t THE Page Two H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thursday, Decem ber ti. 1934 brletson and Mrs. S arah MvClaugh- vltt'd tit come and enjov au ex Ilenl I tainllv visiti'! retai he» and friend , the T rask home, »ere among the Thanksgiving a t the Rose Jackson ery Thursday. ineal guests a t the F ran k P otter home home. m C i. Il md l i n i Ion dui imi th*u .Make G o o d lle r o r d m Fort land Thanksgiving. Kuby Hodson. teacher of Moun-1 Mi» Ululi«' Johnson and Mi» N Perfeet attendance for the i»asl Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weller enter- lam Home school, went to hei luune John n nave a diimer for friend» six weeks at the Centerville senixti talned relatives with a T h an k sg iv -1 m W illamina io spend Thanksgiv­ and relative» Sunday. Mi. and Mrs If m u , hangs your atldress kind­ was earned by Hebert iuui Richard ing dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wei- ing. illy h l: Workman i I» I -ullivan ol Du ileo. Mi and ly notify the Argus direct and a t G raser. Melvin Cummings. Dorotliy ler and two daughters were among Mr. and Mrs, Hary Sehmeltzer at- Sadie Orr Dunbar, e x e c u tiv e M rs W Holtz and daughter P atrl- once. Cummings and 11a Mae Vandehcy lliese p re s e n t , .ided a tamily reunion at the cretary ot the tuberculosis us-j eta, Mr and Mrs Chxirge Mi lin en ' Perfect attendance for Hie year elation tn Oregon, »iv . in an open and daughters Doris and Doroltiy Mr. an d Mrs. Carl Seiffert and heme of her pali n '- Mr ai d Mt- Mr». Meyer» N oble Grand of children erberi and Karlene and Will Baker ot Manning Sunday C ornelius L odge A rran gin g thus far has been made by R chard It Her io liculth worker ' Tuber-1 of Aloha were among those present. | lin g e r, Dorothy cm im ing» and 11a culosis has iu> signed tli code, it i Mr. and Mrs K c . Schapnert W anda Lytsell went to the t he tami.y were all present except Event; Man B reaks Leg Ruby R ebekah Lodge Albet i Anderson home at Skainok • one brother. Jim Baker, who lives Mae Vandehei s ill w,.rks 24 Ixnu.» a itay, seveni tallied relative.» m (heir new rt a weel awa last Thursday for at Myrtle Point t r t d ll«pt«s llu Hurt days u Week. It is a dise.i e of all home Thank «giving evening. The I I'O lt Friend» of Fred lX'prez are sorry C lu b to M eet visit nl , n'T'ii.v»lu.ul IUU* H!relwuvea were Mr iuui Mra. J. M it i» M iss I k i r v lh y C .s ik r l (By Mr«. P « g Haïra Mr. and Mrs. William Yost and to learn ol thè aeetdent at S i t i ti - Scholls Woman's club » ill meet > be (ought by educating the Ohurehley mul sou Homer, Mr, and CORNELIUS Neighborsof Wixxl- son s nuli Monday, »diteli resulted public SCHOLLS ______ -R u b y Rebekah lodge daughter Elva of Newberg. Mr. and B m m b e r 11 at tlie H T. Hesse ________ a broken ieg. He bi t., the Si maclu, ery° i X i Z 11«? p X m ' f e t November 28 elected the following Mrs. Charles C ham berlain and Mrs, home. At 1 o'clock a ix't luck din- craft lodge will sixmm r a Uujaar a t Bunnlng's hall Saturday officers: Mrs. Ruby Meyers. N. O.; Elizabeth E asier of Portland were tier will be served. The program T ’i W £ » .« tlX r r y -<-'d ilaugh.er of PortUud Mrs. R uth Ohrlstensen V. G.; M rs. Tlrauksgivmg guest a t th e J. L. Is in charge of American Home noon A chicken supper will be II , , I , Do you get Jittery? Fretful when h>mind children* Mr « ... Ilasel wisd ihiward “* i workln« ? K''«Urs» wlien you should Mabel Allison, secretary; M rs-K ath- K err home. chairm an. Mrs. C A. Carlson, as- served Hom 5 to 8 a t Bunnlng's had as guests Sunday. Mr. and 1915 it has worked for the niploy-¡two' lin n e “ tr’^ n n d Mrs* LloVd Shaw h t " 1! .o tlo “ 1'!“' ‘ n“ 1' 1' Mrs. Emma D ant N ^nt T h an k » -! "*' Drink milk And If Mrs. erlnc Moore, treasurer Peggy Briggs Benefit Thanksgiving program at sisted by Mrs. J E. Bennett, R e­ hall The pre-Advent card party given tlr o ii. Mr. am t Mis. Lloyd Shaw, lias fought for tlie eVoctiun gave a Thanksgiving poem. T his the Chapm an school netted $8.58. ports from th e fall federation meet- erection o - fig n u ig ,,t tlie home o t h e r son and you have difficulty 1 n s le e p in g — i »•»ing b\ the St. Alexander's Young M rs. Loins«' C ix h r a n e lodge will hoi d a pot luck supper Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rowell and mg will be given, unit Robert i t ubereulosls — - — hospitals, («hut tu ber- Mr itn«i Mrs nights a glass of warm m ilk u l December 12 at 7 P- m. an d ob- Mr and Mrs. F T Rowell were Mr. and Mrs. J. E Bennett spent People's club November 27 J was well , A«d " “th. and Byron and O llbert eulous persons might secure vine a urn., i m i . i o'. iioii„.,V bedtime I.» a mighty »«»ithlng sed a­ plnochlr ttend«\t Five n v e lu hundred m d re d and and[pm w hle Mooberry. , mid be taught liow not th ln le e t' A Ut“n 1 M nti ln »oitland serve Rebekah anniversary Thanksgiving guests a t the Horace th e week-end at Blue Lake park. attended Turtles were altead 41 to 38 tive th at will quickly usher you i l l Miss Frances Pugh Is working in others. It has financed tuberculosis in Tlie Miss Lois C. P otter spent from Fisher home in Portland. Dorotliy Lee and Margaret Jo an , ,, ert , - played. . „ W inning - a t . 500 were I lie Sunday school contest tilt» to »luinberlun«i. Fridav until Sunday with her par- Mrs. Nellie B arrett spent T hanks- K eith are staying with their grand- , .'a'n Jack DelMiian clinics and taught etiililnsii habits wi-ek belw«»in the Rabbits und tlie Mrs George U.iertletn Portland. e n ts . Mr. and Mrs. C. Potter Miss giving with her sister, Mrs Jack parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mur- flrst. and Mrs Mr. mid Mrs. C. Foster tuid tarn ol personal heallh and hygiene Turtles». 1'he utleixkuiee was 85 Ritt haler Potter is a teacher i n Seattle, «{aynard, in Scholls. ray. while th eir parents. Mr. and R 'rihaler. second. Pi llv of Forest Orove luive moved Now th at tile.»«' services are func­ Mrs. D. Gregory gave a very Inter­ „ the Roinehlll place. Wash Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benson and Mis Olen Keith are employed at , nochic wnmers were Minnie Wyf- Q U A R T 10c tioning well Hmiughout tlie state, esting talk mi tlie lessun. Mrs and John Viut Lom. first, and. Miss K atherine Misktiuins is mak i he a.vwx iution is making a "mass ......... . Mr and Mrs. Victor W enstrom daughters Evelyn. Betty and Jean the Nuteroft dryer, cracking wal- Challes Imlay's elusa wits given the and daughter Rena, and Mr. and spent from Wednesday until S a t- nuts. , ^ !s Edison and Joe Bernards. Ills her home at tlie Oliver C a rt­ attack on tuberculosis by the use of banner w right home. Mrs Sam G raff a n d daughter urday with her mother. Mrs. O. L. Reverend and Mrs. Simpson a t- ^A'ood t “b’'r - H ie Heedvllle ladies will q u i l t D iana were a t the C. W. I-irkui Hoyen. in Portland. tendt'd a family dinner at the Opal ,, Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Bishop and — -------------------- i,,^ ? . I " *“ >' Thursduy at the home of Mrs Wednesday guests at the W. B. H am m er home ui Portland T hanks-, ''otertalncd with a party » - « « / - » I x/ .1 home for Thanksgiving. ae rce °ii ”y ’'“ ° Ugh P" ’Ve,,t C hristina Kelly A pot luck luneh Chandlee home were Gladys Spen- giving. Jhursday evening. Those present IviX'K LrCCK I O llt il M rs. Hesse Ho«>nxt lii „ o n ... *'Ui be served. M ountain Home church held a ^lr T?Ilu Mrs\ and Ur. U. C. tleUhuier. N uperintcn-, j\jr mul • •• Miss Evelyn Hesse a n d Miss cer and LeUi Weyda of Portland. Mrs. 8. A. Ueeiu'r uiul AA \ Man Visits business meeting last Monday night « iluiit of tlie -tale tuberculosU I kw - Olledene Coe entertained eleven G raham , a representative of for election of officers. i Mrs Uiel HoMenbeck and son How- pilai, luis been «|uot«xi u.» saying guests a t a dinner party a t tlie M S T a C . Ed Bolma and family mid Mra £ d V * B r t t X £ k a“£d M? mid i ll y M r«. F r« n k l*e«oldt) Huit "tuberculosis ewild be wip«»! ‘ Sign of the R o .i" ui Ixnior of age's birthday Mon- was a guest at tlie Frank Rowell Ada Hansen were guests a t tlie Ed B ritetspaik mid Mi and out in mioUier generation if enough Mrs. H. T Hesse' ROCK CREEK Lawrence Allwen „ ______ home o:u- day last week. He is m J a m e s ^ R o u r k e home near Tigard ^ ^ » ^ « ^ • . . ^ . ‘‘venlng was we^ " b i c k * ‘ to,^ « h ^ b r ‘n r P o r t e d beds wire available to <5F-' dav evening. spent tn playing "500' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Christensen uie west to help iron out difficul- Thanksgivtng. l4,4r Moixtay to finish his barber course ! L , l’lrt tll.c ,lx' sl principle of iso- Henrv Bietelspack of CCC near Motutuy entertained the Lawrence Flint. I ties in the walnut control board. ls at at Molar Barber college, college. treaUnent. mul there Eugene spent the holiday's w ith h his Molar Barber Jo«' Tw-tgg and Joe S andiforth fam-1 Loren Haynes mid Oscar Carlson tpl-l Eleanor Zurclier. who Is attending “ I T ? “ ««urespoudmg tlw rough re- parcnts. Mr and Mrs. Ed B ietel-| ” “ ilies and Harry and Tom Twigg were Thanksgiving guests at the Reed college, spent Tluuiksgiving ' ,XJ ' X 0,1 of 1 u‘ Pubhc." P hone 771 speck. F ree D eliv ery an d Mrs. Florence Twigg of Hills- Ben Benjam in home •«is and ith her parents. 'ku, Miss Gladys Brown of Gervais “nd the l‘t .1.'iV’‘T1,“?'r“ “ " ’‘J118 Lillegard luime were Mr. and Mrs tives m Portland She returned MOUNTAINDALE— Mrs Hubert the week-end here ¡Stanley left Thursday morning for i Jam es Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. George home Sunday with her parents. Sm ith entertained with a T hanks- xip x»p< Horton laser Eugtme to six'iul “ id his family. 1 uix-rculosls Mueller and Mr. an d Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlson. giving and birthday diim er in hon Hansen, who came to visit th eir Mr and Mrs. Roy Courtney of or o f H ubert Sm ith Thursday M other’s Cocoa. m other. Mrs. Anna Hansen, who Eugene visited a t the Earl Russell Present were Mr and Mrs. Earl has been ill. home Sunday. Hollenbeck. Mrs. A. E. Willis. Syd Many Attend Dinner Mr -md Mrs- George Hacking ney Connolly. Leonard Van Gomel No school was held a t Rix'k Crock le s u u g clinics, tlie nurses, tlie lieallh education, hospluds .......... arc About 60 were present at the mid daughter Bettv May cd Fort- en. Amy and Helen Hollenbeck ana j . onver. and iiinuiy. mun.«. Friday. »m Alda, a. Roily u w ij «urn mid Billy nuiy n Don u n - .. „ I , , . tlie -----*7— Grange hall Thanksgiving day for land visited Mrs Ida Kays Sunday, th e host mid hostess and son Earl Mr. mid Mrs. Herm an Thles and cer returned to school Monday ?'* n ? * 8 U •M‘,.l“ lcs 11 the annual basket dinner. Mr and Mrs. Seth Miller and son They later enjoyed a th eatre party family of Portland were guests of M ter several weeks' absence on ac- i * dinas seals actually Mr and Mrs. Charlie Potter en- Jack of PortaJnd spent T hanks- at the Venetian m Hillsboro. > relatives and frtends here over the ^ u n t of Illness. i " d ‘ v*Tyo,a<‘. * > , buy'* ev? ' joyed Thanksgiving a t th e George giving at the Mrs. Camy Hitchock Mr. and Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck and week-end Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pezoldt were ?,"• u. hl-‘ P“r t in Robertson home m Portland. lKi2i.e' « . ®°n Howard spent Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs J Hollicker and Sunday guests of Mr. and M rs.1 u ’£ J * u y * * g * ta s t tuberculosis. Mrs. Hutchens. Mrs. Carlson. Mrs Thanksgiving guests at the Earl « ¡th Mrs. Hallenbeck's parents. Mr family spent Tlianksgtving with Mr DftVe Hershey of Helvetia. O tlier * , suk‘ l*’ld by u ?e McCann and Lorraine Demmm a t- Russell home were Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. B. R. G unther, of Port- and Mrs. p K alkw arf an d family g u ^ ts a t Uie Hershey honxi S u n d ay , ^ r,\i' o*’ £‘,,b?ryul‘wtji m»»u'latlon hi H e r sh e v iu "v>iiiue«i 5? u i A* »4.707 New crop. Ilallowi. tended t h e Mountainside schl Penne of Farm ington and land. of Hillsboro. were Mr. mid Mrs. C arl Hershey I5.7 '**. 81,tce that d ate the seal sale has In­ program Tuesday aftemootk Wayne Andrews of Sherwood Mr. r.id Mrs. L. B Brown and Mrs M Edson and daughter M rs and son Bobby. creased each year until in 1U29 It Mr and Mrs. M. B. Boaorth « “ d M ^s Theresa K arpstem formerly son of Portland spent Thanksgiving R ln.i Russell, were guests oi Mr Basket Social Held amounted to $56.444 48 in 1933 It Mrs. Lacy Miller T h WoUe a n k s-; pendlcttis Scrolls, was operated on for h ap- Fowles S home. giving with Mr. and spent Mrs. M. a t the’ S t Vincent « - at ’ O the ^ s t Delbert T .-R ei-n o ld s G ^ e ^ & m 1“ "8" * P ° '" B n x i k ^ h « ^ W n m e s d a y ^ .g h t “ n , T ,JA 417 39 Of « * '• Mt. Vernon. in Portland. They returned F n - Pital Tuesday November 27. )wme gim day were Mr. mid Mrs /„ m l «„ X ? \ m m “ al surceM. f‘'e per cent 1» s«'nt to Uie National day G rand View Dairy recently in- George Hauser and daughter Irene ... Mo'.r , ___ . w m A in.?“ ', „„ h uloMS «•-‘«x-tatlon and the r e - , Mr. and Mrs. C. Earl S tretcher stalled a — — _ — — spent Thanksgiving a t th e J. W. ‘Zer Tice home in Portland. Among th Mr. and Mrs S A G otter and Rueck horn children and Harold Herd spent Thanksgiving a t th e L. G. Burge Mrs G rant — xi « « • 1 tam ily and daughter. M rs Eliza- '“ lu rai»»ru i-ra.mii .it. 01 j -« x i - -------- --------- home in Hillsboro. grover. Hazel Evelyn M v rtle a n d Mr. and Mrs. Ed Demnun were Ralph Arnholtz and M r.’and Mrs. Mr and M ra ’" w a ^ r . X l d of 5 ? ^ t h ^ M ra « Hawamin° Steam‘siuplK“ ^ r ‘’J islS d R c c d v i l l c W o ill.'lll EaaaaassavRHSTKi among the guests who were enter- Sam Rueck and daughter and Mr. Cheyenne. Wyo.. have come to live lbs aunt Mrs Wlllmm ftiegir mid M U Id ll lam ed with an oyster supper a t the and Mrs. George Rueck and son. at M r. Arnold's home here. ' °* F iresl Grove Thanksgiv- urkTes F ra n k P ev o ld t a n d Lou 1 * « -. , Whiz W home Friday Fnday eve- eve- „ .S Taylor went went _ to W auna and and Eugene Eugene W Wtrtz were ' n ? Tr o ld i T l X i W Whiz W hiznand hiznand home S. ^ P P. . Taylor to .W W estport estport W auna irtz were k ' t pe; and Mrs. Jo h n Burbank mid ning. About 30 were persent. The Sunday-, »'here W illard Taylor is Thanksgiving guests a t the home J ? kn ( I'y l la ie l C hurrhlpyt Thanksgiving Obxcrved Whiznands live on the old F rank crawfishing. of Mrs. A. C. Wirtz. t? x HERUVILLE Mr« W ........... M Snipes Meyers place at Midway. , Mr and Mrs. Autlior Burke and Miss Marie Raffetv was quite ill relatives a t r L o S?“ 1 k t h entertained .m Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider In re a r of I'iggly Wiggly Store Blaine with a family diim er on £av,’. a btrth.lay dinner at her Imine Ernest Hanson returned last Tues- -anuly of Beaverton were T hanks- a (ew days ---- last week but _ Is — ini Alr ant, Mrs A ---- — Brock and 1 nanKsgtvtng. Those present were •=y“u»y im honoring n o n n g M Mrs. r» vv W Lorenz Mr. anti Mrs. A L. Brock and Thanksgiving. Those present were ' s i*n.day Lorenz day from a fishing trip at W est- giving guests a t th e W alter Burke proving te n T n fh e r nf PortliuiA daughter Guinevere and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider Jr. l?* Portlaiiii Guests were Mr. and port. home. Mrs 33.______ Q U A LITY M EA T— S p ecia ls for S atu rd ay, D ec. S •en LUtnei ot rorctana Mfs E B Sahnott. and d anghter and Herbert. Stanley and Lorraine Mrs„ w Lorena. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Rose Jackson and family Miss Velma Wohlschlegel is ill spent Wednesday “ • - Snipes and dat daughter Oeraldlne. A C W utz sh e was » T h an k ? Dolores were guests of - - - Mr. and Schneider of ---- Shady • Brook. Mr. and N. bn ix s and entertained Thanksgiving for Mr wBh the mumps. giv-ng e u £ t i f thS E a i l L m h ^ i Mrs' Frank Murphy and family of Mrs Arnold Berger and K enneth., “ ’»d W. M Snip«'.», and daughter N arcv Mav from P331 woek m Newberg a t th e home homt- t . the Earl Luth r Troutdale Thursday. Norma. Edna and A rthur Berger Milton Schappert aim m i s s tin e i G a s to n M r a n d Mrs Mike Jacksoi- of her parents Mr and Mrs Brown ' c , o rd on L a v to n o f O reu n n S t a t e M r' and Mrs Joseph Finegan and of West Union. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- JFlr.“ .h w_''7' of Mr. mid Mrs Value Seal Sale Cited by Leader W oodcraft to H old Bazaar Scholls Lodge Names Leaders QUIET NERVES McFall Jersey Dairy Returns to School CURRY’S GROCERY Party Held for Mountaindale Man M A L T E D MILK ... 9c W H IT E K IN G *7,h;''p\: wd 2 9 c P U M P K IN X 10c 19c Honors Daughter \/TII V T Ke a|| u ia ‘ Mr,s Kirkwood Harrv Wolfe home in Portland tended a family reunion dinner Sirs Loel Hollenbeck Mrs A E fam ilY °* Hillsboro Thursday Mr. and Mr». Ernest S tatu s and ¿-17* and “ Sunday a t th e Ben Deford home wUlS.' J t o J ^ S M a tm /e « and _ Mr n d . Mrs. A. Stauss were Mra. John Kirkwood Thank..giving Mr. and Mrs. C. O O. Dixon spent spent! family a an _ Oi'.Tui ‘'«ttinrtX t1 n ie Thursday with Mr. Dixon's parents, guests at the Louis Stauss home Je ste r mid Mra. May He»» Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Heaton and on th e mountain. Mrs. P A. Qualls Ano- " Huh »t Mr a««* Mrs Ed Dixon, of Mil- near Hillsboro Thanksgiving. 'tstuxl Mr and Mrs. D Mtlstead grandson Avery Lee Shipley went Mr and Mrs. J E Bennett and B anks-M ountaindale club « at »roiaiA "500 »nn Ai..h r i waukle Mr and Mrs peU,r Zurcher c n - uuV F?k Tlle> on their way to Banks Sunday and also visited otlier reatives w-ere entertained at Banks Tuesday a t the home of Mrs Mr. mid Mrs. F. O Shay and tertained with a Thanksgiving din- Bandon, a t tile Ervin Shipley home in Hills- ip e Harry Hoeffel home Thanks- Cass Wilson. Mrs. John Jansen will Seth Sm ith and Jacob Cor- ner. Tw enty-three were pres».iit. "JAry Olinger visited H arriet boro. , entertain the club December 11 at family. were guests of Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weldon were i*1 Portland Sunday, Give Benefit _ .e "C P Heaton _family were the home of Mrs. Fred Ennis of rel! and Mrs. Will Beals of Forest guests Thanksgiving of Mrs. Wei- Ladd's Aid Is giving a dinner at T hirty people attended the bene- a t the Victor Boleen home Hillsboro don's sister. Mrs. O. R. Keebler. of school Imus«' on the 15th of fit card party at the Julio us C hris- Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs Fred Toelle spent Grove. i December. Everyone 1» cordially ln- tensen home Saturday evening. I t Mr® 5£ary Stretcher visited her several days last week visiting ‘rel- „ Mrs. Berger and daughter Oleva P m la n d . srger of Forest Grove Grove. C h ris1 Thanksgiving guests a t th e Fred ■ th ' e Scholls - - - ~ Wont- »on E- T S tretcher - x -------4 ilv in nrtu„H Berger was sponsored • by and fam family in »!,«•« atives ,n in P Portland Micholson, Carl Long. A. M. Wood- ! Benson home were Robert Moses a n ’s club. Mrs. F. E. Rowell Iiad Portland last week-end. ------------------------- Mrs. Sam Mclivain, all of Cor- and Mr. and Mrs. F rank East, high score and Freece Lillegard , Mr , add ,M rs- ° ° n Cole and son Th , tonne<1 thp -rimp „.a , p «„ el. nelius, were guests of Mrs. G en- Mr. and Mra. Bud Hoge and £ S n c i S S S >r^ e r ^ e j S u ’ h ^ Car^CariSu home3' ' ^ a'n d ‘’¿ ^ ‘j m f s " ^ 01' r° ° m eya- a Robu' e-t ‘e “T Thursday. P ^ ay Robinette family of Longview visited relatives Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cummings on Munson Hill last week and spent esses. L. W Crowder, who has been lx>ara ln m e jaus.— e x . and family have moved from Bux- Thanksgiving with Mrs. Hoge’s Miss Thelma Hesse daughter o i confined to his bed several weeks „ ' .. I brother. Bob Munson. Mr 5 d Mra. W O.HeS?Vho at-•' following pneumonia is able to b e ' « you change your address kind- ton n to north Cornelius Mr and Mrs. Joseph Suver en- ------------------------- tends Monmouth Normal school, | al» a t the house « m i Wy th dl ‘ d 1 tertained Mr. mid Mrs. B. In g e -1 Quality Job printing—Argus. spent from Wednesday evening un- Miss Laura Ahlstrum, who teacn- ce- til Sunday a t home *» th« G roner school, spent T hanks- Miss Evelyn Hesse en tertain « ! . an d the weekend a t her several friends with a Sunday night home in Portland, supper. They party attended the Earl DeVoure. who spent the past m onth a t the DeVoure home league service later Sunday guests a t the Julius C hris­ in Jacktown. returned to his home Fine G ranulated tensen home were Mr. and Mrs in Minot. N. D.. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schulmerich Jo h n S titts and Cliff McRoberts spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. of Hillsboro. The Christensens were Thanksgiving guests a t th e S titts Elizabeth Reed. Mr. an d Mrs. Vir­ IN D E P E N D E N T L Y O W N E D A N D O P E R A T E D gil Bish and son were guests a t th e home in Hillsboro. Mr. and Mra. Joe F lint Joined R«ed home Thanksgiving m honor FREE D ELIV ER Y Second at M ain Street P hone 3251 other relatives at th e Ernest Hite '^rs Heed s birthday, home a t Hit-eon Thanksgiving . ar^ Mrs. Ed Demmin a t- Aid to Meet bended th e community Thanksgiv- P rices E ffe c tiv e F riday, Saturday and M onday, D ecem b er 7, 8 and 10 Scholls Ladies' Aid will meet a t ;n? din" ? \ a i . Laur£ 1 Sund^ ' . I 'k r Mr. and Mrs. Harry F lint and the H. T. Hesse home F nday A special Christm as program will be j*“ “? ? 1? ! ^iaryl’?lle wii h S ve Minute. oTven. , lyn Hatfield, and grandson, W " “'' 2 pkg». Those who spent Thanksgiving P7int, went to th eir beach a t the Jim Moore home were Mr near T aft over the week-end. E astern Oregon and Mrs. Ray Moore and two sons, ure, ?! Sherwood Phillips finest quality. -lb. tin H ardw heat Mr and Mrs Leslie Moore and fr? nI_5?on^ v pl ‘ 1 F n d ay at Consists of 12 selected vegetables four sons of Tigard. Mr. and Mrs « -wild™., F ran k Moore and three children of .-p^ , S, ^ l h ™ P ^ f W aldport. Mrs Omer Moore and Jf® ai ii?e .*'pme her mother, Kellogg's. three girls of Cottage Grove, Mr. J ' T ' Anderson- to r the win- cans ............................................... and Mrs. W W. Hollingsworth. Mr. . ,__ _____. . _ and Mrs. Chester Miller and daugh- . A lafRO cr?*jd ~ v°f parents and ter, all of Newberg, and Mr. and v'l31tors attended T h an k ^iv in g pro- Mrs E L Sceiffort and daughter -ram a t Jack to’ "n school November F a ir w a y M a r k e t 15c Pound BOILING BEEF 8c Pound V egetable Soup 4 and sons and Erma Baker of Man- 'ey.»?i? d , TJ??iI? a'’,J?1pkli 1^ >" ning visited at th e Asbale home ^ f r i ^ ^ s . t o y MoJ.ro d u r i ^ in Portland Thanksgiving. , „„ . Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Stretcher and th ?<-We?kLeli3', Mr r a anclv n a Mrs three sons returned Sunday from a , *l M rs J 11 « Ytu n k e r a n ? trip to Washington, where th e y ! dbhn Jackso n of Gaston spent visited relatives at Kent Seattle tl -i and Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Twigg spent Sunday a t the Joe Sandiforth home in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trask and daughters Irm al and Jeanie and h er mother. Mrs. Mary Hill of Stay- ton, who is spending the week at Finest pure cane 1 0 a.......... 50c lbs 100 lbs. .......... Fresh F ruits and V egetables New crop. Tender. B u n r h ............... $4 .9 9 Fresh and crisp. Bunch ............. CARROTS Firm, solid LETTUCE heads............. R olled ' Large size, ’ very sweet. Dozen Quick or Slow PEA S*, MILK Mt. Vernon *j for O .... . lc lc 10c 15c FIRST CLASS HOLIDAY ROUNDTRIPS for the first class one way fare plus 5 0 / —to a ll S. P. station« in C ali­ fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Ari zona. Tickets are g«xxl on alt (rains leaving— DEC. 13 TO JAN. 1 Be b e d by miJitighl, January 12 Also low coach-tourist fares oa sale every day. Southern Pacific But our Cakes arc baked for those dis­ crim inating p e o p le who demand t h e best. N A P H T H A SO AP PU R EX i2.gauon jug M A R G A R IN E MATCHES count boxes We Deliver PEANUTS Hot from the roaster. Lb. COFFEE 19c 3 S H O R T E N IN G 3 100' Lb,. ......................... 55c CANDY S ^ m i, 2 lbs. CAMPBELL.», assorted DOG FOOD;™ ” " WHITE KING G ran u lated Soap. kr can« 21c 28c W HITE KING ‘‘Enter the Old Dutch Limerick contest. Ask for particulars.” Asparagus H ouse 25c 5c TOILET SOAP 4 bars 30c 19c 19c 18c 25c Pint PEACHES DEL MONTE No. 2>/s tin, halves No. 1 can WHEATIES 2 p k8. Tender, green. 23c PlLBEIff 19c 29c C O F F E E F0LGERS 2-lb. Tin Each cans Free Prizes in New Word Building Contest. For details see our display. íií^ W S 'S Í Pow P ow de d er. Quick or Regular SOUP DEL MONTE pure vegetable CALUM ET 18c Bdl 2 5 c 25c ROLLED O A T S ____ ,39c » lb. xaek CLEANSER 25c Armour's Best. CLEANSER Fairw ay Q uality Blend cans i5 c PEAS ^Lr<>n No 3 OLD DUTCH C O FFEE C O R N E D BEEF 2 .... 4 bars M axw ell 20c PH O N E 3131 cocoa PALMOLIVE SOAP TEA GARDEN SYRUP DURKEE’S MAYONNAISE 1-lb. Pound 3 lbs. Phone 451 35c SU G A R ,POswi?ERED 3 a.. 1 6 c Many varieties daily at the Perfection Bakery 2 for Pound Pint 2 c. Full pound bars. Ticklish Tillle says. "Many a cake is made for a sweet cookie." Del Monte Fancy Red No. l tall tins. Sugar Cured. P rices E ffectiv e F riday, Saturday and M onday 16c TAPIOCA 23c SANKA 47c Whole Wheat Biscuit ,.Uk IOC SA L M O N SUGAR 10c BACON FREE DELIVERY GRAPENUTS FLOUR Steer B eef Pound 58c l-lb . Tin 30c Try a cup if you like coffee with a flavor. ORANGES Navels, 200 size. 2 d o zen ...... . 35c