TH E Page Six H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O . Tliursilny, Peet'iiiber 1.1, 10,'M O R EG O N Joe Btreteher and Jes <■ S nydei, T H E G R E A T A M E R IC A N H O M E Elvin Lorenzen. -super in to n d c u t; nadlllg by Dol ls O indulf. music on Harold Aebi-whcr. assistant super­ a hand saw. Tom Stretcher, accom­ intendent; Mildred Nelson, secre­ panied on ihe piin o by J im ’ S tretch ­ tary; H iutv Seluneltaer. treasurer; er; skll Leonard WiUlmoic. Mac and Haymond HarnyUKwk, lib rari­ Ego and Wayne Jones, song by an. _ . .. .i 1 'l i i i s n i i l View u lied boy s, novelli Mr. and Mrs Jolui Schmid of piano pluym i Helen Solimeli, c: Aloha were Sunday' guests a t the mut Joe S tretcher; iva ini' Jean George Lewelim home and » ‘til O rinim i, sings. Fern, Stanley im I Joint In stallation H eld w ith them went to North Plants S u n ­ Carolyn Ego Next tn c c tu b , will be day to visit relatives. January 12 Mrs l a a Melloni-i K in to n D ecem ber 5 M rs. Peggy Haynes spent Mone.. y las Hard Whitmi re mid Jessie V> I with her sister. Mrs. R. P. Casteel, steeg are the program committee in Aloha. . (By L. B. P em m in t Contini See loi rcircotunrul.s alte- Universal Bible Sunday was ob­ the program Is Mis It it Neill. Scholls M. E. church SCHOLLS—Scholls O range offi- served at the — --------- W anda Flnegun and Marie Fuchs cers installed December 5. when when the choir rendered special K inton and Scholls G ranges held music and Rev. R aynard Smith Plan Pragrum joint installation at the Scholls talked on Bibles and read the senp- Sunday evening belore Christ mas Grange hall, were Harry Sehinelt- miv lesson from an Indian Bible Ls the tune chosen by the Mountain aer. m aster; Rhoyla Hesse, over- L. W. Crwder is able io be up. o p resen t seer; Mrs. J E. B ennett, lecturer. Sunday guests at the Mrs ma.» program ol of a play. play, readings ami Mrs. Elizabeth R e e d , chaplain Jackson home were Mr or. J Mrs m usk William Morse of Newberg Evelyn Hesse, secretary; Jennie Lar- n p. Callow of Vancouver. Mr and has cluuge ol the program Tlie kill, treasurer; L W Guild, stew- Mrs Mike Jackson and Jolui Jack- sc I mm I liei e will give I heir program ard; George K irkpatrick, assistant son of G aston and O rnald \V hit- 1-Yiday evening December 31 steward; M argaret Flint. Ceres, more of Laurel There will be sixt-lul music a t the Mrs Flora Baker. Flora, Mrs Grace Mrs M argaret Lee O ttenheunei Mountain Top church next Sunday Taylor. Pomona; Helen Schmeltzer. frs ;n M ountam Home. Idaho, spent evening ami lllustratUuis w ithdraw ­ lady assistant steward; F. G. Mil- ijic week-end at the August Euluig- ing. ler. gatekeeper. Miss Mary Sehinelt- er home. Mr ami Mrs Allan 11 Comber zer. musician. S tate Deputy Master Miss M arian Cady of Aberdeen. of P u rtlard spent Saturday night A rthur Brown and Mis. Brown ol W ash, a r d Mr. and Mrs. C. M and Sunday with her parents, Mr Salem were the installing officers Barnes of Beaverton were Sunday and Mis Ila G McCormick. A pot luck supper an d a musical guests at the W alter Burke home C harles Harrington' is a new pu­ program preceded the affair and Ed Benson returned from his pil In the second grade at the Pleas­ Mr. Brown gave a short talk. work in a logging cam p near As- a n t View school His (girenls, Mr Mr. and Mrs. S. A. G oiter made to n a Saturday and will at und Mrs Harrington, and sons have a trip to Yamhill Sunday. ins home in Midway until a lte r the recently moved on the Goodman E. L Hobbs of Mianu. Florida holidays. place. was a Sunday guest a t the S. The Spanish type bungalow. Ms. Rufus G rnduff returned S a t­ G otter homo. which is being built by Lyle Pot- urday from a three days' stay In Mrs. Phoebe McCool returned ter will be shm gled tills week. The Portland. She had been taking Sunday after a week's stay in Port- one story, six-room structure will imxlii-al treatm ent mid was a guest land with her daughter, Mrs. Vma be faced with brick. of her sister-in-law . M bs Ann Hill. Miss Gladys Nissen returned from O nuluff. who returned home with Crack W alnuts the Lester Grow home Friday Ul her and rem ained over Sunday A crew of 15 funshed cracking Camas, W a sh . where she has been 1, I. Murrav a id ilu lu n u. Miss w alnuts a t the G roner farm Thurs- caring for her sister, Alice McInnis. J. A r.lronison ami day Every other row of trees is Mrs. M ata S titt spent the week O raydvn Johnson of Portland and being grubbed out of a 100-acre at the Julius Christensen home and Mr. mid Mrs J. A York mul chil­ field of walnut trees a t th e Groner attended the wedding Saturday eve- dren from Reedvtlle were guests a t farm a t 50 cents per tree. ¡mig of Charles Byer and R uth tlie D. M M eliuus liome Sunday Plan Dinner Party Leslie at the Leslie home in Tigard Mrs. J. C. Neill who has been About 18 attended th e meeting Mr and Mrs Carl Waibel of visiting a t th e Neill Itouic. re ­ of the Scholls Ladies' Aid at th e Sheridan and Harold Sceiffort were turned to ISirtliuid December 5. H. T. Hesse home Friday. Plans Sunday dm ner guests at th e Carl Mr» II. H. Nelli accompanied lu’r were made to hold a birthday dm - Sceiffert home. mid remained until Sunday ner party sometime In January. Mr. and Mrs Howard »vomer Born, to Mr. mul Mrs Em lC hris- Program at Jaektown thelr s u s h is a t the Ed Al- ' tie. December 4 a boy Mother and bin home on the S tark place S a tu r­ I Virginia Sims, reading by Helen p i baby a n ’ In a P ortland hospital Jaektown school is planning a Vershum. and a ta p dance by Millie t l t d a d l l l V 1 1 » IV ’ day. Miss M argaret Nelli led lor P ort­ Christm as program December 21. Mr. and Mrs. Geoge Rueck went | Becavar. land Suiutay for mi indefinite stay. Scholls orchestra contributed sev­ See Deadly Spider Olvmpla. Wash., to spend the W. F Wolaehlegel Is sp e n d in g eral numbers to the Pleasant View to week-end with th eir sister. Miss th is Wivk II! Am.>n .1 a community club program. (B y Mrs Bir-I McCormickI Black widow spider last week when her sister. Mrs. Collin Gallant. Miss Hazel Penne of Portland K atherine Rueck. Mrs. A. N aderer was a guest a t the one was caught by W ilbur Bieder- C H E H A L E M MOUNTAIN— A Willis O rnduff of Timber visited spent the week-end a t th e parental Julius home Sunday _____ Christensen ____ m an as it was escaping from a C hristm as program will be given at among Mountam Top relatives over home and with them visited the John n I crate he a a s unpacking. T here was the Pleasant View school December the week-end. Sunday guests at t h e T. M. x - e g i s ia i u r e i v r scurrtng around until John 22 under the direction of tlie reach- Attend Wedding Lillegard home were Mr. and Mrs. S titts home in Hillsboro and a t- u n e - n o u w O re g o n G ets A p p r o v a l Hamilton picked It up on a big er, Miss Dora S im o n s T here will Mr. mid Mrs Wayne Jones and George Miler and daughter F ran ­ tended the old age pension lecture at the C hristian church. i knife and put it into a bottle. It be a treat ol popcorn balls The family attended tlu* wedding of ces. Mr and Mrs. B. C hristian of W illard Taylor, who Is craw fish­ is shiny black and has an orange comm ittee in charge is Mrs. Weaver, M l« Della Hmivtlle und Lloyd Os- Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Fred ing a t W estport, spent Saturday hourglass on th e underside. It has Mrs. William Rodgers and Mrs. burne at tl>e Newberg Friends I By C urtis T iaard) Hansen of Capitol Hill. night a t th he bite will be a church Sunday afternoon mid later th e e p p aren aren tal tal home nome and ami -pre, , R r. T ™ rd Q ranee officers vel7 short legs. legs' T The ° ‘te of or a Ie- Ie ' Henry Versteeg. T here wiU Change in Residence “ in a treble Install»- nu^ e Ls more o ,ten deadl>' compared C hristm as tree with presents for attended the reception at tlx* bride s returned to his camp Sunday Mr. and Mrs E. O. K leuiau have -..i--, Bruce oruce Schulm ench of H üls- installed in a trip le_ ln to a bite of the male. The sp id e r; all who wish to participate. Thtxse home Tliey were also entertained Mrs moved from the Ida Kays home to boro was a visitor at the Scholls nof -TLmrd was Plckled and given to Tigard wishing to share in this are asked a t a dhuit'r at tlie home of lu’r Barton. Mr and Mrs. Billy Heff- Ladies' Aid meeting Friday. n, high school, _ __ to bring a present worth ten cents brotlu'r-Ui-law and sister Dr. und erman and baby daughter Nancy Art Stew art of M ultnom ah visited Lf d ^-,,H inrk?'r h?nch M r- M rs- H ans C.aarde en- To i mDrovr (Uuul Mrs Homer Hester. and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hefferm an at the Ed De-.nmm home Monday being installed. A pot ^bej1 „Si. tertained with a dinner Sunday lor , ** HUI Kincaid ol Springbrook vis­ from Wisconsin have moved in the R u th iz i i» u re with Mrs. George sandwiches, cake and colfee was . . . \ire Merle Hair Mr uid M acIntyre and a crew of men ited a t Uie Mervtn Whitmore mid Kays residence. Newton and son Charles, went to after the urstallatiim. Among Mrs Jeftn M alo» Mrs Lien of from Hillsboro fliuslied a new sur- Ira G. McCormick homes S atu r­ Scholls Grange will meet S atu r­ Eugvne to visit the Possum family “ 1“ ? i i Portland and Mr. and Mrs L. M 'f ? the rottd from Lhe Flr O ro' e day. day for an all-day meeting. riniini» » w e e k -e n d u iau y s Meyers, -»icyVia, m I1UOKI u iu s T 11- KMuarrl d im n . th (be week-end. Gladys aster, , C c urtis. i- ier ipu _ ,n E d w a rd sci'° o1 house to Laurelwood D e­ Paul Blazer of Eugene, who had Mrs. Audrey Heaton went to du^ ? « H utchens gard. overseer; S arah V anK leek., E r‘ckson and son Edward. cember 4 Tills road ls less than M anzanita Friday, returning S at- f^ c h T ld ^ , « moving to lecturer; Henry M etzentine. assist- one and one lialf miles long w ith u been helping his father J. E. Blaz­ urday. She took her grandson. Avery h , Dundee the last of a n t steward; Flora Leed.v. chapiam ; R r P ilL < i raise of 800 feet. The sliarp turn» er and brother Dornuui Blazer, re­ Lee Shipley, to the home of his ‘ u u n aee lne lasl OI Anna McDonald, secretary; C. Chris- V tU1 O O n i C I O H D H i l l c b will be eliminated, a num ber of fills turned liome Sunday Dorman ac­ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ship- ,, , B artlett of P ortland tensen. treasurer; H erm an Friede- will reduce the grade and the road companied him for a few days' visit. will be widened. Only port of ttus Paul and Dorman visited relative.! ley. snem Sunday with her m other M r? “» n r - gatekeeper; Id a Ryan. Ceres. Sunday dinner party guests at FYrd G roner home H annah Chistensen. Pomona; Anna road is rocked and it ls now alm ost in P ortland Saturday. (By Mi»« M artha V and rrtand en ) Mrs. Elery McDougal entertained th e F. E. Rowell home were Mr m eeting which was Kiersey. Flora. R u th Cook, lady ... „ . Impassable. Relief work will be with a dinner Sunday for her broth­ and Mrs. Horace Fisher, Mr and M o n S v arternoon assistant steward; Jo h n Bereted. , ROYT ^ i bert11X®ildoni?le"; «>" ot used here. Mrs. Arnold Anderson. Mr. and un td m the e v S S 2 ' stew ard; C. C hristensen, executive -Mr and Mrs Wllltam Vamlomelen. Mr and Mrs. Elety McDougal a t ­ er aiul sister-in-law . Mr. und Mrs Mrs. P. C. Anderson, and Mr. and ^ T S L w ^ f o r ^ p m ^ ^ f committee. Tigard grange met Wed- his arm while wrestling S at- tended a reunion of her relatives W Dodd, and family of Portland. Mrs. Ed Sutherland. for m u tm T ^ th e nesday evening and adopted a reso- “rday. a t tlie home of her sister, Mrs Miss M artha Vanderzanden spent Mrs. Ed Holcom is spending the L h o iu a U c ta tio n with the Spring- lution eallmg for th e state grange Mi lxinald. at Portland week a t the Mrs. H arney Barclay I H Herd I is ioresl- executive committee to favor a T hursday night with Miss Evelyn November 20 home in Portland. ^ o H h l ScholS “ rrv one-house legislature. Alton Rob- Jackson of n ear Banks. Mr and Mrs. A rthur Hill an- (By I R Strubb) Mr. and Mrs. John Strickler and d ent ol the berry growers. 0{ w in o n a Grange, Miss Mary Moore of P ortand nounce the birth of a grandson Mrs. v C. Strubb und daughter sp en t the week-end visiting h er Donad Jacky. December 6. Mother, two children. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne _ was a visitor. Grai-e spent Thanksgiving week in Strong and daughter Lois and Mrs. Tigard public school belongs to parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Moore. Mrs K urt j ^ g y , R uth Hill, of Portland with relatives. Laurene and Theresa B ernards. NorUl Plalns nttle son are at G race Jack were Sunday dinner i r o i u i v the Red Cross 100 per cent as a re - Mrs. FYiuik Oenzer visited her party guests a t the H. T. Hesse T I D T „ „ „ suit of each class belonging to th e who have been spending the past Jones hospital In Hillsboro, fattier Harry Wolford. In Banks MlfiS Hflen Rojdig. tlie Fir Grove from Friday to Sunday. home. junior Red Cross and th e teachers few days visiting friends and rela- returned to their teacher. Is retiearsing her pupils for Mr and Mrs. Stanley Trefren ° * having a membership. Class rings tives aroim d Mr and Mrs. F rank Schmtdhn a C hristm as program. The date will and daughter Bonnie Jean of Bon- Standings in the Commercial iiave am v ed and are of sterling hotne in St. Paul Sunday. Mrs. C. F Jesse and son Archie pc anrounced next week, neville spent from Sunday until bowling league were completely up sj ver m a special T P. S. design Mr. ~ and Mrs. ‘ Harvey Tuesday a t the J.B . B artlett home, set when Crnry and F a i r w a y The locaJ ba. ^ etoa il team has de- visited »nth «*»• ~ ->•»». ‘“‘ "■z The following program was Dre- They took a load of household team s blanked bowlers m the upper {€ated West P o r t e d and S her- Jesse and son Sunday a t Hillsboro P™« “f the PlSas- goous with them on th eir return division and took possession of Drst wrxxj but was beaten by the high ------------------------- a n t View Community club Saturday trip. second places, respectively. Ti'v school freshmen. The eighth grade evening: Negro nunstrei, interspers­ Sunday School Elects ®“Jy a skatui8 P ^ ^ ' recently with ed w ith jo k es. Don Haynes. M argar­ M ountam Home Sunday school tng hhe week ° \ play : Mr and Mrs. E. B Nedry and Mrs. et Nell, Wayne Jones, Edith Jones, (B y Mm. Zell G. S o u th ern ) officers elected ________ December 3 were ; mro, H ^ ^ ’old chaperoning. _____ the Royal Soda Works going Into I Rebekah club members from here H“dson McCornrlck and May Ego. Win Overtime Game r a tie for first place with the Hills- " ln Overtime Game met Wednesday with a pot luck ^ 5 | ' lo/,n alery,ul 4 m boro Ice Works team. Sherwood town team , composed dinner a t the home ol Mrs. A W hitmore and O°‘hn Cree on the R e s u lts o f c a m e l Diaved la s t week of Tigard and Sherwood boys, won Zweiner at Tigard. ,;s‘u .i ? o 'r,* were a s follow»111 Commercial league its flrst contest in th e intercity Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bacon of of Scholls Including Hel- _f»,irrv •> caMwav o- Fa'rw av 3 league with Portland m erchants a t near Sandy visited the Struthers en ***** H arry Schmeltzer , Tom and CosletFs o’ National league—Union Sherwood Friday n ig h t 20 to 16 home Sunday. Oil 2 National r.narris l Bristol 2 a five-m inute play-off in th e Mrs. Dorothy Will and Marlene Commercial N ational bank 1 City overtime period. The two team s spent several days last week with league — C C Store 3 Lentz 0 ttere tled 16 a11 a t the end oi the relatives In Portland. Hallie's Place 2 Ire la rd :s 1 Amer- game and In th e extra period, S her- H iteon pupils are rehearsing for ican league—Hillsboro Motors 2 *'°od gathered two baskets to lead th eir C hristm as program Decem- Home Baundrv 1 Roval Soda Works the Portland boys. Fred Meyers is ber 21 a t 8 o'clock. A cordial ln- 2 HUlsbiro Ice' w S k s 1 the next team to test the local vitation ls extended to all friends ' . . . „-—i, - » » skill. H asselbrlnk was the local Mr. and M rs Lloyd Metzentine Hang on Colds and Bronchitis hlSh scorer with eight points. and daughter M yrna of Hillsboro as follows. City league SiunSleinke, WRh gQOd w eather in prospect sp en t Sunday a t the H. Metzentine N ational league. H. Rogers Jr., {or ggypraj days, farm ers have been home. I t ’s a powerful and safe medicine 227: American league G. Winger, ¡jusy in th e field plowing an d seed •Mr. and Mrs. P eter Olson and an:l best of all "It acts like a flash" I«3t ; iH7OnS d rClS liese^ l a au eE Kft°tF' ‘n? although some are skeptical of children of Progress spent Sunday —y o u 'w o n 't have to 'w a it’ for days lett. 181, an d ladies league, H attie plan ting th is late and cold. Many evening with Mrs. Sophia Olson to chase even the toughest old Williams, 176. are In favor of waiting until Feb- an d MLss Mabie Olsen, cough o u t of your system. Standings: ruary to p lant th eir grains. Those William F Campbell w-as ln White Buckley's M ixture i triple acting > i W L Pet. who did n o t get th eir garlic ln be- Salmon, W ash, on business the one or two sips and often the o rd i­ C ity Leacae— . 18 12 .6 hi iti: is no W ith sfus i i t i i t P rin tin g ! for Safety Ls Uie waUhword of this Institution. Every known safeguard stunds hack of your Investment. Sound First Mortgages reduced each m onth by monthly paym ent Insured against fire supervised by Stute of Oregon Any um ount accepted Emnhigs |>uld to you In cash. INVEST TODAYI R E L IA B L E A T ig ard G range Installs H ead s Viete tn 1UKl lw -,ir* gllmps<: of •> Present Program YZ^n Dnmplnn Arm in Wrestling Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J. M. rKRMON, Manager Having« A Loan Bldg. H illsboro. Oregon jjslSS^S /M C Ú -U /M 1933 1933 1931 1930 1929 1933 1929 1928 1928 1928 Ford V -8 Coupe Ford V -8 T u d or Sedan Ford Deluxe Coupe Ford Sport Coupe Ford T u d o r Sedan C hevrolet Tow n Sedan Bu ic It Sed an Buiclt Sed an Nash Sedan W h ip p e t Sedan 1930 Ford 1 ‘ j-to n T ru c k . 157-iilfh dual wheels. A - l , fully guaranteed. 1933 Ford 1 1-y-ton T ru c k , 157-ineli wheelbase, dual wheels, fully guaranteed. Green Mountain I iygi'fg rPatTirP /AUTHORIZED SALES ANO SERVICE Local DOWling Loop H iteon <•j y - ~ ? you* Like A Flash Stubborn Coughs Go TOBACCOS C A N D IE S H o e f f le r ’s 2 V i-lb , BOX C ANDY .25 ’1 CLEM’S PLACE Confectioners - Bowling Alleys Billiards 1260 Main St. Hickeys from Pastime Card Room good here. Currys Eairway Safew ay Cosletts ........... ........................... 1« 15 14 14 14 14 15 16 S E R V IN G E V E R Y F IN A N C IA L N E E D SU N SE T O, who can remember the dawn The dove w ith the coral w ing Who can remem ber the sunrise. Can remember a n ythin g W hile »tanding rapt in the radiance O f th is glorious canopy. W atching th e M aster o f color Spread it o ’er sky and sea? O, w ho can remem ber th e blossom» W hich sprin g from th e low ly sod. When bew itched by th e crim son ramblers In the h anging garden o f God? - PH ILK NA M BEN TLEY O ur classified columns may have Just w hat you are looking for — Read them. Fresh-as-New Blankets STAND BY Dodge Plym outh CA D Y M O TOR CO. æ W e have a special process for woolen blankets — to keep th e ir fluffy softness and prevent shrinkage. Ye? I— we call and deliver. F ast I service; thorough lowest prices. w o rk , Home Laundry 8C Dry Cleaners Trlephonr 47 New Location Hillsboro, Ore. You are in ­ vited to dis­ cuss y o u r banking and business problems with us. The First National Bank of Portland h a s steadily served the financial inter­ ests of this state since the day the bank opened in 1865. Through tne Hills­ boro Branch the complete, well-developed services of this bank are now avail­ able to all of this district. We invite you to utilize our banking services. T h e knowledge, experience and careful judgment of our of­ ficers are offered to every customer, no matter how small his or her account may be. * HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND •O IDIST N A tlO N A l SANK W i f i O f THI f O C K I t r 1125 T H IR D S T R E E T Hillsboro .533 .517 .483 .466 Oregon • • • I t ’s a proud man indeed who gives his wife just the gift she wants. And for­ tunate, too, when that gift is a new gas range, because it assures him successful cooking and better meals. Combining the latest trends in styling w ith every necessary convenience, mod­ ern g ts ranges arc unequalled cooking appliances. Because they burn gas, their heat is instantaneous, dependable, clean and uniform. They offer an unlimited selection o f temperatures, "tabling you to follow any recipe exactly and without waste o f fuel. Since gas gives you more heat per dollar than any other convenient fuel, cooking with gas is not only the best way hut also the most economical. 1935-model gas ranges come in deli­ cate pastel tints and in gleaming white with contrasting trims. In the displays at dealers and in our showrooms, you can easily find the gas range that seems"tailor made” for your present kitchen. See them at once so that you can givc"Santa Claus” advance notice o f just what you want for Christmas. P o r t l a n d G as & C o k e C o m p a n y 1 3 0 0 M a in S tre e t — A v25.OO FREE WARE H ills b o ro , O re g o n » SET OF STAINLESS ENAMELED W H E N Y O U BUY A N E W GAS R A N G E — priced $ 8 5 .0 0 or more without kitchen heater, or $125.00 or more with heater. D E T A IL S AT D E A LE R S OR AT OUR S H O W R O O M S I