THE T liu is iliiy . I>«•«■••111 I h t 13, 1931 H I L L S HO H O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Five -------- L slst t ttiat h a t relief relief ol of the ummploy- j day were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald itor In Portland, returning home love stun, . has C laudette Colbert. Vining u n i (hlldren o f Forest Monday night. X—T a • Fai Ls “ " I" " ' lblllty of local Warren Williams and Henry Wll- Which 1» interpreted .Drove. M i. W Egar »lid soil and coxon In the principal p a rts Wtl- Program Decemher 20 th a t any additional Herman mid Mrs. Laura Eddington Miss Shatuck and her pupils will coxon Is tlie young Englishman I- ............ nJ fu n ..... i which „ the state m ight >>f Portland put on a Christm as program at Cecil B. DeMUle brought to Holly­ want Ui advance will have to la- Ml • Ed D R o u rk e I’litei tallied Mason Hill This community will '■ the school house Thursday evening. wood for the roll' of Marc Anthony, In addition to the *250.000 a month wdh a luni la-on 1 ue«lay in In..... the noble Roman who gave up his which Oregon lias agreed to put liold a pot luck supper a t the December 20 There will be no life for love of the Egyptian queen of Mm. JIIII Powers Those pre..'lit ufi to m atch federal funds for re­ school house Tuesday evening at school during C hristm as week. 1 w ere tin ' M endicities < lube K...',ncr, while empires tottered about him. S u rp rise I’n rly G iv e n f o r Deorge Mwcchuiu, Delbert Fowles, lief of the unemployed This would 7 o’clock, to be followed by services | m ees.ltate sale of certificates of Dtto Vogcii. the I Conor guest, a n il held by Stanley Cornlls. I t 1» hoped A. B. E d w a rd s S a tu rd a y in ‘ buxines» against future liquor llw hostess. Y O U N G ’S profits., a pr«x eilure to which Gov­ there will be a good turnout. Bring i A number of friend» surprised ernor Meier 1» very much opposed own dishes and some eats. Mi and Mrs. W ater K Arnold (11» Mi«. J««* Meyer«) Sunday visitors a t the d ia rie s Thursday evening with a charivari BUX'I'ON W oiiuui ' h Hriietlt u»- Mr anil Mrs. Arnod recently came Quality Job printing—Argua. Johnson hotne included Mr. and "Cleopatra,' a Param ount p tc - : "Thoughtful. Sympathetic MM-iuiion No 2» met 111 nll-ituy lo live a t Mr. Arnold's home here Mrs Delmar M artin of Yamhill, ture, will be the Venetian feature i Service” »•■vilon with banket dinner »1 the If you change your addross kind­ Mr and Mrs C. H Oonyo and for Sunday. Monday and Tuesday. Ml and Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck grunge ball December 8 Officer» mul Win Howard were dinner gue.t 1 Hillsboro The film, a modern screen tre a t­ Phone 972 ly notify the Argus direct and at Florence French lor Tlio coming year were elected Sunday of Mr and Mrs A Pluls- M Conrardy was a week-end vis­ m ent ol one of the world's greatest once. and Installed uh follows: I'll >lc K el­ am e and Mrs Denison of Portland. ly, pienulent. Cluru Allen, vice- Twenty mi -tubers of the W ash­ ■Q. iiresldent: Alice K'.tepp, |xu>t prei- ington Orange attended tde Installa­ litent; Mollie Tullinun, eluplidn tio n ol officers u t Hillsboro Orange I j i V oiuc P«'ler»»n, recording M ire Huturday. A pot luck dinner was lury; Jultu Flaher. treuaurer; Ethel w ived a t noon. Meyer», fliuuu'jul eeeretury; Anna Sunday dinner guest» a t Lice l l e i l e iloitl. sergeant; Ella Steph Floyd Raftety home were Mr. anil ell», of flier of tin- «lay, llonnie Mrs Clyde Lincoln and son Wes­ Manley, musician; Eva Tolke, Inner ley Mr mid Mrs Ray Jackson and I vm U' hh ; Itiit-li Scofield, outer bnat- son Johnny und Mrs. Marla Jack- r»s; Jeaale Tillman, cuptuin rttunl- son. utl of neur Hillsboro. 1.111 guard; Mary A Caldwell, < ap Mrs Harold Wluitley of Huber tain display guard. Prudle Elckas, vlalted friends In thLx vicinity last junior supervisor; Vida Howell. Lu­ week, cille Wlute. Ethel Edwards, Elsie Mrs H B. Edy of Winlock. Wash., Meyers, color bearers; June tlurvln. was a guest a t tlie C. H Reynolds Ml»» America. llo iu tle Manley, M iss home Thursduy W H A , Pearl Watson anil Mary Mrs. Ena Hollenbeck of Astoria Watson, color bearers, Ethel Mey­ visited Hunduy ut the homes of ers. press correspondent. Mr and Mrs. Eurl Hollenbeck and Dinner guest» were Fem e Kast­ Mr and Mrs. Loci Hollenbeck man. Merlin Watson. Alpliu Mae. Harrison grade sc-liool is plan­ Harold mul Norman I’elerson. Hhlr- ning a C hristm as program for Frt- ley and Beverly W hile and David ilay evening, December 21 Kdwanl». Eleanor und Leland Pow ­ Mr and Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck and ell Mrs Mollie Tullinun wius taken son Howard were Thursday evening In as a new member Mrs Ethel dinner guests a t the Jim Anderson Meyers was Installing oflleer A home In Hillsboro present from the Review was given Miss Anna Baker and Frederick Mrs. Veta Ceurley. a member who Budkin of Portland were Hunduy has been 111 The usual Christm as evening visitors ut tlu1 Joe Baker pie was a feature of tlie day. Mrs. home. A CHIC duyllm e dress to wbicb b rig h t b uttons may add a bit of ALL W OOL FLANNEL Here’s a big gift value! Anna R ethrrford was oliueen Janitor MISS Bernice Dillon ol Hillsboro color Is pictured as P a tte rn 401. Em inently suitable fo r the tor the year. •'President's Day" will s|ient Saturday night und Sunday youthful figure, this frock can be easily made In linen or b right be obwrvnd a t tlu* home of Mrs with M argaret Matlilesan. gingham from p attern s sizes 34 to 46. Size 38 calls for 4% yards Elsie Kelly, president of the R e­ Mrs. Mary Wallworth of Rock- view, December 1#. with a pot luck uway 1» spending this week with of 3Z-lnrh fabric. A clever collar and bow In one-piece, slenderizing panel and cone dinner. M rs' Sam Raffely. Mr and Mrs J. L. VanDomelen pockets on th e sk irt distinguish the attra c tiv e dress. P a tte rn 377. Mr. Edwards Honored A urprtM' party was given A 11 1 made a business trip to Portland P a tte rn s in sizes 36 to 52 a re available. Size 44 needs H 4 yard s of 35-lnch seersucker, gingham , o r percale, with % yard of contrast. Edwards Saturday night on Ids Friday. Mr and Mrs II W Amu-nlrout .The “cream of the crop” in Ties are always a welcome birthday Cards were enjoyed Tliusc ol Banks were Sunday visitors al To secure a PATTERN and HTKP-BY-STKP SKWfNG IN8TRUC- pri siuil were Messrs, and Mesdnine ■ robes, because flannel is gift to any man I He’« n O N E , 811 "Hi Hie eogpoa lu low. being su re to MENTION TIIH Pied Watson, M. Watson, Ruben I he Archie Thompson nome warm and serviceable, yet bound to like these ties, be­ NAME Ol THIS NEW SPAPER. Kelly, George Higgle, Jesse Meyers. David Edwards, Ira Powi-ll. A li lightweight and good-look­ cause . . . they’re hand­ Edwarits. Mrs Prudle F lc k a s and ing. Double-breasted style I - I .iiiie s F A More.01 Hurry Seu- made, resilient construc­ FASHION BUREAU, 103 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK l«>lil and Jack and Hairy. Chai loth with four-button front and * tion ! They tie better, wrin­ Sullivan, Mrs LaVoita Peterson and Enclosed f i n d ................ cents. Please send mo the patterns iH v H sm I C h u r r h lr y ) . n i l Harold. Mrs O II Stowell and notched lapels. Finished kle less, last better, look L.FEDVILLE Reedville Ladles in ( checked below, nt 15 eents each; Betty William and Delmar Higgle, with wide sash, hand knot­ nicer! All the new colors, Mrs Jessie TUlnuUl. Oren Pros I giving their annual pre-holiday d . l i ­ P a tte rn No. 4 01 Size ............ .. ner Friday Everyone welcome. Mr Webb and Eleanor und Leland ted fringe. Do your gift patterns and fabrics I Plen­ Opens Station Powell. P u tlern No. 377 Size ................. robe shopping at Penney’s! Ralph E ltannu ha» opened a ty to choose from! Mrs Elsie Kelly Elliel Edwards, pearl Watson. LsVoiia Peterson Union gas station west of Reedville N a m e ........................................................ A ddress . . . . Series of Plays Given Mary Watson and El la-1 Meyers a t­ Reedville Christian Endeavor pre­ tended a quilting at Hunks T h u rs­ City ............................ ........................................... S ta te . sented a .series of short plays Tliur»- day Mrs. Hoturr Bennett is visiting I av evening In the church Other Name of this n e w s p a p e r....................................... number* on the p ro /ram were songs relatives at Crane Mrs E tta Edward» is home from by Clulr Beeler whistling solos by a visit with a daughter. Mrs. Be s­ Edward Jansen and dialogues by- All m ater ids ap«'clfted in above p attern s may be purchased Mrs J It Churehley and L. J sie Terry, at Caldwell, Idaho In local stores. Mr and Mrs. la u re l Frost ot Foster Mrs 8 A Keeker acted a» Forest Drove visited Ills mother and master of ceremonies and Rev T departm ents, if and when tlie build­ brothel’s, Mr.. Jessie Tllman and Dui enn gave a short intermission ing reverts to tlie state, citing the Oren and G ilbert Frost, one day lalk H e- audience gave freely In fact th a t tlie state Is now paying the free will offering One tenth best week some *40,000 a -m onth In rental» at an easy-to-pay price! George Hollenbeck was a Portland of tlie of fr ring will go to the to provide for state activities now church visitor last wix’k 1 (ly Mr». u W r ig h t ) located in Portland. Helen Becker visited Helen Jo h n ­ Mr and Mrs Wiley Beneflel and When tlie governor heard of tlie THATCHER- Ixtdle.s club will Zed Duets of Redmond visited rel- son in Portland over the week-end Mrs, Bertie Johnson entertain« o meet lhxx-n»ber 19 with Mrs. Will suggestion he immediately branded alivrx here und al Maniung last tt as "asinine and ridiculous’' am; Haney and have a Christm as tree ' trlends with a dinner Sunday WMk. insisted tliat the S tale sliould tun: Itonald Ocorgv K leth Hlckcn-I for th e members. Plan Program the property back, to tlie Mulkey Wilbur Wright Cecil Tower and A Christm as program Is being a r ­ Inoper. Clearies lsaarson. Robert ranged by the teachers and pupils George Victor Neutz. Monroe M i- Nellie Haney spent the week-end estate. The budding, a three-story a f ­ A gift he’ll appreciate all winter long! nt tills school to be given December Mavhlll mid Bert Finch played with Nellie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. fair located a t Second and M orri­ on the lootbult team that defeated Fred Honey, near Strassel. 31. Good quality capeskin with soft, warm lin­ son streets, was willed to the state Mrs Otto Pannier was given a Km tor. 27 to o Sunday afternoon S tart bogging surprise sitoui-r Friday afternoon by Frank M. Mulkey of Portland, Venn and Jesse O rndulf luive re­ at Rosedale ing and full outseam. Easy-fitting and dur­ Rev T Duncan preached a ser­ at tlie home of Mrs Molt Present who died In 1927. The bequest, how ­ sumed logging operations, leaving able with popular button wrist. Black or were Mesdames H Kurtz. O P au l­ ever. was subject to a life interest been clo-ed down by bad weather. mon on M artin Luther hi conne ill the property by C hester V. Joe I toss who is employed 1.1 tlon with tlie 400th anniversary of in und daughter H attie, K. Ober- Dolph. brown. Choose his Christmas gift now! who lias since died, and Portland, sfienl the week-end a t his the Bible Rev Duncan brought out m an. A Hayden. T Haney. C. M arshall R. Armstrong, who sur- interesting fact» about M artin L u­ Rutan W Wright. L Wright. Rob­ home here. es. Mbvt Edith Fielding of Yakuiui Is ther which made an enjoyable ert Mott and daughter. Miss T. 1 li The legislature of 1929 accepted Farthing and the honored guest visiting her sister. Mrs K C. Lynch sermon. Visitors a t tlie Lou W right home the gift and authorized the board II J. Churehley has ripe raspber­ Red Cross subscript Ions here were of control take charge of the L inen C rash CLOTH given by tlie W H A. ladles and ries in Ills back yard. Many green| Sunday were Mr and Mrs Marlon property and to protect the state's i n - 1 ones are along with the ripe ones. Hart and daughters of Hillsboro. t he grange Mr and Mi - Jim Wright and Mrs. terests. suclt as m ight exist. At- C ot»red border Lola Vandelwy of Dilley, Cecil toniey G eneral VanWinkle, how­ W h e e le r and W o o lse y Tower of Hillside. Farthing Toynes, ever, has advised the board th a t at V e n e tia n T h e a te r Maurice LaSalle, Deorge R utan and as yet title to the projx-rtv has not passtxl to tlie state and will not so Bert Wdeeler and Robert Wia>l- John Paulsen. Cora LaSalle spent Saturday with long as Armstrong lives. .1 \ will b e at I he Venetian T h u rs­ H a n d y 52 x 52 • • • Friday and Saturday In K en­ her sister. Mrs Bruce McCann of zize. P la in or MOUNTAINDALE A party Was day, Manning. M ultnomah county succeeded in tucky Kernels.' They are assisted plaid c e n te rs , given Tuesday evening In honor of i.v Mary Carlisle. Bpanky M cFar­ Mr and Mrs. Charles R utan and diverting *50,000 of its unemploy­ N a fi i a s io H o w a r d Hollenbeck's blrtluiay sons spent Saturday and Sunday ment relief allotm ent th is month land and Nisih Beery. M a tch , 6 lo r 4 i c ’ Those present were Mr and Mr- in Vancouver. W a sh . wlUi friends to the relief of its indigents, but Earl Hollenbeck. Mr u n d Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Royal Raymond other counties faced with the same ALEX BOURNE Hubert S m ith' und son Earl. Mrs and family of Mountaindale spent problem will probably have to m ud- 1 H ayon GIFT GOW NS Alex Bourne. 76. passed away Sunday Echo Willis. Amy und Helen Hol­ with Mr. and Mrs. Herb die through as best they can. In 1 lenbeck. Sydney Connolly, Nor­ Friday nt his home at Nanton, Al­ Raymond. 4«| Loce-lrim tied! agreeing to this diversion ot funds , man Smith, and tlie host and h ost­ berta. Canada, after several months Penney’s brings you the newest styles even to meet the M ultnom ah county . ess. Mr, and Mrs. Loci If. Hollen­ Hines» He was a brother-in-law emergency the federal relief adnun- I at a price as low as this one! Coats are a of L C Brown of north of Hills­ beck istrator warned th a t "we must in- , Mr and Mrs Hubert Sm ith drove boro and hl» home was formerly little longer, sleeves simpler with fullness (C o n tin u e d fro m page one! to Tillamook Wedneaday to attend hl Hillsboro. Funeral services were A big selection BLOOD ON MY HANDS I below the elbow, smoother shoulder lines! the funeral of Mr. Sm ith's uncle. held Slmday at Nanton He Is su r­ ties and la in no sense a state in quality rayon ! I ant concerned for my neighbor , vived by his widow and two sons. lax Another 81.304.290.31 of the John Proctor T e a rose a n d Crepes and nubbed crepes— black, brown, Ouests of Mrs. K atie Luck Sun- Earl and Verne, of Nanton. Alberta. 1935 levy ts accounted for by the who heeds not the Bible tru th as , J blue, aisaa 18 und 10 his eternal soul. I green! Sizes for Women and Misses! //( 17! Buya! general fund deficit, which, ac­ For tJic CRxxl Bixik says tliat they ( cording to the constitution, must who reji'ct C hrist as saviour go out , be met If tills can be done without in to e n d le s s a n g u is h of soul, for- I ( ■ ••«•('ding the six per cent Increase. ever away and away and away ’ v'htle tlie financial rwreds of the front God wlx> made man tor him - ' •’ ,17 tax-supported state d ep art­ self. T h e y Uve on In th a t blackest I For Gifts! Lustrous Rayon ments. Institutions, boards and com­ sin; the sin of rejecting C hrist as 1 ' missions for the year are estim ated Saviour. And I ought to be concerned for j a t $6 0+4.455.47 revenues from mis­ cellaneous sources oth er than prop­ every m«n whom I might reach; 1 lor. I have w arned them their \ erly taxes are expected to yield blood until jacquard designs— Colors is on my liands. "The same j 4 P E C IA L ' *4.680.749 T h e s e m iscellaneous wicked man shall die in his In- I sources Include Income, intangibles iquity. but his blood will I require , are grand gifts at only an d excise taxes esttmaUxl to yield at thv hand." Ezeklal 2:18. OUR N E W D E A L P O LIC Y h its fur exceeded our , *1.900.000; inheritance taxes, c o r­ Hear the Apostle Paul—"I am in ­ expectations. We believe the public appreciates our poration and Insurance fees, tithing nocent from the blood of all m e n ." |( Tha lovely, lustrous, heavy quality honest effort to give service and quality at the fee's, etc., estim ated a t *2.150.000; He was commanded to go to 11.« - . spread that dresses up any bed' 86x very lowest cost. We invite you to join the crowd transfers to the general fund from tions—“to open their eyes and to | 105 inches — scalloped edges — in a p a ir tlie motor transport division, fish tu rn them from darkness to light, of satisfied customers ami S A V E S % on your p u r­ range of popular boudoir shades.) and game departm ents, etc., for and from th e power of S atan uiiUi [' These make handsome g ifts—$2.98! chases. Duy and night, both public­ support of the state police, totaling God." and from house to house he ’ A sk u» a b o u t ou r N ew D e a l. P h o n e 1001 *430.749; and unexpended balnnces ly went, testifying both to the Jews 1 front tlie 1933-34 budgets am ount­ and also to the Greeks th a t they I Tins light-weight, all wool You can give these to any W e e k ly C ash S p e c ia ls ing to *200.000. must turn to God and luive faith 1 woman on your Christmas SfM'clal millages alone impose a in our Lord Jesus Christ. "I purpose < (No discounts on these) list and be sure she'll ap­ burden of *1.764.485 upon the tax ­ to know nothing among you save 1 payers of the state or approxim ate­ Jesus C hrist and liim crucified." he I preciate them! Sheer chif­ ORANGES - LEMONS makes a choice gift /o r women! ß j SUG AR- ly *400.000 In excess of the total re m in d s th e m . , Tlie saved m ust all stand before , fons with silk picot top— properly tax for current expenses. Large size. 10 lbs. • • • the judgm ent seat of Christ to re- I P er d o z e n .I tz C x or service-weights w i t h Tlie most recent verbal tilt be- [ celve their rew ard as God's mrssen- , W h ite B e a n s ger people; rewards or censure. In . mercerized top and sole— tween Governor Meier and S tate T reasurer Holman, th a t centering th a t awful hour let. me not see my 6 lb s................. GRAPEFRUIT— Large Tailored us sm art women want th e» they’re both in a range of nbout the Mulkpy building, scents neighbor's blood upon my hands, —with double notched collar, flannel but let me hear my Lord say, "Well ' mid juicy. to lie Just an o th er case ot much beautiful dark and medium TOMATOES— 2 1 2 siz.e. sash and 3 pockets' Warm as a blan­ done good and faithful servant." ado about nothing In particular. S fo r ket robe 3 times its weight! Range of colors, in sizes 8Vf> to lOV^ 1 Holman. It seems, suggested thnt Come on men; let's give the tru th ' With puree. colors! Sizes IS and small to larg e' the legislature should investigate as it Is in Christ Jesus to tin last 1 2 fo r ............ SOAP the feasibility of eonvertlng t h e unsaved soul In our county. George I (Paid Adi 1 building Into offlee space for stnte N Taylor, Beaverton. Large bar, white or S u n sh in e C ra c k e rs B u x to n W . B . A . P ic k s L e a d e rs Mason Hill Folk Plan ” Pot Luck” I t l 't~'i / ! _________________ I ’’Cleopatra” New Venetian Feature Funeral Hom e O / 7 / y ^ ^ A / o r e S /jo /y o /s iq r f i a y s 7 7 / C /? r /s ffr r a s / Every Man can use plenty o f handmade Here's a man's ideal Christmas gift! ROBES T IE S $590 I § s § Pre-Holiday Dinner Reedville Fridas » s 4-star gift! W arm ! Dressy! 9 Men's G l o v e s Thatcher Ladies Planning a Tree £ s § More Days Till X’mas s $149 Shop N ow ! -------------1 É Fur Collars, Edgings, Jabots! Mountaindale Folk Observe Birthday COATS 69* s I s s k 98« Capitol News Letter «FA 1O N S BEITiCi Funds limited? Full fashioned silk SI BEDSPREADS H O SE 49 Flannel ROBE I 50c 25c 23c 29c 2-lb. Box SUPER SUDS -| Qp OQo ja o V brown. 4 for 19c 29c $1.69 S u p er S u d s— 4 p k g s . .............. If you want something real good, try this FLOUR PILLSBURY. 4 9 -lb . sa ck Prlcea have advanced, but we are giving you this one chance to buy a hipli pilule Floui at a very low cost. We have a new w heat cereal— W heatex, cooks in 10 minutes. This is som ething different and we believe yon will enjoy eating it. Come in and get a free sample. Our Christm as Candy is on display, all fresh anil clean in our large glass showcase. Special prices in quantities. Wiley’s New Deal Grocery J u st P h o n e 1001 3 .« C orn er 3rd an d M ain Dump T R U C K $ BABY DOLL Electric Lights! All Steel Made! Hand painted, rosy complexion J u st A s T h e D o cto r O rd ered 79e VYZ1 place strongest empha­ sis on this branch of our business — th a t’s why your physician will suggest thnt «end prescriptions hers. T A C o m p le te S to ck o f S ta p le D ru g s .N R Fellows! New, Stream-lined ’ Toodlums, Jr." All Rubber P re s c rip tio n s . PALM DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists 1208 Ma n St. FREE DELIVERY 89 Is It a dandy! N early 20’ long I It dumps ju st like big trucks! Its head­ lights shine! Stands aU sorts of hard use! So strong it's alm ost impossible to wear out! B a iie rie t Sc each / . high from her toes to her head! Her head, legs and arm s are movable and can take life-like poses! She can take baths too! And Is a (veil behaved doll! Priced low! -Z Phone 266 C HRISTM AS STORE J .C .P E N N E Y G O . D E P A R T M E N T s « s STO R I Bring the Kiddies ii to Meet Sente SATURDAY i i S s s $