THE Thursday, Deeeinher 13, 1931 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON wu» to war collared all tlie Job», guru;»’ by any other woman prew nt <<*r hoin»* were M . Merlu Diminuii, Ah’m plum b broke. And a h got «o Senator Laaalter, who ww; talking A rthur N»*wlund .ii.l I . !■ j » ,i, dead neat, walkin’ t h e Htreeta. with the French amtuuBiadre»», de- moor lookm’ for Lomeihln’ to do, tluit ah La» lied hlmaelf Immediately from Mrs ll.dley Injured finally s»?t down her® on your stoop. her side and hastened forward; Mr» Cullle Pulley fell a t tin ­ Ah a in ’t aakin’ for much . . • your wldte h u mother, w ith ies» cul­ horn«* Haturdiiy mid Du« h in d two tured girl wouldn’t le t ine in. Hut ur<*H®ement but with equal cordial» rlb» 1» Ifohh was «ailed und the th e auld ah could wait outside till tty, turned to greet them ahso Ls resting quite comfortably at tin* you-ail come home.” We are so very happy to have writing. P la y , P r o g r a m a n d D a n c e at • Can you drive a ear?” naked y .u with ua now let n.e aee. I wish Adolph H< I mi Ui I und Adolf 1 tut Anne without circumlocution. The 4/ . SUI(, you m eet fcveyone here rwhmuii went to Tillamook Kabul L a u r e l N a ll S a tu r d a y /laggard veteran grinned. tonight. Have you met the Italian duy und vlhlLcd the M Abplanalp "Well, an h aln ’t had much a amba»sa:->r and Donna M artinelli? anil Chip. Hoffman fanillle H a y experience with Rolla-Royce» and Madame Estavl 1» a friend already, eventi brought buck suli non for Illy M>« I I. Iln .w n ) them, lady, but a »mall car—” j am sure the «peaker of Ua- LAUREI. (htttav K n o w wan re - famine». “It 1» a small car,’’ said Anne | |OIW. and Mrs. Hustings, Senator elected pienldenA ot I he local F arm ­ with surprising suddenness. "Are ttfUl Mrs bee, Senator and Mrs er»’ Union ut (he retfiilur in«<»tlng you willing to wash windows and stone held In Uu* << »mu 111 11 l ty ludi liuti tend a furnace und put on a wldte t »* c even. cujtured voice flowed niurmUiy eveiUnu < « potki * Irwvllyn coat und open tlu* door? ’ . . . . on. Two servunts in purple livery wua elected vice-onv»nlent, J*Vrd | |Cuniinu«i frum lu i wMkj "Ah in willing U> do a n y th in , entered, bearing rtlver trays, laden Putnum. »ocretw y-treasurer. J E The crowd suddenly surged for- said the m an with pathetic eager- with frosty cocxtalls, and tiny sa- lllaaer, lecturer; Prank Hchuliner-1 iliy i.«»u Ri< •»»»'•«• » ward, bearing Mrs Lee ami Anne nese. very .sandwiches. Senator Lassiter Ich. commander. und W II KeJ- TIMIlKJt Many children In tin wHh jt up the stairs and into the Are you an- you wldte? It 1» offered Ida arm to theam oesadre».< I okk . doorkci'iH i Timber _____ grude ___ scliool ___ have b«‘« n id, great ________ oval _____ room _ at _ ___ the ______ top At _____ tlie ___ so _____ dark _ I ____ can't see. I ve had ' my _____________ an)(j advanced, ( with „ .................. her beside him. Play on P ro,ram j * ii I t»-< uu «- <»( cold* and blight front end of the room. tlu* Marine maid a long time, and I don t know n u. tg-ad n w. procession which "Win»'« t'lii/y Now a Olir ,Kt flu A Christina» progrum lues been ,Mn() K„rgwn|(| ltl u„. Miu lel gold ,l,,w s1“' would feel about a colored WOUJ, j lt.s way to the »trains ol play, Will be l*! t «»I tile pi'K iam I aiiangeil by j h e two teui her», MJ“ - : and blue ol lull (Ires« uniform, was »‘an hi the liouw,’ said Anne with music from an unseen organ through given by tlw* union In connection' e» ’ UiVelle an ita Nel a second great drawing room, aero*» ' " ” lleig ’ and * Ju ....... “ “ playing. In little dining room »light confusion. with tlu* card imrly ami dance ui win. but due to these absence» it I*.,■ . "Tliat'« all right, ma'am, ah ft galleried liall, and Into a long enormous bosket o I Ihe comm unity hull Saturday night very itlfllciilt to plan a definite pro- don't mind your askin'. Yes, ah m paneled dining room flanked with C haracters In tlu* pluy are repre- gram Many children return to 'can i> siuty wnUxI by Mrs llcorge 'lews. Mi sila ml lielon* they havy fully re- , * ,'en two silver canuci.iijia on youn ,u ,d j WPrr w)rry p, nils« "Delaney Mali first name'» Hod i»erM>-lf she lu*ard the small blaek- l'riday evening k*< tlou of officers! j p w ilhs spent tlu* week-end v(JU when We called yesterday." she ~ .. . bearded man with Indefinable charm will take place ttl, ,u„ tfcerwood ¿ u l Have you w d S enator Con- " W.eJ l ' r>laf S y' a,ld distinction who was placed at Mrs Hadu* Minton and George Mlw LaVelle Berg and M is, 1 * * i > / ‘ 1? 1<1 a " you the clothes you need and feed llf.r left asking hopefully, "Vous- Marlow of Yachats amt Mrs G ra ,. Ju a n ,ta Nelson spent the week-end b> “ '*y "i1* “ h » (r^ you will you corn.* to me fc ,r-th lrty parlez-francais. M adam e'/' (>l>|M*rnutn <»f !t>rllund wen- ul tlu I mhiic of M il » Nebion in n ,w. .* r lh u. . »511« dollar5 a m onth? Until you have "Mats, Oui.’’ she answered bre&Lh- ut th® O rorai’ Tvw» I mhiu * Friday Monmouth. would like ao much to liave you proved you are worth more? T here» leshiy, iy*r head chatter pleasantly with the agree- home Hwturday evening, honoring Mrs Herbert Simmon» and Vern tomed frankness. "You are the f i r s t' you—’’ able littl® Peruvian. Mr and Mr», nam uel Coy of Hills- sti-wart drove to Portlaiul l a s t person who ha« asked us to din- “Oh. marrn. ' exclaimed Horace Senator Lassiter, appearing at boro. O ther guests were Mr anti j ’nm niday to visit H erbert Simmons ner.” 1 Delaney “oh. lady! 1#^ apparently from nowhere Mr». Edwin B urkhalter of Farm-1 wlu) u confined in the Oood Ham-) w h a t a neglected opportunityr ”L , H,e Pdctwd suddenly forwara Ul an incredibly siiort time after inglon and Mi and Mrs H M .ulLan honpltul alt)» pneumonia He murmured Mrs Laaalter but it N‘'a sh<* luul finished her coffee. In the W nianand All attended the dunce vt.ry much Unproved. won’t last long Next w inter we around the com er of the street drawing room assured lier th a t she would be much more comfortable a t Uir liall later in the evening . J j Bennett n en n ew of oi Wrstlmber w eatuuuer was was r e - ' w K_ v_ f4>r V ■... guests at tlie is,. wecg mediately after he saw you tn tlie Neal adm itted It. B ut somehow. BETHANY-CEDAR MILD—Cedar home n ear Blooming Mr und Mrs John Richmond and gallery, and I»» told several people neither of them hesitated to do Mill local of the Farm ers' Union » Mi and Mrs Samuel Coy of daughter Irene drove to Portland lle najught you were th e prettiest tlie crazy thing Ju*t the same; and elected the following officers at illllsboro were callers at tlie E C Monday Miss Irene will rem ain for „roman there." Dora'» h arsh and .suspicious com- ^he meeting December 4: Harry and J W Mulloy homes Saturday sevrral day» The promised dinner invitation inent* were nullified by her kind Hansen president; Henry John- evening. ! Angelo Morrill of Yamhill spent „ --------------- tts delivered by hand before Neal and chantable actions And she was stone vice-president; M rs J. Meur- Mr and Mrs 8 E Stollrr and I s Unda y wltd hl* brother bam — and Ann«* liod ............................. tuushed th eir own „ p a id in kind Horace Delaney er. secretary. Mrs. L. Berger and children vbUlcd her parents, Mr Morelli. and family. supper tliat night. It was sur- tuu) scarcely recovered from his Mrs Charles Boy presented a play, and Mr» Jolui Will 8 r at Beaver­ gold crest, ° v e r ! faint when lie assumed control of "A New Lease on Life.” Build Garage mounted by ton Sunday Mr Will, wlio has been A garage luis been completed which was w ritten in Ink „1. "In hon furnace The following m orn- A card party was held a t Cedar quite 111. 1» much Unproved across from tlw roundhouse to or of the French Ambassador and ing he drove the children to school, Mill hall Saturday night with a Mrs Francis Coolidge of P o rt­ house the cars of Mr and Mrs Madame Morceau." Undcrneaui. Neal to the Senate office building, large attendance. Ladies first prize land M the guest of tier (kiri nls. George Wllaon and Mr. and Mrs |« rtly engraved and partly wrlt- and Anne to the C entral m arket; w«nt to Mrs Spdgner, m en's first Mr and Mrs George Rooevcar this w McDonald ten, appeured tlie words; and before evening laid washed PHw to B Graus.second prize to Ed wc*k oti Mr ui>ii and Mrs d ia r ie s ________ Crittenden every window In the house. It was Kreskie, and second ladles prize Mrs. Lassiter Mr and Mrs Einil rra d isc l aial ()f (jocliran sprnl the wee'k-end tn not until Bunday, however, th a t his to Mrs P Thome. requests the pleasure of clilldreii Ijn ira and Loren of E l-1 Hillsboro suprenu* opportunity came. Dora Priscilla d u b met at the home of Senator and Mrs Conrad's iiuitilcu vlsltrd at tlu* Jacob Schmidt . ,, Roy Snider spent the week-end tn went ou t and lie served his astern- C atherine O Meara last Thursday company ut dbuier laxinc Bunday Mr. T rarhscl la Mrs , t .u r| t
    i T Mathews of Manning vislcxi Jam es (lr,vlmi B clir «.veiling clothes." «lip before her dressing table, her p “ ’***£“ “ “ Penman December 5 ; f gja .w - I do wish we could a l- huir hongmg like a cloud of gold „ /u i ‘r a „ r 7 ? ? - CORWIN HARDWARE Mrs Jennie Rimes returned Id , ord lnori. help Dora m ust stop above her. the Sl>k Meurer dur- Headquarter» ln*r lutme a t Galea Creek first o ' do, n(, y,«. „ashing, tliat's certain. "Lorelei!' Iw whispered, laughlr.g, ‘ ' Alb^rt R»i,,rfon and Iasi week You must send It out, Anne, or get and his arm s slid down around her . . d M Herman O itoL of H u n t in g a n d F is h in g School was Closed all last week tl „ „ nuin t<) (Qnie in and help with shin pliant body, and tightened ¡YAh. S u p p lie s ------------- — — — It and to get supper th e nights (here He lifted her up. and sat F rtd iv ev“ inj: If you change your address kind- Dora goes out." down himself holding her closely to a n d ,Mra n ten n C arr visited Aladdin lamp« notify tlie Argus direct and a t We can 't afford it .' Anne ob- him. "Darling Anne! I do love you C arr's brother-in-law a n d l ong'« lU d lo Tube» Tested Free lv once )«'ted But Her objection was ra th - so! I don t say so often, I know. M r L id M b t a n K iu S d _______________________ _ er weak It was ail too obvious th at or show it as much as I might, und j“" a i ^ d a.. Kunz 01 neither she nor Dora could cun- sometimes I know I seem preoccu- 'o ram m anri nr^ir r*r**i- - X IX D C IV H“ ue io worlt as ,lard “s th e>' Lad pled -in d ifferen t — neglectful even. G nul™ went to Aloha Gramre WE MAKE CARS RIDE EASIER WITH MARFAK been doing without breaking down, bo* »M* t t , trv . uen evening to ° “a .ran£e UL" m « hih 'î° ^ yn^ . m v nn ,, ,h in " - ; Wednesday install the If so many outside demands were deed, there was no necessity th at The world*» fine«» grease lubricant, k » a ll get more pleasure out u b> ,lul
  • Tlie solution presented Itself In proved to be a diamond pendant medhimPee^y e*ilc l-nt s a l e s We Also Carry Pennaoll. Any tirade. an unexpected, not to say stortllng, hung on a slender platinum chain 1 “mm. _________________ manner. When Anne returned from flnlsluxl with a diamond clasp. A nne, h er round of calls the following lilted It out breathlessly, starry ulternoon she drew back In alarm eyed "Oil. Neal! Oh, how lovely! Oh—" E, H. Campbell Aero«» from O. E. Depot before a muddled figure which was Towing Phone 1703 "You can 't afford it!" finished crouclied on her front steps, in an Night Call 384 attitu d e of deepest dejection. At Neal mockingly, "of course I can't! Station With Complete Service her startled exclamation, th e figure A man can 't afford not to give The Only unfolded itself and stood up—a presents to his wife every now and gaunt, unkem pt m an, young but then. And. besides you re not to lutggard. dressed In a stiabby um - w ony, it is all paid for. I had an nuexpected check today—an a c ­ form "Good evenin', marm," he said count long overdue j» id up I a t ­ awkwardly, taking o il his frayed tended to all our monthly bills, cap. "sorry If ah frightened you. bang up. just like tliat! and still I had enough left over for this, too!" Don't need a man, do you?" "Good gracious," exclaimed Anne. Tlie pendant was pretty wltli the "I don't know. W hat kind of n "glittery" dress. In fact, it was per- man? W hat do you mean?” feet. And as Anne, followed by Neal. ^ B Y THE "Well, alt m eant my kind of a swept into the Lassiter drawing man," tlie Intruder explained hope­ room while the butler beside th e ! ^ N A T IO N A L fully. "Ah ben lookin' for work silk |w>i-lu-nx! enlrance announced. H O U S IN G A C T quite n spell. B ut all can 't seem "Senator and Mrs. Conrad b o th ! to find none. 'Pears like the fellers wen* swiftly conscious of tlie fact PLAN th a t stayed to home while we-all th a t Anne was unsurpassed in ele- Gustav Krause to Heat) Union Queen Colds Take l oll l imber Students Elects New Officers Hayward THE TEXACO STATION Page Seven Errr.a Baker of Manning and M r ! Our classified columns may have Wedding at Laurel and Mrs W F Strong of M etzger.' M cm taln Home Ladles' Aid m et Just wliat you are looking for — ut Uie home of Mrs John Strickler I Read them. Ridge December 5 Thursday. About twenty-five ladies I LAU REI, R ID G E H ow r d wer pu s iu After tlie regular Holin' son of Mr and Mr; N bu m e -, meeting the tune w asspentl MILL WOOD If'.lna-) of Middleton, sa d Grlean u, piuying gum. and a C hristm as' st Ongw, daughter of Mi and .'.I 00 gr i , bag provided gifts. Vusitors Edgings and inside wood. Huger Bt- Ongr „ ii c n; .m ed Dc- pi; « n t were Mrs. W. C Edy and Green 4-foui ........................ tem ber 5 a t tlie home ( , tlu; bride s Mrs. C. F. Nystrom. Two or more cords ............. parents m the presence of a few Home Economic« club of Sher- J Saw cd, 50c more intim ate friends. After a slan t wed- wood Grange met a t tlie home of ao dii g trip tlie young coupe will moke Mr J. Boger Decemb«*r 5 for an Edgings and Inside, dry. ’lieu* Itorru- 01) tile H annon p lo t' all-day quilting. A pot luck din­ 16-ii h. to r d O a t Middleton. ner was served. Those attending 5 or more cords .................... 8Î.7S Spall) to Move from Laurel Ridge district w ere! Excellent kitchen wood, the best G A Bpath, Jong lime r< .d-nt M r. H. P. Strickler. Mrs. C. B buy you can find. on Chehalem Mountain, is moving Hayiu ., Mrs. O. L. Baker, an d Mrs to Portland« where he will reside W C Edy. Dry Slab and Block on 8. E. Duke street. His son Ray 16-toch Old Growth Fir Mrs. Julia Olsen of Sherwood will take etiarge of tlu* iuxme ranch. H erm a n R eh se Daniel and Kitliard Werre visited Viszed Mrs George Baker Wednes­ Saturday evening at t h e C C. day. Phone 2383 X Res. phone 2062 Mrs. Georglanna Walker of P ort­ Dcmmln home at South Tualatin. land was a week-end visitor with I Mr and Mrs. W alter Bpath and Robert and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Steadman. Mrs. E. L. Semple returned Tues­ O tto K rebs of Six Corner.-,, H eq Kiebs and G ertrude Dorby were day morning from a visit to e a st­ Bunday dinner guests of Sergeant ern Oregon and Washington. and Mrs G. A. Harper in Vancou­ I h e good wea tlier is w elcom e, ver. Wash blessing to the farmers on the ’ Hot l.unrhe» S tart mountain who still have potatoes Laurel Ridge school started hot to dig. W C. Edy has a crew of lunches Wednesday. nine men and H. P 3tnckler has five a t work harvesting potatoes. Plan Program Jam es Dodge is laying a new The school Is planning a com­ munity C hristm as program for D e­ floor In three rooms of his house and puttuig in a new window. cember 21. R ichard Werre who has beer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson of Portland staying with his cousin, D an iel; Sunday a t the Jake Weber Werre and family for the past tw o , home. Afternoon 'allers were Mr. m onths has returned to his home ’ and Mrs. John Miller and Mercedes in North Dakota. Wadsworth, also of Portland. Mrs William R upprecht a n d daughter Elsie were Sunday callers a t the Daniel Werre home Sunday visitors a t the George Baker home were Mrs. H J. Yager and children Jake and Clara of Honor roll for the second six i Portland and Howard Johnson of weeks’ period a t Hillsboro union i The Dalles The Yagers were neigh­ high school as announced by B M bors of Mrs. Baker in Eastern Ore­ W Barnes, superintendent, is a.-, gon. follows: Senkin — H^len Banshman, D o r o th y Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Demmh and Just a few minutes ago, B arker, Norm an DeFreea, M arie D, family of three. But this Anna Schwanke. Jim Samuel, W ilm a Mr«. Joyce Honored Helen Schmidt, Sanford W ill, j accident may prove fatal. Mrs H. J. Joyce and Mrs Fannie Schaua, Edith W alter«. Grace Kingston. Snyder entertained a t a birthday J u n io r« — B illy A llison, Helen Becker. dinner In honor of Mrs. Richard J«»y F'oelker. Holcomb H i me«, Bernice I And then what will his helpless wife and small Joyce Sunday. T h o s e attending H ow ard. Betty Hobb«, Ann M onker*. were M r and Mrs. Gene Taylor Harold Meyer, Lelia O ’Conner, C h riatin e . children do— UNLESS he and daughters Gladys and Shirley, Robb. Dorothy Steinke. Robert Tongue, , has provided f o r them Wick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aebischer, David Torbet. Violet Keith Busch, M aryhei Verla. H ubert and Delmer Aebisch­ F lin Sophomore« t. Evelyn H a tfie ld . Esther H a r t / , ; with Life Insurance. er, Raymond Horwbrook and the S h irley Kelley. D ixie Lee M ar Dowell Richard Joyce family Dorothea Schau*. Lea no re Sherman, Tom Mr and Mrs. Jake Weber spent Stretcher. V ivian Sacresaen, Irm a l Traak, Thanksgiving in P ortland with Mr Evelyn Steinke. Helen G ra f, Jean W enuer. Freshmen— Robert Alliaon, Jeanne Abts, and Mrs. Fred Phillips and Jessie John Block, Glennia C arb on. Jack Chria- Hibschmann Agent tenaen. Alm a Eslinirer, Ralph Hea», Ethel Mr. an d Mrs. Markley Terrel. H a rty , Mildred K rahm er. Mildred M e y *-, Mrs Wilkinson and Miss Bagley of Shirley M a rtin , A lta McGowan, W illia m Every form of protection — Fire, automobile, casualty, liability, K lam ath Falls were guests of Mr. M ear*. Chester Ra-amuMen. Petfry Roca, Fidelity, Surety and Life. and Mrs. Harold Aebischer Friday. M a ry a ret Ruerker, Josephine Stroeder, Drexel Scott. T toh Tauyawa. H e nry Mr. and Mrs. William Upshaw, Tsuitawa. 1164 3rd St. Helen W akayam a, A n ita W eik. Phone 1732 who have been living a t t h e Dorothy Challacombe. H e lm Enaley. Diethricks since t h e i r marriage, Boat Graduates Blanche McCorm ick. have moved to Portland. Alice Schulmerich. Annual business meeting a n d election of officers for tne Mt. tain Home Sunday school a n d election of officers for the Moun- church was held December 3. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Aebischer HAVE spent from Thanksgiving until Sun­ 5 SUCH day visiting with Mrs. Aebischer’s Gifts that give you extra style relatives in The Dalles. — extra quality — and lower VOVCLY Mr. and Mrs. W E. Peters of p rie ti . . . of course they’re wel­ G IF T S ” M ountain Home and Mr. and Mrs. come. They’re the kind you'll J. A. Strickler visited a t th e H. P. find at the Rexail Drug Store. Strickler home Sunday. W C. Edy. who has been ill for You’ll marvel at the l o w e r the last ten days, is able to be out prices, for there’s no middle­ again. man in the Rexail Plan. You get Mr and Mrs. Jerom e Cappoen the savings. Before you buy and M argaret and Dorothy a t­ visit the Rexail Drug Store. tended th e carnival a t Tigard high school December 5. -M ID SUC# GET THE SAVINGS OF Ivan Jack of Tigard spent sev­ eral days last week with his Bis­ LOW THE NO ter. Mrs John Strickler Mrs. Charles Ashpole. a former PRICES «G L., MIDDLEMAN PLAN resident of Middleton, and Floyd Cox of Portland visited local friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H arris and son Merlin were dinner guests at the W. C. Edy heme Thanksgiving. Stricklers Entertain Mr and Mrs. John Strickler en­ tertained several guests a t a party a t th eir home Saturday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schmeltzer. and George K irk­ Hair Oil, Bay Rum Shaving Cream, patrick of Mountain Home. Miss Shaving Lotion and After Shave Pow­ FOiTRHEUMATISM, NEU­ der from the ever popular Stag Line. RITIS & ARTHRITIS TRY Beautifully designed u p r i g h t box. CASEY’S COMPOUND You’d never believe such an expensive —A tonic and blood builder. Drives looking gift cost so little. out the uric acid and poison. Stops pain and swelling, and cram ps in the limbs. Fifteen years on crutches and cane. H ealth restored. Mrs. O. C. Moser. 418 W Main street. Silver- WHOSE WORD IS ton, Ore., states she is now well from her rheum atism since taking Casey's Compound. Recommended highly as a blood purifier. On sale A gift that's always sure of a welcome. A full- a t Delta Drug store.—Adv. sized box of Cara Nome Face Powder and a two- dram bottle of Cara Nome Perfume in a beauti­ fully tailored g ift package. Hilhi Honor Roll Given for Period What Will His Family Do? CHAS. L. WALKER („D A D .,B IG BROTHER STAG co m b in atio n (B e a u ty Q teutivw C \ S tille CARA N O M E V a n e t t e $2.25 A wonderful value! DELTA DRUG STORE Week of December 12 to 18 HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIAN and BEAUTY SHOPS Maintain the value of your home by keeping it in the best of repairs. The National Housing Act Plan will help you pay the way—don’t delay longer and kill the value of your home. Estimate» Cheerfully Given POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. Production •IH THZ GOuJ OLD D2ZS- with Christmas was celebrated with much more pomp and ceremony than it is today: But then as now, CASH was a most welcome gift. Open, or increase a Savings Account for everyone on your Gift List, and we will follow up your gift with frequent reminders that the recipients actively maintain their accounts. If I t’» Lumber Call G ar Number 1011 Baseline Phonr 2891 Çoslett S uPer Service Station Manufactured in Hillsboro by Hillsboro Feed Co. DON’T GRIND YOUR OATS! A. 0 . PITMAN, M. D. General Beauty Work PHYSICIAN and 8URGKON Permanent« and all kinds of beauty work. X-Ray and Phyale-Therapy Commercial National Bank Bldg. Telephones Office 1281 Residence 781X Telephone 1881X Balreny Hillabere Pharmacy Sanitary Beauty Shop All Kind» • ( B m »( t Wot DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. PERMANENTS Wells Building a specialty Telephone 1471 WEIL'S APARTMENTS Mabel 8c hen del DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection AND CANS I. X. L. DAIRY FEED Commercial Building Hi-Pressure Greasing F’ree Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs This excellent dairy feed contains 500 pounds of feed concentrates per ton. DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE Coslett Super Service Station COSLETT’S TRUCK SERVICE First and Baseline Streets COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q Phone 1263 Use I. X. L. POULTRY FEEDS for best results! A high grade feed at a moderate price. Seed Wheat — Seed Oats — Seed Vetch HILLSBORO FEED CO Phone 271 1004 Main St. McCormick-Deering Farm Machinery k "Thf la rg e st Independent Rank In W ashington County” HILLSBORO OREGON TELEPHONES Office II8Z Reeldence M«1 GARBAGE COLLECTION You can make more money if you trade your oats for Commercial National Bank Physician and Surgeon DENTISTS G A S O L IN E S Richfield - General - Shell - Union - Gilmore »«5«s SURGEON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP Dentist Firestone Tire», Tube« and Acce»«orie« r D. P. CORRIERI T»l«phon» 144 Cveninga. Sunday hv Appointment Telephone 2325 INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH BUT YOUR Wanhlnfton Coonty Agewctee RUBBER STAMPS IN8URANCB 8RRVKW Shote Bank B ulldlnw Phone 2211 Per Intermetlee skeat from HILLSBORO ARGUS Hlllaboro Dtrmerr nr ta Advertleeve cell Tit» Anree — »Ml