P age Six THE Rollur M i Mr. and Mr». W. H I'll H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, * H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thuraday, Decomber fl, 1931 of Gnrvallts. Mr and Mrs Elmer had spent Hv holidays with her Io Ills athletic ability Is the tact Hamilton ol Forest Grove, Mr. and grandmother. Mrs McInnis, re­ that, while In prep school, he was] Mrs Fred Rothm an of Portland, turned home with them awarded a cup eup emblematic of tlu- and Mr arid Mrs. Pete Parson and x —» • «-»« Miss Marie Ilrown and Jim llomin moat Inspirational player on the family. H lilV of Luurelwood visited a t Uie Mc­ team lhiismore te only 17 year» of V J I W M D 111 III 1. K t V illy Mm Bird Met'or m irk) Miss Doris Parson attended the a g o s l \ I r c i ta li, a n d w c b tlis HO , , « » u s i» » » Cormick home Sunday evening . . . j Mrs. » ,... C. r- W. vv Mercer, O unu * m ter-Club council of tile Cilrl He ants. Mr. and CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN Sever- I N • I Ilr ,-W < M > II Mr and Mrs D M McInnis and pounds Hi- la mujorlng in scienee | | > serves at the Y. W. C. A. tn ¡u negro m instrel nuilibers will be Kenneth McInnis Joined the J A ut (he University and pian» tu ; of near Hillsboro. M i s S ch m id t C h a irm a n o f Tea Rutschm an and Frits Efcger " N o M e n A d m itte d " at K P Portland Saturday on the program at the Pleasant York family a t Risxlvltle Thunks tra d ì udinol after gruduutton aging th at makes visited Ra\ Pelton at Sauvies Island ’ Miss Vivian Hudson of Hayward view Community club at theschool- giving and Willie William» of Peavine I house Saturday evening a t « o;elock Sunday. C h ris tm a s Seal Sale H a ll D e c e m b er 14 . . - . - . . . Mtes Miss Helen Hoinrn. Romm, teacher at caller "These flowers are Ridge visited a t the home of Mr. Please — Tnaiikagivuig dinner and reunion bring cuke or sandwiches and Mrs. Alvin Hunger Sunday tor the social hour after the pro­ Buck Heaven selMul. spent Un- t|„. teleplama operators --------- at the Adolf Rutschm an home was Tlwnksgtving holidays with her put s ,„M ,, ..|s„i o h thank v evening sir (Uy M r. F. l . itrown) enjoyed bv Mr a n d Mrs. Ade (By N orth ris in » P. T. A.) gram. Instead of the usual penny Mm E J HOm' “ ' ,U Yo®l,& T o l,rO.erv‘r e " 't you. ' Mrs. John Heisler of Gales Creek march people are asked to donate Laurclwuod LAUREL Christm as seal sale in Rutsclunun an d aona Adolf and NORTH PLAINS The plaj tins community is being conducted Robert. Mi and M rs Adolf RuL-eh- Men Admitted' will be presented by J K Hayden home a cup or plate. Culler Flatter? I thought they Buford Deford visited a t the Mrs K urt Jacky ot North Plains Hurney Burclay home In Portland wen, dead.’’ -Ex. through the Indies' Social cluo man Hannah. Ted a n d Helen t ,le parent-lY inlX 'r association De- "Y V lll~ ’ . ,, SIKAIGIir UIIISKKY with Mrs. Adolph Schm idt as chan - Rutschm an cember 14 at K P liall Cast In- „ ‘ ,iu’d ‘ ‘‘‘ is making an indefinite visit at the November 29 SO S M OO TH AM» M ELLO W man Mrs A Naderer was the guest ejudes Eva Meek, Anne C hrtstener »telted J R Hayden Sun- home of lier parents. Mr. and Mrs Mr and Mrs. Collins G ia hum of Say you aaw It in tlie Argus A rthur HUI. AiiH M r s H H C o o le v WV1‘ Of MTS. J M id a t e ie il lluriiL S A llllt i M ille r J e s s e - • tvtng Thanksgiving and week-end guest Hillsboro from Friday until Sun- Mays. Mrs. H en n -C y p h er Mrs George Laemerman of Hayward Birthday Celebrated I home of her brother-in-law and, e -In-la Berth* Wienecke Mrs Tom sP'','t thn* days I«““ W*'k With Ids The A rthur HUI family celebrate,! sister. Mr and Mrs W F. Wolil- of friends In Kelso. Wash. day W I Stevens and family were Mrs sttguni Effie Jucksoi* Stage mail- daughter Mrs. Willte HIMt. and son Novcmber 29 with a dinner In hon­ schlegel Couple Surprised ilio. ksgivtng day guest» of Mr.- * Mr> Hubert ttnj Leonard Laeinerman at Stringtown. or of Frank and Glen H ills btrtji- Miss Beryl Detord of Kugere i C hristm as Mrs. Hattie Williams ^ ertrude r‘tru‘d e Mays, Mavs. and Mites M bs Eugenie " '‘“ » » W home November 28 we“ ' ' p l X ^ l T S i r ^ s e d ^ i d l v s S r te e v re e n ru s » sister. i« e r. arcs. w .uuuns G day atuilx ersi* les Mr. and Mrs. spent from •Thursday Io Hunduy ! Kurt Jacky ot North Plains and with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B evening when neighbors called at » .rs AdolDh Schmidt P pJ*‘r £ d l^ ' 2 r Ca,?dy and re ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill and chil­ F Deford. their new home to spend the eve- Mr, Mrs_ Adolph SUimtdt f o m e n t s will be sold Lauren Haynes spent Thanksgiv­ dren of Hillsboro attended. ning. Music and cards were enjoyed. * i - . ra truest» at the November meeting of the local Those pre present were Messrs and S J w T atm Z an “ L S o on n ChehS- Mr. and Mrs. A rthur HUI a t­ ing afternoon at tire luune of his Charles home Chelia- 1- T. A. was held November 27 at motlier Mrs. E tta Haynes. Ills I tended the wedding of Mtes Veda Mesdames W. L. Stevens. W. H lem Mountain. the school Mr Cliatnberlain of the llr tlr r T han Ever! K oberstdn and Alamo Hantebeck. brother, Duane, returned home with McNay? John Speirtng. J W. Mui- '*“ > “ a n d “ Mrs. S E. sto ller and Oregon Tuberculosis association pre- Mr, t L Cl„ , und remained until Sunday. Let uh tunc up your Hiullo no you D y’B ^ e f G d L Wp Lr i BrownII^ ^ i n d n .d ren were Thanksgiving guest - S ^ b w ^ t e ^ T h ^ e sch^i'T’chlR KINTON Kinton G range all day both of Gaston, a t St. Anthony him Mr. and Mrs. 1. O. McCormick will I m > .in»1 1.» e n jo y (hem S e ^ R1eh,M w h .trie and I' of ller P*»‘ «“ “■ and Mrs. John 2 U ,? uerc ^ . r s t - o f n w P T A »Murday was well a tte n d ^ . church a t l-'orrst Grove November and Hixlson McCormick w e r e 21. Dernmrn of Scholls' H annah R ut- w tn 8 r : B ca'crton. M r. Stoller t d « ‘> A The third and fo iu th degrees we Thanksglvuig guests a t the A. F Cull now Ix’ion* Uie holiday ruah Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and P . o , kJ?™ ; i s , ™ f w h l r t i e ’ attended the M edford-W ashington ‘ Miss Hila Cornelius spent Thanks- conferred on two candidates. The Mrs. Charles T atm an were Mr. and F udis home at Newlwrg for best hcrvhx*. iwVrsihv a n i F?eBn Schumachei hlgh s«^00! ‘•» ‘ball game in Port- giving a t Corvallis with her par- grange is tree from debts with the Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Colltn Cree from Tlnsxlore Wells and sons Ted­ bp X . u w Mr wiU * ^ itt’ iU a t and Mrs- Kt‘b,'rt to r - :>2„ cl.~ ‘ ",r. gii near Baker wore railed here T hurs­ dy and IXuiald of Redmond. Mrs. Dorothy and m. w riun» V ss, ,1 , « V nients in the kitchen all pal’d for f t dav evening because of the serious and the honor guests. for this W“î^ „ C o n n e r. w h o jeach es v)Mte. J a c k in Banks For __the .n ^eU n g ^ January 5 the S h  o f ^ l  M r ^ f i ï day °f ^ r »««**• * « • lecturer. Alice Fluke, has made ar- Grnduff. Mr and Mrs. Ray Ego and family Friday and Saturday with Townse’nd old age pension plan. «>e| U ¡¡£ '‘'a« d M rs Jam es Hachen of spent Mr and Mrs. Lee Lane at TUlu- « « » . h i . onksr Of her iJrd Mr> Conner a n d Norma Guests at the J. W. Pritchard for and the other against. Selfridge liro». Phone 21X Sign »f J T jilt” Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Tomi llRx>k s S s i F 1 5 , 4 5 a r i " ________________ _______ . . _____ ___ Mr. and Mrs. J P. Jones anil TI1IK I» DEALERS IL »ure Io i»»L fo r O v c rlu iu i spent Sunday a t the L. T Ftnegan I .¿ on,‘s ' 'telled Mrs Jones' | uncle. Frank Bryan, at Mountain ThU a « l v r r t n t paid fo r by (b<* Knui.i saie “l her sister. Mrs. Harley Looney, and n ett place vteiting a t the L. R. Cypher best lighted halls In the county. ! Drove November 30 was well at- 1928 B u ic k Sedan family of Portland. Billy remained Mr *” and Mrs. J H Felton ac- home. C hristm as will be observed a t the i }{‘n d YS1' 2 ? ? ^'hool cliildren under until Sunday. compamed by her sister Mrs Ada Mlss Prances Millet of St Mary's church December 23 with a pro-1 h O t the ‘«“ 'her Miss 1928 Nash S edan University of Oregon. Eugene In ­ A number of folks from here a t- Thomas, and sons Richie and Al- academJ’ spent the Thanksgiving gram and tree, the children of the H‘‘len Redd‘« .g a v e a splendid pro­ 1928 W h ip p e t S edan tended the annual firemen's ball in yin of Portland went to Sauvies holidays at home. Bible school taking part. A com- kram. Ten dollars and ninety cents cluded on the list of freshm an foot­ ball players recommended to the Hillsboro Thanksgiving evening. Island and spent Thanksgiving with Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs m ittee consisting of Mrs. Madge were. realized from the sale of pies. executive council of the University Thanksgiving guests a t the Leon R a y TV ¡ton. who is employed there. L R - Cypher and family Thanks- Pomeroy. Mrs. Gladys Aten. Mrs. hmeh and ice cream. Raleigh W hlt- 1930 F o rd 1 1 ¿-ton T ru c k , 1 5 7 -illth vvlieellilise. d il u ì Oregon to recelv» numeral uwards Davis home were Mrs. H. G. Vin- Mr and Mrs Rollin Meyers were 8lvln8 were Mr and Mrs. Henry Jo.-ephine Cox and Miss Helen Van- n" ’" ‘ auctioned off the pies. The of w heels, A - l , fu lly g tiu ru n te e il. cent and Mrs. L. Walworth of Hills- Thanksgiving guests of" her cousin. Cypher atxi daughter Eugenie, Mr Kleek are tile c< mmittee in charge. raised will be used to pay for service on tile 1934 Wrbfoot Yearling grid eleven was the name boro, Mr and Mrs. S. H. Davis and Mrs. Jam es O'Rourke ilsa Blaksley E- Mays and son Mr. and Mrs. Victor Anicker and 0,1 t le new “ h0“ ! stove. ' Dh Dinsmore, former all-round 1933 F o rd l * r-to n T ru c k , 157-iuch wheelbase, duiil Mr and Mrs. Buedefeldt and son of Tigard where a famUv reunion Elmer, Ben Nussbaumer. Ross Cox family of Dosch tatlon visited F rl- Miss Mildred Meyers, who teach- of ‘ John Celebrate Birthday »'as held reunion c h a r ,es Q ther caJ1. day at the uf Aluvkcr s es m Portland, spent the Thanks- atlilete from Hillsboro high. wheels, fully guaranteed. Thanksgiving guests a t the Amos Those present at the Thanksgiv- ers were Mr and Mrs. Earl Car- parents. Mr and Mrs. Fred Anicker. *5™*. h„° *' th * r moUler- Dinsmore former W ashington W atkins home were M r and Mrs ing dinner a t the B. G McNay 'e r and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carver Jo h n Richard», who has been •Y.e>ersl. . ¡county all-star, was regular flrst- W alter Larsen and four children of home were Mr a n d Mrs F L Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Chester making his home with his brother. Mountain Top church and young string end for th e Ducklings a t the C o rv lu is \fr and? \ t r 7 &ie.s Brown Mr ¿rid Mrs Lee Brown KoWe' M ri' G unnar Barggren and Harry A. Richards, returned to m eeting are preparing a .»tart of the season, but was too G u ?n lh tr U n n E r n e s t ^ LtoM S ? ¿ id Mrs B. O MihTay S i e Julius Millet. Portland last week where he win program including a .»mall lo keep his starting berth and Helen May G uenther o l Che 3rown arid Patricia and B arbara Mrs. Caroline Millet and Fiances make his home with his son Frank s5h??1 ,hereh un?,er 4*7 !“ ' d “ “ d ‘’Placed by much halem Mountain. Mrs A Naderer McNay “ d L aura Millet spent T hanks- Richards, who resides there. leadership of the teacher, Mrs. M heavier men. He saw plenty of ac- whose seventy-second birthday was Mrs Louise B runner of P ortland 83vln« a ‘ the home oi J “»»“* Millet Mrs. J H Aten spent last Wed- i i 11 aL,° “ Christm as lio n in reserve, however, and Un­ celebrated and Mr N a d e r e r ’ is a t t h e C P Stafford home for oi Shady Brook. nesday In Sherwood as a guest of PI?5ranL events will be on pressed the frosh coaches with Mr and Mrs Calvin Whitmore an indefinite stay Thursday eve- Mrs- Charles Pfahl and daughter her sister, who was observing her different nights. | some fine play a t one of th e term - anci and Vhe Mrs w Herman runE Gladys guest» 'Tvere' were two J B ro u Hall of Hillsboro at the birthday home ?Rort ir.al berths » Dinsmore was a four- AUTHOAUIO SALE« ANO StRVICi mme Mr attended eddm ? « W ¿ hit- h e MtaS HaU and s e s Dorothy w » Wienecke home visited Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Snider en- _,a u 9 “ s a ‘ u ' J T ,,lin Walker WaUter'a ¡3 2 « at Hillsboro Hl latter's sister Miss Veda* Kober- of Portland Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and tertatned Thank.- ivlng with a large ««“ »“ •>• Mrs. B F. Thompson, and His record shows three years of stein mid Alamo Hardebeck at G as- Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Meyers were family of Portland were week-end family gathering, most of their ®“ c. aV and “ , ‘ 0,nPl' l:‘“ onj >" football, basketball, ton N o v e m b ^ T . Sunday guests of her cousin. Mrs ot Mr “Ad Mrs. J. R. Sand- children being present. u v T p baseball and track Another tribute Mr4' Emelie Hoerefp who has I w Johnson Fossil at Sherm an's ford. L. J. Francis of T ualatin was a . Hoffman en- been q u iu U J is X h U v inw rovSi m ill Sherm an gue Qf portIand t guest Saturday at Kinton Orange tertam ed with a dinner Thanksgiv- « S iS £ i t m g U Mr. and Mrs. George Tews and T hank^iving with her mother, Mrs. George Ixtwu and J. R H orr of Ororce ■ - - - - - - - - -i - c.o.Fc Julius Schoenberz. G resham were dinner guests an a son and Mrs. George Gould of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coolidge o f , Jimm ie were Thanksgiving g u ests, Juffus Schoenberg, Portland and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Portland visited at the M. Coolidge; of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Mrs. Linda Thompson of Portland JOHN P. LINDEN Smith. and George Rosevear homes dur- Cline, east of Hillsboro. was a ?uest of Mrs. M e m tt Jack- FOREST GROVE—John P Lin-! Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hoffman “ ‘M rhl n d ^ I r ’/ nE C. Mulloy were S c h S is“ ^ e r e ^ r i i e ^ ^ ‘ m ? “ a £ d Mr and^M rs Jam es W alter and den 73. died here November 25 2bgustne“ tr lP w 8alem N° - Thanksgiving guest-s of their grand- Mrs. George Tews Sunday evening family of Cedar Mill spent T hanks- r extended illness and funer- - • d S MW a ? o l d L y U T o f j ^ r ^ and^Mrs. Harley Looney ami Mr and J ' « % . T « ^ T n ’d e i : 14, , » , ^ ^ Mr and Mrs. Ernest G unther and family attended a Thanksgiving and Hillsboro. ’ ' daughter Rosalie of P o rtlan d 'w ere Sandford. » _ n ,— u c ». ¡i« Mlss Ina Stevens of Vernonia Sunday evening guests a t the W. H. , N^ meeting of th e Study club ? ^ v' F Boesch offlciat- birthday anniversary dinner honor­ s J ’ spent Thanksgiving and the week- McNay home a lte r attending th e ‘he local P. T. A. a i 'l be held ^ t . Calvary ing her m other. Mrs. A. Naderer, at the Naderer liome at Laurel No­ December 11 a t the school a t 7:30 cemetery in Portland, end with her parents, Mr. and community dinner at the hall. vember 29. Miss Ernestine and . Mr. Linden was born in Luxcm- Mrs. W. L. Stevens. Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Keyser and p. m. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Clair Doiel, who has been hurg August 12. 1861, had lived in Lynn G untlier came from Cor­ at the Stevens home were Mr. and little daughter of Milwaukie were spending a few days with her par- *"e United States for 50 years and vallis and Joined the party. Mrs. Clifton Bagley of Portland Wednesday guests of his parents, Alice McInnis began work and Thomas Batem an of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. M Keyser Mr. and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ison of ior ‘he last 12 In Oregon. Deceased at Miss a Portland store Tuesday. ■y. She ‘s survived by the widow and one Sunday guests at the Dewey Mer- Mrs Jesse Jungers of Portland were Nehalem, returned the first of the daughter. Olive Linden, of Winona, and Mrs. L. L. M urray and c hildren week. cer home were Mr and Mrs. Harold Thanksgiving guests a t the Keyser and J. A Thromson of Portland Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Brown spent Minn. Dunsmoor and Mr. and Mrs. Claud home. pent Snnday afternoon a t the Mc­ Thanksgiving with Mr. and M rs m ib h Heat of Salem and Mr. and Mrs ------------------------- Innis home. L aura Lue Murray, who Harold Cutting at Kinton. 'p rJo -rV »55**.*, J ELLERSON Dick Cady and daughter DeLaurice Mr. and Mrs G rant Dorland of PORTLAND-- Mis.» Harriet Julia and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hornbeck Hillsboro were over-night guests of Ellerson, 73. who was bom In W ash- of Hillsboro. i By V ivian Hudson i Mr. and Mrs Fred Brown Friday, Jui£ I7' I??1' dlcd ln Thanksgiving guests at the A. A. Chris C hristersen and u George Manor’ servire» Wash., November 28 a n t Soule home were Mr. and Mrs. W Mr. and Mrs. George Laemerman cw g e funeral w ê ^ 'h ^ia 77 McNay, Mr and Mrs l.-c Brown Laurel Group and Helen an *'“ i Rutschm Rutschman. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Mercer and Milltcent, and i-.d Junior were Tluuik»- Conducts Sale giving gue; .» s of Mr. Mercer s par- a t Program Saturday at Pleasant View INOHll H U lllS LlFOLlD T h e S e c ï ê l \ O iU Radio Programs Kinton Grangers to Talk Pension Douglass Radio Service & BUY A BETTER Dinsmore Given Yearling Numeral y o u d a r lin g ! ^ e t e r . ,. THE VERY GAS RANGE I ’ VE, BEEN Y EA R N IN G F O R ! Hayward Donelson & Sewell and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sartain ol Penman. Albert Forest and N. H. Portland. Mr. Soule, who w ashom e Nielsen. for Thanksgiving and the week- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Updike end. left Monday morning for Salt and small son spent Thanksgiving Portland Mr and Mrs. Charles Larsen and Mr and Mrs. Dewey Sweigart and daughter of Portland were guests of daughter Margy of Portland vls- his mother. Mrs. A. Naderer. Sun- Red a t the L. Jesse home Sunday. day- The Heisler loggers moved th eir Miss Irene Stevens visited rela- caterpillar back to Gales Creek tives and friends ln Portland from | November 24. Thursday until Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Laemerman Browns Entertain visited a t the Frank Bailey home Mr and Mrs. F. L. Brown enter- a‘ Green M ountain Sunday. tam ed with a dinner Saturday eve ning._Guests were Mr. and Mrs. J W Barney of Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. McNay. Mr. and Mrs uvkecity. m. . and Mrs ^ « d Brown. Mr. 5” “ ^ “ “ ‘^ d a y afternoon. Dr Christersen Is an old resident of J ' ™ " 11 Oregon. Memorial Hall Mausoleum Deceased Is survived by* her sLstcr ------------------------- Alice May Ellerson. Phone 953 : Hillsboro Orchardale (By Mr». Richard Hur.ycr) _________________ _______ O. B. Kraus, county school super- intendent, visited the Hay ward" arid Wilson school districts November 28. Mr. and Mrs. N. Bothftian Sr. e n - , tertained the following Thanksgiv- mg: Mr. and Mrs. W M Maxson This is the Telate! See Us | For Bargains in Furniture | HOT WATER HEATE S jot 'W W ill you protect your fam ily’s health this win­ te r? Then have a famous ARVIN hot w ater heater installed. The cost is low — in term s of health and safety ! Lowest in stalla­ tion charge. Main St. Vanity, bed, chest and bench $ 9 5 B edroom S uite. M atched w alnut Vanity, bed, chest and bench /«f K gT $ 1 1 9 D a v e n p o rt and C h a ir. . $ 7 9 .5 0 D a v e n p o rt and C h a ir. Rust color, rayon tapestry cover w 0 I g 'Temperature Control $^Q.5O 1? Suite. Buffet, table, 5 chairs, arm chair $ 1 5 0 D in in g Room G ro u p — 66-inch buffet, 8-foot refectory type table, 5 chairs and arm chair ■k P h o n e 501 W a ln u t B edroom $ 5 9 .5 0 D in in g Room S uite. ™ Busch’s Service Garage $99 W ^Automatic J^i^hting hung low from every ballroom ceiling . . . and m ammoth cut glass punch bowls were the indication of an en­ viable home. Indirect, concealed elec­ tric lighting and the cocktail set have supplanted th em ; ju st as modern banking m ethods have replaced the old. You can be certain th a t you are dealing with a thoroughly m odern banking institution when you make this your bank. •»so«,, Commercial National Bank V elour cover, reverse cushions L ib e ra l T ra d e -in A llo w a n c e O ld F u r n itu re EA SY P A Y M E N T S S E L F R ID G E BROS. Bass-Hupfer P aint Dealers 1138 Third St. on Y o u r Phone 21Ä “The Largest Independent Bank In W ashington County” IIII.I.HRORO OREGON • H ow joyous they w ill he on Christmas m o rn in g ... those wives who have been longing for new gas ranges — and those husbands w ho have wisely foreseen the sure way to a happier helpmate a n d better tnealsl Cooking and baking are really a "snap” on a modern gas range. For gas heat is always dependable, dean, uniform and instantaneous. O n ly w ith gas can you have the wide selection o f temperatures necessary to skillful cooking. And don’t forget gas is truly the low­ cost convenient fuel. On your next shopping trip, do make it a point to see the attractive and convenient 1935-model gas ranges on display at dealers’ and in our showrooms. Insulated, Ventilated Oi em N on • Tipffa ble Shell et CoHHterbalamed Oven Doort Smokeless, Cjlidin^ Hveilers 'Porcelain t'namel Finith A V A IIA S II IN C O N IO L I, t A iii- T o r a othis stnis P. S.— There it itili plenty o f time to "work” on you r h m ban d bi jkrc C bristm atl P o r t l a n d G as & C oke C o m p a n y 1300 Main St, Hillsboro, Oregon C D E C A $25 O° SET OF ■ H E E ware w h e n yo u STAINLESS ENAMELED buy a n ew gas range — priced $ 8 5 .5 0 or more without kitchen heater, or $ 12 5.0 0 or more with heater, O IT A IL S AT D E A L E R S OR AT O U R S H O W R O O M S !