The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 06, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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W ill» W hirl» la Combined (he IlilU b v ro Independent
ill» bore Arirua c*tah.
H i I labor» Independent e*tab. 1171
M r K IN N E Y A M e K IN N K Y . Pnhliahera
¿Publiahed Thursdays.
Entered as second-class m atter in the
poetoffice at Hillsboro, O r v g n
W . V E R N E M e K IN N K Y
E d itor
M em ber—O regon State Edi­
to rial Association and N a ­
tional E d ito ria l Association
M em ber o f the A u d it
MRS. E. C. M e K IN N K Y
Associate Editor
F irst Audited Paper
Lam ­
est Audited W eekly Circula­
tion in Oregon
Bureau of C irculation
Sahacription R ate* S tric tly Cash in Advance
Per y e a r ______________ fl-W
U . 8 Outside Oregon
gix months
.S i
Foreign Countries
The H illsboro A m us assume» no financial resism sibility for
errors published in its column*. but in case* where this paper
te at fa u lt W ill reprint that part of an advert u»e.nent in which
a*t typocraphical m istake occurs.
A n Independent Newspaper. Whcee Service» and Foliciee
are Ra*ed on the P rinciple of the Golden R u I a
And a* ye
would that men should do to you, do ye al»o to them likw
w iae."— M a tth e w 7:11.
More Hopeful Trends
The forces of recuperation are steadily
gathering momentum. From all parts of
the country come reports of more favor­
able business trends and better than all
else the substitution of a spirit of optim-
ism for the gloom that has been too dom-
inant in the national thinking.
H ard upon the heels of the announced
purpose of the American Bankers' asso-
ciation to co-operate with the government
in the recovery program came a declara-
tion of like purpose from the Investment
B ankers’ association of America. The task
set by the latter group is indicated by
President C ra n e s comment th at the most
vital problem of recovery is to reopen the
capital m arket in order to revive heavy
industries, and th at this is more a func­
tion of investment bankers than of com-
ness picture. Observers now predict for
this year the best Christmas tra d e since
the depression began. Everywhere one
detects the substitution ot optimism to r
pessimism— the replacem ent of a spirit
of antagonism by a spirit of co-operation,
M erryle Stanley Kukeyser. well-known
economist, struck the prevailing note of
hope the other day when he declared that
the prophet of doom who kept repeating
th a t we were on the verge of collapse has
been belied by the course of events. He
added th a t the new attitude is to regard
business men and bankers as instrum ental-
ities for economic improvement through
when the president can work.
It was in this new spirit th at repre-
sentatives of code authorities for 23 dur-
able goods industries assembled in W ash-
Attitiufh expressed by farm leaders in
urging that artificial control, tem porarily
imposed during the emergency, be made
perm anent is in keeping with the value
which all find in co-operation, w hether
voluntary or involuntary. The 11 agrieul
W hen the control board represent a
tives met in Portland and added up the
benefits of the adjustm ent program to
agriculture they reached ft total of $2,-
000.000. It was estim ated th a t the income
of melon and tom ato grow ers increased
S400 000
Social Ne tvs of
Local Folk and
Their F riends
Mrs, M. V Galloway. Mr
I'“1 l I ’-
lf lv f 'l i r i c f l i i w M i l l i""1 ,b „ lllll,'r P tux
'o U d l n g foe the
Mrs Gconte Padgett and son • and
'*U / U U I I M m . l , S 1 V I.U I
Kuby Estern) and children and ,
_■ . . . . ». .
., _
ItoM.l G ardner -¡H-nt Thank , living < 0 ,1 0 III lvv P o t , O l ii. <>
M ill Mi and M.
W aller Gallo ¿ b u g i l i ( ’) r ( » M V I I I U
ill) owned prop, rty o n
»ay ill Corvallis.
teu aU n m d from
o n .)
.Which taxes were tui|xitd 111 the
■A F Bilk lord of Hood Hiver countries muy be obtained
Iroin Ih r coining lax aule and advised Un
spent Thanksgiving at the home
council to fight the foreclosure
Addresses should he
complete, l llr council approved thia plan
Mr. and Mrs Frank SUnpcon oí oi bus son. Hayes Bickford. Mrs.
with house number a n d name or
O ther business Included uiaiding
smith of HilLshom l'ti'itiiini'.l with Fat Clark of Heppner, a sister ol
Sought by Post Office "
vein h s lto w lm : lin t ill m o ie I s o s
, luill ,|L,
Non High Sci mol Body
Io Meet Friday Nig hi
W ashington county non - high
a hiM| bonnl will meet Friday ai II
p in. In Un* oil let* of tht» ftU|MThi-
idcni of .school.». All im m in en t
M au'hhcïd.
Mr. daughter
and Mrs. Evelyn
S. A of
- --
- - - -
Mr. and Mrs Jolui Engzell ol Pori-
land. Mr mid Mrs Harry Morgan
and host and Jjostess.
Mrs. Fred Dancer has returned
to her luunc at Helvetia after two
weeks 118ta
a t the countv hospital"with
scarlet fever. wedisd
Mr. Dancer, who
The great m ajority of people in dif- | S U M ?
ferent lines want to work together in the county tor taking <
common interest and they should have S ^ ' ank
the co-operation of all to r eventual good
Mr. and Mrs.
times. There should he no room for the of Hillsboro ente
h 11011
u iamily
to take
anot ht
r potü-
l,u‘ P*w«*l
H's place
has been
by sUJ<‘
C hrislm
as parcels are not to be
L tlllilS S t ill
io acres in cultivation,
-•* ------ "
been token by
Clirksunas purrela
E. C. Lovelctt.
left unless some member of Ute
C |
. II
balance gnnd tim ber a n d
Mrs A L. Cuiuungluun and son huiuly Is at lainic Persons expect-
¿»»lit* ¿»t.t,*tS I lCLC p a s tu re ; live spring; Bit,
Al Cunning ham of Portland lu u i. h • packages are asked to have
n ii l' ‘S f ' " ,n ( '" ' " ’■•'US. Thia
*ul" Mrs. W A Goodman a t some one home when the postman fluh!'*LJ,nnt ? i m " ^ 1 T * ? f<* .
Ughl “ Kalina tubcmilaeUM haa aU rt- jH
"ear Cornelius were 'riuuilusgivlim
Tluuiksgiving call».
is ideal filbert ground. Price
guests of Mr a n d Mrs. H M «
s s t ;
* T
.*«“ baaJ ™
<«PP«» *.u he n-quired Frtd Oald*”“' 841,001 chlld" t'
Insure with
The objective oi roues is not to inter-
f ere with the operations of logical com-
mon-sense, business-like practices; b u t
only to restrain and elim inate those evils
th at throughout the past decade have
crept into business operations and tended
to destroy not only the possibility of earn-
¡ng a fair profit but the capital invest-
ments which alone m ake it possible to re-
main in business.
L o g ic a l
S ta n d
1 Oyer the wwek-end
Mr. and Mrs o h m a c h t «nd h ^ ’p J X L g ^ t h e sm U h ^ p S I^ M a « » /
daughter Lasiiriia of North plains south of town
iv i» llly
trS O ltS I l l i r t
dtnner^c^v to i\i?
.!t C h risten » « celebrated hts
a ,,» „ a .
4 . *
j Chrlstenseni Mr and Mrs" Ray R?ttyU JoNOBbunir Bobbv^Ht-djrick
A l l t O A tC IU C IltS
I-I »
KOllI J u UV a n d , , i i rs' Buddy Erickson and Richard c o r- .. ... B'1®«1'!“«1 to®, c»«» •>■<•»
Pactflc highway near Rex HUI
iioinw and Mr HoMen
forced l Into
----- — ..........
M rs F ix 'd C a ld w e ll M a r v C a l d . »hen
....... . Uwir
* car w „ »»«»co
i n o !!«•
! Mr. and Mrs
Jolui C. Green w ii \ uui Felicia C rittenden »Dent ‘ lU 1 by “
truck, accord-
d»ughter r Rosemary of Hillsboro , hc week-end U Eugene w ith' Mrs ln,{ Ul “
lo Hw sh eriff Mrs.
id r Mrs
G reen ^ Caldwells
sister. Mrs. K atherm e Tuw C' H‘“ *er. driver ol the ma-
X u g h tc ■«.
G arnet
of «.—
a ,7
hme. sui(
suffered fractured
fractured ribs,
ribs, tier
|G rove were guests Sunday of j . .
Mr. and Mrs F rank Wallace. Mrs. [ husi*ftnd- John J - R« ,t‘r » l,PriUne<1
o r w n C l i o ' s h vearsrSi>id1* a n ' Nel1 rll Scott and Miss CecU K tnnu- ,uxk aud
1,1 luldltlon to cuts
Two children.
children. Violet
to S T m a ir ó m e n d i ^ ^ t J u n é . mon
on of Tillamook we.«,
were T rhanksglv-
hanksgiv-' lU»U
‘Ultl bruises.
bruises. Two
M r
and M r .
n .^ i
x mg guesta of Mr. and Mrs. William »u»d Margarci Dlemert, suffered
“ li1 Goetter.
cuts and bruises. Mis Bader stated
proceeds troni.
Un» seal aale« mv iLstxi to help in I
the eure uiui prevention of this <
disease. The souls are one cent each 1
t*- purchased m uu.inti-
tics to suit m y person's nerds,
C. 1
„ ,,
. ..
of the scliool census
for Completion
tlie’ cu
/ . . , . current year shows a total
j ' L . *7 J 4 ' h,llllr,7u, ? f 8l'l,<*’1. “* r 1,1
,.5 , 1 MV,n’ Hillsboro, an Increase
1 / ,
1 , ust
Of lhe >lumb,T
.Aiutunu <»i wiUM-'.rf
, .
/“ t1* glrU born durln« thp
. la r
lod *,f 11,17 " ,u* li,|H 1,1
the 18-year age class 52 boys uud
12 gills arc listed and hi the 17-
ycar age group 48 boys and 28
girls, in oilier age groups the num ­
bers are fairly equal with the 15-
A Great Success
T here to no question about the eucee«
of the Hillsboro Bargain Day held here
Saturday from many standpoints and it
should convince local business men of the
im portance of holding a Christm as open-
ing for the community. Such an event
creates a real carnival spirit and at the
same time shows the im portance of Hills
Planned i tiesdav /
w , M„„.
_ Elem entary
-“ "r*...... ¡ « r
« ¡» W 2 K
................. ................... ......... i S
Mr and Mrs. C harles Rees of
Portland and Mr and Mrs. Ben
of Laurel-
.•unuaasen and
¿uia children
enuaren oi
w ooj were Thanksgiving gueoU oi
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Rees
Mrs. Florence Sm ith and little
daughter Lx>uise returned l«u»t week
from a visit w:th~ Mrs. S m ith s
rT ta n " d ^ ^
*ccord‘n“ to *n »nnouncem ent this
Helena. Mont, with l»er sister. Mrs. ."JX^rudemient
Mrs ta-sste Byrne.
a P< ru n . ndent Dtscinsslons planned
Mr ami Mrs Rufus Fox of I »fav . i
“ « » a fcstl-
etu» spent * Thanksgiving and ^ihe
^ vcJanuvUon contest
week-end with h?r pS -enta XU
P " * 1«®“
and Mrs. F. W. Heints.
E. E Eastm an of near Laurel v os C^ltV I k
in Kdlsburo Saturday. He just re-
S o u th -1
<1 CS
Keep Spectators Back
Local gridiron fans thoroughly enjoy
the games in which the fighting Hilhi
w arriors play, but it would help a lot if
som ething were erected to keep fans back
at least ten foot more from the sidelines.
It would give everyone a better opportu­
nity to see the game and m ake it safer
for spectators and players.
° r ^ r
RT nd Kennedy
i M
eo V
.............. ....
»y. and
" ° rld
(C ontinued from page <>nel
prop»«rt.y owners
were given
£ £
h old
p a lly Trips to Portland
Hillsboro Auto Freight
Bonded and Insured C arrier
Alohit, Keed-
villc, llillftbore, ('arnellu* and
Forest (¡rove
Pickup and Delivery Service at
Package Kate«
Hillsboro Phone 543
East Side Term inal Portland
Phone KA.nt 9131
«°n n ^ u X
Make Ibis *turc your
hi'nili|uait«Ts for Toys
uud (iifts for any m em ­
ber of the family.
Shop now while our
lirn- is most complete. A
deposit will hold your
( ’hristinas o r d e r i n
read¡nesrt for you.
Every tiling In Inaurane«
5 » y
C c n S tlS G tC S
Uiui Joe Webb of Portland
branches or shrubs and in the sum m er daughter M arjorie spent T hanks- Cornel'u s and Mr. and Mrs. Thom __
d Mrs Almond and her lour-
these same branches are often covered
“? H w 'r
so M
u rs'W
with dust to soil the dresses of women snowed to the depth of t h ^ h w h e i Mr and Mrs J Nhaxicmus were
eTb’ r e lacerated
pedestrians. v\ e are strong tor t r e e s , while they were there
Thanksgiving guest« oi thetr sou- injured U uk
.. .
and da.tiirh£i>r M r t»r»H M.-w.
shrubs and bushes as being ornam ental to M r and Mrs. J. H. H ensk) and x{'11a'i’. “ ”}
i‘? Ir, , ‘UK? ‘Mr5>
the city, but they have th eir place and
^ t i ^ n o ^ P o rG
Mr. a,.d Mn». w ïu o X
I cachers Meeting
that is not over sidew alks.
land spent Tiianksgivmg and th e son Wayne spent Sunday at Cor-
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe vaUls wi h their son Fred, student
Belanger a t Heppner.
a t O rig in S tate college.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. WLsmer. Law-
Mrs Soplui Freerksen returned
s s t s s r a ’ o’S s t r « ’“ a ? «
- ^ 'w a
1314 .Main NIrret
lllll»lM»ro. Oregon
frt>,u on<' lo 100 w 1000
on New Street Plan
Finally there is the appeal in behalf
of members of the National Industrial Re­
covery board for co-operation from Amer­
ican business in reorganizing NRA, the
NRA which will be called upon to func­
tion a fte r the present recovery act expires
next June. A rthur D. W hiteside, a mem­
ber of the board, has stated that if busi­
ness men will form ulate their ideas and
send them to W ashington in the form of
constructive suggestions, their ideas will
be used in shaping a new NRA. There is
no reason on earth, said he, why the NRA
should mean th a t business men lose in-
dividualism and become regim ented.
These all may be only straw s in the
wind, but taken in the aggregate they in-
dicate unm istakably that more favorable
winds are blowing,-
g h u
1JJÎ Waxtiinxtan
Remember Now;
Your Beloved Dead
d h** brother’ RuP*'rt
Dr and M n . Paul I C arter and
Ordinance dedicating the clty-
M re w . E. Cook and Mrs Burton g S ¿ L S ^ M r ’ S
Mr™ ' ?oW
r^ L roP‘n.r ty ' ’PPOs1“ ' 8 h l,u ' p;“ ’k
Randall of Salem were guests Fri- R. Kuvur
i° r 7“ rk Purix»ses w a s ordered
day and Saturday of Mrs. R. J.
r> w
drawn by the council Councilman
Nicol. Mrs Cook u a sister of Mrs da? l Yh .7 f <5?; 1 ° ! ? « i K ’t w h
L Anderson p n n b d out the!
Now at Thanksgiving anil
sS ter Mr” “ o ° E P o £ u a
faCt Ulat Hillsboro had an op-1
(h ristin a s time when y o u r
Mr. and Mrs F. O. Wesson and Giove
portunlty for a beautiful city en-
family is gathered together is
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McGee and
Mr and Mrs. W L Parsons of lranoe He declared th a t unk'ss
the time to consider this que*-
son Jim of Portland were guests O resham recently moved to Hills-
W1LS dedicated to jmrk
Inanksgiving a t the E. B. W atts boro and are located on route four, t^ere was a possibility tluit m ar-
. ----- ------
Our complete stock and expert od-
The colored Christm as lights th a t are nome.
Mr ----
and , Mrs. . Henry
Herring of ; gets, service stations and shucks
vlce regarding memorial at y o u r
at ------
_ Miss Jan ette Cady,
— student —
were Sunday guesta ol ""S1'1 lw' erected In the area. Mayor
now decorating the streets sure peps up Oregon
ge Corvallis.
___ Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Cliantler.
S tate college.
Phelpa answered opposition to
the town. It would be mighty
if _____
bet- spent Thanksgiving holidays with
_ . fine
the effect tliat the acreage d e d l-)
ter street lighting could be provided for p Cady
^ Ivparents' Mr and Mrs M v Supreme Officer Visits—
cated could never be us»>d for any J| |J Stannard M irr
Hillsboro, Ore.
the business district. The old style light
Dr and Mrs S tark of Albany.
‘i?, t
vote of tl>e
transfer —
— —
Rose marv Snyder and Jake
e rt.
ot R and S.. ,.
, - people
ing does not help the appearance of the Burns
Miss Rosemary
o T satem were T hankscivn^ ,nade a fraternal visit to the local tllc ProP»,‘ty to nome oUier worthy
city or create a good impression on vis- guests a t the C C S n y d ^ h o in e K111« 1' 1» oi P ythtana lodge Monday Purpose if necessary The Bagley
d r a J
, u a
nlght Mr Clark “ a Pu-, t cf““ 1- prupt-rty in to be IncliuW In the
= = = = = = = = =
?™i ^ rs- , r T5<1 Rothacher, cellor of the G rand Domain of ordinance
Woman to Talk Against
to a report Monday to the county la iT o M P w tla n d 11 v^sded^M ? arLi
“."a U n<w 1','“ n* „ aa
T h at “ ** coun“ > » °u ld give a
Liquor at Local Church court Collections by the recorder S 5 ? Hi l ^ r e ^ S u X
«uPr™ »' Junsdlc- sym pathetic hear,ng to local doc-
I Ol
during the same m onth were re-
Mrs Louella A n d re w o f P o r t
tors on a proposed program to build
Auto purts th a t work prop­
Nonna C Brown oi Bioom- p„ rled
!and s n e m ^ e r a l rtav, thi
<>'*‘t»r»1«' Birthdays—
“ IXKpItal here with HERA labor
erly are as essential to
rg to n . IU . will speak a t the Chris-
------------------------- wjth
j M
Mrs C. M. B ry an t entertained was the decision of the group
•.Tmheiis,J VnlOrp Ca‘Vc Wl* Pre*™1 tian church here a t 7:30 p. m. £ a s t e r N a m e d C h a i r m a n
was In Hillsboro on business’
Wednesday evening with a dinner Mayor Phelps outlined the pro-
your car's performance as
"111 Explain Everything.' a three- Monday on The Oncoming Wa- t-«»ter nam ed Chairman
« usooro on Dusin^s
party for Mf B ryant and MuSi> yram JV, ,.xpIalncd lo ,)lm whe£ Y
gas and oil Sacrifice of
act comedy, as its annual produr- ,.,th th e Liquor Traffic." She Is
Boy Scout Committee “ L,
Hazel Hryant. O ther guests were u«. city would sponsor an SERA
quality for low price when
tion in the Hillsboro high school coming to this state for a series of
R. R. Easter of Hillsboro was ap-
“ T te n k £ iS 5 £ * 5 ^ Et,r° w i' ■ »?d
J ,- H«.MurU>Ii an d M r' ProX'-'t for construction while the
a u b u r n Decembe, 14 at eight .neettngs
help th e liquor traffic. »
S T S & T S
Mf» 00081(1 Megargel
d -to ™ would provide X t e r t a t a X
such things as valves, pis­
tons. gaskets a n d clutch
discs are needed Is the
to resign
resign°due to the press of Orell’n er and Miss Betty B'urgara
: tioiks Tile plan uLso^lni ludes renG
Miss M ane Houguez. the class ad­
most expensive kind o f
of Portland were luncheon guests
office space to doctors in
Beaverton Ballot Tuesday personal business
We carry all
Wednesday of Mrs. Edward Coman.
n n Ii'ltn n iT f* d a i m « lhe PrHP**'d building
Those in the cast are "Henry
Albert E Wilson was re-elected
necessary auto parts cf
Board G ra n t. Change
Mrs. Nellie Wherley and sons Les-
>^»1111«1^C. V a i d i l l i s
Controversy tx t wren the city tuid
Becker," cashier of the Farmers mayor of Beaverton Tuesday and
standard grade always in
Transfer <rf 10 acres of the W. A.
an£l Lawrence of Portland were
(Continued from page <>ne>
Washington county over taxes on
Wilson was re-elected
aiaiE bank
oanx Lu
verne Abendroth:
Aoeiiarotn Homer r-re,,nz.iim».r,
w .iiiam re- Johnston farm near Gaston from Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. » a rd Ansorge et al. order to give property taken over by the city a t
"Montgomery Walsh, president ol
Councilmen are Wi ham H.
I. OavJs of
of Hillsboro.
notice of cancellation.
the Urne of the 1932 tax Mie wu
f t ' both reflected , and Dewey » as approved Wednesday by the
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nicholson J ’r‘>baU*.
* 7 ': ‘“ “S? ln tbe !?.pla‘n,’d by p V Hatlerson. city
Kenneth Short; "Valentine Scott," J > both re-elected, and Dewey »»» “ PP1™ « 1 . Wednesday
of Bryn Mawr, Wash., were guests estates of Casper Kehrlt. Henry E. attorney. He declared th a t there
Henry Becker's friend and advisor. D Drorbaugh.
district boundary board
of Mrs Wena Chase and family Hunt. John H. Dorland. H A. was a question an to which of two
Second and Baseline Streets
Lloyd Selfridge; “W alter Dow.
from Sunday until Tuesday.
Shadden. Peter Dethlcfs, Theodore laws covered the sale, one requiring
Phone 591
advertising man from Lo6 Angeles
Mrs. C. E. Payton and Mrs, Blair Newstad. Louisa A. Montague, K ath - the court to cancel current taxes
Billy Allison; “Jam es Darby," an
T h irtv Y e ars A
Ot P o r tla n d e r i n e G t Ils F r a n k K m io iill. W illi m i ___ __________________
Englishman, Jam es Forsythe; "Ger- ceived word last week of the death
A rn » , s-rs-
lS S f* “ w lth
T ',' k,'r
A Wood anrt
vs,. ^,1- *•
v» r- lr . , ■
f 'TI
of thetr
Iis 11 lll"7U
niece »7. Mrs.
»VI I A. A
11U1 in X
yl^Jt.4 “
W lit MV s X
» A
i/tzB I -Thome
xe.. . T “ V T’ w
' miller, on Monday, November 26. at H. Tongue Jr. officiated as lines- and Mrs L E w ukes
Mary Elizabeth Sm ith. G uardian-
m ice n o u a ra .
.\aa BecKer.
.Seattle. Funeral services were con- man for the U of O and M A. A
Mrs. William Masterson left Wed- »hip orders were also issued for
Henry B eckers cousin. Ann Mun- ¿ ucted there on the 28th.
C. football game Than£sgiving day. nesday for »McMinnville to visit her G. L. Tout. Magnetle Pierce and
Drain the land properly
kers; “Jean Darby. Henry B eckers
Mrs Goodmlller w a s formerly
About 90 attended the m a s s cousin. Mrs. Mary E Colby, and C harles Eugene Hrandaw.
thin w inter and your
sister and wife of Jam es Darby.! ML&> Flossie Goodin, daughter of meeting Monday night and nom- friends for a few day.s
Legal action .seeking to collect
M arjorie Montgomery. Caryl Car- he late R
B Goodin, f o r m e r inated a ticket for the city elec-
Mrs. Charles K night and daugh- contributions alleged due under the
cost will lie repaid you
roll.“ —
a v—
girl ------
from Chicago.
of Portland
orkm ens compensation
----- ——— Carol ¡county clerk of this county, blie i.s tion , Monday - Nominees B P. Cor- ter
- —
------ — were
—-w visitors
— — Wed-
«««.«« , w --------------
«w-v was
««•.* Several years ago, as a result of
sooner than you realize
Coulter, “Dr. Blair.” a young lady survived by her husband and one nelius mayor. L. A Rood, Frame nesday a t the home of Mr and Mrs. hied today by th e S tate Industrial i the constant drain on the farming
doctor, Christine Robb
aon' William Goodmiller of Seat- Ba.lard and H. D. Schmeltzer. coun- J. R. Itolwege.
Accident commission against R o b e rt1 class through wasteful methods of
in decreased cultivation
Managers axe Betty Hobb.- burn- tb' She Ls also survived by two sts- ctl; H T. Bagley, recorder, and
Mr and Mrs ,, L
„ . Johnson. The defendant Is In the exchange and demoru i,2i
Goodin ano
and .vo,
M n uooo
John M Wall,
treasurer. xv
I t was
Portland were
were Thanksslvlm r guests transfer and trucking business.
.^ ? d ._ dem? ^ 11“ ‘!o,1 ot
ness m a n a g e r R o t h K r a . i aue iq ters. Miss Lena
ljC1‘a wroum
n a n . neasuier.
was « de-
- Portland
costa a n d improved
m arkets through speculation, a
am t
Lillian Day a half-sister. Mrs. Mar- elded to place th e question »( of Mr and Mrs ^ u l l ^ iie r« o n
ta n t business manager, and Violet. gart.t Fi^ h . al, of P ortland. and w hether cows should n in a t large
r a" d “ rs ' , U‘ L' . .
group of farm ers ln a southern
crops. VVe won’t rem ind
Wick, costume manager The seen- t half-brother, Richard Goodin Jr. or not on the ballot
, MacDowcll
I state formed a non-partisan, no n -'
th at drained land
ery is being made by members of of Pendleton.
Charles Sewell of Hillsboro aw ard-
a fw7, oanffnto.s spent Thanksgiving
| sectarlon organization This assocla-
is worth a hull lot more
ed a nineteen m onths’ contract to
8 a'em » (th Mrs. John Krebs,
th e manual training departm ent
I I ilK
Hon was to enable them to meet
carry the mall from Hillsboro to
Miss Mary Ellen Mertz of Eugene
m r t .Nit U 4I11S Vvvt-K ! tbes,. conditions and apply to their
under the supervision of Maurice
than the same land un­
is spending a few weeks with her
John M aiol. 58. passed away B ethany for $720 per annum .
Charged with larceny of a turkey business the principles of scientific
Mason P. Cady and Miss Birdie sister, Mrs. J. W. K am na Jr.
Wednesday morning a t his home
Saturday morning from his neigh- commerce.
iwar Gaston He was born at K raln- Vincent of Beaverton m arried Nov
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashley of
“W agon W heels” Shows
The purposes of the organization
sky. Austria, in 1876, and came to ember 30.
Salem were week-end guests of bor, Mrs. E. M. Ingles of near
Banks, Anthony E Heesacker was were outlined as follows: To secure!
at Venetian Theater the United States 31 years ago. He Mr. and Mrs. F rank Im brle have Mr. and Mrs. John Hare
arrested Monday. He entered a plea equity, establish Justice, and a p - '
had lived on his farm near Oas-
Aerona W ashington Street from Cannery on I*. It. A N. Railway
The perils and the dangers vol- ton
of guilty ln the local Justice of ply the Golden Rule; to discourage
for the
’i Ä
r x
ta F past
^ et 15
' I years
s Jo* He ph is i sur-
™ ,.«
Office Phone 1341
the peace court and was fined $10 the credit and mortgage system; to
and costs.
Art Kroeger $M6
—Hom« Phon«»—
llrn ry K rorgrr 1204
assist Its members ln buying and
^ U V T n q iS Ä
^ Ä ° A ° u V
.trla ’ a ï T .
Argus. December 4, 1919—S h u te . Thomas Conne 11 Jr. Is spending
Joseph Began of Tigard was a r ­ selling; to educate the agricultural
as recently r e v â X V
th * ^ y e l-! b^
’r JosePh Mado1 oi Kell° ^ ' Savings bank passes million m ark.
aA Silverton with Mr. rested Monday on a traffic violation classes ln scientific farm ing; to
Doubles In deposits Inside of eight antJ M rs- c - E Hande.
w arrant and fined $20 and costs ln
farm ers the classification of
lowed and fragile pages of a rarei
Mrs. J. W. W hite of The Dalles the Tigard Justice of peace court, teach
and valuable book, forms the back- , mUIi f ral
he»d. h 1 years.
crops, domestic economy and the
trruuiwl of Z
Orev's “Wauon L
from ttu* chapel of the
R. E. Corene, formerly of near process of marketing; to systema-
George Selfridge.
lîhMta," coming T h u rilay . F riliy fnt7rSlJ^ ,r0« r ^ n d m vk‘ng C° ? lth December 1.
Judge A. C. Archbold, pioneer of
Elvis Dlckason was brought home Hlllsboro, was returned to Wash tize methods of production and dis­
and Saturday to the Venetian the-1
* * cï‘mAtery 1862
and ex-oounty
died _ from _ 1___
hospital Sunday and Is tngton county Wednesday evening tribution; to elim inate gambling In
Rev. c . P Sabin of Forest Orove
VTo was
ll/QU a
n on!
from Seattle to face an Indictment farm products by Board of Trade
Sunday v a o t t nr*A
age rxf
of U
84 A He
vet- convalescing
"The Yodellng Ropers" f r o m ''"ll off>ciate.
charging larceny by bailee.
eran of the Civil w ar
and other speculators; to bring
Hollywood, a family of five who
Boy Scout troop formed with Rev _?i™ ' „.‘„.r
llnder’ ' ent •
g a s o l in e s
radio, vaudeville
- ■ ,, r
L O ¿»'i'
«J.HZ2C in touiu,
»ouucrmc andi
. E r . rT
” . _i w
H A Deck I«.« srnii tmiLst>*r
major operation at Jones hospital FOR RHEUMATISM, NEU­ farm ing up to standards of ,Slier
Richfield - General - Shell . Union - Gilmore
riS eo performances, w i l l appeai . J ? 1“ ' °
f Portland dled ln
WeU^ obeyed ^ d e p a r t m e n t Iafit w,’e i '
Industries; to secure and m aintain
T hursday and Friday with the fea-l ^ V a l ^ s e ^ l r e ^ j n Z held S
store to pidylic tor inspection Mon-
Miss Leona Rogers of Garibaldi RITIS & ARTHRITIS TRY Profltab|P and uniform prices for
Hl-Pre»rture G reasing
ture film Jimmy-Doss of th e troupe ^ f ^ i X i T a t 2! % a thr- Colonid day evening.
«pent Thanksgiving a t the H. S.
n u p n n x in
iarm P™1^
« ^ v e for
U a trick and fancy roper, hay tog
aald ¡ X ™ ^ w ^ b ? in
“ ays Bras, store a t N orth Plains R o ^ s home.
L A Q o F t V
l « r CUIVIruUNL,
| harmony and goodwill among m an-
Free Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs
been a c°nfcstaiit^ a t Pendleton tlw. Rlverview cemetery
robbed of stock valued a t $300.
Dr. and Mrs. R
J, Nicol spent
A tonic and blood builder. Drives kind.
a n d other round-ups.
The organization was named the
Mr Long is well known here ' Dorothy L inklater editor a n d th e week-end in Salem with rela- out the uric acid and potion. Stops
Firestone Tire», Tubes and Accessories
pain and swelling, and cramps >n Farm ers’ Educational and Co-op­
where lie formerly resided
and Edward Wall m anager of 1920 Hilhi tives.
Poynor Return« to Run
erative Union of America, and Is
Wehha Leisy of Hillsboro. He i s 1 S u n d a y ___________ T hank sg iv in g with h e r brother
Given up to die. Casey's Com­ composed of local, county and state
Plum bing Shop Locally survived
Mrs. F ranklin E verttt died D e - |OeOTgc Hamel, a t B attle O round' pound gave complete relief. Mr. W. organizations. Its growth was slow
the widow and two
J. A. Poynor, who was in the daughters, by Kathryn
Long and Mrs. cember 3 a t home here.
T. Ford states Casey's Compound i for a tlm e' bul feoently It has been :
J. H. G arrett nam ed chancellor
plum bing an d h eating business here M D Bruckman of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Herm an Jaenlckc saved his life. Was down 5 m o n th s! yery rapld.' d,"’„ to l!',p Ko<’d J*»«1“
commander K nights of Pythias.
a ;ew years rtgxi. has retu rn ed to
with rheum atism. Has had lastin g 1^ **.
will probably be
Anna R uth Bunger, 15. died at moved last week to Cornelius
Hillsboro from P ortland to engage
Receipts Reported
Mrs. J. Reilly Is seriously 111 at
the largest and best organization
Phone 1263
In burtUiesK here and has a shop
Eecs totaling $981.45 were col­ N orth Plains November 28
Dr. v C n harles
Lam kin a n d a Mrs. h er home n ear Hillsboro.
of Its kind ln the United States
. ? ? Cora
In connection w ith Corwtn H ard ­ T
.T L .1 hi I h til,.
Rhea aries
married Novem-
Mrs. J. N. Wiley has been quite rison 8t., Portland. On sale at within a few years.—Paid Adv.
I the m onth of November, according ber
111 this week.
Delta Drug store.—Adv.
Junior Class Will
Give Annual Play
rj- PA C T S
g s
Youth FilfS Suit
Our Yesterdays
ir t
a n d
t t
F a rm G r o u p
Purposes Outlined
♦ ♦ ♦
Give Your Farms a Xmas Present
Three County Men
Hillsboro Concrete Brick 8C Tile Co.
i k
o ik
Q oslett S uper S ervice Station
Coslett Super Service Station