THE P age Eight Q u il t i n g B e e H e ld at B an k s H ealth C lin ic Planned fo r G rade School C hildren (B y M r». F n s l W olford» BANKS—A quilting bee was held In th e vacant house belonging to Clell O arstens all day Thursday Two quilts were tied out and two were quilted. A pot luck dinner wits served a t noon. Those present were Mvwdsu-.ies J. J. Hutchens, William L. Moore, S. C. lnkley, David Ed­ wards, Ell Grindle. R. W Banks, Mary Watson. R. J. Kelly. George Wilcox, C. lnkley. Frank Ruick. Jam es Turner. F. Wolford. George Oatfield. Ray Parmley, Earl Wilson. i l Frierson. Edna Davis. Pearl Watson, H. Peterson. B. W Armen- trout. George McFarlane. C. Ship- lev, C Rieben. Etliel Meyers C K Goodrich Chris Tolkc, C. B C ar­ stens. G. W. McGraw and Anna Schneider H IL L S B O R O ARG US, Ixxvgue was well attended. Approxi- 1 inately 75 people sat down to the bountiful pot-luck dinner served at 6 30 A community sing led by Kev. E Tilton followed the dinner Tlus was followed by a program ot read­ ings. music and a play "Billy's Coming " The cast of t he play » as Marie Rieben. Rev. E Tilton. T h er­ esa Paet.sch. Hasel Belief lei. Joyce Tresham. David Rosencrons and ! George Finck. Mrs E E Nlckerswn returned lutine Friday alter a w eeks visit with relatives in Hartland. C a r d P a rty F r id a y ... ..........._ ____ R N. ~ A women are sponsoring a ea|M p,irty Friday evening Free huu-h Wln p,, served, yjalph Moss spent the week-end lus 0 ^.1 ^,. Glen Moss, at Plan Program Tlie grade school is preparing a program to be given 1>txvmber 2i Mr and Mrs Verle Prickett and lltllp o! Neah Bay Wash . a r ­ riVt,d U1 Banks December 4 lor a nloath-s visit with friends and rei- attves Mrs. Gibson Honored Sunday d in n er guests of Mr. mid Mrs A C. W ahl and sons were Mrs S Gibson. Mr and M ia G. i R e p o rts M a d e G Gibson and Mary Evelyn Gib- Mothers club met Friday after- son of Forest Grove. The occasion noon with Mrs. Earl Wilson The t ¡le birthday araiiversarv of committee for the Red Cross roll Mrs s Gibson. call reports $4 collection Mrs W ahl Mrs c ia ud Huteliens and sons reported th a t $11 had been taken in Bj-Vce ,uld John of T aft and Wavnc in the tuberculosis Christm as seal ,uld Mlidred H utchens of Forest sale with more money expected Orove visited Saturday with Mr. T his sale was carried on by the Mrs. j j Hutchens. grade school children Maxine Hartwick of Forest Grove- Health Clinic Planned spent several days last week and Plans are being made to hold a this )ler grandparents. Mr. and health clinic for tile grade school w o w alker children in the near future. To the Senator-elect George M. Aitken children, whose parents consent, a of G arden Home was a Banks visit - tuberculosis test will be made, and Or Saturday. vaccination for small pox and tox­ Henrv Atlee was a business visit - oid for diptheria will be given. of in Sherwood and Newberg Wed- George Oatfield mid family have nesdav moved from th e Mrs Ella Turner jjy an d Mrs. John Hartwick and house to the Carrions house, vacat- pttie daughter Joyce visited rela- ed this fall by the Strandburg tives in Portland Thursday. 6A—Akira Tsugawa. president; Alice family. M rs W. P. P iatt and Mrs. Ptrie, vice-president ; Billy Cyrus, Fir Grove Sewing club met De- Johnston of Forest Grove visited secretary; Stew art Holtz, Jack Es- oember 5 a t the home of Mrs Mrs. H L. Jensen Monday after- tepp, Elise M artin. P atty Bowlby. George Wilcox. A bountiful dinner lxXm hospitality committee. 7A— Raymond was served at noon by the hostesses. Birthday Observed Eslinger. president: Lucille Walters, Mrs Wilcox and Mrs. Bernard Mrs C. W. ’ Moore entertained ~ Vi vice-president; Jacqueline W alters Sellers, to the twenty-one present with a dinner party Friday eve- ____ _ ____ _ secretary. 8A2—Francis Brown, pres- Those from ____________ Banks, who _________ attended, mug. celebrating Billy Moore's were Mr. and Mrs. W T. Seilers, birtiiday anniversary. Those pres- D avid H ill W ednesday Eve, idem ; Norina Hammer, vice-presi- Mesdamcs Ray Parmley. Eli Grindle. cut were Rov Moss. Booby Stabler. d™ ': Charles Shipley and G W. McGraw Frank Wahl. Vernon Wolford, Earl J u n i o r H i g h Tuesday Albert _ Glllettó?. Jo h n Christenson, Sunday dinner party guests of McPeak. Norman Lein. Billy Kess- _____ /h n p Gifford Ann* Leidtr. nospi- Mr and Mrs. Fred Wolford were ;er Mrs. Moore and sons. Don. Billy „ ,, . . ... Ir ta h tj commit tóe.< A. Mary W>ut. Mr and Mrs Earl Genzer Mrs «pd Rodney David Hill school will present Its president: Jane Duxbury, vice-pres- Frank Genzer and son Everett of * Miss Gladys Greenlee of Verboort C hristm as program in th e school (dent: Billy Leider. secretary and G reen Mountain. Mr. and Mrs Eh spent th e week-end with Evelyn auditorium Wednesday evening a : treasurer; M arjorie Sigler, sergeant 8 o'clock. Grindle and A. H. Wolford of Jackson « -t~ .ir All n i parents .« re n ts and friends fn ra d si at-arm s are cordially Invited to attend Banks. ------------------------- «iii i»«c h n . Ntf»' oificers a t Hie Peter Boscow W. T. Sellers Honored l l . • J T r- f scho° l 5A k J 'e Shaw, prest-, W. T Sellers was given a surprise IV O l i l i t i l ITI r r O l l l C L ^ .L . m as program Vernon Galaway. Galàway. vlce-presl- vlce-presl- n t on ruesaay evening d e n t- Vernon birthday dinner Sunday In honor ’h auditorium ..... a t d,,n l; — Henry Hunt, . . . ----- Alvui ----- ip l. ,J un2?r hi< h lih secretary; of his seventieth birthday am uver- F r id ilV N IO I 'l l 8„ ° CI°Cn uiviu'd Krau-. treasurer. Lorna McLeod sarv. I t was aso the seventh birth- *■ Avt IS r lT O a y l x l g H l attend. Both of these progiam s are -¿ is. Earl Pearson, day anniversary of his granddaugh- (B>. MBb<1 B A i i i » n ) n, Ju!',‘ Irelnnd. moniiors 3A— G rac. ter. Jan et Sellers Those present MOUNTAIN HOME— Mountain „ 7 , ’ " L M i U i n i a n . president; Nancy Aileen were Mr and Mrs. Dwight Sellers Home C hristian endeavor mein- 7 ’? i‘gof„ Raster, secretarv. Delmar \ ogl of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Cl varies bers will hold a meeting at the ;?.r 1 decoration to illustrate olaon. liealth officer 2A Mar- Sellers and daughter Jane of Iowa liome of Mr. and Mrs. George Al- C hristm as songs This class is also v:n , president; Frankie Me C Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sellers iison Friday evening. December 14. h a'ih g a clean liness campaign in Gt-e vtce-presidem; ■ " atherine E n- and daughter Janet. Amos Sellers at. is m the e regular connection with h eath study. « . eight I»«,,» o'clock. uviuv». T his ,» m There schede secretary, Dorothy Andre and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sellers of nmntlily meeting which was post- "iT two new pictures ui this roon. treasurer, Wesley Soward. Lowell paned one week because of con- ,ht«d H uenergardt. Evelyn Glesuer.-x Hi I Mrs. Frank Genzer of Green flicting date with other community G race MUliman of the third en Andre, monitors. Vugu ia Crui Mountain visited from Friday until activities. Miss Helen Schmeltze’r s r a ;e ,r|c Peter Boscow .-cnool leader, Hoilic Scott, hcalti Sunday with h er father. A. H. Wol- is president of the organization. brought a n otange meaaunng ten m .pector 1A -Richard Ringle. pies ford, and other relatives. a large group of near neighbors LP0™'5 a rPPhd th a t was grown neat ld en t- ¡»atty Cyrus, vice-president g ...................... — Mrs 5. Cliff Sandy of Vernonia gathered at tlie country heme of rx»vt»w, th ih e », tree w»» was »ho„r about si« six j - oan Christensen, .ecretary; Mai ent Friday w ith Mrs. J. J. H utch- o r. and Mrs. F. E. Ferrill on the Ieet high and had over seventy-live Mann, health officer. spent ens a is and attended tn e M others’club evening of December 4 for a 'get oran^es *'ear -------- -------- -- - - meeting the nftPRumn afternoon (tatmo in thw» acquainted" reception, takir..; re- o . ; . • u r l Peril Pulliam Is III with pleu­ Bloniai It HiifTi-rlng Year a ago (hie »!••« I»« ris y . Mrs Ed Huge and soil Cecil were In Portland Saturday and while I here called on Mrx. Huge » sister. Mis Charles Coffee Harry Dolby of Portland sis-nt Sunday wllh Ids parents, Mr mid Mrs S H Dalby i I I I" III C re d it Bureaus Open an O ffice at DaBas Credit Bureaus, l n e . now have an office a t Dallas mid have added l-olk county Io the cinintlc« now being serviced. O J. Layton, who was here for a lew weeks, is the m anager of Ihe Dallas office. l l l i l g . Hl l* n iil M I i i i i T h e a e im .la v I ok . r I '.la a T a h lr la la g o ld W B fe l • » PAY AFTER X’MAS » «•» »a« icenunW You'll want your Itadlu work- in Just rigid over the holidays. Why nut use o u r guaranteed service NOW? TI'HES TKHTKB FREE W e Cover Surfaces Douglass R adio Service Hillsboro Decorating Company Sr If ridge Ilro«. B. R. NICKESON. Prop - Suggestion Mr. and Mrs. A. B McFarlane Dr. T. E. Ferrill of Portland put c ' i m i hav S h ep ard ’'M r-F Ben Haynez Twyi- were Sunday guests of Mr. and out 600 filbert trees last week on oi tile t i?s8 Moefuike «.nd Mrs w illiam Moelin Mrs. Jam es M cFarlane at Manning his farm here. bT n building new furniture for M o e lu ^ e a n d M ra William Moehn- Mrs H I- Jerwen returned home Sehn’L « R em - Grower« held • th eir room. The class colors are R hytnm V Burlesque play Mrs o> Mrs. M. u. j « » e n returnea norne Berry Growers held a rrlnlson on.« 6B „ r.. Mrs A Raymond anderzandrn. Sunday from th e Emanuel hospital meeting Monday evening to h ear a , . 7 ' , A,« „i„ „ ri„\ Perrv Sl-.-arer Mrs J P V ander- in Portland. She Is reported to be proposition from the Springbrook ^?O6e th e ior the cUss Il0A’ ^ S n M% C h i t e r Davis Mr,. recovering nicely from h ...................K er recent a S m^ S r a e X o f ^ h e s £ r i ^ - G rade School Principals' aaaocia- William Shepard Mrs Guy Kahler major operation. b £ S k £££ciath£F ralkeri to the t » « oi Washington county is to and Mrs L B rad h an r A Bla. k Practice for Pageant K i s s e r s N o ^ e fm ite action meet in the Junior high school Face SkU. given by Wilbur and Epworth League is practicing on w S ^ U k S ^ n b X r dertdfd auditorium next Thursday. Tlie Mrs- Mae Shearer; "An Invention.” | a Christm as pageant. T h e Holy- g j a A f f M f f l y g a » c w u p^ “ « “ “ ™ G rail.'’ which will be presented in the church December 23 in place ! " Ä U “A W Ä is t M „ on1 “ » ~ were ; well - ¡ « . repre IS : -“ r Ä ’B * '1'he ä teachers of the regular preaching service. day in January. ' sented a t the meeting of the Par Hold Town Party OÄ PÄ e t Clä t ' ä Ä ^ h i i Ä y . e t e r L ^ t h e „ ^ . W ? J J n Hillsboro J o r All-community gathering Decem­ h e i Ä eM ber 8, sponsored by th e Epworth m e nome oi m e leader jo n n B®?3 and E^-ls, who have re- appendicitis operation Monday. She leader, J John ¿ th h e m home e l ^ r i of T i d th a ^ e eyiSSig ^ cei'e d th eir high school certificates ts recovering nicely. e . Allison acied as m aster J f cere- a d?ys S SSSbSx>U KPe" dlnB B r i n g s yO U m o r e f o r e ig n monies and Miss Helen Schm elt- £ . R oinr^ LaVon Bereren Lor- Moehnke B rothers have been zer gave th e address of welcome E t e r ItoUm», LaVon ^ ? r e n Ixir donkey the past few dav. ^ ? ! ts. . ? clude,d G a X r i^ e l^ H a ^ rth Am. ThoSe. w h o 'a t t e n d the tea 1 FOR ~ »T C1UD memD* rs an a l . r . Erancis, Forest Grove given by the Falrview coiult> ' a«e n t- were After com- the num ¿ and n d ^ Eve - e l v yn n m ^rk H teacher Mis» M Elsie were E j O banquet and speeches Ciark Mr> MerrUJ ar.Pn MacLeod, M r. w illiam pleted th e potatoes, grown by club Several pupils of the Junior high , Iophnke Mrs w illiam Shenard Do you get Jittery? Fretful when I members, on exhibition were Judged -^hool have been absent for mo. e M” h n k7. working? Restless when you should as follows George Allison J r 1st; a ’ e^*t du^ f t? h l ’ s T ’ .u in re Honor roll at the Fairview school be relaxing? Drink milk And if Gmra Ai..v>n 2nd H e^n SGi.nelt- are Jea Buct.s of th e bA Jim nn for m e past six week, included difficulty in sleeping 3 rd :P rI^ y2 'o‘i d H<£Lert2 ? A o ia ^ a n c ' e ^ & m t b ^ t S H a y C rn l Vanderzanden A lv in you have -lass 2 ’" i\,n B a ir n e r o ^ . h e 6 B s h ?a r r - t>avhs- .Evelyn__Bhep- nights a glass of warm milk at 4Ah ' “n d - , ! ^ ? " d z a ? a i Str“ 2 „ ? h . 'T? Larki" 8Aâ “ n d à ^ " 2 2 " ? % ^ ard. Lois Shearer. Caiherule KrigeV bedtime is a mighty soothing seda- company contributed one of M rs- M argarette Simon's step- i ^ ^ t ^ a n d '1''veret't iK \ta y live th a t will quickly usher you in- tlie pri2ei> and John Schmeltzer father. Ed Allen, of Forest Grove h*. 5 ^ . uavls and ver Ua May to slumberland. im u s n e d the other p rta » . consist- h as been seriously UI with pneu- charleg M(X>hnkt ing mainly of knives. mom a at the Emanuel hospital soo-dinv a few davs In Port- Mr. an a Mrs. H I. Lekas and *n Portland, but he is gradually ?5!d spOra‘ng a IeW days *" HOrt children of Portland and Muriel improving. Miss Ber.efiel, teacher ____________________________ Q U A R T 10c Thurston of S eattle were d in n e r,in the nursery school, has been 111 guests of Mrs. H arry Saunders on for several days. Daily Trips to Portland December 2. Miss Thurston, who is w hile Playing football Wednesday H ills b o ro A u to F re ig h t a poet a n d short story writer, was noon. Elmer Rollins o t the 8A class Bonded and Insured Carrier a house guest of Mrs. Saindon sev- sustained an injured rib. Friday noon Billy Cox of the 7B class Serving Beaverton. Aloha, Reed- eral days last week. Little Helen Hamilton, daughter a piece of steel in his hand vlllr, Hillsboro, Cornelius and of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hamilton, New Pupils of th e David Hill Forest Grove who has been suffering from a school are Dale and Ray R aster Pickup and Delivery Service at ruptured lung, is much improved from South Dakota; Buddy Brace Package Kates Mrs. Alex Bruce is again able to f™m L''le., w “ h „ fj?iiir,s i!ird ^ a n ! be home after having been in a from„ Porf-fand- Keith Caldwell of Hillsboro Phone 542 Newberg hospital on account of a i:!1*' 6A c^as?., r^cent-fy moved to - East Side Term inal Portland head hemorrhage. Vancouver. Wash. Phone EAst 9131 M ountain Home school children , Many classes have elected officers are busy selling Christm as seals and ^innu,lli slx ne* ' competing one with another for the on-'s a t t' v‘ Junior htgh school a r e : honor of first place. M argaret C ald­ SK IX C T SMALL ( .R A I’S well has sold the most to date. W e o ffe r you com plete and frie n d ly service fo r y o u r car. It pnys to deal w here the little thinjys are done w ith o u t y o u r having to n-k fo r serv­ ice ! Remember Now; Your Beloved Dead N ow at T h a n k x g iv in ir and t'liii.s tin n s tim e when y o u r fa m ily in gather»'«! to g e th e r i.-t the linn- to consider this qu»- « tion. MATTISON »• t»ur complete stock mid expert a d ­ vice regarding memorial at y o u r ■cTVtce. O KEC O N M O N U M E N T W O R KS H ills b o ro , Ore. H. H. S tannard, M gr Give Your Farms a Xmas Present D rain the lnnd p ro p e rly th is w in te r and y o u r cost w ill be repaid yo,i sooner than you realize in decreased c u ltiv a tio n costs a u d im proved crops. W e w o n 't rem ind you th a t d ra in e d land is w o rth a h u ll lot more than the same land un- I ' I I 1 I ¿4,-n , » Tr d ra in e d . Hillsboro Concrete Brick 3C Tile Co. ArriMUi W a»hlnctoa S trrrl from ( Annrry on P. H. A N. Hallway Off lee Plione 1341 Art K roefer 2546 —Home Phones— Henry KroeW I.YA<;EI>IN T IIE WOOD CHEE^” W h a te v e r the occasion Let the advertisem ents help you . . w henever the gather­ in g . . . be sure you are I make your »hopping plans. prepared . B uy H ills b o ro qu a lity m ade wines at Oregon’s o n ly bonded w inery. C halleng e W ine $4 G allon ..................... 4» 75 S p a r k lin g Sauterne, B urgundy and M oselle Q uart Pint *1” 75c Tualatin Valley Winery Phone 2203 We Deliver W anted« A ll kinds o f P o u ltry. H ig h ­ est cash m arket. B rin g it I any tim e. We c a rry a com -j , plete line o f D a iry and M ill Feeds, H ydrated Lim e and j D airy supplies. G r o u n d Limestone fo r top dressing Clover and A lfa lfa . Farmers’ Cash Store Feed - Se(*d - Eggs and Poultry 1‘hone 3661 SM O O TH , M E M .O V W HISKEY R eel, tru e -to -life reception for the first tim e sets selects the station you w ant w ith razo r-s h a rp precision, w eed­ ing o u t o th er sounds — and be­ fo r the firs t class one way fare plus 50/ —to all S. P. stations in Cali* fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Afi- zona. Tickets are good on all trains leaving — DEC. 13 TO JAN. 1 cause it steps u p tone fid e lity to a h ig h e r point o f fu ll, ric h , life ­ like tone. D o n ’t miss h e a tin g the be con v in c i n u n i no i inch WHISKEY CAN BE M \O E I ( SKI.I, AT SO LOW A I’Blf I . NEXT TIM E I NS 1ST ON O VER LA N D -A N O PROVE IT. He back hy midnight, ¡anuary 12 Full Pint Also low coach-tourist fares on aale every day. $1.15 Southern Pacific because the “ M A G IC B R A I N ” in R C A V ic to r a ll-w a v e FIRST CLASS HOLIDAY ROUNDTRIPS —-fc. No. 167C RCA VICTOR $2.20 RADIO Full Q uart No 167A "Ttu Sga . / ^ C ,Md Tout' Be Sure to A .k for s e n s a tio n a l r a d io d e v e lo p m e n t e v e ry o n e ’s ta lk in g about I O V E R LA N D Thl« adverttNement not paid fo r by th« Oregon Liq u o r C o ntrol Comminaion. L e s te r I r e la n d QC C o . H EATIN G J. A. POYNOR Busch’s Service Garage MUAI X has returned to the P L U M B IN G and H E A T IN G BUSINESS in H illsboro, and is at y o u r service at the C O R W IN 1152 Second S treet HARDW ARE McFall Jersey Dairy (B y Mr«. Richard Phone SIX PIIII.C O D EA LBM Phone 2102 SERVICE Presents Program d ia l back guaranlae of aatlafactlon hy llllle k e ru I ’barm aey FIX YOUR RADIO NOW! Paperhanging • P ainting P la n s P r o g r a m AUTO crt’iii. l a |>i« .«• i ipllcn for «loin», ii ui • i •, • r i d eltaitath, gaa p a in e . haartbum , licit» aatlon I loatlng, b« l< blng and w*b« i "i>- c iiia w h e n ra U M d b y a ic a e a arid Ihoa (be gti