The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 13, 1934, Image 1

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    Huy E a rly
In IlillHborn for Your
ChriHtman Noeti»
With Which is Combined the H illsboro Independent
In Hillsboro for Your
Christmas Needs
IIIL k S K O ItO , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B E R 13, 1 9 3 4
V O L U M E 41
State Capitol
'¡five Grange
N e w s L etter
B uy E a rly - -
A. L. L I N 11 I H C 1
Corbett Seems Assured
of the Presidency
State Semite
»------------------------------------ -
N a ^ e J ia u g M ^
Groups Hold
N p n -H ig h
H ilh i Hoopsters
S ta rt P ra c tic e
for 1934 Season
NO. 43
G rid iro n Stars
Grid Stars
Honored at
Fill Shelves
Preparations for th e 1935 Hllhl
basketball season got under way
Monday night when 4C aspiring
hoopsters. 19 veterans and 22 first
year men. reported to Coach B M
S Goodman for the opening practice
New plan under which the district
B o a r d R e p o r ts A v e r a g e o f representative for the state con- J i m S a m s e l A w a r d e d C lu b
test will be determ ined in an ellm- j
A b o u t $ 8 0 .8 0 T u itio n
ination tournam ent a t Linfield col­
C u p ; G e o r g e H ö ls c h e r
lege, McMinnville, early In M arch
fo r E a c h S t u d e n t
G ets H o w e T rop h y
lias brought about an Increased
Importance to tlie county race this
year, according to Goodman.
p ro p e c ts oi a high-scoring quin-
let to represent the Blue and White
in the coming season was predicted
this week by th e local coaching
H a n d lin g o f T r a n s p o r t a t io n staff. R eturn of four letterm en for- H ilh i F o o t b a ll S q u a d F e t e d
l i
wards. Jack Barr. Vernon Cook.
. .
in -
P r o v e s B ig P r o b le m
ltOhs Cox and Jjm Grogan
a t A n n u a l D in n e r H e r e
basket-shooting guard, Neil Rich-
Area Made
H ills b o r o , W a s h i n g t o n , G a le ,
R o c k C r e e k a n d R iv e r s id e
Holiday Gifts
Rotary Meet
Local Stores
M e r c h a n ts
M ake
C h r is t m a s T r a d e
B id s
fo r
W it h
CA14<M Refusal nt Senator Cor-
S e a t O f f ic e r s H e r e
R e c o r d S iz e S to c k
belt to relei «• Ins pledge« Irom
• Qirlr promise to support hint tor
tlie navel-wielding Job would seem i t
to have spiked Uie plana ol tie I f C S C f l t I 'l« l|^ ? \ W « i r t I
democratic minority to dictate or- (
gunlxation of the senate Uirouuh
a c< »itltlon with tlie "progressive" G e o r g e A . P a lm i t e r P r e s id e s
C o n v e n ie n c e o f S h o p p in g
members of th a t body C orbett Is
sold to laive 18 of tlie senators
in H ills b o r o S tr e s s e d
L o c a l S e r v ic e S a t u r d a y
signed on tlie dotted line and even
Uimigh two of these alunild desert
Tuition costs lor students from
S“ UOr HUhl * * * * " Were
"Shop Now for C hristm as and
ldm. which 1» not likely, he would
o n U jm
HUUbor<> Wu-xh-
the county non-high school area
Ior a i>lronk scoring com honored Thursday a t the local Ro-
Shop in Hillsboro!” This Is the
still have enough votes to Insure u>wlwI,. JUM.k CrV4.g, Oaj„ W|U WluJl.
last year averaged »80 80 per stu -
tary club, Jim Samsel, left end, be-
Ills election to Uie presidency
4 «e tinuiK ,.a W)sre plal.ixl
holiday message extended by local
dent, according to the annual re-
Lack of an experienced jum ping ing awarded the Rotary loving cup
m erchants who have made their
With UM lciMtandklp of Uie two j ictJ Huluruuy id ler noon d u r i n g
Jim Samsel
port of tlie board of directors com- o®*’-ter to take the place of "L ordly ar.d George Hoischer, halfback, re-
shelves and windows a treasure
lctri&lniiv** bodice thu* uppart ntly
insinuation ceremonies a t tlie __
__ pleted Friday night. A total of Dbismore and Dick S u th e rla n d , who ceiving the Howe Clothing shop
trove of attractive Yuletlde m er­
Hcllkxt nttentlon now turn» to the itXAj (irunge hall. Approximately M . Sarah May G reer of Hillsboro. »87,075.68 was expended by the graduated last spring, seems to be trophy. Announcement of the awards
chandise and who have added ex­
letflftlativr program. Oovernor-cle« t JtM) grui U,.|A fro|ll th(. Ilv<. Wash-
native daughter of Oregon, who board for tuition and transporta-
biggest handicap during pre- was m ade during the Rotary club's
tra clerks for the convienfence of
Martin, who wan In Salem th is week m gpjn county unlU» attended the
died here Monday morning
lion. »46,167.32 being for tuition hm inary sessions. However. Good- annual .dinner for tne local high
on a houae-hunting expedition, re- service a t winch George A Palini-
purposes and »20,908.34 for tran s- man hopes to develop either Dave school football squad.
Every effort is being made to
fu.Mil u> discuss tin* message which u .r
executive com m itteem an
porta lion.
T o rtx t or H erbert Hess, both ex-
In a secret ballot, Samsel's team -
the end th a t residents in the Hi ls-
he Is now wluppuig into sluipe ex- 4UU,
sUU. lluuVer, acted us in-
Lcvy of »92.834.32, or 10 3 mills penenced, but new men on the m ates declared him to be the great-
boro trading area may shop con­
cept to say th a t It would deal with sUtJhlHC officer.
on an assessed valuation of »9.311,- HilHi squad, for this position. Kind- est Inspiration to other members
veniently a t home, avoid the crush
a number of important problems.
P resentation of a large flag to
987.01 for the 54 districts Included
a guard to take the place of th e squad during tlie past sea-
and confusion th at usually accom­
Uegandk-NA of w hat recom m ends- Uk. Klvendde G range for liavlng
in tlie non-high school area, was
tJon Shattuck may also prove son. The trophy was first awarded
panies shopping in large cities, and
lion» Uw* governor may have to ,jH. m ^ xjik 1 g reatest Increase In
made last year. Actual expenditures a knotty problem, but w ith a host by th e Rotary club in 1923 a n d ,
still enjoy a wide selection of gifts.
make, however, It can be taken lor nW«||Px*r>Uiip In Uie state was made
for the 1933-34 school year totaled 01 m aterial to choose from, a cap- winners have Included Laurel Frost,
Progressive local m erchants ask
granted Uuit tliere will be tlie by Palm iter. The county grange
»67.811.73. according to the report able man should be developed.
1923. 1924; H arry K ent, 1925; Loren
th a t you inspect their shelves which
usual grist of bill».
x as reported us having Increased F u n e r a l fo r M rs. S. M . G r e e r
Expenditures Low
Veterans reporting f o r action Schulmerlch, 1926; John Hare, 1927;
filled w ith gifts tor every pock­
Bmall tru ik owners are orgtuilz- ip, nwinberslnp more Ilian 100 per
While the levy exceeded the ex- Monday Included Barr. Tom B ro n -, Leonard Rea, 1928; Lester Chase.
etbook and for every member of
C o n d u c te d H ere T o d a y
lag for tuiollicr attack on the bus cent duniui H r year.
Dondltures bv approximately »25 000, * * '■ Frank Bosvelt. Lowell Chase. 1929; Lawrence Kummer. 1930; Don
your family, th a t you let them
Oiere ¡¡ i? a t p re ^ n t » T o V s^i . lii ,
<*>*• Elwood Coslett, . Grogan.
. and truck bill. Even tlie big truck
Officers Inslallrd
_ . Batchelar, 1931; Jesse Rasmussen.
assist you in selecting appropriate
" .._ *
operators think th a t the motor
Assisting Palm iter w ith the In-
Mrs. S arah May Greer, widow
m . Oeorge Hoischer, Hess. Alvin Mohr, 1932; and Bob Dinsmore, 1933.
presents from among their wide
transport lees arc too li»«ti aiid suillalloii cerrm onlrs w e r e Alta °f tlie late Robert H Greer, died , '
, Ai? , »57000 oi Edwin Matsen. Bob Patterson, Jim
Trophy Presented
selection of gift suggestion. They
will dem and a revision downward. w
„utn.imi, Mrs. C.O . Church- a t the Jones hospital early Mon-
' •*
and Samsel, Richardson. Lloyd Selfridge,
Lyman Howe Clothing s h o p
know you will be convinced th a t It
a proposal th a t can be expected to u| emblem bearer; and Mrs. A. day morning, December 10. a lte r
. L
th a t , he
Torbet, W arren W ahner and S an- , trophy for the best all-around play-
is profitable and convenient to shop
meet wtUi plenty of opposlUon. Howell
bearer G range a two days' Illness from pneu-
, ,
, 3,
collccted ford Will. New men Include D ick' er on the squad was m ade this year
in Hillsboro
Hotel and restaurant men are Pr' - j officers s«at«xl lor the coming year m onia She had been an Invalid.
. course oi , he npxt , ew
tCominuwl«0 p*«e ¡¿.column»
for th e first time. All players were
< hopping Suggestion
paruw to send a powerlul lobby to w w
ft)lluwlnK a para-ytlc stroke about ^
¿ he, ^ ^ t i r e n X “
o u t * ------------------------- In each game on a num ert-
years for the retirem ent of o u t­
And now Just a suggestion. Look
George Hoischer
salem to Ute Interest of a n unu nd-
Hillsboro- J R. Forsythe, mas- a year ago
standing w arrants and lor the pay­
through the display columns of
Mj.s D Burkhalter, overseer
m en it t t to
o Uie
u i e liquor
Iiquur control
i m i u w act to
S arah May H iatt was born In „lent o?claim s due in January 1935
I llF V
ship. training and co-operation as Jim Samsel. (above) who
well as the Individual's ability to
^ ...s s w ----—
— -
- -
u irrr, W
w W.
w MurcJ).
______ ,
awarded the Rotary' d u b
M r. R iKJTiircKrr.
Homecker. irc
March, löOf
l a J . in
Jackson ruiiw
.nH h ,
Tuylor su w ard ; lrvUl|I
as- O r^ o n . an d on January 23. 1887.
r o S
play football. Hoischer was first
1^P; X
was°ragL o u ° n ^ eI s wm-' X ^ d S s t X X ^ X ^ V f r o m
Tlie 1 nv-pow er-for-luitldng boys (UM>nt sVeward. M„
R „ Mc. . w„ muted In m arriage to Robert
with 7193 points, Jim G rogan next
undaunted by Uie
of u *' Aiilnch. chaplain; R Homecker. H G reer a t Yakima. Wash. They “ Jf
with 7188 while Vernon Cook and
ClottllnK shop among these suggestions, then vls-
grange power bill In th a recent lrwulur,.r; w ,.na w chase, secre- moved to Hillsboro soon after th eir 2 ^
a te lff iM
Bob P atterson tied for th ird with
trophy plaque.
it the stores and avail yourself of
Cleitton rail be expt-cted to rei^w
A u ,ak«.r . gatekepeer. M is marriage, and had made their home
S S S l . L
-------■ each.
-------- of
— Picture courtesy Seligm an Studio.
7183 * points
= their courteous, convenient service.
tla ir dem and for a hydro-ele<uie w M Htnllh Ceres, Mrs J. R here practically ever since
Mr transportation, »22.643 »20 908 J4, J o h a n n s e n R e c e i v e s T e r m the R otary trophy, placed fourth
This proposal is applicable a t any
W* L i ! ? taO! ! 5 L ± . i 2 i : Forsythe, l-omomi. Mrs E B urk- (ire c r tiled on August 15. 1931.
pr m ^ng “»50 »16M ekcU on' t- s '
T ___v ______' Wilh 7167 P01^
and Torbet * • "
time, not only during the holiday
T w o Y ear« S ta te P en
'ì t s i r K - w ^ c V M
Mre O n * r had
“ “ 7 , ln r»: travel. »200, »206; interest on
season. Argus advert isments are
outstanding m an in th e center
d S T fo r a S n e n S ¿vam ping, pus- » X T loweL
Mra S X k - 'h u rc h . fratern al « id ro d a i affair» w arrants. »4500. »501 43; e m e r -
continually a guide to bargains, to
the line, was next high scorer.
■ — •--------------- — » A ib e r t H o w e ll and Mrs D. Hurk during her residence here. In 1912 genCy $12,941.32, none
quality merchandise a t reasonable
slbly into an old age insurance set-
executive committeemen.
„..a i n n «1,» u-rved m n r e a id e n t " ' Y l f L’ZZ---------- "L ,TV
1____ >1 Ten
*vu indictm
01 which
w n ic n
r i v e players
p ia y e r s on the
m e 1934
1S34 squad
ents, seven of
and to w hat Is newest an d
up along th e 11 nr« suggested by
lyaslUngton - Leltoy Mills, mas- a, thl. Rebekah Assembly Ppf Ore- , A,t£ n ' X , Waf *
i Were kept ■ecret- were ^ tu rn e d were also honor students ln school
la b o r Conunlssluoer G ram . Tlw u r ; ,
L; g s r
O e r tle
a lw a y s a f a it h f u l 10 lf *
J3 1OT.
Wednesday afternoon by the coun- with an average of 90 or over, ac-
People in this community enjoy
auUMnoblle roroclatloii ts
Meek. lecturer. Pearl VwiDomelon. ^ " k(.r
t ,„. lotal lodge o, wlucb
- -
“T<Ild JUry N° UUe bUU
C T Richardson who
I’ll E x p la in E v e r y t h in g ” t o larger store« and wider selecUons
mg a "dog bite
,c<y responsibly- stew
sM,w ard:
artt, T Peterson, a s s i s t a n t she
was a a c ch
warrantA 5»°*
reported Wilbur G alik of Orenco announced the awards. Official
on*. •u
vh.. u-au
h a arter
rtn r
ia n ih a r
n r
of merchandise th a n exist ln other
Ity measure wtilch does riot a t all steward, Sadie Loltis. chaplain, lll A t „.. uh ,. aDDcarance was as ru es' 8re 1>“id u ‘ere * dl
S°n ld
*’as lndict<*d on two counts, one scorers on th e Howe aw ard were
b e P r e s e n t e d H e r e F r id a y
Oregon towns of th e same size. A
satisfy Uie compulsory insiuanee OrBCe Raffety, treasurer. Rosella o( honor a t the homecoming m eet- ^rirUC<L 1i|Ilt^ Strrti'o d eiah iv ° nJ«re 01 i&tlXn3/ m a dwelling arising Richard Oilmore and Richardson,
visit to the Hillsboro shops will
advocates U nonploym n it relief Is MlUa M.crcUu-y ,
Mnis. gate- illlt
Rebekahs and Odd A llo w s L m
considerably more from the ajieged theft of a violin.
Anse Cornell, coach a t Pacific
prove this fact conclusively.
still a liv e issue with liquor profits geepjf; RjWi,. Hall. Cere»; Phiniea seD tem brr 17 She was also a 111c- 1 'i-V *501'*3- 1K_.
. .
. , books, radio equipm ent and other university, a n d Coaches B. M.
______ _____
________ __________
The wlx>le c-ly *8 taking on a
m,n,bCr Oi t h e MeUXKlUl In the county operated but eighl mlCleS
d the high" school
and "m ad e" HatXhorn
t h e q t h e from
r ior p Vlr'pl
e tty ' larceny
for - Tlie
I h o r t” talk oi s
comedy, will be presented F rl- Uvely Yuletlde spirit this week
problem* with whteh the luw inal-
fiew ard, uiul H arry Chapman.
iirs G reer 1s survived bv three monUis
mo*‘^ ,s last
lai>t year , iiistead
'¡ ^ lrad h~
ol i Uie rePuted
reputed th
eft of
of a a violin
violin from
from Al-
Al- C.
C. T.
T. Richardson,
Richardson, who
who made
made the
the day
day a a t t 8:15
8:15 p.
p. m.
m. by
by the
the Hilhi
Hilhi Stores y y d . <U«play windows are at-
decorated with C hristm as
R G ri^ o f^ ra
^ „ •,» ^ i „1.,-
“ T l und
u X s «h«>
h of"5gW
m L a-u«
u “ - ^
‘ —.
«1» m other - M - rs Anna presentation, cited th - e high stand-
junior class a r t the J high school
er> will have to wrestle during th eir ,.XecuUve committeeman,
and ornaments. City
stay ln Haleru Governor-elect M ar-
IloG Geek—Ted Zurcher,
r. m as- nienl0
IMmon E
Maple- a a ‘ the . w l ^ u i o n given b t the Oa k'(
m * ct4>d on a < * "8 « °f mg of the football boys ln scholar- auditorium The - Uv j. under the
_ _____
____ auQllor,um
■cr. ' _
B wood
* “s r> <Continued
and ___
of the way in which
« unaer m e streets are lined with fir trees and
Un's planning commission Is ex- t e r ; » John
Berger, —. overseer,
n e „ear
a r i v P n ortland
a n and
a t w Robert
.1 ' *P*»n»uoii
1» column
1 «>
<1 Dy tne receiving and concealing stolen __
tw ir w i tzw r<Mil rlhiifg* il n u m b e r o i
. x-. -,_2___
« wood,
tx x i, nt
¡u l I u uruanu.
n i i u i u , tu
ia koov . i
on p pa««
(Continued on
««. 12.
they h a d " co-operated diming the direction of Miss Marie Houguez. greenery. Colored lights throughout
ported to contribute a nunioer oi 2 llrcher lecturer
Fred Oroasen H. Jr. of Hillsboro; one d aughl r j
---------— ------------
Albert Reed was excused Wednes- season. Bob Patterson spoke on be- class advisor.
rtu-re0™ ShWl 4 hoU d,y atm os-
¿ 7»vi,v..«wv n „ Ia««e and « n- '<**•*'“ ■ F Uurns
stew- Mrx Cecelia R <W C - Will of o
day from service on the county
of «ie football squad. Coach
p, , .
pT ?,, . ,
ate are brooking Into p rin t with
j j . Dumas, secretary, daughter Mrs w illiam O Hare „ * * « * * * * ^ x a * * * * * *
grand Jury and W. E. McCloskv Goodman lined his boys up to show
p •
' uletide shopping season in Hills-
aiUMMUicemrnU of tlielr IntenUon L Zurclier, gatekeeper; Mrs E Hillsboro. She Is also survived by
of Beaverton was drawn as a sub- a num ber of plays for the benefit wth th e efforts of Henry Becker, boro, was given a wlmlwind send-
Io come u> HaJein. enact Uie gover- z urc)M.r Pomona; a n d Mrs. F r s seven
stltu te
of the Rotarians. W. G. Hare, as cosher of the Farm ers' S tate bank. o rt, oy the combined Bargain Day
e v e n a grandchildren
r a n d e h ild r e n mid
a n d t two
w o sisters
s la te rs
X il'' ^ , ‘S ^ X ^ « m r a t l r a i Wof"<t ^ J° “ y'
Mrs Ellen Faulkerson ol Yakima’
Jack Herod of Hillsboro was fined ha*s been .the CUStom ior several * obtain a loan from the Federal weeks ago. Ever since th a t tim e
wrll b v o r t Uw expiration of tn e
o ^ le —F. A. LXxlgt*. m aster; Al- Wash and M rs R<xse S hearer of
»10 and costs Wednesday morning ',ears- a^ted as chairm an
T rust company in order to purchase local shops have been filled with
40 (lays for which Uu- constitution ,„lm Hlnt,s, „yenwer; Lizzie Ban-
V a s in
Reduction in the am ount of in- when he plead guilty in the local
the controlling interest in his b a n k ., holiday shoppers and m erchants
allows tlieni to draw pay lor tlielr j
(Continued on pam« is.relumn 6)
Complications arise as a result of are anticipating one of th e llvell-
services. All of which gives Uie
an effort to cover up an event est C hristm as buying seasons In
veteran lawmakers a big laugh Fur
j •
, th a t occurred while Becker was in years. This expectation is borne out
lliey know tlutt lawmaking Is not
ufllclatlng. Interm ent was ln Uu made sometime after th e first of was complaining witness.
so simple a m atter us th at. With
e2T ry- °y predictions of record sales
th lrg ln a turmoil valentine Scott, throughout the nation th is year
the views of 90 members to be re ­
Hlllsb°rt> Re- “f 1.. the
bankers' association'years
ln the state ----------------
penitentiary was
u county
— 1
Becker's friend and advisor, finally
As a result local m erchants have
conciled lo an acorptanre of tlie
ckali lodge.
which m et Wednesday evening .n m eted out to Jo h n P. Johannsen
Repeal of the state criminal explains everything."
filled their shelves with a host of
gieateat good to Uie greatest n u m ­
............ conotltuents
n IT,
J r - of H ukb° to Wednesday by Clr- syndicalism law is opposed in a
Members of the cast include the newest and most appealing
ber and with
lobliylsts pulling an«l hauling this
Saturday will be th e final iluv L o t ' l l W O m a t l L ) lC S
, , J „„1
7 ih
cult Jl“ 8e ^ Ba8ley. Sentence had resolution passed by the Washing- LuVerne Abendroth. Lloyd Selfridge, stocks obtainable. Not in years have
way and llial hi their effort to ln- for paym ent of the last quarter of
^ ’7 “ .
„ Previously been postponed on the ton county council of the A m erican; Billy Allison. K enneth Short. Jam es residents in this trading area had
fluetwe legislation, tlie forthrom - 1934 taxes without Involving the
T-i.JLi „¿I,1
charge of embezzlement by agent. Legion in session a t Forest Grove Potsythe, Bernice Howard. Ann such a wide selection from which to
ing session can be depended on to accrual of Interest, according to
1 l C r t , M il 1 U t s U d ^ cent I Iig rd.
-p ,
t, a d
Sustaining the defense attorney's Friday night. Legionnaires a l s o Munkers. M arjorie Montgomery, choose remembrances,
be Just as interesting u s any of Mlaa Olndys Eisner, deputy In
Funeral services for Mrs. Lena , , MO* m an 01 “ caverion, secre- contention th a t th e complaint filed took action commending the action Christine Robb and Carol Coulter.: Visit the local stores and make
those Hint liave gone before and charge ol tax collections. No dis- H arris. 63. of Hillsboro route 4
„ -tgninst Giles Henry Rockhill on a of Judge K anzler in the Dirk De- Betty Hobbs Is business m anager, your C hristm as selections today
lnaoiiivy oi ounxs io oovaiii a cliarge of allugvd reckless d riving1 Jonge case.
dr irMne
«nei.ton» business «
m «.«
R . uth
Kraus, assistant
an- Fn»™
Enjoy chn»wvi„»
shopping where selections
•» “ l0Wed ° ° thU Sp,y-
5»"- «-fielen » volume of round bank, faded to state” facts sufB clTnt"to
ducted this afternoon (T hursdavi
w sm w io n * sumcient.
Portland cnamDer
CJiamber of commerce
Commerce ager; and Violet Wick, costum e' are wide, where service is courteous
and nights and then some
: ' ’
Tluit the quarterly paym ent of from the Donelson A- Sewell chapel
*'?'% “ J r a t e of in-
JUdgC S2d .the reUU
con?mlltee oi m anager Scenery is being con- and where confusion and crush are
Society folk In Uie capital 'Ity (UX).S has proven successful during w ith Rev. H. A Deck offlclatiny rerest on denos'to“^ » " gi?et? as th i oT
»tructed by member» of th e — m | a t a minimum.
are looking lorward with a g reat 1U flr8t
(>f operation Ls evl- Interm ent was at tlie Fir Liw n
to i th?°w -ndtoc hiterert re-
in P ortLand Armlstlce day ? ° pieS trainin8 departm ent under super
deal of pleasurable anticipation to <i,.nced by the decrease of approx- cemetery.
- Court are to be sent to th e Clacksm as vision « Maurice Romig.
(Continued on p«cre 12, column S)
county council, Yamhill County
Hilhi band will play several selec-
tlie coming of Governor and Mrs tm ately 12 per cent In deltnquen-
Mrs Harris, th e wife of Heniy „ ics accounts will receive two ner
Pow Wov; and M ultnom ah county üons
the play
M artin to Baletn In January. They
for ¡93$ afi com pared with 1933. H arris, was born In Germany. Nov-
.¡m„ c ertific ates for a
council. P. L. P atterson of Hills- termisstons, Helen Becker will play I
have already arranged for tlie lease Collections to date on th e 1934 tax ember 3, 1871. and had lived near vrar
aiMi ,, half ner cent and
boro and Art Broderson of Forest , The G rand PoUta de- c o n ^ f
of a beautiful Imnie ln Uie F air- „m ount to approximately 60 per Hillsboro for th e past 40 years.
„ .rtif rates for less than a
Grove were named to draw the aIld Elwood Coslett will sing "Be !
m ount hill district of south Salem rent. Miss Eisner stated, while on Survivors Include the widower, two
»wo ¡x... cent.
, s till My H eart " and "The Blind
and are expected to en ter actively November 5 of lost year about 48 sons and two daughters. William * ite n o r t o h oroceedinrc of t h e
into the social life of Uie city to ,M.r Cen t were paid.
and Fred H arris and Mrs. B ern aid Amermwi B m i k e i « X u t l o n con-
F rank Miller of Forest Grove pjowman ••
T h at one of the Bierly boys from
j ‘
K inton won eighth place a t the
wliirh Uiey will Is- Introduced a t persons making final
paym ents van Meltebeke. all of Hillsboro, and vent ion at W ashington D C in
ra tio n a l corn show, held ln
a reception
and on
ball th to
arc enta
asked to bring ’ th eir tax state- Mrs.
M ,“ atteson by'
of a“ G aston. ..... ............... *î...
n sh^iiT" t o " t o r t h i ^ ^ u a l “o u ^ r “
t h . arm ory
e be
n ig h given
t of m
She ,s Roscoe
also m
° Od U
T,?TSid,e r,<i . le,a ,lZLW’fSS„t ..,l£„
is vice-president and , Art L o c a l O f f ic e r s A t t e n d
. conjunction
_____ ______
with _______________
the International
. . e e t . . i n g a i . « m . u n m u _, u , i n Livestock
a t Chicago
January 14. t e 0
Com plaint In the proposed tax Mrs. B ertha H ansen ol Portland State Bankers' association. O ther , C hristm
of a a telegram
lust was
K as lighting contest sponsor- 'reisiirer" " " " elevted
e e t in g a t M o n m o u th tj,e content
foreclosure sale for years of 1930 « brother. Albert Manske of K an -, speakers
k(,r , included
Larrv M
ann oe ed
Hillsboro Rot
arv elnh i ’re„a8lirei L , ,
o f a teiegram just re-
ed a s bv
by n the
Tlic state hospital for Insane a t ..................... ..
12. column 4)
sas. and three grandchildren.
m ?. ‘ ..m .. Larry
h .T v M
nr ann of C
r the
" L Hillsboro
o f * ? S Rotary club
‘ «
Jark Eakln ot Dalkvs' P881 ?tate
W ashington county was repre- ceived by L. E. Francis, assistant
^h.e iF'i^i.,tiNatM>np!hebramk M ta ra n i
t h ” ! ' 15: cotiunandcr and nationafT lefense sented by^flve officials at the N orth- county agent. Corn entries In this
Salem reached a new population 1
land. Scott McE< heron. aMlstonl
j. second an d »2 50 for third are chairm an, and E B ritt Nedry of west Oregon Peace Officers' a s s o -, show are ln competition with en-
record tills week w ith a total ol
manager of the P ortland branch
**«1 b> tllc
,Me!?bers_i are Tigard, district commander, gave ciation meeting Wednesday evening fries from all parts of th e United
2878 patients, 1479 men an d 1199
of the Federal Reserve bank ,f not eligible to compete for prizes. brief u lk s
MonmoUth Representatives m- States.
San Francisco, and H arry King of although they are expected to have 1 M rs. p ,,.,] P a t te r s o n
e le c te d eluded Mrs. Helen McDaniels, Hills- | Until fu rth er word Ls received It
th e Bank of California,
outside Yuletlde lighting displays 1 president of the Legion Auxilian boro city recorder; O. O. Freem an, will not be known definitely Just
Oregon lias received more help
Cram er scouted reports th a t banks
All displays m ust be in place by County Council, and other officers Hillsboro chief of police; W. W which one of the three brothers.
from Uncle Boni during th e past
Two hundred and th irty four Judging contest a t the Pacific In - were unwilling to make loans, cit- December 21 and m aintained over ¡elected were Mrs. C. Biederman ot Weaver, Hillsboro night w atchm an. Ivan. Amos or Elmer Bierly, all of
In ‘ proportion
to Its f own
ir th o .
. w » r t ran r
t i n eon-
im W ellin g to n county 4-H club mem-
™ “ ,c l n ' mg government statistics on ln- New Year's day. according to rules Tigard, vice-president:
and Mrs.
t h a ^ t i ? r tJ ie r n o r th e r n i bers com pleted projeet-s during the u' n ln t‘on" 1- Oreenville Dairy club d,» tria l loans showing th a t poten- announced by the committee c o m -, Ernie Schmid of Forest Grove, sec- J. W. Connell, county sheriff; and ‘ whom entered exhibits a t the corn
Dick Busch, deputy sheriff.
‘show, won th is honor.
vear1 and M of th e 3« »tan- hJ * the second high scoring judg- ttol borrowers were _unwlUlng_ to p ^ d o f B ^ P U ,lB M Good-
1 1 Y / I «.1_____
1 funds spent ln Uie state this veiu (lard clubs reported 100 per cent 01 ‘ng team ln th e county and entered take loans unless assured of a prof- mail. Rew Charles Reed and Claude
L n m e e1 their members completing work the Judging competition al the
^ i.^ a iV d b le T i X ^ c e ^ R
M e a " M r a ^ S ro to y ^ k t o of
for unemployment relief h as co
from tlie federal governm ent a c - 1
stnte fnir Rock Cl.cpk
o . r . i- n e ai, ra im e rs , Oallfls past president;
cording to inform ation received bv m ent records compiled this week
banks and declared th a t th e govern-i C ash Store or a t th e Argus.
h . Turnbull of Portland, depart-
the executive departm ent Approx-1 by B. E. Francis, assistant county | w 011 t'llc P f'h 'ty Judging contest ¡m ent was unable to loan money tc
A special plea for co-operation m ent membership chairm an. Hills-
Imalcly »18,000,000 In federal funds agent. Total of 311 clubbers were and judged a t th e state fair.
j industry In any greater degree than is nnwe to p e o p lc living along the I boro(Auxiliary Unit was represented
highway, where modest displays or j bv Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. C. H
(B r Wm. F. Crru«, County A m t)
preferably can be delayed, w eather
huve been allocated to Oregon this enrolled In the county and brought , Shady Brook Poultry club won . banks.
just a show of C hristm as color t o ' Eslinger. out-going secretary of the
Spraying for curly leaf ln peach- perm itting until shortly before the
year. ' Includes »8,530,503 I n , to this county a large share o f ' second place a t th e county fair and
M? mb5rs
,b e Yamb111
es may be done cither In December buds begin to break open. Is de-
federal emergency relief funds, » 6 .-1 prizes and special honors offered, judged a t the Pacific International, ,
, e „ »•'««'lation m et with tne the outside will make a favorable 1 County Council.
impression on
passing motorists I Next meeting of th e council will or January with practically equal sirable. TTte fall sprays are for the
000,000 ln olvll works funds a n d ’ Clubs competing 100 per cent j placing third. The T ualatin Rabbit | 001 as®06“ 110!! tor tne program
Participation and interest of all in ** held ln Hillsboro In January,
control providing good qual"y Bor- control of peach blight and dle-
»500.000 w orth of commodities (or were: Verboort Dairy club. Schef- club won tlie county rabbit Judg-
the community is urged by commit-1 _
, _
_ _
deaiix is used in each instance a n d ' back but these should be p u t on
distribution among the needy.
flln Dairy club. Shady Brook Calf Ing contest and placed third a t th e
a thorough Job of applying the earlier th a n October or November,
• • •
club, Rock Creek Dairy club. H azel-; state fair. Orenco Rabbit club plac- j
spray Is accomplished.
They should be applied before th e
r c>
Kram an opportunity to make
Legislative action will be neces­ dale Dairy club, F ir Grove Dairy ed second n t the county lair and I
If growers were certain th a t they 1 fan rains begin which usually m eans
Hiusbor» an attractive Yuletide!
sary before th e state's three n o r­ club, Reedvllle Calf club, G reen- second a t the Pacific In tern atio n -
before th e leaves are off.
mal schools can be designated as vllle Dairy club, Bald M o u n tain )"' Kinton Corn club won first in) W ashington county post. Veterans
Good quality Bordeaux ls essen­
Annual election of officers took ln January, most of them would
Junior colleges Attorney General Sheep club. Verboort Sheep club, crops dem onstrations at th e county of Foreign Wars, will open a scries 1
A . J e f f r e y t o T a lk
place a t the W est Union local of prefer to put on their curly leaf tial in any of these spray applica­
VanWinkle has advised th e state Shady Brook Poultry club, S co g -) and state fairs.
of smokers a t the organization's)
H e r e o n O ld A e e P la n ,he Farm ers' Union meeting a t : spray late th a t month. W inter con- tions. T his m eans th a t if It ls
board of higher education. The a t- gins Poultry club, Orenco Rabbit
Crops Judging team of th e R o ck ) hall a t N inth and Oak streets here
- John
— - A.
- Jeffrey
- --
8 of - - Port North Plains T hursday night. O f-)d ltio n s during January are too un- bought ready to use th a t it should
torney general's opinion point« o u t club, LelsyvlUe Corn club, Hasel- Greek Corn club placed first a t the Friday evening, December 21. The
th a t tlie preaent law provides tlio t dale Corn club, K inton Corn club, j county fair and fifth a t th e state post iias purchased equipm ent for- j 'and will address the mass meeting fleers elected were Fred Jossy, pres- certain to always perm it spraying, be freshly mixed. Some few growers
the exclusive purpose and object j Oreenville Corn c l u b . Verboort falr ch eh alem M ountain Potato merly used a t the Hillsboro Athletic sponsored by the Hillsboro Town- ident; A rthur Connell, vlce-presi- Sometimes Bordeaux applications buy Bordeaux prepared, getting
ln February are effective but w hat is known as two-package Bor-
of the norm al schools "Is the g lv -, o o m club. Sunrise G arden club eiub judging team placed second at club and has Install 'd It a t the send Old Age Pension club a t 2:30 dent; Mrs. Eva Meek, re-elected early
of .................
instruction ......................
necessary or a p ­ iuid chBhatem M ountain Potato j the county fair and Judged a t the hall. Announcement of the first S P- m - Sunday. He ls considered one secretary-treasurer; John Gates, not infrequently spraying early in deaux. Probably the greater num ­
propriate to quality persons f o r c' ul>'
of th e best speakers ln Portland conductor; O. Essner, doorkeeper; February Is too late as the buds will ber of local growers make their own
card will be made next week.
j Pacific International.
teaching ln the public schools of
The public is Invited. Rev. R. L. Henry Jacobson, purchasing agent; already have begun to open a little Bordeaux and this ts satisfactory
Several of these clubs have w on) Rock Creek Dairy club won th e
W. H. Dierdorff, organizer; John bit. Curly leaf spray applications providing they follow a good plan
the state and they ore by law des­ special honors during th e year, j - c a lf M anna" trophy awarded at Inspection for Holly
P utnam ts club president.
Pubols, Arnold Berger and Pete m ust be made before the buds have or process ln makng t.
ignated as norm al schools."
Shady Brook Calf club and Poultry the county fair to the club which
opened very much if they are to be
I t takes more th an just a few
• • •
Gorge risen, executive committee.
club each had the winning demon- nlIKle n le best showing. K inton
pounds of lime and blue vitriol
Next meeting of this local will successful
Property owners will contribute stratlo n team for respective div-1 c o rn club took four out of the first
f ° r B lo c k in g G r o v e P u n t be a C hristm as family gathering of
Due to this uncertainty regarding ; dumped together to make a B o r-
only »1.383,706.47 towurd the cu r­ Islons a t the eounty fair. Both f(VP places a t th e Commercial Na- m ent will be Inspected a t Hillsboro,
favorable w
eather for spray
Through error Alvin Mohr, H ilhi| members and th eir families. T h e re .------------
. work a deaux spray mixture. T here Is a
ren t expenses of the state govern­ team s competed a t the state fair tlonal H ink Corn show. This club Wednesday, December 19. accord-
Ing to C. A. C unningham of t h e '
tacjt'e. was given credit f o r ! will be a short business session for good many of our peach growers on
m ent during 1935.
the farm
th a t of
Livestock dem onstration team later also sen t Individual entries to the state departm ent o f agricuture.1
H in e s'p u n t in the fourth the initiation of new members. A feel th a t if they get th is spray
• Of tlie total state levy of »4.535,- went to th e Pacific International
program of local talent, lunch, w eather in December th a t they bet­ produces a high grade spray m ater­
005.59 «gainst property announced and won the Northwest dem onstra­ Junior national corn show a t C h i­ Those people who have holly to HUh, game p
cago and also entered 10 ears as a ship should bring It ln In the m orn­
dancing or games will follow. Ladles ter spray. If not, they wait until ial th a t Is entirely effective If
by tlie tax commission last week tion contest.
p a rt of a state wide exhibit which ing of th a t day to the post office Bill W underlich, left tackle, and are requested to bring cake or January Spraying late ln the fall thoroughly applied. The m aterial,
»1.867.008.81 ls tlie two-mlll levy
Rock Creek Dairy club had the was entered In th e same show. and It will be token core of by the Argus is glad to correct the sandwiches and all members and th a t ls, October or early November, particularly the lime, used ln Bor­
for support of tlie elem entary school,
a fund which rem ains ln the coun- high scoring livestock judging team Eighth pace was won by this club Mr. Cunningham . W. F. Cyrus, coun­ error and give credit where credit their families are Invited to come ls not effective in th e control of deaux spray should be fresh and of
(Costlnucd on pass 11, so I m « 4)
a t the county fair and entered the a t the National Corn Show.
curly leaf. The later spray which
ty agent, stated.
It due.
and have a good time. No charge.
(Oonttnued nn p«r«t 5, colum ns)
Scholarship is Cited
Expenditures Given
Extra Clerks Added
City Resident
Dies Monday
ld"U JUr/
Indicts Ten
¿ Hilhi Juniors
to Give Play SiX
Of uw
Interest Cut
Last Quarter
PflVsLic Sld<> 8ervlce8 by ,hc
bvndicaiism Act C
° °n busm,es?; ,W
Bierly Corn
Exhibit Wins
Yuletide Light
Plan Interests
County Four-H Club Members
Set Enviable Record in 1934
C U n V L e a f COtltrOl M e t h o d s
Discussed by County Agent
V.F.W . Post Plans
Series ot Smokers
West Union Local