THE Thursday, December 13, 1984 H IL L S B O R O A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Nine Christmas IflUòlb Mu sir Planned Coffee nlng Among tlxxd* attending from in > on i me moral ton of Rebekah a n ­ ,^ Do„ ? ? ur «-’hristma.s »hoppln« a t Hata cleaned and blocked »hoe» niversary. Plana were made for a Hillsboro were Misses Mary Yoder, d tm tiò t h e O l f t »tore, 1320 W ashington «hlned W O Siampolls. 1132 Main Chri .trnas party a t the meeting , Virginia Brogden, K ilty Caldwell, — — strict. - -- Street “*• 43-44 37U December 28 Member» of Lincoln I l*liix,. th mr- v ib u u u c t of Ol oom c o m - - , , p 'h a lt N o r th ’ P la n e d s L ln io t av ®ld tim e and E Olsen, Ernest Creckpauin. merce rooms by Mrs. V. O G ard- / L ’ ihji1 ! t 4 “^J8; 5?*/' ??oder7' Admission 19 cento and rank Hardesty and Rev R. L ner, chairm an of the music depart- ’* 5 r _J_5: Adml8Slon 25 cento. 25 cento._____ 43.4 utnarn. Rev. Claude Sabin of For- ment. est Grove was elected president of Robert Scearce will play several the organization for 1835. O ther violin selections, r companled by officer» are Lyman Warnock of Mr» Scearce on the piano. Miss eludes M rs Im vid Cameron. Mrs. T. j Oregon City, vice-president, and Minerva Fuller will sing Christm as purcnts and teueher» P Cramer. Mr» H u n k D. Barrett. Scott Brown of Portland xcretary- songs, accompanied by her suiter, aj Particularly lie mentioned pre­ Frank Duvls received prize« a ll Heliool Give» Program . . . ------- . . . Rev Sabln apofce on Miss Evangeline Fuller, on the ■ with Mrs.,11 K L m m otl and sh ad y Brook school will give a Mix« Hally Reamer, Mrs. Mary A ril-! treasurer ventive treatm ent for whooping bridge Mrs Betty Boles relieving lx-,em ber 21 at 8 o’ clock, old and Mrs. A H W elant 1 | "W hat I See In the spo H eart of piano. Dixie Lee MacDowell will cough, will, h cause» more deullu. at rummy. i e -r» . ----- play selections from Chopin. A .i,,.. M r. urau. A basket »oc lal will follow the pro-1 The program to be presented s 1 ' Christmas. among uilauto than any other dis­ Clue ' ' y .o i , as follow-. u _ _ ■>■ , w 1.1,1, j vocal trio, composed of Mrs. Ly- ease. illptlx-riu, small|Mix and ty ­ Punlnglon. Junior supreme repre giu,u Everyixie welcome. 1 ia> "1 Know a I/,vely O ar- nww « o a n ts E x h ib ite d — man Howe, Mrs Victor Bryant. phoid A new inixui« of preventing sentatlve, and Mrs. Betty BoleaJ THIS !d e n ;’’ also Just been per- ,I1(lnt eX(<,jp.h l , hu.f of Ivuiu-lU" r « • » . W EEK ’ tet, 2 Piano solo, G ertrude latch- the last of the week some Wood- Members are requested rx> bring hu-tixl. iu « (»rdhiK to new» dbpttUn* l v|llpj(. oj iHirUmul. Mi . H« »•»!' v J l x d l i l Z C 1V 1C11S ner Havnuer. 3 Solo. Mr». Cram er *ardla ferns, gathered In the snow ; contributions for the Christmas he rem arked „ iiekuid and Mr» buttle Gifford ul \ | f J ¡ 4 z «1..1 1 (a) Wee Fiddle Moon;" i i u * particularly u u r tlc u la r ly h iw iK«mi and « m iu Forest »w.««*, Grove, extend«! , Avxiao»i | ! v C iir i» v m n w uncu w u i u**gui u- sboro Rebekahs enjoyed a wm served a t noon. The pro- Northwest where iiumy days arc Hillsboro was the only school till Maurice IX-un will sing a t th e urday afternoon, when the Junior Cliristina.s xite r «he m eet- gram in the afternoon will Include | y 1 Jr I to h lj iWl •!»** l im il l s * Is» uki* t p U art ir f ... 1 I n l n i /^Hs>isr* the /VMItAtV county l unable to L take ;*.rV|Ce sL.ia* llus coining Bunday evenuig nsen IM-tland. £***"? unusual C hristinas program will be d a Sturm . Carolyn Kolkwarf. Dolores M m Reynolds Hostess— ! son’s, Stacey Ave., Aloha. 43 uddrd Tlie treatm ents will be given j ming; Shirley Roberts, Forest presented at the Methodist church, cad y and Agnes Patterson, service Breakfast club m et Monday morn- corner of W ashington and Third, committees: A nita May Mor- lng with Mrs Florence Reynolds. Notice lor tile coat of tile medicines Grove, publicity. _______ ?H"day D«*nX*T 23, a t gan Jean Pttslcy and Evelyn The next meeting will be held Wed- The play "No Men Admitted" will « rill mi Velma BenefW^ one ..1 t h e --------------- 7 30 o clock. I*atten, refreshm ents; Bernice Col- nesday_ morning a t the home of be presented a t K. of P. hall North teachers In < liurgr of the HERA / ’L .. Thls program has many unique fer and Patty Bowlby, service. There Mrs. H. H. Stannard. Mrs. Robert Plains. nursery In the David HUI school, V I k t p i v l l l a i m Plaini Friday. December 14. by features. Including the presentation will be no meetings of eith er of Burlingame and Mrs. Donald Me­ local P T. A Admission 10 and explained tlu- work of th a t project. R i i 't h< I-l V I t i n i l P I * bv music and pantom im e of several the three organizations during the gargel will have charge of the pro­ 15 cents. After the pnigram, the members I» H U l l l c l J I 43 gram. A Christm as box will be pack­ adjourned to the nursery where re- Plans for the aiuiual birthday Incidents deplctUig C lirlstm as glv- lost two weeks of the year Wolf Cub Pack of the Holy Child ed for a needy family. Irrslunrnb, were served by Utile dinner u t C-HI cliapter ol Hillsboro lng In both olden and m odern girls (Inrvasl as nurs«. Ctirisllun Council were made Tues- times. But most unusual of all, the wlU hold Its C hristm as Tree party In Veterans’ Hospital— Ardls Ellingson uiul Velma Abcn-1 day. Wayne Rood. Robert Btew- audience will take p art In the pro- during the week between Christm as Hugh Farnham , who was taken drolli gave read lugs while Doris art and Alex Morley are to arrange gram, participating In the conclud- and New Year M onarch chapter of WcbtxT and Virginia Perkins furn- far It. C hester Morris was named mg scene of tlie service a scene the Council will also have its party suddenly very 111 last week, was taken to the Veterans' hospital S a t­ th a t la declared to be Impressive I during th e holiday week, Plied mualral number». 1 pin committee chairm an Initiation urday, and is reported slightly im ­ ------------------------- I committee consisted of Alvin Mohr, indeed in Its genuine beauty and and FREE lunch proved. Levi White, formerly of Wayne Rood. Lloyd Selfridge. Am- Manning, brother of Mrs. George Plans are going forward In pre- V J r tU lV I C V l brosc Chlottl an d J Robert P atlcr- EVERY Selfridge of this city. Is also In the ' soil New members are Robert Mc- para lion for this service In whl neh Veterans' hospital, where he under­ FR ID A Y N IG H T I Culloch. K enneth Woodward. Fred a great num ber will take part. About 300 toys and games were went a m ajor operation. | G rant, Robert G rant. LrKoy Jack. Given by Hillsboro Moose Lodge gathered last Thursday afternoon Club Elects Officers— , e r< 1 Artliur Mohr. Donald Cawrse, IXm- » . V. V. PLAN'S j and evening a t Pilgrim House under »w JurgmM-n. l.ylc Ellingson. M el­ CHRISTMAS PARTY 10c and 25c Mrs. R. H McAninch w-as i n - , the auspices of the clubs of Hills- vin M ariner. Robert Stew art. Alex of the » . O range Alma B ennett Olden tent. D. U boro C hristian Council, ln a cele stalled as president »i..a »x«« Morley. Stanley Kreltz and C hester OLD G R A N G E HALL V„ will have a family C hristm as brat ton of 8 t Nicholas’ Day, which Economics club a t their 1 7 m - srliool in district 31. of which Morris M i. w . t in • t.niiM- is teeclwr. and liarty a t their meeting Monday have been turned over to the ladies REVELERS ORCHESTRA evening Each person Is requested of th e Coffee Club for distribution , tlie one In district IB. wltli Clara • Formerly GreenawaJdsi to bring a small gift, also canned a t th eir C hristm as party, Dccem- J. R. Forsyuie. secre- S trrum as tFuctter, are reported as fru lt or some oth er contribution to ber 22 J Robert Patterson, coun-1 a Mri> 1,411 Huricnaiier, ■in k u w tlie first six scliools Ui a box for tlie poor. Members and ell’s president, received the gifts treasurer WoslungUai county to dispose of their cnU rr quota of CTirlstmas Miss Evelyn (K »selt of Hillsboro thetr families are Invited to at- and placed them under the C hrist- Entertain at Dinner mas tree. A Coffee club committee seals, unvxxluig to word received and H arry M ackradt of 8Uverton tend m Dr. and m Mrs. R alph Dresser en from Mrs George Bauman, count) were m arried In Vancouver, Wasli . ------------------------- ' consisting of Mesdames F. J. Sewell. :PTtalned wiUl a dm,ier Sunday seal sale chairm an Monday Ml»» M artha Morley, sis- l^trgr Potatoes Exhibited— S?rs' L- MUllman. Mrs. H H nlght, guests being Dr. and Mrs Tlx- n » L lier school. Distr cl jer of Hie bridegroom was brides- .8 „ of M<)linLauidalr S tan n ard and Mrs. F Abendroth j B Dinsmore. Mr. and Mrs. ” ^ ^ ^ t T r ^ - M l i ; ¡ - d nlar VlW! — - » U t o thU office M o n d a y ^ m e - ^ « e n t m serve light refresh- Jo^n G ardner, aixl Mr. and Mrs er. was the first to report Mt: ra t to 1 B atem in'» ans school was tn the a » first f h e ' bride la well known here ATy Council desires to express its ap- nrwlattnrv to fr» Superintendent RiirM»rlni^nrt*nf C- Q. H. H I ythian Slaters to Licet— report lust year Tlie otliei three R|,r attended high school>1 A ll. lUUl 1» • - U1C lsBU* K om 4 . V&TletlCo VT Y.- . preclatlon h lr r of Mr “ r L J ,“8 1 ,, Nosier for the support of the Hllls- sciaxils wlilch have reached their ls tj,e granddaugh selioul Phoenicia Temple. P ythian S is­ ig ^tnt" boro grade schools ln the toy gath- ters. will elect oflicers a t the m eet­ selling goal an- Buxton. DLstrlct ¡„„j Mr% C harles Sewell 72, Gladys Overton, Cornelius, Dis- p,w |,. » m ,IU4ke th eir hoi night. A poi-iuca pot-luck dinner wi-IslMd 2** Dounds ajid^'7 ounces Prlnk effort, and to Bristol’s H ard -, ing u lg Friday m oay m g n i. a Dinner 2 Pounds and 7 ounces »-are Store for the generous con- will be served at 6:30 for the mem- trlct 68 Mary E Carson, and Bear- Rilverton each. erton. Dlstrx-t 84. Wilbur E Crock- ________________ _ trtbutlon of toys. | bers and families and a social tim e W riters’ leag u e Meets— will follow the meeting. Tlie soul sale lx live only metliod A l t l S O n i C C It I 1CCIS T ualatin Valley cliapter of League Comedy Well A ttended— Christm as Play Wednesday— employed by the Tuberculosis as- — . 1 rv * J . . 1 of W estern W riters will be en ter-l The comedy ’The A ffair of Four Mx-laitlon to rats«1 Uie neceasar) h a l C C t O i l r l’K l a y 'tallied next Tuesday evening a t t h e ' presented by the F L. club T hurs- Special C hristm as play will be money for the fight against this Iiome of Mrs c . J. C rittenden i n : day evening a t the I. O. O F. hall Presented at. the C hristian church plague and lor tlielr constructive *1« plci. ? d "J3 '- Southwest Hillsboro Each member was very well enacted and much auditorium Wednesday afternoon at l « 3 u i work N.nty-flve per cent I U r of Tuallty Aavh a « d; A Is requested to bring an original enjoyed by t h o ^ p ro s e " K * 3 0 o’clock, followed by a tea in of the money resulting from t h e , M a t th e nhwt . le tte r fm n i hi> anti Arnie Dlckawxi was elected vice- tertalned Tuesday night with a morning a t Jones hospital. Drs. J. (V u e w < x x » u n rth wtw. 1» w ith the president and Mrs L. Shaltuck. dinner party in celebration of their O Robb and A O. Pitm an per- LEARN’ TO PLAY JAZZ irmv signal cori» In the Philippines «wretory-treMUror. Mrs. Peterson seventh wedding anniversary. Guests formed tlie operation. Mr and Mrs Paul _ , ,, Zñd» a . T ^ ( » ^ i r . B i . u . i . assisted Mrs. Nlcodemus wltn the present were Mr. , . . . . . Beginners or students with a fair ilaV ii r l i ’ llu g h i^ 1 He gave .¿'very entertaining which term inated li Baldwin. Mr and Mrs Joe Saunders 1 « hi‘P,ear Tuesday evening a t the states th a t tiie food Is excellent, ,M‘r 1,onip IVAN KOEBER ■ .eaves for < alirornia— Masonic hall. All members a r e Phone 2943 Hillsboro and liuti the housework, laundry. Goes to Veteran»' llo»|>ltal Mrs. Florence Reynolds will leave urged to be present. etc.. Is done by Filipinos. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Edson arrived Saturday for Long Beach. Cal., to „ A graduate student of Ronald Buck s hero Thursday from Prineville for visit her fath er and other relatives. ,,<,n<>rr*t <” > Btrtniiays Sim plified S tandard Course of Jazz a visit with her brother. A rtliur She expects to be gone for about Mrs. Earl Donelson and Mrs Tupper. and family and other rela- four m onths and lias leased h er Jo h n W. K anina Jr. entertained tlves. Mr Edson. who Is a veteran home here to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Saturday evening w ith a dinner of the World war. was taken Into, ward Kortzi-lxirn of Billings, Mont l» rty for their husbands, ln honor New officers lor the Past Chiefs' t j„. Veterans' hospital Friday f o r , „ . „ u l,f th eir birthdays, Loyal Order of Moose club of Phoenicia Temple were ,in appendicitis operation. They Kl^ Raspberries Here— O rttn, , g m „.s«»r» Ito c a a r — named ut tlu- meeting M onday1 p |an p, return to Prineville after George T M cG rath reports th a t ’ ■r-'nKp • ponsor» nazaar night at tlie home of Mrs. Dora t |u, holidays. red raspberries were tlie dessert Hillsboro G range will sponsor a Nelson and Mrs H rnrv Johnson In on his Sunday d inner table and free entertainm ent and Christmas Portland. Officers ore Mrs H R E ntertain W ith Banquet— lliat j,e has a num ber of bushes gift B azaar Monday evening at Card Party Chanller. president; Mrs. H enriette American Stove company enter-1 In bloom. The berries a n the Lloyd eight o'clock a t tlie G range hall. M organ vice-president, and Mrs. tallied dealers anil employes of th e Oeorge variety and liave been The public Is Invited. P ortland G as company of W ashing- ! bearing for several weeks. Speak» on Communism— ion county at a dinner and demon-1 David Hill chapter. D. A. R . met I 8 p. m. __ stratu ________ Tlday night a t the "W hy- « '»»’erton Alumni M e e t- ..................... ... .............. m Fri at ___ tlu* home of Mrs. R. H. Kelly 1 Not,” a new place Just being open- Beaverton high school alum ni as- Monday evening. R F rank Peters, T u esd ay, D ecem b er 18th ed on the highway east of town by «ociation wnl hold its annual f®- spoke to tlie members on "Com- 1 Klnvr Vainer and Larry B ennett| union _and jla n c e nt the school; munism.” OLD GRANGE HALL gymnaslmn Thursday evening. De-1 seholls Lodges Celebrate— Twenty-six were present at tlie “ ¡eem ber 27. All alum ni and form er srh o lls I O O. F. lodges held a l . dinner. | students are cordially invited. j pot luck dinner Wednesday evening ! I Leave on Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. G ordon Snlmow Rrd < rosa C hapter Meets left Sunday tor a few weeks’ vn- Regular m onthly meeting of the I cation which will Include a visit I W ashington County C hapter. Amer-j A W O M A N ’S SH O P for a W O M A N ’S GIFT with Mrs Sahntiw’s cousin, W alter ¡learn Red Cross, will lx- held in the Zetzman, and family a t K lam ath cham ber of commerce rooms to- Falls. and other Southern Oregon I night, Thursdny. nt 7:30. Roll call points of Interest. They expect to I reports will be given. Although It need not lx- expensive I KJ> >•’'« y “ htohway “ n<' Ann,TTn" ’T— as our stix-k of popular priced G ifts j ] Mr. and Mrs. W. F. H nrtram pf Starts F rid a y Is iHi-ger th a n ever before a n d ' Moose Sponsor Party— I of Forest Grove were guests Mon- Colorful SILK DANCE SETS Loyal O rder of Moose is giving 11 dav a t th e F. B H nrtram pf home vuhics are much greater. HOUSE DRESSES and Teddies pie social, card party and free The occasion was Mr. and Mrs. F. Fresh, crisp and new. dance a t tlie old grange hall Tues-1 E. H artrnm pf's 21st wedding nn- A N D E R SO N Lace trim med and tailored I day night. niversary. S-f .95 ta .9 5 .00 s-f .93 JEWELER and Attend Formal Dance— j Attend Council Luncheon— and "Let Andy Fix Your W atch’’ Tin to Nil sorority of Pacific uni- I Mrs. W. F. Cyrus and Mrs. Oeorge SKIRTS . __ . __. . . . . . __ . __ _____ I yprsltv held Ito winter formal nt T. M cG rath represented th e G arden RAYON UNDIES AU wool J K - j ZifM ¿Z '-J J r e i Oswego Country club Saturday eve- club Wednesday of last week at Bloomers, Shorts, Vests Flannels or tweeds --------- ---------------------------------- - th e Oregon Highwnv Connell liim li- 1.79 j eon nt the Benson hotel in P ort- I land. Home From Hospital— LOUNGING PAJAMAS GOLD STRIPE HOSE Frank Connell of n ear Hillsboro D on’t tax your brain B e a u tifu l co lo rs and style« Sheer, ringles» chiffons was brought home Wednesday from * 1.95 — w hen you can fin d 1.15 Ihe Coffey hospital ln Portland, th a t U sed Car to give where he underw ent a n operation th e w ife as a C hrist­ SLIPS GOWNS Pure silk crepe or satin m as G ift in our C lass- Lace trim m ed Lace trimmed, pure silk crepe ified Colum ns. Y ou ’ll S4-95 S O .95 1.95 fin d our ad vertisers (Incorporated) and Collections — C redit Reports d ep en d a b le to d eal ln HANDKERCHIEFS w ith, to o ! W h eth er A dainty Gift, hand-m ade of pure linen its a Ford or a R olls- W ashington. Tillamook, Polk and 35c, 50r and 65c Yamhill Counties R oyce, y o u ’ll g e t it Each In a G ift folder. th rou gh our C olum ns. Personal C ontact on Collections W ashington County Offlre GOAR’S They were out to kill the ta k e "colonels" from Up Nawth who done wrong by their Neill ' ified Gifts” Presented Dec. 23 | 8 M„ - BFRT I KENTUCKY KERNELS ■!?•>. „ _ i | inspiration. Was ** • r y C ■ r 11 • I « "Spanky" McFarland N a a b B a a ry I I I ■ _ DANCES Nearby Schools Rate High with _ W M EElEfe ■OBT. K’ C @ in l$E Y ■ »XO RADIO FIC7URE IOC and PLUS—Mickey Mouse in "Krazy Kat” - Comedy - News PR EV IEW Tovs Gathered hy Council 25C Dirtcttd by Ceorgt Stevens, ilory, jeteen play, munc and lyricr by Bait Kalmar and Harry Ruby SA T U R D A Y N IG H T 1 1 :1 5 “ CRIME W IT H O U T P A SSIO N ” I I I I I I SiJlCS ot Cieals Miss Gossett Bride of Harry Machradt Bose Woodworth at Fort Hughes Bast Chiefs’ Club Names Officers PIE SOCIAL Free Dance JIUIIIRV Christmas Sale X GO Credit Bureaus Carnation Wheat oí Vitalizing Cereal C om m ercial B uilding Second and Main Streets Phone 3071 Hillsboro, Oregon T 2 69c 1 1 X *2 W O M A N ’S S H O P E. M. BARNES, Prop. ■ Hillsboro Argus I W ed. O nly, Dec. 19 I i I I "Richest Girl in the World” I I eddie M c Q uillan I "The Gridiron Flash” I selected short subjects I I 10c ..<< 25c DOUBLE FEATURE BILL . M IRIAM H O PK IN S and JOEL M cCREA in ] _ | — PLU S — in PLUS