THE ThurtuJay, December 13, 1934 North Plains Lodge Elects H IL L S B O R O H m ulay a t tlie I wane of Mr. and Audrey Cram- Mary Wllklson, Vin­ Mi II W W '.-o ll ol lliioggui cent Meek and Itolx-rt Meyer». A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O . Kinton Group Picks Leaders OREGON Page Three The Greatest Gift valley P. T. A. t o M e e t Mr. and Mm II L. l ’ru lt of M< - Izxul Parent-T eaelier association Mainville ii|«-nl the week-end with will meet Tiles luy evening u t II I o'clock a t t h e school h o u se The Mr. and Mr» A K Reynold«. Mr. and Mu. E P. Cornell u. of topic, “Have we forgotten the re ­ lllllalMJro and Ml. and Mm. iaiw- ligious and i luiriu t e r t r a in in g of u e e H u tc h in s o n r.|x*nl Bunday 1 our children?" Mr. Reed ol H ills­ K in t o n G r a n g e In s t a lla t io n Mr I. J< m >* Moil Excellent le w ith M r a n d Mm. J W Troulniun. boro Is tlw speaker Heverul musical I I-', b ill la le n t till,, to n ..|X III number« will be beard and refresh ­ H e ld w ilh S c h o lls Chief Pythian Slater* several day« lout week with Id» ment« served. Come and bring u : friend. «laughter, Mr«. Janie» 11. Duvis. M r s l i d Mm Johnny ( lu te « ol Mi and Mr». A K Reynold« e n ­ illy Mr* K. L. Coil ( lly N o rth I'I m I m I* TA .) tertained tlx- "JIW club 1>'< ciubei Hillsboro were guests o f Mr. mid KINl'ON Laua-:, Aid society held NORTH I’l.AINH Officer« w in t> Prize« were won by Mm. A I- | Mrs. Russell Imftl« Bunday. a n e n jo y a b le m e e tin g I luir.zlav a l t - ’ elected by PYlindahlp Temple, P y­ C lulslener, Mrs. Janie» M athie z n e r i n . o i i a t Hu' home of Mrs. Bunch thian Blitter«, Friday evening as fol-1 l.ix-1 Hollenbeck und Junu-s M alhl- lziillmmin. Officers were re-elected low» H om - T rulli, In;,tailing officer; | cwn. as follows: Mrs. Glady» Aten, presi­ Mary Matlllesrii. past chief; M ill- Pyllilan Ulsters surprised Un dent; Mrs. Eiizzibeth W ilght. vice- lie J»«*. M K l!.; Janie Hunilloi'd. | K iu g lita u t the K ol P hull lollow- president; Mrs. Madge Pomeroy, «enior; Malx-I lliihn, Junior, Marla lug the regular buslnem liiecllng ol secretary; mid Mrs., S arah DuJl- Jackson M of F . Eugenic Cypher, j llu- Knight« Bulurday night Die IIKAVKRTGN O fficers of Beav­ mun, treasurer. As a side line for M of II and C ; Cora Reynolds.! evening Was spent In playing lleano erton (flange. Tigard O range and ¡tlw afternoon's pleasure, each lady protector; Pearl Vundumeleii, guard; j Mr. and Mm. Harold lluiill» spent I .add Kill Orange, Clackam as coun­ llutll Mover, trustee; Goldie l'lirl» -| B u n d a y a t tlie h o m e of M r». E m m a ty, wen- Jointly installed by State enjoyed the giab-bug which had been provided a n d some novel teller, pre«« eorrenpomtent. Bchwander ol Moiuitulndule. Deputy (fl-orge A Palm iter S a tu r ­ hristinas gift» were won Ladle« Mr« J. W I’lUluinl and her Mi u n d Mr», d ia r ie s Lehman day evening a t the Beaverton , C Aid society will nu-ef, with Mr» j daughter. Mrs. Bclgfrled Wy««, of ’ and S o p h ia BUidell ol Portland Orange hall. Those assisting In the Bed January 3 a t her iiotne l i a d o l i vl.dlcd a lew ilay . la:,I w ick wen- guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Carl Installation were Mrs Bernice D o b ­ on Coojx r Mountain. with Mrs, I’rltcluird’s »isler, Mr» j clu isli iu-r Bunday. bins, mum hal; Mr». Ague« Van- Mr Mr», Alexander P. H er­ H M Rumsey, of Tillamook. Mr und Mr». J. W. Pritchard Kleek, regalia bearer; Mr». Helmu rick of and Sdlwixxl visited December Ml«« Pearl Allen of Hillsboro and visited at the Imino of Mr. und MeKeri-her. emblem bearer, and 5 at the lioinc of Mr. and Mr». E. Ml«« lltla OOmellUN were guests Mm 8. II Webb ol Cornelius S a t­ Mm Utilise Curler, musician. En- I, Cox. le r l.iln m e n t roiisisluig of readings Friday evening of Mr. an d Mr«. urday. C lirislm as program, which will be Honor Roll Given und violin «elections were given held a t tlie church December 23.! M errill Juvk.mii Children on tlio sc I hxi I honor roll by Mr. mid Mrs. Cburle« Mitchel is In th e liand» of the committee M r«. Lizzie H a u n ., s|x ill List for the past »lx w««-ks were Jane Miner of the Todd school of music mid most of the school will take week with her «on. Harold Harm». F. II, K it n o n and ehlldren » len t Ann Troulniun, W alter Lungue, R i i i e .J i n ie n t s w ere served In th e port. T here will be a musical and dining »«ini to about ninety p er­ d lerary progriun and a tree. P a r­ sons The hall was decorated with en ts mid ttiose Interested fn the holly, evergreens and a lighted church mid Bunday school are urged C hristm as tree. to attend. West Slope Bible class bi plan­ Service» for this Sunday will be ning a C hristm as party lor De us follow»; ITeaching by the pastor, j ccmlM-r 22. Muss M argaret West Is Rev. W. E Simpson, a t 9:45, to in i Im rg e of Hie program and M L ' be followed by Bible scliooj a t ! Ione willing the refreshments- 10 15 Everybody cordially Invited Tlie eighth anniversary of the Fred A Bucher bud some repairs Beaverton R e b e k a h lodge was cele­ inode to his place on Tile F lat road, b r a te d December 4 Noble Grand« which was formerly the B arnhill i entertained the members. "B a Tliune,” u play giving view: of mission countries, was [uescnl- oral Mrs. W. L. VañHom will Mr». o Peterson of Bend rood eel by tlx- Park H o c Community Mr move in a t an curly date. M E L of ,lear Hltegram f° r 1 30 P m Ready to nupply you with the body donee was held In Hie school l,ro*fra 'n » a s given by stroke of paralysis some time ago, A u d rev Young son of John gym Friday night. The girls’ glee ScIrnUs O range during the eve- and lias beim living in Lodi, Cal and! M r?' K ta b a l ot Port- finest MEATS nt the leant coat, ! club sang a few numbers. u i with her daughters who reside there g U,ho w ere m a r rie d r e c e n tly Brotherlxxxl meeting of the Evan- returned w 1]CT home on Rcedvillc ^ 5 a c h a ^ a r t ^ r ld a v ? te - Ready to advlae you In purchasing Pomona Officer» to Meet gellcal churches of this district will ,~ ,,i „ , lm„ tluY, cm- is im- * ere Blven a cn an v an r n a a y cve- Ready to give real value«. ? ° f thCir a"d Officers of Pomuiai O range arc - lx- held -rueaday evening a t th e JX ved M All m eals Inspected by Dr. Nicol called to m eet a t th e Hlllsbon) liomc of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aten. , , » . Lillie M. Blerly has been , , , . and Dr. Alniqulst. ’ Orange lutll Friday. January 4. a t A11 men in tlie community are in ­ having some work done In her Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur Jurgin of 1 o'clock p. m. vited to be present. orchard at her home. E. L. Cox did n ear Oswego visited Saturday eve- M lss K ate Teuiel Is employed in the work. nu* a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. H A T IN ' I P T H E H C K A P H a green house near Portland, widen Robert Pomeroy went on a fish- Amo» Henderson- | W h m T h a n k a fftv in * d a y ia u v a r Is operated by her uncle. lng trip to Tillamook Friday a n d ' Mr. Morgenson of G arden Home A n d th a ro m p a n y ia «o n a, Annual school C hristm as tree and returned home with a good catch and Mr and Mrs. C. M. Cook of I A n d it'a v a t ttn ' tir o « f o r a u p p e r. program wall be held a t the grange of flsh the iirst of week Blackfoot. Idaho, visited Mr. Cook's M a puta th a k a t tla urn. I S«Ha on th e k it<*han ta b le liall on December 21. T he teachers. Mr and jjre . G lenn 8m der and sister. Mrs. O. H. Peterson, and 1 b ra ad a n d .Jam iM-rhapa. Miss Helen Schneider and Mrs family of Lake Grove visited Sun- fam ily S aturday after which they 1 T h a n opana u p th e c u p b o a rd Audrey Vandermost. are busy be- at home of Mr. Snider's left for McMinnville for several A n d ta k v a ou t a ll th e a rra p a . tween studies drilling the children ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, C Snider, days' visit with Mrs. Cook's sister and as usual there will be a very In- \ f r and Mre Lloyd M etzentlne Oliver Clark has employment a t { T h e ctdd. Iefl<»ver d re a a in y , u-resting program consisting of and fam liy and Miss Blanche Mc- Bonneville. . I'b e Jella«i c r a n l x r r y aau c w ; | A m in c e i»i«\, fia « d lip fa n c y Rev. and M rs Riley of th e H igh­ numerous musical and literary num - Cormick of Hillsboro visited Mrs. W ith la t tic e l»ara aeruaa. tiers by members of the school , Lilly M Blerly Sunday. land B aptist church in Portland A n d th e n th e tu r k e y r m in a n t a Everyone in tlie community Is I n - ; ____________ and Mr and Mrs. H arry Moore of F r o m o f f th e to p m o a i a h e lf . j vited to attend and especially tlie j Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Al­ ECHOES OP TH E PAST i A n d »eta the«» in th e m id d le , parents. bert Scott last week. 1 W h e r e each r a n h e lp h i» *e ii. 1 bid adieu Mike McCann of Scholls finished George Clayville o f Portland T o l u m m e r 'i g olde n d r e a m s ; wiring tlie home of Mr and Mrs. I 1 rcalixe full well j Ity th e n (h e k e ttle '» re a d y . 1 owner of the place occupied by the They cannot la s t ; A n d ahe m a ke « a I m H o f te e . 11. J. Valentine last week, and the ; H. L Doane lamiiy, had a party I »ay fa r e w e ll A n d w e a ll *et d o w n t*««rether. Ughta wal be turned on in th i s t from Portland out looking the place T o » u m m e r'a » h u r t-liv e d dre am » ' J uat p a a n d m a and m e. ' liume noon. I over in view of trading. H e n c e fo rth | A n d w it h no o n e th e r e n > w a trh in * C harlotte Thompson, daughter of • Alvin N orth J r of th e . CCC camp They are but echo«* o f th e pai>t, . - „ 1 W h a t fo r k w e uae. o r spoon. Mr. and Mrs. C harles Thompson M a d e l in e DE EREES, ! a t Oak Ridge spent his T hanks- S om ehow th e m cold le fto v e r« ' of Tile F lat road, was taken to 1411 w»*hinKton si | giving vacation w ith his parents, T a s te lie tt e r th a n a t noon. M a . ahe ta k e» th e ta ilp ie c e . Good S am aritan hospital last week. ------- Mr. and Mrs, A. H. North, and A n d p a . he ta k e s th e neck, i where she was operated on for Our classified columns may have family. 1 A n d m e. 1 yet th e » c r a < ffl* inastold of both ears. She rem ained Just what you are looking f o r — ------------------------- A n d w e a ll ju a t c h ew lik e h e rk . in Uie liospital during the past Read them. Atgus < lassifled ads get results. W e |Mkaa th e «weet pot a lues. Grangers Install with Beaverton alon* “ weU “ Bend School Will Present Program Cottages, lb. ••17c 25c SW ISS CHEESE Lb BEEF TO N G U ES Lb. LARD C O M PO UND 3 BEEF ROAST u,................ HAMBURGER ,h 10c 20c 9c 9c We have a good supply of NEW SAUERKRAUT FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Rea. Phone 3 2 1Z -■ rar: ............ A n d w e k e rp a n e ye on pa. F o r fe a r h e 'll be at u» to i t . A n d e a t u p a ll th e a la w . M a . m ayl»e te lls a s to ry . A n d pa. he c ra c k » a Jo ke ; A n d maybe o v e r n o th in ' We latn rh t i l l w e m o a t c h o ke A n d w h en th e i4al«w a r e e tn p ty W e fin is h up th e te a . It 'a a lm o s t lik e a p a r ty F o r pa a n d m a a n d m e. Y«»u can h a ve y o u r » w e ll ro u ra e d in n e r» | W ith a ll th e ir fa n c y tra p s , ilu t to m e. th e re e l T h a n k » a iv in * 1» w h en you e a t th e »crap». MK5 VENUS B UN NELL S afeway S tores ra n g e s A If you change your address kind- | Iv notify the Argus direct and at once. 14c GRAPEFRUIT “ seedless: 25c CELERY HEARTS Bunrh..... 5C RUTABAGAS Candies Satin finish or broken mix. Prlcr»! Effective Friday, Saturday and Munday, Dee. II, 15 and 17 FREE DELIVERY P in e a p p le 2«.». 25c J. D. D. No. 2, broken slices. 46c Regular or quick Q Q i> cooking. 9-lb. bag .......... O5JV P e p p e r 4-oz. black. Can.. 10c S it f t a s ilk as: 27c C o rn F la k e s pkgs. 20c Kellogg's. CSI a m S o m o w o r OYSTERS- 1 1 /» B-OZ. Can ............ 9 lin m f> 11V Gulf Klst, fancy. C o c o a n u t ns. ■>., 15c Long thread, unsweetened. C o ffe e u “ .o'tbZ 25c A real coffeo value. 2 ............19c Xmas Candies FANCY CHOCOLATES 12 varieties, hand-m ade, finest coat­ ing, true fru it flavors. 43Q<* 2 ',-lb . box ........................ O J F V WALNUTS, large. Lb. ...23c FILBERTS. Lb.................. 15c ALMONDS. Lb.................18c BRAZILS. 2 lba................29c DATES, fancy. 2 lb«.......19c RAISINS. 4-lb. bag ........ 25c POPCORN. 3 lb«............. 25c MINCE MEAT, Kerr’s. 2 lb»..................................25c GINGER ALE, Cliquot Club Bottle ............................... 10c Citron, Lemon or Orange Peel. Lb...........................29c C O C O A , Mother's. 2-lb. can ....................................17c KRAUT, Libby’s. No. 2»/a can ....................................H e CATSUP, Kern’s. Bottle 9c BEANS, fancy cut, No. 2. 2 ca n » ...............................25c PEAS, San Wan, No. 2 can. .. 2 cans Chocolates ........ 59c Alaska Pink. Ä*., 10c Bagloy’« No. 2%. C .n ............... IOC popular flavors. pkg«. 12c L 49-lb. sack K FREE DELIVERY — 25c 39c O ther varieties: K rlsp-Shell Honeycomb Chips Peanut Clusters Broken Mix Safeway 49-lb. sk. Prices for Fri., Sat. and Mon.— Dec. 14, 15 and 17 CHOCOLATES CI (A[ II? K e<* K,xx- Money back lLVUn. guarantee. 49-lb. sack 21c . $ 1 .6 9 ............... MOLASSES 15c CRISCO ^rfect ixJung POST TOASTIES PANCAKE FLOUR SYRUP dhi>: SUGAR 53c 21c 53c 30c 50c bag 75031 THERE is a definite reason for the richer flavor of CRESCENT COFFEE • • * only certain rare moun­ tain grown coffee» are used, . . . the finest flavored in all the world. Improved Vacuum Packed in tk» beautiful V IT A LITE J»r 31c Drip Grind or A ll P u r p o s e Grind . . . . Crescent Baking Powder Lb can 25c Made in the West for W estern Housewives. FREE Cook Book with each 1-lb-. can. Coffee Demonstration Come Be Our Guest FREE Coffee and Cake Served All Day Saturday, December 15th MILK 3A^ ? boro. product- FREE SUGAR ' l-lb . Air m ail Coffee 25c-pkg. Cane Sugar with 1 pint of Vanilla flavoring 17c A ll for ’1 .00 ________1 9 c TISSUE ; x shee\.roUs.......................1 7 c Assorted GELATIN DESSERTS 3 Pkgs...................................................................................... 17c $-< A Hillsboro MEAT Company THE HOUSE OF CHOICE MEATS Friday and Saturday Specials 20c CORN MEAL Y yellow. " '1' or 9-lb. sk. __________________ 30c TOM ATOES cLa“nT 2 Ϋ,2 ':4...... 19c COFFEE— Airway. Lb. 20c. 3 lb«. ... 59c JELL-WELL. 6 pkg»..................................... 25c PORK & BEANS. Van Camp’s. 11-oz. can 5c SYRUP. Maximum. 2 1/g-lb. can ............... 29c PEANUT BUTTER. Bulk. 2 lb ................. 23c BRAZILS 2 lbs.................. ALMONDS Lb........................ 5c Gay colors Mall 5 ZEE W rappers to Comfort P a- per Corp.. S an Francisco, Cal., and one will be mailed f f rolls to you a t once. V Lb......................... Phillips 15c DOLLS FREE WALNUTS Vegetable 2 SPONGE R l’BBER NUTS Regular Can ...... PHONE 2001 45c 23c 4-lb. pkg. 19c CHOCOLATE or C.l'M DROPS— 2 lbs......................... French (’reams 2 lbs....................... Quality Job printing—Argus. PANCAKE FLOUR 5-lb. box ........................ 98c SATIN MIX— 2 lbs. ................... the RAISINS 29c Jell W ell Your choice of all I .49 Fancy Box SOUP Tomatoes FLOUR Safeway or Fi»her’». 10-lb. sack CREAM MIX. 2 lb»....................... ?9c CHOCOLATE DROPS. 2 lbs. . .29c FANCY MIX. 2 lbs. ....................35c visited RUCHEK’S « ASH GROCERY ............. 1 0 c Grocery prices— Fri., Sat. and Mon., Dec. 14, 15, 17 M 3TS nurse srhool Friday Mrs. Huztson, Mrs llerggren azui Mrs. Gate» were also visitors Friday Edward May 1« bark a t .schixtt after a week’s aiaerue on acuount of on infected toe Owrar V anRenterhen of S eattle visited a t the home of hi« uncle. Victor favheyne, over tlie week-end, Mr and Mrs. John G ates J r and family were Bunday night gnent-s of Mr. aixl Mrs Russell Loftis ef Arcade. ............. ioc onions 10 bars Ix x .a id K e n n e d y , B obby G re g g a n d Norru» O Rear T he county I Large, juicy Dozen F e ls N a p h th a Mr. and Mrs Reml K<*rkolf wel­ comed the arrival of a baby boy Saturday morning. T lie following ehlldren are on the honor roll for the past m onth: Aim- and M argaret Ardeel, Eugene und Dorothy Kennedy, Harold and Howard fierggren, G raze and Elsie Lorenz, Gene Hudson, txianii F » h - back. Wesley Gate:. Jo h n Hanley. 13c Picnics, lb. 5 Deliveries Daily Leisyville FILBERTS 2 lbs.................... MIXED NUTS 2 lbs.................... 16c 25c 19c 29c 35c DATES. Bulk. 2 lba......... 13c PEELS. Citron, lemon and orange. Lb.................... 25c CURRANTS. Cello pkg. 15c Honey. Local. 5-lb. pail 45c 2 bars Mission Bell Soap FREE with 24-oz. pkg. of White King ..................... 19c LARD COMPOUND . . 3 lbs. 23c SHORTENING . . . 3 lbs. 33c PORE LARD . . . . 3 lbs. 39c CORNED REEF . . . lb. 10c OYSTERS................ Pint 25c CHOICE U. S. INSPECTED BABY BEEF Phon. 982 FREE DELIVERY