THE P age Eight H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thurtgiay, December tí, morn lug service will lx- choral All lX im ar, Mr. and Mrs. Ira IMwell sermons during Advent are on the | and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Herbs Entertain 1 general topic. The King Cometh.' I Meyers und FJsie. Irene .Stevens mid t h e Nimbi, Mr. and Mrs. cavuij Henry »»*««, Herb. wlio[ ÍW 1. tu>m 10 a in. until !'_’ noon, Benefiel and sons. Tolly Rinck and Kolseh. Ann lierlekx Mildred Iluls- „ ,, .. ; and Mrs. d ia r ie s Herb, and Daniel or by appointm ent, at the House family. Mr mid Mrs. jo e Eivden- inan. Rena H enle, Minnie. Agnes, (By M r*. John M Davidson) ill y Mr». J«M»*e M » y » r,| I B , M r , *■ red . Herb of Banks an d Miss Rena office. 1352 Jackson street All young H enrietta anti Murtlia Vandersan- Helvetia Sunshine BUXTON A business meeting of dal. Pets Ore and Harold F siier. BANKS— The student body play Hertle of Rov i , HELVETTIA u u. ». . people's meetings as announced. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simonton den Mrs. Minnie Solder und Min Woman's Benefit association will -The T hirteenth Chair, presented Mr Mrs Charles Shipley o f 1 ?*ub„ b“ a*r „“ ¡S1 ‘«?d “ Stanley. Mr a n d Mis Eugene In the high school November 28 K u l[ s “ lki Mr. and Mrs. George the K- P 1«U. N orth ila ln s Decem- be held a t the G range hall S a tu r­ and family of Tigard vlsiled her All Saints' Mission lEplaconal) day with pot luck dinner, election parents here during tile liohdaya Northrop, Mr. a n d Mrs Henry was a decided success, judging by MeF\*rlaiie and daughter of Forest *• was * sootal an d financial Second Sunday in A dvent: C hurch arqj Installation of officers. The Vandeizandeti, Mi. and Mrs Bert the favorable comments heard on a ro v t drove to M ultnom ah S un- 1 rograni was greatly en- Vetu Cearley. who lias been Vundi i zaiidcn und Mr and Mrs all sides. Miss Marion Maxwell as j , (\ ° st,l, Mrs Lyda Weitzel. who j°-ved “> » record crowd. Receipt* school. 9:45 a. in.; service and ser­ Christm as pie will be a feature of 111 Mrs. for several weeks. Is reported mon. 11 a. m.; Fellowship group. J M Viuidcrzundcn ami Tonv Van- Madame Rosalie LaGrange. a spirit- . w rv ill am ounted to over $73. This money' th e day. improved. p. m. All those interested m ehey. Mike Peters. Allred Vund»- ualisi medium, had the leading Mr Mrs. Stanley Clark of u f'!r l “e benefit ** th <- :l*ed. 6:30 Mrs. Tillman Honored a discussion group are invited ’o Mr. and Mrs. C. M C hristen­ hey. Ray and Clmenee V andrrnui- role and earn ed the part, winch O le n » w d visited from Friday until ¿ ¡ L “ » meet with us a t tlie rectory. Rev. Mrs. Jessie Tillm an was given a son. Cliester, G race mid Melda of den F u n k Meeuwsen, Allred Del- was very difticult. exceedingly well S undlv \ i r and Mrs. Ca*s • th e presldm t, Mi*. R surprise party on her birtlidu.v S un­ R. H. Wisecarver, vtcar. Portlmid mid W alter Willis of Cor­ planehe, Ben Meeuwsen und Arch­ from sta rt to finish The other «..¿5,,“ san d lo rd . and comm ittee members day with a pot luck dinner ’ Those nelius were vt-sltors at the C. A. ie Jesse. characters also acted th eir parts O tto Beard * ’io is w ith a CCC WLSil to, ll'unk a 11 who helped to attending were Mrs. Harold P eter­ I Peterson home Tlimiksgtvlng Miss Lena Taylor s|>etit a few very well. T he stage setting was ‘S t £ lt£ e. spent the n“ ke a ' falr » su ccess, Foursquare Church also well planned, especially 1 1» ! i^tuiksgivlnK holidays with lus par- „..‘V “ n J, H’ ,wlU 111 ^,'7 Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45 a. son and Norman and Alpha Mae, Mrs. C lara Allen an d family spent days Iasi week In Port land with her Mrs. Prudle Flekas tuid France«, aunt und uiiele, Mr. mid Mi's. lighting system which had m uch to cnUl Xlr Mrs W alter Beard **/*' “«„iiSL. H' fon" church a t 11 m.; morning service, 11 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kelly. Mr. and Thanksgiving with her dmigliter. Miles Purdin message, subject "A Burden for Mrs. Lee Randall, ul Oreneo do with the effectiveness of tlie H a e n t h a r k t o c a m o S u n d a v a m. ounaay. Mrs. C luis TOlke and Billy and Ray Vandei zunden returned to Several from here attended the various scenes. The play was coach- t jie r n A card party F ri- , Mr.' and Mrs' Otto Solberger and Souls. ' Young peoples tncctuig at Norman. Mr. and Mrs Fred Bene­ ! play at Banks November 28 Harry his home Friday from Idaho, where ed by Miss Alice Lane Between ^ . “enuvg M i A h ^ - M o s s and m " ' ^ ‘u an 1 ° ^ ^ m m ’* 6 p. m. Evening evangelistic serv­ fiel mid Ray. »M r. an d Mrs. Fred acts Frederick Tschanz sang cow- Wl'n kuu \ , ul Domelou liad high c<’xl!e-' ¿J1 P ortland Thanksgiving, ice a t 7:30. Good music and a Rlggle mid Duane. »Mr. and »Mrs. Seabold Jr. was a member of the he played football on tlie Oregon Normal team Thanksgiving day boy songs and C harlotte Sullivan >lVn, .Uld Mrs. O tto Jolm son and “ u otCyDr P» ell mid Elemior and Le­ east. Mis* Bonnie Manley a.-uLsted with H enrietta and Ray relurm xl t o ' played the violin, accompanied by p a^ G ardner were second. Another L, , i nx .. A MuUtiy at Prayer Meeting.” Will you be there? land, William and D elm ar Higgle. C H R IS T M A S Hazel Wolford at the^piano. £?d »Ul V given a t th e H « Mulke-V J°uied Tuesday Bible study. 7:45 p. in. musical selections ut the Manning Monmouth Monday Miss Johm m a Dertekx of P o rt-' Sriday evangelistic service, 7:45 p. Mr and Mrs. David Edwards. Mr. school program November 27 Mothers to Meet — — n . a , ludi December 14 on inanasgiving. mi Mrs. Jesse Meyers mid Elsie. Mr and Mrs. I! W. Manley and land spent the holidays ut I he home M others’ club will meet Friday i Tiie Banks-M ouiituindale card —. Mrs. . Rosa . Feuerstcin entertained m. Irene Fisher. June G arvin. Oren Bonnie drove lo Woodland. Wash of her mother Mrs. lierthu Derlckx. afternoon with Mrs. Earl Wilson. club met Tuesdiv with Mrs Cass Thanksgiving for her family and Frost and »Mrs. Jessie TUlman. Jack Seabold Heads List W i L i M r s O t ! ) Jo hm on becanm i neIU£ Present were Mr. and Mrs. Many |>coplc from tills commu­ ! Sunday, having been called there by C hristian Church A card party mid luncheon was (he death of a relative nity nltended the wedding dunce For the second time this year a new lueintx«r Mrs C B Hail won Fix> P»>n c and daughter Shirley. Lord's day church school. 9:45 a Mr and Mrs E‘r,>d Higgle and a t Cornelius iliursduy evening for Jack Seabold heads th e list of the flrst lvtit Qualls second and i i axin,'i- ^ rh n e . K alliryn Cauley, m.. C. H. Nosier, superintendent sponsored by the W B. A ladies honor roil for the past six weeks i-,rover Rogers th ird At the }?Vr{’ " ' “c.ller. Victor. Elector and Ju st two more weeks of "Loyalty" at tlie G range hall F id a y night. son Duane of Btrkenfeld were week. I Mr and Mrs Gisirge V anll.inile a t the Banks high schoot He had Mrs. Oil * Johnson won firs; '®.r Jo h n Zurcher campaign. Arc all tlie classes goUig Pinochle. "500,” and crlbbage were end visitors at the R J Kelly luime 'F rances VanDyke), wlu> »ere m ar­ enjoyed. Honors Mere won by Vtda Mr. and Mrs Clyde R utledre mid ried at I lu> Vlslta*' n church m at R eason ab le P rice»! WUhs comoiauon stlI1 m . Dr Wiley to reach their goals'? Classes tor ail Powell, high, mid Ira Powell low 111 son Dale, Mr. tuid Mrs Swaysle Vcrboort Thursday. ages. M orning worship at IL Spe-1 pinochle. Mi's. Clara Allen, high, aS m u ^ 'w S ^ i v S The l i t U e ^ ^ e e ^ e e ^ l d son of £ £ Miss Peggy IXdirrty spent the cial music. Sermon, "Why is the and Leah Morgan low til "500." mid son Richard mid the Misses Bible the Book of Books?" T o w n -; and Gerald lAiwell, high, mid Billy M arguerite mid Louise Herzbrrg ol holidays visiting a t tlie home of ii o e f f l e r ’» 2 'g -lb . honorable mention tor a "II ave- ‘Y 1 aiul M rs' Louie, DotoC'!’, d ‘t,J Entertain Parents Portland vlsiled friends here in. her parents. Mr. and Mrs 1. J. send Old Age Revolving Pension age or better were Evelyn Rinck. Saturday ot pneumonia at th e H Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Batchelder club intviUlg. 2:30 p. ill. C hristian Best low in crlbbage. week-end Doherty, at Trout Lake. Wash BOX C A N D Y A special meeting of w . B A. Lucille Rutherford. C harlotte Sul- Joues home near Banks. Euneral en tertained w ith a dinner party Endeavor: Junior. 4 p. m.; in ter­ A meeting of Maiming Social club Miss Theresa Bernards of St, hvan. Erm a Vandehey. W i l m a « rv ices were held Monday m orn- Tlianksgivtng, honoring th e n par- m ediate and voung people. All very was held at the home of Mrs. Ethel was held a t the Manning hall S at- Paul S|>cnt Iasi week with Mr and S J -2 5 Bailey Eugenia Quier. Howard Rep- ln^ w ith interm ent in the Roy ents, Mr. and Mrs. W uiiam Batcll- interesting meeting for youth. "F ea­ »Meyers November 27. I urdav tught Officers lor (lie eom- Mrs i homas Meeuwsen and family Mr. mid Mrs. H Quler mid fam­ peto, Dorothy Shigeno, Vera Rep- ce“’ete'T- . . . e.ld' “r Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. ture" service. 7:30 p. in. Song serv­ Fifteen table« of "500" were 111 j mg year were elected, followed by peto S atare Sunam ato Marcella Mi. and Mrs. hiar.k W atson of Jack Anderson of Portland. The ice assisted by young people s choir, ily spent Thanksgiving with friends 1 a dunce with music by tlie "N ight­ play at the card l«irty given by Davis, Ricliard H ighsuuth. and Roy bf group spent th e evenuig at t h e story of a lliynin w i t h music. Sub­ at Salem ingales," the Duties Altai WK'Irty In Moore Mr. mid Mrs. C hris Tolke mid Brown. Mra- W atso n » aunt. Mrs. M. A. th eatre in Hillsboro. Mabel R hym er of Portland vis­ liall November 28 ject. “C an Roosevet’s NRA Restore Sale Success Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. Eilmer G uerber and Perm anent Prosperity?" Is our pres­ family of near Banks were Buxton ited her m other. Mrs Mollie Toll­ Cunfretiunerx - Bawling Alieva Tlie food sale held by th e M oth- . Y r Mrs. Paul Rosencrons are family were Thanksgiving guests of ent economic system a failure? Are visitors Sunday. m an. Thanksgiving. Mr mid Mrs. W E Hill «pent IUII larda ers' club November 27 was a sue- friends in Vancouver. Mrs. R. L. G uerber in Portland Roland Scofield, who la In the I wo -1-H C lu b G rou p » we headed for communism? Is H it­ Thanksgiving a t the Ralph H annan cess as everytlung was sold out. county health n u rs e v is ite a Jo h n Kinsey, who lias been vis* ler, Mussolini, or Roosevelt "the 1260 Main Ht. navy at San Pedro, visited Ills O rg a n iz e d in C ou n ty home in Portland. Tlie mothers cleared $7.50. L3e Monday and taUt" Bnig his m other. Mrs. Charles man of tlie hour?" W rite your per­ m other mid other relatives here re­ Two I«'» 4-H club group« were Mrs Clara Allen and family e n ­ cently. Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and children. Woods, of Mason HUI. left Tuesday sonal opinion to these question and Hickeys from Pastim e Cord orgumzed hi W ashington county Mrs Eli G rindle were Mr and Mrs 9 en Y “85 S’®*11 5? A“ *11-'’ s ®5* for S an FYancisco. He is a sailor on liand sam e to the pastor No nam es tertained friends from S eattle re ­ RtMHii good I wre George Rlggle mid A B Edwards during the pust week, according to cently. Bert Grindle. Mrs. Nelia Hieber- u£d?y’ * he,” U he WU1 WOFk U1 th t Ule W S ’ s Chicago. drove to Tim ber Sunday und vis­ a reixirt from the county school of w riters will be made known. The Mrs LaVona Peterson visited her lein and Victor F arris of McMinn- ci* e se lactory. Russell Hayes and E arl N utdurft answers w ill be read befoiix t h e ited at th e Elnui T allm an lumie suix-rlnU'iidetit s office. These club« ville. Mrs. Stephens of Forest Grove Chairmen named left for C alifornia Saturday. They sermon. Come, enjoy tiie service sister. .Mrs. Ione Justice, near Ver­ A light snow fell on G reen M oun­ and Mr. and Mrs. F rank G rindle American Legion Auxiliary has will stop over a t Lodi. S an F n u i- with us. Monday. 7:30 p. m., com ­ nonia last week. tain Saturday. Mr. mid Mrs. Reuben Kelly were of Portland Mrs. Hieberlein re- appointed the lollowiug women as cisco and other places. Pupils of Inks school were busy m unity m eeting presenting Miss mained for a few days' visit with chairuien of the committees for the Mrs. John T inker attended tlie Norma C. Brown, vice-president of Thanksgiving guests of Mr. mid Monday morning selling C hristinas Mr. and Mrs. Grindle, i ensuing year. Mrs. Mary Benefiel, Sunshine club baaaar and spent Flying Squardon rv'.hidation. S ub­ Mrs. George H unger a t the G uy­ seals. mon hospital In Forest Grove Miss Adella Paefsch Of Portland hospital; Mrs. Maude Benefiel, the week-end a t the Jasper K effer ject, "Oncoming W ar witn T h a n ^ v ln g guests at the A. B .' At tnd B utcher's: "Round steak,! «pent Wedneadav n u h t and Thank*- ahiU “~ ^ e; p airicia Jensen, name. Liquor T raffic." Public Invited. I Edwards hbiiie were Mrs. Jessie m adam ?" Bivmg with her home folks and a t-I publicity; Mrs. M yrtle Klum. music; Mrs. H E. Schram and family of Tuesday, 2:30 p, m.. Missionary s o -1 ten riS Uie » ro d « rb o d v plav Mrs- Myrtle Kium. radio; Mrs. Eva Vernonia are spending a few days' ciety meeting at home of Mrs. M in- i Tillm an mid sons Oren mid Gilbert “The shape doesn't m atter as long ' Frost, William Rlggle and so n [ as It's tender. A H Wolford »pent a few d a y ' Moore, Americanism; Mrs. Millie with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. me Ennes, 606 Eighth street. Tues- J last week at the Bert Grindle nome Jensen. Poppy poster; Mrs. Millie M. Davidson. day. 7:30 p. m.. H i-T rl Missionary! near McMinnville Jensen, community service and unit Many from this vicinity attended club (high school agei m eets at Mr and Mrs Earl Wilson and activities; Mrs. Mary Taylor, edu- Hillsboro bargain day and met S an- home of John Loonier. 1127 S eventh' children and Mrs. Minnie Schul- cation of war orphans; Mrs. Dor- ta Claus, street. Thursday, 7:30 p. m., "G reat­ merich were Thanksgiving guests othy Sellers. Fidac; Mrs Ida Me­ er Mid-week Service." Sermon,^ a t the William Joos home near Cann. constitution and by-laws. "God's System of C hurch F ra n c e ." | Hillsboro. Family Dinner Enjoyed Last “F eatu re” service Lord's day Mr. and Mrs. N. Berdan spent Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Moore en- p. m., December 16. Serm on. "A 1 a Raised Window- I t s smart to k M the MOST for your money! Why buy an ordinary Thanksgiving day with Mr. and tertair.ed Thanksgiving w ith a fam - German M. E. Church. Bethany Serm on o n G erm a,u antow road. Sunday S h a d e ' You'll h ear startling facts Mrs. M. L. Berdan erdan in Forest Grove, ily dinner These present were C. ~ J. On , '-’erm o “ n n ™a a ounaay “crease job’’ when you always