THE Page Ten H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON THE GREAI' \M ERICAN HOME 1 D, U . V. Elects Social News of at Beaverton Local Folk and OTE TO THE KlODlES*» Their F riends U’tTM CAClATOÎS INSTGAO OF FrCE- flACBSJ AN? TPEST NEll'-FANOi.EO HO.MEt? tUTH ENv?Llt?W G A & Ela, IRE PfibpL E M CF CELlVßClNG T O ti(2 G i f t s I? GETTING H A sV fft P O ft SANTA . 0UT N E \e £ FMAß, SA n T A ÏL A lv -A',5' FiND AviAY. Mrs. Gerrish Matron Beaver Chapter Eastern Star Thursday, December 20, 193 1 Christinas Seal H istory Cited; ..... III T i l l SI 1 / > /.. I III l i t have kept none of those early seals, I you will still have your icw an in the knowledge th a t your tx'iiillei luive done then bit In helping re dlice Mio death loll of lu lx 'u ulosls | degree In Education from Columbia Mr. Olsen Is Uie son of Mrs. il it. H ult of Mils city, mid hiu, been •'•luili lug In New York Ila* la t h , l o in '111 m c u c h ItW.(KM) p e n s In y e a r 1991 to n u ll 'I I'll 100.090 III 19J-» Mr. and Mrs. J H. G arrett. Mrs. Moat people think of Clin •Him.'. L d W i l l ' t l O l s C I l DR. R. J. NICOL Byron G arrett of Portland, and seats as a decoration lor t ’h irlm .i , . . . Mis Rockwell of Vancouver. Wash . isickagcs or lettei . or as the visible \ \ | | l s lo n o rs DR. E. W. AI.MQUIST visited C aptain Byron G arrett at token of their participation in tin Edward Ci. O lsen , a g ra d u ate of . the Mills City CCC cutnp Sunday battle against tuberculosis, but few Veterinarians BEAVERTON—Daughters of Un­ realize Mutt the seals have a real the Hillsboro schools and ot l'aelltei Mrs. G. W. Tannesie and sons ion Veterans Monday elected off! m onetary value to stam p eollei tois 1 lunveratty, recently wi ill a research Telrpiiune 613 and 642 cers Miss Joy Hulette. president. Lester and Leslie of l\>rthuid vis ip at the Unit U niversity ol T ol­ Those bright little stam ps are the 1 Mrs Alice Prink, senior uce-presi- lted Sunday at the homes of Grover edo. tu Olito. He will write a book • F n ia r H illxx'll '''" '. l o k 'V * *? alHMlt social and econom ic eondl dent; Mrs. Rebecca Ellerson, junior Rogers. William Helling and M ^s Filial Holboell, a clerk tn the post , , , . ... vice-president; Mis Lula P. K elley,; Marie Tamiesir. Fe, ^ ‘^ ^ . l ^ M e ^ m r e ' c l u ^ , ^ ‘ «uo*s \ X alU ofm lhlgi treasurer; Miss Inez Whitworth, Mr and Mrs. Glen Thornburgh l e t t n r ' w i u U ' ^ u . - T u m ,e rUhL ...... chaplain, and Nettle Sivard. Celia aivt Paul Bagstad of Forest Grove H ulett and Emma Bush, council were guests Monday evening at the hands he would wish th at lie had « * ¿‘X ,,./,. members. u J. W. .. K anina Jr. home, south ot a cent lor every y blow ot tils h is s stam ta m p ' ‘‘T ,? " Mr. (»I. m ii ' n work will bo tni|M r Members of the Daphne club were Hdlsboro Tills »ish prudiH'itl the question as 'I m ’U Jointly b\ ’I'oh'tlo and Colum­ guests of Mrs. F. L. Howard T hurs­ to what use la- would make ol Uiosi bia univenutle.x, and when It is iln- Mr and Mrs. L. R. M itten day. Mrs. K athryn Allison of Pe- many pennies and la- deelded lie I bdwd h o will revolve a doctors king China, was a guest of the club. Chehalis. W a sh . and Miss Grace would use them to provide comfort Mrs. Allison exhibited many valu- Moore of Condon »ill spend the and nursing for some children af-1 week-end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Shelby able and rare antiques. flleted with tuberculoids to whom Forney. Plan O peretta May y o u r It ml io he read each evening. The next s te p ’ “Powder Puff M instrel" is the Miss Maurine Moore and Milton was the visualization of a tubercu­ HARRISON 0. HUGGINS bring joy to your title of the operetta to be given Johnson are leaving today for C an­ losis stam p Io be sold for a petuiy by the high school Glee club this fom ia. Miss Moore will spend the home tliiN Christ* M. D. and he immediately began p u ttin g i year. holidays with her people at Soledad Ila- Idea into effect, lly securing EYE, EAlt, NOSE ANI» THROAT III u a. Mrs. Laura Walker Olds is re- and Milton will visit his brother, tile approval of Hie Danish' covering from her recent attack of orvil. and family hi Los Angeles SI'ECIAI.IST faintly ills plan was assured ol pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. John Kanina Sr.. success and eventually a law was' O fficers N am ed _ ... . „ Miss Betty Kanina. Mr. and Mr. G LAU M r iT T K U jaissed th at such seals should bi Officers of Beaver chapter, c Earl f . u - i Donelson i\> n e lso n and a n d Mr. \ l r a and nd M rs Mrs. | used on all C hristm as mail. E. S., were elected as follows: irs. John G ardner were Sunday guests Koom S Blllar Hollxx'U, for (Ids Idea which Emma Gerrish, worthy m atron of Mr. and Mrs. John W K anu.a (o m m e rr la l N ational Hank A n n ti brought forth stteli sum s lor tlie Raymond J. Ferry, w orlhi patron. , . «.outli of Hillsboro Srlirlilge liras. Phone 2I.\ I betterm ent of the health ot the na- Mrs. Myrtle Felsher. associate pa- J r 01 01 «m sooro. I'honra Ilnur« j Hon, was twice decorated by the Richard Mindte. radio engineer of I’llll.C O IIEAI.EKS K««»i.lvn(W 2V72 V St » a. nt. to IS m. tron; H. F. Eliander. associate j King of Denmark and also by Hn O ffu r Liy7l 1:90 p in to b p. m. patron; Mrs. M argaret Denney, sec- £ ^ 0 Alto, Cal visited several days Kings of Sweden and Italy Before retaiv Mrs. Hazel Bvfield. treasur- Iirst ol tlie wek at th e H. W. I his death tn 1927 he saw the t'h rlsi- er: Mrs. Bertha Williams, conduct- Oversby home. He was en route to mas reals adopted by tlie govern­ ress; Mrs. Bess Lacy, associate con- Wash., to accept a position m ents of twenty-six different coun­ there. ductress. tries Hirougli their health agencies Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bechen were i Miss R uth Denney and Miss Nor­ These tiny bits of paper whlel, ma Brown, student nurses a t th. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. meant so much were first brought M ultnomah county hospital, visited B. Loomis of Portland. Mr. and to American's attention In IUJ7 oy Mrs. Loomis visited Saturday after- their homes here Thursday. Jacob Kits In a magazine artleh Mrs. L. S. Barnes entertained noon at the J. C. Beclien home, w ritten after lie had noticed the We'll make your car steer easy. T h at's a big thing when you're going with a party last Sunday in honor Russell Crocker dislocated the J seal on a letter received from D en­ fast MARFAK. tlie world's finest grease lulirleunt. Is rs|»>< tally good of Mrs. L. S. Barnes, Mrs. H. M .1 vmg finger of his right hand Friday ' mark No effort, however, was made Barnes and Mrs. Howard Fuller o. in a fall Eear ¡yg hom t southeast to utilize the Idea until Miss Emily for steering systems. Come 111 today and let us make your ear easier Hillsboro. The occasion celebratea ot Hillsboro. Dr. C. T. Sm ith a t- ] Bissell, a nurse in Wilmington. Del­ and safer to drive. It won't take long. the birthday anniversaries of the tended him aware. adopted the use of the seal Don’t forget our special until the first of the year M arfak. clean three ladies. .................. , Mr ;uld Mrs j ^ . MUler o( Mc bride of O utfit's Jolui Beyer D e­ to raise money for a small cottage p?avSSPiine‘ a i d M r w d Mre. B. W. ^ t e d 36 hours cember 8 The ceremony was solem­ for tubercular children in her state and adjust plugs and Ignition points und dress top. »11 for tl 00 nized a t the home of the bride's d ^ WSightn Those>ilaltuw p art »ere Banu's wcre Sunday guests of M r Lohese Group Meets— The C hristm as seals of those first] We are handling th a t NEW TRITON OIL. made by Hie Union Oil parents. Mr. and Mrs. George M. luive steadily Increased In c o . which Is guaranteed to give better lubrication or money back, Mesdames E. G. Webb. J. Felsher. and M rs' Barnes of Portland. Lohese Camp Fire group me. Leslie a t Tigard with Rev. Howard years value, until today they are worth com W Boswell Clippie. Oleson, L. Holly w reaths and C h ristm as; T hursday evening a t tile hot home of Smith, tlie bride s great-uncle read ­ many times their original penny — — e In. ■. let us eliunge your oil und give TRITON OIL a cluinee to — ■ and - - L. J. Carter. - decorations were placed in th e li- M ' —•—'- ' J---- ” Mrs. ' Lois Bryant, arjorie ” Kidney. Tucker ing the service. and a group known as the C hrist- 1 G irl Reserves held a fireside brary this _ week bv a committee guardian, helped all girls planning mas Seal und Cliurity Stam p so-1 meeting a t the home of Mr. anu from the G arden club. to take th eir rank in January. The ciety has been formed to facilitate Mrs. I. R. Metzler Thursday eve- Mr and Mrs. C. L. Deichman f group plans to sell C hristm as seals Eastern Star Group Elects the exchanging of stamps. This rung. Miss Chlyo Muraoka of Port- Centralia. Wash., were Sunday vis- Saturday. Pearl Hayes Matron society has affiliated members all Tuning 1'hune 1703 land gave an interesting -sting talk on itors at the home of his mother. Attend Board Meting— |.. S. Campbell Aeruaa (rum (>. E. I>epal over the world. the life and customs of the girls of Mrs. Helen Deichman Nlglit Call 384 Executive board of the County | Legion of Decency Comm ittee of S trange as It may seem the Japan. Miss Muraoka was dressed Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Holt Mrs. federation of Women's clubs nie. (B y C u rtia T ig a rd ) Hillsboro C hristian Council has Is­ slum ps issued In 1907 by Miss Bis­ The Only Station With Complete Service in the native costume of Japan. T. Gheen and Vincent Gheen s p e n t! Monday at Metzger with Mrs Conk- sell are not the most valuable, the TIG ARD —SERA project at the sued the following bulletin: Club Elects _____ „ . „ Sunday in Portland with Mr. and Un. Mrs. A. L. Brock of Cornelius Tigard high school of leveling the "Legion of Decency comm ittee Is ones bearing the caption "Merry Mrs. Robert Stew art was elected Mrs. Thom as M arlin and Mrs. Thomas Connell attended grounds back of the building to give happy to announce th at M anager O. Christm as" being listed a t 50 cents president of the G arden club last Mrs. Oscar Humburg an a son; from this p a rt of th e county. more room for playing football and Phelps, of the Venetian theater. and the ones with the added ill p n s id e n t1^ Mrs. “ j * ^ r e S t e r ^ e n u . " ^ 8 2 S d ! E n tertain a t D to n e r- baseball is nearing completion W hen lias stated th a t the Venetian will scrlptlon of "Happy New Year" ut secretary-treasurer. Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Robb en ter- fuushed, Tigard will have a con- show only those pictures which 25 cents, whereas the ones pnxlueeu Mrs. Fred Rood. placing field and carry the endorsem ent of the Legion tn 1911. which were made In coils , tained Friday evening with a dinner siderably i larger Mrs. Jam es Jackson left Tuesday party. Guests were Mr. an d Mrs plenty big for baseball, which was of Decency. We call the attention for use in autom atic vending m u d l­ of the public to th e fact tliat the ines. are now quoted In stam p c a t­ last m troduced - . year. Completion . evening for Pasadena, Cal., to spend j Sam Coy, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. A uld.; of the grading of the public school local theater has not shown any alogues at 825 All seats issued the the winter with Mrs. Robert Eck and ' Jam ‘ es Cruikshank . grounds is reported to be under of the banned flints since the be- sam e year do not bring tlie aunie lund and family. Church Buys Bell— consideration and may be approved ginning of the decency campaign, price. For lnstaiu-e. the potnrett.a HAVE Sunday Night Men's club had a Miss Elma May Brown spent T rinity L utheran church has p ur­ by the state board. A large am ount and heartily commend Mr. Phelps flowered seal of 1913 with Its green 5 SUCH brief meeting foUowtng the service; Sunday a t Mt. Hood, where she ac- chased the bell used at the Moun- of th e work was done last year for the stand he has taken Gift» that give you an tra atyla circles und red crosses In one design a t the Methodist church Sunday companied a group of M azamas on taindale church during the past 40 under CWA — ex tra quality — and lower This comm ittee will furnish the Is worth 815, while a variation of VOVELY evenmg The men decided to go for- , a skiing party. years. It will ring each Sunday, be price« . . . of courae they’re wel­ An oyster stew greeted m em bers1 pastors of the Hillsboro school dis- th a t design la valued a t only 87.50 G IF T S ” ward with their plans in organizing Mr. and Mrs. W alter Freem an ginning December 23 a t 9:45 and of Tigardville Rebekah lodge D e -, trict with lists of endorsed pictures C ertain seals Issued In 1908 und come, They’re the kind you'll the club and securing men to join, of O ntario will spend th e Christm as 10:30 a. „ m.. and „ „ „ at 7:30 and „ 3 cember 11 after regular lodge ses-1 from time to time, with particulai 1918 are quoted at 85 each, one de- And at the Kexall D rug Store. They will sponsor a supper a t the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. O. O. o'clock p. m. The church at Moun- sion. Installation of officers will be reference to those films recommend-1 sign of 1910 is 83 and another ol D at . ___ church o» a t 6:30, rtivomrinr December Q 30, a t LVoonnn Freem an tam daie is being torn down. held January 10 In conjunction with <'d for family view In th a t they a r c 1 1912 Is worth 81. You’ll marvel a t the l o w e r which time the officers of the or­ I. O. O. F. officers and officers of of a type to be seen by children j No 100 per | cent complete collec- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eslinger of i price», for there'» no middle­ ganization will be elected. The Ruby and Lincoln lodges. j Legion of Decency endorses tw o 1 tlon, from a collector's viewpoint. w t . . . . . G ran ts Pass were guests Sunday, CAMP AND AUXILIARY man in the Kexall Plan. You get club has a membership now of 2o December 10, a t the Clem Eslinger HOLD CARD P.ARTY C aptain Blyth of the British arm y types of films, one for family a t- 1ms ever been gathered by a single the Having». Before you buy men and will reek in th e next two home 6 Scout H arrington cam p and an and one of the fighters In the Boer tendance, and one for attendance person One of th e most complete visit the Kexall Drug Store. weeks to materially increase this lari. u S W V held a card a collections ever assembled was pre- War. addressed members of the | by m ature persons only. n u m b e r b efo re fin a l o r c a n lz a tio n is XIr- and were M rs- s - w - Sunday Melhuish w - . ’ •• a nel“ “ home P- Recommendations _ _ for Rooreveit 1 o rg a n iil-lon children guests of and Mr. Saturday night t the Tigard Lions club and members of _ _ the _ _ _ coming rented to President ___ ____ ____ by jtHD SUCH GET THE SAVINGS OF completed. the local scout troop telling of his week follow: "College Rhythm . ' for the National Tuberculosis associa Maurice Dean sang, accompanied and Mrs. L. L. Baker of Portland Five hundred, pinochle and bunco experience with Sir Baden Powell family audience; pre-view "One tlon during the 1933 campaign LOW THE NO Mr. L. W. i LaBare and were played Prlzes for the games during the Boer War. The club was .Afore Dy MISS uOToiny Mavens ac tn e m i . a and o u Mrs. m is ^ r e anu More I River," for family audience; Tlie sale of th e 1934 Christm as piano, M the service last oimday. son of P ortland wert guests S atu t- were awarded as follows: high a t ; entertained by members of the Am- "D eath on the Diamond.” rated real is to help carry on the work P R IC E S ” y MIDDLEMAN PLAN B s v R eed sn n k e th e th e m e "Tn dav at the S w Meih.ush hnme Joe a n d *NeaJ erlcan quartet of 8heruood Very Good. " for family audience; Winch the other sea7 Is have started. Whom Shall We Go?" Each Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rees and fam - jepson: low Mrs A. E. Edwards Anne of G reen Gables." rated Tlie need Is great, greater today Become Musical day evening there will be special ily have been ill during the past and John Jepson; high at pinochle, is suddenly becoming mus . i "Good" on the Federal Council (Pro- than It has ever been because of tne musical features and a sermon of week with a n attack of flu. •" - Spiering; • • c a Tigard Albert low. C harles — Herb . h i'l l as th e result ol two new te a c h -! testant) list, for family audience. years of unemployment of parents interest to men and women of to- a t bunco. E. D. Hite; __ low __ A E. ers in th e Tigard schools who have ______________________ Roman Catholics will be invited and the consequent lack of prop, r Mr. and Mrs. William Hermens of high day. Much thought and effort is verooort visited Sunday with Mr. wards. Those attending were organized a local bund and a chorus. to u k e th<‘ P>ed8f to a tten d onlj nourlshnu-nt and medical can- of being put on these Sunday evening Mrs w H Wieber •ssrs. and Mesdames Albert Spier- j Maurice Adams, instructor a t sUch Pll'H*res as nre endorsed at their growing children If you have programs. I, Jam es Welch. John Jepson, the Tigard public school, is leader lhe Masses at St M atthew's chuicli been buying C hristm as seals for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Emery of E. Edwards, E. D Hite. C. J. and director of an 18-piece band on Sunday morning In response to many years perliaps you may have j Pioneer Heights were Sunday guests and Joseph Leider; F rank while William Sievers music and a pastoral letter of Archbishop some of those early issues lucked a t the Paul C. Rees home. ---------- -------- ------- ,11;i| „,,11 , ¡,,.,,1 ,,, b,u , FARMERS GET RESULTS Mrs J R M orean of Portland B u ck an d Neal Je P3°n. and the host dram atic teacher at the high school H°» aril • of »«-*--■*------ thia diocese. vre s a ___ — ___ » re— a»__ re___ a a t- —a I _______ ’ * • * . __ flO S tC S S . ( a I In n p h a r o P r of t f a a r»K f»r»ia r of tf d f) vrtlrii»^ Increased In value to such an ex- is charge chorus 40 voices. If It were not for th e fact th at spent the wek-end here with Mr. an d hostess H air Oil, Ray Rum Shaving Cream, I tent th a t the pennies you cast upon C hapter Elects nearly all business people have or- and Mrs. H. R. Morgan, ' the waters will return to you III FORMER RESIDENT O renom ah chapter. O. E. S., elect Shaving Lotion and A fter Shave Pow­ ganized to the extent th a t they H. V. G ates left last wek for M ur i the shape of dollars, but if you gacuz«, «, m e exieui, m a t m ey n . v j j a t e s leit Mm;- HAS NARROW ESCAPE ed officers as follews: Pearl Hayes. P v n a o n i a P l c x r have made farm ing conditions a!- letta H ot Springs, Cal., where he Mrs. H. Bigham. 88. m other of worthy m atron- Clifford Jack, wor- L i < ? S e n t S 1 l a y der from the ever popular S tag Line. most unbearable, there would be no »'ill spend a m onth. •*— C. F. Grabel and ---■ *■- - • thy patron: - - ■ - - — ----- - - farce, "A Ready Made Mrs. Mrs. John Josephine Barnick. as- A three-act "This Is no time to cavil; it B eautifully designed u p r i g h t box. need for fanners organizing, but ia Women's C hurch Service league Grabel. was saved from freezing sociate m atron J. F Bragg, assocl- Family, ' was presented Sunday eve- time for patience and understand 3 9 You'd never believe auch an expensive such a highly organized business met Wednesday. December 12, with to death recently by the prom pt ac- ate patron; Elizabeth King, con nlng a t the Foresters' hall in Ver ing a n d co-operation." — President world, organization is about tlie Mrs. Rooert Burlingame tlon of Loren Booth, laundry driver, ductress; Edna G rant, associate boort under the auspices of the Roosevelt. looking g ift cost an little. only hope for farmers. Since the Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schlegel and son who discovered her in th e yard of conductress; Lillian Pierce, secre- Verboort Sodality and directed by Farm ers' Union is the only large of Banks’ *were’^ u n d 'a y ° ’ guests'^)f hcr home n ear Washougal, Wash, tary an d Edith Woods, treasurer. Miss K athleen Caldwell Members of I sh e had gone out to feed her chick- Members of No. 177. A. F. <5c A M., | the cast were F rank Porter, Evelyn i farm organization Q th a t restricts its Mrs. E. T. Turner. VanDyke, C lara Kemper, Mayme I Rav Cline of P o r tla n d snent the ens and was blown o ii her ieet by wiU ** entertained Friday. membership to farm ers only, and K ay C line of P ortland spent the th e 45-m ile-an-hour wind, suffering tea Sherwood basketball team was ] VanDomelen, Mary VanDyke. Er-1 has been growing so rapidly the week-end with his parents, Mr. ana I *». » .s broken hip. She was unable t o ' beaten 29 to 21 by Fred Meyer s vln VanDyke. M arcella Klndel, O er- last few years as a result of th e Mns. H arry Cline move, and la j there for more th an in an inter-city league clash De- aid LaHaie, Julia VanDyke and benefits to its members, it is con- Miss Mabel K ullander of Portland two hours before Booth drove up cember 11 In Portland. A rally in G erald Hermens. sidered by many, to be the best spent the week-end with h er sister, Doctors say an o th er half hour would the closing minutes of the game “ ------ " was presented with Miss Caldwell organization to join. As soon as M rs- H E - Prickett. have killed h er Mrs Bigham for- came to no avail when the whistle a gift from members of the c a s t' merly lived here. the fruit raising districts of Oregon ------------------------- blew leaving Sherwood eight be- after the performance. Proci-eda of A g ift th a t’» always aure of a welcome. A full- j hind. Jones was high m an with the play are to be used for charit- become more thoroughly organized. Young People go Caroling— QUEEN ESTHER CIRCLE elght counters for Sherwood. able purposes. Stage furnishings sized box of C ara Nome Face Pow der and a two- so th a t they can properly m arket Young people of th e Methodist Mrs. Rosa Tigard left for Clare- were donated by Claude S m ith of dram bottle of Cara Nome P erfum e in a beauti­ their produce, it is expected th a t a church will go caroling on C hrist- TO HAVE XMAS PARTY _ . large am ount c a n b e handled E''e- meeting a t the parsonage Queen E sther Circle of th e Metho- mont. Cal.. December — 10 to visit - Forest - Grove and . dresses by Wells' Wc fully tailored g ift package. P through the organization bv Farm - a t 10:30 P- m. After toralm g they arly m lh e church basem ent S at- and is expected to re tu rn sometime ------------------------- ers Union members in th e middle waffle '"“ supper. i* e n in ; g ^ b h e^ e m n n n in ln » « a a t t s near n e a r c Christm h n u m a as. « ____ . . . _ . All those who would u rd a v e e^ v e^ Will Make Teats western and eastern states. Tigard h as six new 4-H clubs like to have carols sung before th eir 2 5 loca- A covered dish supper will ■ - _ ____ . “ ro . R e e h member m e m r e .r The Farm ers' Union Oil Co. ini 1 = place e*a * h e “ < e - r e v e d n . Each i I t s ^ r e u e e , o s t t t _ - which S ere formed here recentl? ~ a T ^ ° L O? ; Washington county has proven to candle in th e window ed hdng a guest and a five-cent by L. E. Francis, assistant county an,Î. j haul ieur?<_ wlll be In he v .n , .m tiia h i. wuiuuw v . , ¿n H illsboro Wednesday. gift for the tree. Marjorie Pitm an agent. More th a n 50 pupils are sign- Hillsboro Wednesday, December December 2C. 2C, be very profitable to its members. and Rose W atkins are th e commit- ed up for sewing, cooking, home- a & “ “ court house between t h e I t has a storage plant n ear Hills- ' fy ,s tmas Party Held— D aughters of Union Veterans ] le e . in_ cb“ 'i* of lunch, Eleanor j m ak ln g jjo u ltry ^ ra b b lt and forestry j hours of 9 a. m. to 5 p. m . boro and makes weekly deliveries to all parts of the county It h an - held a Christm as p arty Monday and Betty Jo an K ram len, games, group. The P. T. A. is sponsoring A MERRY CHRISTMAS dies a _ verv grade — ot B gasoline e Veterans' hall. • ___« Don- I and Arline Ellis of C hristm as gifts, the clubs. Hillsboro Argus contains all the J good • B "^'— evenin ntinne g r t f a f t r t r th trt Married December 8 news of H it brought IlLsbon o and th e sur- etc. Savings can be made on most to O ur F riends and Patrons to several needy In th e presence of a large num - rounding communities. Read It and y families. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM articles bought by farm ers, also tribution All member» exchanged smi all gifts, PLANNED SUNDAY ber of friends and relatives, Miss keep Informed on w hat Is h appen- oce of tjie best lines of farm ma and the past president. sm Mrs tf . . . __ . i , — — ----------- - Mrs. Oral Christmas will be observed ill af. R uth Marion Leslie became the ing a t home. chinery can be p u r e n , ^ through Laws served Ice cream an d c ak e1 unusual m anner this year a t the SAMIMQS ers’ Union, expense,10 the Farm ers' Union. The ex p en se,10 aU all present, .M ethodist church. At 7:30 in the W bdongifii J» small, The saving!- evening there will be presented a rxen-x-. j „ . u i * Relatives in Storm Center— Co ¡'a- the m esiuers is a great help, „ .... , . service of “Glorified Olving." ThL even non-m embers w ithout realiz-1. ^ ose Pr4ck®tt received f e t ­ service will bring the story of ancient azid modern giving. A care­ ing it, derive considerable b en efit1 where the Farm ers' Union is well n L ^ P ^ I The letter W M ^ r ittS ’ fully chosen cast, together with the choir will present in one scene th l; fitfganized. ! November 17 ju st a fter th e typhoon story. Every mem ber of th e congre­ From now until the first of th e ! experienced there. Mr. and Mrs. gation will have a p art In this year a special low membership rate, Schlegel were in the zone where the presentation, is in effect. It will pay any f a r m - ' er to Join before January 1 Washington county has local« ih the following communities: Bloom1 ing, Cedar Mills, G aston, K ansas S City, Manning, Laurel, Scholls, Mid- dieton, Stafford, Verboort and West Union. O ther locals can be formed if enougii farm ers are interested. For information address John Plass, Banks; Mrs. Mary Homer, Cornelius; K arl Schaefer or R. N. Baker. Forest Grove; William Dier dorff, Hillsboro. This information furnished and paid for by the Fanner»' Union. Merry Christmas Douglass R ad io Service Easy Steering is Safety Tigard School Job Nears End Phelps Pledges Picture Help THE TEXACO STA TIO N M. E. Men’s Club Sponsors Dinner C** S T A G c o m b i n a t io n . Verboort Club GREETINGS CARA N O M E V a n e tte The Delta Drug Store Howe’s Clothing Shop _______________________________ lost minuTe Good Little HOME 1 acre. ?mall house, 48 filbert trees, also other assorted fruit trees, ¡(S and one-quarter acre of grap* . -- T his place Is out of the city limits, but h as electri Ity and city water. Price 580«, terms. Insure with TUALATIN VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY W . G . ID E 1318 Main Street Hillsboro. Oregon Here are a few suggestions for Practical Christmas Gifts Club Chairs Electric Food Mixer Floor Lamps Electric W affle Iron M irrors Pictures Table Lamps Chipproot Enam elw are Dinner Sets Easy W ashers Electric Toasters Philco Radios End Tables W riting Desks S E L F R ID G E BR O S. B ass-H ueter P ain t Dealers 1138 Third St. ¡> i Phone 21X M