Page Ten THE Ladies’ G ro u p A s Golden Gate H o ld s Session Bridge Rises F o r m e r R ock C re e k R esident In ju r e d H IL L S B O R O (By M r . F r a n k I'e a .'U U I ROCK C R E E K - R o c k C r e e k Ladies' Aid met December 5 a t the home of Mrs. Arnold Berger nt West Union. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Paul Landauer January 3. Mrs. Louisa Fuegy and Mrs. Lou Davis were ill last week. Many others have been on the sick lisi lately. Visitors Sunday of Mr and Mrs Jack Radke were Mr. and Mrs. Jolui Nelson and daughter of Linnton and Mr. and Mrs. W alter Luark of Portland. Mrs. Sophie George of Portland visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. P eter Hebeisen December 2. H IL L S R O R O , OREGON lull of Forest Grove spent Sunday with Mrs H attie Hill Brownhill at McMinnville. , Miss Hila Cornelius of N orth' Plains and Miss Pearl .-Vilen spent the week-end at their homes at Corvrtllis and Amity respectively Mr and Mrs. A. I. Chase an,i obtained u id e r SERA bv writing Lowell and Mr and Mrs cute at once to Superintendent O B Steinke were Bunday guesi of Mr Kraus. Mrs. Knight announced for ‘“ 'd Mrs G I. Mai ne, ,,i Tohi th e program comm ittee tliut a Miss m o i , pageant Is being prepared tor the ,, , n , ,,, L, , ■‘'»'•l-Min. student founders day observance at the i I* ? ? ,colle«r - W # ‘he February meeting, when Hie council »,,1/ »- , , »'“‘‘ »Is. Mr will be entertained b.v Hillsboro Mrs EttrI lx>nelson. Mrs A M JluULit ilitv U urd ,U1‘> twin sister ci “ rnian Mrs Bevkei pres dent ? Us UUrd- ««4«‘tii visited o ilv'a , t r J r prinelti all of at Hu- heme of then and u k x -aJco i mlttee d i ullcle' George Follis. c“ ,u !',b“ u'd <" '1'*' »eleome and •'*'* W-W Mellar and her m oth­ c o m fo rt o i ‘»■'h'gatiB. A musical *1; M ,\ o f Port land spent p*vgnun Wi,s k nen by Richard >l«ys last week at the R W Greenwald IXmald Becker J a c k : ’-»vei-sbv home. Petrovitch.' Richard Hagg* Florrtiro Miss IX.rotiiy Bell and Dr Harold nauhsel. anti Mrs. George Imlay. Olinger of Salem were guests Sun- County P.T.A. Holds Session at R eed v ille — About seventy-five parents and teachers attended Hie regular P. T A. Council meeting at Reedville Saturday, presided over by Mrs Allen Kiuglil of Forest Grove pies- ident. A "panel study ' club on parent education was the feature of the afternoon meeting Mrs. Harriet P Cramer. Executive secretary of the On-gen Mental Hygiene society, m- troduced the subject by savin ; Uiat co u rth wmddSlbt'Uuiibi'ar»bleJ R Csh- a t B orin g A RGUS, s ' n J t h e m an v i.r o t Thuraday, December 13, 1934 Christmas Seal Honors “Father of Sanatorium Movement’ ONION SKIN FINISH CARBON PAPER T y p e w r ite r Ribbons I iillsboro Argus s i n e !tain udV e r o m « me education study groups studying Ixkn nHuxM as « real, scientific. vo- cation instead of just an accidental 1 sideline Mi's. C ram er said she was glad to see many such groups organized in Mr and Mrs. CarleUm „un d e and W ashuigton county under the aus- f pices of Parent -Teacher associations, j Mrs F L. Schroeder of Osceola ^ eld‘/ no^ ^ 1rh 'vrto' ’ « e rr » «•t'k-end and Mrs. Thomas A model Former Resident Injured - -- - study — . club "rv. was — then ...... ; “nd Mrs. R. L. Bond of Lodgepole.1 Connell Flonan Hemmy of Happy Valley.' presented by Mrs. A. Jo h an resen of Nebraska, are guests Hus week ot , iv c iu iM t x tM tn e , > « U O I*U OOt iM f » X I , WASNINuJ near Boring, who was h u rt badly the New 1935 Glenwood, chairm an of parent ed- their brother. Nve Bristol and fam - „ s M- Keagan returned home 1M*1 H f WAS A I B . ' A n » « AW A1A while plowing with a tractor, some filiatio n for W ashington county, lly They came west to attend the t ’un‘}».v,from Sm ith hospital, where inü M atch . H i was thuxocomiv tim e ago. is improving Mr Hemmy with tlie help of Mrs. Cramer. The sixtieth wedding anniversary oil , ll!Ul b,vn 111 lor several H U A U S IIt » AHO o e v o t o » ! [) A C O IO and family lived in this section ; subject chosen was "T he Most 1m- their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W ! A B C t S S .- H u T T M | S tO H IIIC A H ,-, o , T M IS AS A STAFTVM O» T , lS, A C u, 0 1 s m any years and moved to their portiiitt A ge.' Mrs. T R. Chamber- B ristol nt Silverton next week. Miss Mabel Johnson of Corvallis W A S HOT R I A , l , t o IN TMUS* O A TS. new home a few m onths ago. lain of Forest Grove discussed brief- , , „ , is visiting this week win, n,.\ J? .,la No other g ift w ill bring tho ly the “Pre-School Age: ' Mrs C . Lyle Coeltrane of O akland Cal., pareuts Mr ,uul Mrs <’ M Join ' Mike Vrlicak. who has been em ­ R. M artin of G arden Home, the is ®Pe*J<}mg a few days Uns week so,,. r c M Juhn- ployed near Cathlam et, Wash., came entire f a m i l y auch year home Friday. He was laid off on "School Age;” Mrs. L. P. Rockwood ?,lt 1 ,?,V, “ nd, Mrs. J. N Wiley ,, around enjoyment aa a new of Forest Grove, Adolescent Age;" M rs Wllrt- will acw m pany him as , M Morgan of Port- account of snow, which was 7 a P llll.C O t Unexcelled world­ Like a lonely sentinel, the Marin Mrs. Allen Knight. Young Men ia r “s Medford the last of the week £ ',u * w k -el'd “ t the A H llO W PHASIC inches deep. wide reception and glorious, and Women: Mrs J. M Person o! ;‘nd will visit a few days with her oi Her si«i. Harry Morgan- T m v C O T IA O t W Â I »NS lfVfO O N TAM Mr. and Mrs. Mike R ahn and tower, which will support one I n » STAAT O» m i » O « » AT SAMA* natural tone. Come in — Se­ Hillsboro, the "Homemakmg Age:' brother, E. D. Thombtke. Misses Marion Baker iuid Jane M'S TlMPfUATUPl - family visited Sunday in Portland section of the Golden Gate Bridge, lU tfiU M AT ¿ «A A M A ¿ . JT 19 . . HAAS 101' ' with M r and Mrs. Julius Zim mer­ rises across tho bay from Sau lect your P H IL C O today. K N O W N A S 'T M » l i n k t R IO ’ Mrs. E. J. Maple of Forest Grove. Mrs. H C Bussell, who returned x , „ a werp Kuesl® ol > U « T M K t'A M ifc A . ' / Middle Age;' and Mrs. Johaimesen. with 1 ter relatives. Mr and Mrs” J S W Mclhulsh Saturday man. ANO K T m » P IO N » » » COMA*,» I ON 5 n o * t o T h a t pc Francisco. In the foreground Is M TH» t’I Vf Ob Mrs. K atherine M arshall spent shown the key shaped fender and Lg PT IUNQ WAS I Mk 01 V fO Old Age. Its Needs and Possibill- W Kelley and Mrs. R. D. English. “Uld M ^ . 8. W. M crta ot 5AM ATQAU-M 1 Mr AT H» N I IN A M I N CA P H IL C O three days last week with Mrs. Wil­ trestle extending from F o rt Win­ L . . from Seattle ut Thanksgiving tame Eugene spent Hie week-end with liam Lu»'the of Brooks Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Jolui K am ila Jr. VV8- spoke of the diffi- and who lias been visiting them 4SL No. 5 Mrs. Mike Vrlicak. who suffered field Scott. The circle of con­ culties of a m other with several since, left for home Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Donald F ranklin of a fractured ankle several months crete offshore reaches to the bot­ mg tr i h T h a p p d y r t S e ^ a ^ ,M rs P“ “1 P*“ l' r~ n d-“ ‘«hter Jy rtlan d were Sunday guests oi ago and whose convalescence lias tom of the bay and forms a fen­ M r .'.n d Mrs Charles F lAuigc W.i-.h . L. Grice of Hateni. iuid Harry Mr and Mrs. B w . Barnes been slow, is able to be about now. der within which the south pier noon for Mrs Virvinia Juf Portland were dinner guests Bun- Snipes or The Dalles were «<■. V W e v tJ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zurcher spent of the bridge will be built. quoted by the speakers. ly. former dean of women a t Uni- Of Portland were Stuiday guests o'f ' ’M' *UW* MrS' K Jo,las<>,, rncl guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William An unusual feature of the rnorn- ing session was » led by ° f ? ”X oni Mrs^ Oeoige T .l Mr and Mrs. E? c . Browm“” *’ Mrs. Oeorge Huglu-s of t* " pcs o( R w d'dHe. R R l" e rE a ,S c S ys A n Æ u r t a v i'*50“' att™ ded D*n Brooks Mrs H F B e re t oarham entarian trt?rlinttvr of Portland was hostess William Humphrey of Stentoe JA»'tl‘Uid were Sunday guests ol j Mr and Mrs. L. E MacIXiwell . spe, of th e P o r ih S ^ P . 1 ^ 1 cS S Iin i w Miss M argaret Doherty. Les Chase W ash. was a ¿ktm -daj v S at Mr Mrs J w Holt. and daughters and L. E F r a u d , daue-hier I has Gilisted in th e m arines and is and Sunday with his n le a v in « Tuesday for Bremerton. , good methods of conducting P. T ;uid Mrs. A. H affner. and famUv family i in Barr attended the fall Cteorge Follis home. H. S Rogers left Wednesday for 8|M' nt t,le »«•'Mend a t Oceanside Hillsboro. On Saturday he was a Birthday Celebrated A. and other club meetings. 1 at^M onmouth Normal i Mr and Mrs M artin Senko spent GartbcUdl. Wheeler and Tillamook Mrs N F Cochrane of Baker ,H -----■ wlUi ....... Mr. andUMriTE’l . .. I,.., . business ......... ls vWtlng |)cr daughter Mrg, j w dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. I. ' Ir M rs Joe Brooks enter- Mrs Carl Sande of Forest Grove 8?ho° l . wtx>k-end and j the » -~ week-end on ft trip, K uratli of Hillsboro. tained with a birthday dinner Sun- gave favorable reports on the mem- visited Miss Betty Erwin, who; M. Barham a t Salem SPECIAL Barney, imtll utter the holidays. Mr and Mrs. J K Webber and K enneth Harden a n d Audrey day for their daughter Norma Jean. berahip drive. M rs Essex M arsh of ls a student there I Mrs. Jam es Jacks« 11(11.II1AY TERMS Jam es Jackson spent last Flortne were Sunday guest, of Mrs. Rollins of Portland, visited Mr and About 20 were present. Beaverton conferred with summer Mr. and Mrs. O. O. H athorn and week with her sistei- M r?" Fr'iiu*Bl^ib.r "The most Im portant pliase i f Mrs. Nels Nelson Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs John Boeckli and round-up chairm en Mrs. C. R children ot Bend were guests over EnJksXi of pSrUaiid M ,s Edward I L nua Sculler Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Scheldt daughters Elizabeth and R uth of M artin of G arden Home reported tlle week-end at the home of Mrs. ... ,, _ ,,, Mrs Clara Word w a. taken to Hie long run Is the problem of and daughter Lorraine of Orenco Brooks Hill attended the concert plans for a Hobby survey of the H athorn s faHwr. D B Wooten of j .J1? EOT Bailey of For- Sniltli's luwpital Thursduy for med­ controlling, by adequate plannt-.g visited Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Berger given Sunday night at the First county. Mrs. Lee J. Barnum of Forest Grove, and of friends here. | o , , “ rove were Sunday guesU at icai treatm ent. the creation and distrlbuUon of Mrs Eva Bridges. Mr. and M rs i „ U . . VU hO,UC Sunday. _ Reformed C Church hurch in Portland. Mad- Alalia discussed the use of posters Mrs. Fred Wick returned Sunday tl»>se products which our vast Party Brooks Hill die Boeckli, who is taking nurses' with the publicity chairmen. Mrs C. I Nat-hand Miss Lena Victor ‘Uld Mrs- F’Try Abbott of from a week's visit wlUi relative-, economic machine Ls capable ol I Friday night a party was given training a t the Emanuel hospital Paul Patterson, legislative chair- and Mr and Mrs W K Seam an I Portland visited Sunday with Mr in Portland. ' yielding. "—President Roosevelt IIM Third SI. Phone IIX a t the home of Mrs. Sam Luethe in Portland, took part In the con-1 man. reported work being done on were amung Sunday visitors at t h e : “™ Mrs' lh>bert Cull. \f r a n ri i, , Mn*' Lena H arris was taken to -------------- ■ in honor of Dan Brooks and also cert. H ills b o ro , O re g o n the teachers’ minimum wage law. home of Mrs. Helen Deichman. I _ and Mrs. O celebrating the birthdays of B u r t o n -------------------- ---- w lth^reU *?»« m e m '8 h“ pltal s -'llirilay ,or treat- jf duuige your address klnd- She said also th a t teachers fee Mr and Mrs. W. R. Manley and Sunday In Portland w ith relatives Br«>kri_ and Norma Jean Brooks Argus classified ads get results. : study classes for adults might be family and Miss Betty Je a n Brown- d ‘W t “ “ “ Mr. and Mrs. G. A- Johnson a n d , Mrs. Emma o f Seattle.! Local H appenings Cfoi Cfvu&tmtt4., PHILCO R „< M ^5 Selfridge Bros. Follow the BIBLE CAME share in Instructions for Playing the Bible Qamc CASH PRIZES’ offered by the SUNDAY OREGONIAN What you can win! Total of Prize Money $1200 First Prize $500 Second Prize $250 The Rules Are Simple * S open to everybody In the P acific North- pent emnloyee of The Oregonian and their relatlvee. Entrant« will not be required to solicit »ubscrlptlon« In order to qualify for any of the prize«, which total 11200. a' c°n»i«ta of a aerie« of 65 picture». They will L^r?mhirhi eaA.iy'«i beginning Sunday, E n t r a n t e ? « ' ? i nd V” 86 ?ht 8,4 tlme» picture on February 10. Itntrants are to choose the 65 rnoet approDriate verer-an- toert’l e / ? i t h ? h FlCtUres a ?d J*ri l e them on the * n»w«r blank«, arS th? r7i?5i!??n2’nes of thB Book« wherein they are found, ana tne chapter and verae number of each. ’• .V u ^ y bB« i ^ 2 3 BtIf°fh’eVTr*i a U ^ ^ T a t e n ^ S ^ M » mu*‘ b7ar * Third Prize $100 Fourth Prize $75 win lbe VihJfhl. r„ . ? i atest an for the nerles of DicturcR h i u i i h« »minri <«« a / . eZcronce hx)r,k entitled The Bible Trea *ury a i ahrMrm«./.» a ‘M f SiUi?%Z'h,Ab00,< ,may ba " nYu“ t?d ‘ ^ : o rfl- Rcriptions, compose essays, w rite letters or i -I r, P?*nts. and you needn’t even be a A r '/ i i i ’a v' • submit any of your verse-answers until pictures have been published. Next Sunday w'lth??,l*»S5X 5Ybmlt. , l ’ m any com plete «ete aa they dealre diequallfied or handicapped In any way. Only Oinvee i « S ~y..a i .“ Per"°S ltn at person'« Per’ ?0 (that person’« beat aeti will will be be fhnn nrna noomk*. beat ..e an n _ «etJ w uf ana not mor^ * than °.n* member of im mediate _ am iiy will be eligible for any of the award«. ’ ■ t o S ™ S"? •■ j ’“ V J ' ®' rarMm21idte? e ? ie ° in S » i wHI Jn«P«ct the set« of pic. will be f i n a l . .w,hen "ubmllted. Their decision t h l. Sndinrrt.ndlngntranl‘ part *“ ‘ha Bible Game with liberal *• Inh5 ?e7 .T .lna.nwreer".e7ueb"mt|l?f.5',rh‘ prizes 10 ¿ S S S S i s S k" P *" ot plc‘“4« “ 15“ • » « s s . ’ s à