THE Thuriuiuy, December 6, 1934 H IL L S B O R O AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Page Three th irteen m em bers I n attendance primaries were held ln April 45 »» more If you stick it on the e n ­ and roll call "A last m inute T tianka-j days prior to the general elections velope."—Ex. giving su g g t' lion S crap book* for which until 1910 were held on the Doernbeeher are finished and the first Monday In June In tlie year » » , • next meeting will be spent stuffing 1910 when the general election was i I l I O V l I l I O U r U S V l l V C I l changed to November the primary v j i v v u toy anim als Mrs Rulli Anderson Legion of Decency committee ol Paperhanging - Painting took the donation ot canned fruit, was held in September, but In 1912 _____ bibs and high chair pads to Alber- was returned to April and »Ince the Hillsboro C hristian Council has In May. tl r a K err nursery Tuesday Issued these recommendations on I U a z e l d a l e C o m m u n i t y C lu b then has been • held • • Thanksgiving Program Held ( A Thanksgiving program wusglv- B u ild in g s G . T a y l o r F a r m G uests Thunk giving a t the E i) the pictures to be shown a t the ! b ite home were Mr and Mrs (I Fire losses on timber lands un­ Venetian during the following week W ill P r e s e n t C o m e d y ell a t the B Bethany eili Presbvlei 1 ‘ lu ll D e s tr o y e d hy F la m e s a t B e th a n y C h u r c h llite and family of Hlu-rwood, Mr "Wagon Wheels" has been recom­ der Jurisdiction ot the state fores­ church Hunilav hy tlie Christian und Mrs Jo u 'p h Flint of Bcholfs try departm ent this year totalled mended cn all motion picture e n ­ Piwleavor. Program Included asm i« und Mr. and Mrs Robert Holland I ll y M u m Jmsn H m itk ) only »123,483. the lowest record ln dorsement lists as being a picture Mrs A Hamel, d u et by Jean LAUREI. RUMIE la u re l Kldgi BETHANY-CEDAR MILL Cedar try Berger and Meier, cornet nolo pupil», who have not been absent mul boys of Beaverton. IÍAZKLIMLE Journal Junior?. 13 vears, according to Lynn Crone- , of tile family type Tlie Chicago list ! Mill heluu.l will give a Chrintnuoi by Hlteon teacher aiid pupil» enjoyed wlU „„ hour.s varlcty pn,_ miller, state forester. Tlie 1933 fo r­ of tlie Roman Catholic church lists Jo h n Spaell, and vlolbi solo by i t«sjp(.n at ? o.tlotk ward (Hiving lor a pluno astrous Tillamook bum. A total ol harvest service November 38. Tile Führer, Anna and Jo h n M eyers.1 H enrp Everett and Donna M e lz e n -: Merry Widow" Is recommended I v„ un.,ste r . including ualiidimz one one group uroun 1257 forest fires were reported this only for m ature audiences, as is! Mr and Mr». Prank Btcflan spent fruit mid vegetables were sent toj Irene and Mary Nyström, Robert tun w ile guests Thursday a t tlie of . youngsters. A Zwelner home a t Tigard Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs L. tlie old people's home In Portland Kpath and Lona Werre. Beaverton and two from P ort­ year. Smokers were held respon­ "Cleopatra." Both are especially ! Mr und Mrs. A. C. Robinson, from Mrs ..’ames Malum of lo s An- Mr mid Mr». Charles S team s It III ims nl Portland Mrs Prank land will be featured. Proceeds are sible for 357 fires and incendlarlsts unfit for sm all children. Mr und Mr» Ix-ster Robinson and H leltan w spending a lew days with gelei. I» visiting lier parent». M r.'w ere dinner guest» Bunday of Mr to go to the Red Cross. and ad­ for 336 Lightning is credited with Miss Elizabeth S tru th e rs were e n ­ mission will be 15 cents for adults starting 10 biases, debris burner. mid Mrs. John berger. ¡ und Mr». Jam e» Harri» them A lady had Just purchased a tertain ed Thanksgiving a t the C. Mr und Mrs. W M. Marshall of Mr. and Mr». Himon Berger wer. Mrs. Sekialtenbrand Honored and 10 cents tor children Mrs. W 157, campers i l l , lumbering 46 and postage stam p a t a substation B R. NTCKESON. Prop. Kalispell. M ont, »pent Thursday Thunknglvlng guest# of her parents, Mrs Carl Helialtenbrand was lion- W B trutliers home P Brooks 1» In charge of arrange­ railroads 11. "Must I »tick It on myself?" she Mr. and Mrs Clay Dorland and ment». with Mrs M McDaniel«. Mr mid Mrs. Fred Pearson o fjo red with a surprise dinner a t the. asked Phone 2102 Mrs Lillian Metzger of Han Hillsboro. Play December 15 home ot her purent». Mr mid Mr» | Miss Cora Dorland of N orth Plains "Positively not. madam ." replied Francisco 1» visiting I ut mother Georgia lu'wls of The ivalle» v is-¡o. a. Haynes, Sunday. The oc-, were T hursday guests of Mr. and Community club will present a Mrs C harles VanKleek the postal clerk. "It will accomplish 1 Ited her parent* here Thanksgiving (union was h er birthday annlvcr- Mrs It It llusklll comedy In three acts, "Die Man Mr and Mrs. William F. C am p­ from Nowhere," December 15 at Mr mul Mrs Bum Walters, Miss Mr and Mr», Art Hehulz enter- ary. Those present were Mr and Phyllis White, Challes W alters mul tallied Mrs. Currie Hehulz. Mr. und Mrs II. P. Btrickler, Mr and Mr« bell and son» spent 'Thanksgiving 8 p m. at the schoolhouse. Music i Hy Mr mill Mrs Prank Parm er ot ( M ik Paul «Irai, mul Mis» Barali w C Edy, Mi mill Mrs Beoti ! and the week-end with relatives In wifi be enjoyed between acts. 'Ihe FARMINGTON Farm ington L a­ Portland enjoyed Tliuuksiilvlng with j Hehulz. all of Portland, on T hanks- Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Seattle. cast Includes Meadames Plavelle an d Mrs. and a n Jelderks Mr mid Mrs Jack Hutehrll of Beav- giving day Haynes, Irene. Ju an ita, K enneth , Mr. and b e d Esther Misses dies' club meets with Mrs. Frank , ,, Ray . . . Krilken ...... Jelderks d E sth er . Mi. Heil, ■ eilon A lilrilid.ii pal i V «.is given for and Ivan Havin ■. Mr and Mrs. children, Mrs Terris. M argaret M or- v ,ri{lnla Miller, Amy Godfrey, and Sthulm erich December 13. rl» and Doyle Ferris left Ihursday powers, Messrs Jack Powers, W T Putnam and Ferd Putnam Mr mul M rs C l im i', boy e n - ! nave Croenl ut the Allenbuch home John strlek ler. Mildred and R ich-, klerlalned with I lumk-giving dm- the ground* G roin McDonald in Portland. Mr and Mrs. R ichard McHenry J. L, H aggerty an d K enneth and their daughter Mary of P ort­ the winter with her mother, Mrs. Oregon S tate college, spent ( I k mere* In 193« was one of the n a in 4 ^ . ‘‘ J. T. Anderson. Dimikigiving vacation with his » ^ .k e r s at the Portland chambei 1 ¿Sstroyed“ riu- fire was put S tru th ers made a trip to Silver- land Mr. and Mrs George Watson Mr. and Mrs. William Putnam Jr. folk». Mr. mi l Mis E 11 Ander- Monday when u large group In- ,M|t ^ tll Ul(. M.v,.ral nel££- ton Saturday. of Aloha were guest# of Mr. and Ready to supply you with the A num ber from here enjoyed a Mrs. W. P Brooks last Sunday. were Friday evening guests a t the v» FO REST GROVE—Mrs. W alter S tate officials foil to see any Plan Christ ma« Program Bailey. 30. died a t the P ortland good purpose to be served by the) 5 Ask your attorney to send your Laurel Ridge pupils luider the ÙÆ= -------------- iiarm ni Sunday and funerai proposed change in the primary legal advertising to th e Argus. direction of Miss Helen Asbalir Sai services were conducted a t the election date from May to Septem - teacher, put on a program Novem­ Fori-at G rove U ndertaking company ber. A dmitting th a t it would re- ber 28 for parent« and friends. The W ednesday afternoon. Elder lieve candidates of a considerable pupils arc planning to sponsor a , chapel eerraft of G aston officiated. In - strain and voters of the annoyance SALMON comm unity C hristm as program B COFFEE n n e n t was ln F orest View ceme- incident to a prolonged campaign such as they h ad last year. School te it is pointed out th a t there are CUP-O-GOLD Alaska parked. was not in session Friday a fter tery. Blanch May B lair was born in many obstacles in th e way of the A satisfactory cup. Thanksgiving. Minneapolis. Minn.. August 20. 1904. proposed change. For one thing a and was m arried to W alter Bailey Septem ber primary would preclude ib 1-lb. ran a t Kelso, W ash , in Septem ber, the election of delegates to the 1933. Deceasc-d Is survived by the national convention which are held SATI ItllAY ONLY (My M r« Zell G S tro th e r« ) widower and h er parents. Mr. and in Ju n e and it would also prevent Hiteon ladles belonging to Tigard Mrs. C. W B lair of Forest Grove, a preferential vote on the candl- Rebekah club atten d ed club a t tlie T hree brothers also survive: Ray- cate s for president and vlce-presi- home of Mrs. Opal Wick November mond E. Blair. Minneapolis. Minn.; dent. Oregon's prim ary election* 21 und quilted during th e a fte r­ Reginald C. Blatr. Astoria, and Ern­ liave been held on the th ird F ri­ noon. est Blair. McMinnville. day ln May since 1914 by reason Hiteon club m et November 28 at of an act passed by the legislature the home of Mrs. Bacon with Q uality Job p rinting—Argus. of 1913. Prior to th a t tim e the Cedar Mill to H old Program n e Thursday II Y l> I» gave “ ..ui pm . party »I. the II. nirli k luun* In Mrenoo honoring W Hemrick wlu> I* from Cnuuda und making all extended vl«H Lucille Cornilla and (»lady» oi Portland »|>riit Thonksglvlny with Mieli parent*. Mr and Mrs. II ' I „ ..* .„ 1 JU.lUrt 1 D .J z r ,, IV. I l l P C Junior G roup Plans Program c? Wagon Wheels” is Family Picture Hillsboro Decorating Company Farmington Club Meets on Thursday Catherine B