Page Four THE Great Work, Boys J?lUsbon|fljiA.i W ith W hich la Cemhinad tha Hillahara lndep«nd«nt HI Ila boro Arvua ««tab 1894 Hillsboro Independent estab. l l ’ l M rliIN N K Y A M e K IN N B T . PeMIsbere Published Thursday«. Entered as second-class poatuffice a t Hillsboro. O ra ro a m atter la the H IL L S B O R O AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OKKOON Tliurmlwy, December 1.'», 1934 Hilhi Gridders Ninetieth Year Given Awards G/chra/c./ by W ashington county has a great bunch of 4-H d u b boys and girls. They bring home the bacon in a big way. LeRoy Mills and Charles Kay of Shady Brook in the winning of Oregon and Pacific Northwest Cast for O p e re tta Chosen dem onstration team cham pionships d e a rly at School This W e e k show the quality of the young folk of this --------- county that are participating in the ch ar­ I awards were presented acter building 4-11 d u b work. Ivan Bierly 1 to Football 19 Hilhi gridders Wednesday of Kinton is to be aw arded a gold medal during tire assembly period. Those at Corvallis tonight for his achievem ents receiving letters were Jack Barr, Cook, Toni Bronleewe. E l­ in 4-H club work. The county is proud of Vernon Q islett, txm Cawrse. Oeorge these boys and others like them who have wood Holscher. Jim Grogan. Alvin Mohr. m ade outstanding records in years past. Wayne O oetter. Jerry Ueschka, Bob __ Endorsement Social News of 'Fire Destroys Folk and . , . . , Plan Backed Local Local Fesr side nt Their F riends Mer^ l e Home Endorsement txtlley for donations Mrs. Sopha Peters Freerksen, made by local business firms such Flames completely destroyed the mother ot Mrs K A G riffith, cele­ as was in force to re ,,p until re . I Mrs A I. Amac.ier received high mrs E. c . M c K inney w. V E R N E M c K inney brated her 90th birthday Saturday. I cently was advocated at the cham ­ score a t contract bridge W ednrs- farm home of Emily Young. I>„ north of Hillsboro on North A « doc i at« E ditor Ed itor She was born near Hanover, G e r-' ber of commerce dinner meeting dav night at the card iwirty given miles many. December H. 1R44. and came Monday night By unanimous vote by Ila, «im m unity service commlt- Plains nxtd. Iliursday afternoon. . - P ~ r « ~ State Edl- First Audited Paper La Tu­ to the United States in iHtitt to ot those present the board of dl- tee of the Iz'ulon Auxiliary at the The fin* which was believed to to ria l Association and N s - est Audited W eekly Circula­ Ridott. 111. where she married Stev- ’ rectors was instructed to prepart* veterans' hall; Mis E I, Miaire have started from u defective flue, tions! E d ito ria l Aaeoriation tioa in O m ro n received high score at auction bridge laid gained considerable headway M em ber of the A u dit Bureau of Circulation en Freerksen. They lived on u (arm U m , program. | before ix*tng discovered but all ¡'¡"••ftot)1" H Ks,,n«,'r High : furnishings on tlie first floor were there for ten years, coming to O re­ w g id r reported on his trip ' OFFICIAL NBW8PAFKK OP W A8HING I0N CO I \T Y gon in 1878 They came by ship IO S alt la k e city last week us per­ 1 saved. Miss Gladys McLeod underwent from San Francisco to Portland and sonal representative of Governor Sabacrlptioa Rates S tric tly Cash in Advance II I, Merlekle mid family, who a m ajor <>|x>ratton Friday a t by river boat from Portland to Al­ Julius Meier to the Joint meeting Emanuel hospiial in iMrtlunif. Hhe an* living on the place, were eating Per y e a r _______________ 11.60 U S. Outside O reron Patterson, Jun Sanvsel, D e n s e t bino They farmed near Albany or western governors and national 81a months ___________ 86 Forei«n Countries Stunkard. IMvtd Torbet. TOm Good­ until 1907 and then moved Into reclumution. Mr. Id., served us “ Convalescing nicely anil may hi* dinner when a neighbor notified brought home from ti„* hospital them that the house was on fire in. William W underlich. Jim Kalil- town, where Mrs. Freerksen lived spokesman for the Oregon delega­ b.v The H illsboro Argus assume» no fin a n cia l responsibility fo r Christmas. Allhough unable to save anything meyer. Sanford Will and Elman errors published in its columns, but in east* where this paper tion. He told local businessmen dint la at fa u lt w ill rep rin t th a t p a rt of an advertisem ent in which Mr and Mrs o . M Heaton a t- on the seixmd floor, all furniture Sriiulmerich. Oregon litis year has received $3.- the typographical m istake occurs. nmh'd the dinner and program al J amt household gixxls, elolhlug and Cast fo characters for “Cherry W ith W ashington county being a great sOOtXk) from the government for re ­ t h e ixid Fellow Temple In Portland a number of rs and windows Blossoms." the tilgh school op­ A n Independent Newspaper, W h eat Services and Policies clam ation purposes. potato center it seems very much out of rriduy night, celebrating tin* a n ­ were saved on the first floor. The are Baaed on the Principle of the Golden Rule.— ’ And as ye eretta for this school year was se­ t out to licit friendly oo-operatton nual homecoming or Hassalo lodge lix*ul fire departm ent was unable would th at men should do to you. do ye also to them like- place to im port spuds from other sections. lected last week. Players Include 1. O. O. F between the city and the chamber w isa." M atthew 7:12. lo control Ila* blase, due to the fact Let’s keep this in mind and buy local po­ Frances Moyer, Ethel H endren. Tom Circle one of the M ellu d b l that the entire roof was aflame of commerce was urged by Mayor - tatoes th at are the equal of those grown Stretcher. Claire Beeler. Elwood elect J. 11 G arrett. lad les' Aid will hold a fixxl sale at j when local firemen arrived Coslett. Bob Ellingson. Tom B ron­ anyw here. Howard Hadley, cluilrnnin of the I* lis ts Superior m arket Saturdu) I The Merlekle tumlly expressed leewe and David C rittenden. Miss retail trades committee. reported A ll members are requested to eon- I (heir appreciation for the assistance Edwyna Broadbent will direct the U n it th e candy distribution here tribute soinetlthig for the sale. Repeal of the crim inal syndicalism operetta. Mrs Ham Connell mu I daughter, | of friends and nelgltbors during the December 1 was the largest ever fire, while Miss Emily Young, ow n­ Junior play cast, directed by Miss ! law, O regon’s only protection a g a i n s t Help Hillsboro reflect the Christm as Marie Houguez. presented th e c o n i-: made during a visit ot S anta Claus. Mrs nut,), Itmidall. and children ol er of tlu- building, extended th a n k r/ forces that would overthrow our consti­ spirit with participation in the Yuletide cdy a t the suite training school for A vote of tlianks was extended Portland were guests Sunday at j to the HillstMiro fire departm ent and the Thom as Connell and John Con­ liaise responsible for putting over nell tuted government by force and th a t advo­ lighting contest sponsored by the Rotary boys at Woodburn Monday a fte r­ homes. to neighbors for thetr help t i l l s successful event noon. cate destruction of property, is urged by club. Those who can afford it should at D. Schuetzi* of Salem arrlvtxt Participation in the winter sports' Iliesday to tugtn work on a survey Miss Tennessee W eatherred. ar- the morning daily in Portland and others. least have Christm as color about th eir ,.nnival on Mt Hood was urged of the city water .system for the Frances Fields and K athleen American Legion members of W ashington places at night. It will m ake Hillsboro a vtsor. m a U tter from tig, Junior C ham ­ stale rorixiration departm ent McAlear attended a planning con­ ber of Commerce In H u t land. county a t the county jam boree took de­ more cheerful place in which to live and ference In Portland tins week in Mrs. J H. Brown of Eugene was m Hillsboro Wcdmvxtuy. She vis­ cided action against such repeal and so create a good impression on our visitors. preparation for a m id-w inter c u n -, ited the first of m e week with ference a t Forest Grove. The them e should all patriotic groups. Mrs. Jones ut Ilazeldiile chosen In "Broader Horizon." Their stand is taken because of t h e Mr and Mrs. Henry David of Pliilo club is making preparations Forest Grove were guests for lunch- seven-year term m eter out to Dirk De- A nother public enemy bites the dust for a skating party in Portland. '*on Thursday of Mr uiul Mrs G Since our nation Is built on a Robert Taylor won first prize in Alleged forged check for 87 50 Jonge, P ortland communist leader, taken in the person of “ Baby Face" Nelson. The fotmdalii«) of agriculture. It Is ab- signed "Dr J. B Dinsmore. M. D . W. Handsuker. Hillsboro. into custody during a raid by Portland federal agents are doing an excelllent the "Safety First" cartoon contest Mrs Ben Haines of near Banks | solutely necessary thal the agrlcul- County H ealth Officer," was jiasixxt sponsored by the school adm ini­ police on communist headquarters. The work in th eir fight against the gangsters stration. a m ajor o(x*rulion Mon­ lost week on R, P stiaw . proprietor underwent day a t Jones hospital sh e Is con- I tural classes receive a t least cost sentence may be a long one. but it is not of the country. Keep it up. Uncle Sam. of the "W hat-N ot," according to i alraclug nicely. of production, plus s reasonable a report to Sheriff Cotuicli lld a y too strong for an avowed enemy of the Mrs. L F Enunott was brought profit, for their crops before we Tlw vouclai* was draw n on tlie United S tates government. home Sunduy from Emanuel ho s­ Fust National bank of Portland where th e hud been receiv­ can tiave perm anent pnxcperlty for W hat would happen under such cir­ until 1932. then moving to Hills­ HULsboro branch, and endonxM with pital. ing treatm ent I (tie majority tlu . Farm ers' Union boro with her daughter. In 1910 cum stances in Russia, pictured by the com­ the nam e "James R, Huston." Lo­ Misses E sther mul M urtlia Zmiow Mr. and Mrs Freerksen made a trip Additional instructions to assist cal authorities believe the check was of l oi l land were guests Sunduy ol endeavors to bring producers and munist as “ U tpoia?” It would probably local postoffice employes In h a n d ­ to Germany. Mr. Freerksen passed (Kissed by the sam e man W ti o their mother. Mrs. Bertha Zmaiw. consumers in c k m eontart by re- result in execution or a long term in the ling the anticipated heavy C hrist­ away in January 1917. while they forgetl etierks In Newberg recently Neal Davidson of Terrebonne is during unreasonable profits «(targed frozen w astes of Siberia. An exam ple is mas season mall w ithout confusion were spending the winter in Long ibiiitt tl»e nam e of tlie city health visiting for a few days ut the home I by numerous unnecessary middle­ Tire children trooping into th e school houses or delay were issued this week by Beach. Cal. They had eight chil­ officer. seen in communist decrees coming out of of Ids brother. Gerald Davidson. men. dren. two sons wlx> tiave pussed Fred Holznagel. local postmaster. after th eir long vacation—what a colorful picture Wilbur Galik of Orenco was a r ­ Russia as the result of the assassination J- h* Johnson has been very they make In th eir shiny new clothes and w ith their He also repeated hts request that away, and six daughters living: Mrs. rested Monday morning on a lar­ ill during tlie past week Her eon- I'he organization u not selfiah. of one of th eir leaders. These decrees bright eager faces. The shouts th a t split the air. Hillsboro residents "Shop Early and Sopha Jackson of Portland. Mrs. ceny ctwrge and later tn the day dltlon Is critical. It Is working for the greatest g«x«L Stena MoUuider of Io« Angeles tils motlier. Mrs. Anna Galik. was m ake it possible to try “terro rists” in and their irrepressible wrestlings and tumblings, how Mail Early.” Mrs. A H Busch entertained with Care in selecting the color and Mrs. Mlnnlf M lshler of Hollvuixxt. taken Into custody and charged with a luncheon Wednesday and three (or the greatest number, and should secret w ithout prosecuting attorney or they tell of a tremendous alertness. These children are capable of producing a marvelous advance in our size of Christm as greeting cards Mrs. Margaret VanHusen of San concealing stolen property. Galik tables of bridge have the support of every farmer counsel fo r defense. No appeal against country. will assist m aterially In handling Rafael. C a l. Mrs. Ada Elgin of is alleged to liave stolen a violin, 1-eon H artram pf spent tlie week­ laborer business man. and ritlsen the verdict and no application for pardon Salem, and Mrs. O ri/iltn of Hills­ set of books, radio equipment, tools the heavy holiday mail, Holznagel The schools are like a mill th a t has to take all end a t Elsie with friends boro. who Is Uiterested In bringing per- will be considered. Sentences of capital grades and doUung. His m other » as ar- of m aterial. If th at mUl m ust utilize defective said. Cards in green, red or other Ladies of the Lutheran church. n*sted when deputy sheriffs found m anent prosperity uj our country dark colored envelopes are hard to punishm ent are to be carried out a t once. wool, cotton, and leather, it won't tu rn out any first Rev. and Mrs, George Reuie. and read, while very sm all envelopes her burning part of the alleged loot. The legionnaires are taking this stand class product. The school is forced to take the in ­ increase As soon a.s farm ers ore getting „ the work of post office em ­ many other friends visited her S a t­ Thieves ransacked the H. T. and the lazy, the willing and th e unwilling. urday afternoon, bringing gifts and in support of the governm ent in the logi­ dustrious profit for tlielr produce they will Koeber fruit stand nt Six Corners I t is expected to tu rn out a uniform first class ployes. boy the many things Urey need cal belief th a t subversive elem ents in product of good citizens, which under existing condi­ Packages for insuring should be flowers Her daughter. Mrs Jackson, Sunday evening, according to re ­ addressed on one side only, a c ­ and son Richard of Portland. Mrs ports brought here by state police Request tliat kx*al residents use *■<> badly, also luxuries Stim ulation this country should not be allow ed to tions can't always be done. Hilda Neugart of Albany, a former Many of those growing minds are like young cording to Holznagel. The Insurance nurse of Mrs. Freerksen. and Mrs. Several packages of cigarettes and extreme care in arranging Chris'.- of buying will be enormous and It spread th eir poison. The g reat principles stam p ts placed on but one side and 85 tn cash was stolen mas trees and deiorations In order of this country of the “ land of the free trees bent out of shape, which th e good gardener if th e address is placed on more William S tark were among those approximately Jack Harod of Hillsboro was a r ­ to prevent fires was Issued this »111 be necesaary far factories to be able to straighten out. Innum erable children present during the day. Mrs S tark and the home of the b rav e” are held too may rested Wednesday on an assault and week by Wilbur Dillon, city fire Uicrixu«> tlielr prixlucttan Work who made a wrong start, are trained by devoted th an one side, it ts possible th a t assisted with the serving. buttery charge. the stam p m ight be overlooked m arshal He [xnnted out th a t there will be created for millions of Idle d e a r to perm it revolutionary forces too teachers to stand erect in th e garden of life. Mr and Mrs. Q rtffith entertained This would result in the possible liave tx>en 929 less tire» in tlie slate peopte. nu k in g It possible for tliem much headw ay. The law instead of be­ in the evening with a dinner p a r­ America plants ambition In the h eart of youth. failure to obtain a receipt during Uie first nine niontlia of tlie ing repealed should be strengthened to It points to successful men and women who came Perishable articles should be ty honoring Mrs. Freerksen and present year than in 1933 and urged to buy wllat farmers tiaro p, gp,, from humble and depressing homes. "You can also marked and placed in suitable con­ Mrs Harry Morgan, whose birthday give the average home-loving American rise,” citizens to use rare In order to 8uoh conditions would assure per­ it says to every youth from a back alley. contlnur the good record. tainers. As perishable goods re ­ was also Saturday. Those present m anent prosperity Tin« Inform a­ citizens the kind of protection th a t they Some boys dream th a t th a t place of fortune can ceived a t the post office Just be­ were Messrs, and Mesdamea H a rry ! Wax randies and electric light tion furnished and paid far by the need and deserve. Morgan. J. B Dinsmore and Rob­ Ftour-H club problems were dls- be found over the slippery ways of th e crooked path. fore or during a holiday are de­ Improperly Insulated w e r e ! Farm ers' Union W hen they see th a t the average A m er­ If they stick to th a t belief, the school can do n o th ­ livered immediately by special d e­ ert Edwards. Mrs. Lottie Sm ith and ; cussed Saturday a t tile "Singer cord pointed out by DlUon as frequent Mrs Freerksen Decorations of h o i- ) Shop in Hillsboro by a group of ing for them Modern education has a Job other livery and the usual charge made, ican citizen is determ ined and is just as causes ,,f tn .* , « lin in g tin* holiday!' an th a t of teaching facts about verbs and fra c ­ articles which, though perishable, ly and red candles were used about local sewing club leaders. Mrs Mc­ season. He also warned against the well prepared to defend his rights and th Dougall. proprietress of the shop, tions. It has to point out th e p ath of Industry, and would not spoil over a holiday the rooms. placing of celluloid toys near light I those of his country subversive elem ents convince youth th a t only by toiling up th a t path, should be endorsed not too spe­ Mrs Freerksen was operated on gave leaders tielpful Information globes or open fires, putting tissue i a t the age of 81 and was tn bed! on the m aking of seams, bound will receive a deserved lesson th a t will which is sometimes steep, can he win life's prizes — cial." p«iper around lights and placing HARRISON D. HUGGINS for three years with a nurse in a t- ! buttonholes, hems, etc Citizen. Culver, Ind. perm it us to go along in peace. * tendance, and her come back to Mrs Frank Connell, president of C hristm as trees near open fires M. 0. health Is remarkable. the 4-H club county leaders' as­ E1E, EAR. NOME AND THROAT sociation took charge of the session Dressmaking Shop W ill SPECIALIST and Mrs Zola Morgan explained I*" Opened on Saturday problems to be worked out In the ui . ahsks r r m tn various clubs and answered qurs-1 j A new dressmaking shop with a Joseph W. Kosmalski. 85 resident When Clark McAdams, editor of th e editorial tions. Examples of work done by 'lin e of ready-m ade coats and dresses Automobile retail sales code has been page of the Post-Dispatch, talked to the National of W ashington county for many i x —« '» in the three sewing division.*, will be opened Saturday morn Ira; one of the most successful throughout the Editorial association a t St. Louis last m onth about years, died a t his home on t h e ! Dr. Ralph Dresser a n d Leon girls N s lU n .l Haag , in tlie Pytliian building on Sec-ond were also shown. Scholls Ferry road near Progress country and a great m ajority of the deal­ "free news.'' he w asn't talking about news w ithout Sunday s S , ! " ' .v .- .- j v j : Club leaders present Included I street by Hortense E stepp She a n ­ of a stroke. Funeral serv­ Davis were elected representatives He referred to news th a t was entirely free as of Hillsboro port, American Legion, ers in the nation have favored it over­ cost. regards suppression and as regards coloring. He said: ices were held Wednesday morning on the county council of the W ash­ Miss Irene Stevens. Midway school nounces th at She will give a bag Mrs F. S. Reed. Aloha-Huber Miss of candy to all children visiting! whelmingly in a recent poll. P rior to its "Only one thing m atters: T h at the people shall a t St. A nthony's church a t Tigard. ington conty "Jamboree" a t the Helen Reddlg. W hitmore. Mrs the store with tlielr parents S atu r- ! adoption the used car problem was ru in ­ know the truth. If they know the tru th they are Interm ent was in the Catholic cem­ post meeting Tuesday night. Next Eugene Wall I. Scoggins Valley. Miss day and an apron free to the first Recitation ot the Rosary was ous to hundreds of dealers. Yet one New capable of self-government. I t Is the theory on etery. held Tuesday evening a t the home. county meeting will be tn Hillsboro Evelyn Reed. Cornelius; Miss M ar­ ten customers Saturday. York com pany sets itself up in opposition which democracy was founded The press holds the garet Cady and Mrs. E. M. Bow-t Mr. Kosmalski was born in January 29. fate of the republic in the hollow of its hand. It Poland Initiation of new members will man of Hillsboro. November 27. 1849, married to the g rea t m ajority and is taking the can, as it chooses, either make or unmake the re ­ County Receives Share take place January 8 and W H. Leaders of cooking and can n in g ! code to court to test its constitutionality. public. It can. as It chooses, either make or destroy Victoria Blosick in November. 1876. Dlerdorff is in charge of arran g e­ club« of State Liquor Funds will meet in the near lu tu rc 1 moved to M innesota in 1877 and ments. 10 acre» in cultivation, If all Am ericans will get in and “ play itself. to discuss problems pretalning to to Oregon in 1882, when he bought i Check for $3174. representing the Time limit for filing for adjusted tlielr clubs and make plans for first part of the December liquor balance good tim ber a n d "To win the confidence of the people an d to a farm on the Scholls F e rn road b all” instead of trying to get the best of compensation certificate« is completion of work. live sp rin g ; 51., fund allotm ent f o r W ashington! pasture; the other fellow this nation will follow serve them is the cue for the American press. If near Progress. He cleared his 46 service it will do th a t the people will in turn befriend the acres of land on which he lived January 2. ac ordlng to announce- j county, was received here Monday miles from CorneliuH. This through to b e tte r times. press. Not with -heir consent wiu its freedom ever for 52 years. Deceased was active m ent It Is still possible for vet­ | Tlu* money Is to be used for d ir e c t1 ¡8 ideal filbert ground. Price be destroyed. until the mom ent of his death. Mr. erans to take out governm ent i n - , relief purposes, according to R W "What is h atp en in g in W ashington in these and Mrs. Kosmalski celebrated their surance Tw o-thirds of the veterans ! Well, county relief committee chair­ only $135u. stirring times is of the greatest possible im portance golden wedding anniversary in 1926 assisted by the legion are not mem- ; man. to the people. Th?y should know all about it. Yet Deceased is survived by the wid­ bers of the post, it was pointed out. Mrs. Susan M Relchel, 89, an Fred Engeldlnger. service offi­ it is not an exaggeration to say th a t we m ust de­ ow, six children and 35 grandchil­ Insure with Oregon pioneer of 1846. died here T . B. H an d ley to Assist W hen people signed up under t h e pend to a very great extent for Washington news on dren. The children are: Mrs Mary cer. reported th a t Hugh Farnham Saturday T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y a t the home of her daugh­ of Hillsboro and Levi W hite of the syndicated columns which are n o t strained Scheckla. Wilsonville; Mrs. K ath- M ultn o m ah Prosecutor Blue Eagle a year ago they expected to through IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y the prejudices of proprietors and news edi­ eryn Katewa, Heisson. Wash.; Mrs. Manning were in the Veterans' hos­ ter. M rs C harlotte L. G arthoiner T B Handley, native of Hillsboro have to “toe the m ark.” Political propa­ tors. We have a host of newspapers which are in­ Frances Sumoski, D urham ; Mrs. pital. Funeral services were conducted Hiid prom inent lu rtla n d attorney, g an d a in the m eantim e has been so vic­ dustriously coloring th e news and so keeping the Anna Lorence, Cornelius; Mrs. Jose­ Valentine Abadie presented he Monday a ftm io o n from th e Donel- lias been appointed chief criminal son At Sewell chapel with Rev H. post with a m ap showing position people from seeing clearly w hat is happening in a phine Wisnielewski. Olympia. Wash., iously spread th at there has been little deputy by M ultnom ah county Dis- j of the different arm y units a t the A. Deck officiating. Interm ent was trlct Attorney-elect Jam es It Bain ! a rd Frank a t home chance to work out the problems success­ truly historical epoch. "-Star-N ew s, Medford. Wis. a t the Hillsboro I. O. O F cem­ time of the Armistice. 13H Main Hirret Bain will succeed Izitus Igingley.! . Mr. Kosmalski was a devout etery. fully. Most em ployers felt th at hours were lllllxbnrn, Oregon I ' n m r i . i *>t o ra te member of the Catholic church. Mrs. Relchel. who was born in going to be restricted more than they are, Missouri on December 29. 1844, and gladly and patriotically signed up to crossed the plains to Oregon In an M . S. W oodm an Estate “ play ball” with the national program . ox-team wagon in 1846 with her It is n o t entirely a coincidence th a t Big B usi­ Probated at $17,000 Thirty Years Ago parents. Mr and Mrs. Joseph H unt- The public should do their bit in en­ ness has discovered th a t it m ight do worse th a n fol­ Estate of M 8 Woodman of I Dr. and Mrs. H. D Huggins of ley, pioneers of W heeler county. Argus, December 8, 1904—By vote low the road to which President Roosevelt, in his forcing by patronizing the firms th a t dis­ Banks, valued a t $17.000. was filed New Deal program, lias pointed. R ath er does thia of 124 to 103 cows prohibited from Hillsboro narrowly escaped serious She spent the last 12 years In for probate this week. The will play the Blue Eagle. injuries Sunday night when their Hillsboro with her daughter and change of attitude come as a direct result of the running a t large. named the widow, a son. Ray J. E. J. Ward, ex-county commis­ car crashed into a stage near lived in Portland for 20 years prior Woodman of M ultnomah, two d e ­ outcome of the recent election. For many of the leaders of Big Business are anything but dumb, and sioner, brings In ja r of raspoerriesi Forest Grove. Mrs. Huggins suf­ to th a t time. Her daughter, Mrs. ceased sisters, a deceased grand-1 fered bad cute on the left hand O arthofner, is the sole survivor. th e cold fact th a t the g reat mass of the people of picked a t G aston December 4 son. and several nieces as heirs side injuries, while Dr. Huggins H erm an 8chum erich elected com­ and the United States Is unreservedly behind the presi­ was cut on the lip. m ander K nights of Pythias and J B irths dent and resente the destructive criticism which ha.*, Dr. Huggins reported th a t the bus Jones—To Mr. and M rs l i s t e r W alto n ian s to Discuss The Am erican Legion will stress A m er­ been directed against the New Deal, much of which W. Connell is vice-chancellor. Hillsboro young women m eet to was parked 80 Inches on the high­ Jones of Hillsboro, December 11 at is popularly believed to have originiated In Big Busi- icanism in the y ear’s program , nationally nes« E lk H u n tin g Situation organize woman's band. O fficers' way while taking on passengers and the county hospital, a girl. circles. —To Mr. and Mrs. Lee of and in the state, according to Joe Cham ­ are. Miss Jennie Greer, president; i was a t the end of a curve, where j W ashington county chapter o f ! One result of the decision of Big Business In­ Miss Blanche Huston, vice-presl- j the lights of the Huggins’ car did Scoggins Valley, December 9 at the Isaak Walton league will meet berlain, state comm ander. Americanism terests ! Monday a t 8 p. m. In tlie local j to travel the New Deal road will be the re ­ dent; Miss A nna Chalmers, secre­ not show It until too late to avoid the county hospital, a boy. with its cherished principles of justice, lease of a huge volume of capital, which has played tary-treasurer. and Miss Grace the Ooetze To Mr. an d Mrs. Fred chamber crash. of commerce rooms. R e - ! Ooetze of Gales Creek, December freedom and democracy should be the no better for th e past year o r more th a n to swell Robinson, business manager. O ther j cent elk hunting situation in O re­ 7. a girl. deposits. With a large percentage of this money members proposed band are Misses! Boy Escapes In ju ry gon will be discussed. main thought behind all patriotic, fra te r­ bank Jacky -T o Mr and Mrs. K. Jacky turned into circulation and fulfUling th e function Myrtle Butler, Susie McKinney. Plains, December 6, a boy nal and civic organizations interested in for in A ccident F rid a y of H North which it was originally issued, th e trend towards Pearl Sm ith, Clare Imbrlc, G ertrude aines -To Mr. and Mrs. R ay­ the m aintenance of those principles. improvement will be speeded and the coming year Kendall, Eulah and Arah H oyt,! Ward Tolson of Hillsboro n a r­ mond Haines of near Banks, De-1 Bird Sappington, Eva Cornelius. •P IF IN E D will bring unm istakable evidence th a t the United Irene cember 13. a boy. Young, Lucy Humphreys and rowly escaped Injury here late F ri­ States is well on the road to sound prosperity.—Hood Mrs. Claude Kerkoff—To Mr. and Mrs. Reml *2„ txi,*7 paid for old horses. H J I day afternoon when he was knocked Greear. River News. e e- i Schlegel, Clackamas. Rt. 1. 43 ! Kerkoff of route three, Hillsboro ¡•UKNISllEp 2-nxirn «pnrtmcnn, fur rent I Mrs. John Schlegel of near Banks from his bicycle by a local school December 8, a boy. A statem ent from W ashington, D. C.. bus. A. Vandehey, bus driver, re­ died December 4 rmsnnshle. SS2 Klr»i (it. 4 3.4 9 1 Htnn