the 2 of 7 N O T H K T O < H E D IT O K 8 County C o urt of tlie State of O r*« fu rtb * there» W A N I I.D C imm I team , between l'.î'IO und gon, fo r County at the rate o f 7 per cent per annum . I l4bU lb«.. for fmal f>>r w inter w ith hale D e p artm en t. Illa r k h mp * Hee«Hiige privilege of buying Citarle« Robinson. Notice is hereby given that the under« Mini the fu rth e r sum of 6300.00 atto r- m ilted. M Cu....... 11 .’ i- signed has he*-ti appointed Executrix nt nary’s fee», w ith interest thereon at the till? SC*U.%On C m b should aeeompany lb * or «1er. ( W A N I L D I beep Inn ■<<>. for foa f.ed «_£♦>■ T.,‘ !‘.um. , r " " ' *!” ln “ I* g a m e « . (he r a t a l* of Eri< k Hundherg, deceased. ra le of ti per A rye* 4 l-7 p |»y the County Court of the H ta t* of 19th duy of Novemi>er, 1934, to “o r U e 'n e w playshed a t l o n ^ ^ X ' ^ u c S l e v ^ L Pm ^ with three victories and lour rare led and delivered, com m anding me I fo r w im m |, Oregon, for W ashington C ounly, and has I H O H 8 L H fo r s a l* or tra«l> O ut of falru e e* to a ll no In fo rm a ­ feats, beating McMinnville, Ea:a- qualified. A ll persons having claims make «ale of the real property herein coWt, bay. o r g rain. Itay Heisman l i t y «m U m » e I I II »tl pave w ill ada and Newf>erg. Tigard nosed 8Vlf sgalnat said «state are hereby notified to i«f er de eribed, I have levied upon « ir li Udì k ve liio n e b * given »ut u u tll the paper la Kai?Hv *4 A IIar,per»<°f i colds or bronchitis. You can get It nt to suid Execution. Order and out Beaverton labt year on the local i | i-.o-nt same • «. MM Ml • f f «• • • • f ' •. 11 \ I 11 I. , . laauexl. Sandy __ spent Sunday with Mrs. a t R lggs Hillsboro Pharm acy and of Kale. I w ill on Monday, the field. (B y M r*. O. H. Peterson! atto rn ey. Mourns 217-216, Masonic llu iid * O*'*'r 1200 to 1600 11rs . 4 to Hi years old. Lillie Hanley. ier# *4 th day of Derember, 1884, a t the East Thanksgiving day was observed In I all good drug »tores. Miss Frances Post. Bend school Mingles and matched learn». F. W. tug, Oregon C ity, Oregon, w ith voucl and duly verified, w ithin _ sin months ----- fro m door of the C o urt House in Hillsboro, most home» with a well laden table teacher, — ------- sneru Thanksgiving Watch, Ht. 6. B ill-b o r o . 1500 spent at annoijnckmkntn the date hereof. .............. u ¡9 “ •>? community and the spirit of K lam ath F& z. south New ton station. - ,11». Bated and firs t publli C IIR IH T M A H w ill a.«»M l>e here, ( ’« w r *•» hiuh „, si,id,., f,„ thankfulness wa.‘, abundant. Union Mr. and Mr Mrs. Fred Weller and 1834. now and avoid the rush. W e meh« •t. CATTLE pub iiraiiun D m u b * ia , I N I . '• h ,n h» " i m )i "l «*» f„ll«..«r ..I.I J . r . r » i . u r r . i . r , h r ifr r .. M i n . I . l. i n i . (• H . a ii.i.. K i . utri> ..f ” r ' h«"l r w l p n g w riy . lying, te n . .i.d Thanksgiving were held a t th e T i - Mr. Weller's parents, Mr. and Mrs bert and Florence a n d M r a n d M r » l-.lln I iiumii Mtudlu, Forest (¿rove, tfiudlo l i u m • n.i J a r r e , y n r l n ,« b u ll, a ll for |7 u I iba i-atat« ,.f i n . s Hundbani. baraaard. “ ««•«» i" W a .h ii,K i..ii ’ -‘ "‘ " ' r . O r»«..,,. gard Methodist church November Andy Weller, at Scholls where they B F Waldorf sDent Thanksirivirw phone sJ ; bouae. 118 W . 88-42 A rth u r S .l.w -1 .1 , . . . . . . a.»„h uf I J. Nubl». ad ,Irra . Room . »17-4«. M a- -nur« „ a r . l r u l . r l , d r e c r i M a . ful- gj. enjoyed a a goat K O at b a r b e c ^ a n r C a £ n - ur flu b . I.™ » .I , enjoyed barbecue and a gen- at the Henry Menasco home EVERYBODY know * lh a t our Perfect 42 ««»hie Tem p i*. Oregon C ity , Oregon, A t - to -w lt: twt G rove, un highway. t tub« I urnird „ral family gathering. Portland. Blue W hite lilam onde are priced lower G U E H N H F Y and Jersey, fresh and com- 29-43 lleginning at a point in tho N o rth f “ r ,he E » * :utrl«. than m«»t jewelers price Im perfect Pour-H clubs nave been organized Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bernard and Mr and Mrs. Delmar M artin of L in e of Section 10, Tow nship 2 fcb/uth ing fresh. double-tested, fo r sale ur , stone*. Andere«m’e Jew elry ** of Range 1 West of the W illam e tte In Tigard with P. T. A. as sponsor, children of Eugene spent T hanks- Yamhill spent Thanksgiving a t the trade (¿ail K a m » . Oienco. I bone H ills N O T IC E O P F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T M erid ian , 16 chains K 3M’ West and include sewing, cooking, home- giving a t the home of Mrs. Her- Charles Johnson liome Will John- burn 2021X. 42 Jn the County Court of the H ta t* uf O re- fro m the Q u arte r section corner on t AUCTIO N RAUCH rnaking, boys' cooking, handicraft, n a rd s parents, Mr and Mrs. Al- son was also a guest, W II.L pay « a»h for all kin d * c attle and gon. for W anhinglun ( ’uunty. the N o rth line of said Section 10 poultry, rabbits, forestry and gar- bert Scott, returning home S u n -) Mrs. Charles Wood has been 1U h«»g« G ail Karns, Telephone H illsboro In the M a tt * r of the E s tate o f M a ria A. a u c t io n hack and ru n n in g thenc* Mouth url rtM>„, u f the a b w Oregon aon. son, DomemaJcing; homemaking; Glenn Linn, boys' Friday a t the home of Mr. Meyer’s ANY MURDERERS HERE0 M M T AND FOUND O II Kennett, W alker road <2P ‘ Court in H ilb b o ro . Oregon, as the tim e K llJ N D I'u r w con taining scrip and cur« I G U E R N S E Y handl- uncle. John Edwards. , , bull fu r sale, and pure- I and place for hearing ««bjertiona to said to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums C O O king ] Ray ChrUtensen Mr. and Mrs u f e w d m ^ n t h » m ^ o le i d s ^ a ^ n a ^ y X ™ ind fo r the < rwn«*y O w ner p ro v* pr««|»erty sud pay . bru.1 llru w n H w l - bull calf. A lbvrt I fin a l a r c m n l and fu r t h . fin a l - I I I . * t ‘‘* 1c," t • nd « « * " — Cralt; Robert Cole, poultry; B. L. ... i d Johnson and - f ,.ucu vonnu md said i w rit. fu r advertisem ent. 1643 Argus. M alar, lu . ! . i i — tu n . un Curnali , „ , „ t ,.f aabi —tat«. i 2 .n »in . . . . . Daniel», rabbit«; Clem Blakney, i o r - daughter Lucille were entertained “iV s im^'oTh'day <,f Nuvambar. i » ! « 1 .“*** ZÏ* Ï*. •ubi*c‘ * “ j fstry, anc rderi OM bated Ih i. 17th I7 ih day of u f November, Nu»»mb»r. i#S4. d * w ill ba made aubjaet tu r » - j estry, anfi Rev g. R. Smith, gar- November 25 a t the home ol M r . ; ^ ™ ' 12,^_,^ia»«millr-2 W ill Davies o t N etarti was a Mr. and Mrs. H L. Eisner and I ’ A H II „aid fu r a ‘-a l. f r — h cow . and ’ M rA la a r 4 I'ateaa, A tto rn e y , W? id J W . C O N N E L L . H b ,r lff uf w..hi„«- Tigard visitor last week and brought children enjoyed Thanksgiving a t an ^ a r a n ii. " h l h ° u L 4U-4 springers. — <’ . Fleuiing , 8007 H. E. Executor. ton c.miiiy. Urn««, w. j.« » p h . a vivid picture of the havoc caused the home of Mrs. __ Eisner's h??Lr " ¿ J , 00? „ on i 1“ ___________________ __ grand- __ ». REPAIR WORK »ONE ('U nion HL, Portland. 28tf Altunin for 1 'ia ln tirr. Vann B u iidin«. by the recent storms on the coast mother, Mrs William B artlett, a t m e e t..k m an day Uulidin«. coast, Mrs. r H O N K 7»« fur « l i m a i — “ » - i'1 N O T IC E O F F I N A L A C C O U N T Purtlatid, O r—run. . after day with a smile and fool 4U’4 She Is th e owner of a cam p at Ne- Fishers, Wash. repair pd>«. w irin g . plum bing. con­ In the County Court of the State of H .b u lm » r,rb 29' KKAI. ESTATE tarts. Mrs. Myrtle Johnson of n e a r h i m t a t o ttunking you are his crete w ork. *tc. Il MM fo i <-f W ashington. 41tf 1 R A B F 3 2 -a rr* f a r m . 12 acres ru ltiv a - N O T R E o f F IN A L H K T T L E M E N T Elizabeth Vincent was host- WU^nviU*e'*rtSted“' h ^ n Ed John- g 1" 4* Bu‘ you cannot ,- ln th * M a tte r of th * E state of Charlea gon, fo r W ashington County. Gerald T u rn e r. Beraaaed. George Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Albert Scott and son-in-law, Ar- T„ T” 10. WANTKI>—M brrlU nroii» ieen employed. b r in i the^w fkm o 5 tu « ,. hum« n b th l. J V M urphy. u«S lo t; street improvements and a *w n R l« b l,i..l A « « , llu b — « IP athletics in this vicinity with Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Groer and tocetherc IT h 2 2 d all in and p a id . d u e * in. Thia price M A N W bu I - I a hu«ll«r fur W — b ln « ..... is ru t down fo r quick sal*, f loou cash . 1 game» already played. Sher- daughter Helen were entertained q q - j r e u n it in a M r it u M n iy ham lla . u r - i , — . 1 - « . « •» - balance terms O w ner I*»f»6 Arifu« 42 town team, composed of Ti- Thanksgiving a t the home of Mr. ^1, tlot ^ zu thihi" In« a r t ir l— <*’* bum - - * - r y » v riilii« I IV K acres fo r rent, f'l 60 per month, Portland lnter^clty^lcagt^r a n d ‘play- S ? WaSh. M?. W l£ s b S £ K X w llb miaiay In yuur |u » k » l. E»l*arl—m , near H ru d u schisd. Bon't come Sun­ 1VJ4 B ate of lai-t publication Becember i u i i n e i i u a i s e iu e m e n t o i a t. id estate, X nti '. n this KijJ("w*Kr X rX V cr. .ter’Yi fl« t £ame '^,on^.ay ‘lig,ht f ^ e d 18 h ‘lth 3 UmC and h' P h e a i r t o o f t h T ^ ^ y S S T w l l r t U it..t iir«se>»ry. (¿«««I reputation ess*«tt*l. bated 16th day of A No-.t-m! 1834 «J days. A lb ert L uet he. Ilox IW , lit. 2, 6. 1V34 W r ite M r, *17 Htork E a r h a n * * l*i»rtlaiid. 42p W A L T E R G E O R G E T U R N E R . Eugene the Estate of Joseph ' liu iic k . u — .1 Tuesday night Portland Woolen injured while sawing wood. tute under th e a w h n . —M r C. I.ibhy, A ttorney. 716 O regonian iild g .. tute under the awful w rath of God M< A lear A Peters. A ttorneys fo r m il ls W as played a retu rn game a s . 42 H a re Portland. Oregon. 3M. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS A d m inistrator. If when we were enemies we were WORK W ANTED »»-«I m Portland with the locals aveng- T o w n s e n d IÎ. T i t K I E-na»ro apartm ent w ith private ----- uig a previous defeat with a score n , , , , 10 God b>' death of N O T IC K O F F IN A L H K T T L E M E N T hath, tin rant. Phone 2*62. 42 S IT U A T IO N W aslarf Huu-afc««„ina » a u l- N O T IC I O F SALK of 21 to 16 Tigard high school L »iscuss«on s c h e d u l e d His Son. much more, being restored. In th * County Court of the H ta t* of O re ­ «■I by an -1.1-rly wom an, « .c a ll.iil m an- In the C ircuit C o urt of the S tate o f O re- p la y e r s will start practice soon. The local Townsend Old Age Re- J e are being saved by His life gon. fo r W ashington County. a«»r « ...1 w i'b rh lb lran 6S7 G a ri­ II. LOANS gon, fo r the County of W ashington. ____ ___ Girls of the community are get- solving Pension club will meet Sun- Saved moment by mom ent by His In the M a tte r o f the E atate of A lbert baldi A . a . ur Sua I O . Hl I. H ill* , W W i l l » Agent ................ h l i ;........ i f "pert y. A . Schram m a . S u p e rin te n d « ,! uf ti,jg together a basketball team day a t 2:30 p. m. a t the Christian resurrection life im parted to all F . G ritxm ac her. Bcceaaed. loiro * n lrre s t W r i t e A r g u s Ib i. H a n k , uf tha S la t , of O n * u n . r u i » . t h a t w l l [ re a rfy on all church. A local program of inter- who claUn C hrist as dying for their Every form of protection — Fire, Notice is hereby given th a t the under- VK IB tlW wauta w. rk on farm or in signed, duly appointed A d m in is tra trix of automobile, casualty, liability, comers. I t will be composed of some es^ is being arranged. A symposium su^ : mothertwxs h*mie. chll«l I«*. R«» mm . b o a r d , «2. FARM 1.0 ANS _ the atmve named «ie«-ea*ed, has filed in a .« n . wages Cora Brow n. W eetlm - Fidelity, Surety and Life. Anni» m . P a a r c . E»e. u tri« . and A M members of Beaverton high school is to be conducted as the m ain fea- r\°'r ' ri8lH where you are 4 l-2 p F A R M money to loan The Federal Land ’ b * above entitled «-ourt and cause her lier Hurkan. h k « ru tu r uf ih » K » u t r o f, famous girls’ team of eight years *ure In which J. H G arrett and God you take Him to love, bank now has am ple funds in bond» to Gnal a< <->»utii and report as such and Phone 1732 1164 3rd St. Lm m a Hucken, dareu»»- V?- a "’ ? lodge session and >pcnt t l i e e v e - president The public is welcome to K » R T R A B E 2 black coats, good nrndi- A ,i S s: •' “ ¿ u ^ r ,n .„ „ i» „ t u f i u n i . playing cards. W inners of »H these meetings. For better Egg Production FEED IMPERIAL EGG MASH We ttiHi. sires S8 and 4o. fu r trimmexl. fo r ' N O T H K O F K X K C I TO R S H A L E O F ____ _ **• s ta te o f Oreiron. and against ~ T _ »JlVP >’OU TT.OTe quality a t a lower Drice W p S^ll riirw c f frrxrn «xsa* tw o turkeys W rite r it * 1663 1*63 Argus Argus. 42 n o t .« g to c s s o it o x s £ £ £ o G ^ S ^ T ^ t e r o„ for cash only You * > not ¿ y ^ “ ; M k l I H«»I I It I 1 L A R G E cabinet V ic in ila phonograph an.I No. 4»V4 I >W rxsxinls V» trade fo r fresh, young 1„ ■ •"* 2 1 > ' H il l- b o n - 4 1 tf suance Io an order title d Court made FOR hAEE--MI»crllAnr«ug Novem lier. 1834, for year-old Guernsey hull /o r sala . also real rotate hereinafter w ill l»e sold at p rivate uns wheat straw , buggy in good con­ est bidder, fo r cash. dition Gua K a u fm an , miles a«»ulh Building, in the C ity Vf H«. her U P ty of M ultnom ah, St F or b etter Milk Production FEED IMPERIAL BALANCED DAIRY feeds. mm * N E W drain tile fo r aal» fo r IV and a fte r th * 22nd B Vanderxanden. Hanks 42p 1834, the follow ing d« IMPERIAL DAIRY FEED, ton ........................................... S35.00 That portion of Hecti W M IT E H o lland wheat fo r sale. W per gon COW RATION, ton ........................ ...................3LOO ship 2 H Range I W. o f the W ill, I.ushel M itchell w agon; 16-Inch sulky Batexl this 6th day of December. 1834 Funeral services were held a t the hereof. the follow ing described p ro p e rty : MOLASSES DAIRY, ton ......................................... . " 283» am ette M eridian, deecrihed as begin­ plow I Ml Batexl this bth day of Novem lier, 1834. I 1 Beginning at an iron a t the 8. E. , hall in Beaverton, with last V- ill and testam ent o i tiilo ert v . Masonic xv««« t v ».___ Joe Bernards. Phone N o rth Plains ning 10.6(1 rods W and 183.12 f t N. J K R 8 IB M W IT H Y C O M H K . A d m intxtra- | ct.rner o f T ra c t 3 of Ladd and Reed Cha.». D»ceas»d. H »r». M cA lear » Peter,. BrtOCT chapter. O. E. S.. in | I ». GROVND HEAVY SCREENINGS, 100-lb. Ton ........... 22.00 o f the corner common *o Sections Addition tu Beaverton as shown on trlx of the Lstate of said Deceased. Hare, Attorneys fo r Executrix. 42-6 charge Concluding services were at r W t! hicyrlsa in good condltion~K>r aale 2o. 21. 2H and 28 In said Tow nship the duly recorded plat thereof on M r A leer A Peters, A ttorneys fo r A dm in­ MOLASSES GROVND SCREENINGS. 100-lb. Ton . . . 23.00 the Portland Crematorium with the and R s i.g r . running thence W . 67 O n * large six*, one Junior Inquire file in the office of the Rex-order of is tra trix . 36-42 rods and 11 ft. . thence N 4 rods, ! n o t ic b o f p a y m e n t o f DlviDENi» Masonic order officiating. Italie? Hervice station. 2nd and llasc Conveyance» fo r W ashington County. PAY CASH AND SAVE — TRADE WITH IMPERIAL and 11 f t . ; thence E. 67 rods and I in the C ircuit Court >»f the State of O re- — line O regon, and ru n n in g thence along the N O T IC K T O C R K D IT O R H 11*8 f t . ; thence 8. 4 rods, and 11 ft. the County of W ashington. C F.B AR fence poata fo r sac W ill deliver cast line of said tra ct 3. N O’ 24’ to the place of beginning co n tain ­ No tice is hereby given th at the under­ In the M a tte r «»f the Liquidation of the — » » Ray I tels I nan. G arib ald i Ave. Phone W 6.436 cha. . thence N 86* 33* ing tw o acres more or le«w together signed has l»een aiqwiinted ad m inistrator i Shute Savings Rank. Hillsboro, Oregon. > 6 lf W. 1.815 cha. ; thence N 0* 24’ along w iht the m ad o f public easement to of the estate of M a r tin Haw kins, de- No tice is hereby given, th at an order a lin e p arallel w ith the east line o f th r public highw ay and also that ceaaed. by an order m ade and entered in has been entered by the C irc u it Court Phone 01 said tract 3. a distance u f 6.267 cha. M illen of Quality Feeds South Second St. 15. CARS AND TIRKH certain onion house which is situated the Cn a tra ct of land lying West of « ar» to w i« . k gon, fo r W ashington County, on the 6th C A M II f«T tra ct 3 ; thence along the north line Beaver- the foregoing T ract. Aloha. l'hone day o f Novem ber, 1834. and th at he has eon's G ara«*. o f said tra ct 3 N t»8* 54’ W 4.07 directing the Superintendent of hanks to - e 41 A ll of which said tract o f land lies been duly qualified to a r t a* such ad­ t«m H25I chs. ; thence 8 0 * 24’ East 11.835 d istribute a th ird dividend of 2 0 'i on U i a C t U T C r S Ol hlJiH (jU H llty in W ashington C«*unty, Oregon. m in istrator. eha. to a point tin the sd T ra c t 3; thence along the south proved against the Saving« D epartm ent m g “ a v e ra g e egg firm ation of the ahoxe entitle«! Court, «gainst sai«l estate are hereby n«>tified lin e o f said tract 3 H H l* 37’ E 6.001 St I con of the Shute Saving» Bank, up to and p r o d u c t i o n , b e tte r Q U a litV - I 's i '. l C a r Dated this 2>uth lin e of • T h a t «aid order also directed the pay- F R F B H. W IL L IA M . F x rru tn r of the h.ini, O regon, w ith in six months from the tlie above dsecribed tract which is ment of a firs t and second dividend on T h a t S W h f l t W 6 glV e YOU in Lutate of John ( ' Young, deceased. F 8. late of the firwt publication x»f this w ith in the boundaries of the State i all approved claim« filed against the — — Sever, A tto rn ey fo r Executor 40-4 notice, to-w it : W ithin six months from H ig h w ay, said strip o f land contain- Savings D epartm ent from Ju ly 31. 1934, — — Novem lier 22nd. 1934. ing 0.091 acres, and a 2*»-foot strip Dated at Hillsboro, O regon, on this N O T IC K TO C R E D IT O R S IS. o ff N o rth end o f the 6«acre tract 1 claims w ere filed subsexjuent to the p ay­ “l-*t day o f November, 1834. ! In the County Court of the State o f Ore- containing 0.1233 acre*. 1 ment of said dividends. T W E N T Y c o n b 16-lnch dry old grow th E D W A R D L E E R IC H M O N D . A d m in b - gon. fo r W ashington County. to g e th e r w ith a ll and singular the T h a t said order directed that this notice wood. 15 7 6 . dry 4-fuot old grow th. In »he M a tte r of the Estate o f Samuel <’« awed any length before delivery, | 6 26 . Patterson, A ttorney , H. O rn d u ff, Deceased, tensncca thereunto lieloiiging or jn One rook stove; 1 bedstead and springs; I pair of tin snips; I issue o f a newspaper of general circuia- g«aa| dry snag wtmd, 16-inch. delivered, A d m in istra 4i>-4 No tice is hereby given, that the un­ I fo r ___________ _ to r. nnywriee appertaining. ; »ion p rinted and published in W ashington K iiwh Arrow wrench; I 10-inch Crescent wrench; 1 No. 1 Bollard St.6n. Hugh Mm>re. Hanks. 4 2 tf dersigned ha» been duly confirm ed hy County. Oregon. That the date of pub- \ 11 I 11 ¡. 111 s II !'M 11-' I-"*» K I !■' ' 1 r 111«» «>f wrench; 1 Hawkeye wrench; 1 6-inch end wTench; 1 10-inch monkey . < I It I. (»»■ S H E K IF k H S A L E lo c u tio n , judgm ent order, decree and order the altove entitled court, as Executor of D IE S E L O IL , high test fo r tractors. j lication therex»f is December 6. 1934. F«-ed — Seed — Poultry Notice IS hereby given, that under and ,.f »ale. and in compliance w ith the c"un- wrench; I 5-tnch vise; 4 2 q -ln e h clamps; 1 10-inch trowel; 1 auto­ Independent Fuel O il Hervice, K86 the last W ill an«l Testam ent o f said . . , highest bidder for j ; a c rw Section T lS R lW . N in th St. Phone H illsbo ro li»3.t. 14tf House at H ilb b o ro . Oregon, w ith in six defendant, for the sum the o f rate f«W steel rule: 1 2-foot rule; 32 steel bits: 7 wood bits; 11 wood 62200.00. ith i m .» of 7 w per r l " I T L a * 1 .»2? ri“ h t’ t,t,c and I Alexander Hchlup to John W a lte r Ber- iiuth* from the date thereof. | interest thereon at F l lt H r class wiaid fo r sale. V lr. oak and chisels; 4 wing dividers: 1 rivet set; 1 chain drill; 2 oil stones; 3 ilay of suit and ' de^ep d*J*, " ‘ n t k l * ' nard * et ux. part W illia m W ilson c la im 1 Batexl this 26th «lay of November. 1934. vent »*‘'r f r‘”" the l«t ash. Kay Betxman. Phone Hillsboro r «1. . o i ; »«H and each and , ? o r ' a ,h n ‘ v i r i N " R tW wooden gauges; 3 scratch awls; 5 pair pliers; 3 nail sets; 2 sets of . " n a V ll r " of ’ them S’ 'S 1 «' t" t - " 1' G R "d - J G. B U S S E L L M O R G A N . Executor of l>«-en»her. 1933. am i re f c ^ ' « i|Uh te'- . U t e 'S T ’i'h 4l« f punehes; 4 steel punches; 1 broad hatchet; 1 saw jointer: 1 steel saw »he Last W ill am i Testam ent of said *um of 61*0.00. atto rn ey fee*, w ith in 01 E S E L -*n«l fti* l «ul. George L. n . ,i term « ,h » rc .n .1 the ret» of « ,w r , „ ,« , i „ „ ,h » « '.l.« ‘» W ' T I N ' r «' w “ ’“ " ‘ h W ” " ', r C ’' * im Dex'easexl. vise; 3 hand saws; 1 m itre saw; 1 compass saw; 1 hacksaw; 1 combina­ rtek«. fuel oll dealer, Forest Grove — per annum from the 19th day o f Novein- «iescrihexi n n .tie riv ,r „„ . T I N R4W . 6 tf tion plane; 1 6-inch plume; 1 steel square; 1 tool chest; lsh o v rl; 1 spade; Phon« 84SJ. bar. lu l l and Ih » fa rth e r „u,n uf »12.75. to « - iT f y '» « i.T -.’ic i.lL n i . i ' 1'her? ’‘ J«n,e» H lle t t i, Io R i l l, Sh»dd»n. 121 S H E R . IF F _ 'S _________ HALE _ _____ .•.»«.. tu me directed and delivered cum^ I .ic e ™ „ „ ,| „ ed e i ^ f r e l . J » l J’ A ,Ur,1* r ' ” <'r w T1 " " J 2 N R ,W „ . 1 m itre square; 1 or.e-man saw; 4-foot, SO-foot garden hose; 1 leather Notice Is hereby given, that hy virtu e t o I N K K D S — P L A N T S 19. apron; 1 duck apron; 1 grass hook; 1 wheelbarrow; l 16-inch plane; I of an Execution, O rder am i Decree of m antling me to make sale o f the real and accruing costs. " * ®*1’ » N a tio n al M ortgage A Rond Co. Block j George M ay et ux. Lot» 6 and 10-inch plane. under the seal Pr«q»erty herein after described, I have B ate of first publication Dxvemher 7 E V E R G R E E N S ( ife r ! ( y press L a w - Sale, issued *>ut of and ihe C ircuit Court of the S tate of O re- I batexl upon am i pursuant to said execu- 1934. D ate of last publication J m .H .rv a’ It Rea w orth Ganlens. son. Blue. lU lla n . J u n ip e r: Siberia, of B a r- ! Lance W illiam s to M nrgaret gon. fo r the County of W ashington, dated j order, am i decree o f sale 1 w ill on | 1835. im iu a t io n Jan uary 3. Grcwfc, Irish A rh tirv ila e ; Goldspot, ney. 31st «lay «if December, 1934, at the J O H N W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff o f Wash- P y ra m id a l; also English Laurel anil the 13th «lay of N«>veinher, 1934, in favor Julius Schutxler et ux to Louise Voorhees. H u i,.» in H ill,- i„ « |„ n « „unly. ()r»«un if T h e U nion C e n tra l L ife Insurance t ’«»m- i;»»l d ...r o f Ih» lu u n |lsl BiinU itte N ursery. O ren- 42-6 S ’ ., of N W o f N E t« Section 7 T 2 8 W ashington C ounty, O regon, at 1 ___ ___ ___________ co. 4* ’ 8 pany, a. corporation, p la in tiff, am i against ln»r«i, R lW J S. Culbertson. M erton J. Benefici and 1 *’e l>'»ur o f 10 o'clock a. m. o f said «lay N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T John Sehoenbechler et ux to R. J. «*11 at public auction to the higheat bid- F D R H A L E lUsIheert e lra w h e rry plants. E d ith Vi«di« Benefiel, his w ife, defend­ I ’. Blehler, Banks, R t. 2. Box 92; ants. for the sum «if 633.20 c«mt and «1er for cash in hand a ll «»f the follow ing ,n ,f‘** County Court of the State of B re­ Raster et ux. part Section 3«» T I N R2W . George It. Scott et ux to R. J. Raster 4 mil«** north of M ountaindale. 41-'2p the fu rth e r sum o f 666.14 w ith interest j deacribed rexd property, lying , being, and gón. f«»r W ashington . County _____ therc«m from tho 2 *th «lay «if M arch, sltu a te in W ashington County. Oregon. • ” ’ be M a tte r of the Estate o f M ary et ux. 10 acres T I N R2W. B E C L E A N E B cheat seed fo r sale. I ’hone Thomas Caacadden et al to Claudine 1932. at the rate o f ten per cent per ' «” <• nmre p a rtic u la rly described as fo l- Elixabeth Sm ith. Deceased. lleeverton 9719. 4 0 tf o f low», t o -w it: N«itic* la hervby given, that the und«r- Gigec. part I a H 3M0 Johnson Estate A«I- annum , am i fu r the fu rth e r sum dition. Beaverton. A ll «if Lota 6 am i 7, llloek 1. »igned Executor «if the last W ill ami W IN E grape plants and highest quality 61*3.09 w ith intereat thereon fro m the It. C. B ryant et ux to Stanley P T * * t* m * n t of said deceased, hns filed in iruaranteexl g rafte d auckerleaa filb e rt 1st «lay «if F eb ru ary, 1836, at the rate 1 llo ck en ’s T h ird Addition to Beaver- Flem ing et ux. 20.20 acres Section 22 ton, as shown in W ashington Coun- *be above entitlxsl Court and cause, his tree*, w alnuts, peaihexx. prunes, cherry, of 10 |>er cent per annum , and fo r the ...... ....................ty at H lllaboro, Oregon. fin a l ncoxiuni am i report as such, and T lS R2W . peer, apple, herriea, rosea am i shrubs. fu r th e r sum «if 61*<3.O9 w ith Interest Records there Seam et ux 'T 'U E noon bell—the signal . . . . to H enry C Semi fo r bargain Hat today. " N u t onfrxim the 1st «lay «if F eb ru ary, 1934, ,o »atlafy the hereinbefore named aums Gte ( «mrt has fixed mih I appointexi the .. W a lte r N coats am i expensea of said f’,h duy «if Jan u ary. 1934. at the hour part of ' ’ " " Mu,kC> P la n tin g G uide" on requeet. l ’hone, at the rate «if 1*» per cent per annum , -“ '«l for *■ for re-fuellne. Food is the claim T I N R t. *«ld w rit Said sale w ill I h * «if It» o'clock A. M. of said «lay, and the w rite or *'bdt us. C arlton Nursery Co., am i fo r the fu rth e r sum of 61245.29 w ith fuel for the hum an engine H enry C. McDonald et o \ to C arl Interest therexm fro m the 1st «lay of ma«l* subject to redem ption as pro- Court room of the abx>ve entitlexi Court C arlton, Oregon ______ _______ . . . and milk Is the best and per j videxl hy the statutes «if the State «if, Oregon, as the tim e ami Johnson, 21.51 acres T I N R lW . Fet.ruary, 1934. at the rate RHODODRNDKONH, cam ellia«, ataleas. cent, per annum , and George A. Allison 4 A d m in istra to r) to Oregon. ' place fo “ r *■ hearing «dtjections to said final most nearly complete food for >he fu rl he* ,r : xirxnion. Daphne Od«»ra, rock Daphne, heather, sum of 6120.99, atto rn ey’s fex*s, ami fo r . Datei! ^at Hillsboro, O regon, this 26th *««'«■« *mt and for the fin a l settlem ent of R?inh«*ld D arg atx et ux, S ’ j of W'vj of Fir Orove milk builds more arid m any other choice shrub«. Also the fu rth e r sum o f 69.25, continuation day <»t N«iveml*er, 1931. N W ’ » o f Section 30 T 2 N R lW id estate. disease resistance per gallon rosea, shade trees, f r u it trx«ea. figs. F ll- of abstract, to me directed and delivered, F. C. M arshall et ux to B. W. Me- Datexl this 4th day of December. 1934. U U N N E L L , S h e riff of W ashing- herta, w alnuts, w ine grapes. Btout'J than any other body-fuel to eon. E D W A R D J. S M IT H , Executor o f the t'le llam l et ux. Lot 37 H n w a tt Acre-« om m am ling ine tu make sale «»f the ton C ounty, O r »»«on. N ursery. Hlllaboro, O regon, Rt. 4 ; real A n n ie Crop to J»»hn Crop et ux. 56.6*2 41-6 last W ill am i Testam ent o f said De­ property herein after «leacrihe«l, I A tto rn ey fo r P la in tiff. be had . . . It has more th an •y-m ile southeast Orenco, 2 mile« north have levied upon am i pursuant to said ceased. Hare. M cA lear A Peters. A tto r ­ acre» Sex’tion 1 T I N R3W. 90% ef the food elements v .: 1.- Scr \ i, o m * a* *■ oi 3'*t f Execution, O rd er am i Decree «if Sale, I W ashington c«iunty to T. A. Durnlee. T R A C K E R S * E X A M IN A T IO N S neys fo r Executor. 42„g the body needs! And. It has 15.5«) acres T I N R4W No tice is hereby given that the County w ill on Monday, the 17th day o f Decem­ everything the taste desires! «» f W ashington ber, 1934. nt the East «loor of the Court School Superintendent 10. HAY AND FEED N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Have Fir Grove milk deliver­ B A L E D oat and vetch hay and Itwiee House in Hillslioro, W ashington IV q n ty , County. O regon, w ill h«ild the regular exam ination of applicants fo r state tench- *n th * Ctiunty Court of the State o.' Ore- O regon, at the hour of ten o’clock a. ed tomorrow, and be sure a lfa lfa . Kay Delam an, G aribaldi Ave g«»n, fo r the County «»f W ashington, at the xifflce 40tf m. of said «lay, sell at public auction to ers' certificatnx l'hone 2107. your child gets some whether Probate Departm ent. at the the highxxst bidder fo r cash In hand, all C ounty Seh«Mt| Superintendent he cats lunch a t school or of the follow ing dencrilted r«*al property, Court House, Hillsboro, O regon, »» fo l- In the M a tte r «if the Estate o f Louisa A. Thanks to the persistent urging of hie M ontague Dex’easexl. 22. FARM MACHINERY lying, being and »itu ate in W ashington l«iw»: Comm encing We«lnr the hearing «if «thjectlons there­ victims of stomach ulcers, acid stomach. In ­ Said sale w ill he made subject to r e ­ raphy. A m erican L ite ra tu re , Physics. 600 W H IT E l^«h«irn hens fo r sale F rid a y Furemmn The««ry am i Practice. to and the settlement thereof. digestion. heartburn, ras pains, belching and dem ption ns per statute o f Oregon. In q u ire H illsboro Feed company, 10<>4 < S p e llin g ), Physical Geog­ Dated and firs t published December 6. ether symptoms of excess acidity. W rite Dated at Hillshoro, O regon, thin 13th O rthog raphy M ain 42 «lay of Novem ber, 1934. raphy. English L ite ra tu re . 1934. D ate of last publication December Udga, Suite 66. Foot-Rchulse Bldg., Rt. Paul, M inn for a free sample. pie. The 7-day tria l 27. 1934. Friday Afternoon School L aw , Algebra. J. W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing W ANTED P o ultry of a ll kinds. W rite . S A M U E L S. M O N T A G U E , Executor. box of Udga Tablets la sold on a money* P h ilip Hamm ond, C iv il Governm ent, Bookkeeping. W ill cell nr b rin g F rid a y , S aturday or ton County, Oregon. R ankin. hack guarantee of satisfaction by O. II. K R A U S . County Schoxil Superin­ Wood, Montague, Matthiessen Mondny before noon. P o rtlan d prices. - 319 G uaranty T ru st Co. Bldg., 62.1 Oak H ills b o r* Pharm acy 42-8 42-8 Attorney». 89-4,1 tendent, — F. It. Rarden, Com ellue. 46tf S t., Portland, Oregon. KIT. de­ lM^ r bee^ deM«t*dFa tatht SCh°°1- , 1 t*tt- sur,‘-' Bend « re“ef *'«» , ___ AT DRUGGISTS 4B? S Mason Hill Ô8* RUCKLEYÇ D m ix t u r e J A SINGLE SIP PROVES I T / ‘Ef™ M W * MH*»___________ 4. s,wte n £ r £ *,.*«< ______ ... x-. Ore- The fa te of each life is th e m ystery of th a t life. B ut one th in g is obvious: only LIFE INSURANCE can provide fo r a safe, se­ cure fu tu re , once you are no longer h ere to g u ard y o u r dep en d en ts. Old Aire P lan ~ - — CHAS. L. WALKER M EN » J)QULTRY N Notices . c«»W ’ IMPERIAL EGG MASH, sack .............................. $2.00 IMPERIAL MILK EGG MASH, sack 2.05 BIG LAY EGG MASH, sack ............... J 90 4-GRAIN SCRATCH, sack ..................................... 1.95 u. DAIRYMEN IS I I I u*«l HOfiDEN-BREWSTER - IMPERIAL FEED 8 i GRAIN CO. , wa,hi„««..n. .uthurnin« emiww»Tin« and A re th e lead e rs am ong m an- W e buy an d sell used cars. E xchange. 4 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE eggs and low flock m o rtal­ I will sell a t Public A uction all of th e follow ing p e r­ ity as ag a in st c h e a p e r feeds. sonal p ro p e rty of th e E state of J . R. Stevenson a t my T h a t’s w h at we give H-D Egg P ro d u cer. You hom e a t 1927 O ak S treet, H illsboro, a t 1 P. M. S h a rp „. «„j include« o,>.4»r 2«. ma« which c a n ’t affo rd to feed a n y ­ th in g but th e best. W E buy a n d sell used cars. — M a c k e n z ie M otor Co. FUEL Monday, December 10th Farmers' Cash Store A n xs j ‘j"". Terms: Cash J. C. MAY, Administrator H. A. Kuratli, Auctioneer NOON J. J. Wismer, Clerk P U B L IC SA L E i will sell a t public auction at th e W. J. S tu n k a rd place one block w est of th e H illsboro C ondenser, W EDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12th Grandma’* ddviee ff a* Best/ Order Today! Phone 4RX1 E GRADE A M ILK F IR G R O V E A DAIRY a t 1 P. M. Team horses ab out 2600 lbs.; one cow, to fresh en in D ecem b er; fo u r h eife rs; ab o u t 15 tons of h a y ; 5-foot M cCorm ick m o w er; reversible d isc; 12-inch plow ; 10- inch plow ; 7-shovel c u ltiv a to r; new sp ik e-to o th h a rro w ; one H andy w ag o n ; 3 )4 M andt w agon, w ith g ra in box; F ord tru c k ; 200-gallon stock ta n k ; 5 h. p. Econom y e n ­ g in e; saw ta b le ; one pole saw fo r logs, 14-inch d iam eter by 50 fe et long; cream s e p a ra to r; tw o 10-gallon m ilk ca n s; one 5-galIon milk strain er. Will also sell one b arn, 24x42 w ith 16x42 shed w ith 20-foot posts, eq u ip p ed w ith tra c k , h^y fo rk and rope, also 9 p a te n t stanchions. Terms of Sale— $20 and u n d er cash, over $20 six m onths tim e, b a n k a b le note 8 '. interest, 2'> discount fo r cash over $20. W. J. STUNKARD, Owner H. A. K u ra tli, A u ctio n eer J. J. Wismer, Clerk