T hursday, December 13, 1931 THE N O T H K T O < K E D IT O K H In tlia County Court o f tha H 'ata of O ra- fo t tha CuUBlp > >t W aahing* «.n, Prohala D epurim ene N o tlra Is harahy «ivan th a i tha utidar* slirnad h an ial Hliaw ha« haan appuintad aditi iti l«t rator of tha salata of Julius Hari- rlk«on, d < m saarni, hy tha ( ounty Court of tha Htate nf Oregon, fo r W ashington (o u n ty , and ha« qualiflad. AU peraons i having elairna agallisi aaid astata ara hera* hy notifiati to prasant the sama. duly ! v»rlfl»d. a« hy I mw rmiulimt, to tha un« darsiunsd a l 1113 Public B arrica lildg , l ’ortland, Oregon, w lth ln s ii tnonths from tha ‘luta haraof. liatad and firwl publbhad Novamhar 22, IU34 D ata nf laat pu h llrallo n Uarainltar 20, 1934. D A N IE L H IIA W , A d m in lstra to r. Laland || sha A tto r ney. 40-4 H IL L S B O R O ARG US, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON H IIF K IF F 'H M A LK t N O T IC E O F F I N A L S K T T L K M B N T No tice is hereby given, th at hy virtu e In tha County Court of tha Htata of Ora* of an Esarution, Ordaz and Dm-raa of gon, f „ r W ashington County H«la. la«11ad out of and under tha «aal In tha M a tte r of tha F-*tate of G ilbert of lh a ( in «tit C o urt of tha H tata of O ra- C Chaaa, Doceaaad. got», for lha County of W ashington, dated N o th a is hereby given. th at tha under- tha tilth day of Novambar, 1134, In favor I signed Executrix of tha last W ill nd of Gaorga W aph i n d B e rth * L . 'fastarnant of said da«-raaad, has fila«! I r Joseph, p la in tiffs , and against C. II. O r- the above entitled ro u rt and rauae, her gun arid E ffie E. O rg an , husband and j fin a l acc/mnt. and report as such, and wife, defendants, fo r the sum n f 924.40 j the court has fixed and appmnted the euata and disbursements w ith 8 % Interest 1th day of Jan uary. 1V88, a t ih e hoirr from Novem ber 1W, 1934, and the fw rther of 10 o'clock A M o f «aid day, arid the surn of 94.OOb.OO w ith interest thereon turt ro«m> of tha abova an tillcd from the 22nd day aarvlca laa» than l i e ) followed by young people's caroling in ru tllv a tlo n ; ro n im arrial o rrhard : _____ Sunday. Sunday school a t 10 and _ possibly Rock Creek Orange , — through Hillsboro streets. C hrist- u < mm | U-rouin houaa, inialarn . good haro Haadara, par lina 10a ■' ill" ,-I ther^.n fr... .'I, w .11 ..,,i i. ............... i W1|| bJ. l„.:,f th<- Aloha (,rai.gi- Grange m morning worship at 11. young £¿27?liiv "at" ?"in’ o n. re,i,bA»“ «I und ali fariniiitf Implementa. Join I im (N o »»rvlra la»» than n th day 3,,,.,. c h ... • , « ,e.i H.r«. M, AU.r s K..; ? hall Thursday ecen S S Pe? P * ’« “ rvtee a t «'30 p. m.. e v a £ S & e J w C h rlX L ^ a £ r ^ “ TTiursday evening. evening. D December r il y Unilta «»f m < mm | l«w n. F or «ala . r Count W old« Hand M<>nay N O T K E T O ( K E D IT D K H „» 7 rer r « of t 8131.70 p.r and th. A.inrnnr. i«r E— ulrU. 4 « „ T j Kredger. master of M ult- 7:« K . m _ W ed- Y o X J j S S y y i i L J g y . . an- r a « h rrn l 1840 M ain Ml fu rth e r sum w ith interest l*> uni Your Pr« «Dt» A M N A P , 92800 fo r h lioma o r iuvaat* In the ('o u n ty ('o u rt of the b tate of (Jre- thereon from the 4th day of M ay, 1931, nomali county Pomona Orange, nexiay, Bible study a t 7:45. Thurs nounced. The pastor may be seen N O TH K OF F IN A L H K T T L K M E N T gon, for (o u n ty of W ashington. J'ro- at (h e rate «»f 7 per euid . • li»« In T l,n p ii« - the m la le of Eri< k Hundberg, d<*rru«ed, 19th duy of Novem ber, 1934, to me di- Crabel, iM ceaeel Invlted to attend. Trinity Lutheran Church la t u l down for quieti »ala, Ilo o n < a«h . hy the County C o urt of the State ot r«xie»l arid d<-ilvcr«d. •ornrnanding me to O ut ut falriiaa» to a ll no Infnriun- Christian Church (irrv o n , for W ashington County, and hae muke nale of the real p roperly herein­ No.i.a i. h-r^.y »hen that the under* a large group of friends o f „ Services begin a t l0.30 a. m.; hulam a lam i« (Jwnvr 1665 Argo« 42 I H II th« tlB ttlA td P*«« w ill «lualifiml. AU peraons having elairna a fte r described, I have levied upon and Lord's day church school, 9:45 . - - utor of the laat w il l .,„1 Paul Langer gathered a t Huber hall Sunday school a t 6 45. Sermon ha ul**** oui u n til lha papar la ag a llisi aald estate are herehy notified to pursuant to said Execution, O rd er and 30. IX HIS— PETS an I M t . i e o f J „ p e r N . Grabei Saturday night for a surprise fare- toPlc. “A G reat M an's Perplexity.’ !, a. m., J C H. Nosier, superintendent. ----------------- l»»u»«l praeunl «aine to me at the office of my D ir r r e of Hale. I w ill on Monday, the l e . « ..I. h,u. f,i«i hn. f,,,ai « « - » « ‘ «11 party, as Paul Ls leaving soon MV h S' 3 You arc corcUeslly day of our special "Ten Weeks' ( A N A IlY Lirda f*»r «al», feiual«« free ttorn«»y. Riarma 217-21M, Maaoni? Kuild* u .h executor m the co u n ty -------- welcomed to worship with us. Campaign.” How many classes are liw u g r _____________ H a rt |*h<*ne 21. ________ 4»» i Ik Ina. Ilir u o n C ity, O reyon, w ith v n irh erv l l . ll .l ,. , ,, , * " Jrt " f the State o f Oregon, fo r Waah for Chicago to take up aviation, going to get the silver seal lor ANNOUNCTCMKNTH I. and duly verified, w ithin ,1 , ntonlha fro m v ( >,iv f i . « , . , ,h . J m yton C ounty, and th at Raid fin a l ae- The regular old time dances, . ...a . "f o H L s 'A 'M .'o r r id d a y .... ................................................. * hlch r* ve 31, ItOOMN ANO ACAR I .Ml NTS ........ .. .br . n held « e r y .s a tu r - Whosoever Will Tabernacle reaching their goal and how many EVERYBODY knows that our P e rfart Dated and firs t puhlinhed Novem ber 16, public auction to t h . h l y h c i biA ter f u , »'"■'■‘ "v and ~ . u . n . . n ( b c D r . « « « Court day ln the Aloha dance hall, have Sunday sclxxjl at ten o'clock every ! >£« , «“J ? iof , doubling their luu« W h ite Diamond» are priced lower ('L l*.A N , de«I raide, n ■ « Im i apartm ent for „ ‘ been discontinued until December Sunday with a good Bible study. W ell see. Morning worship adults, garagv («. W Hagle, 933 Sixth I . » .. I, in Land, all ..f th.- (o lio w in « .1. than nn a t Jeweler» price Imperfe**! Last publication December 13, 1994. Brru , lyin a . bet.,« »nd ' p , y , ‘, ' J „ M .,u i7 2 J “ • ' 22- T here will be an orchestra and wlth sPlrlt fuied teachers for every at. i 1- Special music. Sermon. "The Ht. •tunes Amlersoti s Jew ell r st E T H E L L . IN G E U H O L L , Executrix o f ’ -mwa— . , , « r« ;" ;- bated and n A « p u h i..h -t i> « « n h c r I j. floor m anager class A new class ls planning to ^ ^ ® tlan ’ * 1 U r" Townsend club the Fatate of Erick Hundberg, Deceased. 5». IIOÜNKS "d ■imrc p a rtic u la rly daarnbed aa fo b - b „ , pubH,.aU ,m J an u ary io, mss. P. T A. of Aloha-Huber schooi orkamze in the near future. You ,2:3° P- m. Christian En- E. J. N oille, address Itooms 217-218 M a ­ lows, «. LOST ANI) H IllM l t o -w it ; M iX-room forti iaht'd h«x| con- sonic ‘I empie, Oregon C ity , Oregon, A t - ( h a s . f . g k a b e l Executor n stre«H s ta te <»f (>r»-gon, for W ashington (««untv Mrs. McCabe, former re.sident underway f o r a large Christm as pro- to he revealed. The prim ary •- Interest on improved *',i-scre Wuahing- »igned Executor of the last W ill and East boundary lin e o f t h e J o h n u the n t h .lay o f p w c m b c r. iv.i4. in wa, tiere Mondav transastinif bu»i- Kram to commemorate the birthday departm ent C hristm as program will ton county farm W rite 1079 Argus ! T m ta m c n l of «aid deceased, has filed in lludMges la n d ; th e m e N o rth 9 ” 6' ih - m a ile r o f t h . u u u .x M 8. w,- <1. L a« l W ill and Tamtament of M . 8. W ood­ chain« to the place of beginning, services we will an- work (or ehleily couple, 9 ‘ per month. F A ItM money to loan The Federal Land the Court ha« fixed and appointed the man, Derea»ed, and approving and eon- week to Stella Gladys Lee and D ar- several numbers of music, dialogue, Christm as 29th «lay of Decewiier, 1934, at the hour con taining Dr acraa m ore or less, in Ixw rd and r«*wn. George Holts, |(t 6. j rel Ellis of Aloha pantomime and poems. The adult nounce Sunday. Midweek service firm in g the appointm ent o f Kay J. Wood­ bank now lias am ple funds In bonds to > f I 1' . i. . k A M. of xiiol day, and t l x County of W ashington, S ia te of M illsboro, m ile «4>uth Newton atallwn. p man, a« Executor of the Last W ill and loan to farm ers at 4 % % . O ver ll.o o n ,. the Court room of the above entitled Clifford Prink and family are classes are having the pageant of evary Thursday 7:30 p. m. A hearty Oregon 'Je»tamenl of M 8. Woodman, Deceased, sUymg at the home of his m other 000 bos IxM-n loaned to W a«bington ('¿ u r : in Hillsboro, Oregon, a« the tim e < T ^ ' Nativity and The Abiding King welcome to all our services and the cost hereinbefore name*J and place f««r hearing objections to said and satisfy fo r the and expenses of sums sale d u ^ u ^ a li f i ^ E x e c u to r Mlrn* n county farm ers by the hank. W rite or ............ .. IT WORK WANTEH at H u I x t M r Prink has been work- combined. There will be something Pr °erams. "The church with a call fo r particulars. W ashington Coun- f ,» im ! *accT nr- J. M Person, «arretary. IIill«b o ro 9tf m ent of said estate. D a 'eii thi» l i t h day of Novem ber, 1934. dem ptlon as | * r « la tu tr of Oregon. \ \ A N T work on farm for board, present them The doctor has ordered him to take i *2’ n rst time the new song i I T t-L ia a _a .1 Dated »t H illsboro, O regon, this 21»t notified and required to AUG H U u r -r i E L i , Executor of the i last a and sm all wagse W'. Grout, )'urest • w ith the proper vouchers to the under- a complete rest for several m onths Redemption” by Perry W right, who W ill and 'f i - lam ent of said drcea«*L Mlxrellaneou» DR. E. W . A LM Q U IST in M a tte r of the Katat f A llx r t j n lh e Ci,unty C o urt of the S ta te o f O re ­ _____________ _ C hurch school a t 9:45 Miss Rose W A N T to trad« ble ode In the ('»u n ty Court of the State of O n * 7 * ,nonthM frorn Mr. Bruckner, _____ who ____ was _____ taken I G rilx m a rh er. Deceased yr l i t h , 1934. gon. for the County «»f W ashington. gon. fo r W ashington Coui.ty. V eterin arian s ,., to the hospital about a week ago, 9 ^ ve- superintendent. Divine wer- Notice I« hereby given that the under- Dated thi» 13th day of December, 1 I . ihe M a f e r <>f the Fatate o f John ( In the M a tte r f tbe E state of Joseph Argus. i«iicd, duly appointed A d m in istra i r ix of K A Y J. W O O D M A N , E xecutor of thu is , convalescing a t th e home oi £ls '™*P a t " • "W hat is T h at to You?' Y...» Deceased. B u lick, Deceased. Telephone 643 and 642 IA K G E r s l>h«. Id . ic < -art has fixed the 21st day of Da- the abuse named deceased, has filed in s f» r the sale L. E. K latt and Joe Bush oi Aloha ter'd. a cordial invitation to the A 48-31* i’mber. 1934. at the hour of 19 o'clock the above entitled court and cause his «after descrll»««!. NOTICE r o ( K i.lllT O K S fin a l account and report as such, and attended the card party and dance services of th is church. You will W E D E A L IN R E A L E S TA TE M < f «aid «lay sud the court r « m i W ANTED the court ha» fixed the 17th day o f De- 1 D. he D is tric t Court o f the Unite« xtes. a t Cedar Mill Saturday evening. find here a n a'/nosphere of rever- i f the above entidad court in H illsboro, Kay DeJ- W r ite t bidder, f.ir -r (he D is tric t o f Oregon, camber, 1934, at the hour o f 19 o'clock ' regon, as the tim e and place fo r heur­ F ire and Autom obile Insurance The series of Turkey shoots held ence and of worship. We plan to A. M of «aid day. and the court room Di the M a tte r of Rtjberl O. Stevenson, ig <4 jectlon« t«) «si l F'inal Account, and »f M ull n* >iin M ake Loans and Issue Surety Bonds I«. l O H N A ! E — M ls r r l U n r o t » aiikrupt . No. B 196 o in B ankruptcy, a’ the Ed Johnson place have been 8lve eartl a cord.al welcome. We of the above en titled ctw rt in Hillsboro, Banl r the fin a l > e lllv n e n t of «aid estate. y an order made and entered In «hairs A ll «is ..f fin L h 1926 N F. a trustee, exam ine the b an krupt, and g>»n, fo r the County of W ashington. I- tli« 'be County Court of tbe S late of O re ­ Bryce A ve.. P« ■ ml T A 9349 47t> transact such other business as m -y meeting a t the home of Mr. I. R. 5 ev- M r-. Gibbs will celebrate Holy Metzler Communion on December 23 in- P lan£ located 4 miles north of For- A. A. Schram m , os Sujierintendcnt of 1 ..r le gon, fo r W avhington County, on the t-th «I m «d « o d r«< k. aleo wiht the roed of pi bile easement to day o f Novem ber. 1934, and that he has Banks of the S tale o f Oregon, P la in ­ properly come tx fo re said m eeting. T E N (<«d truck Mildred Twohy. Peggy Sivard. stead of the 16th.—Rev. R. H. Wise- est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone Claim« must be presented in fo rm re­ F‘ranu«e »hieb I« situateti SS H U F H olland a beai for »«ie. 9-. per Jean Lewis, Betsy Tollefson aud „ —: -rr A n nie M. Pearce. FJxecutrix, and A . M Upon a tra ct o f (an I lying We«t <>f N ow , therefore, ail persons having claims The schedule filed discloses 42,529 'M hush« Mitrh«-!| w agon. Ib ««rh sulky Wilma Scott attended the annual „ . Baptist Church Hucken, Executor of the F atate of ihe foregoing T ract. against ««id estate are herehy notified ts. 32.902.14 liabilities. 82.629.99 plow , Fairbanks engine and pump Play Day for all W ashington coun- .Su,n «»y school a t 9:45. preaching Emma Hucken, decease»!. A . M H o c k -I A ll <>f which «abi I met of land lies and required to present them w ith the options claimed. Jug I' tl I » «• N •' h I ’iain« en and Inaura T . Hocken, husband and In W aahihgton (..u n ty , oregun ty G irl Reserves a t Pacific Univer- a - and 7:«0. Young people's proper voucher« to the undersigned ad- Dated December 12. 1934. - ‘Ft ______ 48-4p H«i«l sale w ill he mads subject to the m in i«trato r a t the law office of P. I*. sity Friday afternoon and evening, »meetings continued throughout this .. ife. Defendants. , T H U S . H . T O N G U E J r .. R e fer« n firin a lio n o f the above entitled Court Patterson in the W ells Uuilding, H ills- By virtu e o f an execution, ju d g m e n t) Bankruptcy. Hillsboro. Oregon. ________________ week. No services S aturday night IS. ( AHS AMI TIKES r d e r o f sale issued Dste«l this 2>«th day of Novem ber, 1981 b .ro, t»reg»n, w ith in six m»nths from the “ cder.^ decree and x— > r r r , x— . . , r-. Dr. A. T. Robinson will preach Kn- f the above entitled court in the of first publicatUm November 22. date o f the firs t publication of this S H E R IF F 'S S A L K t , H U f r t . H b. \ day night. Dmner at the church We buy mid sell used cars. IK Date ce, to -w it : W ith in six months fro m 9bove entitled cause, to me directed, and K b a le ..f last p.ib llration Deren»- Notice is hereby gixen that by virtue L I J L r i L H L J Sunday, and at 2:30 the Monday Everything in Insurance dateti the 39th day of Novem ber, 1934. 1914 . >»emher 22nd. 1934. f an execution, judgm ent, order, decree —Used Cur Exchange. 48tf her I K 29. German M. E. Church, Bethany Musical Sextette of Portland will U«te»l at Hillsboro O regon, on this ul M’n • judgm ent rendered and entered in and order of saie issued out of and under I D H W IL L IA M Executor of the UHF.D auto parts for la»i Auto F.-ta c of John C Young, deceased. F S H ill. «aid court and cause on the 22nd day of Ph««e 17«1 On Germantown road. Sunday present a program. No admission •lay o f Novendwr. 1934. 1332 Washington si of the C ircuit C o urt of the State W recker« 3 tf . Sever. A ttorney fo r Executor 40-1 E d w a r d i n : R ic h m o n d . Admini.- n •'« "ib c r. m3», m f .v „ r u , a a : o r « ..h f..r » . .h i u p i o n County, on school every Sunday, 10 a. m.: G er- < harged, but a free will offering ♦ ------ --------------- Schram m , as Superintendent o f Banks the 11th day of December. 1934, • >r of the Fáltate of M a rtin Haw kins. , ,. . _ — — _ .............................. - man service, 11 a. m„ first a n d wUI be taken. This is one of the WE buy mid sell used curs. the S ta le - ' D<*> ea«ed. P L Patterson, A tto rn ey i>f N O T K f : to crf . ditom s a . . » i n il. ‘ ¡ d •« •*n « c »u „ therein pendin» in which Ered third Sundays; English service, 11 musical treats of the year and we 40-4 E x ecu tn x — M acKenzie Motor Co. In tbe County t ourt of the State of O re ­ for A d m in istra to r. E x X u t o i 'o f th« £ £ t o o f ' "Vi7 . Elf‘\rd »• n r. second and fourth Sundays trust th a t all churches and other gon. f>r W ashington County. L . . m .j a - M ML . ““ r ?r lhe. " nd W K h C. Elfond. husband and w ife. _ E JullUS TragliO pastor ♦< r e n n ,,,,) i ™ . 8C tf lntu»rr«G»ri interested n organizations will Z a Z n ­ „ ____ _ Em Horken. deceased, and A. M. N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S K A LE are defendants, in favo r of the p la in tiff In the M a tte r of the Estate oi Samuel II F IE L flo c k - -- and against defendants in the sum of N n e Is herehy given, that under and K«*keti individu ally and L a u ra T . -------- nounce and attend tills afternoon II O rn d u ff. Drrea»<*d. Phone 953 : Hillsboro by irtu e o f an execution, order and M» 4 « * r h i them, fo r the sum of 3260.00. together w ith interest t h e r e n program. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ Christian Science Society TW F.NTY cards 16-lneh dry old grow th interest thereon at the from the 13th tlay ■ le«*ree o f sale issued out o f end under 3u.4w9.47, w ith October. 1932, at »' -»I. 15 76. «lev i f - | t r- w t b. dersigned ha« been duly confirm ed hy FUNERAL DIRECTORS . day of Oct* Services are held every Sunday rate of per annum fro m October 6. the -eal »»f the C ircuit Court of the the above »-(»titled court, a« Exevulur of •awad any length hefi*re deilvary, |,er »"nu*n., •»•« **>• at 11 a. m.: Wednesday evening - Pdgrun House and for ths County o f ,w3** lh * fu rth e r sum o f 8UM>.<>9 a tto r­ Jh* . r*........ , . S late . o f " Oregon ~ _ * _________ «»vices a t « o ’clock; Sunday S S a j , atindsy, December 1« (third S u n -| good d ry «nag w » nh |, 16-lnrh, delivered, the lost W ill and Testam ent of said de- W n-hin uto n dated the 21st day of Nov- neys fee», and Ih e costs o f and upon LICENSED EMRALMERS rso*ed, and has duly qualified as such. >i H ' M - . . - Banka. : N ew . theiefu re. »Il 'p u ri/u ii, "h I "n , 1 '"■'■er. 1934. I»34. In f , , o r of ' Ida C. M e » u . *«•» w*’**. "u n m a n d in a ake — >»le fu rth -im -f , » itu a t - 11 — a n». Pupils up to — the age - äay m Advent*: Chapci services of — me to -- m -------- w--- the luiw iaw e , r - M il lu v .*'« .u v t.weiher Iit-I »uh —it o —a —r- — —— — — FO Uli-f.M H dry oak w oim I . |6 69; laweil ■ la in tiff, and against Ixniiae K. Las Lassiter, rainst Louisa f iht fo lio w in c dsaenbed ni»««i real i pnq>rri> interest tarmt therwon tb.i.- fr»»m the 13th day lay of of Of of 20 20 years years are are welcomed. uelcc Free before delivery 81 Fhoaa 2i«31. 29tf m H lflw l am i rwiulred tu p r w .n l the '*•-(-*•'«•*'«. f “ r <*'• n un o f »2200.UO, w ith *n n W ashington County, S tate o f O re- October, 1932, at the ra te of 7 ', per reading room Open on Wednesdays S k A S t»NF. D oak and country slab wood • m r. togrth vr w ith prt»|»rr voucher« *,’ t* r* * ! thereon at the rate of 7 per »»n to -w it; annum and the fu rth e r »um of 825.90 at- and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p m . Hawed any length liefore delivery. In- hrref« r to the under«igna.1 at the o f. ? *" 1 » * r >,,num f r ” " ‘ »•< 'K x 1 torneys’ fees upon p la in tiff's Lots T w o (21 and T h ree «*«•»>»•»'. 1913. side blt*rk wood. T ru m an B«*yd, and for the fu rth e r and Heed'» Addition to Tow n of cause of suit, and the fu rth e r sum of “' ‘of M an .' N in th Nt. I'hune H illsboro 2i>33. 14tf House at HillslM.ro, t»irg..n w ith in six * Mm stto rn ey few , w ith i n - 1 Beaverton, aa i»er the duly recorded 8190.09 together w ith interest thereon C lassified A d vertisin g — 4 Ho) Pl r Ians ¿session 8 45 a m oil Legal Notices RUSH LOW Donelson U K H r class wood for sale. F ir. oak and ash. Ray Delsntan. Phone II11 labor»* 1197 41tf O IE H F X and fuel oil. George L. Hen9 ricks, fuel oil dealer. Forest Grove Phone I4 3 J . Stf NEEDS—PLANTS I». LYF.K GK F F.NS l n r o n e r t v * .ir Tu r containing F o rty (40) acree, to a a tU fy I ri.la y Porema.n Theory and Piactlce. >Mtis fv « ¡ . I - k i- . i. t , ,. , , ’h , i r . i I the hereinbefore name»I sum» and fo r ; O rthography (S p e llin g ). Ih e coat and ex|>cn«e» o f a a l, and aaid I raphy. E n u li.h L ite ra tu re . w ri*'. . . . . ' Frid ay A fternoon School L aw . Algebra. D ate of first nnhit^ati « tv , Rabi -»ale w ill be made subject to r » C ivil Governm ent. Bookkeeping. i a U D ati <• demption na per statute of Oregon. O. B K R A U S . County School S u p e rin -I 1 M,e ‘ 1 Publication Jan uary Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 13th tem ient. 12-3 J O H N W . C O N N F X L . S h e riff of W a«l.- day .»f November. 1934 PIGS I ington County, Oregon. 42-6 W K A N O piu». I.n»«l »uw and frr»h .o w •' W « 'K N N K L I S h e riff of W a»hlnu N O T IC E T O ( K E D IT O K S ,ynch. 1% miles south on F irst I J"« <’’>unty. Oregon. b ilip Ham m ond. In the D istrict Court of the United States. k ... . ~ 319 G uaranty T ru s t Co. Bldg.. 623 Oak fo r the D istrict of Oregon. N O T H K O F F 'IN A L S E T T L E M E N T _ _ 43p H t ._ St., Portland, Oregon. 89-43 ln tbe M a tte r of Guy Fenton M ille r, In the County Court of the State o f Ore- IIIIO I and 4 inonthwo’» »Ill........ minding of his creditors w ill be held in the above entitled Court and cause, his Is herehy given, that the under- the trade, span of geldings, about Ide. I 1 spat, about 399(1; 3999; - Notice ’ County Court Ibs.m in tbe County fin a l account » nd report as such, and igned A d m in is tra trix of the . Court House at Hillsboro, Oregon, on the Court has I 1 span of marea, well matched, about I »hunt M01* f", I ? an l ea 7» her f h „ ' » 7 , Ln 82'" 1 '"*» " f U « « * * ' '« . IM » . a, ten 5,h day nf Jan fixed and appointed the lbs • '« 'I., I »pan nf »..... . Jan urt anti and cause, her W ill ill sell «ell cheap. rbenii. Tss- Tax - ’ * l*rt h« r fin a l a<rn Kens for sale. In q u ire H illsboro Food company, 1<’"4 42 t Ierent thereon at the rate of 6 per cent fro m the 13th day of October. 1932, at m ap and plat of name on record in per annum from the 19th day o f Novem ­ the rate o f 7*H i»er annum and the the Kecorder's o ffic e fo r Wa«hingt»>n ber, 1934, and the fu rth e r sum of 812-76, ■further sum of 825.00 attorneys' fee» County. Oregon, excepting, however, costs, to me direct««! am i delivered com- : upon p la in tiff's th ird cause o f suit, am i the follow ing described p ro p e rty: tn»»»'li»g me to m ake sale o f the real ' fo r his costs and disbursements herein (B eginning a t an iron at the S. E. property herein after dm cribed, 1 have incurred taxed at 816.89. and a command corner of T ra c t 3 of Ladd and Keed levied upon and pursuant to said execu­ mu me i.. m»k, ,»i, ..f the folluw init de- A d dition to Beaverton a« shown on S H E R IF F 'S S A L E tion. ortler. and decree of »ale 1 w ill on the duly recorded plat thereof on »cribed re»l proper,» ,itu » te d in w».h- Notice la herehy given, that by virtu e the Slst day of ____________ December. ______ 1934. ____ at ____ the ington C ounty, Oreuon. p a rtic u la rly de- file in the office of the Recorder o f Flxerutlon. O rder and l terree of East door of the Court House in H iîte - »cribed a» follows, to -w it : Conveyances fo r W ashington County. Sale, issuetl out of and under the seal boro. W asbington County, Oregon Lot No. 18, W itch Hasel L ittle Oregtui, and ru n n in g thence along the tif the C ircuit Court of the State of O re- the h*»ur o f 19 o'clock a. m. o f said day Farm s, excepting a parcel o ff of the east line of said tra ct 3. N 9 * 24 gon. fo r the C«Hinty of W ashington, dated »ell at public auction to the highest hid- South side o f said L<>t. described as W 6.485 chs. . thence N S6* 38' the I.l h «lay of Novem ber. 1934. in favor der for cash in hand a ll of the follow ing follow s: Beginning at the South­ W . 1.915 chs. ; thence N 9 * 24 along •f The Union C entral L ife Insurance Com- described real property, lying, l>eing. and west corner o f L o t 18. ru n n in g thence a lin e parallel w ith the east line of pany. a corp««ration, p la in tiff, and against situate in W ashington County. O i . . . on. * said tract 3. a distance of 8.287 chs. N o rth 9 * 11' West 244.1 feet, thence J S Culbertson. M erton J. Benefiel and sm l more p a rtic u la rly described as fob N o rth 89* 41 46“ East 745.5 fe e t; to a point on the north line of said Fultlh Viola lleneftel, his w ife, defend lows, to -w it: thence South 3* 57* East 244.6 feet, tract 3 ; thence along the no rth line ante, fo r the sum of 833.20 cost and A il o f Lots 6 and 7, Block 1. thence South 8 9 ' 41' 46“ West 761.42 of said tract 3 N 89* 54' W 4.97 the fu rth e r sum o f 8*6.14 w ith interest llocken's T h ird Addition to Beaver­ feet to the place of beginning, con­ chs.; thence S 9 * 24’ East 11.9*6 thereon from the 28th day of M arch. ton. as shown in W ashington Coun­ ta in in g 4.222 acre«*, m ore o r less; chs. to a point on the south line of 1932, at the rate of ten l»er cent per ty Record« at H ilh h o ro , Oregon, I w ill. Saturday, the 12th «lay of »aid Tract 3 ; thence along the s«»uih annum , and fo r the fu rth e r sum o f | to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums line of said tract 8 S 81’ 37' E 6.998 Jan u ary. 1935. at the h«»ur of io o cioc'- 8183.119 w ith Interest there« fro m the | and fo r the costs and expenses of said A. M. o f said day. at the fro n t door chu. to the place o f beginning con­ 1st «lay of February. 1983, the rate sale and said w rit. Said «ale w ill be of tha Court Hou»c in H illsboro. W ____ tain in g 6.25 acres. Saxe and except­ ash- of Io |»er cent i»er annum , and fo r the made subject to redemption as pr«>- ! ington County. Oregon, sell a t public ing therefrom a s trip «.f land 19.0 ft. fu rth e r sum of 818.1.99 w ith interest there- vxled by the statutes of the S tate of auction to the highest bidder, fo r cash in wide along the e n tire south lin e of onfrom the 1st »lay of February. 1984. Oregon hand a ll o f the rig h t, t it le and interest the above described tra ct w hich is at the rate of 19 per cent per annum . Dated at Hillobom . Oregon, this 26th which the w ith in named defen d an t, and w ith in the l»«>undarie» o f the State* am i for the fu rth e r sum of 81246 29 w ith dny o f November. 1934. H ighw ay, »aid s trip o f land contain- each or eith er of them had on the 3 0 ,h interest there»»« fro m the 1st day of j J. W. C O N N F I.L . »Sheriff of W ashina- «lay of M arch. 1923, o r have acquired ing 9.991 acres, and a 29-foot strip February. 19.14, at the rate of 6 'i per (on C ounty. Oregon. P. L. Patterson. ' since said date in and to said real prop­ o ff N o rth end of the 6-acre tract cent per annum , and for the fu rth e r A ttorney fo r P la in tiff, 41-6 e rty o r any portion thereof, to satisfy containing 0.1233 acres. I «um of 8129.99, atto rn ey's fees, and fo r said execution judgm ent, order and de- Together w ith a ll and sin g u lar the (he fu rth e r >um of 89 25. continuation T E A t H E R S * E X A M IN A T IO N S «ree. interest, costs and accrued coat, tenements, here»! it am ents and ap p u r­ • >f abstract, to me directed and delivered, Notice i« here4»y given th at the County I «aid «ale to be subject to redem ption as tenances thereunto belonging or in commanding me to make sale of the Sch»»>l Superintendent o f W a«hington i>er the statute of the S tate of O regon. anywi»e appertaining. real pr«>|)erty h erein after described, I County. Oregon, w ill hold the regular Dated this 13th day o f December. 1934. Now therefore, by v irtu e o f said ex- have levied upon ml pursuant to said * exam ination of applicants fo r state teach- ' J. W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing­ exution, jutigm ent order, decree and order Execution, O rd er and Decree o f Sale. I ' era' certificate» nt the office ton County, Oregon. of »ale. anti in com pliance w ith the com -I p'm arT A ,> f p i . H i are. . u , , M c A Ie a r A w ill on Monday, the 17th day o f Decent- Count) Beh^” c i . n ' t 7 ’ ■*"*«««>»« l-w n appointed A .lrn tn u tra - the highest bidder fo r cash in hand, a ll at 4 o'clock p Orevron «eil at niikUm ...«•< « / uJ . t o r ’ ^e Folate of H enry Krueger. D o of t I im follow ing described real property, j Wednesday F'orenoon S. History, .......................... x lying, being and situate in W ashington . W ritin g ( Penm anship ». Geom etry. Botany* u nth» fro m the «late thereof Dftt«*l thia 26th day of November, 1934 G RUSSELL M u ltG A N , Executor of ihe Last W ill and Testam ent o f said 4?-6 Deceased. 25. V. I n o t,f,e’‘ »nd required to w ilh the proper voucher«, „V - present them ' to the u n d er-. - Ä , P ay Cash and Save — T rad e w ith Im perial _______ _____ Comm ercial Block, m Hillsboro, ils Oregon, w ith in six months fro m the date , of thb, n«4ice. t o - w it : W ith in six months rn* I fro m December 13, 1934. Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this 13th day o f Dex'ember, 1934. BEN STARK. A d m in istra to r o f t h e Estate o f H e nry Krueger. Deceased. Thos. II. Tongue J r .. A tto rn ey fo r A d m in is­ tra to r. 43.7 C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S A ll County G eneral Fund W a rra n ts of W ashington County. Oregon, endorsed "not paid fo r w ant «»f funds" on or before October 31, 1983, are now payable at the «>ffice o f the County Treasurer, in Hillsboro, Oregon. Interest on such w a rra n ts not hereto­ fore called w ill »ease De»*emb«r 15, 1934. M A U D W. R O SC O W . County Treas- ,,rc r- 43 Real Estate I ransferv Edmond Joseph Brow n to Joseph A. Brow n, 151.69 acres Section 29 T2B R lW . Theresia I*, ltoncipiet to Fslward Hchul- m ericr. 1 (2.96 acres Sections 28 and 29 T I N 113 W. W illia m Moss et ux to Charles Kessler et ux. Lot 3 Block 19 F irst A ddition, Banks. W ashington county to Mrs. C. G. S tan­ ton et a I. Lots 1 and 2 Block 2 Tim ber. Ada Hood to W. H. Bacon. 6 acres T I N R3W . F’liza A. M inn ich to W . W A'ispaugh et ux. Lota 17 and 18 Block 2 Kingston H . Tracy Hard m an et ux to D. W. W ig h t et ux. Lot 18 Edgewoxsl. Elva M. Weac«*tt et ux to W illia m Heesacker. property in Gaston. George H . Johnson et ux to A. M Dickinson et ux, Lot 4 Block E Lehman Acre Tracts. Roland J M alm et ux to H a rry E. M illhouse et ux. Lots 16 and 17 Tigard. T h e Ree»I In s titu te to George M. Mc- Breen, Lots 1 and 2 Block 19 Ladd A Reed Acres. Glenn 8. Ehle et ux to »Arthur J. Swanson et ux. Lots 1 and 2 Block 19 W « t Portland Heights. M eier A F ran k Co. to A. A. Thihodo Sewell IMPERIAL FEED ÔC GRAIN CO. I'hone 01 Millers of Quality Feeds A U C T IO N South Second St. SA LE I at NIGHT When th e mighty mite de­ m ands his right . . . M other knows best. She treats His Howling Highness to F I R GROVE MILK A telephone call will s ta rt courteous, clock­ work delivery. NOTE: A warm glass of Fir Grove Milk before going to bed ls a safe m eans of as­ suring sound, restful sleep. O rder T oday 1 P hone 4RX1 GRADE A MILK FIR G R O V E D A IR Y I will sell a t public auction at the farm of the late Mr. Pezzi. being on the Skyline Road extended, one mile north of the Bob Munson place, at 10 a. m. Thursday, December 20 4 horses; 11 dairy cows; 4 heifers, coming 2 years old; 1 heifer calves; one bull calf; brood sow ; 5 shoats; about 5 dozen hens: m ow er: ra k e ; plow ; side-hill plow ; disc; harrow ; new low-wheel w agon; old farm w agon; buggy; platform scale; cider m ill; oak b arrels; good Columbia kitchen ra n g e ;; about 50 sacks fine potatoes; f^-ton w h eat; 1 1 a tons oats; about 15 tons hay; 3 tons baled I straw ; 6 cords wood, and 60 ricks of w ood; and all small tools usually found on a farm . Term » o f Sale— $20 and under cash, over $20 six m onths time, bankable note 8% interest, 2% discount for cash on all sums over $20. ROSINA PEZZI, Owner H. A . K uratli, A u ctio n eer J. J. W itm er, Clerk