r«*( thereon fnwn the 13th day of .v r *•*' A surprise birthday party wa„ every child present and a blessing! Lord s Day. The Christian En- the public highw ay and also that Htate o f Oregon f«»r the C*»unty of 1931, the fu rth e r sum of |400.00 a tto r- (,c lo l,e r* al th* rate o f 7r* 1>* r given Saturday evening at the' home for every adult who attends. This deavorers W H IT E IL d lan d wheat for »ale. 9Oc p e r, certain onion house which is situate«! will sing carols early W ashington dated the 21st day of Nov- ney s fees, and the coats o f and upon annum and the fu rth e r sum of 125.00 a t- bushel. Mltchadl wag«»n . It-ln c h sulky upon a tra ct <»f land lying West of of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson in ember. 1984. in favo r of Ida C. M eats, thia w rit, com m anding me to m ake sale torr‘ry ’»' fee* upon p l a in t i f f * secuni honor of Peggy Wilson's thirteenth is your privilege to help us com- j Christmas morning. Midweek serv- plow 8 h«s»d of »he«n> J>*» Bernard» the foregoing T ract. p la in tiff, and against L«*uiae K. l.axsiter, of the f.dlow ing d me ribed real pn»perty cau»« memorate the birthday of the Christ iCe Thursday 7:30 p. m. A hearty »uR- ar*d the fu rth e r sum of i t - • s t'b r i : . - - • : u < ‘ A il of which said tract of land lies defendant, for the sum o f I22UU.O4I, w ith in W ashington C ounly. S tate o f O ra- I ,,o w °0 together w ith interest thereon birthday anniversary. Present were child- : welcome to all services. R. L. Put- in W ssM ngton County, Oregon. u -i.t — a . 7 - .. . .. interest thereon at the rate o f 7 per gon, t o - w i t : Ethel and Alta Brown, Kathryn fro m the 13th day o f October, 1932, at — 77' T „ nam, pastor. 15 ( A R S A N D T IR E S w »»„u rn «r.,». t h . i . t < u / L»ts T w o (2 ) and Th ree ( 3 J Ladd J lhe of 7<& Pe r «nnum and th - Miller. Geraldine Kessler. Hagino Congregational Church __. . __ k .. i« ,..» !..» i con firm atb»n o f the above entitled C«»urt Dec «rm ber. 1933. and fo r tbe fu rth e r U rakan. llm lk a r a , (h u W (h N . . » « , l « r . 1M« FO R HALE 2-t«ni and Reed's Addition to Tow n ot I i “ « b e r »urn of 125.00 attorneys' fees Nlshikawa. Lloyd and Earl Miller. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Ser- ... sum o f SUM).00, atto rn ey fees, w ith in ­ tru ck, g«aa, condition, ( ‘all 1032 Sec­ Beaverton, aa per the duly recorded , upon p la in tiff's th ird cause o f suit, and Ray Brown. Frank Wahl, Donald mon D ale «»f firs t publication Novemt»er 22 topic. "In the Fullness o f s as 44tf terest thereon a t the rate o f 4 per ren t fo r his costs and disbursem ent* herein ond Hl map and p lat of same on record in ,934. D ate of last publication Dec«rm . iAd» H*iv and Billy Moore. David Rosencrons. Time, a Star." The Bible school l>er annum fr«xn the 19th day of Novem- incurred taxed a t 314.40. and a command the Recorder's office fo r W aahington Donald Tucker, David, Peggy and ber, 1934, and the fu rth e r sum o f 112.78, J County, Oregon, excepting, however, meets a t 10 a. m Church family ht' th* ing me to m ake sale of the fo llo w in g de­ . __ F KF-D H W IL L IA M Executor «»f the ■ •»sis. to ine directed and delivered eom- scribed real property situated in W ash­ Barbara Wilson. gathering around t h e Christmas 1 hv he the follow ing described p ro p e rty: »t f s rnanding me to m ake sale o f the reel Glbb?' Special music by the Mrs. Mattie Joos of North Plains tree a t 6 p. m. Carol singing, pro- «Beginning a t an iron a t the S. E. i ington County. Oregon, p a rtic u la rly de­ 1 M M > ant., p a r t. In r l« a . 11,11.1-... A u ,.. A „ ..r„ a / «... t . „ . p n q ierty herein after described, 1 have scribed a * follow *. t<»-wit: eram and soc a hour cholr ,lnder the direction of Mrs. corner «»f T ra c t 8 o f I .add and Reed visited her sister, Mrs. Minnie gram ana sociai_nour. Gardner. Simpers’ choral commun- levied upon and pursuant to said execu­ Lot No. 16. W itch Hazel L ittle A d dition to Beaverton aa shown on I Schulmench. Saturday. t . it .. I N O T H E T O ( K E D IT O K H tion. ordsrr. and decree o f sale I w ill on Farm », excepting a parcel o ff of the the duly recorded p lat thereof on Txtnit. i „Ik.rxn rhnrph ' lon service and the anthem "Hark! nty Court of the S tate o f Ore- the 81st day o t December. 1934, at the Mrs. L. Jensen of Portland visited Mouth side of aaid L o t. deacribed a* Ser™ e^ begS i? 1 0 30 Sunday w hat Mean Th°se Holy Voices" by file In the o ffic e of the Recorder of Mrs H. L. Jensen here Monday. East d«»»r of the C o urt House in H ill»- fo llo w s : B eginning at the South­ Conveyances f«»r W aahington County, s c S S at 9 ^1 a. m. se^iion ^Sb' Turner-Maley - I n the evening in ’* M a tte r of the Fatale o f Samuel boro, W ashington County, O regon, at Lyle Wolford accompanied by west corner of L o t 18. running thence (ire g u a . and ru n n in g thence along the H (»rn d u ff. |«c«-aa»cd the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni. of said day N o rth 0 * 11’ Wcet 244.1 feet, thence Hugh Harris, both of a CCC camp ject. _ A Gracious Errand. "-Kue east line of said tra c t 3. N O * 24’ f c k n it c r k Notice la hereby given, that the •el, at public auction to the highent boi­ N o rth 89’ 41' 46" Fau»t 745 5 feet W 6.435 chs . thence N 8 5 ’ S3’ at Otter Rock, arrived in Banin, 19. 10. On Christmas day public will have a program given by the It» P R ItO llA T O K . »Ml . d tn 'n , l .M » and ilerstgned has been duly con firm ed by ler fo r cash In hand a ll of the follow ing thence South 3 * 57* East 244.6 feet, under the direction W . 1.915 chs. ; thence N 0 * 24’ along Monday to spend the holidays with worshio »111 be conducted at 10 a., young chair«. 12.80. iron bed spring and the . I k . » , M tlit ln l c u r t . a . K a w n to r o f .la .r r ll.n l real p m p a r t/. lyln » . kotnK. and . „w. people „ ¿ lk„,„h thence South 89* 41' 46’ West 741.42 a lin e p aralle l w ith the east line of Lyle's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred m. You are cordially welcomed to I of Mrs- Melhulsh. W ashington County. Oregon, mattrsea. f 2 80 . dressers. 12 80 , wood the last W ill and Testam ent <»f said de- situate in feet to the place of beginning, con­ aaid tra ct 3. a distance o f 4.287 cha. eaaed. and has duly «justified as such range, » « • plate attachm ent. 128 . b«»ys’ Wolford. and more p a rtic u la rly described aa fol­ worship with us. ta in in g 4.222 acres, more o r less; to a point on the north line of aaid Now, therefore, all person* h a v i n g bicycle. •« . gas w ater heater. 12.80. • lows. t<»-wit: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hunt and son I w ill, on Saturday, the 12th day of tra ct 2 ; thence along the north line claim» against said estate are hereby 9« »9 W a I nut Ht- A ll o f IxAa 4 and 7. Bloch 1. M IL L W O O D Jan uary. 1935. at the h*mr o f 10 o'cloeb Jimmy of St. Helens were Sunday of said tra ct 3 N 89* 54* W 4.07 Pilgrim House notified and required to present the Hocken'a T h ird A d dition to Beaver­ A. M. of »aid day. at the fro n t door guests of her sister. Mrs. H. L. chs.; thence 8 0 * 24’ East 11.965 Thursday, December 20: Com­ Edgings and Inside wood. «0.06 same. together w ith pr«»|*er voucher» ton, as shown in W ashington Coun­ of the Court House in Hillsboro. W ash­ Jensen- FURL cha. to a point on the south lin e of IB. memoration of landing of Pilgrim Green. 4-foot ....................... theref«»r to the undrrsignral at the o f­ ty Kerortls at Hillsboro, Oregon, ington C ounty. Oregtm . sell a t public i “ said T ra c t 8 ; thence along the south Mrs. Johnson Hostess fices of G. Russell M organ in the Court Fathers, December 21, 1620. at Ply­ satisfy the hereinbefore named sums T W E N T Y «ord* 14-,neh dry «»Id grow th auction to the highest bidder, for cash in 1 line of »aid tra c t 3 S 81* 37* E 4.003 Two or more cords ...................>1.75 Mrs. O. E. Johnson was hostess mouth Rock. Friday. December 21: w«x»d. | 8 78 ; d ry 4-foot «'Id grow th, House at Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith in a i* and fo r the costa and expense* o f aaid hand a ll of the rig h t, t it le and interest cha. to th e place of beginning con­ Sawed. 50c more sale and said w rit. Said »ale w ill be taw ed any length before delivery. 18.28. months fr»»m the date thereof which the w ith in named defendants and Sunday at a birthday dinner given St. Thomas' Day. Commemoration tain in g 6.25 acres. Save and except­ l>at«sl this 24th «lay of Novem ber, ,93 4 ma| dry snag w«a«l. 14-inch, deliver«*»!, each or eith er of »hem had on the SOtto In honor of the birthday anniver­ of the doubting Apostle. Saturday, Edgings and inside, dry. ing th erefro m a atrip of land 10.0 ft. G. K U H H F L I. M O R G A N . Executor ot vidod by the atatutes of the S tate of day o f M arch, 1923, or have acquired saries of her husband and his moth­ December 22: 84.80 Hugh M.«»re. Banks. 4 2 tf wide along the e n tire south lin e of Ember Day. with 16-lnch. Cord ....................... O the La»t W ill and Testam ent of »siil Oregon. since said date in and to said real prop­ er. Mrs. H. T. Johnson. Those pres­ F O U R* foot dry oak w e d . 18 80; aawe«l Decease« I the above described tra c t which ia special prayers for the church uni­ 5 or more cords ........................$2.75 41-8 J bwte«l at Hillsboro. Oregon, this 26th e rty o r any portion thereof, to satisfy before «le,,very 11 Phone 2038. 29tf w ith in the txmndariea o f the State ent were Mr. and Mrs. H. T. John­ versal and the clergy. Sunday. D e -' la y «»f November. 1934. »aid execution judgm ent, order and de­ H ig h w ay, said strip o f land contain­ H E A H O N E D oak and country slab wood. Excellent kitchen wood, the best N O T IC E O F F I N A L H E T T L E M E N T J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing- cree, interest, coats and accruetl coat, son of North Plains. Mr. and Mrs. cernber 23: Fourth Sunday in Ad­ ing U.091 acre«, and a 2u-foot a trip Bawed any length before delivery In ­ buy you can find. L. Patterson. In the County Court «»f the H tate o f O re- ’*»n County, Oregon. P. E. E. Northup. Miss Anna Van- vent: Chapel services of worship at »aid »ale to be subject to redem ption aa o tt N o rth end o f the 5-acre tra«^t side block wood T in m a n Itoyd, 481 gon, fo r W ashington County AH«»rney fo r P la in tiff. 41-8 per the statu te of the S tate of Oregon. Grunvsen and Mr and Mrs. John­ 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Theme cim taining 0.1233 acre*.) Dry Slab and Block N in th Ht. Rhone R illah o m 2083. ,4 tf In the M a tte r of the Fiatate o f Sarah C Dated this 13th day of December. 1934. son and daughter Fern. Together w ith all and sin g u lar the of Advent sermons is "Thy King F I RUT class wood fo r sala. F ir. oak and 16-inrh Old Growth Fir R ddiins. N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T J. W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W aahing­ tenement«, hereditam ents and ap p u r­ Mr. and Mrs. Clark Inkley and Cometh." In the morning the pas­ ash. Ray Deismen. Phon* Hillsboro . _ .......... .............. N«»tlce is hereby given that W illia m Notice is hereby given, that the ............. under- ton County. Oregon. H are. Me A tear A tenances thereunto belonging o r in 4 ft f H e rm a n Rehse son Sammy of Portland were Sun­ tor speaks on "Through Our Fel- j 2,07. ign«*l A d m in is tra trix of the above named Kuppracht, the duly app«>int«*d. qualified Peter*. A tto rn e y * fo r P la in tiff. 43 7 anywise ap p ertain in g . day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clell low Men.” and in the evening on' Phone 2383X 0IFJ4F.L and fuel »»II. George L. Hen«» Res. phone 2062 «•»late, ha« fil««d In the above ent»tl«-«l * n‘l acting Executor of the Last W ill Now. therefore, by virtue o f aaid ex- ! --------------------------------------------------------------- rteks. fuel oil dealer, F«»r*et G rove Carstens. t'..iiri sn.i i im-tf bar fm n i M o au n l and l‘” ,i I H "According to Haggai." The morn- ecutbm, judgm ent order, decree and order N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ttf report a* »uch. sod the C«»urt ha» fixed ’’• •* « 1 . ha» filw l his F in al Account in of »ale, and in compliance w ith the com- Phone 843J. _ _ _ _ _ Ray Wodman returned home Mon­ No tice is hereby given that the under- th«» 12th »lay o f J an u ary 1935. at th * ’ I1** C’ m nty Cim rt o f the State of Ore- manda o f »aid w rit, 1 w ill, on Monday, »igned has been appointed A dm in ist ra­ day from a month's visit with rel­ hour of 1» o'cloeb A. M of aabl day. K‘,n W aahington County, and that the 19. g | , Dft PLANTS 7th day o f Jan u ary. 1935. at the t»MP of the Estate of H e nry Krueger. De- atives in Iowa and Michigan. His an«| the Court room o f the ab«*ve entitl««d C«»urt has fix««d Monday, the I4tu hour of 1(1:00 o'clock A . M. a t the fr«»nt coaaad» by nn order made and entered RF;« L E A N E D « h ee l seed fo r sale. ‘ ‘ b” “ » mother. Mrs. M. S. Woodman, re­ Court in Hillsbon*. Oregon, as the tim e day o t Jan uary. 1938, at ten o'clock A. iloor of the C«»unty Court House in the «’» the County Court o f the State of O re- mained there for the winter. I o t aaid day in the C ounty Court n**ni C ity and place fo r hearing «»bjection» to »ai«| o f Hiibihoro. W ashington County, gon fo r W ashington County, on the 5th in the ('«ointy Court House in the C ity Oregon, »el, at Miss Adella Paetsch of Portland W IN K grape plants and highest q uality fin a l account, and fo r the fin a l settle public auction (subject ’ley o f September. 1931. and th at he has of Hillsboro, Wa»hingt«*n C ounty, Ore- spent Saturday night and Sunday i guarantce«l grafte«, suckerleas filb e rt ment of »aid eatate to redemption I to the highest bidder for duly qualified a» auch A d m in istra to r, __ ot . __ _____ w ____ Date»l thia l l t h «lay D«*«'einl>er, 1934. gck. Hill»b«>ro. Perd Hartwick. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T In the County Court ot the S tate o f O re­ H. Schm idt, I>e<-ea»«*«l. Thos. I I . Tongue to satisfy »aid exeraUon. juiigm ent order. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Endicott and Oregon, w ith in six months from the date 20. HAY AND FEED J r ., A ttorney fo r Executor. 43-7 decraa and o n le r t»f sale, w ith interest, I Our complete stock and expert ad­ this notice, t o - w i t : W ith in aix months little son Keith returned home last gon, fo r Ws»hingt«>n County H A Y fo r sale o r tra d e fo r horses. Kay In the M a tte r of the F’. »tate ot H. A. and accruing «m ix, fro m Derem ber 13. 1934. vice regarding memorial at y o u r week from Caldwell. Idaho, where G E N E R A L L A N D O F F IC E . W a»hing- Palam an. Phone 2,07. 44tf Shadiien D ate of first publication December 7. Dated at Hillsbon*. Oregon, this 18th they had visited relatives for several service. H A L E D . C ., November 30. ,934. Notice is 1934. D ate o f last publication Jan u ary 3. day of December. 1934. months. Telephone 2210 . signed I). Shmitlen, A d m in istra to r, of the hereby given that subject to the condi­ 1935. B E N S T A R K . A d m in is tra to r o f t h e sale. Uadi Brue OREGON M O N U M E N T W ORKS tions and lim itatio ns o f the acta of 1 Mrs. Moore Entertains 4 4 tf above n a m e l estate, has fil«-»l in the ab«»ve Fatate of H e nry Krueger. Decee>e«i. Thus. J O H N W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff a t Wasl Mekolla. e n . l . l - l C o urt .n d h l. f l n . l . . . f “ " ' ' V . , 1T; I Mrs. W. L. Moore entertained the ington County. O n y o n . 42-6 H Tongue J r ., A .to rn e y fo r A d m in is­ T U R N ,P H . SI 28 ton »n fi«-,«! K count nnd report *■ auch, and the C o u rt! S ,"* ub ‘ **7 > , and I tra to r. 43-7 bridge club Friday afternoon. Miss Ailani», «»ne m ile northeast ; R t. L c l the 12th .1«/ of J an u ary, O S». Moxie Hopkins won first. Mrs. C. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T al Ih r hour o f 1» o'clock A. M . of . . I d I „ 120#.'„ ‘ ï * " T Ì " , " n * " ll<,w In the County Court of the S tate o f O re- C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S B. Hall second and Mrs. W. G. «. FARM MACHINERY '• » • ..a n d . lh e Court ......... of the above P l" .’ " L . ¿ ì " ' .5, ’ ' « f ’ . M gon. fo r W ashington County. A ll County General Fund W a rra n ts of 10 o'clock a. m . at public auction at the Walker consolation W IN D M IL L . M eyer 3-w ay pump an ( tank e n titln , Court in Hillsbon». O ragan, In the M a tt e r of the Estate of M ary W ashington C ounty, Oregon, endor-ed "not Mr. and Mrs. James McFarlane, fo r »ale C <» Gibb». W itch Hazel. P the tim e am i place for hearing objections U. S Land O ffic e at Koaeburg, (Jr«*gon, Elizabeth Sm ith. Deceaseii. p aid fo r w ant of funds" on o r before to the highest bidder at not lee» than F E E D cutter w ith pulley and crank for to »aid fin a l account, and fo r the f in a ’ Notice is hereby given, th a t the under- December 31. 1933, are now payable at who operate a sawmill a t Dufur, the appraised price a» shown by thia are spending the winter at their sale. - Fsl U rto n . 1% m llae southwest seti lenient of »aid eatate. signed Executor of the laat W ill an«I ’ he office o f the County Treasurer, in Dated thia 18th day o f December, 1934. notice, »ale to he subject to the approval T«»st«ment o f said tleceaaed, ha« file«! iiaj Hillsboro. Oregon. Ak4 1 ll' home at Manning. of the Secretary of the In te rio r. The I). F. S IIA b D E . w N . A d m in is tra to r o f th * i r . , ! , . / . >«.,I farm m achinery I ” r o t iA u u r ot the shove entitle«! C o urt and cause, his Intereat on such w arra n ts not hereto- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shipley i r .1 ^ ,1 * <'o O .f » " •« .« * * * . r . . M . A I..H purchase price w ith an additional aunt J O H N Deere X such, and fore called w ill cease Deeem br 22. 1934. fo r »ale. Leater of o n e -fifth o f one per cent thereof, fin a l account and report were Sunday guests of Mr. and r ■ . » A l ’etera, Attorneya fo r A d m in iatra istra­ - the C o urt ha« fixed and appointed the MAUD W BOSCO W . County Treas- Mrs. A. W. Rice in Forest Grove. it _____________________ 43-7 being «•«»mmlssions allowcxl, must be de­ 5th day o f Jan uary. L98.r*. a t the hour urer. 44 posited when the rig h t to purchase ia Mrs. C. B. Hall, Mrs. Fred Bovee, M. POULTRY N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T iw a n ts d by the Register, hut certificate of 19 o’clock A. M . of said day. am i the I ” Mrs. Otto Johnson and Mrs. Cass F O U R p u r*h r*d IL 1. R. n aw tar* to trade In the CtHjnty Court o t the S ta te of O re­ o f sale w ill not issue u n til the pur­ Court r«a»m of the above entitled Court C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S fo r four aa good; R « i H e art xtraw - in Hillsboro. Oregon, os the tim e and Wilson attended a "500" party at A ll County Road Fund W a rra n t« of gon, fo r W aahington County. chaser has compile«! fu lly w ith aaid reg- l»erry plants fo r aale. and nine tu rkey* In the M a tte r x»f the Fiatate (»f Em ery illations. C irc u la r 1299, ns to the execu- place fo r hearing objections to said fin a l W ashington County. O regon, endorsed the John Jensen home in Hillsboro fo r aale o r trade. S. W B aiighm ai.. account and fo r the fin a l settlem ent of "not paid fo r want o f Funds* on or be­ Alpheus S tew art, UM-enaed. December 11. Hon of the contract of sale, and bond fore Jun e 39. 1934, a re now payable at Notice is hertdiy given that the under- required thereunder. The money depoeited *nid estate. Mrs. Cass Wilson and Mrs. Stan­ Dated this 4th day of December, 1934. the office of the County T reasurer, in signed, ad m in is trato r w ith the W ill an­ w ill be return««d if sale is not approved ley Clark visited Wednesday and E D W A R D J. S M IT H . Executor of the Hillsboro, Oregon. nexed of the above entitlinl entate, has otherw ise patent w ill is»ue fo r the tim ber, 25. PIOS Interest on *uch w arra n ts not hereto- ' Thursday with relatives in Portland. W ill and Testam ent o f said De- I.A K G K hr,...I sow w ith 8-w — k»-uhl «•in». filed his fin a l account in the County which mu*»t he removed w ith in 19 years. last Peters. A tto r­ fore railed w ill cease Deeembr 22. 1934. Mr. and Mrs. Max Dreezen and e .tr B t i'- t »tnrk. I ’h u n , Jllll«btin> Court of the S la te of Oregon, fo r W ash­ Bills w ill he r«*ceiv«si from citixens of the >»*ase«i. H are. M cAlear neys fo r Executor. 42-6 MAUD W BO SC O W . County T re e - son Dale spent the wek-end with ( H«F«. o r Inqulro n t the Went «****J*^ ington County and that Monday, the U t h U n ite,I Staten, a»»«s-iatii»n» of such c iti­ 14-6 day of Jan u ary, 1938, at the hour of zens, am i corporations organized unde* Mr and Mrs. Harold Banks at New­ ■tore. N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T b '» W I: H « " 'I w ..»-,llnu 1.1«. to r ,T " "'■’ ''T 1' " «¿J " k ,hc the laws o f the U n ited Staten, o r any berg. *•" . , V » ( .« t r i , - ! . H a r a nlace ti«*ar County ( o u r t lt«*»m in the I o urt House State. T e rrito ry or D istrict thereof only. In the County Court of the S tate of O re­ Ship Ferns £ • j «K | « M w t,rlrk ’ , U r e p l K t* Hillsboro. W ashington County. Q re- Up«m gon. fo r the County of W ashington. application o f a «tnalifled pur- M in te r bridge. 44l’ Grlfcner Brothers are shipping a Probate Departm ent. haaer, the tim b er on any legal subdivi- gon, has been appointed as the tim e J W . Connell iS h e r iff i to H a ttie P itt, .irloaa of ferns this week to Wash­ F IF T E E N pig». 8 to 12 weeks old. and nnd place fo r the hearing o f a ll «»bjectIons »Ion w ill be offere«l separately Ivcfore be- In the M a tte r <»f the Eatate o f Louisa A. part Lot 5 Clem ent's Subdivision Section ington. D. C- M ontague. Deceased. J! young brood sows George Koliin son, to »aid fin a l account am i the settlemcn* ; ing Included in any o ffe r o f a larger Notice is hereby given that the under­ 15 IS IW . near Laurel. thereof. unit T . 4 S.. R. 4 E.. Mac. 29. K E % Mr and Mrs. Jeff Kennedy, Mr. Robert R. M yers et ux to Benjam in as exerutor of the estate of Date ot t l r t i publication iFeceniher I t , | S W ' , red f ir 1.89«» M ; T. 1 S„ R. 8 E.. signed. ,*IG S fo r sals. Ed Saxton, Kt. 2, llills - F'ranklin Savings 5 Loan association. and Mrs Alfred Lewis. Mr. and 1934. D ate of last publication J a n u a ry See. I, Lot 4 red f ir 3.5R5 M. hemlock Louisa A. M ontague, deeeaeed. has filed, l>«»ro; nexr W itc h Haxol “ Mrs. Verie Prlckett nnd Mr. and Lots t and 2 Block 5 Ladd A Ke«*d Acre«. 19. 1935. ¡ 8 , 5 M . SW «, N W ', red f i r 1.985 M, his fin a l account in the C ircu it Court F O U R 19-wrks-old pigs fo r sale Albert Sarah J. Olds to K evil Olds, 34.74 acre» Mrs. Vern Prlckett attended an G E O R G E A L L IS O N . A d m in istra to r w ith hemlock 828 M . none «»f the tim ber on of the S la te of Oregon for W ashingtoa S ectw « 34 T2S R2W Meyer. Kt 2, C o rn elius; near golf Elks benefit dance Saturday eve­ County, and th a t Saturday, the 8th day the W ill annexed of the E state o f FLinery nh«>ve subdivisions to he sold for lees than ...... 1,11 Alpheus S tew art, Deceased. I ’. L ______ _______ ..w -, ^ a r ah J . Olds to T u la H ackney, part ning at McMinnville. >f Jan uary. 1936. ____ at ____ the hour o f 9:31) P a t- 31.76 per M fo r the re«l fir , am i 31.99 o'clotrk in the forrtioon o f said »lay and Section 36 T2S R 2 W . W A N T E D <> , <’• boar, must be regis­ ter»on, A tto rn ey fo r the A d m in lstra - l»er M fo r the hemlock. T. 2 8.. tt. 6 E.. Mr. and Mrs. Lock Vail and three 1>ora s - <'•*»»«■< W ard Lew is G il- tered or eligible to register, serviceable tor. 43-7 ! See. 27. N E % N W ', red f ir 719 M . the aourt. romn «d said curt ha« been children of Hillside spent Sunday age. H. <’ . Rueeh*r, phone 1618J rm ’- red cedar It» M. dead red f ir 149 M. appointed by said Court as the tim e am i *)ar5- * U acre». Kohlm an Co. to Oddie V . w h ite f ir 29 M . hemlock 39 M ; none of place f«*r the hearing of »«bjections there- . L’««mte N O T H E TO ( R E D ,T O R S est Grove. _____ — gs— Powell et ux. T r u r t & Com te & K o hl- et ux. 3 aerxu Section, 30 and 31 T I N ! Notice is hereby given th a t an order ! the tim b er t«» he sold fo r lees th a n 21.78 to am i th«* settlem ent thereof. T H R E E am i 4-month»-ol<, Ptg», and R IW . Date«! and firs t publiahed December 6. m an*. U t t l r Homo* No. 1. up, or w ill sell 6c per pound on f«»*t. was made in the County Court «if th»« per M for thè r*d fir , 21.09 per M for W allace H . H.teffel et ux to J. R. 1 J . H . R ô t» , to J. M. Person, pact W J. Daniela, m ile northwest Jack- State of Oregon fu r W ashington County thè reti cedar, 75 ccnta per M ft>r the 1934. D a te n f last publicati«»n De»'e«ube«- L o t. nnd 6 Hlork 5 E in n ry s Addition, KetloKK et ux, E ) , o f L o t 6 V irg in ia tow n - h'H'l _ 13 4i* on the 12th day «»f December, ,934. It. dend r»*d fir . ami 60 cent« per M f..r 27. 1934. lia e e . S A M U K I, S. M O N T A G U E . Exeruto r H IIW M .ro. the m a tte r o f the Estate o f John Medol. thè w h ite f ir ami hemh «'k. T . 2 a*H K. Edw ard J . S m ith et al to P a rk E. I J . W . Connell (S h e r iff) to C. T . C,een Hankin. Deceased, ad m ittin g to proliete the Laat 3 W . See. 11. N E » 4 S E ', reti f i r 829 Wood. M o lttaaur, M a tth im .rn zn. 1IORMF.S et ux, part L o t 6 Hlork K Kenxvxtrth T a /lo r et ux, 60.04 acre* H ira m Johnson Attorneys. 42-6 M. r«»«l eednr 16 M . none *»f thè tim h e r j 1). L . C. No. 66 T1S R2W . T E A M b it/ m » rw «nil hnrnen«; « i» t. b « » W ill ami Testam ent o f John Medol, I)«' Gardena. ceiuu'd, and approving and co n firm in g lo he aold (o r less than. 23.60 per M for John F . M eier et ux to A lb e rt M eier. H o ffa rb e r et ux to A lbert . „ I t , i-o m ln , 2 y » r . nld. K « / D - b - N O T IC E O P P IN A L H E T T L E M E N T , „ Rudolph „ . the app oin tm ent of Thomas M a r*h n ll aa thè r«*«l f i r am i 21.99 per M fo r thè 16 H o ffa rb e r 15.10 acre, T I N R IW . m a » , G A vr. Phone 2 I0 T O " et ux, L o t J O H N S O N . le. W. M axurek. Dweastxl. ¡ “ ‘' 7 1 «lohnaon E state A.W ition. N O T I C I T O t R E D IT O R S Kchultx, Waahlngt«»n Ave.. Aloha. «4 M arshall am i Anna M arshall have duly N o tv e ia hereby given th a t the under James W alsh to Audley C. W h erry. Notlee I h herehy given that by vlrtu e qualified as auch Executor and E xecutrix. H O R S E fo r sale o r tra d * fo r yearlin g signed, ad m in ia trato r of the above e n - ' 77 *^rea Sect Iona 2 and S T lS R 4W . N«*w therefore, all persona having H a im a , <>f «« «»nier made and <*ntere«l on the (Incorporated) In ti, c a lf. Guernsey or Jersey it. t«» Maude F. 16th «lay o f De«*einbert 1984. hy the Coun* titled estate, has filed his fin a l account R aster. 2 miles north of H illsbo ro ; near agninat s a lii. H>tate, a re hereby notified In the County Court o f the State of O re Km R ht <»raJ >,*J* 6.3.98 acre* T I N R4W . ty C o urt of W ashington C ounty, Oregon, «'ollerllorw — Credit Reports W ilcox place. p and required to |»re*«*nt them w ith the the um lem igned has been app«>inted ad­ gon. fo r W ashington C ounty and that , »’-Jwood H. S m ith et ux to The C ltixen* proper vouchers to lh e underaiiee«l at Monday, the l i s t «lay of Jan uary. 1936. at I «»f Sherw«»»«,. 69 acres Section 32 J IT S T arrived L«*a,l of ......I Easter. In their rcsiden«** in Scoggin V a lley, W asn- m in is tra to r of the eHlate of M ae (». („ « < « w ork h o r ,« . H u y now h .fo r * ington County, Oregon, o r a t the lew M abry, d«*<-wn«e«l. N ow , therefore, a ll per- the hour o f ten o'clock a. m. of aaid day Washington. Tillamook, Polk and in the County C o urt Room in the County . H a rlo w to ( a r r ie E. Daniela et the price advances k w . W ann. P a y Cash an d Save — T r a d e w ith Im p e r ia l .fflp r of T h t» II Toiixui. J r., In the «on» h a v ln * rlnim x » /u ln a t the eetate of in H lll.h o ro , W ashington ' vit;. 10 Section 2 T 3S R IW . H llU b o ra HI- ». I 1*"0 " ” 72? , Com m ercial Hlork In the C ity o f H illx- I Mne Yamhill Counties G. M abry, dereaaed. a re hereby C o urt K w w County. Oregon, haa been appointed aa _ . M a rth 5 »** V. M boro. W aahliiKlon Counly, Orewon, w ith in n o tified to |>rwent the »ame tocether . t . ll o n . , , , , fo r the hearing of all ** ux* ' T u a la tin V alley Homea Personal Contact on Collections ■lx month» from Dei ember 20th. 1934. I w ith proper voucher» th erefo r to the the tim e and place & W A N T F .D Cheap horses fo r foa re*a. ■ > a. a ■ .» A lnn,,w .r lll..VX h r. M 2 . o . w itt, Alphonse Dion a.t et 1.W ux to L Fan ny 1 K 4 l-7 p Dated thl» 20th day of December, 19.34 u n d erel/ned a t hia office in the W elle objections to aaid fin a l account and the Argus 1 4 1 7 . _________ part Lot 12. Section 21 T I N R2W . Washington County Office T H O M A S M A R S H A L L , E xeeulor of the H u lld ln /, H lllabnrc. Oregon, o r nt the settlem ent thereof. Stimaon Tim ber Co. to C. W S tim - , D ate of firs t publication December 29. Laat W ill and Teatam ent o f John M edal, j law office o f E. It. Tongue. Com m ercial 27. CATTLE C o m m e rc ia l B u ild in g 1934. D a te o f laat publication J a n u a iy son. 1639 26 acres Section 8 T IS R 5W . D r r a a .n l. | B u ilding. Hillahoro, Oregon *'* * ith in ala Millers of Quality Feed« VOUNG J . W row . fre»h f««’ .1»/» ««•’ L . G. H a rtle y et ux to L . P. A linder 17. 1935. f th e ! months fm m the date o f thia notice. Second and Main Streets A N N A M A R S H A L L , E x ecu trix w ith th in ! c a lf. »«I* r«,»on«l,le I). I.. S T E V E K O S N IK , A d m in istra to r of the et ux, Lot 16 W oodland Acre». I). E. W IL E Y , A d m in iatra to r o f the Laat W ill and Teatam ent of John Medol. Phone 3071 Lax u rk, 1% miles north Jtin lor high. _ L . J. Decker to A. W . Anderson et E state of M ae G. M ahry. Deceased. K. Eatate of A ndrew M axurek, Deceased. I ’ T W O Guem aey helT •*r» f**r ......... i f i S p . - Deceased. A ttorney fo r A d m in istra­ L . Patterson, A tto rn ey fo r the Adm inis­ ux. L o t 61 Beaverton-Reedvilie. Thoa. I I. Tongue Jr., A tto rn ey fo r H. Tongue. I ’ h«»ne Fred 1 « O » H et ux to A r th u r Gould liny Delxmxn, G ,r lb « lill tra to r, 44-J <4-8 44-8 tor. 44tf Executor end E xecutrix. 2107. Classified Advertising N u r i l K T O ( K E D IT O R * hi tha ('«»only Court of tha H tale of O ra- I gon. for >!»« County of W aahington, Protista D epartm ent. I N o t Iva la h e reb y given (h a t (h a u n d e r- I a ig n a d D a n ie l H haw haa haan appoints«! a d m in la l rato r o f th a s o ta ta o f J ulina H en- Banks School Program Set n ■ Hi 4 CHURCHES MUSICAL INSTRUMENT» ._—____ *___ . iiinw LOANS Legal Notices A < i , We buy un«l »ell used curs. 1 *•; «»■ »»«« — Used C ar Exchange. 4ou L«t«te j. hn c Young. d«ce«.cd. WE buy and sell used cars. (n lhe < __M ackenzie Motor Co. . !“r Wa»»t'»«'“»_c— «» n $0.00 Remember Now; Your Beloved Dead Now a t Thanksgiving anti Christm as tim e when y o u r fam ily is gathered together ia the time to consider this ques­ tion. H. H. Stannard, Mgr. Hillsboro, Ore. ha. ft, A Real Estate Transfer* A Credit Bureaus 7 T has m ade our Christm as ^■merrier to have your patron­ age for so long . . . and for this Yuletide we wish you all th a t is joyous and gay. To you and yours, from us and ours— CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. IMPERIAL FEED Si GRAIN CO.