Merry Christmas - - To All O ur SuliHcriluTK, A«lvrrt¡Hvrn und Friend« »illsb or r g u s W ith W hich is Combined the Hillsboro Independent Stores Open - HILLHBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934 V O L U M E 41 In Hillsboro Until 9 P. M. Saturday N O . 44 S t a t e C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r BV A. U LINDH BOX B reakers Looming for House U nder Plans City Solon« County Tax T otals Cut Lighting Should lie Ready Friday for the Judging Hagg Dairy Tjliat cjioly J^ight in ^Bethlehem State Land Plan Urged D om inates AI JLM Breakers loom dead ahead Displays In the outdoor Yuletldc for die «(«Ml ship home of rep- lighting contest sponsored by the riwntatlvn. of the Oregon legis­ I Hillsboro notary must be In place I lature even before It scte hall on by tomorrow i Friday i night and | lta cruise to Hulein. I I«- on every night through New i Year's day. Cash prizes of »7.50 tor ---------------- Word from Kirtland ha* It that _______ _ _ — first, »5 for second and *2.50 for Un- Multnomah county delegation are offered by the club. D a ir y m e n a t R e e d v ille and C han ce fo r D e v e lo p m e n t Is preparing to take over Uie com- T o w n s , R o a d D is t r ic t O n ly tldrd Entries slaruld be made in ad-1 niaiul when Uie legislature meets , , . vance If possible with B F. Pile at I a t Forest G ro v e C a p tu re W illa m e tte V a lle y H e ld to guide Its program, control lit D i v i s i o n s S h o w i n g K is e the Fanners' Cash store or at the | patronage and direct Its destinies . . v H ig h ly P ro m isin g P ro d u c tio n Records Argus us an uld to the Judges. Com­ Alreiutv the report lias It, the boys ,n L evy N e x t Y e a r mittee In clucrge of arrangements | from the big town are urganlztiiH ■ Includes Mr. Pile, B M. Goodman. Rev. d a i r i e s Reed anti Claude N os­ I to run the sliow In their own way. . , s a i l with headquarters to lie maintained R c i l l l C t l O n S M i i r k C l l ier. Many personal solicitations for ! In tin» Senator hotel, where the co-operation In making Hillsboro a -------------- plots are to be hatched and the • ■ — jNirtlcularly attractive center dur-| Ilians whipped Into shupe. and with I • ; - , r S p e a k e r Discuases N a tio n a l ing the Christmas holidays have N o v e m b e r R e p o rt R eleased Warren Erwin of the Multnomah C o m p a r is o n s L iste d f r o m been made by the committee and delegation as the chief plotter and ____ by Im p ro v e m e n t G ro u p pledges of support have been inudc D e v e lo p m e n ts L o cal M e e t floor leader, under the able ad- A sse ss o r s S ta te m e n t Rev. Reed spoke before the high ; vice of such veteran lobbyists and — —— school Friday morning and asked I ,,ow,ird l‘“ tourclu Total of luxe» levied In Washm*- support of the students. High test records of the David Federal marginal land movement Residents along the lilghway liave Hagg Ai Sons dairy herd at Reed- and John Heckman. , ton county for all purposes amounts and the recent middle-west drouth been aski-d to have displays of NotlUng could be belter calculated Uj |ai8,341.32 for 1935, a reduction some kind, no matter how modest, vllle dominated the Novembci report have combined to give Oregon a to stir the resentment of the up- of »72,575 44 below the complete because of the Impression Uiat whl of the Yamhill-Washington County major opportunity for development of the Willamette valley as a huge stale legislators limn such a pro- : levy for 1934 according to the state- be naide on the passing motorists. Herd Improvement association as , ________ ____ „1 ! ment of taxes released this week by land project. This was the declar­ Mr. and Mrs. T W McDonald released this week by J. P. Lolxrenz tester. Other herds owned by Mrs posul Multi« mun coun y ' J E Carpenter, county assessor, won first honors lost year. ation of W. D. B. Dodson, executive T. Williams and Mrs. C. E. Robeit- ways hud lta share of legislative Thlft reduction coupled with a vice-president of the Portland cham­ son & Son at Forest Orove algo honors, and naturally, because of slight Increase ui the assessed vulu- ber of commerce and Washington scored high records, giving Wasli- representative of Oregon chambers, the numerical strength of Its dele- atlon of property In the county, has | ington county almost a clean sweep who discussed probable state and gallon wields a big Influence in resullcd In u material decrease in ln honors. national developments at the local the legislative halls The legislators millage Hagg herd ranked first in butter- chamber of commerce Monday. from the smaller counties liave al-1 Tax levies for county roads md j fat production for herds of over Oregon, with opportunities for Ir­ ways been willing to JoUi liands the total for special taxes In cities (From F lorian » etch in g of Eerolle'» "A rrival of the Shepherds *> I 20 cows The 51 grade Jerseys owu- rigation and drainage, dependable with Uielr colleagues from t h e and towns are Hie only items In the r, .• • r, II led by the Reedville dairymen pro- climate, cheap transportation and metropolis In elevating a Mulino- statement showing increases over R e tirin g G ro u p C leans U p ducw, an averagc of 619 pounds of almost ideal living conditions, u mah county lawmaker Ui the speak- , 1934 totals. All other divisions, such H oly nighl! peaceful night! O'er the Iiabe uho "n »«leni sleep, U n fin is h e d Business "1*lk L5 26 °f better adapted for receiving per­ ershlp when Uiat county was en as state and county taxes, union Thro' the darkneu beams a light. fiests in heavenly peace. fat. "Bell Number Eight, a grade sons from unproductive lands than titled to UiM office. But to have high school and non-hlgh school Yonder ichere they sweet vigils l(eep. Rests in heavenly peace. Jersey at the same dairy, ranked as any other area Dodson stated. So­ tile Multnomah delegation attempt districts, elementary sclxxil districts Ordinance making it unlawful to high-producing mature cow with a lution of the marketing problem in to dictate to tlw legislature and tell and special taxing districts, show place sanitary sewage in any city record of 1017 pounds of milk and the state would make it possible to it wiiat It sliall do and w lien. thut marked decreases in levies voted. storm sewer or private drainage, 67.1 pounds of butterfat. accommodate many more people. Is something else again The report < ompartsun» Given ditch or to connect any private! A„ Honors Taken from Kirtland. unlew promptly and Comparison of taxes levied for Co-operation Urged In the two. year old dass, thc successfully refuted can be expected state and county purposes Is as drain tile to the storm sewer was Oregonians must work together Ui adopted by the city council T u e s - i ^ ^ „ & dalr nlade a to have about the same soothing follows with 1935 totals first am' the fight for realization of this op­ effect on the up-state lawmaker. 1934 figures .second: state, county day night during a special session ( clpan SWK,’ of flrsl honors portunity. the speaker declared. He as the waving of a red shirt does and general school. »376.486.39, Councllmcn. who met to complete Number sixteen." a grade Jersey, held that this state is not holding on tile temper of a bull »418.156 48, county road. »135.338.24. unfinished business before the new laced flrM ln productWn for the S uit fo r W a g e C o llectio n ns own with Washington and Cali­ takes office, also passed a class wlth m o pounds of milk and C h ria tia n C ou n cil to H o ld All of which does not contribute »113.14822. and non-hlgh school council Keen competition for first string fornia despite the fact that it has house numbering ordinance. II, i i y ° w a y X r d e , J , g the task (Ustrlct. »78.368 49. »101.847 38 73.2 pounds of - butterfat. — The five places on the 1935 Hilhi hoop squad equal or greater opportunities. This F ile d in C irc u it C o u rt Threats of damage suits result­ C h ristm as Eve E vent of Jolin CwHrr Biw'uker-dridKnrttc, Taxes levied In cities and loans ing from the depositing of salu­ highest producing two-year-olds in shows promise of resulting in a situation he declared to be the rc- ■ m d o m u t ^ X m t t e e assign- for 1935 totalI »85 075 61 as compar- the association were also owned by strong Hillsboro basketball team suit of a lack of state consciousness ieiiLx and dialrmanships t n a «» with »83.774 70 In 1934. Compal- tary sewage 1 n Hillsboro storm the Hagg dairy. this season, according to B. M. Mrs Galllc ? renc? and I and su te patriotism. Annual Christmas Eve midnight _ sewers led the council to adopt the Honors ln tests of herds from 12 aie her son. Wilbur, received sentences manner that will make tor harmony ***>• >n tills division, new ordinance Violators of the to 20 cows went to the herd owned carol festival, sponsored by the Goodman, coach. Newcomers Turning to national affairs. Dod- and the smooth running of his par’, above, are Biuiks. »367303,^ *2949.- act will be Hable to a fine of not Hillsboro Christian council, is plan- P?fhmg veterans for Positions on of 30 days in the county^Jm Tues- social legislation, auch 36. Beaverton. »9541 62. *9142 40; by Mrs T. Williams of Forest Grove of the legislative machinery to exceed »100 or sentence of 30 with 19 purebred Jerseys averaging S 5 ™ Cornelius. »3883 95, »3471 66; For­ Over e v e r (»1 on the m e other side of tlve ,.s t G rove. »18,147 43, »17.87967. days ln Jail or both, according to 594 pounds of milk and 39 36 pounds legislative liai I the libarais of the Hlllsboro »27.512.20. »26.953 47; Shei - the ordinance. The city manager of butterfat. Mrs C E Robertson 4 ■ thmlc iruxtruU’d u icir pint m m «- hi u m und senate. frustrated in theli plot to wood. u »301473 an.. B White hoopslers played cealing of stolen property while her Î i^ V a to ^ a ' »301353; and Tuai. Tual­ was also authorized to plug up any Bon'» herd, also at Forest Grove, Upon the Midnight Clear defeat Harry Corbett for Ute presi­ atin ».301 75 »364 41. drain tiles o r drainage ditches placed high in two division». members of the seven senior and two practice games with Pacific son was sentenced on a petty lar- « IUon of section 7A of the National two junior high school clubs will dency by Joining their forces wltli carrying sanitary sewage Union high school districts show­ "Daisy." a purebred seven-year-old university freshman team this week ceny charge. A postponed sentence tlie democratic minority, are said ed a decrease of approximately Provisions of the act make It Jersey of thus dairy placed 'second participate. and the local coaching staff hed a was handed down in the Indict- ^ ? 111^ e^_ThaÂ^“ ^n^ . “ ^ , stnud, Special musical numbers are pian- to be busy with -------------- ■_ plans whereby they „ 0 000 tb<, total tax jevy wllh unlawful for any person to deposit In high production for the associ­ chance to try out several player ment against the Orenco youth on expert to make ilx'ir Influence h i t „ j g j ^ o g ior i,„. coming year and sanltury sewage ln the storm sew­ ation with 14.37 pounds of milk and U ww s' CathoC judice the social and labor leglsla- hc°chi^ch.htby ‘isiwcwi combmattons.'At present the’ most a larceny m a d w e llly charge as the balance of power bet»e«-n „3949993 L a te st slash was re- er or tile or ditch connecting with 79 pounds of butterfat. "Joe," a promislng lineup includes Jim Sam Charles Berthold of Beaverton en- presented waa Dod' the conservative republicans on one ported from the Bunks district with the sewer, or for any person ... to . coil .. i purebred Jersey in the same herd, Coslett representing the clubs, by aide and the democrats on tin a ,cyy o, „ 3 9 n for lu35 an(J t f l. nect a private drain or tile to the Newton representing as­ X the ln Uie three-year old Willard __________________________________. “ “ , oilier. Belialor Zunineriinui. erst- ln ,934 Comparison of other storm sewer or drainage Uie now claas wlth a prodU(.llon Of 747 sociate members and Claire Beeler i v nds o, m)lk lind M 5 o, while candidate for governor county districts for the two years existing ln city streets. Propeny Checking of the local squad dui-) funds for payment in full. Sentence j understood to have a pocketful or W a rd „9,921.90, $19.864 81; owners may construct drainage sys- ¡^ tlerfal for the month J^ ,e„ ?™.i??scd Ja ~r; bills urcady to dump in to th e l u Hiii*hnr<» 157 470 32 For- terns to drain surface water if other winners of high test honors years.* wi"l"f be*'tavlted“”to* takè^àn according to Goodman, who declared Fine of »10 and costs was assessed \ / o I» i p P p tlC I fk tl Dilative hopper, another part “ ~ built so that sanitary sewage can lncIuded D R. Dickll of Newbei? active “ Y tliat the freshmen were unable to against Lester G. Mannen of For- ▼ tllU C A V llo t v r ll hydro-electric p o w e r commission iiot be collected. owner of the high producing herd Other phases of the program wi.l any easy at basket, est Grove route 1 Thursday when bill minus Uie bonding features, a City residents owning the now under 12 rows; Dlck ^ j o n g o; I be conducted by th e iollowtn0 offensive work, however, was dc- he plead guilty in the local justice1 "unicameral" legislative a m en d ­ I co*ln^cttnk with the storm sewer Amuy, owner of the highest prv- ! BrouP rePre!* nt? uve^J ^ ac Grogan. ciared be ragged but promising, of the peace court to a charge of ment and a state banking amend­ wlll be allowed to continue their, ducln^ . B„„ Falrvi«.w Farms p resid en t o f th e D elta ch a p ter, Duruur the th e first first week week of of practice n ractlce having n o onerator's se. O:i „ . . . _ . During no operator's licen license. On ment. use, but are prohibited from de- T^,uWale whoee 'Number 43 " Allen Sigler, president Omega chap- gamsej and Cox have been working failure to pay the fine, the man Townsend Old Age club will meet Gradually as the picture begins ! positing sanitary sewage ln them, first in the four-year-old ter; Robert Patterson, council pres- at center while Torbet. Richardson, was confined in the county Jail again in two weeks at the Christian , Application to construct drain tiles j cfass to unfold the gaze of tile observing ident; Maurice Peerenbown. viking v ernon cook. Jim Grogan an o f or five days. church, according to plans made ’ in iulure ar.e to ce I Total of 31 herds, aggregating president; Alvin Mohr. C-Hi club oeorge Holscher have been playing outsider It begins to appear that Pleas of not guilty to an indict- Sunday. There will be no meeting Walnut code as **- it » applies the council for a p -. g40 cows were durlng Nc. president; and Pastor Henry- S the forthcoming session will be n»m ui vouv p h **-■’ to w Ore- submitted to 1 In guard positions. Possibilities for ment charging a statutory offense this Sunday. Program for the next Just a repetition of thane that have ^>n was discussed at the Rotarv proval and applicants will be re- venlber according to the report. O1 ' Haller, council advisor. forward Jobs include Cox, Matsen, was made Monday in the circuit meeting will be planned by the ex­ gone liefore hopper» overflowing clut> luncheon Thursday by Ernest qulred to pay costs of investigation, this number 131 were dry. Avenue Club members will be guests o f . Cook. Grogan and Patterson. Alvin i court by L. Clark of Hillsboro. No ecutive committee. wltli bills, lawmakers overflowing Brewer of New York and William House nuinberUig ordinance was for all cows was 558 pounds of mill: tlie theatre before the service. Fol-j Mohr was showing promising woik trial date was set. Judge John A. Jeffrey of Port- wiUi oratory and argument and Bentley of Portland. W. C. Chris­ passed as the final legal step ir. nnd 26.77 pounds of butterfat. Ten lowing the carol festival, members I until he pulled Suit to collect »303 due „ . alleged __ . land, who spoke to the club Sunday, ti, constitutional 40 days and nights tensen was chairman installing the Philadelphia street cows were detected as boarders, two of both boys' and girls' chapters will I tice last week. a ligament in prac- three workmen was filed Thursday sees m the , uWnsend Old Age Re- overflowing Into an extra week Brewer and Bentley contended system ln Hillsboro. Home owners reacted to the abortion test ar.d one through Hillsboro streets for ------------------------- by C. H. Gram, state commlssion- volving Pension plan the solution or ten days belore Uie Job Is fin- that It was unfair to Oregon walnut will be notified of the new house to the tuberculosis test. These wer? carol sick and sh u t-in s. A buffet break- J g ! er of labor, against W. H. Hunt. of the present economic ills and tlie Lolled and sine die written to ad- growers because there was such a number assigned by the city and. ^ |d " fOr “beef fast is planned in addition to one M p l i p f - I p o /'h p p : The complaint alleges that the way back to recovery. He cited the lourtunent demand In the east for Oregon nuts If numbers are now on the homes, arranged for Catholic members after i v v l l v l -«• v a v i i V L i three men, Fred Poe. M. R. Stevens present conditions and the need • • • ’ due Io their superior quality. That new ones will be provided by the the First Mass. Persons desiring the ! and Elias Abernathy, liad been hired for such a plan. There will be no Inaugural ball the surplus was due to California city free of charge. Replacements earollers to sing before their homes j in connection with logging opera­ in honor of Governor Marlin when production and tliat California put at a later date or numbers for Among the many beneficial things are asked to notify council head-i tions and that they had not been to be derived from the plan the he tuke» over his new ofltce next one over on Oregon by making lo- houses constructed after the sys quarters at the Pilgrim House. ! ____ _ i paid. ■nonth. Instead there will be an I cal growers contribute 30 per 'ent stent Is installed will be at the ex­ speaker showed how it would re­ o f ^ ^ " s e ^ d £ duce crime probably 80 per cent, Plans for a Christmas dance have i That Washington county has a informal reception a l the capItJl of Uie production to surplus pool pense of home owners. been postponed by the council. C-Hi larger variety of classes under the ! with everybody invited to "come as Bentley said that an attempt was give youth a brighter outlook for Numbers are to be uniform andj ______ uvD» __ .v. i ceased, is sought m an action filed the future as there are now 20 — ■- -■---- you are." - The change ln plans, •• It being made to work out a com­ placed where they may be seen Nineteenth consecutive semi-au and Omega chapters will supply any other In the state w ^ t h e de- ^ e y a g S t K n t f c X ° h ndllMMT'yoing ^ ¿ iV ^ U w u t" « ^ Is said, was mode at the request of promise whereby surplus control clearly from the street. Penalty for nual dividend was declared Monday greens for decorating both the Pil­ idea of what they can do, give men tlie general himself who preferred would be worked o u t equitable violation of the ordinance Is set by directors of the Washington grim House and the Venetian stage, claration of Kenneth Beach, su (Continued on page 12, column 1) and women a chance to do wiiat tlie democratic simplicity of an for different sections, provide for j at not less than (2 or more than Savings & Loan association heie while the Delta chapter tfill sup­ pervisor of adult education. Wed cash payment on surplus rather ply Christmas remembrances for they want to without fear of want evening of hanilsliakuig to the more nesday during a conference here »*0. The dividend will be made at the in their old age. He also pointed exclusive atmosphere of a bull room than In nuts nnd to exempt the Ten applications for beer licenses ratc of four per cent per annum the aged and shut-ins. Total of 17 relief teachers attended I U t l l O r F l a V ( j l V d l . . . ! small grower with a few trees from were approved by the council. Ap­ for the period June 30 to December how it would cy» down taxation the session in the county school l J ‘ for relief needs. State Treasurer Holman appor- | X ^ U e g^ er“' ^ plicants Included W. V. Wiley. H. 31 and will be payable on the lattei superintendent's office. He cited the forms of taxation Honed a total of »870.000 among KrocCr anu “ *?, grtx. : ‘_.SO1? M. Cady, C. H. Esltnger. I. H Naught date. Second term of the educational and Claude Cook. Mrs. Oertha Lar­ program ln this county will begin Ability of the local Institution Hilhi juniors under the direction that could be used, such as a trans­ tlie various counties this week, to the consumer rather than son, Mrs. Wayne Vaught, Mrs. O. to continually pay four per cent January 4 and continue until March of Miss Marie Houguez presented actions tax. The speaker held that »800.000 representing the sem i-an­ wholesaler. M. P. Cady, who Is a director of 22. according to Beach. He dis­ “I'll Explain Everything," a three- if the government would appro­ nual distribution of motor vehicle one of the walnut co-operatives, Coslett, Mrs. Hazel Gardner, Miss or more semi-annually since It was cussed methods of organizing adult act comedy. Friday evening at the priate the first month’s pension It finals and »70,000, the annual dis­ suld the code had worked out to Emma Heinrich nnd A. A. Godfrled founded ln 1925 was construed by Matter of moving the street light the beard as a tribute to Oregon classes. Hilhi auditorium. Characters were would run itself by the revolving tribution of federal forest funds. the detriment of Oregon growers, Teachers attending the meeting well cast and carried the plot in feature. Funds totaling »23,764 64, repre­ Washington county's shore of tlie but that he felt Oregon men tlia' from tlie old bend of the highway and Its productiveness. The associa­ first fund amounts to »24.426 and worked on the code acted ln good near the city park was placed In tion was organized by local men senting the fourth quarter of tlie included Mrs. Christine Davis, Mrs. good style. the hands of the city water and and confines Its operations to tiie state tax due from Washington Lucy L. Ingram, Miss Eleanor C. Members of the cast included this county was one of only five light committee. Present location northwest sector of Oregon. Mem­ county, were transferred to t h e Smith, Miss Marlys Hefner, A. J LuVerne Abendroth. Lloyd Selfridge, In the state which did not share In faith. of the light was declared to be a bers of the board are George O. state treasurer Wednesday by Mrs. Foelker. Velma Beneflel and Peggy Billy Allison, Kenneth Short. Janies the forest fund distribution. hazard. Hancock and D. D. Bump of For­ Maud W. Boscow, county treasurer Peck, all of Hillsboro; Mrs. Bertha Forsythe, Bernice Howard, Ann Other business Included the adop- est Grove. E. L. Johnson. Dr. J. O. This transfer completes the coun­ Shaver and Mrs. Laura Smith of c hunk,m ' r > ^ rJOriT State conventions for county of- With trees ln place ln the lobbies tlon of a flanged type street sign Robb and J. M. Person of Hillsboro ty’s tax obligation to the state for Beaverton; O. V. White, Mrs. Thelma Chnstine Robb and Carol Coulter. | nclal, ln Tuesday and of the capitol building and tlie state and the placing of authority for Tliat collections were somewhat 1934. Willard, Harvey F. Wilson, Mrs. Musical numbers were presented b y, Wednesday resulted ln the absence office building state officials and purchnsc ln the hands of the city easier, was the report of General Treasurer's office also issued an Elma Sutton, all of Forest Grove; the Hillti band. Helen Becker and oj sever(li officers from the court employes are ready for the com- j "Elry's Chateau," a new roadside engineer and street committee. Ap­ Manager Person. He believed this 1 house. Donald T. Templeton, coun­ Mrs. Jessie Flett, Metzger; Mrs. Elwood Coslett. ing of Christmas. ’Die custom of Inn on the highway east of HI1L- plication of John Gardner to con due partly to slightly better cm- j additional call for general fund and Beryl Olson, Sherwood; Mrs. M atil­ Betty Hobbs acted as business ty Judge, and Commissioners H. D boro, will be opened to the public road fund warrants this week. carol singing, Inaugurated by the struct a galvanized building within ployment conditions, but chiefly1 Washington county general fund da Whitford and Mrs. S. A. Becker, or f^ play " 5 ? , Kcrkman and James Lewis attended late Hal Boss, former secretary of tomorrow (Friday>. Tlie establish­ the city limits was turned down. clue to tlie urge for home owner­ warrants to January 1, 1934, and both of Orenco. sisted by Ruth Kraus. Violet W ick,yje judges’ and commls- state, will be repeated on the day ment ls operated by Mr. and Mrs ship, which has been stimulated was costume manager. Scenery used sioners, conference the first of the Elmer Varner and Mr. and Mrs. road fund warrants to July 1, 1931. before Christmas. I by the national housing administra­ were called. was constructed by members of the I week attending a state Larry Bennett. The emergency education program tion and the need of family security manual training department under highway commission meeting this Martin residence Just east of the in Oregon is now providing Jobs city limits has been remodeled dur­ the supervision rvlslon of Maurice Romig. morning. demonstrated by the depression. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wahnerj for 270 unemployed teachers, ac­ ing the post few weeks and the "About two years ago and inter­ moved Saturday to Tillamook, where1 Edward C. Luce, county clerk, cording to C. A. Howard, stute su ■ dance floor, tables, booths and re­ __ , . v. . 1 and Mrs. Maud W. Boscow, county Project for a research survey of mittently since tliat time, we p re-. he is opening a shoe repair shop, I i Washington county s share of the perlntendcnt of public instruction frigeration system Installed. Accom­ dieted a housing shortage w hicli1 ! treasurer, were unable to attend second half of motor vehicle 11- j Approximately 61)00 adults are at • modations have been provided for unemployment In Washington coun­ now has become a definite fact," H e re P n « S t t m n i’ d conventions for their groups. J. W. cense fees total »24,426. according tndlng the 374 educalonal classes 100 persojis. The proprietors plan to ty was approved Saturday by the Person stated. "It appears that a I 1 1 1 1 1 r tJS l JJOIlt-t.1 Barney h, attendance at the to word received here Monday. O f, now mbraecd ln Ills program. Wash­ serve beer, sandwiches nnd salads state emergency relief committee housing shortage of serious pro-1 Veteran of Foreign Wars’ smokers county engineers’ conference, while this amount, »5830.98 was retained ington county has 15 of these teach­ nnd to specialize ln dinners, lunch­ ln Portland. Tlie program calls for portions particularly in certain com­ by the state highway commission I will not begin until after the first J. W. Connell attended the sher­ ers with an adult enrollment of eons and bridge parties by appohit- seven workers who will gnther and munities. will occur within the next tabulate data for efficient and com­ for oiling of county roads last sum- of the year due to the holiday per- iffs’ convention last week. 233. Oregon Ls n receiving ju n is s v iv in g $15,000 » i .,,™ “ hi ‘ ¡m en t year or so." mer. leaving the amount to be iod, according to an announcement federal emergency relief f u n d s Vn; ncr wfts at one Ume mftnagPr plete unemployment flies for re­ He stated that this demand for Last minute Christmas shop­ lief purposes and the placing of credited to the county rood fund this week by Ray Dillon. After the monthly to finance tills program real estate engendered by housing pers will be given a "break" of the local Safeway store and was »18.595.02. A county court order first of the year a series of wrest­ Property owners are contributing until recently manager of the Hood unemployed ln private Industry. shortage will have a beneficial ef­ Saturday as local stores will l*roject ls expected to start about Monday authorized the assignment ling events are planned and the »8,500,000 less in taxes toward the River store, Mrs. Bennett (Alma the fect on the association and on busi­ remain open until 9 p. m. first of the year. of the »5830.98 item to the state local organization is working with support of government—state, coun­ Varner) Is a graduate of the Hills­ ness conditions In general, as It will and the postoffice will remain commission. Work an Lelsyvllle school and Herb Owen, Labor Temple promoter. Democratic central committeemen ty, city, school, etc. in Oregon this boro high school. Her husband was open during the afternoon. laurel qunrry projects Is expected start the production of so-called of Washington county held a "get- year tlian they did In 1931, accord­ formerly a druggist In Seattle. Mrs to begin Friday, according to W. J. durable goods which is the ultimate Every effort is being made to G r if f it h A ddresses together" dinner Saturday evening ing to the state tax commission. Varner was formerly Elsie Bendler Mills, county manager. An addenda hope of coming out of the depres­ T w o L o c a l Business provide for the convenience cf at ç the Forest v Orove chamber Property taxes liave decreased dur­ of this city. z^L. U _l ir u v e c i i a r n o r r of ui sion. shoppers, and merchants are M e e t o f W a lto n ia n s to the Beaverton school project was f i r m s C h a n g e H a n d s commerce. Approximately 55 com- ing the four-year period from »50,- anticipating one of the largest also received this week. Elk hunting situation, national Real estate deals ln Hillsboro mltteemen. their wives and friends 222.605 to »41,572,394. Personal prop­ Scales A c c re d ite d fo r Christmas sales ln years. C o u n ty A g e n ts A tte n d and forests and game conditions this week resulted ln the sale of attended the banquet. erty taxes show a slump of 42.79 Parcel post department of C o rv a llis C o n fe re n c e City Represented O b ta in in g o f Licenses were discussed here Monday eve­ the Pastime card room to I. H. Details of the federal housing p« r cent due largely to deplete I the postofftce will be open Mayor O. Phelps, Mayor-elect J. W. F. Cyrus and L. E. Francis. Accredited scales for weighing ln ! ning by George Griffith, head of Naught and Claude Cook and of program were discussed by Omar merchandise stocks, and the slump until 5 o’clock Saturday after­ H. Garrett, Councllmen-elect L. C. Washington county agent and as­ public relations for the forest serv­ Naught's confectionery o n Third Fendall of Forest Orove, while Sen­ ln values of manufacturing and of trucks for licenses have been' Kramlen and John Wlsmer, and noon, according to Fred Holz- sistant, respectively, are attending ice ln the Portland sector, during street to H. M. Cady. Clem Esling­ ator George Aitken and Representa­ logging machinery, farm I m p 1 e designated at the Imperial Feed Ac nagel, postmaster. The money George McGee, city manager, at­ the annual county agents' confer­ Grain company ln Hillsboro and a meeting of the Washington coun­ er. former owner of the Pastime, tive E. L. Ross outlined their pro­ ments and livestock due to the order window will close at 4 ty chapter of the Izaak Walton traded this property for the Naught posed legislative programs depression. Real estate taxes allow Burllngham Feed company at For­ tended the regional meeting of the ence at Corvallis this week. The o'clock. League of Oregon Cities Tuesday session opened Monday and will est Grove, according to Representa­ league. The meeting was held ln business and then sold the Naught Flske, county chairman, acted as a decrease of 15.32 per cent and at McMinnville. continue until Friday. tive E. L. Ross. the chamber of commerce rooms. I store to Cady. I toastmaster. (Contlnuwl on pa»« I. column I) S 1935 Levies Herd T ests at Chamber Many Herds Tested Co-operation Asked Council Passes Drainage Law Clubs Sponsor Hilhi Hoop Team Pair Receive Promise Carol Festival Showing Prison Terms for Good Season Walnut Code Rotary Topic Plans Cited Saving Group Sets Dividend Group Confers at Hilhi on Friday County Pays Tax to State County Officials Attend Meetings New Roadside Inn to Open on Friday Survey Proposed on Unemployment County Gets Share State Road Funds Wrestling Bouts Stores Open on Saturday Night County Democrats Hold Dinner Meet