Thursday, December ♦». 1934 < « 4 THE H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, ley ol Hillsboro were guests ut the Tills oath th a t Neal was taking Flank Warren home Halm day seemed to lier no less solemn, no M lu Minnie l.neilei . n! (luston less sacred—dld h*. slie wondered, tLR’llt llu- week-end with her cousin. feel the same way about It? 8he Mi» Hownrd I .«Inni hoped prayerfully, tlia l he did At ufi events, he luid not forgot­ Mr» II II Hunniin 1» vlidtlng lelut IV t*s ut IIIpppner fug a few ten her In this great and pregnant tv i*♦* k ' • moment of tils life He had liardty taken his seat when he turned, Ml und Mi » Il A Mili lied u t­ M rs. Person» C om m issioned swept tlie gallery with his keen tended U dtlllHT i l i t y ut the home Ito « Murphy on Portiund eyes, and smiled as lie found tier O| Mi Postm istress nt O renco and saw the expression of love and Height■n I hunkbulvhu: emotion on her face. For a moment Mb*» Viruvttu Ruffety of Foref.t they loked lull at each other; Anne Grove spent Thanksgiving with < lly Mr*. I I mm I i Ilur4«*ii« in Ml** Dulelna lackey, and family In Hillsboro. satisfied, he nodded and looked Brown. director ol religion. edm u away again, giving his undivided a t­ Piogram Presented tton tor children trum ttie Eli .1 tention to the business of the day (CntiUfiusd from last weak) I'reibytei lull i lllircll III 1‘orUniKl Orenco ¡mrenls and friends were This did not last long. Tlie Vice Will I pcuk o i l the »object. "Have we cnterl.lined in the school auditor­ < IIAPTEP X furgntten the religious unit i l i m . i c ­ i u m N o v e m b e r 8S with a Thunk i- I DO «olemly »wear th a t I will President's gavel descended. The crowd began to stream out. Anne ier development of our rhlldien?" glvlng progrum The prim ary de­ * support and delend the Con­ was conscious tlial Mrs. Hammel Ml** tlluily» I j i ih o i i ol Tlgurd partm ent gave the much lalki'd of stitution Of the United «lutes was speuklng to her. "Hleepiny; Beauty." Nancy »pent Minnluy with Mr uiid Mm play. ull eneinlr-:.. foreign and do­ "You'll coine to the house, to ­ Pitm an played the beautiful p rin ­ agulnst 1, T W oodwind mestic, th a t I will bear true lalth morrow, of course, and hear the ce: The second grade, with the and ullegiunce io the same; th at I pre .ident read his message?” Mrs Eiiuiiii Person. lias rnclved aid ol N-.icy Pitm an and Ix iu l'' take this obligation freely, wltliout her cottunuedoit in* |iostniaater h eir Parks, gave a "to-market-dnll.' Oil. of course! I wouldn’t miss ' boys «he luul been acting postmaster wearing a bilkers' liats and girls any m ental reservation or purpose , It for anything!” of evasion; and th a t 1 will well As a m atter of fact, she had since lust Mun h little frills and aprons and faithfully ills*liurge the duties intended to do anything of the Mr und Mrs. H N Curlngton und 'The dram atic club under Mis* ol the office in which I am about not so rt' her interest In public alfairs children mil) M arguiel und Junior McKinnis' MU|iervlhto!I gave several hi enter so help me God." W U S ’still bounded by Neal's p artici­ visited Irom I'hiti uluy until Hun- num ber, o n e which caused much Neal, lacing the Vice President, pation in them ; and Neal, who had iluy with Mr. mid Mrs. «. 11 comment was tin- wish-bone drill, oeen a figure of im portance today, with his liack to the senate cham ­ Urown In Olympia, Wash g h l. dressed In ankle length dre ■*.. would liave tio p art in tlie mor- Mrs Winston Pool ol Hillsboro | i n different Shades of yellow with ber, htood beside Senator Brown, io w s proceedings But it was evi­ llw word:., a phrase at a visited her sister, Mrs Murtlli Iter-1 wishbones to m atch, were very ef­ repeating dent th a t Mrs. Hammel expected tune, a lte r Mi Hammel Anne, sit­ nuixl. mid lunilly lust week und a t­ fective Those taking p art were ting in the senator's gallery, her her to retu rn to the Capitol tlie tended the Thanksgiving school H attie W arren. Virginia Robson. Arlene Bernard*. Rut barn B urdette cold hands clenched tightly ui her next day. and Mrs. Hammel should progrum Wednesday ulternoon. lap. colder chills of excitement never be disappointed in lier. Mrs I. Tyrrll a id Mis. Nellie Dorothy W arren. Doris Rogers. creeping up and down her spine Her determ ination was rewarded K atherine Goodman. Helen Wilier', luir.snii ol Portland were gue.l* ol and stabbing swdtly a t her lieart. When Neal came home th a t night, Mr und Mrs W 1 Hunter S u n ­ and Bernice Ensley. Mrs. 11. E looked ut lum with misty eyes he gave her a beautifully engraved Hcheldt played the music Reading day. Il was the opening day ui emi­ little card upon the back ut which by Ians Robson und a comedy "D al's Mrs Admit Bella mid children I What They All Hay ' 'The cast In­ gre . , and Neal laid repeated the she discovered tlie number, row and und llilly mill Margaret Curlngton cluded Norman Bradley. Arlene oath ol office udinllUstcred to u section ol a reserved seat. Armed attended a lecture at the White llernards. Rodney Olbson, H attie hew senator, and then, literally, with this, she penetrated the house Ol representatives w ithout dlfllculty; Temple In Portland Monduy. W arren Dorothy Parks. Hugh Ring. hud taken his seat. Anne laid not Deen to the capltol and. having found her appointed Mr and Mrs W 11 Ring und I.nute Hellu an.I Barbara Burdette, lunilly hud us their guests 1 hunks- i imsl-byc." drill bv six Utile girls since she hud visited It, years be- place she saw th a t Mrs Hammel. giving Mr mul Mrs Harry R eid ol I.., Robson. Estill i Hellu. Dorothy lore, on her honeymoon Journey hi Mrs. Hastings and several other Hillsboro und Richard Montgomery Parks. Rebecca and Dorothy Webb, W ashington Sla conlronted llw women whom she knew, were all near her. and when Mrs. Shaw, ac­ ol Oregon City. ami Ixitils Park*. lfcv D uncan open­ doorm an ol the senator's gallery companied by a military aide, came with qualms But he was struggling Mr ami M r I-red Wolfe spent ed the program with a prayer. in and »at down Immediately In Thanksgiving with relatives lit Port- Mr. und Mrs H A Mitchell en ­ with a persistent mob which was front of her, site experienced an striving to get past him, and which UuxL tertained Rev and Mrs. T. C D un­ Mr. uml Mrs. 1, T. Woodward can anil son Hobby and Mr and even Ins massive bulk vud grim expected tlinll in being presented to mid son K enneth spent Ilianks- Mrs Albert Lindgren ol Forest m anner could not entirely stein. tne first lady ol the land. When M rs. C onrad?" he snarled, p eer­ tlie President began to speak. Anne s glvuig with Mr. and Mrs E P ru ­ < ¡rove Hundav Raymond, son of itt und lunilly m Bal m Mr and Mrs. Lindgren, formerly of ing at her with suspicious, bulging sense ol stim ulation Increased—she . Senator t'o n ia d * win-? Hay, listened with rapt attention. Mr und Mrs Kills H erbert and Orenco, left Wednesday for Han Suddenly she realized th a t her a t­ children ol Eugene spent Sunday J i . m '. Cal., where h r has a position Inal don t go down any more. H e» ui the s N Curlngton home Mr with a printing establishment. got three wives m there already." tention had begun to wander, per- There was a titter of derision Iiaps because she was hungry. She C urlngton accompanied them home J Express Appreciation about her, and Anne felt her cheeks was relieved when tlie President 111 tlie evening lor a lew days visit , While there la- went m Florence lor, Il seems filling lor school district growing liol. stopped reading and inclined his no : ih to show our appreciation of 1 will try to get some one to lan d to acknowledge the applause a sluirt visit with friends Miss Jean Hibson, who Is employ­ the help given us In renovating our Identity me, »lie said with a com­ o! Ills listeners. Mrs. Shaw, bow­ ed in Portland, spent Thanksgiving building, which needed repair» so posure which she was very lar Horn ing graciously In every direction, badly First the CWA Installed I eel mg with home folks. was preparing to leave tlie gallery, lhilc lluughmun und u Iricnd lights In the class rmxil» and base­ " I n a l w o n t be very liard." a and Mrs. Hammel, touching Anne s from tin* CCC camp at Rogue river ment. Later the HERA supplied all merry voice boomed Dehind her; arm, was asking her a question. spent from Wedne.souy until Sunday I tlii* labor to refinish the Interior of and turning suddenly, she almost "You are coming over to t h e with Ills parents, Mr and Mrs H. j the building, hulls, class rooms a id bumped into Mrs. Hammel “Come auditorium, rebuilt the step» and and sit wiin me. my dear Delighted luncheon, of couse? W lluuglunun. "The lunclieon?" Mr mid Mrs Ted Edwards anil replaced broken railings, also gave to liave you. You know Mrs H ast­ Yes— tlie senate ladles' luncheon. son Hobby, Mrs Irene Klldow and two coats of p aint to the entire ings. don l you- llic speaker's wife? daughter llarbura Jean mul Cyrus budding We. on the school board, You and Mrs. S tandish are friends D on't tell me there Is another thing Rose of Portland spent Thank» wish to voice the appreciation of already, ol course. Now t h e n - you haven't heard about! Well, giving with their parents Mr mid the district for this aid, which Inis right down there on the le lt—no, 1 will explain as we go over In th e certainly been II great help to us not in the lout row. Those are Hie subway. We will say good-by to Mrs. Mrs Natluilllel Rose Mr mul Mrs Calvin fine..-, a n d Signed Ernest W ilfrrl chairm an seat» reserved for Mrs. Shaw. But Hastings here. They don't come with son Clarence spent Thanksgiving, Mr and Mrs Hum Rich gave a the ones directly behind " us.” Breathlessly, Anne followed Mrs. Panting, but placid, Mrs. Ham- a t Uie Dial Sandstorm home at birthday party for Amos Rich F ri­ day Present were Harold and Ed inel wove her way Into the gailcry Hammel through the crowd to the lluzeldule Mlss Elma Gottlieb wus a guest Ig'hman Tom. Bernice Dave and Anne, squeezed behind her and her basement to tlie Capitol, and into a ol Miss Helen Baughman Sunday 'S lip r Trachscl, Dick Wisincr. G us­ two dlsungulslu'd companion*, edg­ small open electric car. Tne utile Mr mul Mrs bee Randall en ter­ tily. Lvdlu. Anna. M argaret and ed down tne crowded steps to tlie cur leaped forward, and they bound­ tained with a dinner party T hanks­ Jonatlian llcmerlck. Dave Croenl. designated places, and settled down ed noisily away. By raising her giving (or Mr. and Mrs Alex Allen. Helen Rich. to look about her. voice Mrs. Hammel succeeded In Miss June Garvin. Mrs M J Hew­ The senators' gallery was already making Anne hear above the clat- Program Sunday ett mid Mr Webb of Buxton. Mr A musical piogram and an Il­ ixuked to the last row, except lo r mul Mrs. Cl. p Huslkuiula und fum- lustrated talk will be given by local the unoccupied scuts which were **r -Every Tuesday. Marble room in lly ol Portland, Mrs. Jewel bosh j talen t Holiday a t 7 45 p. in., at roped oil lor Mrs. Hluiw the Pres­ the senate office building. Take mid «on Jolumy ol Orenco. Orenco school auditorium. Come id en ts wile All the galleries were turns acting as hostesses. Six a t a Mr mid Mis Calvin d r o s s und and get the C hristm as spirit. crowded, and tlie one above the son Clarence visited a lew days lust clock buck of th e r~»l un. the press time Cold meat, salad, rolls, coffee, cake, no more. C an't have compe­ week with Mrs dross' parents. Mr. gullcry, was see; i.g. mid Mrs S T. Settles, und family The senate chamber. Anne thought tition in menus. I'm the president. In Vancouver its she resumed her contem plation G reat fun You'll see. Here we Mrs d u y C Hliafer (Geneva H ar- ol it. wus strangely unimpressive are. G et out." rlngtoni ol Seattle visited Thank»- ; The marble room proved a most :..I im|>H i.n.t . m . i p a r i i n e i i ! It giving week with her mother, Mis BEAVERTON Beaverton Grunge was drab, dingy, duse. The senators Imposing apartm ent. Down Its wide b aureiue HUI, und lunilly will hold Joint Installation of o f­ were beginning to come in now— leriRth ran a long narrow table, cov­ Mrs. Hoptohs anil daughter Mi i with Tigard G range und not very impressive, eitlier! Anne ered with a white cloth. Thermos Roberta lloptons of .McMinnville, ficers Ladd HUI O range Saturday eve­ was disappointed. Muny of them bottles, plates of rolls and Jelly, and spent the week-end with their ning at 8 o'clock In the B -averlon were bald; nearly all of them were large heavily frosted cakes were daughter and s l a t e r , M r s Ham Rich, O range hall. All grangers are I n ' g ray , some were very lean or badly placed upon this a t regular Inter­ overweight. One. dressed with la it­ vals: and several well-dresed wom­ uiul family Mr and Mrs b T. Woodward. vtted. Mrs R. Williams entertained the ies* lhlonnullty, a dark carnation en were fluttering about It. pouring K enneth Woodward ami Hob M r- members ol the W C. T U. Alter 1 in ins button hole, was quite super- waier and stalghtenlng silverware Cullock attended a dance given b y a business meeting tt v ladles tied flouusly striking attitudes. His rov- There was a good deal of Informal the F arm ers Co-operative market a quill. | lug eyes caught Anne's and rested m errim ent—a much pleasanter m e­ bi Portland Saturday night. George MeKercher left Tuesday for a moment on her face; then he dium for getting acquainted. Anne Ed Metholf returned Irom Yak-j for San FYancIsco to visit With bowed slightly, «he felt quite sure reflected, this luncheon, th an those lina last week, where he lias been Ids fallicr. A few of the she had not met him, but she re ­ stiff, brief calls employed the past three months. turned the salutation, angry at h er­ women she had m et already. They Anniversary C elebrated The 4-H sewing club met at Ila welcomed h er cordially pre­ self for blushing, and concious th at Mr und Mrs. Samuel Olds en ter­ Mrs. «tandlsh, whom nothing seem­ sented her to others. W and home of their leader. Mrs Austin hen tlie tain ed u large group of friends at ed to escape, was watching her. Scrafford. Tuesday ulternoon rich, moist cakes had been eaten— Mr and Mrx Howard L blout their home Friday evening In cele­ "Senator Lussltcr,' this lady re­ from the same dishes on which the attended a family leunlon and d in ­ bration of their wedding anniver­ marked. her sweet voice a trifle meat and salad had been served— ner a t the Imine of Mrs. Stout s sary Many lovely gifts were re ­ dry, “th e Beau Brummel of the Mrs. Hammel rose In her place at ceived by the couple. m other a t Scholia Thanksgiving senate Also—a h the Lovelace I the end of the long table, and a n ­ On Radio Program Mrs Francis Brandenberg Is vis­ ' believe you know Clarence H ath a­ nounced th e nam es of th e hostesses l lu- local O lrl Reserves presented way? Well, something th e same for the following week—Mrs. Bean. iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.j R allety. of M ountalndale. Her sis­ a program over radio station K W JJ type." Mrs B rainard, Miss Bullard. Mrs. a t 11 a m. from Olds. W o r l - ter Marie Is quite til. Anne was grateful for the rap of Clay. Mrs. Conrad. Anne found Mr and Mrs C P He. k spent mull A- King'-, store Those taking I he Vice President's gavel The chap­ several days last week with Mrs f t art were the Misses Margaret lain offered prayer. Anne, walclung cst. Elizabeth Boeckll, Laveda Neal, was experiencing a deeper Hecks brother, F. M. Hall, mid CORWIN HARDWARE family In M arshheld. Mr Hecks Wucffler, LaMerne Dean. Esther emotion titan Interest; she was Headquarters brother, Edwin Beck, ami nephew, McKeown. Alda und M artha Leh­ remembering, poignantly, tlie day H unting and Fishing Richard bayson. of P ortland mid man. Evelyn Alexander. M arian I she had Joined the church, the Mrs. Jack Hamel looked a lte r the Bayson und Miriam Doty. i testimony to her faith th at she had Supplies G rayford and Lebert Wilson arc given before the assembled congre- store during th eir absence. Ernest Hr wn of Dilley spent bi South Bend, Indiana, on a busi­ i gatlon in the bare little building Aladdin Lamps Tlianksglvl.,* at the George P er­ ness trip. Tubes Tested Free wltti Its slender spire pointing to­ lainj's Radio Wilson Fire Chief son home. wards th e green hills behind it. Harvey Wilson has been named Mr and Mrs. Oscar Haag and daughter, Ida Lou. ol Reedvtlle chief of th e volunteer lire d ep art­ were guests at the Howard b. Stout ment and Cecil Barnes assistant chief. home Sunday afternoon. High School Robbed Mr. and Mis. Frank Hatliaway Robbers entered th e Beaverton am i children of Portland visited at the George Goodman home Friday. high school and took $59.50 in Mr and Mrs. Floyd K arns visited dish and did unestim ated damage a t the home of their daughter, to the rooms T his Is th e second Mrs boule M idden. and family In time money lias been stolen from Portland Saturday and Sunday. the school. Mrs R. Srhliepbach of Beuver- Little Patricia Aiui Madden Is HI ton won an Automatic Electric with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Gall K arns and water pum p given away In the elec­ daughter G race spent Thanksgiving tric company slogan contest. with Mrs. K arns' parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Lehman, of Cedar Mill. O ur classified columns mny have Mr. and Mrs. John W alters and Just wliat you are looking for — children Edith, Jacquelln and S tan- Rend them. Orenco P.T.A. to Hear Talk Beaverton Grange Plans Installation ♦ » H IL L S B O R O , OREGON with the m arines In the Phllliplne islands lor tlie past four years. Is In San Francisco and will return home w ithin a few days W alter OUtner and son Waite. (liy Lol* Richmond) Jr. of Portland were business visit­ TIMBER - A*, the outgoing local or* In Tim ber last week. Mrs. Cora freight, bound for Tillamook, passed Wheeler was a business visitor from through tunnel No 28 a large boul­ last week der crashed down the mountainside Portland Mr and Mrs George Wilson spent and passed through the rear coach last week with Mrs Wilson’s p ar­ Tire Impact broke three windows ents. Mr. and Mrs. George LeGault. and left a large hole In the roof [ in Tacoma, Wash of the car where the boulder passed Mias Monica Pongratz of Buxton throngh Tlie car was sent to Jias been visiting her aunt, Mrs Brooklyn yards for repairs. T h e' K enneth Benefiel, during the past car was unoccupied. week. It I . beginning to look as th o u g h ! Mrs. Alfred Pearson was a busi­ Old Man W inter had really come ness visitor in Hillsboro last Tues­ to stay around Timber. The su r­ day. L. L. Brown and daughter rounding hills are covered with Russie and son Linthol were visitors snow. In HilLsboro last «atnrday. Paul DfRemer and Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Ida Kllburg has purchased Ben H art spent Thanksgiving In the old Gilmore hotel from Mr. Portland with relatives. and Mrs W E. Gilmore. Mr and Mrs. W elter and daugh­ Miss Mary S titt of LaGrande ter Jean spent Thanksgiving In Is visiting tier aunt, Mrs. Mary Portland with Mrs. Welter's bro th ­ Walker, this week. er. H M. Narver, and family H erbert Simmons was taken to Mrs. Percy McCampbell ut P ort­ the hospital In Forest Grove last land Is spending the week here with Wednesday seriously 111 with pneu­ her husband, who Is employed by monia No change lias been report­ the 8 P. ed in his condition this week. L. R. Bodley spent the week with Miss Louise Kallsch of the St his family in Portland, re tu rn in g I ' Vincent's hospital in P ortland spent Monday. | thew eek-end with her parents, Mr. Edwin Hallman. 8. P. water serv­ and Mrs. John Kalich. ice man was confined to his home Miss Sylvia S hifter h a s been for several days last week with a ! confined to her home for the past severe cold. ; week with a severe cold. Miss Ju an ita Nelson spent the Mrs. Paul Hankins has been de­ week-end with her parents In Mon­ livering milk for her husband, who mouth. Miss LaVelle Berg spent T hanks­ is UI. Lease House giving holldayswith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd W right have Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berg, In 8ka- leased the house formerly occupied inokawa, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morse. Mr and Mrs. Silas Phillips and l e n t Thanksgiving with Mr. Wil­ son's mother. Mrs Mabel Wilson, at daughter Arlene of Sheridan spent Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. Gales Creek. Word has been received th a t and Mrs. Roy Townsend of Sunset Morris Dean, son of Mrs B H. Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tillotson. who has been stationed G irsnbcrger a t Timber. Miss June Townsend of Sunset herself carried off for a conference. Camp visited Mr. and Mrs. John A salad, it was decided, was to be Richmond Sunday. Has Narrow Escape her contribution. K enneth Benefiel narrowly e s­ The merry little party broke up caped serious Injury last week a t when the deliberations of the com ­ the Sunset Camp when a line tig h t­ mittee were finished. The morning after the senate la ­ ened and struck a wire ax, throw ­ dles- luncheon. Mrs. Lee called ing it a t his head. He dodged, but Anne on the telephone, and In­ the ax struck him a glancing blow quired if she m ight not stop and on the forhead. Lake her to the Congressional club Holds Up Operations A large cave-in on the railroad reception on Friday. "You have had an Invitation to , a t Sunset Camp has caused oper- join, of course?” 1 atlons to cease until It is cleared “Yes—but you see I have been away. so busy making diplomatic calls— ’ Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Easley of "I know—it Is hard to wedge both E nright visited In P ortland over the calls and the clubs in the same the week-end. afternoon. But everything Is over Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S hifter and at the club a little after five, and two daughters Sylvia and Hazel th a t leaves alm ost another hour for spent the Thanksgiving holiday calls afterw ards. If you are pretty with relatives In Forest Grove. well tau g h t up couldn't you manage Mr. and Mrs Carl K ern of Wes- somehow?" tim ber spent Thanksgiving with "I believe I could; especially as relatives In Portland. I would love to go to the club with W atkins of M anning drove his you,” Anne said frankly. car into the side of th e round­ "I am $o glad, for I would love house last week an d did consider­ to take you,” responded Mrs. Lee able damage to his car. The base cordially. "Prom ptly a t 2:45 then." of the roundhouse is m ade of ce­ In her eagerness to be prompt. ment. Ann,- was standing on the steps of - Lloyd Reed, storekeeper a t the her house, watching the street In Westimber CCC camp. Is spending both directions when Mrs. Lee drove a two weeks' vacation in Kelso. up; and as she took her place be­ Wash. side the older woman In the big Mrs. Jo h n Richm ond and two limousine. Mrs. Lee regarded her daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy with covert but thorough approba­ Townsend a t Sunset Camp Snnday. tion. Anne had on a dress and coat Mill Opens >! sapphire blue velvet, with close- j Snider Shingle mill reopened Mon­ fitting collar and cuffs of erm ine; and her sapphire blue velvet was day. after having been closed dur­ faced with white satin. H er white ing the last week. P. T. A. Educational Study club gloves, her suede shoes, and the Leaded bog which she carried were 1 has proved itself to be very Inter­ esting and valuable to Its members. all perfectly in keeping. "Usually we have a program on Club met with Mrs. Boyd W right Friday afternoons.'' Mrs. Lee ex­ November 27 led by Mrs. Alfred plained. "a concert or a lecture, or Pearson. A short session in English something like th a t; then a short was held followed by current events. LeRoy Elliott had his tonsils re ­ reception afterw ards. But as this is our first gathering of tlie season, moved last week a t the Forest Grove hospital. the afternoon is entirely given over to the reception—it is so p leasan t.' Isn't It. to have this meeting place ■ O ur classified columns may have just w hat you are looking for — for seeing our friends?" Read them. (Continued N ext Week) T rain at Tim ber Struck by Boulder J. A . PO YN O R has returned to the Specials YOUR TABLE SET IN COLORS I t’s New! I l’s Smart! It's Individual! Harmonize your own home with these up-to-date colorful CHEESE PLATES. LUNCH PLATES CUPS and SAUCERS Bread and B utter Plates. Cheese Servers, colorful Coffee Sets for your Coffee Table. These new table settings lend a cheer, th a t make your friends exclaim, "How Pretty!” QUALITY POTTERY Never have you neeii such high class designing as this year in these Wellerivare home attractions, practical gifts, rich blues, old Ivory, new greens anil fawn. You make no apology for Gifts of this high class. Gur entire store Is arranged to help all shoppers! SEE OUR WINDOWS! I LESTER IRELAND 8C CO Hillsboro, Oregon The efficient handling of these tra n s­ actions is a p art of our every day bank­ ing business and gives this bank an essential part in the business life of this community. ★ HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST N A TIO N A L BANK OF P O R TLA N D "OlDItr NABONAl IANK w w or rsi nocKiir IN R EA L ESTATE W rit« Fire and Automabite Inauranae Maka Loans and lasua Su.**tr Bonds I t you change your address kind­ ly notify the Argus direct and a t once. DR. R. J . NICOL (Incorporated) Collections — Credit Reports In W ashington, Tillamook and Yamhill Counties Personal C ontact on Collections W ashington County Office DR. E. W. ALMQUIST V eterinarians Commercial Building Telephone 843 and 642 Hillsboro, Oregon Second and Main Streets Phone 3071 THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR SAFETY 4% Safety Is the watchword of this Institution. Every known safeguard stands back of your Investment. Sound F irst M ortgages reduced each m onth by monthly paym ent—Insured against fire—supervised by S tate of Oregon. Any am ount accepted. Earnings paid to you in cash. INVEST TODAY! Wajhington Savings & Loan Ass’n J. M. PERSON, M anager Savings A Loan Bldg. Hillsboro, Oregon LET US HELP YOU STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS Announcing O ur NEW DEAL Policy 5% Discount Beginning D ecem ber 1st we will give a 5% dis­ count off our reg u la r prices to all cash and carry custom ers, and 2 C> on all charge accounts paid prom ptly and in full, m onthly or semi-m onthly. We believe this NEW DEAL policy will prove our sin­ cerity in giving every custom er an equal opportunity to buy and save. We will continue our WEEKLY SPECIALS as usual. (No discount on these.) n k ir s . COFFEE— 1-lb............... 55c 3 lbs............ This is a w onderful value ! 19c PUMPKIN Fancy, 2 ^ size.2 cans 19c 49c FANCY TUNA Light m eat. Vgs. Per can Snow drift— 3-lb. can .... SODA— 4 pkgs. BAKING POWDER Bulk. 2 lbs............ 14c 25c 25c PLUMBING and HEATING BUSINESS in Hillsboro, and is a t your service a t the CORWIN HARDWARE 1152 Second S tre e t Phone 72 We have rem odeled our store and now you may serve yourself. Come in and get acquainted. Our C hristm as candy will be on display this week w ith prices lowest in years. W e have our own delivery, and assure you prom pt and courteous service. Wiley’s New Deal Grocery Ju st Phone 1001 Every commercial activity, and alm ost every public or private financial tra n s­ action requiren one or more banking services. The deposit of money, cashing of checks and bills of exchange to finance trade, paym ent of bills, rem ittances of funds, accum ulation of savings . , . are all indispensable activities b y which you carry forw ard your finan­ cial affairs. DEAL Credit Bureaus 3 P L U M B IN G and H E A T IN G WE LAUREL RIDGE—Mr and Mrs KURATLI & WISMER Sam H Haugen of Sherwood re ­ HILLSBO RO . OREGON ceived word of the deaih of their! T.l«photi« l t t l ill« St. son, W arren Haugen, a t J u n e a u ,! Alaska November 20 He died from j a gunshot wound In the back of SAXTON & LOONEY the head The shot was fired by hi , hunting companion, Earl Blnz- Producer* of Quality ler. a Juneau barber, who was ar-1 SAND and GRAVEL rested and is a t liberty on ball. Mr. Haugen was captain of the! P lant located 4 miles north of F or­ tugboat Elmira, which does a gen- est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone cial transportation business In Alas­ 1809R kan rivers He had been In Alaska for the p ast twelve years. He I s 1 urvlved by his parents, four broth- j ers and five sisters. Interm ent was at Juneau. C A V p «J J V SALMON— 19c 2 cans .......... S haker Salt- -23c takes an active interest in the whole business life of Wash­ ington County. 1 Son of Sherwood People is Killed SUGAR— 10 lbs. ............. THIS BANK Merry Xmas Page Five T h e inside sto ry o f th e ra in b a r r e l Like the old oaken bucket, the rain barrel was full of rom ance—and, we might add, of twigs, leaves, germs and grasshoppers I The inside story wasn't pleasant. But "the old order changeth" and today the modern water company provides a safe, healthful supply and delivers the water to your home at the turn of a faucet. OREGON-W ASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY R ichard E. W iley, M anager Corner 3rd and Main